go fasthttp 高性能原理解析

Fasthttp 是什么?


目前,VertaMedia 在生产环境中成功地使用fasthttp,每个物理服务器可以提供高达200K rps的服务,并支持超过1.5M个并发keep-alive连接。

Fasthttp 为什么比 net/http 快?
  • 使用连接池,不再像 net/http 一样每accept一个请求就分配一个新的goroutine处理请求(在请求量大的时候会有性能问题)
  • 对象池化
  • 使用 []byte 缓冲池,减少内存分配
  • 避免 []byte 和 string 之间的转化,[]byte 和 string 和转化会产生内存拷贝,fasthttp 实现了无需内存拷贝的转化方法,具体见代码 b2ss2b
func main() { 
 if err := fasthttp.ListenAndServe(":8088", requestHandler); err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("Error in ListenAndServe: %s", err)

func requestHandler(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) {
 fmt.Fprintf(ctx, "Hello, world!\n\n")
ListenAndServe 工作流程
  • 监听端口,获取 listen 连接,这个和 net/http 一致
  • 循环监听用户请求
  • 获取到连接之后首先会去 ready 队列里获取 workerChan,获取不到就会去对象池获取
  • 将监听的连接传入到 workerChan 的 channel 中
  • 有一个协程执行 workerFunc 循环读取 workerChan 的 channel,获取到连接对象后会对请求进行处理

ListenAndServer 方法

// Accepted connections are configured to enable TCP keep-alives.
func (s *Server) ListenAndServe(addr string) error {
	ln, err := net.Listen("tcp4", addr)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return s.Serve(ln)

​ 获取 listen 监听对象,调用 server 进行处理

Server 方法
// 为了便于分析只保留了核心代码
// Serve serves incoming connections from the given listener.
// Serve blocks until the given listener returns permanent error.
func (s *Server) Serve(ln net.Listener) error {
	var lastOverflowErrorTime time.Time
	var lastPerIPErrorTime time.Time
	var c net.Conn
	var err error

  // 获取最大并发数,默认是 256 * 1024个
	maxWorkersCount := s.getConcurrency()


  // 初始化 workerPool
	wp := &workerPool{
		WorkerFunc:            s.serveConn, // 设置连接处理函数
		MaxWorkersCount:       maxWorkersCount, // 设置最大并发数
		LogAllErrors:          s.LogAllErrors,
		MaxIdleWorkerDuration: s.MaxIdleWorkerDuration, // 设置单个连接对象的最大空闲时间
		Logger:                s.logger(),
		connState:             s.setState,
  // 启动 workpool ,里面 有一个 clean 方法,默认每10s清理一下超过最大空闲时间的链接

	// Count our waiting to accept a connection as an open connection.
	// This way we can't get into any weird state where just after accepting
	// a connection Shutdown is called which reads open as 0 because it isn't
	// incremented yet.
	atomic.AddInt32(&s.open, 1)
	defer atomic.AddInt32(&s.open, -1)

	for {
    // accept 请求,这里和 net/http 一致
		if c, err = acceptConn(s, ln, &lastPerIPErrorTime); err != nil {
			if err == io.EOF {
				return nil
			return err
		s.setState(c, StateNew)
		atomic.AddInt32(&s.open, 1)
    // 处理连接
		if !wp.Serve(c) {
		c = nil

​ 首先初始化 workpool ,设置最大并发数,连接处理函数,空闲连接清理任务。然后是获取用户请求,最后交由

​ Serve 方法对请求进行处理,如果超过最大并发数则返回503。

wp.serve 方法
func (wp *workerPool) Serve(c net.Conn) bool {
  // 获取连接
	ch := wp.getCh()
	if ch == nil {
		return false
  // 把请求对象传递给channel,连接处理函数对连接进行处理
	ch.ch <- c
	return true
wp.getCh() 方法
func (wp *workerPool) getCh() *workerChan {
	var ch *workerChan
	createWorker := false

  // 获取空闲连接
	ready := wp.ready
	n := len(ready) - 1
	if n < 0 {
		if wp.workersCount < wp.MaxWorkersCount {
			createWorker = true
	} else {
		ch = ready[n]
		ready[n] = nil
		wp.ready = ready[:n]

	if ch == nil {
		if !createWorker {
			return nil
    // 空闲连接为空则从对象池获取
		vch := wp.workerChanPool.Get()
		ch = vch.(*workerChan)
    // 启动协程调用处理函数,这个函数用于对连接对象进行处理
    // 处理完成后把对象放回对象池
		go func() {
	return ch

​ getCh 先从空闲队列获取 workerChan,获取不到则从对象池获取。并且开启一个协程调用 workerFunc 方法,该方法 阻塞等待连接对象,并进行后续请求的处理。

wp.workerFunc 方法
func (wp *workerPool) workerFunc(ch *workerChan) {
	var c net.Conn

	var err error
  // 读取 ch
	for c = range ch.ch {
    // 这个 nil 是 workerPool 在异步调用 clean 方法检查该 workerChan 空闲时间超长了就会往 channel 中传			// 入一个 nil
		if c == nil {

    // 调用初始化时候注册的处理函数
		if err = wp.WorkerFunc(c); err != nil && err != errHijacked {
			errStr := err.Error()
			if wp.LogAllErrors || !(strings.Contains(errStr, "broken pipe") ||
				strings.Contains(errStr, "reset by peer") ||
				strings.Contains(errStr, "request headers: small read buffer") ||
				strings.Contains(errStr, "unexpected EOF") ||
				strings.Contains(errStr, "i/o timeout") ||
				errors.Is(err, ErrBadTrailer)) {
				wp.Logger.Printf("error when serving connection %q<->%q: %v", c.LocalAddr(), c.RemoteAddr(), err)
		if err == errHijacked {
			wp.connState(c, StateHijacked)
		} else {
			_ = c.Close()
			wp.connState(c, StateClosed)
		c = nil

    // 请求完成workerChan放回空闲队列
		if !wp.release(ch) {


func (wp *workerPool) release(ch *workerChan) bool {
	ch.lastUseTime = time.Now()
	if wp.mustStop {
		return false
	wp.ready = append(wp.ready, ch)
	return true

等待连接对象到来调用 WorkerFunc 对连接进行处理,处理完成后释放 workerChan 对象。

wp.WorkerFunc© 对应注册的 serveConn 方法
func (s *Server) serveConn(c net.Conn) (err error) {
	defer s.serveConnCleanup()
	atomic.AddUint32(&s.concurrency, 1)

	var proto string
	if proto, err = s.getNextProto(c); err != nil {
	if handler, ok := s.nextProtos[proto]; ok {
		// Remove read or write deadlines that might have previously been set.
		// The next handler is responsible for setting its own deadlines.
		if s.ReadTimeout > 0 || s.WriteTimeout > 0 {
			if err := c.SetDeadline(zeroTime); err != nil {
				panic(fmt.Sprintf("BUG: error in SetDeadline(zeroTime): %v", err))

		return handler(c)

	serverName := s.getServerName()
	connRequestNum := uint64(0)
	connID := nextConnID()
	connTime := time.Now()
	maxRequestBodySize := s.MaxRequestBodySize
	if maxRequestBodySize <= 0 {
		maxRequestBodySize = DefaultMaxRequestBodySize
	writeTimeout := s.WriteTimeout
	previousWriteTimeout := time.Duration(0)

	// 从对象池获取 ctx
	// fasthttp 通过使用对象池减少内存的创建与回收从而提高程序性能
	ctx := s.acquireCtx(c)
	ctx.connTime = connTime
	isTLS := ctx.IsTLS()
	var (
		br *bufio.Reader
		bw *bufio.Writer

		timeoutResponse  *Response
		hijackHandler    HijackHandler
		hijackNoResponse bool

		connectionClose bool

		continueReadingRequest = true
	for {

		// If this is a keep-alive connection set the idle timeout.
		if connRequestNum > 1 {
			if d := s.idleTimeout(); d > 0 {
				if err := c.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(d)); err != nil {

		if !s.ReduceMemoryUsage || br != nil {
			if br == nil {
				br = acquireReader(ctx)

			// If this is a keep-alive connection we want to try and read the first bytes
			// within the idle time.
			if connRequestNum > 1 {
				var b []byte
				b, err = br.Peek(1)
				if len(b) == 0 {
					// If reading from a keep-alive connection returns nothing it means
					// the connection was closed (either timeout or from the other side).
					if err != io.EOF {
						err = ErrNothingRead{err}
		} else {
			// If this is a keep-alive connection acquireByteReader will try to peek
			// a couple of bytes already so the idle timeout will already be used.
			br, err = acquireByteReader(&ctx)

		ctx.Request.isTLS = isTLS
		ctx.Response.Header.noDefaultContentType = s.NoDefaultContentType
		ctx.Response.Header.noDefaultDate = s.NoDefaultDate

		// Secure header error logs configuration
		ctx.Request.Header.secureErrorLogMessage = s.SecureErrorLogMessage
		ctx.Response.Header.secureErrorLogMessage = s.SecureErrorLogMessage
		ctx.Request.secureErrorLogMessage = s.SecureErrorLogMessage
		ctx.Response.secureErrorLogMessage = s.SecureErrorLogMessage

		if err == nil {
			s.setState(c, StateActive)

			if s.ReadTimeout > 0 {
				if err := c.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(s.ReadTimeout)); err != nil {
			} else if s.IdleTimeout > 0 && connRequestNum > 1 {
				// If this was an idle connection and the server has an IdleTimeout but
				// no ReadTimeout then we should remove the ReadTimeout.
				if err := c.SetReadDeadline(zeroTime); err != nil {
			if s.DisableHeaderNamesNormalizing {

			// Reading Headers.
			// If we have pipeline response in the outgoing buffer,
			// we only want to try and read the next headers once.
			// If we have to wait for the next request we flush the
			// outgoing buffer first so it doesn't have to wait.
			if bw != nil && bw.Buffered() > 0 {
				err = ctx.Request.Header.readLoop(br, false)
				if err == errNeedMore {
					err = bw.Flush()
					if err != nil {

					err = ctx.Request.Header.Read(br)
			} else {
				err = ctx.Request.Header.Read(br)

			if err == nil {
				if onHdrRecv := s.HeaderReceived; onHdrRecv != nil {
					reqConf := onHdrRecv(&ctx.Request.Header)
					if reqConf.ReadTimeout > 0 {
						deadline := time.Now().Add(reqConf.ReadTimeout)
						if err := c.SetReadDeadline(deadline); err != nil {
							panic(fmt.Sprintf("BUG: error in SetReadDeadline(%v): %v", deadline, err))
					if reqConf.MaxRequestBodySize > 0 {
						maxRequestBodySize = reqConf.MaxRequestBodySize
					} else if s.MaxRequestBodySize > 0 {
						maxRequestBodySize = s.MaxRequestBodySize
					} else {
						maxRequestBodySize = DefaultMaxRequestBodySize
					if reqConf.WriteTimeout > 0 {
						writeTimeout = reqConf.WriteTimeout
					} else {
						writeTimeout = s.WriteTimeout
				// read body
				if s.StreamRequestBody {
					err = ctx.Request.readBodyStream(br, maxRequestBodySize, s.GetOnly, !s.DisablePreParseMultipartForm)
				} else {
					err = ctx.Request.readLimitBody(br, maxRequestBodySize, s.GetOnly, !s.DisablePreParseMultipartForm)

			if (s.ReduceMemoryUsage && br.Buffered() == 0) || err != nil {
				releaseReader(s, br)
				br = nil

		if err != nil {
			if err == io.EOF {
				err = nil
			} else if nr, ok := err.(ErrNothingRead); ok {
				if connRequestNum > 1 {
					// This is not the first request and we haven't read a single byte
					// of a new request yet. This means it's just a keep-alive connection
					// closing down either because the remote closed it or because
					// or a read timeout on our side. Either way just close the connection
					// and don't return any error response.
					err = nil
				} else {
					err = nr.error

			if err != nil {
				bw = s.writeErrorResponse(bw, ctx, serverName, err)

		// 'Expect: 100-continue' request handling.
		// See https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec8.html#sec8.2.3 for details.
		if ctx.Request.MayContinue() {

			// Allow the ability to deny reading the incoming request body
			if s.ContinueHandler != nil {
				if continueReadingRequest = s.ContinueHandler(&ctx.Request.Header); !continueReadingRequest {
					if br != nil {


			if continueReadingRequest {
				if bw == nil {
					bw = acquireWriter(ctx)

				// Send 'HTTP/1.1 100 Continue' response.
				_, err = bw.Write(strResponseContinue)
				if err != nil {
				err = bw.Flush()
				if err != nil {
				if s.ReduceMemoryUsage {
					releaseWriter(s, bw)
					bw = nil

				// Read request body.
				if br == nil {
					br = acquireReader(ctx)

				if s.StreamRequestBody {
					err = ctx.Request.ContinueReadBodyStream(br, maxRequestBodySize, !s.DisablePreParseMultipartForm)
				} else {
					err = ctx.Request.ContinueReadBody(br, maxRequestBodySize, !s.DisablePreParseMultipartForm)
				if (s.ReduceMemoryUsage && br.Buffered() == 0) || err != nil {
					releaseReader(s, br)
					br = nil
				if err != nil {
					bw = s.writeErrorResponse(bw, ctx, serverName, err)

		// store req.ConnectionClose so even if it was changed inside of handler
		connectionClose = s.DisableKeepalive || ctx.Request.Header.ConnectionClose()

		if serverName != "" {
		ctx.connID = connID
		ctx.connRequestNum = connRequestNum
		ctx.time = time.Now()

		// If a client denies a request the handler should not be called
		if continueReadingRequest {

		timeoutResponse = ctx.timeoutResponse
		if timeoutResponse != nil {
			// Acquire a new ctx because the old one will still be in use by the timeout out handler.
			ctx = s.acquireCtx(c)

		if ctx.IsHead() {
			ctx.Response.SkipBody = true

		hijackHandler = ctx.hijackHandler
		ctx.hijackHandler = nil
		hijackNoResponse = ctx.hijackNoResponse && hijackHandler != nil
		ctx.hijackNoResponse = false

		if writeTimeout > 0 {
			if err := c.SetWriteDeadline(time.Now().Add(writeTimeout)); err != nil {
				panic(fmt.Sprintf("BUG: error in SetWriteDeadline(%v): %v", writeTimeout, err))
			previousWriteTimeout = writeTimeout
		} else if previousWriteTimeout > 0 {
			// We don't want a write timeout but we previously set one, remove it.
			if err := c.SetWriteDeadline(zeroTime); err != nil {
				panic(fmt.Sprintf("BUG: error in SetWriteDeadline(zeroTime): %v", err))
			previousWriteTimeout = 0

		connectionClose = connectionClose ||
			(s.MaxRequestsPerConn > 0 && connRequestNum >= uint64(s.MaxRequestsPerConn)) ||
			ctx.Response.Header.ConnectionClose() ||
			(s.CloseOnShutdown && atomic.LoadInt32(&s.stop) == 1)
		if connectionClose {
		} else if !ctx.Request.Header.IsHTTP11() {
			// Set 'Connection: keep-alive' response header for HTTP/1.0 request.
			// There is no need in setting this header for http/1.1, since in http/1.1
			// connections are keep-alive by default.
			ctx.Response.Header.setNonSpecial(strConnection, strKeepAlive)

		if serverName != "" && len(ctx.Response.Header.Server()) == 0 {

		if !hijackNoResponse {
			if bw == nil {
				bw = acquireWriter(ctx)
			if err = writeResponse(ctx, bw); err != nil {

			// Only flush the writer if we don't have another request in the pipeline.
			// This is a big of an ugly optimization for https://www.techempower.com/benchmarks/
			// This benchmark will send 16 pipelined requests. It is faster to pack as many responses
			// in a TCP packet and send it back at once than waiting for a flush every request.
			// In real world circumstances this behaviour could be argued as being wrong.
			if br == nil || br.Buffered() == 0 || connectionClose {
				err = bw.Flush()
				if err != nil {
			if connectionClose {
			if s.ReduceMemoryUsage && hijackHandler == nil {
				releaseWriter(s, bw)
				bw = nil

		if hijackHandler != nil {
			var hjr io.Reader = c
			if br != nil {
				hjr = br
				br = nil
			if bw != nil {
				err = bw.Flush()
				if err != nil {
				releaseWriter(s, bw)
				bw = nil
			err = c.SetDeadline(zeroTime)
			if err != nil {
			go hijackConnHandler(ctx, hjr, c, s, hijackHandler)
			err = errHijacked

		if ctx.Request.bodyStream != nil {
			if rs, ok := ctx.Request.bodyStream.(*requestStream); ok {
			ctx.Request.bodyStream = nil

		s.setState(c, StateIdle)

		if atomic.LoadInt32(&s.stop) == 1 {
			err = nil

	if br != nil {
		releaseReader(s, br)
	if bw != nil {
		releaseWriter(s, bw)
	if hijackHandler == nil {


​ 该函数主要对用户请求进行处理,并通过将 ctx,reader,writer 对象池化减少内存的分配与回收,从而提高程序的性能。

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