Decentralised Shopping Cart On Ethereum Report


Click key icon, and copy private key in Ganache2. Then import to metamask.

Step 5: Run Dapp $ npm run dev Check http://localhost:3000

5.2 User Notice

Please wait and do not click other button when the loading icon appears on the page, otherwise it could terminate transaction.

5.3 How to use our system as a buyer

  1. Browse the main page You can browse our pruduct page without log in. 13

  2. Browse the product by different categories We have four categories, you can view the product according to different categories.(e.g. view men’s products are shown below)

  3. Find a product You can find a product by using search box and input keywords of the product. 14

  4. View the product detail If you choose one product, you can see the detail of this product including price,inventory quantity, description and reviews from customers who have bought this product.

  5. Log in and Sign up If you want to buy a product or add to the cart, you need to log in or sign up first. Click login/Signup button to log in. 15

If you do not own an account, you should sign up first.

  1. Buy a product After logging in, your account will show in the menu bar above. 16

Choose the product you want and you can buy it or add to shopping cart now.

Choose the quantity and click buy button, it will go to shopping cart page directly. You can check out in this page. 17

  1. Add product to shopping cart

Click “Add cart” button, it will display the prompt for adding success.

Similarly, you can add other product to shopping cart and you can find them by clicking My Cart menu bar above. You can choose the quantity of product that not exceed the quantity in stock. If you do not want a product anymore, you can remove it or remove all product in shopping cart by clicking empty cart. 18

  1. Checkout You can checkout in shopping cart page and it will display a transaction box. Choose “submit” to complete transaction.

  2. Add reviews You can add rates and comments to products that you have purchased. 19

  3. Personal center

You can go to your personal center page by click your account. You can find what you have purchased in purchase history. In the purchase history bar, it displays products that you have purchased and there are two options. If you received the products, you can choose to confirm so that the seller can receive the money. If you do not want to buy it, you can choose to cancel it and the money will be returned to your account. 20

You can go back to home page if you still want to browse other products or choose logout if you completed your purchase experience.

5.4 How to use our system as a seller

1.Log in/Sign up You need to log in if you have an account or create a new account if you do not have. 2. Post a product You can post a product by clicking Post button on the menu bar above.Upload the image and crop it to suitable size, then submit it and this product will display in the home page. Notice that you can not buy the product that you posted. 21

  1. Selling center

Firstly, you need to go to your personal center page by click your account. You can find what you have posted in Selling bar. In the Selling bar, you can update the product that you have posted or remove products from shelves to stop selling. 22 23

6 References

[1]Hsiao, M. (2009). Shopping mode choice: Physical store shopping versus e-shopping. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 45(1), pp.86-95.

[2]GitHub. (2018). ethereum/wiki. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 May 2018].

[3]Firebase. (2018). Get Started with Firebase Authentication on Websites | Firebase. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 May 2018].

[4]The Economist. (2018). The great chain of being sure about things. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 May 2018].

[5]Finley, K., Finley. (2018). The Inventors of the Internet Are Trying to Build a Truly Permanent Web. [online] WIRED. Available at: [Accessed 25 May 2018区块链









当前余额3.43前往充值 >
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