泛微 E8 配置自定义触发流程



目前使用了泛微 E8 (8.100.0531)的版本。2018年上线的老系统了。


目前使用的泛微 OA 启用了“会议”应用。我们需要定时抓取会议状态为“退回”和“取消”的会议、并将每一条记录自动转化为一个流程发送出去。我们选取了会议应用的 Meeting 表(会议管理表详细信息),并选择 “meetingstatus” 字段作为会议状态的来源。通过文档得知:当会议状态为“退回”,字段取值 3 ;当会议状态为“取消”,字段取值 4 。

 设置的自定义表单 / 流程如下图所示, 目前手工提交 / 流转均正常操作:


首先配置了回写部分,但是不成功。根据 2012 - 2016 年的资料,文档是这么记录的。

2:条件以“where”开头,如:“where fieldname1=1 and fieldname2='value2'”;
回写设置以“set”开头,如:“set flag=1,isok=true”,FtriggerFlag和requestid字段
“where '明细表.字段'='主表.字段'”。

非常 ... 语焉不详。我怀疑当年这个屌茅甚至喝大了。:)

配置数次无果之后,泛微的工程师提醒我找下日志。根据操作日期,我分别在服务器下载了泛微应用目录下的   ecology/log/integration/integration.log ecology/log/ecologyResin/log/stderr.logResin/log/stdout.log 这几个文件。

打开 integration.log 文件。发现触发的过程报错、 提示 CREATER 在外部表不存在。

2023-08-18 00:00:14,812 INFO  [Thread:AutoWorlflowThread] weaver.general.AutoWorlflowThread.saveTrigLog() - saveTrigLog 记录日志 sql : update outerdatawfdetail set requestid=-1 where mainid=11 and workflowid=466 and outermaintable = 'Meeting' and keyfieldvalue='141'
2023-08-18 00:00:14,827 INFO  [Thread:AutoWorlflowThread] weaver.general.AutoWorlflowThread.doActiveOutDataWF() - 检查是否已触发 : select 1 from outerdatawfdetail where workflowid=466 and mainid=11 and keyfieldvalue='142' and outermaintable = 'Meeting' and requestid>0
2023-08-18 00:00:14,827 INFO  [Thread:AutoWorlflowThread] weaver.general.AutoWorlflowThread.doActiveOutDataWF() - ===================SQL:select * from outerdatawfsetdetail where (wffieldid=-1 or wffieldid=-2) and mainid=11 order by wffieldid
2023-08-18 00:00:14,827 ERROR [Thread:AutoWorlflowThread] weaver.general.AutoWorlflowThread.doActiveOutDataWF() - THE CREATER IN THE OUTER TABLE IS NOT EXIST!


package weaver.general;

import java.io.Writer;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import oracle.sql.CLOB;
import weaver.conn.ConnStatement;
import weaver.conn.RecordSet;
import weaver.conn.RecordSetDataSource;
import weaver.hrm.resource.ResourceComInfo;
import weaver.integration.logging.Logger;
import weaver.integration.logging.LoggerFactory;
import weaver.system.SysCreateWF;
import weaver.system.SysUpdateWF;
import weaver.system.ThreadWork;
import weaver.workflow.automatic.automaticconnect;
import weaver.workflow.dmlaction.DBTypeUtil;
import weaver.workflow.request.RequestManager;
import weaver.workflow.workflow.WorkflowComInfo;
import weaver.workflow.workflow.WorkflowVersion;

public class AutoWorlflowThread extends BaseBean implements ThreadWork {
  private Logger newlog = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AutoWorlflowThread.class);
  public void doThreadWork() {
    Thread.currentThread().setUncaughtExceptionHandler(new AutoWorkFlowThreadExceptionHandler());
  public void doActiveOutDataWF() {
    automaticconnect automaticconnect = new automaticconnect();
    Connection connection = null;
    String str = "";
    try {
      WorkflowComInfo workflowComInfo = new WorkflowComInfo();
      ResourceComInfo resourceComInfo = new ResourceComInfo();
      SysCreateWF sysCreateWF = new SysCreateWF();
      RecordSet recordSet1 = new RecordSet();
      RecordSet recordSet2 = new RecordSet();
      ArrayList<String> arrayList1 = new ArrayList();
      ArrayList<String> arrayList2 = new ArrayList();
      ArrayList<String> arrayList3 = new ArrayList();
      ArrayList<String> arrayList4 = new ArrayList();
      ArrayList<String> arrayList5 = new ArrayList();
      ArrayList<String> arrayList6 = new ArrayList();
      ArrayList<String> arrayList7 = new ArrayList();
      ArrayList<String> arrayList8 = new ArrayList();
      ArrayList<String> arrayList9 = new ArrayList();
      ArrayList<String> arrayList10 = new ArrayList();
      ArrayList<String> arrayList11 = new ArrayList();
      ArrayList<String> arrayList12 = new ArrayList();
      ArrayList<String> arrayList13 = new ArrayList();
      ArrayList<String> arrayList14 = new ArrayList();
      ArrayList<String> arrayList15 = new ArrayList();
      ArrayList<String> arrayList16 = new ArrayList();
      ArrayList<String> arrayList17 = new ArrayList();
      WorkflowVersion workflowVersion = new WorkflowVersion();
      recordSet1.executeSql("select * from outerdatawfset");
      while (recordSet1.next()) {
        String str1 = Util.null2String(recordSet1.getString("id"));
        String str2 = Util.null2String(recordSet1.getString("workflowid"));
        String str3 = Util.null2String(recordSet1.getString("datasourceid"));
        String str4 = Util.null2String(recordSet1.getString("outermaintable"));
        String str5 = Util.null2String(recordSet1.getString("keyfield"));
        String str6 = Util.null2String(recordSet1.getString("datarecordtype"));
        String str7 = Util.null2String(recordSet1.getString("requestid"));
        String str8 = Util.null2String(recordSet1.getString("FTriggerFlag"));
        String str9 = Util.null2String(recordSet1.getString("FTriggerFlagValue"));
        String str10 = Util.null2String(recordSet1.getString("outermainwhere"));
        String str11 = Util.null2String(recordSet1.getString("successback"));
        String str12 = Util.null2String(recordSet1.getString("failback"));
        String str13 = Util.null2String(recordSet1.getString("outerdetailtables"));
        String str14 = Util.null2String(recordSet1.getString("outerdetailwheres"));
        String str15 = Util.null2String(recordSet1.getString("isnextnode"));
        String str16 = Util.null2String(recordSet1.getString("isupdatewfdata"));
        String str17 = Util.null2String(recordSet1.getString("isupdatewfdataField"));
      RecordSet recordSet3 = new RecordSet();
      for (byte b = 0; b < arrayList1.size(); b++) {
        try {
          String str1 = arrayList1.get(b);
          recordSet3.executeSql("select mainid from outerdatawfsetdetail where mainid=" + str1);
          if (!recordSet3.next()) {
            this.newlog.error("+ str1 + ");
          } else {
            String str2 = arrayList2.get(b);
            String str3 = WorkflowVersion.getActiveVersionWFID(str2);
            String str4 = arrayList3.get(b);
            if (!str4.equals("")) {
              connection = automaticconnect.getConnection("datasource." + str4);
              if (connection != null && !connection.isClosed()) {
                str = automaticconnect.getDBType();
                Statement statement1 = connection.createStatement();
                Statement statement2 = connection.createStatement();
                ResultSet resultSet = null;
                String str5 = arrayList4.get(b);
                String str6 = arrayList5.get(b);
                String str7 = arrayList6.get(b);
                String str8 = arrayList7.get(b);
                String str9 = arrayList8.get(b);
                String str10 = arrayList9.get(b);
                String str11 = arrayList15.get(b);
                String str12 = arrayList16.get(b);
                String str13 = arrayList17.get(b);
                if ("".equals(str10))
                  str10 = "1"; 
                String str14 = arrayList10.get(b);
                String str15 = arrayList11.get(b);
                String str16 = arrayList12.get(b);
                String str17 = arrayList13.get(b);
                String str18 = arrayList14.get(b);
                RecordSetDataSource recordSetDataSource = new RecordSetDataSource();
                Map map = new HashMap<Object, Object>();
                if (!str4.equals(""))
                  map = recordSetDataSource.getAllColumnWithTypes(str4, str5); 
                String str19 = "";
                if (str.toLowerCase().indexOf("oracle") > -1) {
                  str19 = "select 1 from user_tables a where a.TABLE_NAME = upper('" + str5 + "') union ALL select 1 from user_views b where  b.VIEW_NAME = upper('" + str5 + "')";
                } else if (str.toLowerCase().indexOf("sqlserver") > -1 || str.toLowerCase().indexOf("sybase") > -1) {
                  str19 = "select 1 from sysobjects where name = '" + str5 + "' ";
                } else if (str.toLowerCase().indexOf("informix") > -1) {
                  str19 = "select 1 from systables where lower(tabname) = lower('" + str5 + "') ";
                } else if (str.toLowerCase().indexOf("mysql") > -1) {
                  str19 = "select 1 from information_schema.Tables where LOWER(Table_Name)=LOWER('" + str5 + "') ";
                } else if (str.toLowerCase().indexOf("db2") > -1) {
                  str19 = "select 1 from SYSIBM.SYSTABLES where lower(name)= lower('" + str5 + "') ";
                } else {
                  str19 = "select 1 from " + str5;
                resultSet = statement1.executeQuery(str19);
                if (!resultSet.next()) {
                  this.newlog.error("TABLE " + str5 + " IS NOT EXIST!");
                } else {
                  ArrayList<String> arrayList = new ArrayList();
                  Hashtable<Object, Object> hashtable1 = new Hashtable<Object, Object>();
                  Hashtable<Object, Object> hashtable2 = new Hashtable<Object, Object>();
                  Hashtable<Object, Object> hashtable3 = new Hashtable<Object, Object>();
                  Hashtable<Object, Object> hashtable4 = new Hashtable<Object, Object>();
                  Hashtable<Object, Object> hashtable5 = new Hashtable<Object, Object>();
                  Hashtable<Object, Object> hashtable6 = new Hashtable<Object, Object>();
                  Hashtable<Object, Object> hashtable7 = new Hashtable<Object, Object>();
                  String str20 = "";
                  int i = Util.getIntValue(Util.null2String(workflowComInfo.getIsBill(str2)), -1);
                  String str21 = Util.null2String(workflowComInfo.getFormId(str2));
                  if (i == 0) {
                    str20 = "select workflow_formfield.fieldid as id,fieldname as name,workflow_fieldlable.fieldlable as label,workflow_formdict.fieldhtmltype as htmltype,workflow_formdict.type as type,workflow_formdict.fielddbtype from workflow_formfield,workflow_formdict,workflow_fieldlable where workflow_fieldlable.formid = workflow_formfield.formid and workflow_fieldlable.isdefault = 1 and workflow_fieldlable.fieldid =workflow_formfield.fieldid and workflow_formdict.id = workflow_formfield.fieldid and workflow_formfield.formid=" + str21;
                  } else if (i == 1) {
                    str20 = "select id as id,fieldname as name,fieldlabel as label,fieldhtmltype as htmltype,type as type,fielddbtype from workflow_billfield where viewtype=0 and billid = " + str21 + " order by dsporder ";
                  while (recordSet1.next()) {
                    String str23 = recordSet1.getString("id");
                    String str24 = recordSet1.getString("name");
                    String str25 = recordSet1.getString("htmltype");
                    String str26 = recordSet1.getString("type");
                    String str27 = recordSet1.getString("fielddbtype");
                    String str28 = "";
                    String str29 = "";
                    String str30 = "";
                    recordSet2.executeSql("select outerfieldname,changetype,customsql from outerdatawfsetdetail where wffieldid=" + str23 + " and mainid=" + str1);
                    if (recordSet2.next()) {
                      str28 = recordSet2.getString("outerfieldname");
                      str29 = recordSet2.getString("changetype");
                      str30 = recordSet2.getString("customsql");
                    hashtable1.put(str23, str24);
                    hashtable2.put(str23, str25);
                    hashtable3.put(str23, str26);
                    hashtable4.put(str23, str27);
                    hashtable5.put(str23, str28);
                    hashtable6.put(str23, str29);
                    hashtable7.put(str23, str30);
                  if (str14.equals(""))
                    str14 = " where 1=1  "; 
                  if ("2".equals(str7) || "".equals(str7)) {
                    str14 = str14 + " and ((1=1 ";
                    if (str.toLowerCase().indexOf("oracle") > -1) {
                      if (!"".equals(str8))
                        str14 = str14 + " and nvl(" + str8 + ",'0')='0' "; 
                      if (!"".equals(str9) && !"".equals(str10))
                        str14 = str14 + " and nvl(" + str9 + ",'0')!='" + str10 + "' "; 
                    } else if (str.toLowerCase().indexOf("sqlserver") > -1 || str.toLowerCase().indexOf("sybase") > -1) {
                      if (!"".equals(str8))
                        str14 = str14 + " and isnull(" + str8 + ",'0')='0' "; 
                      if (!"".equals(str9) && !"".equals(str10))
                        str14 = str14 + " and isnull(" + str9 + ",'0')!='" + str10 + "' "; 
                    } else if (str.toLowerCase().indexOf("informix") > -1) {
                      if (!"".equals(str8))
                        str14 = str14 + " and " + str8 + " is null "; 
                      if (!"".equals(str9) && !"".equals(str10))
                        str14 = str14 + " and " + str9 + "!='" + str10 + "' "; 
                    } else if (str.toLowerCase().indexOf("mysql") > -1) {
                      if (!"".equals(str8))
                        str14 = str14 + " and IFNULL(" + str8 + ",'0')='0' "; 
                      if (!"".equals(str9) && !"".equals(str10))
                        str14 = str14 + " and IFNULL(" + str9 + ",'0')!='" + str10 + "' "; 
                    } else if (str.toLowerCase().indexOf("db2") > -1) {
                      if (!"".equals(str8))
                        str14 = str14 + " and coalesce(" + str8 + ",'0')='0' "; 
                      if (!"".equals(str9) && !"".equals(str10))
                        str14 = str14 + " and coalesce(" + str9 + ",'0')!='" + str10 + "' "; 
                    } else {
                      if (!"".equals(str8))
                        str14 = str14 + " and " + str8 + " is null "; 
                      if (!"".equals(str9) && !"".equals(str10))
                        str14 = str14 + " and " + str9 + "!='" + str10 + "' "; 
                    str14 = str14 + " ) ";
                    if (str12.equals("2") && !str13.equals(""))
                      str14 = str14 + " or " + str13 + "='1' "; 
                    str14 = str14 + " ) ";
                  this.newlog.info("select * from " + str5 + " " + str14);
                  ResultSet resultSet1 = statement1.executeQuery("select * from " + str5 + " " + str14);
                  String str22 = "";
                  while (resultSet1.next()) {
                    try {
                      if ("2".equals(str7) || "".equals(str7)) {
                        if (str6.equals(""))
                          str6 = "id"; 
                        if (str9.equals(""))
                          str9 = "FTriggerFlag"; 
                        if (str8.equals(""))
                          str8 = "requestid"; 
                      String str23 = resultSet1.getString(str6).replace("'", "''");
                      boolean bool1 = false;
                      if (str12.equals("2") && !str13.equals("")) {
                        String str27 = Util.null2String(resultSet1.getString(str13));
                        if (str27.equals("1"))
                          bool1 = true; 
                      if (bool1)
                        this.newlog.info("." + str13 + "=" + Util.null2String(resultSet1.getString(str13))); 
                      boolean bool2 = false;
                      str22 = "select 1 from outerdatawfdetail where workflowid=" + str2 + " and mainid=" + str1 + " and keyfieldvalue='" + str23 + "' and outermaintable = '" + str5 + "' and requestid>0";
                      this.newlog.info(": " + str22);
                      if (recordSet1.next()) {
                        this.newlog.info("keyid : " + str23 + " );
                        bool2 = true;
                      if (!bool1 && bool2)
                      String str24 = "";
                      String str25 = "";
                      ArrayList<Integer> arrayList18 = new ArrayList();
                      boolean bool3 = false;
                      recordSet1.executeSql("select * from outerdatawfsetdetail where (wffieldid=-1 or wffieldid=-2) and mainid=" + str1 + " order by wffieldid");
                      this.newlog.info("===================SQL:select * from outerdatawfsetdetail where (wffieldid=-1 or wffieldid=-2) and mainid=" + str1 + " order by wffieldid");
                      while (recordSet1.next()) {
                        String str27 = Util.null2String(recordSet1.getString("wffieldid"));
                        if (str27.equals("-2")) {
                          String str28 = Util.null2String(recordSet1.getString("outerfieldname"));
                          String str29 = Util.null2String(recordSet1.getString("changetype"));
                          String str30 = Util.null2String(recordSet1.getString("customsql"));
                          if (str29.equals("5")) {
                            str25 = Util.null2String(getCreater(str28, "5"));
                            if (str25.equals("")) {
                              this.newlog.error("THE CREATER IN THE OUTER TABLE IS NOT EXIST!");
                              if ("2".equals(str7) || "".equals(str7))
                                saveOutTrigLog(statement2, str5, str16, str6, str9, str8, str23, str10, "-1"); 
                              if (str12.equals("2") && !str13.equals(""))
                                saveUpdateWfFlag(statement2, str5, str6, str23, str12, str13); 
                              saveTrigLog(str3, "-1", str1, str23, str5);
                              bool3 = true;
                          if (str29.equals("6")) {
                            if (str28.indexOf(".") > -1)
                              str28 = str28.substring(str28.indexOf(".") + 1); 
                            String str32 = Util.null2String(resultSet1.getString(str28));
                            if (!"".equals(str30)) {
                              str30 = str30 + " and status<4  and (loginid !='' Or  loginid is not  null) ";
                              str25 = getTranSqlValue(str30, str32);
                            } else {
                              str25 = str32;
                            if (str25.equals("")) {
                              this.newlog.error("THE CREATER IN THE OUTER TABLE IS NOT EXIST!");
                              if ("2".equals(str7) || "".equals(str7))
                                saveOutTrigLog(statement2, str5, str16, str6, str9, str8, str23, str10, "-1"); 
                              if (str12.equals("2") && !str13.equals(""))
                                saveUpdateWfFlag(statement2, str5, str6, str23, str12, str13); 
                              saveTrigLog(str3, "-1", str1, str23, str5);
                              bool3 = true;
                          if (str28.equals("")) {
                            str25 = "1";
                          str28 = str28.substring(str28.indexOf(".") + 1);
                          String str31 = Util.null2String(resultSet1.getString(str28));
                          if (str31.equals("")) {
                            this.newlog.error("VALUE OF THE FIELD IN THE OUTER TABLE IS NULL!");
                            if ("2".equals(str7) || "".equals(str7))
                              saveOutTrigLog(statement2, str5, str16, str6, str9, str8, str23, str10, "0"); 
                            if (str12.equals("2") && !str13.equals(""))
                              saveUpdateWfFlag(statement2, str5, str6, str23, str12, str13); 
                            saveTrigLog(str3, "0", str1, str23, str5);
                            bool3 = true;
                          str25 = Util.null2String(getCreater(str31, str29));
                          if (str25.equals("")) {
                            this.newlog.error("THE CREATER IN THE OUTER TABLE IS NOT EXIST!");
                            if ("2".equals(str7) || "".equals(str7))
                              saveOutTrigLog(statement2, str5, str16, str6, str9, str8, str23, str10, "-1"); 
                            if (str12.equals("2") && !str13.equals(""))
                              saveUpdateWfFlag(statement2, str5, str6, str23, str12, str13); 
                            saveTrigLog(str3, "-1", str1, str23, str5);
                            bool3 = true;
                        if (str27.equals("-1")) {
                          String str28 = Util.null2String(recordSet1.getString("outerfieldname"));
                          String str29 = Util.null2String(workflowComInfo.getWorkflowname(str3));
                          String str30 = Util.toScreen(resourceComInfo.getResourcename(str25), 7);
                          String str31 = "";
                          Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
                          str31 = Util.add0(calendar.get(1), 4) + "-" + Util.add0(calendar.get(2) + 1, 2) + "-" + Util.add0(calendar.get(5), 2);
                          DateUtil dateUtil = new DateUtil();
                          if (str28.equals("")) {
                            str24 = Util.null2String(dateUtil.getWFTitleNew("" + str3, "" + str25, "" + str30, "1"));
                            if (str24.equals(""))
                              str24 = str29 + "-" + str30 + "-" + str31; 
                          str28 = str28.substring(str28.indexOf(".") + 1);
                          String str32 = Util.null2String(resultSet1.getString(str28));
                          if (!str32.equals("")) {
                            str24 = str32;
                          str24 = Util.null2String(dateUtil.getWFTitleNew("" + str3, "" + str25, "" + str30, "1"));
                          if (str24.equals(""))
                            str24 = str29 + "-" + str30 + "-" + str31; 
                      if (bool3)
                      for (byte b1 = 0; b1 < arrayList.size(); b1++) {
                        String str27 = Util.null2String(arrayList.get(b1));
                        String str28 = Util.null2String((String)hashtable1.get(str27));
                        if (!str28.equals("")) {
                          String str29 = Util.null2String((String)hashtable2.get(str27));
                          String str30 = Util.null2String((String)hashtable3.get(str27));
                          String str31 = Util.null2String((String)hashtable4.get(str27));
                          String str32 = Util.null2String((String)hashtable5.get(str27));
                          String str33 = Util.null2String((String)hashtable6.get(str27));
                          String str34 = Util.null2String((String)hashtable7.get(str27));
                          String str35 = "";
                          if (!str32.equals("")) {
                            str32 = str32.substring(str32.indexOf(".") + 1);
                            String str36 = (String)map.get(str32.toLowerCase());
                            if (str36.contains("("))
                              str36 = str36.substring(0, str36.indexOf("(")); 
                            if (str36.equals("number") || str36.equals("NUMBER") || str36.equals("float") || str36.equals("Real") || str36.equals("real")) {
                              str35 = Util.null2String(resultSet1.getString(str32));
                              if (str35.startsWith("."))
                                str35 = "0" + str35; 
                              if (str35.startsWith("-."))
                                str35 = str35.replaceFirst("-.", "-0."); 
                            } else {
                              str35 = Util.null2String(resultSet1.getString(str32));
                            if (!"6".equals(str33)) {
                              if (str29.equals("3"))
                                if (str30.equals("1")) {
                                  str35 = getCreater(str35, str33);
                                } else if (str30.equals("4")) {
                                  str35 = getDept(str35, str33);
                                } else if (str30.equals("164")) {
                                  str35 = getSubCom(str35, str33);
                            } else if (!"".equals(str34)) {
                              str35 = getTranSqlValue(str34, str35);
                          if (str35.equals("")) {
                            if (str29.equals("4")) {
                            } else if (!str29.equals("6") && !str29.equals("2") && (!str29.equals("1") || (!str30.equals("1") && !str30.equals("5"))) && (!str29.equals("3") || (!str30.equals("2") && !str30.equals("19") && !str30.equals("161") && !str30.equals("162")))) {
                            } else {
                          } else {
                            if (str31.startsWith("text") || str31.startsWith("char") || str31.startsWith("varchar") || str31.indexOf(".") > -1 || str31.startsWith("clob")) {
                              if (str31.startsWith("char") || str31.startsWith("varchar")) {
                                int k = Util.getIntValue(str31.substring(str31.indexOf("(") + 1, str31.indexOf(")")), 0);
                                if (Util.length2(str35) > k)
                                  do {
                                    str35 = str35.substring(0, str35.length() - 1);
                                  } while (Util.length2(str35) > k); 
                              str35 = str35.replace("'", "''");
                            } else if (str31.equals("int") || str31.equals("integer")) {
                              str35 = Util.getIntValue(str35, 0) + "";
                            } else if (str31.indexOf("decimal") == 0 || str31.indexOf("number") == 0) {
                              str35 = str35.replace(",", "");
                              str35 = Util.getDoubleValue(str35, 0.0D) + "";
                            } else if (str31.indexOf("text") == 0) {
                              str35 = str35.replaceAll("'", "''");
                      if (bool1 && bool2) {
                        String str27 = "";
                        str22 = "select requestid from outerdatawfdetail where workflowid=" + str2 + " and mainid=" + str1 + " and keyfieldvalue='" + str23 + "' and outermaintable = '" + str5 + "' and requestid>0";
                        this.newlog.info(": " + str22);
                        RecordSet recordSet = new RecordSet();
                        if (recordSet.next())
                          str27 = Util.null2String(recordSet.getString("requestid")); 
                        if (str27.equals("")) {
                        SysUpdateWF sysUpdateWF = new SysUpdateWF();
                        if (sysUpdateWF.updateWorkflowInfo(Util.getIntValue(str3, 0), str24, Util.getIntValue(str25, 1), arrayList18, Util.getIntValue(str27, 0))) {
                          String str28 = str15;
                          if ("2".equals(str7) || "".equals(str7))
                            saveOutTrigLog(statement2, str5, str28, str6, str9, str8, str23, str10, "" + str27); 
                          if (str12.equals("2") && !str13.equals(""))
                            saveUpdateWfFlag(statement2, str5, str6, str23, str12, str13); 
                          saveTrigLog(str3, "" + str27, str1, str23, str5);
                          saveRequestLog(str1, str23, str3, Util.getIntValue(str27, 0));
                          UpdateIntoDetailTable(statement2, str5, str, str1, str2, Util.getIntValue(str27, 0), str6, str23, str17, str18, str8, str7);
                        if ("2".equals(str7) || "".equals(str7))
                          saveOutTrigLog(statement2, str5, str16, str6, str9, str8, str23, str10, "0"); 
                        if (str12.equals("2") && !str13.equals(""))
                          saveUpdateWfFlag(statement2, str5, str6, str23, str12, str13); 
                        saveRequestLog(str1, str23, str3, Util.getIntValue(str27, 0));
                      this.newlog.info("=======+ str24);
                      sysCreateWF = new SysCreateWF();
                      RequestManager requestManager = sysCreateWF.setWorkflowInfo(Util.getIntValue(str3, 0), str24, 0, Util.getIntValue(str25, 1), arrayList18, false, str11);
                      int j = requestManager.getRequestid();
                      String str26 = str15;
                      if (j > 0) {
                        if ("2".equals(str7) || "".equals(str7))
                          saveOutTrigLog(statement2, str5, str26, str6, str9, str8, str23, str10, "" + j); 
                        if (str12.equals("2") && !str13.equals(""))
                          saveUpdateWfFlag(statement2, str5, str6, str23, str12, str13); 
                        saveTrigLog(str3, "" + j, str1, str23, str5);
                        saveRequestLog(str1, str23, str3, j);
                        this.newlog.info("****insertIntoDetailTable = " + str + "^^^^^^^^^^^^^:requestid = " + j);
                        insertIntoDetailTable(str4, statement2, str5, str, str1, str2, j, str6, str23, str17, str18, str8, str7);
                        this.newlog.info("+ str11 + ",workflowid=" + str2);
                        if (str11.equals("1"))
                      if ("2".equals(str7) || "".equals(str7))
                        saveOutTrigLog(statement2, str5, str16, str6, str9, str8, str23, str10, "0"); 
                      if (str12.equals("2") && !str13.equals(""))
                        saveUpdateWfFlag(statement2, str5, str6, str23, str12, str13); 
                      saveTrigLog(str3, "-2", str1, str23, str5);
                      saveRequestLog(str1, str23, str3, j);
                    } catch (Exception exception) {
                      this.newlog.error(", exception);
        } catch (Exception exception) {
          this.newlog.error(", exception);
    } catch (Exception exception) {
      this.newlog.error(", exception);
  public String getTranSqlValue(String paramString1, String paramString2) {
    paramString2 = paramString2.replace("'", "''");
    paramString1 = DBTypeUtil.replaceString(paramString1, "{?currentvalue}", paramString2);
    RecordSet recordSet = new RecordSet();
    if (recordSet.next())
      return recordSet.getString(1); 
    return "";
  public void insertIntoDetailTable(String paramString1, Statement paramStatement, String paramString2, String paramString3, String paramString4, String paramString5, int paramInt, String paramString6, String paramString7, String paramString8, String paramString9, String paramString10, String paramString11) throws Exception {
    ResultSet resultSet = null;
    HashMap<Object, Object> hashMap = new HashMap<Object, Object>();
    WorkflowComInfo workflowComInfo = new WorkflowComInfo();
    String str1 = Util.null2String(workflowComInfo.getIsBill(paramString5));
    String str2 = Util.null2String(workflowComInfo.getFormId(paramString5));
    ArrayList<String> arrayList1 = new ArrayList();
    ArrayList<String> arrayList2 = new ArrayList();
    String str3 = "mainid";
    String str4 = "";
    ArrayList<String> arrayList3 = Util.TokenizerString(paramString8, ",");
    String[] arrayOfString = paramString9.split("\\$@\\|@\\$");
    ArrayList<String> arrayList4 = new ArrayList();
    for (byte b1 = 0; b1 < arrayOfString.length; b1++)
    RecordSet recordSet = new RecordSet();
    boolean bool = recordSet.getDBType().equals("oracle");
    RecordSetDataSource recordSetDataSource = new RecordSetDataSource();
    boolean bool1 = false;
    if (!str2.equals(""))
      if (str1.equals("0")) {
        recordSet.executeSql("select distinct groupId from Workflow_formfield where formid=" + str2 + " and isdetail='1' order by groupid");
        while (recordSet.next()) {
      } else if (str1.equals("1")) {
        recordSet.executeSql("select tablename from Workflow_billdetailtable where billid=" + str2 + " order by orderid");
        while (recordSet.next()) {
          String str = Util.null2String(recordSet.getString(1));
          if (!str.equals(""))
        recordSet.executeSql("select tablename,detailtablename,detailkeyfield from workflow_bill where id=" + str2);
        if (recordSet.next()) {
          str3 = Util.null2String(recordSet.getString("detailkeyfield"));
          if (arrayList1.size() == 0) {
            String str5 = Util.null2String(recordSet.getString("detailtablename"));
            if (!str5.equals(""))
          String str = recordSet.getString("tablename");
          recordSet.executeSql("select id from " + str + " where requestid=" + paramInt);
          if (recordSet.next())
            str4 = recordSet.getString("id"); 
    if (arrayList1.size() != arrayList3.size()) {
    for (byte b2 = 0; b2 < arrayList1.size(); b2++) {
      String str5 = arrayList1.get(b2);
      String str6 = arrayList3.get(b2);
      String str7 = "";
      if (paramString3.toLowerCase().indexOf("oracle") > -1) {
        str7 = "select 1 from user_tables a where a.TABLE_NAME = upper('" + str6 + "') union ALL select 1 from user_views b where  b.VIEW_NAME = upper('" + str6 + "')";
      } else if (paramString3.toLowerCase().indexOf("sqlserver") > -1 || paramString3.toLowerCase().indexOf("sybase") > -1) {
        str7 = "select 1 from sysobjects where name = '" + str6 + "' ";
      } else if (paramString3.toLowerCase().indexOf("informix") > -1) {
        str7 = "select 1 from systables where lower(tabname) = lower('" + str6 + "') ";
      } else if (paramString3.toLowerCase().indexOf("mysql") > -1) {
        str7 = "select 1 from information_schema.Tables where LOWER(Table_Name)=LOWER('" + str6 + "') ";
      } else if (paramString3.toLowerCase().indexOf("db2") > -1) {
        str7 = "select 1 from SYSIBM.SYSTABLES where lower(name)= lower('" + str6 + "') ";
      } else {
        str7 = "select 1 from " + str6;
      resultSet = paramStatement.executeQuery(str7);
      if (!resultSet.next()) {
        this.newlog.error("TABLE " + str6 + " IS NOT EXIST!");
      } else {
        Map map = new HashMap<Object, Object>();
        if (!paramString1.equals(""))
          map = recordSetDataSource.getAllColumnWithTypes(paramString1, str6); 
        ArrayList<String> arrayList = new ArrayList();
        Hashtable<Object, Object> hashtable1 = new Hashtable<Object, Object>();
        Hashtable<Object, Object> hashtable2 = new Hashtable<Object, Object>();
        Hashtable<Object, Object> hashtable3 = new Hashtable<Object, Object>();
        Hashtable<Object, Object> hashtable4 = new Hashtable<Object, Object>();
        Hashtable<Object, Object> hashtable5 = new Hashtable<Object, Object>();
        Hashtable<Object, Object> hashtable6 = new Hashtable<Object, Object>();
        Hashtable<Object, Object> hashtable7 = new Hashtable<Object, Object>();
        String str = Util.null2String(arrayList4.get(b2));
        if (str.equals("-"))
          str = ""; 
        recordSet.executeSql("select * from outerdatawfsetdetail where outerfieldname like '" + str6 + ".%' and mainid=" + paramString4);
        while (recordSet.next()) {
          String str8 = recordSet.getString("wffieldid");
          String str9 = recordSet.getString("wffieldname");
          String str10 = recordSet.getString("wffieldhtmltype");
          String str11 = recordSet.getString("wffieldtype");
          String str12 = recordSet.getString("wffielddbtype");
          String str13 = recordSet.getString("outerfieldname");
          String str14 = recordSet.getString("changetype");
          String str15 = recordSet.getString("customsql");
          hashtable1.put(str8, str9);
          hashtable2.put(str8, str10);
          hashtable3.put(str8, str11);
          hashtable4.put(str8, str12);
          hashtable5.put(str8, str13);
          hashtable6.put(str8, str14);
          hashtable7.put(str8, str15);
        Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("where");
        Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(str);
        str = matcher.replaceFirst(" and ");
        if (!paramString11.equals("1") && !paramString10.equals("")) {
          str7 = "select * from " + str6 + " ," + paramString2 + " " + " where 1=1" + " and " + paramString2 + "." + paramString10 + " = " + paramInt + str;
        } else {
          str7 = "select * from " + str6 + " ," + paramString2 + " " + " where 1=1" + " and " + paramString2 + "." + paramString6 + " = '" + paramString7 + "'" + str;
        this.newlog.info("querysql:" + str7);
        resultSet = paramStatement.executeQuery(str7);
        while (resultSet.next()) {
          String str8 = "";
          String str9 = "";
          if (str1.equals("0")) {
            str8 = "insert into " + str5 + "(requestid,groupId";
            str9 = " values(" + paramInt + "," + (String)arrayList2.get(b2);
          } else if (str1.equals("1")) {
            str8 = "insert into " + str5 + "(" + str3;
            str9 = " values(" + str4;
          for (byte b = 0; b < arrayList.size(); b++) {
            String str10 = Util.null2String(arrayList.get(b));
            String str11 = Util.null2String((String)hashtable1.get(str10));
            if (!str11.equals("")) {
              String str12 = Util.null2String((String)hashtable2.get(str10));
              String str13 = Util.null2String((String)hashtable3.get(str10));
              String str14 = Util.null2String((String)hashtable4.get(str10));
              String str15 = Util.null2String((String)hashtable5.get(str10));
              String str16 = Util.null2String((String)hashtable6.get(str10));
              String str17 = Util.null2String((String)hashtable7.get(str10));
              String str18 = "";
              if (!str15.equals("")) {
                str15 = str15.substring(str15.indexOf(".") + 1);
                String str19 = (String)map.get(str15.toLowerCase());
                if (str19.contains("("))
                  str19 = str19.substring(0, str19.indexOf("(")); 
                if (str19.equals("number") || str19.equals("NUMBER") || str19.equals("float") || str19.equals("real") || str19.equals("Real")) {
                  str18 = Util.null2String(resultSet.getString(str15));
                  if (str18.startsWith("."))
                    str18 = "0" + str18; 
                  if (str18.startsWith("-."))
                    str18 = str18.replaceFirst("-.", "-0."); 
                } else {
                  str18 = Util.null2String(resultSet.getString(str15));
                if (!"6".equals(str16)) {
                  if (str12.equals("3"))
                    if (str13.equals("1")) {
                      str18 = getCreater(str18, str16);
                    } else if (str13.equals("4")) {
                      str18 = getDept(str18, str16);
                    } else if (str13.equals("164")) {
                      str18 = getSubCom(str18, str16);
                } else if (!"".equals(str17)) {
                  str18 = getTranSqlValue(str17, str18);
                } else {
                  str18 = str18;
              if (str18.equals("")) {
                if (!str12.equals("2") && (!str12.equals("1") || (!str13.equals("1") && !str13.equals("5"))) && (!str12.equals("3") || (!str13.equals("2") && !str13.equals("19") && !str13.equals("161") && !str13.equals("162"))))
                  str18 = "NULL"; 
                if (str12.equals("5")) {
                  str18 = "-1";
                } else if (str12.equals("4")) {
                  str18 = "0";
              } else if (str14.indexOf("varchar") == 0 || str14.indexOf("char") == 0) {
                int i = Util.getIntValue(str14.substring(str14.indexOf("(") + 1, str14.indexOf(")")), 0);
                if (Util.length2(str18) > i)
                  do {
                    str18 = str18.substring(0, str18.length() - 1);
                  } while (Util.length2(str18) > i); 
                str18 = str18.replace("'", "''");
              } else if (str14.equals("int") || str14.equals("integer")) {
                str18 = Util.getIntValue(str18, -1) + "";
              } else if (str14.indexOf("decimal") == 0 || str14.indexOf("number") == 0) {
                str18 = str18.replace(",", "");
                str18 = Util.getDoubleValue(str18, -1.0D) + "";
              } else if (str12.equals("3") && str13.equals("17") && bool) {
                hashMap.put(str11, str18);
                str18 = " empty_clob() ";
              str8 = str8 + "," + str11;
              if (str14.startsWith("text") || str14.startsWith("char") || str14.startsWith("varchar") || str14.indexOf(".") > -1) {
                str9 = str9 + ",'" + str18 + "'";
              } else if (str12.equals("3") && (str13.equals("256") || str13.equals("257"))) {
                str9 = str9 + ",'" + str18 + "'";
              } else if (str14.startsWith("clob")) {
                str9 = str9 + "," + str18;
              } else {
                str9 = str9 + "," + str18;
          str8 = str8 + ") ";
          str9 = str9 + ") ";
          this.newlog.info("detail sql:" + str8 + str9);
          recordSet.executeSql(str8 + str9);
          if (bool)
            try {
              String str10 = "";
              if (str1.equals("0")) {
                str10 = "select max(id) dtid from " + str5 + " where requestid =" + paramInt + " and groupId = " + (String)arrayList2.get(b2);
              } else if (str1.equals("1")) {
                str10 = "select max(id) dtid from " + str5 + " where " + str3 + " =" + str4;
              if (recordSet.next()) {
                String str11 = Util.null2String(recordSet.getString("dtid"));
                if (!"".equals(str11)) {
                  String str12 = "";
                  str12 = " select ";
                  byte b3 = 0;
                  String str13 = " ";
                  Iterator<Map.Entry> iterator = hashMap.entrySet().iterator();
                  while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                    Map.Entry entry = iterator.next();
                    String str14 = entry.getKey().toString();
                    String str15 = "";
                    if (entry.getValue() != null)
                      if (String.valueOf(entry.getValue()).equals(" ")) {
                        str15 = "";
                      } else {
                        str15 = String.valueOf(entry.getValue());
                    if (b3 > 1) {
                      str12 = str12 + str13 + " , " + str14;
                    str12 = str12 + str13 + " " + str14;
                  str12 = str12 + " from " + str5;
                  if (str1.equals("0")) {
                    str12 = str12 + " where requestid = " + paramInt + " and groupId = " + (String)arrayList2.get(b2) + " and id = " + str11 + " for update";
                  } else if (str1.equals("1")) {
                    str12 = str12 + " where " + str3 + " = " + str4 + "and id = " + str11 + " for update";
                  if (b3 > 0) {
                    ConnStatement connStatement = null;
                    try {
                      connStatement = new ConnStatement();
                      connStatement.setStatementSql(str12, false);
                      if (connStatement.next()) {
                        iterator = hashMap.entrySet().iterator();
                        b3 = 0;
                        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                          Map.Entry entry = iterator.next();
                          String str14 = entry.getKey().toString();
                          String str15 = "";
                          if (entry.getValue() != null)
                            if (String.valueOf(entry.getValue()).equals(" ")) {
                              str15 = "";
                            } else {
                              str15 = String.valueOf(entry.getValue());
                          CLOB cLOB = connStatement.getClob(b3);
                          char[] arrayOfChar = str15.toCharArray();
                          Writer writer = cLOB.getCharacterOutputStream();
                    } catch (Exception exception) {
                      this.newlog.error(", exception);
                    } finally {
                      if (connStatement != null)
            } catch (Exception exception) {
              this.newlog.error(", exception);
  public void UpdateIntoDetailTable(Statement paramStatement, String paramString1, String paramString2, String paramString3, String paramString4, int paramInt, String paramString5, String paramString6, String paramString7, String paramString8, String paramString9, String paramString10) throws Exception {
    ResultSet resultSet = null;
    HashMap<Object, Object> hashMap = new HashMap<Object, Object>();
    WorkflowComInfo workflowComInfo = new WorkflowComInfo();
    String str1 = Util.null2String(workflowComInfo.getIsBill(paramString4));
    String str2 = Util.null2String(workflowComInfo.getFormId(paramString4));
    ArrayList<String> arrayList1 = new ArrayList();
    ArrayList<String> arrayList2 = new ArrayList();
    String str3 = "mainid";
    String str4 = "";
    ArrayList<String> arrayList3 = Util.TokenizerString(paramString7, ",");
    String[] arrayOfString = paramString8.split("\\$@\\|@\\$");
    ArrayList<String> arrayList4 = new ArrayList();
    for (byte b1 = 0; b1 < arrayOfString.length; b1++)
    RecordSet recordSet = new RecordSet();
    boolean bool = recordSet.getDBType().equals("oracle");
    boolean bool1 = false;
    if (!str2.equals(""))
      if (str1.equals("0")) {
        recordSet.executeSql("select distinct groupId from Workflow_formfield where formid=" + str2 + " and isdetail='1' order by groupid");
        while (recordSet.next()) {
      } else if (str1.equals("1")) {
        recordSet.executeSql("select tablename from Workflow_billdetailtable where billid=" + str2 + " order by orderid");
        while (recordSet.next()) {
          String str = Util.null2String(recordSet.getString(1));
          if (!str.equals(""))
        recordSet.executeSql("select tablename,detailtablename,detailkeyfield from workflow_bill where id=" + str2);
        if (recordSet.next()) {
          str3 = Util.null2String(recordSet.getString("detailkeyfield"));
          if (arrayList1.size() == 0) {
            String str5 = Util.null2String(recordSet.getString("detailtablename"));
            if (!str5.equals(""))
          String str = recordSet.getString("tablename");
          recordSet.executeSql("select id from " + str + " where requestid=" + paramInt);
          if (recordSet.next())
            str4 = recordSet.getString("id"); 
    if (arrayList1.size() != arrayList3.size()) {
    for (byte b2 = 0; b2 < arrayList1.size(); b2++) {
      String str5 = arrayList1.get(b2);
      String str6 = arrayList3.get(b2);
      String str7 = "";
      if (paramString2.toLowerCase().indexOf("oracle") > -1) {
        str7 = "select 1 from user_tables a where a.TABLE_NAME = upper('" + str6 + "') union ALL select 1 from user_views b where  b.VIEW_NAME = upper('" + str6 + "')";
      } else if (paramString2.toLowerCase().indexOf("sqlserver") > -1 || paramString2.toLowerCase().indexOf("sybase") > -1) {
        str7 = "select 1 from sysobjects where name = '" + str6 + "' ";
      } else if (paramString2.toLowerCase().indexOf("informix") > -1) {
        str7 = "select 1 from systables where lower(tabname) = lower('" + str6 + "') ";
      } else if (paramString2.toLowerCase().indexOf("mysql") > -1) {
        str7 = "select 1 from information_schema.Tables where LOWER(Table_Name)=LOWER('" + str6 + "') ";
      } else if (paramString2.toLowerCase().indexOf("db2") > -1) {
        str7 = "select 1 from SYSIBM.SYSTABLES where lower(name)= lower('" + str6 + "') ";
      } else {
        str7 = "select 1 from " + str6;
      resultSet = paramStatement.executeQuery(str7);
      if (!resultSet.next()) {
        this.newlog.error("TABLE " + str6 + " IS NOT EXIST!");
      } else {
        String str8 = "";
        RecordSet recordSet1 = new RecordSet();
        if (str1.equals("0")) {
          str8 = "delete " + str5 + " where requestid='" + paramInt + "' and groupId='" + (String)arrayList2.get(b2) + "' ";
        } else if (str1.equals("1")) {
          str8 = "delete " + str5 + " where " + str3 + "='" + str4 + "'  ";
        ArrayList<String> arrayList = new ArrayList();
        Hashtable<Object, Object> hashtable1 = new Hashtable<Object, Object>();
        Hashtable<Object, Object> hashtable2 = new Hashtable<Object, Object>();
        Hashtable<Object, Object> hashtable3 = new Hashtable<Object, Object>();
        Hashtable<Object, Object> hashtable4 = new Hashtable<Object, Object>();
        Hashtable<Object, Object> hashtable5 = new Hashtable<Object, Object>();
        Hashtable<Object, Object> hashtable6 = new Hashtable<Object, Object>();
        Hashtable<Object, Object> hashtable7 = new Hashtable<Object, Object>();
        String str9 = Util.null2String(arrayList4.get(b2));
        if (str9.equals("-"))
          str9 = ""; 
        recordSet.executeSql("select * from outerdatawfsetdetail where outerfieldname like '" + str6 + ".%' and mainid=" + paramString3);
        while (recordSet.next()) {
          String str10 = recordSet.getString("wffieldid");
          String str11 = recordSet.getString("wffieldname");
          String str12 = recordSet.getString("wffieldhtmltype");
          String str13 = recordSet.getString("wffieldtype");
          String str14 = recordSet.getString("wffielddbtype");
          String str15 = recordSet.getString("outerfieldname");
          String str16 = recordSet.getString("changetype");
          String str17 = recordSet.getString("customsql");
          hashtable1.put(str10, str11);
          hashtable2.put(str10, str12);
          hashtable3.put(str10, str13);
          hashtable4.put(str10, str14);
          hashtable5.put(str10, str15);
          hashtable6.put(str10, str16);
          hashtable7.put(str10, str17);
        Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("where");
        Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(str9);
        str9 = matcher.replaceFirst(" and ");
        if (!paramString10.equals("1") && !paramString9.equals("")) {
          str7 = "select * from " + str6 + " ," + paramString1 + " " + " where 1=1" + " and " + paramString1 + "." + paramString9 + " = " + paramInt + str9;
        } else {
          str7 = "select * from " + str6 + " ," + paramString1 + " " + " where 1=1" + " and " + paramString1 + "." + paramString5 + " = '" + paramString6 + "'" + str9;
        this.newlog.info("querysql:" + str7);
        resultSet = paramStatement.executeQuery(str7);
        while (resultSet.next()) {
          String str10 = "";
          String str11 = "";
          if (str1.equals("0")) {
            str10 = "insert into " + str5 + "(requestid,groupId";
            str11 = " values(" + paramInt + "," + (String)arrayList2.get(b2);
          } else if (str1.equals("1")) {
            str10 = "insert into " + str5 + "(" + str3;
            str11 = " values(" + str4;
          for (byte b = 0; b < arrayList.size(); b++) {
            String str12 = Util.null2String(arrayList.get(b));
            String str13 = Util.null2String((String)hashtable1.get(str12));
            if (!str13.equals("")) {
              String str14 = Util.null2String((String)hashtable2.get(str12));
              String str15 = Util.null2String((String)hashtable3.get(str12));
              String str16 = Util.null2String((String)hashtable4.get(str12));
              String str17 = Util.null2String((String)hashtable5.get(str12));
              String str18 = Util.null2String((String)hashtable6.get(str12));
              String str19 = Util.null2String((String)hashtable7.get(str12));
              String str20 = "";
              if (!str17.equals("")) {
                str17 = str17.substring(str17.indexOf(".") + 1);
                str20 = Util.null2String(resultSet.getString(str17));
                if (!"6".equals(str18)) {
                  if (str14.equals("3"))
                    if (str15.equals("1")) {
                      str20 = getCreater(str20, str18);
                    } else if (str15.equals("4")) {
                      str20 = getDept(str20, str18);
                    } else if (str15.equals("164")) {
                      str20 = getSubCom(str20, str18);
                } else if (!"".equals(str19)) {
                  str20 = getTranSqlValue(str19, str20);
                } else {
                  str20 = str20;
              if (str20.equals("")) {
                if (!str14.equals("2") && (!str14.equals("1") || (!str15.equals("1") && !str15.equals("5"))) && (!str14.equals("3") || (!str15.equals("2") && !str15.equals("19") && !str15.equals("161") && !str15.equals("162"))))
                  str20 = "NULL"; 
                if (str14.equals("5")) {
                  str20 = "-1";
                } else if (str14.equals("4")) {
                  str20 = "0";
              } else if (str16.indexOf("varchar") == 0 || str16.indexOf("char") == 0) {
                int i = Util.getIntValue(str16.substring(str16.indexOf("(") + 1, str16.indexOf(")")), 0);
                if (Util.length2(str20) > i)
                  do {
                    str20 = str20.substring(0, str20.length() - 1);
                  } while (Util.length2(str20) > i); 
                str20 = str20.replace("'", "''");
              } else if (str16.equals("int") || str16.equals("integer")) {
                str20 = Util.getIntValue(str20, -1) + "";
              } else if (str16.indexOf("decimal") == 0 || str16.indexOf("number") == 0) {
                str20 = str20.replace(",", "");
                str20 = Util.getDoubleValue(str20, -1.0D) + "";
              } else if (str14.equals("3") && str15.equals("17") && bool) {
                hashMap.put(str13, str20);
                str20 = " empty_clob() ";
              str10 = str10 + "," + str13;
              if (str16.startsWith("text") || str16.startsWith("char") || str16.startsWith("varchar") || str16.indexOf(".") > -1 || str16.startsWith("clob")) {
                str11 = str11 + ",'" + str20 + "'";
              } else if (str14.equals("3") && (str15.equals("256") || str15.equals("257"))) {
                str11 = str11 + ",'" + str20 + "'";
              } else {
                str11 = str11 + "," + str20;
          str10 = str10 + ") ";
          str11 = str11 + ") ";
          this.newlog.info("detail sql:" + str10 + str11);
          recordSet.executeSql(str10 + str11);
          if (bool)
            try {
              String str = "";
              if (str1.equals("0")) {
                str = "select max(id) dtid from " + str5 + " where requestid =" + paramInt + " and groupId = " + (String)arrayList2.get(b2);
              } else if (str1.equals("1")) {
                str = "select max(id) dtid from " + str5 + " where " + str3 + " =" + str4;
              if (recordSet.next()) {
                String str12 = Util.null2String(recordSet.getString("dtid"));
                if (!"".equals(str12)) {
                  String str13 = "";
                  str13 = " select ";
                  byte b3 = 0;
                  String str14 = " ";
                  Iterator<Map.Entry> iterator = hashMap.entrySet().iterator();
                  while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                    Map.Entry entry = iterator.next();
                    String str15 = entry.getKey().toString();
                    String str16 = "";
                    if (entry.getValue() != null)
                      if (String.valueOf(entry.getValue()).equals(" ")) {
                        str16 = "";
                      } else {
                        str16 = String.valueOf(entry.getValue());
                    if (b3 > 1) {
                      str13 = str13 + str14 + " , " + str15;
                    str13 = str13 + str14 + " " + str15;
                  str13 = str13 + " from " + str5;
                  if (str1.equals("0")) {
                    str13 = str13 + " where requestid = " + paramInt + " and groupId = " + (String)arrayList2.get(b2) + " and id = " + str12 + " for update";
                  } else if (str1.equals("1")) {
                    str13 = str13 + " where " + str3 + " = " + str4 + "and id = " + str12 + " for update";
                  if (b3 > 0) {
                    ConnStatement connStatement = null;
                    try {
                      connStatement = new ConnStatement();
                      connStatement.setStatementSql(str13, false);
                      if (connStatement.next()) {
                        iterator = hashMap.entrySet().iterator();
                        b3 = 0;
                        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                          Map.Entry entry = iterator.next();
                          String str15 = entry.getKey().toString();
                          String str16 = "";
                          if (entry.getValue() != null)
                            if (String.valueOf(entry.getValue()).equals(" ")) {
                              str16 = "";
                            } else {
                              str16 = String.valueOf(entry.getValue());
                          CLOB cLOB = connStatement.getClob(b3);
                          char[] arrayOfChar = str16.toCharArray();
                          Writer writer = cLOB.getCharacterOutputStream();
                    } catch (Exception exception) {
                      this.newlog.error(", exception);
                    } finally {
                      if (connStatement != null)
            } catch (Exception exception) {
              this.newlog.error(", exception);
  public String getCreater(String paramString1, String paramString2) {
    paramString1 = paramString1.replace("'", "''");
    RecordSet recordSet = new RecordSet();
    String str = "";
    if (paramString2.equals("0")) {
      recordSet.executeSql("select id from HrmResource where id='" + paramString1 + "' and status<4  and (loginid !='' Or  loginid is not  null) ");
      if (recordSet.next())
        str = recordSet.getString("id"); 
    } else if (paramString2.equals("1")) {
      recordSet.executeSql("select id from HrmResource where workcode='" + paramString1 + "' and  status<4 and (loginid !='' Or  loginid is not  null) ");
      if (recordSet.next())
        str = recordSet.getString("id"); 
    } else if (paramString2.equals("2")) {
      recordSet.executeSql("select id from HrmResource where loginid='" + paramString1 + "' and  status<4 and (loginid !='' Or  loginid is not  null) ");
      if (recordSet.next())
        str = recordSet.getString("id"); 
    } else if (paramString2.equals("3")) {
      recordSet.executeSql("select id from HrmResource where mobile='" + paramString1 + "' and  status<4  and (loginid !='' Or  loginid is not  null) ");
      if (recordSet.next())
        str = recordSet.getString("id"); 
    } else if (paramString2.equals("4")) {
      recordSet.executeSql("select id from HrmResource where email='" + paramString1 + "' and  status<4  and (loginid !='' Or  loginid is not  null) ");
      if (recordSet.next())
        str = recordSet.getString("id"); 
    } else if (paramString2.equals("5")) {
      recordSet.executeSql("select id from HrmResource where id='" + paramString1 + "' and  status<4  and (loginid !='' Or  loginid is not  null) ");
      if (recordSet.next())
        str = recordSet.getString("id"); 
    return str;
  public String getDept(String paramString1, String paramString2) {
    paramString1 = paramString1.replace("'", "''");
    RecordSet recordSet = new RecordSet();
    String str = "";
    if (paramString2.equals("0")) {
      recordSet.executeSql("select id from HrmDepartment where id='" + paramString1 + "'");
      if (recordSet.next())
        str = recordSet.getString("id"); 
    } else if (paramString2.equals("1")) {
      recordSet.executeSql("select id from HrmDepartment where departmentcode='" + paramString1 + "'");
      if (recordSet.next())
        str = recordSet.getString("id"); 
    return str;
  public String getSubCom(String paramString1, String paramString2) {
    paramString1 = paramString1.replace("'", "''");
    RecordSet recordSet = new RecordSet();
    String str = "";
    if (paramString2.equals("0")) {
      recordSet.executeSql("select id from HrmSubCompany where id='" + paramString1 + "'");
      if (recordSet.next())
        str = recordSet.getString("id"); 
    } else if (paramString2.equals("1")) {
      recordSet.executeSql("select id from HrmSubCompany where subcompanycode='" + paramString1 + "'");
      if (recordSet.next())
        str = recordSet.getString("id"); 
    return str;
  private boolean saveOutTrigLog(Statement paramStatement, String paramString1, String paramString2, String paramString3, String paramString4, String paramString5, String paramString6, String paramString7, String paramString8) {
    try {
      String str = "";
      if (!"".equals(paramString4))
        str = str + paramString4 + "='" + paramString7 + "'"; 
      if (!"".equals(paramString4))
        str = str + ("".equals(str) ? (paramString5 + "='" + paramString8 + "'") : ("," + paramString5 + "='" + paramString8 + "'")); 
      if (!"".equals(paramString2)) {
        paramString2 = paramString2.trim();
        if (paramString2.indexOf("set") == 0)
          paramString2 = paramString2.substring(4); 
        str = str + ("".equals(str) ? paramString2 : ("," + paramString2));
      if (!"".equals(str)) {
        String str1 = "update " + paramString1 + " set " + str + " where " + paramString3 + "='" + paramString6 + "'";
        this.newlog.info("saveOutTrigLog sql : " + str1);
    } catch (Exception exception) {
      this.newlog.error(", exception);
      return false;
    return true;
  private boolean saveUpdateWfFlag(Statement paramStatement, String paramString1, String paramString2, String paramString3, String paramString4, String paramString5) {
    try {
      String str1 = "";
      String str2 = "";
      if (paramString4.equals("2") && !"".equals(paramString5))
        str2 = str2 + ("".equals(str2) ? (paramString5 + "='0'") : ("," + paramString5 + "='0'")); 
      if (!"".equals(str1)) {
        str1 = str1.trim();
        if (str1.indexOf("set") == 0)
          str1 = str1.substring(4); 
        str2 = str2 + ("".equals(str2) ? str1 : ("," + str1));
      if (!"".equals(str2)) {
        String str = "update " + paramString1 + " set " + str2 + " where " + paramString2 + "='" + paramString3 + "'";
        this.newlog.info("saveUpdateWfFlag sql : " + str);
    } catch (Exception exception) {
      this.newlog.error(", exception);
      return false;
    return true;
  private boolean saveTrigLog(String paramString1, String paramString2, String paramString3, String paramString4, String paramString5) {
    try {
      boolean bool = false;
      RecordSet recordSet = new RecordSet();
      String str = "select requestid from outerdatawfdetail where keyfieldvalue='" + paramString4 + "' and outermaintable = '" + paramString5 + "' and workflowid=" + paramString1 + " and mainid=" + paramString3;
      if (recordSet.next())
        bool = true; 
      if (bool) {
        str = "update outerdatawfdetail set requestid=" + paramString2 + " where mainid=" + paramString3 + " and workflowid=" + paramString1 + " and outermaintable = '" + paramString5 + "' and keyfieldvalue='" + paramString4 + "'";
      } else {
        str = "insert into outerdatawfdetail(mainid,workflowid,requestid,keyfieldvalue,outermaintable) values(" + paramString3 + "," + paramString1 + "," + paramString2 + ",'" + paramString4 + "','" + paramString5 + "')";
      this.newlog.info("saveTrigLog sql : " + str);
    } catch (Exception exception) {
      this.newlog.error(", exception);
      return false;
    return true;
  private void saveRequestLog(String paramString1, String paramString2, String paramString3, int paramInt) {
    SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
    SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat2 = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss");
    Date date = new Date();
    String str1 = simpleDateFormat1.format(date);
    String str2 = simpleDateFormat2.format(date);
    String str3 = "";
    if (paramInt > -1) {
      str3 = "1";
    } else {
      str3 = "0";
    RecordSet recordSet = new RecordSet();
    String str4 = "insert into outerdatawflog(Outerdatawfid,Outkey,Workflowid,RequestId,Triggerflag,CreateDate,CreateTime) values('" + paramString1 + "','" + paramString2 + "','" + paramString3 + "','" + paramInt + "','" + str3 + "','" + str1 + "','" + str2 + "')";
    this.newlog.info("saveRequestLog sql : " + str4);

很长一段,核心检查逻辑在 public void doActiveOutDataWF() 这里。下面的参数除了 “FTriggerFlag” 属性必须在触发的外部主表中有一个同名字段、且类型为整数;其他属性可以按具体场景配置自己喜欢的名字的字段。

而且需要注意:外部表主表如果为视图,则无法实现成功 / 失败时回写内容的配置。因此,如果外部表(主表 / 明细表)需要不重复推送,可以设置形如 where 外部表.[流程requestid对应的字段] not in (select id from formtable_main_xxx)  等的条件。

一个常用的技巧是:如果需要把一个普通的表转为“明细表” 并输出到对应流程(ps. 只有一个源表、且原本就没有可用的主-子表关系时)、可以写一个 MASTER_VIEW 视图。具体步骤如下:

  • 在 MASTER_VIEW 视图中用 where exists() 限定“明细表” 的条件,并指定一个固定值的字段【A】。
  • 再写一个 DETAIL_VIEW 视图、实现流程明细表要查询的真正逻辑;同时返回一列和【A】同样名字和值的固定列。
  • 最后,在触发配置的 “外部明细表1条件” 处填写  where MASTER_VIEW.【A】 = DETAIL_VIEW.【A】。

完成上述配置之后,可以在系统的 workflow_requestbase 表 / 流程监控中查看、是否正常触发了流程。

外部表的数据筛选条件,必须以 where 开头。

目前看来、在最简单的配置方法下:CREATER 和流程标题是必须提供外部表字段的。转换配置规则如下:

  • 当外部表 / 视图的 “流程创建人”  字段和 泛微E8 的 Hrmresource 表 - id 字段完全对应时、 其 “转换规则” 不需要选择任何内容
  • 当 “流程创建人” 字段对应人员工号、即泛微E8的 Hrmresource 表 - workcode 字段完全对应时、其 “转换规则” 需要选择 “登录名” 。如下图所示。


除此以外,在测试环境进行流程触发后、如需再次实现触发:需要清除 outerdatawfdetail 表中对应 mainid (代表触发配置项)和 workflowid (对应流程路径) 的记录。outerdatawfdetail 表和其他流程相关的表结构如下图所示:


综上所述,泛微E8 的流程触发可选表 / 视图两种外部数据表。触发成功的记录保存在系统的 outerdatawfdetail 表中。其他注意事项包括:

  • 如果触发失败,请调取 /ecology/log/integration/integration.log 查看具体的报错原因。
  • 如果要单独设置每个流程触发的周期、请使用更高版本的 泛微E9。






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