【Linux内核|调试】Crash工具帮助信息PART 2

【Linux内核|调试】Crash工具帮助信息PART 1

26. net - network command


  net [[-s | -S] [-xd] [-R ref] [pid | task]] [-a] [ -n [pid | task]] [-N addr]


  Displays various network related data.

  If no arguments are entered, the list of network devices, names and IP
  addresses are displayed.  For kernels supporting namespaces, the -n option
  may be used to display the list of network devices with respect to the
  network namespace of a current context or a task specified by pid or task:

        -n  the namespace of the current context.
    -n pid  a process PID.
   -n task  a hexadecimal task_struct pointer.

  The -s and -S options display data with respect to the current context, but
  may be appended with an argument to show the socket data with respect
  to a specified task:
        -s  display open network socket/sock addresses, their family and type,
            and for INET and INET6 families, their source and destination
            addresses and ports.
    -s pid  same as above, for task with process PID pid.
   -s task  same as above, for task with hexadecimal task_struct pointer task.

        -S  displays open network socket/sock addresses followed by a dump
            of both data structures.
    -S pid  same as above, with respect to process PID.
   -S task  same as above, with respect to hexadecimal task_struct pointer.
  The -R option, typically invoked from "foreach net", and in conjunction
  with the -s or -S options, searches for references to a socket address,
  sock address, or a file descriptor; if found, only the referenced fd, socket
  or sock data will be displayed:

    -R ref  socket or sock address, or file descriptor.
  Other options:

        -a  display the ARP cache.
   -N addr  translates an IPv4 address expressed as a decimal or hexadecimal
            value into a standard numbers-and-dots notation.
        -x  override default output format with hexadecimal format.
        -d  override default output format with decimal format.


  Display the system's network device list:

    crash> net
    ffff8803741c0000  lo
    fff88037059c0000  eth0
    ffff8803705c0000  eth1
    ffff880374ad6000  usb0
  Display the network device list with respect to the network namespace
  of PID 2618:

    crash> net -n 2618
    ffff880456ee7020  lo
    ffff8804516a1020  eth0
  Dump the ARP cache:

    crash> net -a
    f38d1b00    ETHER     00:16:3e:4b:a5:4a  eth1    STALE
    f38d1080        UNKNOWN   00 00 00 00 00 00  lo      NOARP
    f38d1bc0   ETHER     00:00:0c:07:ac:00  eth1    REACHABLE
    f38d1200    ETHER     00:16:3e:51:d8:09  eth1    REACHABLE
  Display the sockets for PID 2517, using both -s and -S output formats:

    crash> net -s 2517
    PID: 2517   TASK: c1598000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "rlogin"
     3  c57375dc  c1ff1850  INET:STREAM
    crash> net -S 2517
    PID: 2517   TASK: c1598000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "rlogin"
    FD   SOCKET     SOCK
     3  c57375dc  c1ff1850
    struct socket {
      state = SS_CONNECTED,
      flags = 131072,
      ops = 0xc023f820,
      inode = 0xc5737540,
      fasync_list = 0x0,
      file = 0xc58892b0,
      sk = 0xc1ff1850,
      wait = 0xc14d9ed4,
      type = 1,
      passcred = 0 '\000',
      tli = 0 '\000'
    struct sock {
      sklist_next = 0xc1ff12f0,
      sklist_prev = 0xc216bc00,
      bind_next = 0x0,
      bind_pprev = 0xc0918448,
      daddr = 1041236234,
      rcv_saddr = 336068874,
      dport = 258,
      num = 1023,
      bound_dev_if = 0,
      next = 0x0,
      pprev = 0xc0286dd4,
      state = 1 '\001',
      zapped = 0 '\000',
      sport = 65283,
      family = 2,
      reuse = 0 '\000',
   Translate the rcv_saddr from above into dotted-decimal notation:

    crash> net -N 1041236234
  From "foreach", find all tasks with references to socket c08ea3cc:

    crash> foreach net -s -R c08ea3cc
    PID: 2184   TASK: c7026000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "klines.kss"
     5  c08ea3cc  c50d3c80  INET:STREAM
    PID: 2200   TASK: c670a000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "kpanel"
     5  c08ea3cc  c50d3c80  INET:STREAM
    PID: 2201   TASK: c648a000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "kbgndwm"
     5  c08ea3cc  c50d3c80  INET:STREAM
    PID: 19294  TASK: c250a000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "prefdm"
     5  c08ea3cc  c50d3c80  INET:STREAM
    PID: 2194   TASK: c62dc000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "kaudioserver"
     5  c08ea3cc  c50d3c80  INET:STREAM
    PID: 2195   TASK: c6684000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "maudio"
     5  c08ea3cc  c50d3c80  INET:STREAM
    PID: 2196   TASK: c6b58000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "kwmsound"
     5  c08ea3cc  c50d3c80  INET:STREAM
    PID: 2197   TASK: c6696000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "kfm"
     5  c08ea3cc  c50d3c80  INET:STREAM
    PID: 2199   TASK: c65ec000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "krootwm"
     5  c08ea3cc  c50d3c80  INET:STREAM
    PID: 694    TASK: c1942000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "prefdm"
     5  c08ea3cc  c50d3c80  INET:STREAM
    PID: 698    TASK: c6a2c000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "X"
     5  c08ea3cc  c50d3c80  INET:STREAM
    PID: 2159   TASK: c4a5a000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "kwm"
     5  c08ea3cc  c50d3c80  INET:STREAM

27. p - print the value of an expression


  p [-x|-d][-u] [expression | symbol[:cpuspec]]


  This command passes its arguments on to gdb "print" command for evaluation.

    expression  an expression to be evaluated.
        symbol  a kernel symbol.
      :cpuspec  CPU specification for a per-cpu symbol:
                  :             CPU of the currently selected task.
                  :a[ll]        all CPUs.
                  :#[-#][,...]  CPU list(s), e.g. "1,3,5", "1-3",
                                or "1,3,5-7,10".
            -x  override default output format with hexadecimal format.
            -d  override default output format with decimal format.
            -u  the expression evaluates to a user address reference.

  The default output format is decimal, but that can be changed at any time
  with the two built-in aliases "hex" and "dec".  Alternatively, there
  are two other built-in aliases, "px" and "pd", which force the command
  output to be displayed in hexadecimal or decimal, without changing the
  default mode.


  Print the contents of jiffies:

    crash> p jiffies
    jiffies = $6 = 166532620
    crash> px jiffies
    jiffies = $7 = 0x9ed174b
    crash> pd jiffies
    jiffies = $8 = 166533160
  Print the contents of the vm_area_struct "init_mm":

    crash> p init_mm
    init_mm = $5 = {
      mmap = 0xc022d540, 
      mmap_avl = 0x0, 
      mmap_cache = 0x0, 
      pgd = 0xc0101000, 
      count = {
        counter = 0x6
      map_count = 0x1, 
      mmap_sem = {
        count = {
          counter = 0x1
        waking = 0x0, 
        wait = 0x0
      context = 0x0, 
      start_code = 0xc0000000, 
      end_code = 0xc022b4c8, 
      start_data = 0x0, 
      end_data = 0xc0250388, 
      start_brk = 0x0, 
      brk = 0xc02928d8, 
      start_stack = 0x0, 
      arg_start = 0x0, 
      arg_end = 0x0, 
      env_start = 0x0, 
      env_end = 0x0, 
      rss = 0x0, 
      total_vm = 0x0, 
      locked_vm = 0x0, 
      def_flags = 0x0, 
      cpu_vm_mask = 0x0, 
      swap_cnt = 0x0, 
      swap_address = 0x0, 
      segments = 0x0

  If a per-cpu symbol is entered as a argument, its data type
  and all of its per-cpu addresses are displayed:
    crash> p irq_stat
      irq_cpustat_t irq_stat;
      [0]: ffff88021e211540
      [1]: ffff88021e251540
      [2]: ffff88021e291540
      [3]: ffff88021e2d1540
  To display the contents a per-cpu symbol for CPU 1, append
  a cpu-specifier:
    crash> p irq_stat:1
    per_cpu(irq_stat, 1) = $29 = {
      __softirq_pending = 0, 
      __nmi_count = 209034, 
      apic_timer_irqs = 597509876, 
      irq_spurious_count = 0, 
      icr_read_retry_count = 2, 
      x86_platform_ipis = 0, 
      apic_perf_irqs = 209034, 
      apic_irq_work_irqs = 0, 
      irq_resched_count = 264922233, 
      irq_call_count = 7036692, 
      irq_tlb_count = 4750442, 
      irq_thermal_count = 0, 
      irq_threshold_count = 0

28. ps - display process status information


  ps [-k|-u|-G|-y policy] [-s] [-p|-c|-t|-[l|m][-C cpu]|-a|-g|-r|-S|-A]
     [pid | task | command] ...


  This command displays process status for selected, or all, processes
  in the system.  If no arguments are entered, the process data is
  is displayed for all processes.  Specific processes may be selected
  by using the following identifier formats:

       pid  a process PID.
      task  a hexadecimal task_struct pointer.
   command  a command name.  If a command name is made up of letters that
            are all numerical values, precede the name string with a "\".
            If the command string is enclosed within "'" characters, then
            the encompassed string must be a POSIX extended regular expression
            that will be used to match task names.
  The process list may be further restricted by the following options:

        -k  restrict the output to only kernel threads.
        -u  restrict the output to only user tasks.
        -G  display only the thread group leader in a thread group.
 -y policy  restrict the output to tasks having a specified scheduling policy
            expressed by its integer value or by its (case-insensitive) name;
            multiple policies may be entered in a comma-separated list:
              0 or NORMAL
              1 or FIFO
              2 or RR
              3 or BATCH
              4 or ISO
              5 or IDLE
              6 or DEADLINE
  The process identifier types may be mixed.  For each task, the following
  items are displayed:
    1. the process PID.
    2. the parent process PID.
    3. the CPU number that the task ran on last.
    4. the task_struct address or the kernel stack pointer of the process.
       (see -s option below)
    5. the task state (RU, IN, UN, ZO, ST, TR, DE, SW, WA, PA, ID, NE).
    6. the percentage of physical memory being used by this task.
    7. the virtual address size of this task in kilobytes.
    8. the resident set size of this task in kilobytes.
    9. the command name.
  The default output shows the task_struct address of each process under a
  column titled "TASK".  This can be changed to show the kernel stack 
  pointer under a column titled "KSTACKP".
       -s  replace the TASK column with the KSTACKP column.
  On SMP machines, the active task on each CPU will be highlighted by an
  angle bracket (">") preceding its information.  If the crash variable
  "offline" is set to "hide", the active task on an offline CPU will
  be highlighted by a "-" preceding its information.
  Alternatively, information regarding parent-child relationships,
  per-task time usage data, argument/environment data, thread groups,
  or resource limits may be displayed:
       -p  display the parental hierarchy of selected, or all, tasks.
       -c  display the children of selected, or all, tasks.
       -t  display the task run time, start time, and cumulative user
           and system times.
       -l  display the task's last-run timestamp value, using either the
           task_struct's last_run value, the task_struct's timestamp value
           or the task_struct's sched_entity last_arrival value, whichever
           applies, of selected, or all, tasks; the list is sorted with the
           most recently-run task (with the largest timestamp) shown first,
           followed by the task's current state.
       -m  similar to -l, but the timestamp value is translated into days,
           hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds since the task was
           last run on a cpu.
  -C cpus  only usable with the -l or -m options, dump the timestamp data
           in per-cpu blocks, where the cpu[s] can be specified as "1,3,5",
           "1-3", "1,3,5-7,10", "all", or "a" (shortcut for "all").
       -a  display the command line arguments and environment strings of
           selected, or all, user-mode tasks.
       -g  display tasks by thread group, of selected, or all, tasks.
       -r  display resource limits (rlimits) of selected, or all, tasks.
       -S  display a summary consisting of the number of tasks in a task state.
       -A  display only the active task on each cpu.


  Show the process status of all current tasks:

    crash> ps
       PID    PPID  CPU   TASK    ST  %MEM   VSZ   RSS  COMM
    >     0      0   3  c024c000  RU   0.0     0     0  [swapper]
    >     0      0   0  c0dce000  RU   0.0     0     0  [swapper]
          0      0   1  c0fa8000  RU   0.0     0     0  [swapper]
    >     0      0   2  c009a000  RU   0.0     0     0  [swapper]
          1      0   1  c0098000  IN   0.0  1096   476  init
          2      1   1  c0090000  IN   0.0     0     0  [kflushd]
          3      1   1  c000e000  IN   0.0     0     0  [kpiod]
          4      1   3  c000c000  IN   0.0     0     0  [kswapd]
          5      1   1  c0008000  IN   0.0     0     0  [mdrecoveryd]
        253      1   2  fbc4c000  IN   0.0  1088   376  portmap
        268      1   2  fbc82000  IN   0.1  1232   504  ypbind
        274    268   2  fa984000  IN   0.1  1260   556  ypbind
        321      1   1  fabf6000  IN   0.1  1264   608  syslogd
        332      1   1  fa9be000  RU   0.1  1364   736  klogd
        346      1   2  fae88000  IN   0.0  1112   472  atd
        360      1   2  faeb2000  IN   0.1  1284   592  crond
        378      1   2  fafd6000  IN   0.1  1236   560  inetd
        392      1   0  fb710000  IN   0.1  2264  1468  named
        406      1   3  fb768000  IN   0.1  1284   560  lpd
        423      1   1  fb8ac000  IN   0.1  1128   528  rpc.statd
        434      1   2  fb75a000  IN   0.0  1072   376  rpc.rquotad
        445      1   2  fb4a4000  IN   0.0  1132   456  rpc.mountd
        460      1   1  fa938000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
        461      1   1  faa86000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
        462      1   0  fac48000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
        463      1   0  fb4ca000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
        464      1   0  fb4c8000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
        465      1   2  fba6e000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
        466      1   1  fba6c000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
        467      1   2  fac04000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
        468    461   2  fa93a000  IN   0.0     0     0  [lockd]
        469    468   2  fa93e000  IN   0.0     0     0  [rpciod]
        486      1   0  fab54000  IN   0.1  1596   880  amd
        523      1   2  fa84e000  IN   0.1  1884  1128  sendmail
        538      1   0  fa82c000  IN   0.0  1112   416  gpm
        552      1   3  fa70a000  IN   0.1  2384  1220  httpd
        556    552   3  fa776000  IN   0.1  2572  1352  httpd
        557    552   2  faba4000  IN   0.1  2572  1352  httpd
        558    552   1  fa802000  IN   0.1  2572  1352  httpd
        559    552   3  fa6ee000  IN   0.1  2572  1352  httpd
        560    552   3  fa700000  IN   0.1  2572  1352  httpd
        561    552   0  fa6f0000  IN   0.1  2572  1352  httpd
        562    552   3  fa6ea000  IN   0.1  2572  1352  httpd
        563    552   0  fa67c000  IN   0.1  2572  1352  httpd
        564    552   3  fa674000  IN   0.1  2572  1352  httpd
        565    552   3  fa66a000  IN   0.1  2572  1352  httpd
        582      1   2  fa402000  IN   0.2  2968  1916  xfs
        633      1   2  fa1ec000  IN   0.2  5512  2248  innd
        636      1   3  fa088000  IN   0.1  2536   804  actived
        676      1   0  fa840000  IN   0.0  1060   384  mingetty
        677      1   1  fa590000  IN   0.0  1060   384  mingetty
        678      1   2  fa3b8000  IN   0.0  1060   384  mingetty
        679      1   0  fa5b8000  IN   0.0  1060   384  mingetty
        680      1   1  fa3a4000  IN   0.0  1060   384  mingetty
        681      1   2  fa30a000  IN   0.0  1060   384  mingetty
        683      1   3  fa5d8000  IN   0.0  1052   280  update
        686    378   1  fa3aa000  IN   0.1  2320  1136  in.rlogind
        687    686   2  f9e52000  IN   0.1  2136  1000  login
        688    687   0  f9dec000  IN   0.1  1732   976  bash
    >   700    688   1  f9d62000  RU   0.0  1048   256  gen12
  Display the parental hierarchy of the "crash" process on a live system:

    crash> ps -p 4249
    PID: 0      TASK: c0252000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "swapper"
     PID: 1      TASK: c009a000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "init"
      PID: 632    TASK: c73b6000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "prefdm"
       PID: 637    TASK: c5a4a000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "prefdm"
        PID: 649    TASK: c179a000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "kwm"
         PID: 683    TASK: c1164000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "kfm"
          PID: 1186   TASK: c165a000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "xterm"
           PID: 1188   TASK: c705e000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "bash"
            PID: 4249   TASK: c6b9a000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "crash"
  Display all children of the "kwm" window manager:

    crash> ps -c kwm
      PID: 649    TASK: c179a000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "kwm"
      PID: 682    TASK: c2d58000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "kwmsound"
      PID: 683    TASK: c1164000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "kfm"
      PID: 685    TASK: c053c000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "krootwm"
      PID: 686    TASK: c13fa000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "kpanel"
      PID: 687    TASK: c13f0000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "kbgndwm"
  Display all threads in a firefox session:

    crash> ps firefox
       PID    PPID  CPU       TASK        ST  %MEM     VSZ    RSS  COMM
      21273  21256   6  ffff81003ec15080  IN  46.3 1138276 484364  firefox
      21276  21256   6  ffff81003f49e7e0  IN  46.3 1138276 484364  firefox
      21280  21256   0  ffff81003ec1d7e0  IN  46.3 1138276 484364  firefox
      21286  21256   6  ffff81000b0d1820  IN  46.3 1138276 484364  firefox
      21287  21256   2  ffff81000b0d10c0  IN  46.3 1138276 484364  firefox
      26975  21256   5  ffff81003b5c1820  IN  46.3 1138276 484364  firefox
      26976  21256   5  ffff810023232820  IN  46.3 1138276 484364  firefox
      26977  21256   4  ffff810021a11820  IN  46.3 1138276 484364  firefox
      26978  21256   5  ffff810003159040  IN  46.3 1138276 484364  firefox
      26979  21256   5  ffff81003a058820  IN  46.3 1138276 484364  firefox
  Display only the thread group leader in the firefox session:

    crash> ps -G firefox
       PID    PPID  CPU       TASK        ST  %MEM     VSZ    RSS  COMM
      21273  21256   0  ffff81003ec15080  IN  46.3 1138276 484364  firefox
  Show the time usage data for pid 10318:

    crash> ps -t 10318
    PID: 10318  TASK: f7b85550  CPU: 5   COMMAND: "bash"
        RUN TIME: 1 days, 01:35:32
      START TIME: 5209
           UTIME: 95
           STIME: 57
  Show the process status of PID 1, task f9dec000, and all nfsd tasks:

    crash> ps 1 f9dec000 nfsd
       PID    PPID  CPU   TASK    ST  %MEM   VSZ   RSS  COMM
          1      0   1  c0098000  IN   0.0  1096   476  init
        688    687   0  f9dec000  IN   0.1  1732   976  bash
        460      1   1  fa938000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
        461      1   1  faa86000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
        462      1   0  fac48000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
        463      1   0  fb4ca000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
        464      1   0  fb4c8000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
        465      1   2  fba6e000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
        466      1   1  fba6c000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
        467      1   2  fac04000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
  Show all kernel threads:

    crash> ps -k
       PID    PPID  CPU   TASK    ST  %MEM   VSZ   RSS  COMM
          0      0   1  c0fac000  RU   0.0     0     0  [swapper]
          0      0   0  c0252000  RU   0.0     0     0  [swapper]
          2      1   1  c0fa0000  IN   0.0     0     0  [kflushd]
          3      1   1  c03de000  IN   0.0     0     0  [kpiod]
          4      1   1  c03dc000  IN   0.0     0     0  [kswapd]
          5      1   0  c0092000  IN   0.0     0     0  [mdrecoveryd]
        336      1   0  c4a9a000  IN   0.0     0     0  [rpciod]
        337      1   0  c4830000  IN   0.0     0     0  [lockd]
        487      1   1  c4ba6000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
        488      1   0  c18c6000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
        489      1   0  c0cac000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
        490      1   0  c056a000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
        491      1   0  c0860000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
        492      1   1  c0254000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
        493      1   0  c0a86000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
        494      1   0  c0968000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
  Display a summary consisting of the number of tasks in a task state:

    crash> ps -S
      RU: 5
      IN: 259
      UN: 31
      ZO: 1
  Display only the active task, on each cpu:

    crash> ps -A
        PID    PPID  CPU       TASK        ST  %MEM    VSZ    RSS  COMM
     >    10      2   1  ffff880212969710  IN   0.0      0      0   [migration/1]
     >     0      0   3  ffff884026d43520  RU   0.0      0      0   [swapper]
     >  6582      1   2  ffff880f49c52040  RU   0.0 42202472  33368  oracle
     >  9497      1   0  ffff880549ec2ab0  RU   0.0 42314692 138664  oracle
  Show all tasks sorted by their task_struct's last_run, timestamp, or
  sched_entity last_arrival timestamp value, whichever applies:

    crash> ps -l
    [20811245123] [IN] PID: 37    TASK: f7153030  CPU: 2  COMMAND: "events/2"
    [20811229959] [IN] PID: 1756  TASK: f2a5a570  CPU: 2  COMMAND: "ntpd"
    [20800696644] [IN] PID: 1456  TASK: f2b1f030  CPU: 4  COMMAND: "irqbalance"
    [20617047229] [IN] PID: 2324  TASK: f57f9570  CPU: 5  COMMAND: "flush-253:0"
    [20617029209] [IN] PID: 49    TASK: f7167030  CPU: 4  COMMAND: "bdi-default"
    [20438025365] [IN] PID: 345   TASK: f55c7ab0  CPU: 3  COMMAND: "mpt_poll_0"
    [20103026046] [IN] PID: 728   TASK: f72ba570  CPU: 3  COMMAND: "edac-poller"
    [20000189409] [IN] PID: 35    TASK: f7153ab0  CPU: 0  COMMAND: "events/0"
    [20000179905] [IN] PID: 48    TASK: f7167570  CPU: 0  COMMAND: "sync_supers"
    [19997120354] [IN] PID: 36    TASK: f7153570  CPU: 1  COMMAND: "events/1"
    [19991059209] [IN] PID: 38    TASK: f715fab0  CPU: 3  COMMAND: "events/3"
    [19988091608] [IN] PID: 39    TASK: f715f570  CPU: 4  COMMAND: "events/4"
    [19985076530] [IN] PID: 40    TASK: f715f030  CPU: 5  COMMAND: "events/5"
    [19982019106] [IN] PID: 41    TASK: f7161ab0  CPU: 6  COMMAND: "events/6"
    [19982016294] [IN] PID: 29    TASK: f7109ab0  CPU: 6  COMMAND: "ksoftirqd/6"
    [19838402345] [RU] PID: 2331  TASK: f297f570  CPU: 7  COMMAND: "bash"
    [19837129436] [IN] PID: 2326  TASK: f2ad5030  CPU: 6  COMMAND: "sshd"
    [19289476417] [IN] PID: 1772  TASK: f5665570  CPU: 5  COMMAND: "sendmail"

  Show the most-recently run tasks on cpu 0 using both the -l and the -m

    crash> ps -m -C0
    CPU: 0
    [ 0 00:00:00.003] [RU] PID: 1205 TASK: dee03f20 CPU: 0 COMMAND: "insmod"
    [ 0 00:00:00.006] [RU] PID: 770  TASK: df9e9940 CPU: 0 COMMAND: "rsyslogd"
    [ 0 00:00:00.009] [IN] PID: 603  TASK: df9bcbc0 CPU: 0 COMMAND: "udevd"
    [ 0 00:00:00.010] [IN] PID: 348  TASK: df9ecbc0 CPU: 0 COMMAND: "udevd"
    [ 0 00:00:00.013] [IN] PID: 934  TASK: df9171a0 CPU: 0 COMMAND: "hald"
    [ 0 00:00:00.023] [IN] PID: 6    TASK: df443f20 CPU: 0 COMMAND: "events/0"
    [ 0 00:00:00.029] [IN] PID: 15   TASK: df46b280 CPU: 0 COMMAND: "kblockd/0"
    [ 0 00:00:00.101] [IN] PID: 1168 TASK: dee01940 CPU: 0 COMMAND: "bash"
    [ 0 00:00:01.404] [IN] PID: 272  TASK: dfa48ca0 CPU: 0 COMMAND: "flush-8:0"
    crash> ps -l -C0
    CPU: 0
    [137146164748] [RU] PID: 1205 TASK: dee03f20 CPU: 0 COMMAND: "insmod"
    [137142534372] [RU] PID: 770  TASK: df9e9940 CPU: 0 COMMAND: "rsyslogd"
    [137140168469] [IN] PID: 603  TASK: df9bcbc0 CPU: 0 COMMAND: "udevd"
    [137138826427] [IN] PID: 348  TASK: df9ecbc0 CPU: 0 COMMAND: "udevd"
    [137135214599] [IN] PID: 934  TASK: df9171a0 CPU: 0 COMMAND: "hald"
    [137125651275] [IN] PID: 6    TASK: df443f20 CPU: 0 COMMAND: "events/0"
    [137119564815] [IN] PID: 15   TASK: df46b280 CPU: 0 COMMAND: "kblockd/0"
    [137047715027] [IN] PID: 1168 TASK: dee01940 CPU: 0 COMMAND: "bash"
    [135744209052] [IN] PID: 272  TASK: dfa48ca0 CPU: 0 COMMAND: "flush-8:0"
  Show the kernel stack pointer of each user task:

    crash> ps -us
          1      0   0  c009bedc  IN   0.0  1096    52  init
        239      1   0  c15e7ed8  IN   0.2  1332   224  pump
        280      1   1  c7cbdedc  IN   0.2  1092   208  portmap
        295      1   0  c7481edc  IN   0.0  1232     0  ypbind
        301    295   0  c7c7bf28  IN   0.1  1260   124  ypbind
        376      1   1  c5053f28  IN   0.0  1316    40  automount
        381      1   0  c34ddf28  IN   0.2  1316   224  automount
        391      1   1  c2777f28  IN   0.2  1316   224  automount
  Display the argument and environment data for the automount task:

    crash> ps -a automount
    PID: 3948   TASK: f722ee30  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "automount"
    ARG: /usr/sbin/automount --timeout=60 /net program /etc/auto.net
  Display the tasks in the thread group containing task c20ab0b0:

    crash> ps -g c20ab0b0
    PID: 6425   TASK: f72f50b0  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "firefox-bin"
      PID: 6516   TASK: f71bf1b0  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "firefox-bin"
      PID: 6518   TASK: d394b930  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "firefox-bin"
      PID: 6520   TASK: c20aa030  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "firefox-bin"
      PID: 6523   TASK: c20ab0b0  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "firefox-bin"
      PID: 6614   TASK: f1f181b0  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "firefox-bin"
  Display the tasks in the thread group for each instance of the
  program named "multi-thread":

    crash> ps -g multi-thread
    PID: 2522   TASK: 1003f0dc7f0       CPU: 1   COMMAND: "multi-thread"
      PID: 2523   TASK: 10037b13030       CPU: 1   COMMAND: "multi-thread"
      PID: 2524   TASK: 1003e064030       CPU: 1   COMMAND: "multi-thread"
      PID: 2525   TASK: 1003e13a7f0       CPU: 1   COMMAND: "multi-thread"
    PID: 2526   TASK: 1002f82b7f0       CPU: 1   COMMAND: "multi-thread"
      PID: 2527   TASK: 1003e1737f0       CPU: 1   COMMAND: "multi-thread"
      PID: 2528   TASK: 10035b4b7f0       CPU: 1   COMMAND: "multi-thread"
      PID: 2529   TASK: 1003f0c37f0       CPU: 1   COMMAND: "multi-thread"
      PID: 2530   TASK: 10035597030       CPU: 1   COMMAND: "multi-thread"
      PID: 2531   TASK: 100184be7f0       CPU: 1   COMMAND: "multi-thread"
  Display the resource limits of "bash" task 13896:

    crash> ps -r 13896
    PID: 13896  TASK: cf402000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "bash"
          CPU   (unlimited)   (unlimited)
        FSIZE   (unlimited)   (unlimited)
         DATA   (unlimited)   (unlimited)
        STACK    10485760     (unlimited)
         CORE   (unlimited)   (unlimited)
          RSS   (unlimited)   (unlimited)
        NPROC      4091          4091
       NOFILE      1024          1024
      MEMLOCK      4096          4096
           AS   (unlimited)   (unlimited)
        LOCKS   (unlimited)   (unlimited)
  Search for task names matching a POSIX regular expression:

     crash> ps 'migration*'
        PID    PPID  CPU       TASK        ST  %MEM    VSZ    RSS  COMM
           8      2   0  ffff8802128a2e20  IN   0.0      0      0  [migration/0]
          10      2   1  ffff880212969710  IN   0.0      0      0  [migration/1]
          15      2   2  ffff880212989710  IN   0.0      0      0  [migration/2]
          20      2   3  ffff8802129a9710  IN   0.0      0      0  [migration/3]

29. pte - translate a page table entry


  pte contents ...


  This command translates the hexadecimal contents of a PTE into its physical
  page address and page bit settings.  If the PTE references a swap location,
  the swap device and offset are displayed.


    crash> pte d8e067
    d8e067   d8e000   (PRESENT|RW|USER|ACCESSED|DIRTY)
    crash> pte 13f600
     PTE      SWAP     OFFSET
    13f600  /dev/hda2   5104

30. ptob - page to bytes


  ptob page_number ...


  This command translates a page frame number to its byte value.


    crash> ptob 512a
    512a: 512a000

31. ptov - physical to virtual

     per-cpu to virtual


  ptov [address | offset:cpuspec]


  This command translates a hexadecimal physical address into a kernel
  virtual address.  Alternatively, a hexadecimal per-cpu offset and
  cpu specifier will be translated into kernel virtual addresses for
  each cpu specified.

         address  a physical address
  offset:cpuspec  a per-cpu offset with a CPU specifier:
                    :             CPU of the currently selected task.
                    :a[ll]        all CPUs.
                    :#[-#][,...]  CPU list(s), e.g. "1,3,5", "1-3",
                                or "1,3,5-7,10".


  Translate physical address 56e000 into a kernel virtual address:

    crash> ptov 56e000
    VIRTUAL           PHYSICAL
    ffff88000056e000  56e000

  Translate per-cpu offset b0c0 into a kernel virtual address for
  all cpus:

    crash> ptov b0c0:a
    PER-CPU OFFSET: b0c0
      CPU    VIRTUAL
      [0]  ffff88021e20b0c0
      [1]  ffff88021e24b0c0
      [2]  ffff88021e28b0c0
      [3]  ffff88021e2cb0c0

32. rd - read memory


  rd [-adDsSupxmfNR][-8|-16|-32|-64][-o offs][-e addr][-r file][address|symbol]


  This command displays the contents of memory, with the output formatted
  in several different manners.  The starting address may be entered either
  symbolically or by address.  The default output size is the size of a long
  data type, and the default output format is hexadecimal.  When hexadecimal
  output is used, the output will be accompanied by an ASCII translation.

       -p  address argument is a physical address.
       -u  address argument is a user virtual address; only required on
           processors with common user and kernel virtual address spaces.
       -m  address argument is a xen host machine address.
       -f  address argument is a dumpfile offset.
       -d  display output in signed decimal format (default is hexadecimal).
       -D  display output in unsigned decimal format (default is hexadecimal).
       -s  displays output symbolically when appropriate.
    -S[S]  displays output symbolically when appropriate; if the memory
           contents reference a slab cache object, the name of the slab cache
           will be displayed in brackets.  If -S is entered twice, and the
           memory contents reference a slab cache object, both the memory
           contents and the name of the slab cache will be displayed in
       -x  do not display ASCII translation at end of each line.
       -8  display output in 8-bit values.
      -16  display output in 16-bit values.
      -32  display output in 32-bit values (default on 32-bit machines).
      -64  display output in 64-bit values (default on 64-bit machines).
       -a  display output in ASCII characters if the memory contains printable
           ASCII characters; if no count argument is entered, stop at the first
           non-printable character.
       -N  display output in network byte order (only valid for 16- and 32-bit
       -R  display memory in reverse order; memory will be displayed up to and
           including the address argument, requiring the count argument to be
           greater than 1 in order to display memory before the specified
  -o offs  offset the starting address by offs.
  -e addr  display memory until reaching specified ending hexadecimal address.
  -r file  dumps raw data to the specified output file; the number of bytes that
           are copied to the file must be specified either by a count argument
           or by the -e option.
  address  starting hexadecimal address:
             1  the default presumes a kernel virtual address.
             2. -p specifies a physical address.
             3. -u specifies a user virtual address, but is only necessary on
                processors with common user and kernel virtual address spaces.
   symbol  symbol of starting address to read.
    count  number of memory locations to display; if entered, it must be the
           last argument on the command line; if not entered, the count defaults
           to 1, or unlimited for -a; when used with the -r option, it is the
           number of bytes to be written to the file.


  Display the kernel's version string:

    crash> rd -a linux_banner
    c082a020:  Linux version 2.6.32-119.el6.i686 (mockbuild@hs20-bc2-4.buil
    c082a05c:  d.redhat.com) (gcc version 4.4.4 20100726 (Red Hat 4.4.4-13)
    c082a098:   (GCC) ) #1 SMP Tue Mar 1 18:16:57 EST 2011

  Display the same block of memory, first without symbols, again
  with symbols, and then with symbols and slab cache references:

    crash> rd f6e31f70 28
    f6e31f70:  f6e31f6c f779c180 c04a4032 00a9dd40   l.....y.2@J.@...
    f6e31f80:  00000fff c0472da0 f6e31fa4 f779c180   .....-G.......y.
    f6e31f90:  fffffff7 00a9b70f f6e31000 c04731ee   .............1G.
    f6e31fa0:  f6e31fa4 00000000 00000000 00000000   ................
    f6e31fb0:  00000000 00a9dd40 c0404f17 00000000   ....@....O@.....
    f6e31fc0:  00a9dd40 00000fff 00a9dd40 00a9b70f   @.......@.......
    f6e31fd0:  bf9e2718 ffffffda c040007b 0000007b   .'......{.@.{...
    crash> rd -s f6e31f70 28
    f6e31f70:  f6e31f6c f779c180 kmsg_read 00a9dd40 
    f6e31f80:  00000fff vfs_read+159 f6e31fa4 f779c180 
    f6e31f90:  fffffff7 00a9b70f f6e31000 sys_read+60 
    f6e31fa0:  f6e31fa4 00000000 00000000 00000000 
    f6e31fb0:  00000000 00a9dd40 syscall_call+7 00000000 
    f6e31fc0:  00a9dd40 00000fff 00a9dd40 00a9b70f 
    f6e31fd0:  bf9e2718 ffffffda startup_32+123 0000007b 
    crash> rd -S f6e31f70 28
    f6e31f70:  [size-4096] [filp]   kmsg_read 00a9dd40 
    f6e31f80:  00000fff vfs_read+159 [size-4096] [filp]   
    f6e31f90:  fffffff7 00a9b70f [size-4096] sys_read+60 
    f6e31fa0:  [size-4096] 00000000 00000000 00000000 
    f6e31fb0:  00000000 00a9dd40 syscall_call+7 00000000 
    f6e31fc0:  00a9dd40 00000fff 00a9dd40 00a9b70f 
    f6e31fd0:  bf9e2718 ffffffda startup_32+123 0000007b 
    crash> rd -SS f6e31f70 28
    f6e31f70:  [f6e31f6c:size-4096] [f779c180:filp] kmsg_read 00a9dd40 
    f6e31f80:  00000fff vfs_read+159 [f6e31fa4:size-4096] [f779c180:filp] 
    f6e31f90:  fffffff7 00a9b70f [f6e31000:size-4096] sys_read+60 
    f6e31fa0:  [f6e31fa4:size-4096] 00000000 00000000 00000000 
    f6e31fb0:  00000000 00a9dd40 syscall_call+7 00000000 
    f6e31fc0:  00a9dd40 00000fff 00a9dd40 00a9b70f 
    f6e31fd0:  bf9e2718 ffffffda startup_32+123 0000007b 

  Read jiffies in hexadecimal and decimal format:

    crash> rd jiffies
    c0213ae0:  0008cc3a                              :...

    crash> rd -d jiffies
    c0213ae0:        577376

  Access the same memory in different sizes:

    crash> rd -64 kernel_version
    c0226a6c:  35312d352e322e32                    2.2.5-15

    crash> rd -32 kernel_version 2
    c0226a6c:  2e322e32 35312d35                     2.2.5-15

    crash> rd -16 kernel_version 4
    c0226a6c:  2e32 2e32 2d35 3531                       2.2.5-15

    crash> rd -8 kernel_version 8 
    c0226a6c:  32 2e 32 2e 35 2d 31 35                           2.2.5-15

  Read the range of memory from c009bf2c to c009bf60:

    crash> rd c009bf2c -e c009bf60
    c009bf2c:  c009bf64 c01328c3 c009bf64 c0132838   d....(..d...8(..
    c009bf3c:  0000002a 00000004 c57d77e8 00000104   *........w}.....
    c009bf4c:  0000000b c009a000 7fffffff 00000000   ................
    c009bf5c:  00000000                              ....

33. repeat - repeat a command


  repeat [-seconds] command


  This command repeats a command indefinitely, optionally delaying a given
  number of seconds between each command execution.

    -seconds   The number of seconds to delay between command executions.
               This option must precede the command name to be executed.
  Command execution may be stopped with CTRL-C, or if scrolling is in effect,
  by entering "q".  This command is meant for use on a live system; it is
  hard to conceive of a reason to use it when debugging a crash dump.


  Display the value of jiffies once per second:

    crash> repeat -1 p jiffies
    jiffies = $1 = 155551079
    jiffies = $2 = 155551180
    jiffies = $3 = 155551281
    jiffies = $4 = 155551382
    jiffies = $5 = 155551483
    jiffies = $6 = 155551584
    jiffies = $7 = 155551685
    jiffies = $8 = 155551786
    jiffies = $9 = 155551887
    jiffies = $10 = 155551988
    jiffies = $11 = 155552089
    jiffies = $12 = 155552190
    jiffies = $13 = 155552291
    jiffies = $14 = 155552392
    jiffies = $15 = 155552493
    jiffies = $16 = 155552594
    jiffies = $17 = 155552695
    jiffies = $18 = 155552796

34. runq - run queue


  runq [-t] [-T] [-m] [-g] [-c cpu(s)]


  With no argument, this command displays the tasks on the run queues
  of each cpu.
     -t  Display the timestamp information of each cpu's runqueue, which is the
         rq.clock, rq.most_recent_timestamp or rq.timestamp_last_tick value,
         whichever applies; following each cpu timestamp is the last_run or 
         timestamp value of the active task on that cpu, whichever applies, 
         along with the task identification.
     -T  Display the time lag of each CPU relative to the most recent runqueue
     -m  Display the amount of time that the active task on each cpu has been
         running, expressed in a format consisting of days, hours, minutes, 
         seconds and milliseconds.
     -g  Display tasks hierarchically by task_group.  The task_group line shows
         the task_group address, the cfs_rq or rt_rq address, the task_group
         name (if any), and whether the task_group is throttled.
 -c cpu  restrict the output to the run queue data of one or more CPUs,
         which can be specified using the format "3", "1,8,9", "1-23",
         or "1,8,9-14".


 Display the tasks on an O(1) scheduler run queue:

    crash> runq
    CPU 0 RUNQUEUE: ffff880001cdb460
      CURRENT: PID: 2739   TASK: ffff8800320fa7e0  COMMAND: "bash"
      ACTIVE PRIO_ARRAY: ffff880001cdb4d8
         [115] PID: 2739   TASK: ffff8800320fa7e0  COMMAND: "bash"
               PID: 1776   TASK: ffff88003217d820  COMMAND: "syslogd"
      EXPIRED PRIO_ARRAY: ffff880001cdbdb8
         [no tasks queued]
    CPU 1 RUNQUEUE: ffff880001ce3460
      CURRENT: PID: 1779   TASK: ffff88003207a860  COMMAND: "klogd"
      ACTIVE PRIO_ARRAY: ffff880001ce34d8
         [115] PID: 1779   TASK: ffff88003207a860  COMMAND: "klogd"
      EXPIRED PRIO_ARRAY: ffff880001ce3db8
         [no tasks queued]
 Display the tasks on a CFS run queue:

    crash> runq
    CPU 0 RUNQUEUE: ffff8800090436c0
      CURRENT: PID: 588    TASK: ffff88007e4877a0  COMMAND: "udevd"
      RT PRIO_ARRAY: ffff8800090437c8
         [no tasks queued]
      CFS RB_ROOT: ffff880009043740
         [118] PID: 2110   TASK: ffff88007d470860  COMMAND: "check-cdrom.sh"
         [118] PID: 2109   TASK: ffff88007f1247a0  COMMAND: "check-cdrom.sh"
         [118] PID: 2114   TASK: ffff88007f20e080  COMMAND: "udevd"
    CPU 1 RUNQUEUE: ffff88000905b6c0
      CURRENT: PID: 2113   TASK: ffff88007e8ac140  COMMAND: "udevd"
      RT PRIO_ARRAY: ffff88000905b7c8
         [no tasks queued]
      CFS RB_ROOT: ffff88000905b740
         [118] PID: 2092   TASK: ffff88007d7a4760  COMMAND: "MAKEDEV"
         [118] PID: 1983   TASK: ffff88007e59f140  COMMAND: "udevd"
         [118] PID: 2064   TASK: ffff88007e40f7a0  COMMAND: "udevd"
         [115] PID: 2111   TASK: ffff88007e4278a0  COMMAND: "kthreadd"
 Display run queue timestamp data:

    crash> runq -t 
    CPU 0: 2680990637359
           2680986653330  PID: 28228  TASK: ffff880037ca2ac0  COMMAND: "loop"
    CPU 1: 2680940618478
           2680940618478  PID: 28167  TASK: ffff880078130040  COMMAND: "bash"
    CPU 2: 2680990763425
           2680986785772  PID: 28227  TASK: ffff8800787780c0  COMMAND: "loop"
    CPU 3: 2680990954469
           2680986059540  PID: 28226  TASK: ffff880078778b00  COMMAND: "loop"
 Display the amount of time the active task on each cpu has been running:

    crash> runq -m
     CPU 0: [0 00:00:00.014]  PID: 5275  TASK: f5dbcaa0  COMMAND: "sh"
     CPU 1: [0 00:00:00.002]  PID: 5203  TASK: f5c7baa0  COMMAND: "cat"
     CPU 2: [0 00:00:00.014]  PID: 7971  TASK: f5c6c550  COMMAND: "khelper"
     CPU 3: [0 00:00:00.002]  PID: 0     TASK: f4ccd000  COMMAND: "swapper"
 Display tasks hierarchically by task_group:

  crash> runq -g 
  CPU 0
    CURRENT: PID: 14734  TASK: ffff88010626f500  COMMAND: "sh"
    ROOT_TASK_GROUP: ffffffff81ed93e0  RT_RQ: ffff880028216808
       [  0] TASK_GROUP: ffff88022c6bbc00 RT_RQ: ffff880139fc9800 (THROTTLED)
            [  0] PID: 14750  TASK: ffff88013a4dd540  COMMAND: "rtloop99"
            [  1] PID: 14748  TASK: ffff88013bbca040  COMMAND: "rtloop98"
            [  1] TASK_GROUP: ffff88012b0fb400 RT_RQ: ffff880089029000 
                  [  1] PID: 14752  TASK: ffff880088abf500  COMMAND: "rtloop98"
            [ 54] PID: 14749  TASK: ffff880037a4e080  COMMAND: "rtloop45"
            [ 98] PID: 14746  TASK: ffff88012678c080  COMMAND: "rtloop1"
    ROOT_TASK_GROUP: ffffffff81ed93e0  CFS_RQ: ffff8800282166e8
       [120] PID: 14740  TASK: ffff88013b1e6080  COMMAND: "sh"
       [120] PID: 14738  TASK: ffff88012678d540  COMMAND: "sh"
       [120] PID: 14734  TASK: ffff88010626f500  COMMAND: "sh" [CURRENT]
       TASK_GROUP: ffff884052bc9800 CFS_RQ: ffff8831e4a1b000 (THROTTLED)
          [120] PID: 14732  TASK: ffff88013bbcb500  COMMAND: "sh"
          [120] PID: 14728  TASK: ffff8800b3496080  COMMAND: "sh"
          [120] PID: 14730  TASK: ffff880037833540  COMMAND: "sh"
       TASK_GROUP: ffff884058f1d000 CFS_RQ: ffff88120a101600 (THROTTLED)
          [120] PID: 14726  TASK: ffff880138d42aa0  COMMAND: "sh"
 Display tasks hierarchically by task_group for cpu 3 only:

  crash> runq -g -c3
  CPU 3
    CURRENT: PID: 2948   TASK: ffff88022af2a100  COMMAND: "bash"
    INIT_TASK_GROUP: ffffffff81e1a780  RT_RQ: ffff880028216148
       [no tasks queued]
    INIT_TASK_GROUP: ffffffff81e1a780  CFS_RQ: ffff880028216028
       [120] PID: 2948   TASK: ffff88022af2a100  COMMAND: "bash" [CURRENT]
       TASK_GROUP: ffff88012b880800  CFS_RQ: ffff88012c5d1000  <libvirt>
          TASK_GROUP: ffff88012c078000  CFS_RQ: ffff88012c663e00  <qemu>
             TASK_GROUP: ffff88022c7f4c00  CFS_RQ: ffff88012bb56000  <guest2>
                TASK_GROUP: ffff88022b621400  CFS_RQ: ffff88012b012000  <vcpu0>
                   [120] PID: 3248   TASK: ffff88012a9d4100  COMMAND: "qemu-kvm"

35. sbitmapq - sbitmap_queue struct contents


  sbitmapq [-s struct[.member[,member]] -a address [-p] [-v]] -[x|d] address


  The command dumps the contents of the sbitmap_queue structure and
  the used bits in the bitmap. Also, it shows the dump of a structure
  array associated with the sbitmap_queue.

  The arguments are as follows:

   -s struct  name of a C-code structure, that is stored in an array
              associated with sbitmap_queue structure. Use the
              "struct.member" format in order to display a particular
              member of the structure. -s option requires -a option
  -a address  address of a structure array associated with sbitmap_queue
              structure. The set bits in sbitmap are used for the index
              in an associated array.
          -p  associated with sbitmap_queue array contains the points of
          -x  override default output format with hexadecimal format.
          -d  override default output format with decimal format.
          -v  By default, the sbitmap command shows only a used sbitmap
              index and a structure address in the associated array.
              This flag says to print a formatted display of the
              contents of a structure in an associated array. -v option
              requires of -s.


  All examples are shown on the base of Linux Target system with iSCSI

  Display the common sbitmap information for target session:

    crash> struct -oh se_session 0xc0000000e118c760 | grep sbitmap_queue
      [c0000000e118c808] struct sbitmap_queue sess_tag_pool;
    crash> sbitmapq c0000000e118c808
    depth = 136
    busy = 4
    cleared = 26
    bits_per_word = 32
    map_nr = 5
    alloc_hint = {74, 36, 123, 101}
    wake_batch = 8
    wake_index = 0
    ws_active = 0
    ws = {
            { .wait_cnt = 8, .wait = inactive },
            { .wait_cnt = 8, .wait = inactive },
            { .wait_cnt = 8, .wait = inactive },
            { .wait_cnt = 8, .wait = inactive },
            { .wait_cnt = 8, .wait = inactive },
            { .wait_cnt = 8, .wait = inactive },
            { .wait_cnt = 8, .wait = inactive },
            { .wait_cnt = 8, .wait = inactive },
    round_robin = 0
    min_shallow_depth = 4294967295

    00000000: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0030 0000 0000 0000
    00000010: 00

  Display the addresses of structure are associated with
  sbitmap_queue (for iscsi it is 'iscsi_cmd' structure):

    crash> struct se_session 0xc0000000e118c760 | grep sess_cmd_map
      sess_cmd_map = 0xc0000000671c0000,
    crash> sbitmapq -s iscsi_cmd -a 0xc0000000671c0000 c0000000e118c808
    76: 0xc0000000671d5600
    77: 0xc0000000671d5a80

  Dump of formatted content of structures:

    crash> sbitmapq -s iscsi_cmd -a 0xc0000000671c0000 -v c0000000e118c808
    76 (0xc0000000671d5600):
    struct iscsi_cmd {
      dataout_timer_flags = 0,
      dataout_timeout_retries = 0 '\000',
      error_recovery_count = 0 '\000',
      deferred_i_state = ISTATE_NO_STATE,
      i_state = ISTATE_SENT_STATUS,
      first_data_sg = 0xc0000000e306b080,
      first_data_sg_off = 0,
      kmapped_nents = 1,
      sense_reason = 0
    77 (0xc0000000671d5a80):
    struct iscsi_cmd {
      dataout_timer_flags = 0,
      dataout_timeout_retries = 0 '\000',
      error_recovery_count = 0 '\000',
      deferred_i_state = ISTATE_NO_STATE,
      i_state = ISTATE_NEW_CMD,
      first_data_sg = 0x0,
      first_data_sg_off = 0,
      kmapped_nents = 0,
      sense_reason = 0

36. search - search memory


  search [-s start] [ -[kKV] | -u | -p | -t | -T ] [-e end | -l length] [-m mask]
         [-x count] -[cwh] [value | (expression) | symbol | string] ...


  This command searches for a given value within a range of user virtual, kernel
  virtual, or physical memory space.  If no end nor length value is entered, 
  then the search stops at the end of user virtual, kernel virtual, or physical
  address space, whichever is appropriate.
  An optional mask value may be entered to mask off "don't care" bits.

    -s start  Start the search at this hexadecimal user or kernel virtual 
              address, physical address, or kernel symbol.  The start address
              must be appropriate for the memory type specified; if no memory
              type is specified, the default is kernel virtual address space.
          -k  If no start address is specified, start the search at the base
              of kernel virtual address space.  This option is the default.
          -K  Same as -k, except that mapped kernel virtual memory that was
              allocated by vmalloc(), module memory, or virtual mem_map regions
              will not be searched.
          -V  Same as -k, except that unity-mapped kernel virtual memory and
              mapped kernel-text/static-data (x86_64 and ia64) will not be
          -u  If no start address is specified, start the search at the base
              of the current context's user virtual address space.  If a start
              address is specified, then this option specifies that the start
              address is a user virtual address.
          -p  If no start address is specified, start the search at the base
              of physical address space.  If a start address is specified,
              then this option specifies that the start address is a physical 
          -t  Search only the kernel stack pages of every task.  If one or more
              matches are found in a task's kernel stack, precede the output
              with a task-identifying header.
          -T  Same as -t, except only the active task(s) are considered.
      -e end  Stop the search at this hexadecimal user or kernel virtual
              address, kernel symbol, or physical address.  The end address
              must be appropriate for the memory type specified.
   -l length  Length in bytes of address range to search.
     -m mask  Ignore the bits that are set in the hexadecimal mask value.
          -c  Search for character string values instead of unsigned longs.  If
              the string contains any space(s), it must be encompassed by double
          -w  Search for unsigned hexadecimal ints instead of unsigned longs.
              This is only meaningful on 64-bit systems in order to search both
              the upper and lower 32-bits of each 64-bit long for the value.
          -h  Search for unsigned hexadecimal shorts instead of unsigned longs.
    -x count  Display the memory contents before and after any found value.  The
              before and after memory context will consist of "count" memory
              items of the same size as the "value" argument.  This option is
              not applicable with the -c option.
       value  Search for this hexadecimal long, unless modified by the -c, -w, 
              or -h options.
(expression)  Search for the value of this expression; the expression value must
              not overflow the designated size when -h or -w are used; not
              applicable when used with the -c option.
      symbol  Search for this symbol value; the symbol value must not overflow
              the designated size when -h or -w are used; not applicable when 
              used with the -c option.
      string  Search for character string values; if the string contains any 
              space(s), it must be encompassed by double quotes; only applicable
              with the -c option.
  If -k, -K, -V, -u, -p or -t are not used, then the search defaults to kernel
  virtual address space.  The starting address must be long-word aligned. 
  Address ranges that start in user space and end in kernel space are not


  Search the current context's address space for all instances of 0xdeadbeef:

    crash> search -u deadbeef
    81aba5c: deadbeef
    81abaa8: deadbeef
    bfffc698: deadbeef
    bffff390: deadbeef

  Search all kernel memory above the kernel text space for all instances
  of 0xabcd occurring in the lower 16-bits of each 32-bit word: 

    crash> search -s _etext -m ffff0000 abcd
    c071481c: abcd
    c0c2b0fc: 804abcd
    c0cf5e74: 7489abcd
    c17c0b44: c012abcd
    c1dac730: 3dbeabcd
    c226d0e8: ffffabcd
    c23ed5dc: abcd
    c3022544: 3dbeabcd
    c3069b58: 3dbeabcd
    c3e86e84: aabcd
    c3e88ed0: aabcd
    c3e8ee5c: aabcd
    c3e9df50: aabcd
    c3e9e930: aabcd
    c440a778: 804abcd
    c486eb44: 3dbeabcd
    c578f0fc: 804abcd
    c6394f90: 8ababcd
    c65219f0: 3abcd
    c661399c: abcd
    c68514ac: 8abcd
    c7e036bc: 3dbeabcd
    c7e12568: 5abcd
    c7e1256c: 5abcd

  Search the 4K page at c532c000 for all instances of 0xffffffff:

    crash> search -s c532c000 -l 4096 ffffffff
    c532c33c: ffffffff
    c532c3fc: ffffffff

  Search the static kernel data area for all instances of c2d400eb:

    crash> search -s _etext -e _edata c2d400eb
    c022b550: c2d400eb
    c022b590: c2d400eb
    c022b670: c2d400eb
    c022b6e0: c2d400eb
    c022b7b0: c2d400eb
    c022b7e0: c2d400eb
    c022b8b0: c2d400eb

  Search physical memory for all instances of 0xbabe occurring in the
  upper 16 bits of each 32-bit word:

    crash> search -p babe0000 -m ffff
    2a1dc4: babe671e
    2b6928: babe3de1
    2f99ac: babe0d54
    31843c: babe70b9
    3ba920: babeb5d7
    413ce4: babe7540
    482747c: babe2600
    48579a4: babe2600
    4864a68: babe2600

  Search physical memory for all instances of 0xbabe occurring in the
  upper 16 bits of each 32-bit word on a 64-bit system:

    crash> search -p babe0000 -m ffff -w
    102e248: babe1174
    11d2f90: babe813d
    122d3ad70: babe6b27
    124d8cd30: babe3dc8
    124d8eefc: babef981
    124d8f060: babe3dc8
    124d8f17c: babefc81

  Search kernel memory for all instances of 32-bit value 0xbabe1174
  on a 64-bit system:

    crash> search -k -w babe1174
    ffff88000102e248: babe1174
    ffffffff8102e248: babe1174

  Search kernel memory for two strings:

    crash> search -k -c "can't allocate memory" "Failure to"
    ffff8800013ddec1: can't allocate memory for key lists..<3>%s %s: error con
    ffff8801258be748: Failure to install fence: %d..<3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Failed
    ffff880125f07ec9: can't allocate memory..<3>ACPI: Invalid data..Too many d
    ffffffff813ddec1: can't allocate memory for key lists..<3>%s %s: error con

  Search the kernel stacks of all tasks for those that contain the inode
  address ffff81002c0a3050:

    crash> search -t ffff81002c0a3050
    PID: 4876   TASK: ffff81003e9f5860  CPU: 7   COMMAND: "automount"
    ffff8100288fbe98: ffff81002c0a3050
    PID: 4880   TASK: ffff81003ce967a0  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "automount"
    ffff81002c0fbdd8: ffff81002c0a3050
    ffff81002c0fbe78: ffff81002c0a3050

  When a kernel symbol or an (expression) is used an argument, both the
  resultant value and the input string are displayed:

    crash> search anon_inode_inode (__down_interruptible+191)
    ffff81000222a728: ffffffff80493d60 (anon_inode_inode)
    ffff810005a1e918: ffffffff800649d6 (__down_interruptible+191)
    ffff810005a1e9d0: ffffffff800649d6 (__down_interruptible+191)
    ffff810005a1eb48: ffffffff800649d6 (__down_interruptible+191)
    ffff81000b409c60: ffffffff80493d60 (anon_inode_inode)
    ffff81000c155b98: ffffffff80493d60 (anon_inode_inode)
    ffff8100194fac70: ffffffff80493d60 (anon_inode_inode)
    ffff81001daa1008: ffffffff80493d60 (anon_inode_inode)
    ffff810028b95830: ffffffff800649d6 (__down_interruptible+191)
    ffff81002cea0c70: ffffffff80493d60 (anon_inode_inode)
    ffff810031327268: ffffffff80493d60 (anon_inode_inode)
    ffff810031327270: ffffffff800649d6 (__down_interruptible+191)
    ffff810034b1ccd0: ffffffff800649d6 (__down_interruptible+191)
    ffff8100399565a8: ffffffff80493d60 (anon_inode_inode)
    ffff81003a278cd0: ffffffff800649d6 (__down_interruptible+191)
    ffff81003cc23e08: ffffffff800649d6 (__down_interruptible+191)

37. set - set a process context or internal crash variable


  set [[-a] [pid | taskp] | [-c cpu] | -p] | [crash_variable [setting]] | -v


  This command either sets a new context, or gets the current context for
  display.  The context can be set by the use of:

      pid  a process PID.
    taskp  a hexadecimal task_struct pointer.
       -a  sets the pid or task as the active task on its cpu (dumpfiles only).
   -c cpu  sets the context to the active task on a cpu (dumpfiles only).
       -p  sets the context to the panic task, or back to the crash task on
           a live system.
       -v  display the current state of internal crash variables.

  If no argument is entered, the current context is displayed.  The context
  consists of the PID, the task pointer, the CPU, and task state.  The task
  state shows the bits found in both the task_struct state and exit_state
  This command may also be used to set internal crash variables.  If no value
  argument is entered, the current value of the crash variable is shown.  These
  are the crash variables, acceptable arguments, and purpose:

          scroll  on | off     controls output scrolling.
          scroll  less         /usr/bin/less as the output scrolling program.
          scroll  more         /bin/more as the output scrolling program.
          scroll  CRASHPAGER   use CRASHPAGER environment variable as the
                               output scrolling program.
           radix  10 | 16      sets output radix to 10 or 16.
         refresh  on | off     controls internal task list refresh.
       print_max  number       set maximum number of array elements to print.
     print_array  on | off     if on, set gdb's printing of arrays to "pretty"
                               format, with one line per element.
         console  device-name  sets debug console device.
           debug  number       sets crash debug level.
            core  on | off     if on, drops core when the next error message
                               is displayed.
            hash  on | off     controls internal list verification.
          silent  on | off     turns off initialization messages; turns off
                               crash prompt during input file execution. 
                               (scrolling is turned off if silent is on)
            edit  vi | emacs   set line editing mode (from .crashrc file only).
        namelist  filename     name of kernel (from .crashrc file only).
   zero_excluded  on | off     controls whether excluded pages, or pages that
                               are missing from an incomplete dumpfile, should
                               return zero-filled memory when read.
       null-stop  on | off     if on, gdb's printing of character arrays will
                               stop at the first NULL encountered.
             gdb  on | off     if on, the crash session will be run in a mode
                               where all commands will be passed directly to
                               gdb, and the command prompt will change to 
                               "gdb>"; when running in this mode, native crash
                               commands may be executed by preceding them with
                               the "crash" directive.
           scope  text-addr    sets the text scope for viewing the definition
                               of data structures; the "text-addr" argument
                               must be a kernel or module text address, which
                               may be expressed symbolically or as a hexadecimal
                               value; set scope 0 to un-set.
         offline  show | hide  show or hide command output that is associated
                               with offline cpus.
         redzone  on | off     if on, CONFIG_SLUB object addresses displayed by
                               the kmem command will point to the SLAB_RED_ZONE
                               padding inserted at the beginning of the object.
   error  default | redirect | filename   set the destination of error messages.
                               "default": error messages are always displayed
                                 on the console; if the output of a command is
                                 piped to an external command or redirected
                                 to a file, the error messages are also sent
                                 to the pipe or file.
                               "redirect": if the output of a command is piped
                                 to an external command or redirected to a file,
                                 error messages are only sent to the pipe or
                                 file; otherwise they are displayed on the
                               "filename": error messages are only sent to the
                                 specified filename; they are not displayed on
                                 the console and are not sent to a pipe or file.
  Internal variables may be set in four manners:

    1. entering the set command in $HOME/.crashrc.
    2. entering the set command in .crashrc in the current directory.
    3. executing an input file containing the set command.
    4. during runtime with this command.

  During initialization, $HOME/.crashrc is read first, followed by the
  .crashrc file in the current directory.  Set commands in the .crashrc file
  in the current directory override those in $HOME/.crashrc.  Set commands 
  entered with this command or by runtime input file override those
  defined in either .crashrc file.  Multiple set command arguments or argument
  pairs may be entered in one command line.


  Set the current context to task c2fe8000:

    crash> set c2fe8000
         PID: 15917
     COMMAND: "bash"
        TASK: c2fe8000  
         CPU: 0

  Set the context back to the panicking task:

    crash> set -p
         PID: 698
     COMMAND: "gen12"
        TASK: f9d78000
         CPU: 2

  Turn off output scrolling:

    crash> set scroll off
    scroll: off (/usr/bin/less)
  Show the current state of crash internal variables:

    crash> set -v
            scroll: on (/usr/bin/less)
             radix: 10 (decimal)
           refresh: on
         print_max: 256
       print_array: off
           console: /dev/pts/2
             debug: 0
              core: off
              hash: on
            silent: off
              edit: vi
          namelist: vmlinux
     zero_excluded: off
         null-stop: on
               gdb: off
             scope: (not set)
           offline: show
           redzone: on
             error: default
  Show the current context:

    crash> set
         PID: 1525
     COMMAND: "bash"
        TASK: c1ede000
         CPU: 0

38. sig - task signal handling


  sig [[-l] | [-s sigset]] | [-g] [pid | taskp] ...


  This command displays signal-handling data of one or more tasks.  Multiple
  task or PID numbers may be entered; if no arguments are entered, the signal
  handling data of the current context will be displayed.  The default display
    1.  A formatted dump of the "sig" signal_struct structure referenced by
        the task_struct.  For each defined signal, it shows the sigaction
        structure address, the signal handler, the signal sigset_t mask 
        (also expressed as a 64-bit hexadecimal value), and the flags.
    2.  Whether the task has an unblocked signal pending.
    3.  The contents of the "blocked" and "signal" sigset_t structures
        from the task_struct/signal_struct, both of which are represented 
        as a 64-bit hexadecimal value.
    4.  For each queued signal, private and/or shared, if any, its signal
        number and associated siginfo structure address.
  The -l option lists the signal numbers and their name(s).  The -s option
  translates a 64-bit hexadecimal value representing the contents of a
  sigset_t structure into the signal names whose bits are set.
        pid  a process PID.
      taskp  a hexadecimal task_struct pointer.
         -g  displays signal information for all threads in a task's 
             thread group.
         -l  displays the defined signal numbers and names.
  -s sigset  translates a 64-bit hexadecimal value representing a sigset_t
             into a list of signal names associated with the bits set.


  Dump the signal-handling data of PID 8970:

    crash> sig 8970
    PID: 8970   TASK: f67d8560  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "procsig"
    SIGNAL_STRUCT: f6018680  COUNT: 1
     [1]  f7877684  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0 
     [2]  f7877698  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0 
     [8]  f7877710  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0 
     [9]  f7877724  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0 
    [10]  f7877738  804867a 0000000000000000 80000000 (SA_RESETHAND)
    [11]  f787774c  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0 
    [12]  f7877760  804867f 0000000000000000 10000004 (SA_SIGINFO|SA_RESTART)
    [13]  f7877774  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0 
    [31]  f78778dc  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0 
    [32]  f78778f0  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0 
    [33]  f7877904  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0 
    [34]  f7877918  804867f 0000000000000000 10000004 (SA_SIGINFO|SA_RESTART)
    [35]  f787792c  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0 
    [36]  f7877940  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0 
    [58]  f7877af8  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0 
    [59]  f7877b0c  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0 
    [60]  f7877b20  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0 
    [61]  f7877b34  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0 
    [62]  f7877b48  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0 
    [63]  f7877b5c  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0 
    [64]  f7877b70  804867f 0000000000000000 10000004 (SA_SIGINFO|SA_RESTART)
      BLOCKED: 8000000200000800
       SIGNAL: 0000000200000800
                 12  f51b9c84
                 34  f51b9594
       SIGNAL: 8000000000000800
                 12  f51b9188
                 64  f51b9d18
                 64  f51b9500
  Dump the signal-handling data for all tasks in the thread group containing
  PID 2578:

    crash> sig -g 2578
    PID: 2387   TASK: f617d020  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "slapd"
    SIGNAL_STRUCT: f7dede00  COUNT: 6
    [1]  c1f60c04   a258a7 0000000000000000 10000000 (SA_RESTART)
    [2]  c1f60c18   a258a7 0000000000000000 10000000 (SA_RESTART)
    [3]  c1f60c2c  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0
    [4]  c1f60c40  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0
    [5]  c1f60c54   a258a7 0000000000000000 10000000 (SA_RESTART)
    [6]  c1f60c68  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0
    [7]  c1f60c7c  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0
    [8]  c1f60c90  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0
    [9]  c1f60ca4  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0
   [10]  c1f60cb8   a25911 0000000000000000 10000000 (SA_RESTART)
   [64]  c1f610f0  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0
       SIGNAL: 0000000000000000
     SIGQUEUE: (empty)
     PID: 2387   TASK: f617d020  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "slapd"
        BLOCKED: 0000000000000000
         SIGNAL: 0000000000000000
       SIGQUEUE: (empty)
     PID: 2392   TASK: f6175aa0  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "slapd"
        BLOCKED: 0000000000000000
         SIGNAL: 0000000000000000
       SIGQUEUE: (empty)
     PID: 2523   TASK: f7cd4aa0  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "slapd"
        BLOCKED: 0000000000000000
         SIGNAL: 0000000000000000
       SIGQUEUE: (empty)
  Translate the sigset_t mask value, cut-and-pasted from the signal handling
  data from signals 1 and 10 above:
    crash> sig -s 800A000000000201
  List the signal numbers and their names:
    crash> sig -l
     [1] SIGHUP
     [2] SIGINT
     [3] SIGQUIT
     [4] SIGILL
     [5] SIGTRAP
     [7] SIGBUS
     [8] SIGFPE
     [9] SIGKILL
    [10] SIGUSR1
    [11] SIGSEGV
    [12] SIGUSR2
    [13] SIGPIPE
    [14] SIGALRM
    [15] SIGTERM
    [16] SIGSTKFLT
    [18] SIGCONT
    [19] SIGSTOP
    [20] SIGTSTP
    [21] SIGTTIN
    [22] SIGTTOU
    [23] SIGURG
    [24] SIGXCPU
    [25] SIGXFSZ
    [26] SIGVTALRM
    [27] SIGPROF
    [28] SIGWINCH
    [30] SIGPWR
    [31] SIGSYS
    [32] SIGRTMIN
    [33] SIGRTMIN+1
    [34] SIGRTMIN+2
    [35] SIGRTMIN+3
    [36] SIGRTMIN+4
    [37] SIGRTMIN+5
    [38] SIGRTMIN+6
    [39] SIGRTMIN+7
    [40] SIGRTMIN+8
    [41] SIGRTMIN+9
    [42] SIGRTMIN+10
    [43] SIGRTMIN+11
    [44] SIGRTMIN+12
    [45] SIGRTMIN+13
    [46] SIGRTMIN+14
    [47] SIGRTMIN+15
    [48] SIGRTMIN+16
    [49] SIGRTMAX-15
    [50] SIGRTMAX-14
    [51] SIGRTMAX-13
    [52] SIGRTMAX-12
    [53] SIGRTMAX-11
    [54] SIGRTMAX-10
    [55] SIGRTMAX-9
    [56] SIGRTMAX-8
    [57] SIGRTMAX-7
    [58] SIGRTMAX-6
    [59] SIGRTMAX-5
    [60] SIGRTMAX-4
    [61] SIGRTMAX-3
    [62] SIGRTMAX-2
    [63] SIGRTMAX-1
    [64] SIGRTMAX

39. struct - structure contents


  struct struct_name[.member[,member]][-o][-l offset][-rfuxdp]
         [address | symbol][:cpuspec] [count | -c count]


  This command displays either a structure definition, or a formatted display
  of the contents of a structure at a specified address.  When no address is
  specified, the structure definition is shown along with the structure size.
  A structure member may be appended to the structure name in order to limit
  the scope of the data displayed to that particular member; when no address
  is specified, the member's offset and definition are shown.

    struct_name  name of a C-code structure used by the kernel.
        .member  name of a structure member; to display multiple members of a
                 structure, use a comma-separated list of members.  If any
                 member contains an embedded structure, or the member is an 
                 array, the output may be restricted to just the embedded 
                 structure or an array element by expressing the member argument
                 as "member.member" or "member[index]"; embedded member
                 specifications may extend beyond one level deep, by expressing
                 the member argument as "member.member.member...".
             -o  show member offsets when displaying structure definitions; 
                 if used with an address or symbol argument, each member will
                 be preceded by its virtual address.
      -l offset  if the address argument is a pointer to a structure member that
                 is contained by the target data structure, typically a pointer
                 to an embedded list_head, the offset to the embedded member may
                 be entered in either of the following manners:
                   1. in "structure.member" format.
                   2. a number of bytes. 
             -r  raw dump of structure data.
             -f  address argument is a dumpfile offset.
             -u  address argument is a user virtual address in the current
             -x  override default output format with hexadecimal format.
             -d  override default output format with decimal format.
             -p  if a structure member is a pointer value, show the member's
                 data type on the output line; and on the subsequent line(s),
                 dereference the pointer, display the pointer target's symbol
                 value in brackets if appropriate, and if possible, display the
                 target data; requires an address argument.
        address  hexadecimal address of a structure; if the address points
                 to an embedded list_head structure contained within the
                 target data structure, then the "-l" option must be used.
         symbol  symbolic reference to the address of a structure.
       :cpuspec  CPU specification for a per-cpu address or symbol:
                   :             CPU of the currently selected task.
                   :a[ll]        all CPUs.
                   :#[-#][,...]  CPU list(s), e.g. "1,3,5", "1-3",
                                 or "1,3,5-7,10".
          count  count of structures to dump from an array of structures;
                 if used, this must be the last argument entered.
       -c count  "-c" is only required if "count" is not the last argument
                 entered or if a negative number is entered; if a negative
                 value is entered, the (positive) "count" structures that
                 lead up to and include the target structure will be displayed.

  Structure data, sizes, and member offsets are shown in the current output
  radix unless the -x or -d option is specified.
  Please note that in the vast majority of cases, the "struct" command
  name may be dropped; if the structure name does not conflict with any crash
  or gdb command name, then the "struct_name[.member]" argument will be
  recognized as a structure name, and this command automatically executed.
  See the NOTE below.


  Display the vm_area_struct at address c1e44f10:

    crash> struct vm_area_struct c1e44f10
    struct vm_area_struct {
      vm_mm = 0xc2857750,
      vm_start = 0x8048000, 
      vm_end = 0x80a5000, 
      vm_next = 0xc1e44a10,
      vm_page_prot = {
        pgprot = 0x25      
      vm_flags = 0x1875,
      vm_avl_height = 0x2,   
      vm_avl_left = 0xc30fe200,
      vm_avl_right = 0xc30fed00,
      vm_next_share = 0x0,       
      vm_pprev_share = 0xc1e44a30,
      vm_ops = 0xc0215ca0,
      vm_offset = 0x0,       
      vm_file = 0xc0bfdc70,
      vm_pte = 0   

  Display the definition and size of a vm_area_struct structure.  This first
  example below displays just the structure and size.  The second example
  uses the -o option to also display member offsets.  Both examples were
  run with the output radix set to 10 (decimal):

    crash> struct vm_area_struct
    struct vm_area_struct {
        struct mm_struct *vm_mm;
        long unsigned int vm_start;
        long unsigned int vm_end;
        struct vm_area_struct *vm_next;
        pgprot_t vm_page_prot;
        short unsigned int vm_flags;
        short int vm_avl_height;
        struct vm_area_struct *vm_avl_left;
        struct vm_area_struct *vm_avl_right;
        struct vm_area_struct *vm_next_share;
        struct vm_area_struct **vm_pprev_share;
        struct vm_operations_struct *vm_ops;
        long unsigned int vm_offset;
        struct file *vm_file;
        long unsigned int vm_pte;
    SIZE: 56

    crash> struct vm_area_struct -o
    struct vm_area_struct {
       [0] struct mm_struct *vm_mm;
       [4] long unsigned int vm_start;
       [8] long unsigned int vm_end;
      [12] struct vm_area_struct *vm_next;
      [16] pgprot_t vm_page_prot;
      [20] short unsigned int vm_flags;
      [22] short int vm_avl_height;
      [24] struct vm_area_struct *vm_avl_left;
      [28] struct vm_area_struct *vm_avl_right;
      [32] struct vm_area_struct *vm_next_share;
      [36] struct vm_area_struct **vm_pprev_share;
      [40] struct vm_operations_struct *vm_ops;
      [44] long unsigned int vm_offset;
      [48] struct file *vm_file;
      [52] long unsigned int vm_pte;
    SIZE: 56

  Display the definition and offset of the pgd member of an mm_struct:

    crash> struct mm_struct.pgd
    struct mm_struct {
       [80] pgd_t *pgd;

  Display the pgd member of the mm_struct at address ffff810022e7d080:

    crash> struct mm_struct.pgd ffff810022e7d080
      pgd = 0xffff81000e3ac000

  Display the pgd_t pointed to by the mm_struct.pgd pointer above, forcing
  the output to be expressed in hexadecimal:

    crash> mm_struct.pgd ffff810022e7d080 -px
      pgd_t *pgd = 0xffff81000e3ac000
      -> {
           pgd = 0x2c0a6067

  Display the thread_info structure pointed to by the thread_info
  member of the task_struct at ffff8100181190c0:

    crash> task_struct.thread_info ffff8100181190c0 -p
      struct thread_info *thread_info = 0xffff810023c06000
      -> {
           task = 0xffff8100181190c0,
           exec_domain = 0xffffffff802f78e0,
           flags = 128,
           status = 1,
           cpu = 3,
           preempt_count = 0,
           addr_limit = {
             seg = 18446604435732824064
           restart_block = {
             fn = 0xffffffff80095a52 <do_no_restart_syscall>,
             arg0 = 0,
             arg1 = 0,
             arg2 = 0,
             arg3 = 0

  Display the flags and virtual members of 4 contiguous page structures
  in the mem_map page structure array:

    crash> page.flags,virtual c101196c 4
      flags = 0x8000,
      virtual = 0xc04b0000
      flags = 0x8000,
      virtual = 0xc04b1000
      flags = 0x8000,
      virtual = 0xc04b2000
      flags = 0x8000,
      virtual = 0xc04b3000
  Display the array of tcp_sl_timer structures declared by tcp_slt_array[]:

    crash> struct tcp_sl_timer tcp_slt_array 4
    struct tcp_sl_timer {
      count = {
        counter = 0x0       
      period = 0x32,      
      last = 0x1419e4,  
      handler = 0xc0164854  <tcp_syn_recv_timer>
    struct tcp_sl_timer {
      count = {
        counter = 0x2       
      period = 0x753,     
      last = 0x14a6df,  
      handler = 0xc01645b0  <tcp_keepalive>
    struct tcp_sl_timer {
      count = {
        counter = 0x0       
      period = 0x2ee,     
      last = 0x143134,  
      handler = 0xc016447c  <tcp_twkill>
    struct tcp_sl_timer {
      count = {
        counter = 0x0       
      period = 0x64,      
      last = 0x143198,  
      handler = 0xc0164404  <tcp_bucketgc>
  Without using the "struct" command name, display the the "d_child" 
  list_head member from a dentry structure:

    crash> dentry.d_child 0xe813cb4
      d_child = {
        next = 0x3661344,
        prev = 0xdea4bc4
  Display the child dentry structure referenced by the "next" pointer above.
  Since the "next" address of 0x3661344 above is a pointer to an embedded
  list_head structure within the child dentry structure, the -l option
  is required:

    crash> dentry -l dentry.d_child 0x3661344
    struct dentry {
      d_count = {
        counter = 1
      d_flags = 0, 
      d_inode = 0xf9aa604, 
      d_parent = 0x11152b1c, 
      d_hash = {
        next = 0x11fb3fc0, 
        prev = 0x11fb3fc0
      d_lru = {
        next = 0x366133c, 
        prev = 0x366133c
      d_child = {
        next = 0x36613cc, 
        prev = 0xe813cd4
      d_subdirs = {
        next = 0x366134c, 
        prev = 0x366134c
      d_alias = {
        next = 0xf9aa614, 
        prev = 0xf9aa614
      d_mounted = 0, 
      d_name = {
        name = 0x3661384 "boot.log", 
        len = 8, 
        hash = 1935169207
      d_time = 1515870810, 
      d_op = 0x0, 
      d_sb = 0x11fc9c00, 
      d_vfs_flags = 0, 
      d_fsdata = 0x0, 
      d_extra_attributes = 0x0, 
      d_iname = "boot.log\000"
  Display the virtual address of each member of the task_struct at

    crash> task_struct -o ffff8100145d2080
    struct task_struct {
      [ffff8100145d2080] volatile long int state;
      [ffff8100145d2088] struct thread_info *thread_info;
      [ffff8100145d2090] atomic_t usage;
      [ffff8100145d2098] long unsigned int flags;
      [ffff8100145d20a0] int lock_depth;
      [ffff8100145d20a4] int load_weight;
      [ffff8100145d20a8] int prio;
      [ffff8100145d20ac] int static_prio;
      [ffff8100145d20b0] int normal_prio;
      [ffff8100145d20b8] struct list_head run_list;
      [ffff8100145d20c8] struct prio_array *array;
  Display the embedded sched_entity structure's on_rq member and
  the third pid_link structure in the embedded pids[] array of the
  task_struct at ffff88011653e250:

    crash> task_struct.se.on_rq,pids[2] ffff88011653e250
      se.on_rq = 1,
      pids[2] =   {
        node = {
          next = 0xffff88011653aff0,
          pprev = 0xffff88011653a860
        pid = 0xffff88010d07ed00
  For an example of displaying per-cpu variables, consider the
  struct hd_struct.dkstats member, which is a percpu pointer to
  a disk_stats structure:

    crash> struct hd_struct.dkstats 
    struct hd_struct {
      [1232] struct disk_stats *dkstats;

 Taking an hd_struct at address ffff8802450e2848, display all
 of the per-cpu disk_stats structures that it references:
    crash> struct hd_struct.dkstats ffff8802450e2848
      dkstats = 0x60fdb48026c8
    crash> struct disk_stats 0x60fdb48026c8:a
    [0]: ffffe8fefe6026c8
    struct disk_stats {
      sectors = {451376, 80468}, 
      ios = {6041, 971}, 
      merges = {386, 390}, 
      ticks = {194877, 56131}, 
      io_ticks = 12371, 
      time_in_queue = 309163
    [1]: ffffe8fefe8026c8
    struct disk_stats {
      sectors = {0, 0}, 
      ios = {0, 0}, 
      merges = {7, 242}, 
      ticks = {0, 0}, 
      io_ticks = 23, 
      time_in_queue = 581
    [2]: ffffe8fefea026c8
    struct disk_stats {
      sectors = {0, 0}, 
      ios = {0, 0}, 
      merges = {4, 112}, 
      ticks = {0, 0}, 
      io_ticks = 11, 
      time_in_queue = 305
    [3]: ffffe8fefec026c8
    struct disk_stats {
      sectors = {0, 0}, 
      ios = {0, 0}, 
      merges = {5, 54}, 
      ticks = {0, 0}, 
      io_ticks = 17, 
      time_in_queue = 41

39.4. NOTE

  If the structure name does not conflict with any crash command name, the
  "struct" command may be dropped.  Accordingly, the examples above could
  also have been accomplished like so:

    crash> vm_area_struct c1e44f10
    crash> vm_area_struct
    crash> vm_area_struct -o
    crash> mm_struct.pgd ffff810022e7d080
    crash> mm_struct.pgd
    crash> tcp_sl_timer tcp_slt_array 4

  Lastly, the short-cut "*" pointer-to command may also be used to negate
  the need to enter the "struct" command name (enter "help *" for details).

40. swap - swap device information




  This command displays information for each configured swap device.


  crash> swap
  ffff880153d45f40  PARTITION  7192568k   1200580k  16%   -1  /dev/dm-1

41. sym - translate a symbol to its virtual address, or vice-versa


  sym [-l] | [-M] | [-m module] | [-p|-n] | [-q string] | [symbol | vaddr]


  This command translates a symbol to its virtual address, or a static 
  kernel virtual address to its symbol -- or to a symbol-plus-offset value,
  if appropriate.  Additionally, the symbol type is shown in parentheses, 
  and if the symbol is a known text value, the file and line number are shown.

              -l  dumps all symbols and their values.
              -M  dumps the current set of module symbols.
       -m module  dumps the current set of symbols for a specified module.
              -p  display the target symbol and the previous symbol.
              -n  display the target symbol and the next symbol.
       -q string  searches for all symbols containing "string".
          symbol  a kernel text or data symbol.
           vaddr  a kernel virtual address.
  If the "symbol", "vaddr" or "string" argument resolves to a module
  symbol, then the module name will be displayed in brackets following the
  symbol value.


  Translate data symbol jiffies to its value, and vice-versa:

    crash> sym jiffies
    c0213ae0 (D) jiffies

    crash> sym c0213ae0
    c0213ae0 (D) jiffies

  Translate a text address to its symbolic value and source file:

    crash> sym c0109944
    c0109944 (T) system_call+0x34  ../linux-2.2.5/arch/i386/kernel/signal.c: 723

  Dump the whole symbol table:

    crash> sym -l
    c0100000 (T) _stext
    c0100000 (A) _text
    c0100000 (t) startup_32
    c0100000 (T) stext
    c01000a4 (t) checkCPUtype
    c0100139 (t) is486
    c0100148 (t) is386
    c01001b1 (t) L6
    c01001b3 (t) ready
    c01001b4 (t) check_x87
    c01001da (t) setup_idt
    c01001f7 (t) rp_sidt
    c0100204 (T) stack_start
    c010020c (t) int_msg
    c0100220 (t) ignore_int
    c0100242 (t) idt_descr
    c0100244 (T) idt
    c010024a (t) gdt_descr
    c010024c (T) gdt
    c0101000 (T) swapper_pg_dir
    c0102000 (T) pg0
    c0103000 (T) empty_bad_page
    c0104000 (T) empty_bad_page_table
    c0105000 (T) empty_zero_page

  Find all symbols containing the string "pipe":

    crash> sym -q pipe
    c010ec60 (T) sys_pipe  
    c012f660 (t) pipe_read  
    c012f7b8 (t) pipe_write  
    c012f9c0 (t) pipe_lseek  
    c012f9d0 (t) bad_pipe_r  
    c012f9dc (t) bad_pipe_w  
    c012f9e8 (t) pipe_ioctl  
    c012fa18 (t) pipe_poll  
    c012fb00 (t) pipe_release  
    c012fb48 (t) pipe_read_release  
    c012fb5c (t) pipe_write_release  
    c012fb70 (t) pipe_rdwr_release  
    c012fba0 (t) pipe_read_open  
    c012fbb0 (t) pipe_write_open  
    c012fbc0 (t) pipe_rdwr_open  
    c012fbec (t) get_pipe_inode  
    c012fcc4 (T) do_pipe  
    c023a920 (D) read_pipe_fops  
    c023a960 (D) write_pipe_fops  
    c023a9a0 (D) rdwr_pipe_fops  
    c023a9e0 (D) pipe_inode_operations  

  Dump the symbols of the uart401 module, both before, and then after,
  the complete set of symbols are loaded with the "mod -s" command:

    crash> sym -m uart401
    c8032000 MODULE START: uart401
    c8032138 (?) uart401intr  
    c803235c (?) attach_uart401  
    c8032638 (?) probe_uart401  
    c80326d4 (?) unload_uart401  
    c8033770 MODULE END: uart401
    crash> mod -s uart401
    c8032000  uart401      6000  /lib/modules/2.2.14/misc/uart401.o
    crash> sym -m uart401
    c8032000 MODULE START: uart401
    c8032050 (t) my_notifier_call  
    c8032084 (t) uart401_status  
    c8032098 (t) uart401_cmd  
    c80320a8 (t) uart401_read  
    c80320bc (t) uart401_write  
    c80320cc (t) uart401_input_loop  
    c8032138 (T) uart401intr  
    c8032168 (t) uart401_open  
    c80321c8 (t) uart401_close  
    c80321f4 (t) uart401_out  
    c80322ac (t) uart401_start_read  
    c80322b4 (t) uart401_end_read  
    c80322bc (t) uart401_kick  
    c80322c4 (t) uart401_buffer_status  
    c80322cc (t) enter_uart_mode  
    c803235c (T) attach_uart401  
    c803259c (t) reset_uart401  
    c8032638 (T) probe_uart401  
    c80326d4 (T) unload_uart401  
    c8032760 (T) init_module
    c80327cc (T) cleanup_module  
    c8032b00 (d) sound_notifier  
    c8032b0c (d) detected_devc  
    c8032b20 (d) std_synth_info  
    c8032bc0 (d) std_midi_synth  
    c8033600 (d) uart401_operations  
    c80336c4 (D) io  
    c80336c8 (D) irq  
    c80336e0 (b) hw_info.508  
    c8033770 MODULE END: uart401

  Display the value of jiffies, along with the next and previous symbols:

    crash> sym -np jiffies
    c023027c (D) prof_shift
    c0230280 (D) jiffies 
    c02302a0 (D) task

  Translate a symbol value to its name and module:

    crash> sym f88878d1
    f88878d1 (t) ext3_readdir [ext3]

42. sys - system data


  sys [-c [name|number]] [-t] [-i] config


  This command displays system-specific data.  If no arguments are entered,
  the same system data shown during crash invocation is shown.

    -c [name|number]  If no name or number argument is entered, dump all
                      sys_call_table entries.  If a name string is entered,
                      search the table for all entries containing the string.
                      If a number is entered, the table entry associated with
                      that number is displayed.  If the current output radix
                      has been set to 16, the system call numbers will be 
                      displayed in hexadecimal.
    config            If the kernel was configured with CONFIG_IKCONFIG, then
                      dump the in-kernel configuration data.
    -t                Display kernel taint information.  If the "tainted_mask"
                      symbol exists, show its hexadecimal value and translate
                      each bit set to the symbolic letter of the taint type.
                      On older kernels with the "tainted" symbol, only its
                      hexadecimal value is shown.  The relevant kernel sources
                      should be consulted for the meaning of the letter(s) or
                      hexadecimal bit value(s).
    -panic            Panic a live system.  Requires write permission to
                      /dev/mem.  Results in the crash context causing an
                      "Attempted to kill the idle task!" panic.  (The dump
                      will indicate that the crash context has a PID of 0).
    -i                Dump the DMI string data if available in the kernel.


  Display essential system information:

    crash> sys
          KERNEL: vmlinux.4
        DUMPFILE: lcore.cr.4
            CPUS: 4
            DATE: Mon Oct 11 18:48:55 1999
          UPTIME: 10 days, 14:14:39
    LOAD AVERAGE: 0.74, 0.23, 0.08
           TASKS: 77
        NODENAME: test.mclinux.com
         RELEASE: 2.2.5-15smp
         VERSION: #24 SMP Mon Oct 11 17:41:40 CDT 1999
         MACHINE: i686  (500 MHz)
          MEMORY: 1 GB

  Dump the system configuration data (if CONFIG_IKCONFIG):

    crash> sys config
    # Automatically generated make config: don't edit
    # Linux kernel version: 2.6.16
    # Mon Apr 10 07:58:06 2006

  Display the kernel taint information, in this case where both the

    crash> sys -t

  Dump the system call table:

    crash> sys -c
      0  sys_ni_syscall             ../kernel/sys.c: 48
      1  sys_exit                   ../kernel/exit.c: 404
      2  sys_fork                   ../arch/i386/kernel/process.c: 771
      3  sys_read                   ../fs/read_write.c: 117
      4  sys_write                  ../fs/read_write.c: 146
      5  sys_open                   ../fs/open.c: 754
      6  sys_close                  ../fs/open.c: 839
      7  sys_waitpid                ../kernel/exit.c: 503
      8  sys_creat                  ../fs/open.c: 789
      9  sys_link                   ../fs/namei.c: 1213
     10  sys_unlink                 ../fs/namei.c: 1074
     11  sys_execve                 ../arch/i386/kernel/process.c: 806

  Find the system call number of the select system call:

    crash> sys -c select
     65  sys_select                 ../fs/select.c: 259
    If the current output radix has been set to 16, the system call numbers
    will be displayed in hexadecimal.

  Dump the DMI string data:

    crash> sys -i
           DMI_BIOS_VERSION: G4ET37WW (1.12 )
              DMI_BIOS_DATE: 05/29/2012
           DMI_PRODUCT_NAME: 2429BQ1
        DMI_PRODUCT_VERSION: ThinkPad T530
           DMI_PRODUCT_UUID: 568DFA01-5180-11CB-B851-BD06085ADDB0
             DMI_BOARD_NAME: 2429BQ1
          DMI_BOARD_VERSION: Not Available
           DMI_BOARD_SERIAL: 1ZLV127F17M
        DMI_BOARD_ASSET_TAG: Not Available
           DMI_CHASSIS_TYPE: 10
        DMI_CHASSIS_VERSION: Not Available

43. task - task_struct and thread_info contents


  task [-R member[,member]] [-dx] [pid | taskp] ...


  This command dumps a formatted display of the contents of a task's
  task_struct and thread_info structures.  Multiple task or PID numbers
  may be entered; if no arguments are entered, the task_struct and
  thread_info structures of the current context are displayed.  The -R option,
  which may also be invoked indirectly via "foreach task", pares the output
  down to one or more structure members.
        pid  a process PID.
      taskp  a hexadecimal task_struct pointer.
  -R member  a comma-separated list of one or more task_struct and/or
             thread_info structure members.  If any member contains an embedded
             structure, or is an array, the output may be restricted to the 
             embedded structure or an array element by expressing the member
             argument as "member.member" or "member[index]"; embedded member
             specifications may extend beyond one level deep, by expressing the
             member argument as "member.member.member...".
         -x  override default output format with hexadecimal format.
         -d  override default output format with decimal format.


  Dump the task_struct and thread_info structures of the current context
  in hexadecimal format:

    crash> task -x
    PID: 3176   TASK: f2451550  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "memtest"
    struct task_struct {
      state = 0x0, 
      stack = 0xf05b6000, 
      usage = {
        counter = 0x2
      flags = 0x402040, 
      ptrace = 0x0, 
      lock_depth = 0xffffffff, 
      prio = 0x78, 
      static_prio = 0x78, 
      normal_prio = 0x78, 
      rt_priority = 0x0, 
      perf_event_ctxp = {0x0, 0x0}, 
      memcg_batch = {
        do_batch = 0x0, 
        memcg = 0x0, 
        bytes = 0x0, 
        memsw_bytes = 0x0
    struct thread_info {
      task = 0xf2451550, 
      exec_domain = 0xc0a60860, 
      flags = 0x88, 
      status = 0x0, 
      cpu = 0x1, 
      preempt_count = 0x4010000, 
      addr_limit = {
        seg = 0xc0000000
      restart_block = {
  Display the ngroups and groups task_struct members for PID 2958:

    crash> task -R ngroups,groups 2958
    PID: 2958   TASK: c6718000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "bash"
      ngroups = 6, 
      groups = {504, 8, 9, 1000, 1007, 1006, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
  Display the embedded sched_entity structure's on_rq member:

    crash> task -R se.on_rq
    PID: 6529   TASK: ffff880116538790  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "bash"
      se.on_rq = 1,
  Display the 3rd pid_link structure in the embedded pids[] array:

  crash> task -R pids[2]
  PID: 6529   TASK: ffff880116538790  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "bash"
    pids[2] =   {
    node = {
      next = 0xffff8801165391b0,
      pprev = 0xffff880209d011b0
    pid = 0xffff8801f0876e00
  NOTE: When this command is invoked directly (i.e., not from "foreach"), it
  is not necessary to include the "-R" before the task_struct/thread_info
  member name(s).

44. timer - timer queue data


  timer [-r][-C cpu]


  This command displays the timer queue entries, both old- and new-style,
  in chronological order.  In the case of the old-style timers, the
  timer_table array index is shown; in the case of the new-style timers, 
  the timer_list address is shown.  On later kernels, the timer data is

    -r  Display hrtimer timer queue entries, both old- and new-style, in
        chronological order.  In the case of the old-style hrtimers, the
        expiration time is a single value; in the new-style hrtimers, the
        expiration time is a range.
 -C cpu Restrict the output to one or more CPUs, where multiple cpu[s] can
        be specified, for example, as "1,3,5", "1-3", or "1,3,5-7,10".


 Display the timer queue on an SMP system:

    crash> timer
    TIMER_BASES[1][BASE_STD]: ffff9801aba5aa00
      EXPIRES        TTE         TIMER_LIST     FUNCTION
      4296282997    -8041  ffff9801aba55ce0  ffffffff83a3bda0  <mce_timer_fn>
      4296283104    -7934  ffff97fd84bd35e0  ffffffff83ac6b70  <delayed_work_timer_fn>
      4296291061       23  ffffa6b283967de0  ffffffff83b29880  <process_timeout>
      4296291112       74  ffff9800c9b62ad8  ffffffff83e6b550  <cursor_timer_handler>
      4296291345      307  ffff980186d5ef88  ffffffff84146b80  <tcp_keepalive_timer>
      4296291484      446  ffff9801a7c54740  ffffffff84147f50  <tcp_write_timer>
      4296291997      959  ffffffffc073f880  ffffffff83ac6b70  <delayed_work_timer_fn>
      4296296213     5175  ffffa6b28339be18  ffffffff83b29880  <process_timeout>
      4296304383    13345  ffff980194ca72a8  ffffffff8412e4e0  <tw_timer_handler>
      4296305724    14686  ffff980194ca6918  ffffffff8412e4e0  <tw_timer_handler>
      4296306036    14998  ffff980194ca6d58  ffffffff8412e4e0  <tw_timer_handler>
      4296306883    15845  ffff980194ca7e58  ffffffff8412e4e0  <tw_timer_handler>
      4296307588    16550  ffff9801aaa27e58  ffffffff8412e4e0  <tw_timer_handler>
      4296307625    16587  ffff980194ca6a28  ffffffff8412e4e0  <tw_timer_handler>
      4296313542    22504  ffff980194ca7c38  ffffffff8412e4e0  <tw_timer_handler>
      4296317680    26642  ffff9800c9149c58  ffffffff840da870  <neigh_timer_handler>
      4296317744    26706  ffff9801a5354468  ffffffff83ac6b70  <delayed_work_timer_fn>
      4296343322    52284  ffff980194ca63c8  ffffffff8412e4e0  <tw_timer_handler>
      4296343581    52543  ffff980194ca7088  ffffffff8412e4e0  <tw_timer_handler>
      4296343597    52559  ffff9801aaa274c8  ffffffff8412e4e0  <tw_timer_handler>
      4296714205   423167  ffffffff84caf3c0  ffffffff83ac6b70  <delayed_work_timer_fn>
    TIMER_BASES[1][BASE_DEF]: ffff9801aba5bc80
      EXPIRES        TTE         TIMER_LIST     FUNCTION
      4296291264      226  ffffffff855eb238  ffffffff83c08fb0  <writeout_period>
      4296319997    28959  ffffffffc06ede40  ffffffff83ac6b70  <delayed_work_timer_fn>
      4296506084   215046  ffff9801aba629c8  ffffffff83ac5ea0  <idle_worker_timeout>
  Display a new-style hrtimer queue:

    crash> timer -r
    CPU: 2  HRTIMER_CPU_BASE: ffff9801aba9cf00
      CLOCK: 0  HRTIMER_CLOCK_BASE: ffff9801aba9cf40  [ktime_get]
       SOFTEXPIRES      EXPIRES         TTE         HRTIMER           FUNCTION
      1623741000000  1623741000000    -1000000  ffff9801aba9d540  ffffffff83b3c8e0  <tick_sched_timer>
      1624024000000  1624024000000   282000000  ffff9801aba9d720  ffffffff83b7e7a0  <watchdog_timer_fn>
      1626000939806  1626010929804  2268929804  ffffa6b28399fa40  ffffffff83b2c1e0  <hrtimer_wakeup>
      1627576915615  1627576915615  3834915615  ffff9801a5727978  ffffffff83b365c0  <posix_timer_fn>
      1627637194488  1627647194487  3905194487  ffffa6b283977db0  ffffffff83b2c1e0  <hrtimer_wakeup>
      1629937423000  1629937423000  6195423000  ffff9801a9af2900  ffffffff83cf3d30  <timerfd_tmrproc>
      CLOCK: 1  HRTIMER_CLOCK_BASE: ffff9801aba9cf80  [ktime_get_real]
          SOFTEXPIRES            EXPIRES             TTE           HRTIMER           FUNCTION
      1558362389331238000  1558362389331288000      996729757  ffffa6b28574bcf0  ffffffff83b2c1e0  <hrtimer_wakeup>
      1558364372000000000  1558364372000000000  1983665441757  ffff9801a3513278  ffffffff83b365c0  <posix_timer_fn>
      CLOCK: 2  HRTIMER_CLOCK_BASE: ffff9801aba9cfc0  [ktime_get_boottime]

45. tree - display radix tree, XArray or red-black tree


  tree [-t [radix|xarray|rbtree]] [-r offset] [-[s|S] struct[.member[,member]]]
       -[x|d] [-o offset] [-l] [-p] [-N] start


  This command dumps the contents of a radix tree, an XAarray, or a red-black
  tree.  The arguments are as follows:

    -t type  The type of tree to dump; the type string can be one of 
             "radix", "rbtree", or "xarray", or alternatively, "ra",
             "rb" or "x" are acceptable.  If not specified, rbtree is the
             default type.
  -r offset  If the "start" argument is the address of a data structure that
             contains an radix_tree_root, xarray or rb_root structure, then this
             is the offset to that structure member.  If the offset is non-zero,
             then this option is required.  The offset may be entered in either
             of two manners:
               1. In "structure.member" format.
               2. A number of bytes.
  -o offset  For red-black trees only, the offset of the rb_node within its 
             containing data structure; if the offset is non-zero, then this
             option is required.  The offset may be entered in either of two
               1. In "structure.member" format.
               2. A number of bytes.
             This option is not applicable to radix trees.
  -s struct  For each entry in a tree, format and print it as this type of data
             structure; use the "struct.member" format in order to display a
             particular member of the structure.  To display multiple members
             of a structure, use a comma-separated list of members.  If any
             structure member contains an embedded structure or is an array, the
             the output may be restricted to the embedded structure or an array
             element by expressing the member argument as "struct.member.member"
             or "struct.member[index]"; embedded member specifications may
             extend beyond one level deep by expressing the struct argument as
  -S struct  Similar to -s, but instead of parsing gdb output, member values
             are read directly from memory, so the command works much faster
             for 1-, 2-, 4-, and 8-byte members.
         -l  For red-black trees, dump the tree sorted in linear order starting
             with the leftmost node and progressing to the right.  This option
             does not apply to radix trees.
         -p  Display the node's position information, showing the relationship
             between it and the root.  For red-black trees, a position that
             indicates "root/l/r" means that the node is the right child
             of the left child of the root node.  For radix trees and xarrays,
             the index, the height, and the slot index values are shown with
             respect to the root.
         -x  Override default output format with hexadecimal format.
         -d  Override default output format with decimal format.
  The meaning of the "start" argument, which can be expressed either in
  hexadecimal format or symbolically, depends upon whether the -N option
  is prepended:
      start  The address of a radix_tree_root, xarray or rb_root structure, or
             the address of a structure containing the radix_tree_root, xarray
             or rb_root structure; if the latter, then the "-r offset" option
             must be used if the member offset of the root structure is 
   -N start  The address of a radix_tree_node, xa_node or rb_node structure,
             bypassing the radix_tree_root, xarray, or rb_root that points
             to it.


  The vmap_area_root is a standalone rb_root structure.  Display the 
  virtual addresses of each vmap_area in its red-black tree:

    crash> whatis vmap_area_root
    struct rb_root vmap_area_root;
    crash> tree -t rbtree -o vmap_area.rb_node vmap_area_root

  Display the vmap_area's va_start and va_end members of each of
  the entries above expressing the vmap_area.rb_node offset as a
  number of bytes:

    crash> tree -t rbtree -o 24 vmap_area_root -s vmap_area.va_start,va_end
      va_start = 0xffffc90014900000
      va_end = 0xffffc90014921000
      va_start = 0xffffc900110c0000
      va_end = 0xffffc900110d1000
      va_start = 0xffffc90000640000
      va_end = 0xffffc90000642000
      va_start = 0xffffc90000620000
      va_end = 0xffffc90000622000

  Alternatively, use the -N option with the rb_node address contained
  in the vmap_area_root structure:

    crash> p vmap_area_root
    vmap_area_root = $8 = {
      rb_node = 0xffff880128c508d8
    crash> tree -t rbtree -o vmap_area.rb_node -N 0xffff880128c508d8
  Display the virtual address of each vm_area_struct in the red-black
  tree that has its root inside an mm_struct located at ffff880128b5a300.
  The vm_area_struct.vm_rb rb_node member has an offset of 0x38 bytes:

    crash> tree -t rbtree -r mm_struct.mm_rb ffff880128b5a300 -o 0x38
  Add the -p option to the command above to show position information:

    crash> tree -t rbtree -r mm_struct.mm_rb ffff880128b5a300 -o 0x38 -p
      position: root
      position: root/l
      position: root/l/l
      position: root/l/l/l
      position: root/r/r/l/r
      position: root/r/r/l/r/r
      position: root/r/r/r
      position: root/r/r/r/r

  Given an mm_struct address of 0xffff880074b5be80, list the VMA tree in linear
  order from the leftmost node progressing to the right using the -l option:

    crash> tree -ls vm_area_struct.vm_start -o vm_area_struct.vm_rb \
    -r mm_struct.mm_rb 0xffff880074b5be80 | paste - -
    ffff88001f2c50e0	  vm_start = 0x400000
    ffff88001f2c5290	  vm_start = 0xceb000
    ffff880074bfc6c0	  vm_start = 0xcec000
    ffff88001f2c4bd0	  vm_start = 0xd10000
    ffff880074bfc948	  vm_start = 0x1fe9000
    ffff880036e54510	  vm_start = 0x7ff6aa296000
    ffff88001f2c5bd8	  vm_start = 0x7ff6aa298000
    ffff880036e54af8	  vm_start = 0x7ff6aa497000
    ffff880036e54f30	  vm_start = 0x7ff6aa498000
    ffff88000e06aa20	  vm_start = 0x7ff6aa499000
    ffff88000e06b368	  vm_start = 0x7ff6ab95f000
    ffff88001f2c5e60	  vm_start = 0x7ff6bc1af000
    ffff88001f2c4ca8	  vm_start = 0x7ff6bc1b6000
    ffff88001f2c5008	  vm_start = 0x7ff6bc200000
    ffff88001f2c5d88	  vm_start = 0x7ff6bc205000
    ffff880074bfd6c8	  vm_start = 0x7ff6bc206000
    ffff88001f2c4288	  vm_start = 0x7ff6bc207000
    ffff88001f2c4510	  vm_start = 0x7ffc7a5fc000
    ffff88001f2c5b00	  vm_start = 0x7ffc7a6d1000

  Compared to the top/down root/leaves order:

    crash> tree -s vm_area_struct.vm_start -o vm_area_struct.vm_rb \
    -r mm_struct.mm_rb 0xffff880074b5be80 | paste - -
    ffff88001f2c5a28	  vm_start = 0x7ff6bbbb9000
    ffff88001f2c55f0	  vm_start = 0x7ff6bb252000
    ffff88000e06a360	  vm_start = 0x7ff6ac6c3000
    ffff88001f2c4bd0	  vm_start = 0xd10000
    ffff88001f2c5290	  vm_start = 0xceb000
    ffff88001f2c50e0	  vm_start = 0x400000
    ffff880074bfc6c0	  vm_start = 0xcec000
    ffff88000e06b368	  vm_start = 0x7ff6ab95f000
    ffff88001f2c5bd8	  vm_start = 0x7ff6aa298000
    ffff880074bfc948	  vm_start = 0x1fe9000
    ffff880036e54510	  vm_start = 0x7ff6aa296000
    ffff880036e54f30	  vm_start = 0x7ff6aa498000
    ffff880036e54af8	  vm_start = 0x7ff6aa497000
    ffff88000e06aa20	  vm_start = 0x7ff6aa499000
    ffff88000e06ae58	  vm_start = 0x7ff6ac1df000
    ffff88000e06ba28	  vm_start = 0x7ff6abefc000
    ffff88000e06a6c0	  vm_start = 0x7ff6ac41b000
    ffff88001f2c4000	  vm_start = 0x7ff6bac75000
    ffff88000e06bd88	  vm_start = 0x7ff6b2d00000
    ffff88000e06b440	  vm_start = 0x7ff6b28de000
    ffff880074bfd6c8	  vm_start = 0x7ff6bc206000
    ffff88001f2c4510	  vm_start = 0x7ffc7a5fc000
    ffff88001f2c5b00	  vm_start = 0x7ffc7a6d1000

  Display a list of the page structs in the radix tree of an address_space
  structure located at ffff88012d364de0:

    crash> tree -t radix -r address_space.page_tree ffff88012d364de0
  Add the -p option to the command above to show position information:

    crash> tree -t radix -r address_space.page_tree ffff88012d364de0 -p
      index: 0  position: root/0/0
      index: 1  position: root/0/1
      index: 2  position: root/0/2
      index: 3  position: root/0/3
      index: 4  position: root/0/4
      index: 217  position: root/3/25
      index: 218  position: root/3/26
      index: 219  position: root/3/27
      index: 220  position: root/3/28

  Alternatively, take the address of the radix_tree_node from the
  radix_tree_root structure in the address_space structure above,
  and display the tree with the -N option:

    crash> struct address_space.page_tree ffff88012d364de0
      page_tree = {
        height = 0x2, 
        gfp_mask = 0x20, 
        rnode = 0xffff8801238add71
    crash> tree -t radix -N 0xffff8801238add71
  Using the same radix tree as above, display the flags and _count
  members of each page struct in the list, and force the output format
  to be hexadecimal:

    crash> tree -t radix -N 0xffff8801238add71 -s page.flags,_count -x
      flags = 0x4000000002006c
      _count = {
        counter = 0x7
      flags = 0x4000000002006c
      _count = {
        counter = 0x7
      flags = 0x4000000002006c
      _count = {
        counter = 0x7
      flags = 0x4000000002006c
      _count = {
        counter = 0x7

  In more recent kernels, the XArray facility has replaced radix trees.
  Display a list of the page structs in the XArray of an address_space
  structure located at 0xffff94c235e76828, where the i_pages field is
  an embedded xarray structure:

    crash> tree -t xarray -r address_space.i_pages 0xffff94c235e76828
  Add the -p option to the command above to show position information:

    crash> tree -t xarray -r address_space.i_pages 0xffff94c235e76828 -p
      index: 90  position: root/1/26
      index: 91  position: root/1/27
      index: 92  position: root/1/28
      index: 93  position: root/1/29
      index: 94  position: root/1/30
      index: 95  position: root/1/31
      index: 96  position: root/1/32
      index: 97  position: root/1/33
      index: 98  position: root/1/34
      index: 99  position: root/1/35
      index: 100  position: root/1/36
  Alternatively, take the value found in the xa_head field from
  the xarray structure, and display the tree with the -N option:

    crash> address_space.i_pages 0xffff94c235e76828
      i_pages = {
        ... [ xa_lock field not shown ] ...
        xa_flags = 1, 
        xa_head = 0xffff94c23c1566ca
    crash> tree -t x -N 0xffff94c23c1566ca
  Using the same xarray command as above, display the flags and _refcount
  members of each page struct in the list, and force the output format
  to be hexadecimal:

    crash> tree -t x -N 0xffff94c23c1566ca -s page.flags,_refcount -x 
      flags = 0x57ffffc0000014
      _refcount = {
        counter = 0x1
      flags = 0x57ffffc0000014
      _refcount = {
        counter = 0x1
      flags = 0x57ffffc0000014
      _refcount = {
        counter = 0x1
      flags = 0x57ffffc0000014
      _refcount = {
        counter = 0x1
      flags = 0x57ffffc0000014
      _refcount = {
        counter = 0x1
      flags = 0x57ffffc0000014
      _refcount = {
        counter = 0x1
      flags = 0x57ffffc0000014
      _refcount = {
        counter = 0x1
      flags = 0x57ffffc0000014
      _refcount = {
        counter = 0x1
      flags = 0x57ffffc0000014
      _refcount = {
        counter = 0x1
      flags = 0x57ffffc0000014
      _refcount = {
        counter = 0x1
      flags = 0x57ffffc0000014
      _refcount = {
        counter = 0x1

46. union - union contents


  union union_name[.member[,member]] [-o][-l offset][-rfuxdp]
         [address | symbol][:cpuspec] [count | -c count]


  This command displays either a union definition, or a formatted display
  of the contents of a union at a specified address.  When no address is
  specified, the union definition is shown along with the union size.
  A union member may be appended to the structure name in order to limit
  the scope of the data displayed to that particular member; when no address
  is specified, the member's offset (always 0) and definition are shown.

     union_name  name of a C-code union used by the kernel.
        .member  name of a union member; to display multiple members of a
                 union, use a comma-separated list of members.  If any member
                 contains an embedded structure, or the member is an array, the
                 output may be restricted to just the embedded structure or an
                 array element by expressing the argument as "member.member"
                 or "member[index]"; embedded member specifications may extend
                 beyond one level deep, by expressing the member argument as
             -o  show member offsets when displaying union definitions; the
                 offset is always 0 unless used with an address or symbol
                 argument, in which case each member will be preceded by its
                 virtual address.
      -l offset  if the address argument is a pointer to a list_head structure
                 that is embedded in the target union structure, the offset
                 to the list_head member may be entered in either of the
                 following manners:
                   1. in "structure.member" format.
                   2. a number of bytes. 
             -r  raw dump of union data.
             -f  address argument is a dumpfile offset.
             -x  override default output format with hexadecimal format.
             -d  override default output format with decimal format.
             -p  if a union member is a pointer value, show the member's
                 data type on the output line; and on the subsequent line(s),
                 dereference the pointer, display the pointer target's symbol
                 value in brackets if appropriate, and if possible, display the
                 target data; requires an address argument.
             -u  address argument is a user virtual address in the current
        address  hexadecimal address of a union; if the address points
                 to an embedded list_head structure contained within the
                 target union structure, then the "-l" option must be used.
         symbol  symbolic reference to the address of a union.
       :cpuspec  CPU specification for a per-cpu address or symbol:
                   :             CPU of the currently selected task.
                   :a[ll]        all CPUs.
                   :#[-#][,...]  CPU list(s), e.g. "1,3,5", "1-3",
                                or "1,3,5-7,10".
          count  count of unions to dump from an array of unions; if used,
                 this must be the last argument entered.
       -c count  "-c" is only required if "count" is not the last argument
                 entered or if a negative number is entered; if a negative
                 value is entered, the (positive) "count" structures that
                 lead up to and include the target structure will be displayed.

  Union data, sizes, and member offsets are shown in the current output radix
  unless the -x or -d option is specified.
  Please note that in the vast majority of cases, the "union" command
  name may be dropped; if the union name does not conflict with any crash
  or gdb command name, then the "union_name[.member]" argument will be
  recognized as a union name, and this command automatically executed.
  See the NOTE below.


  Display the bdflush_param union definition, and then an instance of it:

    crash> union bdflush_param
    union bdflush_param {
        struct {
            int nfract;
            int ndirty;
            int nrefill;
            int nref_dirt;
            int dummy1;
            int age_buffer;
            int age_super;
            int dummy2;
            int dummy3;
        } b_un;
        unsigned int data[9];
    SIZE: 36  (0x24)
    crash> union bdflush_param bdf_prm
    union bdflush_param {
      b_un = {
        nfract = 40, 
        ndirty = 500, 
        nrefill = 64, 
        nref_dirt = 256, 
        dummy1 = 15, 
        age_buffer = 3000, 
        age_super = 500, 
        dummy2 = 1884, 
        dummy3 = 2
      data = {40, 500, 64, 256, 15, 3000, 500, 1884, 2}

46.4. NOTE

  If the union name does not conflict with any crash command name, the
  "union" command may be dropped.  Accordingly, the examples above could
  also have been accomplished like so:

    crash> bdflush_param
    crash> bdflush_param bdf_prm
  Lastly, the short-cut "*" (pointer-to) command may also be used to negate
  the need to enter the "union" command name (enter "help *" for details).

47. vm - virtual memory


  vm [-p | -P vma | -M mm | -v | -m | -x | -d | [-R reference] [pid | task]]
     [-f vm_flags]


  This command displays basic virtual memory information of a context,
  consisting of a pointer to its mm_struct and page directory, its RSS and 
  total virtual memory size; and a list of pointers to each vm_area_struct,
  its starting and ending address, vm_flags value, and file pathname.  If no
  arguments are entered, the current context is used.  Additionally, the -p 
  option translates each virtual page of each VM area to its physical address.
  The -R option, typically invoked from "foreach vm", searches for references
  to a supplied number, address, or filename argument, and prints only the
  essential information leading up to and including the reference.  
  Alternatively, the -m or -v options may be used to dump the task's mm_struct
  or all of its vm_area_structs respectively.  The -p, -v, -m, -R and -f
  options are all mutually exclusive.

            -p  translate each virtual page to its physical address, or if
                the page is not mapped, its swap device and offset, or
                filename and offset.
        -P vma  similar to -p, but only translate the pages belonging to the
                specified VM area of a context.
         -M mm  if the mm_struct address has been removed from the task_struct
                of an exiting task, the virtual memory data cannot be displayed.
                However, if the address can be determined from the kernel stack,
                it can be entered manually in order to try to resurrect the
                virtual memory data of the task.
  -R reference  search for references to this number or filename.
            -m  dump the mm_struct associated with the task.
            -v  dump all of the vm_area_structs associated with the task.
            -x  override the default output format for the -m or -v options
                with hexadecimal format.
            -d  override the default output format for the -m or -v options
                with decimal format.
   -f vm_flags  translate the bits of a FLAGS (vm_flags) value.
           pid  a process PID.
          task  a hexadecimal task_struct pointer.


  Display the virtual memory data of the current context:

    crash> vm
    PID: 30986  TASK: c0440000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "bash"
       MM       PGD       RSS    TOTAL_VM
    c303fe20  c4789000    88k      1728k
      VMA      START      END     FLAGS  FILE
    c0d1f540   8048000   80ad000  1875   /bin/bash
    c0d1f400   80ad000   80b3000  1873   /bin/bash
    c0d1f880   80b3000   80ec000    77
    c0d1f0c0  40000000  40012000   875   /lib/ld-2.1.1.so
    c0d1f700  40012000  40013000   873   /lib/ld-2.1.1.so
    c0d1fe00  40013000  40014000    77
    c0d1f580  40014000  40016000    73
    c0d1f280  4001a000  4004b000    75   /usr/lib/libncurses.so.4.2
    c0d1f100  4004b000  40054000    73   /usr/lib/libncurses.so.4.2
    c0d1f600  40054000  40057000    73
    c0d1f9c0  40057000  40059000    75   /lib/libdl-2.1.1.so
    c0d1f800  40059000  4005a000    73   /lib/libdl-2.1.1.so
    c0d1fd00  4005a000  40140000    75   /lib/libc-2.1.1.so
    c0d1fe40  40140000  40145000    73   /lib/libc-2.1.1.so
    c0d1f780  40145000  40148000    73
    c0d1f140  40148000  40150000    75   /lib/libnss_files-2.1.1.so
    c0d1fa80  40150000  40151000    73   /lib/libnss_files-2.1.1.so
    c0d1fb00  40151000  4015a000    75   /lib/libnss_nisplus-2.1.1.so
    c5f754e0  4015a000  4015b000    73   /lib/libnss_nisplus-2.1.1.so
    c0d1fec0  4015b000  4016d000    75   /lib/libnsl-2.1.1.so
    c5f75460  4016d000  4016e000    73   /lib/libnsl-2.1.1.so
    c5f75420  4016e000  40170000    73
    c5f753e0  40170000  40178000    75   /lib/libnss_nis-2.1.1.so
    c5f753a0  40178000  40179000    73   /lib/libnss_nis-2.1.1.so
    c0d1f240  bfffc000  c0000000   177

  Display the virtual memory data along with page translations for PID 386:

    crash> vm -p 386
    PID: 386    TASK: c11cc000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "atd"
       MM       PGD       RSS    TOTAL_VM
    c7e30560  c10e5000    104k     1112k
      VMA      START      END     FLAGS  FILE
    c0fbe6a0   8048000   804b000  1875   /usr/sbin/atd
     8048000  20e1000
     8049000  17c6000
     804a000  1f6f000
      VMA      START      END     FLAGS  FILE
    c61e0ba0   804b000   804d000  1873   /usr/sbin/atd
     804b000  254d000
     804c000  6a9c000
      VMA      START      END     FLAGS  FILE
    c61e04e0   804d000   8050000    77   
     804d000  219d000
     804e000  2617000
     804f000  SWAP: /dev/sda8  OFFSET: 24225
      VMA      START      END     FLAGS  FILE
    c61e0720  40000000  40012000   875   /lib/ld-2.1.1.so
    40000000  FILE: /lib/ld-2.1.1.so  OFFSET: 0
    40001000  FILE: /lib/ld-2.1.1.so  OFFSET: 1000
    40002000  FILE: /lib/ld-2.1.1.so  OFFSET: 2000
    40003000  FILE: /lib/ld-2.1.1.so  OFFSET: 3000
    40004000  FILE: /lib/ld-2.1.1.so  OFFSET: 4000
    40005000  FILE: /lib/ld-2.1.1.so  OFFSET: 5000
  Although the -R option is typically invoked from "foreach vm", it can be
  executed directly.  This example displays all VM areas with vm_flags of 75:

    crash> vm -R 75
    PID: 694    TASK: c0c76000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "crash"
       MM       PGD      RSS    TOTAL_VM
    c6c43110  c0fe9000  8932k    10720k 
      VMA       START      END   FLAGS  FILE
    c322c0d0  40019000  4004a000    75  /usr/lib/libncurses.so.4.2
    c67537c0  40056000  40071000    75  /lib/libm-2.1.1.so
    c6753d00  40072000  40074000    75  /lib/libdl-2.1.1.so
    c6753540  40075000  40081000    75  /usr/lib/libz.so.1.1.3
    c6753740  40085000  4016b000    75  /lib/libc-2.1.1.so
  One reason to use -R directly is to pare down the output associated with
  the -p option on a task with a huge address space.  This example displays
  the page data associated with virtual address 40121000:

    crash> vm -R 40121000
    PID: 694    TASK: c0c76000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "crash"
       MM       PGD      RSS    TOTAL_VM
    c6c43110  c0fe9000  8928k    10720k 
      VMA       START      END   FLAGS  FILE
    c6753740  40085000  4016b000    75  /lib/libc-2.1.1.so
    40121000  FILE: /lib/libc-2.1.1.so  OFFSET: 9c000
  Display the mm_struct for PID 4777:

    crash> vm -m 4777
    PID: 4777   TASK: c0896000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "bash"
    struct mm_struct {
      mmap = 0xc6caa1c0, 
      mmap_avl = 0x0, 
      mmap_cache = 0xc6caabc0, 
      pgd = 0xc100a000, 
      count = {
        counter = 0x1
      map_count = 0x14, 
      mmap_sem = {
        count = {
          counter = 0x1
        waking = 0x0, 
        wait = 0x0
      context = 0x0, 
      start_code = 0x8048000, 
      end_code = 0x809c6f7, 
      start_data = 0x0, 
      end_data = 0x80a2090, 
      start_brk = 0x80a5420, 
      brk = 0x80b9000, 
      start_stack = 0xbffff9d0, 
      arg_start = 0xbffffad1, 
      arg_end = 0xbffffad7, 
      env_start = 0xbffffad7, 
      env_end = 0xbffffff2, 
      rss = 0xf6, 
      total_vm = 0x1a3, 
      locked_vm = 0x0, 
      def_flags = 0x0, 
      cpu_vm_mask = 0x0, 
      swap_cnt = 0x23d,
      swap_address = 0x0, 
      segments = 0x0
  Display all of the vm_area_structs for task c47d4000:

    crash> vm -v c47d4000
    PID: 4971   TASK: c47d4000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "login"
    struct vm_area_struct {
      vm_mm = 0xc4b0d200, 
      vm_start = 0x8048000, 
      vm_end = 0x804d000, 
      vm_next = 0xc3e3abd0, 
      vm_page_prot = {
        pgprot = 0x25
      vm_flags = 0x1875, 
      vm_avl_height = 0x1, 
      vm_avl_left = 0x0, 
      vm_avl_right = 0x0, 
      vm_next_share = 0x0, 
      vm_pprev_share = 0xc3e3abf0, 
      vm_ops = 0xc02392a0, 
      vm_offset = 0x0, 
      vm_file = 0xc1e23660, 
      vm_pte = 0x0
    struct vm_area_struct {
      vm_mm = 0xc4b0d200, 
      vm_start = 0x804d000, 
      vm_end = 0x804e000, 
      vm_next = 0xc3e3a010, 
      vm_page_prot = {
        pgprot = 0x25
      vm_flags = 0x1873, 
      vm_avl_height = 0x2, 
      vm_avl_left = 0xc3e3a810, 
      vm_avl_right = 0xc3e3a010, 
      vm_next_share = 0xc3e3a810, 
      vm_pprev_share = 0xc3699c14
  Translate a FLAGS value:

    crash> vm -f 3875
  Display the page translations of the VM area at address f5604f2c:

    crash> vm -P f5604f2c
    PID: 5508   TASK: f56a9570  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "crond"
      VMA       START      END    FLAGS  FILE
    f5604f2c    f5b000    f67000 8000075  /lib/libnss_files-2.12.so
    f5b000    3fec1000
    f5c000    3d3a4000
    f5d000    FILE: /lib/libnss_files-2.12.so  OFFSET: 2000
    f5e000    FILE: /lib/libnss_files-2.12.so  OFFSET: 3000
    f5f000    FILE: /lib/libnss_files-2.12.so  OFFSET: 4000
    f60000    3fd31000
    f61000    3fd32000
    f62000    FILE: /lib/libnss_files-2.12.so  OFFSET: 7000
    f63000    FILE: /lib/libnss_files-2.12.so  OFFSET: 8000
    f64000    3ff35000
    f65000    FILE: /lib/libnss_files-2.12.so  OFFSET: a000
    f66000    FILE: /lib/libnss_files-2.12.so  OFFSET: b000

48. vtop - virtual to physical


  vtop [-c [pid | taskp]] [-u|-k] address ...


  This command translates a user or kernel virtual address to its physical
  address.  Also displayed is the PTE translation, the vm_area_struct data
  for user virtual addresses, the mem_map page data associated with the
  physical page, and the swap location or file location if the page is
  not mapped.  The -u and -k options specify that the address is a user
  or kernel virtual address; -u and -k are not necessary on processors whose
  virtual addresses self-define themselves as user or kernel.  User addresses
  are translated with respect to the current context unless the -c option
  is used.  Kernel virtual addresses are translated using the swapper_pg_dir
  as the base page directory unless the -c option is used.
   -u                 The address is a user virtual address; only required
                      on processors with overlapping user and kernel virtual
                      address spaces.
   -k                 The address is a kernel virtual address; only required
                      on processors with overlapping user and kernel virtual
                      address spaces.
   -c [pid | taskp]   Translate the virtual address from the page directory
                      of the specified PID or hexadecimal task_struct pointer.
                      However, if this command is invoked from "foreach vtop",
                      the pid or taskp argument should NOT be entered; the
                      address will be translated using the page directory of
                      each task specified by "foreach".
   address            A hexadecimal user or kernel virtual address.


  Translate user virtual address 80b4000:

    crash> vtop 80b4000
    80b4000   660f000
    PAGE DIRECTORY: c37f0000
      PGD: c37f0080 => e0d067
      PMD: c37f0080 => e0d067
      PTE: c0e0d2d0 => 660f067
     PAGE: 660f000
    660f067   660f000  (PRESENT|RW|USER|ACCESSED|DIRTY)
      VMA      START      END      FLAGS  FILE
    c773daa0   80b4000   810c000    77
    c0393258   660f000         0     17000  1  uptodate
  Translate kernel virtual address c806e000, first using swapper_pg_dir
  as the page directory base, and secondly, using the page table base
  of PID 1359:

    crash> vtop c806e000
    c806e000  2216000
    PAGE DIRECTORY: c0101000
      PGD: c0101c80 => 94063
      PMD: c0101c80 => 94063
      PTE: c00941b8 => 2216063
     PAGE: 2216000
    2216063   2216000  (PRESENT|RW|ACCESSED|DIRTY)
    c02e9370   2216000         0         0  1  
    crash> vtop -c 1359 c806e000
    c806e000  2216000
    PAGE DIRECTORY: c5caf000
      PGD: c5cafc80 => 94063
      PMD: c5cafc80 => 94063
      PTE: c00941b8 => 2216063
     PAGE: 2216000
    2216063   2216000  (PRESENT|RW|ACCESSED|DIRTY)
    c02e9370   2216000         0         0  1  
  Determine swap location of user virtual address 40104000:

    crash> vtop 40104000
    40104000  (not mapped)
    PAGE DIRECTORY: c40d8000
      PGD: c40d8400 => 6bbe067
      PMD: c40d8400 => 6bbe067
      PTE: c6bbe410 => 58bc00  
     PTE      SWAP     OFFSET
    58bc00  /dev/sda8   22716
      VMA      START      END     FLAGS  FILE
    c7200ae0  40104000  40b08000    73   
    SWAP: /dev/sda8  OFFSET: 22716

49. waitq - list tasks queued on a wait queue


  waitq  [ symbol ] | [ struct.member struct_addr ] | [ address ]


  This command walks the wait queue list displaying the tasks which 
  are blocked on the specified wait queue.  The command differentiates
  between the old- and new-style wait queue structures used by the kernel.
  It can be invoked with the following argument types:
                     symbol  a global symbol of a wait queue.
  struct.member struct_addr  a structure name and wait queue member combination
                             followed by the structure's hexadecimal address.
                    address  a hexadecimal wait queue pointer.


  Find out if any tasks are blocked on the "buffer_wait" wait queue:

    crash> waitq buffer_wait
    wait queue "buffer_wait" (c02927f0) is empty
  See who is blocked on the "wait_chldexit" queue of task c5496000:

    crash> waitq task_struct.wait_chldexit c5496000
    PID: 30879  TASK: c5496000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "bash"
  Display the task list waiting on a known task queue:

    crash> waitq c3534098
    PID: 13691  TASK: c3534000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "bash"

50. whatis - search symbol table for data or type information


  whatis [[-o] [struct | union | typedef | symbol]] | 
         [[-r [size|range]] [-m member]]


  This command displays the definition of structures, unions, typedefs or
  text/data symbols:

    struct  a structure name. The output is the same as if the "struct"
            command was used.
     union  a union name. The output is the same as if the "union" command
            was used.
        -o  display the offsets of structure/union members.
   typedef  a typedef name. If the typedef translates to a structure or union
            the output is the same as if the "struct" or "union" command
            was used. If the typedef is a primitive datatype, the one-line
            declaration is displayed.
    symbol  a kernel symbol.  

  Alternatively, a search can be made for data structures of a given size or
  size range, that contain a member of a given type, or contain a pointer to
  given type.  The -r and -m options may be used alone or in conjunction with
  one another:

   -r size  search for structures of this exact size.
  -r range  search for structures of a range of sizes, expressed as "low-high".
 -m member  search for structures that contain a member of this data type, or
            that contain a pointer to this data type; if a structure contains 
            another structure, the members of the embedded structure will also
            be subject to the search. The member argument may also be expressed
            as a substring of a member's data type.


   Display the definition of a linux_binfmt structure:

    crash> whatis linux_binfmt
    struct linux_binfmt {
        struct list_head lh;
        struct module *module;
        int (*load_binary)(struct linux_binprm *);
        int (*load_shlib)(struct file *);
        int (*core_dump)(struct coredump_params *);
        unsigned long min_coredump;
    SIZE: 56

   Display the same structure with member offsets:

    crash> whatis -o linux_binfmt
    struct linux_binfmt {
       [0] struct list_head lh;
      [16] struct module *module;
      [24] int (*load_binary)(struct linux_binprm *);
      [32] int (*load_shlib)(struct file *);
      [40] int (*core_dump)(struct coredump_params *);
      [48] unsigned long min_coredump;
    SIZE: 56

  Since a kmem_bufctl_t is typedef'd to be a kmem_bufctl_s structure, the
  output of the following two commands is identical:

    crash> whatis kmem_bufctl_s
    struct kmem_bufctl_s {
      union {
        struct kmem_bufctl_s  *buf_nextp;
        kmem_slab_t *buf_slabp;
        void *buf_objp;
      } u;
    crash> whatis kmem_bufctl_t
    struct kmem_bufctl_s {
      union {
        struct kmem_bufctl_s *buf_nextp;
        kmem_slab_t *buf_slabp;
        void *buf_objp;
      } u;
    SIZE: 4  (0x4)
  Display the type data of sys_read() and jiffies text and data symbols:

    crash> whatis sys_read
    ssize_t sys_read(unsigned int, char *, size_t);
    crash> whatis jiffies
    long unsigned int jiffies;

  Display definition of a kdev_t typedef:

    crash> whatis kdev_t
    typedef short unsigned int kdev_t;
    SIZE: 2  (0x2)

  Display all structures which have a size of 192 bytes:

    crash> whatis -r 192
     192  _intel_private
     192  blkcg_gq
     192  clock_event_device
     192  cper_sec_proc_generic
     192  dentry
     192  dst_ops
     192  ehci_itd
     192  ethtool_rxnfc
     192  fb_ops
     192  file_lock
     192  inode_operations
     192  input_device_id
     192  ip_vs_stats
     192  numa_group
     192  parallel_data
     192  pcie_port_service_driver
     192  pebs_record_hsw
     192  pnp_driver
     192  regmap_config
     192  sched_entity
     192  tcp_timewait_sock
     192  timerfd_ctx
     192  tpm_vendor_specific
     192  urb

  Display all structures that contain members that point to 
  an mm_struct:

    crash> whatis -m mm_struct
      16  tlb_state
      24  flush_tlb_info
      24  ftrace_raw_xen_mmu_pgd
      24  futex_key
      24  map_info
      32  ftrace_raw_xen_mmu_alloc_ptpage
      32  ftrace_raw_xen_mmu_pte_clear
      40  ftrace_raw_xen_mmu_flush_tlb_others
      40  ftrace_raw_xen_mmu_ptep_modify_prot
      40  ftrace_raw_xen_mmu_set_pte_at
      40  mm_slot
      64  mm_walk
      64  rmap_item
     104  userfaultfd_ctx
     128  mmu_gather
     216  vm_area_struct
     256  linux_binprm
    2616  rq
    2936  task_struct

  Display all structures sized from 256 to 512 bytes that
  contain members that point to a task_struct:

    crash> whatis -r 256-512 -m task_struct
     256  file
     256  od_cpu_dbs_info_s
     264  srcu_notifier_head
     272  protection_domain
     288  clk_notifier
     288  fsnotify_group
     296  quota_info
     312  tty_port
     320  workqueue_struct
     344  trace_array
     344  uart_state
     352  cpufreq_policy
     352  elf_thread_core_info
     376  perf_event_context
     384  rcu_data
     400  cgroup
     408  subsys_private
     424  hvc_struct
     496  psmouse

51. wr - write memory


  wr [-u|-k|-p] [-8|-16|-32|-64] [address|symbol] value


  This command modifies the contents of memory.  The starting address may be
  entered either symbolically or by address.  The default modification size 
  is the size of a long data type.  Write permission must exist on the
  /dev/mem.  When writing to memory on a live system, this command should 
  obviously be used with great care.

       -u  address argument is a user virtual address.
       -k  address argument is a kernel virtual address.
       -p  address argument is a physical address.
       -8  write data in an 8-bit value.
      -16  write data in a 16-bit value.
      -32  write data in a 32-bit values (default on 32-bit machines).
      -64  write data in a 64-bit values (default on 64-bit machines).
  address  address to write.  The address is considered virtual unless the
           -p option is used.  If a virtual address is specified, the
           -u or -k options are necessary only if the address space cannot
           be determined from the address value itself.  If a user virtual
           address is specified, the address space of the current context
           implied.  The address must be expressed in hexadecimal format.
   symbol  symbol of starting address to write.
    value  the value of the data to write.


  Turn on a debug flag:

    crash> wr my_debug_flag 1

52. q - exit this session




  Bail out of the current crash session.

52.3. NOTE

  This command is equivalent to the "exit" command.
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kdump是一个在Linux内核崩溃时收集dump信息工具。它的设计目标是在遇到内核崩溃时,能够提供完整的内核转储信息,以便开发人员进行分析和调试。 kdump的工作原理是在系统启动时,设置一个保护内存区域,用于在内核崩溃时存储dump信息。当系统出现崩溃时,kdump会触发一个内核崩溃的路径,将所有的内核状态信息存储在这个保护区域中。然后,kdump会加载一个独立的小内核,这个小内核只包含了最小的功能,仅仅用于将之前存储的内核状态信息写入磁盘。这样,即使主内核发生崩溃,kdump仍然能够将dump信息保存下来。 kdump所收集的dump信息包含了内核的堆栈、寄存器的状态、内核模块列表、内核代码和数据段等。这些信息对于开发人员分析和调试内核问题非常有帮助。无论是内核中的软件错误、硬件故障还是系统配置错误,都能够通过kdump的信息来定位和解决问题。 为了使用kdump,我们首先需要安装kexec工具,然后对系统进行一些配置,如设置内存保护区域的大小、crashkernel参数等。配置完成后,重新启动系统,当系统崩溃时,kdump就会自动工作。 总结来说,kdump是一个非常有用的Linux内核调试工具,能够在内核崩溃时提供完整的dump信息,为开发人员提供了方便的分析和调试手段。它能够帮助我们快速定位和解决各种内核问题,提高系统的稳定性和可靠性。




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