I’m here showing how you can use GDAL2Tiles to generate map tiles of Tom Patterson’s Natural Earth II. This is a beautiful raster map that portrays the world environment in an idealised manner with little human influence. The map can be downloaded on this page. I’m here using version 2C.
I start by using gdal_translate to georeference the map image:
gdal_translate -a_srs EPSG:4326 -gcp 0 0 -180 90 -gcp 16200 0 180 90 -gcp 16200 8100 180 -90 NE2_modis3.jpg NE2_modis3.tif
The image should now have the correct projection (EPSG:4326), but GDAL2Tiles was not generating the KML SuperOverlay before ran this command:
gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:4326 NE2_modis3.tif NE2_modis3_4326.tif
The original raster map is 16,200 x 8,100 pixels. Each map tile image is 256 x 256 pixels. This table shows the number of tiles generated for each zoom level:
For my purpose, 5 zoom levels are enough. I therefore reduced the map image to 8192 x 4096 pixels:
gdal_translate -outsize 8192 4096 NE2_modis3_4326.tif NE2_modis3_4326_5.tif
Finally, I used GDAL2Tiles to generate the map tiles:
gdal2tiles -title "Natural Earth II" -publishurl http://www.thematicmapping.org/maptiles/ -v NE2_modis3_4326_5.tif naturalearth