tcp-ip IP Routing

Conceptually, IP routing is simple, especially for a host. If the destination is directly connected to the host (e.g., a point-to-point link) or on a shared network (e.g., Ethernet or token ring), then the IP datagram is sent directly to the destination. Otherwise the host sends the datagram to a default router, and lets the router deliver the datagram to its destination. This simple scheme handles most host configurations. Routers are the devices that perform the network layer forwarding function of the Internet protocol suite. Routers provide datagram transport only, and they seek to minimize the state information necessary to sustain this service in the interest of routing flexibility and robustness.

The major distinction between Internet hosts and routers is that routers implement forwarding algorithms, while Internet hosts do not require forwarding capabilities.A router connects to two or more logical interfaces, represented by IP subnets or unnumbered point to point lines.Thus, it has at least one physical interface. Forwarding an IP datagram generally requires the router to choose the address and relevant interface of the next-hop router or (for the final hop) the destination host. This choice, called relaying or forwarding depends upon a route database within the router. The route database is also called a routing table or forwarding table.

The IP layer has a routing table in memory that it searches each time it receives a datagram to send. When a datagram is received from a network interface, IP first checks if the destination IP address is one of its own IP addresses or an IP broadcast address. If so, the datagram is delivered to the protocol module specified by the protocol field in the IP header. If the datagram is not destined for this IP layer, then (1) if the IP layer was configured to act as a router the packet is forwarded (that is, handled as an outgoing datagram as described below), else (2) the datagram is silently discarded.

Each entry in the routing table contains the following information:

  • Destination IP address. This can be either a complete host address or a network address, as specified by the flag field (described below) for this entry. A host address has a nonzero host ID and identifies one particular host, while a network address has a host ID of 0 and identifies all the hosts on that network (e.g., Ethernet, token ring).
  • IP address of a next-hop router, or the IP address of a directly connected network. A nexthop router is one that is on a directly connected network to which we can send datagrams for delivery. The next-hop router is not the final destination, but it takes the datagrams we send it and forwards them to the final destination.
  • Flags. One flag specifies whether the destination IP address is the address of a network or the address of a host. Another flag says whether the next-hop router field is really a nexthop router or a directly connected interface.
  • Specification of which network interface the datagram should be passed to for transmission.

As we can see from this routing table information, IP does not know the complete route to any destination (except, of course, those destinations that are directly connected to the sending host). All that IP routing provides is the IP address of the nexthop router to which the datagram is sent. It is assumed that the next-hop router is really "closer" to the destination than the sending host is, and that the next-hop router is directly connected to the sending host.

IP routing performs the following actions:

  1. Search the routing table for an entry that matches the complete destination IP address (matching network ID and host ID). If found, send the packet to the indicated next-hop router or to the directly connected interface (depending on the flags field).
  2. Search the routing table for an entry that matches just the destination network ID. If found, send the packet to the indicated next-hop router or to the directly connected interface (depending on the flags field). All the hosts on the destination network can be handled with this single routing table entry.
    This check for a network match must take into account a possible subnet mask
  3. Search the routing table for an entry labeled "default." If found, send the packet to the indicated next-hop router.

If none of the steps works, the datagram is undeliverable. If the undeliverable datagram was generated on this host, a "host unreachable" or "network unreachable" error is normally returned to the application that generated the datagram.

A complete matching host address is searched for before a matching network ID. Only if both of these fail is a default route used. Default routes, along with the ICMP redirect message sent by a next-hop router (if we chose the wrong default for a datagram), are powerful features of IP routing.

The ability to specify a route to a network, and not have to specify a route to every host, is another fundamental feature of IP routing. Doing this allows the routers on the Internet, for example, to have a routing table with thousands of entries, instead of a routing table with more than one million entries.

netstat -rn : to list the routing table

There are five different flags that can be printed for a given route.

  • U The route is up.
  • G The route is to a gateway (router). If this flag is not set, the destination is directly connected.
  • H The route is to a host, that is, the destination is a complete host address. If this flag is not set, the route is to a network, and the destination is a network address: a net ID, or a combination of a net ID and a subnet ID.
  • D The route was created by a redirect.
  • M The route was modified by a redirect.

The G flag is important because it differentiates between an indirect route and a direct route. (The G flag is not set for a direct route.) The difference is that a packet going out a direct route has both the IP address and the link-layer address specifying the destination. When a packet is sent out an indirect route, the IP address specifies the final destination but the link-layer address specifies the gateway (that is, the next-hop router).

It's important to understand the difference between the G and H flags. The G flag differentiates between a direct and an indirect route, as described above. The H flag, however, specifies that the destination address is a complete host address. The absence of the H flag means the destination address is a network address (the host ID portion will be 0). When the routing table is searched for a route to a destination IP address, a host address entry must match the destination address completely, while a network address only needs to match the network ID and any subnet ID of the destination address. 

The reference count column gives the number of active uses for each route. A connectionoriented protocol such as TCP holds on to a route while the connection is established.

The column "use" displays the number of packets sent through that route.

The final column, the interface, is the name of the local interface.

The loopback interface, always named lo0. The G flag is not set, since the route is not to a gateway. The H flag indicates that the destination address ( is a host address, and not a network address. When the G field is not set, indicating a direct route, the gateway column gives the IP address of the outgoing interface.

Every host can have one or more default routes. Being able to establish a default route is a powerful concept. The flags for this route (UG) indicate that it's a route to a gateway, as we expect.

The complexity of a host's routing table depends on the topology of the networks to which the host has access.

  1. The simplest (but least interesting) case is a host that is not connected to any networks at all. The TCP/IP protocols can still be used on the host, but only to communicate with itself! The routing table in this case consists of a single entry for the loopback interface.
  2. Next is a host connected to a single LAN, only able to access hosts on that LAN. The routing table consists of two entries: one for the loopback interface and one for the LAN (such as an Ethernet).
  3. The next step occurs when other networks (such as the Internet) are reachable through a single router. This is normally handled with a default entry pointing to that router.
  4. The final step is when other host-specific or network-specific routes are added.

Initializing a Routing Table
We never said how these routing table entries are created. Whenever an interface is initialized (normally when the interface's address is set by the ifconfig command) a direct route is automatically created for that interface. For the loopback interface, the route is to a host (i.e., the H flag is set). For broadcast interfaces such as an Ethernet, the route is to that network.

Dynamic Routing Protocols

For static routing. The routing table entries were created by default when an interface was configured (for directly connected interfaces), added by the route command (normally from a system bootstrap file), or created by an ICMP redirect (usually when the wrong default was used).

This is fine if the network is small, there is a single connection point to other networks, and there are no redundant routes (where a backup route can be used if a primary route fails). If any of these three conditions is false, dynamic routing is normally used.

Dynamic Routing

Dynamic routing occurs when routers talk to adjacent routers, informing each other of what networks each router is currently connected to. The routers must communicate using a routing protocol, of which there are many to choose from. The process on the router that is running the routing protocol, communicating with its neighbor routers, is usually called a routing daemon. The routing daemon updates the kernel's routing table with information it receives from neighbor routers.

RIP: Routing Information Protocol

RIP messages are carried in UDP datagrams

A command of 1 is a request, and 2 is a reply. There are two other obsolete commands (3 and 4), and two undocumented ones: poll (5) and poll-entry (6). A request asks the other system to send all or part of its routing table. A reply contains all or part of the sender's routing table.

The next 20 bytes specify the address family (which is always 2 for IP addresses), an IP address, and an associated metric( RIP metrics are hop counts ).

Up to 25 routes can be advertised in a RIP message using this 20-byte format. The limit of 25 is to keep the total size of the RIP message, 20 x 25+4 = 504, less than 512 bytes. With this limit of 25 routes per message, multiple messages are often required to send an entire routing table.

Let's look at the normal operation of routed, using RIP. The well-known port number for RIP is UDP port 520.

  1. Initialization. When the daemon starts it determines all the interfaces that are up and sends a request packet out each interface, asking for the other router's complete routing table. The request is broadcast if the network supports it. The destination UDP port is 520 (the routing daemon on the other router).
    This request packet has a command of 1 but the address family is set to 0 and the metric is set to 16. This is a special request that asks for a complete routing table from the other end.
  2. Request received. If the request is the special case we just mentioned, then the entire routing table is sent to the requestor. Otherwise each entry in the request is processed: if we have a route to the specified address, set the metric to our value, else set the metric to 16. (A metric of 16 is a special value called "infinity" and means we don't have a route to that destination.) The response is returned.
  3. Response received. The response is validated and may update the routing table. New entries can be added, existing entries can be modified, or existing entries can be deleted.
  4. Regular routing updates. Every 30 seconds, all or part of the router's entire routing table is sent to every neighbor router. The routing table is either broadcast (e.g., on an Ethernet) or sent to the other end of a point-to-point link.
  5. Triggered updates. These occur whenever the metric for a route changes. The entire routing table need not be sent - only those entries that have changed must be transmitted.

Each route has a timeout associated with it. If a system running RIP finds a route that has not been updated for 3 minutes, that route's metric is set to infinity (16) and marked for deletion. This means we have missed six of the 30-second updates from the router that advertised that route. The deletion of the route from the local routing table is delayed for another 60 seconds to ensure the invalidation is propagated.


The metrics used by RIP are hop counts. The hop count for all directly connected interfaces is 1.

As each router sends its routing tables to its neighbors. If there are multiple paths from a router to a network, the router selects the path with the smallest hop count and ignores the other paths.





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