Software Defined Storage For Dummies(Chap1)

Software Defined Storage For Dummies(Chap1)

chap1:Storage 101


accelerating[æk'seləreitiŋ]adj. 促进的,[物] 加速的;催化的
staggering['stæɡərɪŋ]adj. 惊人的,令人震惊的
scalable['skeɪləb(ə)l]adj. 可扩展的,可伸缩的
jargon['skeɪləb(ə)l]n. 行话,术语;黄锆石
stuff of legend传奇故事
deluge['deljuːdʒ]n. 洪水;泛滥;暴雨vt. 使泛滥;压倒
nuts and bolts具体细节,基本要素
at a stunning pace以惊人的速度
migration[maɪ'greɪʃ(ə)n]n. 迁移;移民;移动
backup['bækʌp]n. 支持;后援;阻塞 adj. 支持的;候补的 vt. 做备份
archive['ɑ:kaiv]n. 档案馆;档案文件 vt. 把…存档
vendor['vendə; 'vendɔː]n. 卖主;小贩;供应商;[贸易] 自动售货机
DRAM[dræm]abbr. 动态随机存取存储器(Dynamic Random Access Memory)
productivity[prɒdʌk'tɪvɪtɪ]n. 生产力;生产率;生产能力
physical slot[slɒt]n. 物理插槽
OLTPonline transaction processing,abbr. 联机事务处理
IOPSI/O Operations Per Second,abbr.每秒输入输出操作
off-site replication异地复制
dedicated['dedɪkeɪtɪd]adj. 专用的;专注的;献身的
premium['priːmɪəm]n. 额外费用;奖金;保险费;(商)溢价 adj. 高价的;优质的
leverage['liːv(ə)rɪdʒ; 'lev(ə)rɪdʒ]n. 手段,影响力;杠杆作用;杠杆效率 v. 利用;举债经营

stuff of legend 传奇故事


  • 对SDS的简要介绍

Software defined storage uses standard compute, network, and storage hardware; the storage functions are all done in software, such as IBM GPFS, that provides automated, policy driven, application aware storage services, through orchestration of the underlining storage infrastructure in support of an overall software defined environment.


  • 对GPFS的简要介绍

IBM General Parallel File System (GPFS) provides online storage management, scalable access, and integrated information lifecycle management tools that are capable of managing petabytes of data and billions of files. This high performance, shared-disk file management solution offers fast, reliable access to a common set of file-based data.


  • NAS

NAS:Network Attached Storage,网络附属存储器

  • 结构化与非结构化数据

Structured data refers to data that’s organized, for example, in a database.
Unstructured data refers to data that doesn’t have a defined model or framework,
for example, multimedia files.

  • 数据存储面临的挑战

① Rising administrative costs to manage file-based data
② Data accessibility that’s limited in remote locations
③ Continuous data availability and protection that becomes increasingly difficult to maintain
④ Backup and archival operations that can’t keep pace with growing data

Remember: Data access and management is critical to an efficient computing infrastructure. An efficient infrastructure must be balanced properly between three key components: compute, network, and data. The network and the data are normally the most difficult challenges for enterprise IT departments.

  • enterprise storage performs three important functions

① Store data (intermediate and final)
② Protect data from being lost
③ Feed data to the computer’s processors (so they can keep doing work)

Warning: getting data from the storage to the processor has become a performance bottleneck.
CPU、DRAM、Network、Bus:speed increased 8-10,7-9,100 timesHard disk drive (HDD) speed performance has increased only 1.2 times.

One result of this storage bottleneck is that your applications may be running slow, which negatively impacts productivity and wastes the capacity of other expensive infrastructure in your datacenter.

  • Types of Storage
    | types of storage | including| application|
    | :-------- | --------? :–: |
    | Block storage| Fibre Channel (or FCP),光纤通道
    SCSI and iSCSI,小型计算机系统接口,互联网小型计算机接口
    ATA and SATA,硬盘接口技术,串行高级技术附件| 前三种:used in outside of the computer,SAN
    后两种:used in DAS |
    | File storage| SMB or CIFS: commonly used in Windows-based networks.
    NFS : common in Unix- and Linux-based networks
    HTTP: the protocol used when using a web browser.| common in datacenters today |
    |Object storage|A container stores the actual data,
    the metadata and a unique Object ID|① use containers to store data known as objects
    in a flat address space instead of the hierarchical,
    directory-based file systems that are common
    in block and file-based storage systems
    ② used for cloud services by providers
    such as IBM SoftLayer, Amazon S3,
    Google and Facebook|
FCPFibre Channel Protocol光纤通道协议
SCSISmall Computer System Interface小型计算机系统接口
iSCSIInternet Protocol SCSI互联网小型计算机接口
SASSerial Attached SCSI串行连接SCSI接口
ATAAdvanced Technology Attachment硬盘接口技术
SATASerial ATA串行高级技术附件
SMBServer Message Block服务器消息块
CIFSCommon Internet File System通用互联网文件系统
NFSNetwork File System网络文件系统
HTTPHypertext Transfer Protocol超文本传输协议
SANstorage area network存储区域网connected to a server or servers
through a dedicated storage network
DASdirect-attached storage直连式存储attached to the computer or server
via a bus interface
  • LUN (Logical Unit Number),逻辑单元号

A LUN (Logical Unit Number) is an identifier assigned to a collection of disks within the storage system, defined in a storage controller and partitioned so that host servers can access them. A computer can then use these LUNS to store data. For example, you can create a file system on a LUN as a place to store files. A volume is part of a LUN created within volume management software.

LUN(逻辑单元号)是分配给存储系统中的一组磁盘的标识符,在存储控制器中定义并分区,以便主机服务器可以访问它们。 然后计算机可以使用这些LUNS来存储数据。例如,您可以在LUN上创建文件系统作为存储文件的位置。卷是卷管理软件中创建的LUN的一部分。

  • hard drives
    |分类 | 特点 | 应用 |
    | :-------- | --------? --: |
    | SATA | highest capacity and lowest cost per gigabyte,
    slower and less reliable than other drive technologies | used in desktop and laptop computers |
    | SAS | a tradeoff between performanceand capacity,
    more reliable than SATA drives,
    their individual components are designed to handle frequent read/writes
    and high IOPS.| used in servers (DAS) or SANs |
    | SSD(固态硬盘) |flash technology to provide reliable and high-speed data storage | 234 |
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