

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var x;//声明一个变量


    x="hello word";//双引号之间构成字符串
    x='hello word';//单引号之间构成字符串

    var book={//对象

    book.topic  //==>JavaScript
    book[fat]   //==>true


    var primes=[2,3,5,7,9];
    var empty=[];//[]空值,具有0个元素


    var points=[

    var data={

    3+2 //==>5 
    3-2 //1
    3*3 //9
    3/3 //1
    points[1].x-points[0].x  //复杂的操作数也能完成
    '3'+'2' //32 字符串连接

    var count = 0;
    count +=2;//自增2

    var x=2;
    var y=3;
    x==y;//false 判断是否相等
    x != y;//true 判断是否不等
    "two">"three";//true tw在字母表中索引大于th
    false==(x>y);//true false等于false


    (x==2) && (y==3);//true 两个比较都是true,&&表示"与"

    (x>3)||(y<3);//false 两个都是false,||表示"或"
    !(x == y);//true "!"表示求反

    function plus1(x){//定义一个plus1的函数,带有参数x
        return x+1;


    var square=function(x){ //函数也是一种值,可以赋值给变量
        return x*x;//计算函数的值


    // 当将函数和对象写在一起时,我们称为方法;

    var a=[];//创建一个空数组


        var p1=this[0];//调用数组前两个元素
        var p2=this[1];//
        var a = p2.x-p1.x;//x坐标上的距离
        var b=p2.y-p1.y;//y坐标上的距离
        return Math.sqrt(a*a+b*b);//用Math.sqrt()来计算平方根


    function abs(x){//求绝对值的函数
            return x;
            return -x;


    function factorial(n){//计算阶乘
        var product=1;
            product *= n;
        return product;


    function factorial2(n){
        var i, product=1;
            product *= i;
        return product;


    function Point(x,y){    //按照惯例,构造方法均以大写字母开始
        this.x=x;   //关键字"this"指代初始化的实例
        this.y=y;   //将函数参数存储为对象的属性,不需要返回return

    var p=new Point(1,1);//平面几何中的点(1,1)

        return Math.sqrt(this.x*this.x+this.y*this.y);//this指代调用这个方法的对象

    //Point的实例对象p(以及所有的Point实例对象) 继承了方法r()
    p.r(); //==>1.414


JavaScript权威指南 犀牛书 Chapter 1. Introduction to JavaScript Section 1.1. JavaScript Myths Section 1.2. Versions of JavaScript Section 1.3. Client-Side JavaScript Section 1.4. JavaScript in Other Contexts Section 1.5. Client-Side JavaScript: Executable Content in Web Pages Section 1.6. Client-Side JavaScript Features Section 1.7. JavaScript Security Section 1.8. Example: Computing Loan Payments with JavaScript Section 1.9. Using the Rest of This Book Section 1.10. Exploring JavaScript Part I: Core JavaScript Chapter 2. Lexical Structure Section 2.1. Character Set Section 2.2. Case Sensitivity Section 2.3. Whitespace and Line Breaks Section 2.4. Optional Semicolons Section 2.5. Comments Section 2.6. Literals Section 2.7. Identifiers Section 2.8. Reserved Words Chapter 3. Data Types and Values Section 3.1. Numbers Section 3.2. Strings Section 3.3. Boolean Values Section 3.4. Functions Section 3.5. Objects Section 3.6. Arrays Section 3.7. null Section 3.8. undefined Section 3.9. The Date Object Section 3.10. Regular Expressions Section 3.11. Error Objects Section 3.12. Primitive Data Type Wrapper Objects Chapter 4. Variables Section 4.1. Variable Typing Section 4.2. Variable Declaration Section 4.3. Variable Scope Section 4.4. Primitive Types and Reference Types Section 4.5. Garbage Collection Section 4.6. Variables as Properties Section 4.7. Variable Scope Revisited Chapter 5. Expressions and Operators Section 5.1. Expressions Section 5.2. Operator Overview Section 5.3. Arithmetic Operators Section 5.4. Equality Operators Section 5.5. Relational Operators Section 5.6. String Operators Section 5.7. Logical Operators Section 5.8. Bitwise Operators Section 5.9. Assignment Operators Section 5.10. Miscellaneous Operators Chapter 6. Statements Section 6.1. Expression Statements Section 6.2. Compound Statements Section 6.3. if Section 6.4. else if Section 6.5. switch Section 6.6. while Section 6.7. do/while Section 6.8. for Section 6.9. for/in Section 6.10. Labels Section 6.11. break Section 6.12. continue Section 6.13. var Section 6.14. function Section 6.15. return Section 6.16. throw Section 6.17. try/catch/finally Section 6.18. with Section 6.19. The Empty Statement Section 6.20. Summary of JavaScript Statements Chapter 7. Functions Section 7.1. Defining and Invoking Functions Section 7.2. Functions as Data Section 7.3. Function Scope: The Call Object Section 7.4. Function Arguments: The Arguments Object Section 7.5. Function Properties and Methods Chapter 8. Objects Section 8.1. Objects and Properties Section 8.2. Constructors Section 8.3. Methods Section 8.4. Prototypes and Inheritance Section 8.5. Object-Oriented JavaScript Section 8.6. Objects as Associative Arrays Section 8.7. Object Properties and Methods Chapter 9. Arrays Section 9.1. Arrays and Array Elements Section 9.2. Array Methods Chapter 10. Pattern Matching with Regular Expressions Section 10.1. Defining Regular Expressions Section 10.2. String Methods for Pattern Matching Section 10.3. The RegExp Object Chapter 11. Further Topics in JavaScript Section 11.1. Data Type Conversion Section 11.2. By Value Versus by Reference Section 11.3. Garbage Collection Section 11.4. Lexical Scoping and Nested Functions Section 11.5. The Function( ) Constructor and Function Literals Section 11.6. Netscape's JavaScript 1.2 Incompatibilities Part II: Client-Side JavaScript Chapter 12. JavaScript in Web Browsers Section 12.1. The Web Browser Environment Section 12.2. Embedding JavaScript in HTML Section 12.3. Execution of JavaScript Programs Chapter 13. Windows and Frames Section 13.1. Window Overview Section 13.2. Simple Dialog Boxes Section 13.3. The Status Line Section 13.4. Timeouts and Intervals Section 13.5. Error Handling Section 13.6. The Navigator Object Section 13.7. The Screen Object Section 13.8. Window Control Methods Section 13.9. The Location Object Section 13.10. The History Object Section 13.11. Multiple Windows and Frames Chapter 14. The Document Object Section 14.1. Document Overview Section 14.2. Dynamically Generated Documents Section 14.3. Document Color Properties Section 14.4. Document Information Properties Section 14.5. Forms Section 14.6. Images Section 14.7. Links Section 14.8. Anchors Section 14.9. Applets Section 14.10. Embedded Data Chapter 15. Forms and Form Elements Section 15.1. The Form Object Section 15.2. Defining Form Elements Section 15.3. Scripting Form Elements Section 15.4. Form Verification Example Chapter 16. Scripting Cookies Section 16.1. An Overview of Cookies Section 16.2. Storing Cookies Section 16.3. Reading Cookies Section 16.4. Cookie Example Chapter 17. The Document Object Model Section 17.1. An Overview of the DOM Section 17.2. Using the Core DOM API Section 17.3. DOM Compatibility with Internet Explorer 4 Section 17.4. DOM Compatibility with Netscape 4 Section 17.5. Convenience Methods: The Traversal and Range APIs Chapter 18. Cascading Style Sheets and Dynamic HTML Section 18.1. Styles and Style Sheets with CSS Section 18.2. Element Positioning with CSS Section 18.3. Scripting Styles Section 18.4. DHTML in Fourth-Generation Browsers Section 18.5. Other DOM APIs for Styles and Style Sheets Chapter 19. Events and Event Handling Section 19.1. Basic Event Handling Section 19.2. Advanced Event Handling with DOM Level 2 Section 19.3. The Internet Explorer Event Model Section 19.4. The Netscape 4 Event Model Chapter 20. Compatibility Techniques Section 20.1. Platform and Browser Compatibility Section 20.2. Language Version Compatibility Section 20.3. Compatibility with Non-JavaScript Browsers Chapter 21. JavaScript Security Section 21.1. JavaScript and Security Section 21.2. Restricted Features Section 21.3. The Same-Origin Policy Section 21.4. Security Zones and Signed Scripts Chapter 22. Using Java with JavaScript Section 22.1. Scripting Java Applets Section 22.2. Using JavaScript from Java Section 22.3. Using Java Classes Directly Section 22.4. LiveConnect Data Types Section 22.5. LiveConnect Data Conversion Section 22.6. JavaScript Conversion of JavaObjects Section 22.7. Java-to-JavaScript Data Conversion Part III: Core JavaScript Reference Chapter 23. Core JavaScript Reference Sample Entry arguments[ ] Arguments Arguments.callee Arguments.length Array Array.concat( ) Array.join( ) Array.length Array.pop( ) Array.push( ) Array.reverse( ) Array.shift( ) Array.slice( ) Array.sort( ) Array.splice( ) Array.toLocaleString( ) Array.toString( ) Array.unshift( ) Boolean Boolean.toString( ) Boolean.valueOf( ) Date Date.getDate( ) Date.getDay( ) Date.getFullYear( ) Date.getHours( ) Date.getMilliseconds( ) Date.getMinutes( ) Date.getMonth( ) Date.getSeconds( ) Date.getTime( ) Date.getTimezoneOffset( ) Date.getUTCDate( ) Date.getUTCDay( ) Date.getUTCFullYear( ) Date.getUTCHours( ) Date.getUTCMilliseconds( ) Date.getUTCMinutes( ) Date.getUTCMonth( ) Date.getUTCSeconds( ) Date.getYear( ) Date.parse( ) Date.setDate( ) Date.setFullYear( ) Date.setHours( ) Date.setMilliseconds( ) Date.setMinutes( ) Date.setMonth( ) Date.setSeconds( ) Date.setTime( ) Date.setUTCDate( ) Date.setUTCFullYear( ) Date.setUTCHours( ) Date.setUTCMilliseconds( ) Date.setUTCMinutes( ) Date.setUTCMonth( ) Date.setUTCSeconds( ) Date.setYear( ) Date.toDateString( ) Date.toGMTString( ) Date.toLocaleDateString( ) Date.toLocaleString( ) Date.toLocaleTimeString( ) Date.toString( ) Date.toTimeString( ) Date.toUTCString( ) Date.UTC( ) Date.valueOf( ) decodeURI( ) decodeURIComponent( ) encodeURI( ) encodeURIComponent( ) Error Error.message Error.name Error.toString( ) escape( ) eval( ) EvalError Function Function.apply( ) Function.arguments[] Function.call( ) Function.caller Function.length Function.prototype Function.toString( ) Global Infinity isFinite( ) isNaN( ) Math Math.abs( ) Math.acos( ) Math.asin( ) Math.atan( ) Math.atan2( ) Math.ceil( ) Math.cos( ) Math.E Math.exp( ) Math.floor( ) Math.LN10 Math.LN2 Math.log( ) Math.LOG10E Math.LOG2E Math.max( ) Math.min( ) Math.PI Math.pow( ) Math.random( ) Math.round( ) Math.sin( ) Math.sqrt( ) Math.SQRT1_2 Math.SQRT2 Math.tan( ) NaN Number Number.MAX_VALUE Number.MIN_VALUE Number.NaN Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY Number.toExponential( ) Number.toFixed( ) Number.toLocaleString( ) Number.toPrecision( ) Number.toString( ) Number.valueOf( ) Object Object.constructor Object.hasOwnProperty( ) Object.isPrototypeOf( ) Object.propertyIsEnumerable( ) Object.toLocaleString( ) Object.toString( ) Object.valueOf( ) parseFloat( ) parseInt( ) RangeError ReferenceError RegExp RegExp.exec( ) RegExp.global RegExp.ignoreCase RegExp.lastIndex RegExp.source RegExp.test( ) RegExp.toString( ) String String.charAt( ) String.charCodeAt( ) String.concat( ) String.fromCharCode( ) String.indexOf( ) String.lastIndexOf( ) String.length String.localeCompare( ) String.match( ) String.replace( ) String.search( ) String.slice( ) String.split( ) String.substr( ) String.substring( ) String.toLocaleLowerCase( ) String.toLocaleUpperCase( ) String.toLowerCase( ) String.toString( ) String.toUpperCase( ) String.valueOf( ) SyntaxError TypeError undefined unescape( ) URIError Part IV: Client-Side JavaScript Reference Chapter 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference Sample Entry Anchor Applet Area Button Button.onclick Checkbox Checkbox.onclick Document Document.all[] Document.captureEvents( ) Document.clear( ) Document.close( ) Document.cookie Document.domain Document.elementFromPoint( ) Document.getSelection( ) Document.handleEvent( ) Document.lastModified Document.links[] Document.open( ) Document.releaseEvents( ) Document.routeEvent( ) Document.URL Document.write( ) Document.writeln( ) Element Event FileUpload FileUpload.onchange Form Form.elements[] Form.onreset Form.onsubmit Form.reset( ) Form.submit( ) Form.target Frame getClass( ) Hidden History History.back( ) History.forward( ) History.go( ) HTMLElement HTMLElement.contains( ) HTMLElement.getAttribute( ) HTMLElement.handleEvent( ) HTMLElement.insertAdjacentHTML( ) HTMLElement.insertAdjacentText( ) HTMLElement.onclick HTMLElement.ondblclick HTMLElement.onhelp HTMLElement.onkeydown HTMLElement.onkeypress HTMLElement.onkeyup HTMLElement.onmousedown HTMLElement.onmousemove HTMLElement.onmouseout HTMLElement.onmouseover HTMLElement.onmouseup HTMLElement.removeAttribute( ) HTMLElement.scrollIntoView( ) HTMLElement.setAttribute( ) Image Image.onabort Image.onerror Image.onload Input Input.blur( ) Input.click( ) Input.focus( ) Input.name Input.onblur Input.onchange Input.onclick Input.onfocus Input.select( ) Input.type Input.value JavaArray JavaClass JavaObject JavaPackage JSObject JSObject.call( ) JSObject.eval( ) JSObject.getMember( ) JSObject.getSlot( ) JSObject.getWindow( ) JSObject.removeMember( ) JSObject.setMember( ) JSObject.setSlot( ) JSObject.toString( ) Layer Layer.captureEvents( ) Layer.handleEvent( ) Layer.load( ) Layer.moveAbove( ) Layer.moveBelow( ) Layer.moveBy( ) Layer.moveTo( ) Layer.moveToAbsolute( ) Layer.offset( ) Layer.releaseEvents( ) Layer.resizeBy( ) Layer.resizeTo( ) Layer.routeEvent( ) Link Link.onclick Link.onmouseout Link.onmouseover Link.target Location Location.reload( ) Location.replace( ) MimeType Navigator Navigator.javaEnabled( ) Navigator.plugins.refresh( ) Option Password Plugin Radio Radio.onclick Reset Reset.onclick Screen Select Select.onchange Select.options[] Style Submit Submit.onclick Text Text.onchange Textarea Textarea.onchange URL Window Window.alert( ) Window.back( ) Window.blur( ) Window.captureEvents( ) Window.clearInterval( ) Window.clearTimeout( ) Window.close( ) Window.confirm( ) Window.defaultStatus Window.focus( ) Window.forward( ) Window.handleEvent( ) Window.home( ) Window.moveBy( ) Window.moveTo( ) Window.name Window.navigate( ) Window.onblur Window.onerror Window.onfocus Window.onload Window.onmove Window.onresize Window.onunload Window.open( ) Window.print( ) Window.prompt( ) Window.releaseEvents( ) Window.resizeBy( ) Window.resizeTo( ) Window.routeEvent( ) Window.scroll( ) Window.scrollBy( ) Window.scrollTo( ) Window.setInterval( ) Window.setTimeout( ) Window.status Window.stop( ) Part V: W3C DOM Reference Chapter 25. W3C DOM Reference Sample Entry AbstractView AbstractView.getComputedStyle( ) Attr CDATASection CharacterData CharacterData.appendData( ) CharacterData.deleteData( ) CharacterData.insertData( ) CharacterData.replaceData( ) CharacterData.substringData( ) Comment Counter CSS2Properties CSSCharsetRule CSSFontFaceRule CSSImportRule CSSMediaRule CSSMediaRule.deleteRule( ) CSSMediaRule.insertRule( ) CSSPageRule CSSPrimitiveValue CSSPrimitiveValue.getCounterValue( ) CSSPrimitiveValue.getFloatValue( ) CSSPrimitiveValue.getRectValue( ) CSSPrimitiveValue.getRGBColorValue( ) CSSPrimitiveValue.getStringValue( ) CSSPrimitiveValue.setFloatValue( ) CSSPrimitiveValue.setStringValue( ) CSSRule CSSRuleList CSSRuleList.item( ) CSSStyleDeclaration CSSStyleDeclaration.getPropertyCSSValue( ) CSSStyleDeclaration.getPropertyPriority( ) CSSStyleDeclaration.getPropertyValue( ) CSSStyleDeclaration.item( ) CSSStyleDeclaration.removeProperty( ) CSSStyleDeclaration.setProperty( ) CSSStyleRule CSSStyleSheet CSSStyleSheet.deleteRule( ) CSSStyleSheet.insertRule( ) CSSUnknownRule CSSValue CSSValueList CSSValueList.item( ) Document Document.createAttribute( ) Document.createAttributeNS( ) Document.createCDATASection( ) Document.createComment( ) Document.createDocumentFragment( ) Document.createElement( ) Document.createElementNS( ) Document.createEntityReference( ) Document.createEvent( ) Document.createNodeIterator( ) Document.createProcessingInstruction( ) Document.createRange( ) Document.createTextNode( ) Document.createTreeWalker( ) Document.getElementById( ) Document.getElementsByTagName( ) Document.getElementsByTagNameNS( ) Document.getOverrideStyle( ) Document.importNode( ) DocumentCSS DocumentEvent DocumentFragment DocumentRange DocumentStyle DocumentTraversal DocumentType DocumentView DOMException DOMImplementation DOMImplementation.createCSSStyleSheet( ) DOMImplementation.createDocument( ) DOMImplementation.createDocumentType( ) DOMImplementation.createHTMLDocument( ) DOMImplementation.hasFeature( ) DOMImplementationCSS Element Element.getAttribute( ) Element.getAttributeNode( ) Element.getAttributeNodeNS( ) Element.getAttributeNS( ) Element.getElementsByTagName( ) Element.getElementsByTagNameNS( ) Element.hasAttribute( ) Element.hasAttributeNS( ) Element.removeAttribute( ) Element.removeAttributeNode( ) Element.removeAttributeNS( ) Element.setAttribute( ) Element.setAttributeNode( ) Element.setAttributeNodeNS( ) Element.setAttributeNS( ) ElementCSSInlineStyle Entity EntityReference Event Event.initEvent( ) Event.preventDefault( ) Event.stopPropagation( ) EventException EventListener EventTarget EventTarget.addEventListener( ) EventTarget.dispatchEvent( ) EventTarget.removeEventListener( ) HTMLAnchorElement HTMLAnchorElement.blur( ) HTMLAnchorElement.focus( ) HTMLBodyElement HTMLCollection HTMLCollection.item( ) HTMLCollection.namedItem( ) HTMLDocument HTMLDocument.close( ) HTMLDocument.getElementById( ) HTMLDocument.getElementsByName( ) HTMLDocument.open( ) HTMLDocument.write( ) HTMLDocument.writeln( ) HTMLDOMImplementation HTMLElement HTMLFormElement HTMLFormElement.reset( ) HTMLFormElement.submit( ) HTMLInputElement HTMLInputElement.blur( ) HTMLInputElement.click( ) HTMLInputElement.focus( ) HTMLInputElement.select( ) HTMLOptionElement HTMLSelectElement HTMLSelectElement.add( ) HTMLSelectElement.blur( ) HTMLSelectElement.focus( ) HTMLSelectElement.remove( ) HTMLTableCaptionElement HTMLTableCellElement HTMLTableColElement HTMLTableElement HTMLTableElement.createCaption( ) HTMLTableElement.createTFoot( ) HTMLTableElement.createTHead( ) HTMLTableElement.deleteCaption( ) HTMLTableElement.deleteRow( ) HTMLTableElement.deleteTFoot( ) HTMLTableElement.deleteTHead( ) HTMLTableElement.insertRow( ) HTMLTableRowElement HTMLTableRowElement.deleteCell( ) HTMLTableRowElement.insertCell( ) HTMLTableSectionElement HTMLTableSectionElement.deleteRow( ) HTMLTableSectionElement.insertRow( ) HTMLTextAreaElement HTMLTextAreaElement.blur( ) HTMLTextAreaElement.focus( ) HTMLTextAreaElement.select( ) LinkStyle MediaList MediaList.appendMedium( ) MediaList.deleteMedium( ) MediaList.item( ) MouseEvent MouseEvent.initMouseEvent( ) MutationEvent MutationEvent.initMutationEvent( ) NamedNodeMap NamedNodeMap.getNamedItem( ) NamedNodeMap.getNamedItemNS( ) NamedNodeMap.item( ) NamedNodeMap.removeNamedItem( ) NamedNodeMap.removeNamedItemNS( ) NamedNodeMap.setNamedItem( ) NamedNodeMap.setNamedItemNS( ) Node Node.appendChild( ) Node.cloneNode( ) Node.hasAttributes( ) Node.hasChildNodes( ) Node.insertBefore( ) Node.isSupported( ) Node.normalize( ) Node.removeChild( ) Node.replaceChild( ) NodeFilter NodeIterator NodeIterator.detach( ) NodeIterator.nextNode( ) NodeIterator.previousNode( ) NodeList NodeList.item( ) Notation ProcessingInstruction Range Range.cloneContents( ) Range.cloneRange( ) Range.collapse( ) Range.compareBoundaryPoints( ) Range.deleteContents( ) Range.detach( ) Range.extractContents( ) Range.insertNode( ) Range.selectNode( ) Range.selectNodeContents( ) Range.setEnd( ) Range.setEndAfter( ) Range.setEndBefore( ) Range.setStart( ) Range.setStartAfter( ) Range.setStartBefore( ) Range.surroundContents( ) Range.toString( ) RangeException Rect RGBColor StyleSheet StyleSheetList StyleSheetList.item( ) Text Text.splitText( ) TreeWalker TreeWalker.firstChild( ) TreeWalker.lastChild( ) TreeWalker.nextNode( ) TreeWalker.nextSibling( ) TreeWalker.parentNode( ) TreeWalker.previousNode( ) TreeWalker.previousSibling( ) UIEvent UIEvent.initUIEvent( ) ViewCSS Part VI: Class, Property, Method, and Event Handler Index Chapter 26. Class, Property, Method, and Event Handler Index Section 26.1. A Section 26.2. B Section 26.3. C Section 26.4. D Section 26.5. E Section 26.6. F Section 26.7. G Section 26.8. H Section 26.9. I Section 26.10. J Section 26.11. K Section 26.12. L Section 26.13. M Section 26.14. N Section 26.15. O Section 26.16. P Section 26.17. Q Section 26.18. R Section 26.19. S Section 26.20. T Section 26.21. U Section 26.22. V Section 26.23. W Section 26.24. X Section 26.25. Y Section 26.26. Z




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
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