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原创 Guiyang, Diverse traveling experience

Guiyang, Diverse traveling experience I've traveled much more extensively in China than I have America. The people I've met, the things I've eaten, and the scenery I've witnessed in China are thing

2014-10-05 10:24:54 277

原创 Lingering Garden

Step in Lingering Garden Yes, today was yet another fun-filled day starting with Lingering Garden. Lingering Garden tours are well known for exquisite layout and various strange stones of the garde

2014-10-05 10:24:42 459

原创 Potala Palace Chapels

Potala Palace Chapels On the north side of the Red Palace is the holiest shrine of the Potala Palace. A large blue and gold inscription over the door was written by the 19th century Tongzhi Emperor

2014-10-05 10:24:18 384

原创 Jiuzhaigou Valley Legend

Jiuzhaigou Valley Legend Before your Jiuzhaigou Valley tour, such info can help you get a better view. More than half of the scenic area is covered in virgin forests, with bamboos, flowers, and is

2014-10-05 10:23:02 225

原创 Bell tower, unusual place

Bell tower, unusual place Most of the bell tower at the crossroads straddling the city, the following is a cross interlinked streets. No walls separate gates floor building known as the "House," fo

2014-10-05 10:22:38 266

原创 west laketour

West Lake: the AAAAA level scenic spot The landscape of San Tan Yin Yue embodies the important position of the West Lake tours in Chinese ancient culture. West Lake tour is a famous resort at home

2014-10-04 10:11:35 264

原创 Lhasa Tour To Know

Lhasa Tour To Know Lhasa has a lot more character than most big cities in China. To me, it seemed as though there was the German concession area built a hundred years ago, the new skyscraper sectio

2014-10-04 10:11:26 188

原创 Jiuzhaigou Valley Legend

Jiuzhaigou Valley Legend Before your Jiuzhaigou Valley tour, such info can help you get a better view. More than half of the scenic area is covered in virgin forests, with bamboos, flowers, and is

2014-10-04 10:11:16 187

原创 A great spectacle

A great spectacle Bell tower chimed in fact two buildings, as the name implies, a big bell above, one above is the bass drum. Boarded belfry, bell giant mouthful introduced eyes, it was as tall as

2014-10-04 10:09:38 186



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