
spring bean实例化

protected BeanWrapper createBeanInstance(String beanName, RootBeanDefinition mbd, @Nullable Object[] args) {
		// Make sure bean class is actually resolved at this point.
		Class<?> beanClass = resolveBeanClass(mbd, beanName);

		if (beanClass != null && !Modifier.isPublic(beanClass.getModifiers()) && !mbd.isNonPublicAccessAllowed()) {
			throw new BeanCreationException(mbd.getResourceDescription(), beanName,
					"Bean class isn't public, and non-public access not allowed: " + beanClass.getName());

        // 实例化函数实例化
		Supplier<?> instanceSupplier = mbd.getInstanceSupplier();
		if (instanceSupplier != null) {
			return obtainFromSupplier(instanceSupplier, beanName); // @1

		// 工厂方法实例化
		if (mbd.getFactoryMethodName() != null) {
			return instantiateUsingFactoryMethod(beanName, mbd, args); // @2

		// Shortcut when re-creating the same bean...
		boolean resolved = false;
		boolean autowireNecessary = false;
		if (args == null) {
			synchronized (mbd.constructorArgumentLock) {
			// 如果条件成立,代表已经创建过一次,使用上一次选择的构造器实例化
				if (mbd.resolvedConstructorOrFactoryMethod != null) {
					resolved = true;
					autowireNecessary = mbd.constructorArgumentsResolved;
		// 是否已经创建过
		if (resolved) { // @3
			if (autowireNecessary) {
				return autowireConstructor(beanName, mbd, null, null);
			else {
				return instantiateBean(beanName, mbd);

		// Candidate constructors for autowiring?
		// 决定是否需要Autowire
		Constructor<?>[] ctors = determineConstructorsFromBeanPostProcessors(beanClass, beanName); // @4
		if (ctors != null || mbd.getResolvedAutowireMode() == AUTOWIRE_CONSTRUCTOR ||
				mbd.hasConstructorArgumentValues() || !ObjectUtils.isEmpty(args)) {
			return autowireConstructor(beanName, mbd, ctors, args); // @5

		// Preferred constructors for default construction?
		ctors = mbd.getPreferredConstructors();
		if (ctors != null) {
			return autowireConstructor(beanName, mbd, ctors, null); // @5

		// No special handling: simply use no-arg constructor.
		// 使用无参构造器实例化
		return instantiateBean(beanName, mbd);    // @6




protected BeanWrapper instantiateBean(final String beanName, final RootBeanDefinition mbd) {
		try {
			Object beanInstance;
			final BeanFactory parent = this;
			if (System.getSecurityManager() != null) {
				beanInstance = AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedAction<Object>) () ->
						getInstantiationStrategy().instantiate(mbd, beanName, parent),
			else {
				beanInstance = getInstantiationStrategy().instantiate(mbd, beanName, parent);
			BeanWrapper bw = new BeanWrapperImpl(beanInstance);
			return bw;
		catch (Throwable ex) {
			throw new BeanCreationException(
					mbd.getResourceDescription(), beanName, "Instantiation of bean failed", ex);


public interface InstantiationStrategy {

	 * Return an instance of the bean with the given name in this factory.
	 * @param bd the bean definition
	 * @param beanName the name of the bean when it is created in this context.
	 * The name can be {@code null} if we are autowiring a bean which doesn't
	 * belong to the factory.
	 * @param owner the owning BeanFactory
	 * @return a bean instance for this bean definition
	 * @throws BeansException if the instantiation attempt failed
	Object instantiate(RootBeanDefinition bd, @Nullable String beanName, BeanFactory owner)
			throws BeansException;

	 * Return an instance of the bean with the given name in this factory,
	 * creating it via the given constructor.
	 * @param bd the bean definition
	 * @param beanName the name of the bean when it is created in this context.
	 * The name can be {@code null} if we are autowiring a bean which doesn't
	 * belong to the factory.
	 * @param owner the owning BeanFactory
	 * @param ctor the constructor to use
	 * @param args the constructor arguments to apply
	 * @return a bean instance for this bean definition
	 * @throws BeansException if the instantiation attempt failed
	Object instantiate(RootBeanDefinition bd, @Nullable String beanName, BeanFactory owner,
			Constructor<?> ctor, Object... args) throws BeansException;

	 * Return an instance of the bean with the given name in this factory,
	 * creating it via the given factory method.
	 * @param bd the bean definition
	 * @param beanName the name of the bean when it is created in this context.
	 * The name can be {@code null} if we are autowiring a bean which doesn't
	 * belong to the factory.
	 * @param owner the owning BeanFactory
	 * @param factoryBean the factory bean instance to call the factory method on,
	 * or {@code null} in case of a static factory method
	 * @param factoryMethod the factory method to use
	 * @param args the factory method arguments to apply
	 * @return a bean instance for this bean definition
	 * @throws BeansException if the instantiation attempt failed
	Object instantiate(RootBeanDefinition bd, @Nullable String beanName, BeanFactory owner,
			@Nullable Object factoryBean, Method factoryMethod, Object... args)
			throws BeansException;



public Object instantiate(RootBeanDefinition bd, @Nullable String beanName, BeanFactory owner) {
		// Don't override the class with CGLIB if no overrides.
		if (!bd.hasMethodOverrides()) {
			Constructor<?> constructorToUse;
			synchronized (bd.constructorArgumentLock) {
				constructorToUse = (Constructor<?>) bd.resolvedConstructorOrFactoryMethod;
				if (constructorToUse == null) {
					final Class<?> clazz = bd.getBeanClass();
					if (clazz.isInterface()) {
						throw new BeanInstantiationException(clazz, "Specified class is an interface");
					// 先获取无参构造器
					try {
						if (System.getSecurityManager() != null) {
							constructorToUse = AccessController.doPrivileged(
									(PrivilegedExceptionAction<Constructor<?>>) clazz::getDeclaredConstructor);
						else {
							constructorToUse = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor();
						bd.resolvedConstructorOrFactoryMethod = constructorToUse;
					catch (Throwable ex) {
						throw new BeanInstantiationException(clazz, "No default constructor found", ex);
			// 反射实例化
			return BeanUtils.instantiateClass(constructorToUse);
		else {
			// Must generate CGLIB subclass.
			// CGLIB代理实例化
			return instantiateWithMethodInjection(bd, beanName, owner);




protected Constructor<?>[] determineConstructorsFromBeanPostProcessors(@Nullable Class<?> beanClass, String beanName)
			throws BeansException {

		if (beanClass != null && hasInstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessors()) {
			for (BeanPostProcessor bp : getBeanPostProcessors()) {
				if (bp instanceof SmartInstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor) {
					SmartInstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor ibp = (SmartInstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor) bp;
					Constructor<?>[] ctors = ibp.determineCandidateConstructors(beanClass, beanName);
					if (ctors != null) {
						return ctors;
		return null;


	public AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor() {
		try {
			this.autowiredAnnotationTypes.add((Class<? extends Annotation>)
					ClassUtils.forName("javax.inject.Inject", AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor.class.getClassLoader()));
			logger.trace("JSR-330 'javax.inject.Inject' annotation found and supported for autowiring");
		catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
			// JSR-330 API not available - simply skip.


public Constructor<?>[] determineCandidateConstructors(Class<?> beanClass, final String beanName)
			throws BeanCreationException {

		// Let's check for lookup methods here...
		// 如果有@Lookup注解就给beanDefinition添加对应的MethodOverride
		if (!this.lookupMethodsChecked.contains(beanName)) {
			if (AnnotationUtils.isCandidateClass(beanClass, Lookup.class)) {
				try {
					Class<?> targetClass = beanClass;
					do {
						ReflectionUtils.doWithLocalMethods(targetClass, method -> {
							Lookup lookup = method.getAnnotation(Lookup.class);
							if (lookup != null) {
								Assert.state(this.beanFactory != null, "No BeanFactory available");
								LookupOverride override = new LookupOverride(method, lookup.value());
								try {
									RootBeanDefinition mbd = (RootBeanDefinition)
								catch (NoSuchBeanDefinitionException ex) {
									throw new BeanCreationException(beanName,
											"Cannot apply @Lookup to beans without corresponding bean definition");
						targetClass = targetClass.getSuperclass();
					while (targetClass != null && targetClass != Object.class);

				catch (IllegalStateException ex) {
					throw new BeanCreationException(beanName, "Lookup method resolution failed", ex);

		// Quick check on the concurrent map first, with minimal locking.
		// 双重检测模式
		Constructor<?>[] candidateConstructors = this.candidateConstructorsCache.get(beanClass);
		if (candidateConstructors == null) {
			// Fully synchronized resolution now...
			synchronized (this.candidateConstructorsCache) {
				candidateConstructors = this.candidateConstructorsCache.get(beanClass);
				if (candidateConstructors == null) {
					Constructor<?>[] rawCandidates;
					try {
					// 获取类申明的所有构造器
						rawCandidates = beanClass.getDeclaredConstructors();
					catch (Throwable ex) {
						throw new BeanCreationException(beanName,
								"Resolution of declared constructors on bean Class [" + beanClass.getName() +
								"] from ClassLoader [" + beanClass.getClassLoader() + "] failed", ex);
					List<Constructor<?>> candidates = new ArrayList<>(rawCandidates.length);
					Constructor<?> requiredConstructor = null;
					Constructor<?> defaultConstructor = null;
					Constructor<?> primaryConstructor = BeanUtils.findPrimaryConstructor(beanClass);
					int nonSyntheticConstructors = 0;
					// 遍历所有构造器
					for (Constructor<?> candidate : rawCandidates) {
					// 非合成构造器
						if (!candidate.isSynthetic()) {
						else if (primaryConstructor != null) {
						// 判断构造器上是否有@Autowire注解修饰
						MergedAnnotation<?> ann = findAutowiredAnnotation(candidate);
						if (ann == null) {
							Class<?> userClass = ClassUtils.getUserClass(beanClass);
							if (userClass != beanClass) {
								try {
									Constructor<?> superCtor =
											// CGLIB代理类取父类的@Autowire注解
									ann = findAutowiredAnnotation(superCtor);
								catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
									// Simply proceed, no equivalent superclass constructor found...
						// 如果有@Autowire注解修饰
						if (ann != null) {
						// 如果已经存在有注解修饰的required=true的构造器就报错
							if (requiredConstructor != null) {
								throw new BeanCreationException(beanName,
										"Invalid autowire-marked constructor: " + candidate +
										". Found constructor with 'required' Autowired annotation already: " +
							boolean required = determineRequiredStatus(ann);
							// 有注解修饰的required=true的构造器
							if (required) {
								if (!candidates.isEmpty()) {
									throw new BeanCreationException(beanName,
											"Invalid autowire-marked constructors: " + candidates +
											". Found constructor with 'required' Autowired annotation: " +
								requiredConstructor = candidate;
						// 无参构造器
						else if (candidate.getParameterCount() == 0) {
							defaultConstructor = candidate;
					// 条件成立代表有@Autowire注解修饰的构造器
					if (!candidates.isEmpty()) {
						// Add default constructor to list of optional constructors, as fallback.
						// 这里表示如果有注解修饰的required=true的构造器就直接返回这一个构造器就行了
						// 如果没有注解修饰的required=true的构造器,则判断有没有默认构造器,有默认构造器就把它加入列表
						if (requiredConstructor == null) {
							if (defaultConstructor != null) {
							else if (candidates.size() == 1 && logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
								logger.info("Inconsistent constructor declaration on bean with name '" + beanName +
										"': single autowire-marked constructor flagged as optional - " +
										"this constructor is effectively required since there is no " +
										"default constructor to fall back to: " + candidates.get(0));
						candidateConstructors = candidates.toArray(new Constructor<?>[0]);
					// 没有@Autowire注解修饰的构造器,并且只有一个有参构造器
					else if (rawCandidates.length == 1 && rawCandidates[0].getParameterCount() > 0) {
						candidateConstructors = new Constructor<?>[] {rawCandidates[0]};
					// 两个构造器,一个primary,一个默认构造器
					else if (nonSyntheticConstructors == 2 && primaryConstructor != null &&
							defaultConstructor != null && !primaryConstructor.equals(defaultConstructor)) {
						candidateConstructors = new Constructor<?>[] {primaryConstructor, defaultConstructor};
					// 一个构造器,primary构造器
					else if (nonSyntheticConstructors == 1 && primaryConstructor != null) {
						candidateConstructors = new Constructor<?>[] {primaryConstructor};
					// 其他情况都返回空,使用默认构造器
					else {
						candidateConstructors = new Constructor<?>[0];
					this.candidateConstructorsCache.put(beanClass, candidateConstructors);
		return (candidateConstructors.length > 0 ? candidateConstructors : null);



  1. 类所有非合成构造器都没有@Autowire注解,并且只有一个有参构造器
  2. 类构造器或者CGLIB代理类父类中存在一个@Autowire(required=true)注解,不管有没有其他构造器,都只返回这一个被注解的构造器(如果@Autowire有多个,并且其中有一个required=true,会抛异常)
  3. 类构造器或者CGLIB代理类父类中存在一个或多个@Autowire(required=false)注解,这一个被注解的构造器都会返回,并且如果存在没有被注解的0参默认构造器也会一起返回
  4. 其他情况都只会返回null,走默认构造器实例化,如果没有默认构造器就会报NoSuchMethodException异常


protected BeanWrapper autowireConstructor(
			String beanName, RootBeanDefinition mbd, @Nullable Constructor<?>[] ctors, @Nullable Object[] explicitArgs) {

		return new ConstructorResolver(this).autowireConstructor(beanName, mbd, ctors, explicitArgs);


public BeanWrapper autowireConstructor(String beanName, RootBeanDefinition mbd,
			@Nullable Constructor<?>[] chosenCtors, @Nullable Object[] explicitArgs) {

		BeanWrapperImpl bw = new BeanWrapperImpl();

		Constructor<?> constructorToUse = null;
		ArgumentsHolder argsHolderToUse = null;
		Object[] argsToUse = null;

		if (explicitArgs != null) {
			argsToUse = explicitArgs;
		else {
			Object[] argsToResolve = null;
			synchronized (mbd.constructorArgumentLock) {
				constructorToUse = (Constructor<?>) mbd.resolvedConstructorOrFactoryMethod;
				if (constructorToUse != null && mbd.constructorArgumentsResolved) {
					// Found a cached constructor...
					argsToUse = mbd.resolvedConstructorArguments;
					if (argsToUse == null) {
						argsToResolve = mbd.preparedConstructorArguments;
			if (argsToResolve != null) {
				argsToUse = resolvePreparedArguments(beanName, mbd, bw, constructorToUse, argsToResolve, true);

		if (constructorToUse == null || argsToUse == null) {
			// Take specified constructors, if any.
			Constructor<?>[] candidates = chosenCtors;
			if (candidates == null) {
				Class<?> beanClass = mbd.getBeanClass();
				try {
					candidates = (mbd.isNonPublicAccessAllowed() ?
							beanClass.getDeclaredConstructors() : beanClass.getConstructors());
				catch (Throwable ex) {
					throw new BeanCreationException(mbd.getResourceDescription(), beanName,
							"Resolution of declared constructors on bean Class [" + beanClass.getName() +
							"] from ClassLoader [" + beanClass.getClassLoader() + "] failed", ex);

			if (candidates.length == 1 && explicitArgs == null && !mbd.hasConstructorArgumentValues()) {
				Constructor<?> uniqueCandidate = candidates[0];
				if (uniqueCandidate.getParameterCount() == 0) {
					synchronized (mbd.constructorArgumentLock) {
						mbd.resolvedConstructorOrFactoryMethod = uniqueCandidate;
						mbd.constructorArgumentsResolved = true;
						mbd.resolvedConstructorArguments = EMPTY_ARGS;
					bw.setBeanInstance(instantiate(beanName, mbd, uniqueCandidate, EMPTY_ARGS));
					return bw;

			// Need to resolve the constructor.
			boolean autowiring = (chosenCtors != null ||
					mbd.getResolvedAutowireMode() == AutowireCapableBeanFactory.AUTOWIRE_CONSTRUCTOR);
			ConstructorArgumentValues resolvedValues = null;

			int minNrOfArgs;
			if (explicitArgs != null) {
				minNrOfArgs = explicitArgs.length;
			else {
				ConstructorArgumentValues cargs = mbd.getConstructorArgumentValues();
				resolvedValues = new ConstructorArgumentValues();
				minNrOfArgs = resolveConstructorArguments(beanName, mbd, bw, cargs, resolvedValues);

			int minTypeDiffWeight = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
			Set<Constructor<?>> ambiguousConstructors = null;
			LinkedList<UnsatisfiedDependencyException> causes = null;

			for (Constructor<?> candidate : candidates) {

				int parameterCount = candidate.getParameterCount();

				if (constructorToUse != null && argsToUse != null && argsToUse.length > parameterCount) {
					// Already found greedy constructor that can be satisfied ->
					// do not look any further, there are only less greedy constructors left.
				if (parameterCount < minNrOfArgs) {

				ArgumentsHolder argsHolder;
				Class<?>[] paramTypes = candidate.getParameterTypes();
				if (resolvedValues != null) {
					try {
						String[] paramNames = ConstructorPropertiesChecker.evaluate(candidate, parameterCount);
						if (paramNames == null) {
							ParameterNameDiscoverer pnd = this.beanFactory.getParameterNameDiscoverer();
							if (pnd != null) {
								paramNames = pnd.getParameterNames(candidate);
						argsHolder = createArgumentArray(beanName, mbd, resolvedValues, bw, paramTypes, paramNames,
								getUserDeclaredConstructor(candidate), autowiring, candidates.length == 1);
					catch (UnsatisfiedDependencyException ex) {
						if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
							logger.trace("Ignoring constructor [" + candidate + "] of bean '" + beanName + "': " + ex);
						// Swallow and try next constructor.
						if (causes == null) {
							causes = new LinkedList<>();
				else {
					// Explicit arguments given -> arguments length must match exactly.
					if (parameterCount != explicitArgs.length) {
					argsHolder = new ArgumentsHolder(explicitArgs);

				int typeDiffWeight = (mbd.isLenientConstructorResolution() ?
						argsHolder.getTypeDifferenceWeight(paramTypes) : argsHolder.getAssignabilityWeight(paramTypes));
				// Choose this constructor if it represents the closest match.
				if (typeDiffWeight < minTypeDiffWeight) {
					constructorToUse = candidate;
					argsHolderToUse = argsHolder;
					argsToUse = argsHolder.arguments;
					minTypeDiffWeight = typeDiffWeight;
					ambiguousConstructors = null;
				else if (constructorToUse != null && typeDiffWeight == minTypeDiffWeight) {
					if (ambiguousConstructors == null) {
						ambiguousConstructors = new LinkedHashSet<>();

			if (constructorToUse == null) {
				if (causes != null) {
					UnsatisfiedDependencyException ex = causes.removeLast();
					for (Exception cause : causes) {
					throw ex;
				throw new BeanCreationException(mbd.getResourceDescription(), beanName,
						"Could not resolve matching constructor " +
						"(hint: specify index/type/name arguments for simple parameters to avoid type ambiguities)");
			else if (ambiguousConstructors != null && !mbd.isLenientConstructorResolution()) {
				throw new BeanCreationException(mbd.getResourceDescription(), beanName,
						"Ambiguous constructor matches found in bean '" + beanName + "' " +
						"(hint: specify index/type/name arguments for simple parameters to avoid type ambiguities): " +

			if (explicitArgs == null && argsHolderToUse != null) {
				argsHolderToUse.storeCache(mbd, constructorToUse);

		Assert.state(argsToUse != null, "Unresolved constructor arguments");
		bw.setBeanInstance(instantiate(beanName, mbd, constructorToUse, argsToUse));
		return bw;


  1. 如果指定了构造参数就不会走缓存,一般情况下createBean没有传构造参数的话,重复创建同一个bean会取缓存中上次解析的构造器和构造参数
  2. 如果构造器和构造参数还没定下来,一般第一次创建都会走这。就会去查找和选择合适的构造器和构造参数。已经选择好了构造器和构造参数就可以直接跳到最后一步
  3. 先判断有哪些可用的构造器,如果方法参数传入了构造器就从传入的指定构造器中选择,如果没有传入就使用类申明的所有构造器(这里有个判断是beanDefinition是否允许非public的构造器构造,默认是允许的,如果你手动关闭的话就只会返回public修饰的构造器)
  4. 这里有个shortCut,如果构造器只有一个,并且是无参构造器,并且方法没有传入指定构造参数,并且beanDefinition没有预设构造参数,就会直接调用实例化策略器去实例化直接到第13步
  5. 判断最小构造参数数量minNrOfArgs,如果beanDefinition中有内置构造参数值,解析内置的构造参数
  6. 给候选构造器排序,一级排序public构造器优先,二级排序构造参数多的优先(贪婪原则)
  7. 遍历所有的候选构造器
  8. 如果选取了一个满足条件的构造器并且构造器参数最多就直接退出循环
  9. 构造器参数数量小于minNrOfArgs的跳过
  10. 根据参数类型和参数名或者已经解析的内置构造参数创建出符合条件的构造参数createArgumentArray
  11. 判断构造器类型比配相似度权重,相似度高的权重小,选取权重最小的构造函数,可能会出现构造器优先级最高,访问修饰符相同,构造参数数量一样,解析的参数和构造器的匹配相似度权重一样的两个构造器,默认情况下beanDefinition的属性(宽松模式的构造解析)为true,不会报异常,并且会使用命中的第一个构造器。如果是false的话,就会抛模棱两可的构造器发现异常
  12. 如果不是手动方法传入的构造参数并且找到了待使用的构造参数,就会缓存到beanDefiniton下来
  13. 调用实例化策略实例化


private ArgumentsHolder createArgumentArray(
			String beanName, RootBeanDefinition mbd, @Nullable ConstructorArgumentValues resolvedValues,
			BeanWrapper bw, Class<?>[] paramTypes, @Nullable String[] paramNames, Executable executable,
			boolean autowiring, boolean fallback) throws UnsatisfiedDependencyException {

		TypeConverter customConverter = this.beanFactory.getCustomTypeConverter();
		TypeConverter converter = (customConverter != null ? customConverter : bw);

		ArgumentsHolder args = new ArgumentsHolder(paramTypes.length);
		Set<ConstructorArgumentValues.ValueHolder> usedValueHolders = new HashSet<>(paramTypes.length);
		Set<String> autowiredBeanNames = new LinkedHashSet<>(4);

		for (int paramIndex = 0; paramIndex < paramTypes.length; paramIndex++) {
			Class<?> paramType = paramTypes[paramIndex];
			String paramName = (paramNames != null ? paramNames[paramIndex] : "");
			// Try to find matching constructor argument value, either indexed or generic.
			ConstructorArgumentValues.ValueHolder valueHolder = null;
			if (resolvedValues != null) {
				valueHolder = resolvedValues.getArgumentValue(paramIndex, paramType, paramName, usedValueHolders);
				// If we couldn't find a direct match and are not supposed to autowire,
				// let's try the next generic, untyped argument value as fallback:
				// it could match after type conversion (for example, String -> int).
				if (valueHolder == null && (!autowiring || paramTypes.length == resolvedValues.getArgumentCount())) {
					valueHolder = resolvedValues.getGenericArgumentValue(null, null, usedValueHolders);
			if (valueHolder != null) {
				// We found a potential match - let's give it a try.
				// Do not consider the same value definition multiple times!
				Object originalValue = valueHolder.getValue();
				Object convertedValue;
				if (valueHolder.isConverted()) {
					convertedValue = valueHolder.getConvertedValue();
					args.preparedArguments[paramIndex] = convertedValue;
				else {
					MethodParameter methodParam = MethodParameter.forExecutable(executable, paramIndex);
					try {
						convertedValue = converter.convertIfNecessary(originalValue, paramType, methodParam);
					catch (TypeMismatchException ex) {
						throw new UnsatisfiedDependencyException(
								mbd.getResourceDescription(), beanName, new InjectionPoint(methodParam),
								"Could not convert argument value of type [" +
										ObjectUtils.nullSafeClassName(valueHolder.getValue()) +
										"] to required type [" + paramType.getName() + "]: " + ex.getMessage());
					Object sourceHolder = valueHolder.getSource();
					if (sourceHolder instanceof ConstructorArgumentValues.ValueHolder) {
						Object sourceValue = ((ConstructorArgumentValues.ValueHolder) sourceHolder).getValue();
						args.resolveNecessary = true;
						args.preparedArguments[paramIndex] = sourceValue;
				args.arguments[paramIndex] = convertedValue;
				args.rawArguments[paramIndex] = originalValue;
			else {
				MethodParameter methodParam = MethodParameter.forExecutable(executable, paramIndex);
				// No explicit match found: we're either supposed to autowire or
				// have to fail creating an argument array for the given constructor.
				if (!autowiring) {
					throw new UnsatisfiedDependencyException(
							mbd.getResourceDescription(), beanName, new InjectionPoint(methodParam),
							"Ambiguous argument values for parameter of type [" + paramType.getName() +
							"] - did you specify the correct bean references as arguments?");
				try {
					Object autowiredArgument = resolveAutowiredArgument(
							methodParam, beanName, autowiredBeanNames, converter, fallback);
					args.rawArguments[paramIndex] = autowiredArgument;
					args.arguments[paramIndex] = autowiredArgument;
					args.preparedArguments[paramIndex] = autowiredArgumentMarker;
					args.resolveNecessary = true;
				catch (BeansException ex) {
					throw new UnsatisfiedDependencyException(
							mbd.getResourceDescription(), beanName, new InjectionPoint(methodParam), ex);

		for (String autowiredBeanName : autowiredBeanNames) {
			this.beanFactory.registerDependentBean(autowiredBeanName, beanName);
			if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
				logger.debug("Autowiring by type from bean name '" + beanName +
						"' via " + (executable instanceof Constructor ? "constructor" : "factory method") +
						" to bean named '" + autowiredBeanName + "'");

		return args;


protected Object resolveAutowiredArgument(MethodParameter param, String beanName,
			@Nullable Set<String> autowiredBeanNames, TypeConverter typeConverter, boolean fallback) {

		Class<?> paramType = param.getParameterType();
		if (InjectionPoint.class.isAssignableFrom(paramType)) {
			InjectionPoint injectionPoint = currentInjectionPoint.get();
			if (injectionPoint == null) {
				throw new IllegalStateException("No current InjectionPoint available for " + param);
			return injectionPoint;
		try {
			return this.beanFactory.resolveDependency(
					new DependencyDescriptor(param, true), beanName, autowiredBeanNames, typeConverter);
		catch (NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException ex) {
			throw ex;
		catch (NoSuchBeanDefinitionException ex) {
			if (fallback) {
				// Single constructor or factory method -> let's return an empty array/collection
				// for e.g. a vararg or a non-null List/Set/Map parameter.
				if (paramType.isArray()) {
					return Array.newInstance(paramType.getComponentType(), 0);
				else if (CollectionFactory.isApproximableCollectionType(paramType)) {
					return CollectionFactory.createCollection(paramType, 0);
				else if (CollectionFactory.isApproximableMapType(paramType)) {
					return CollectionFactory.createMap(paramType, 0);
			throw ex;


public Object resolveDependency(DependencyDescriptor descriptor, @Nullable String requestingBeanName,
			@Nullable Set<String> autowiredBeanNames, @Nullable TypeConverter typeConverter) throws BeansException {

		if (Optional.class == descriptor.getDependencyType()) {
			return createOptionalDependency(descriptor, requestingBeanName);
		else if (ObjectFactory.class == descriptor.getDependencyType() ||
				ObjectProvider.class == descriptor.getDependencyType()) {
			return new DependencyObjectProvider(descriptor, requestingBeanName);
		else if (javaxInjectProviderClass == descriptor.getDependencyType()) {
			return new Jsr330Factory().createDependencyProvider(descriptor, requestingBeanName);
		else {
			Object result = getAutowireCandidateResolver().getLazyResolutionProxyIfNecessary(
					descriptor, requestingBeanName);
			if (result == null) {
				result = doResolveDependency(descriptor, requestingBeanName, autowiredBeanNames, typeConverter);
			return result;


public class ContextAnnotationAutowireCandidateResolver extends QualifierAnnotationAutowireCandidateResolver {

	public Object getLazyResolutionProxyIfNecessary(DependencyDescriptor descriptor, @Nullable String beanName) {
		return (isLazy(descriptor) ? buildLazyResolutionProxy(descriptor, beanName) : null);

	protected boolean isLazy(DependencyDescriptor descriptor) {
		for (Annotation ann : descriptor.getAnnotations()) {
			Lazy lazy = AnnotationUtils.getAnnotation(ann, Lazy.class);
			if (lazy != null && lazy.value()) {
				return true;
		MethodParameter methodParam = descriptor.getMethodParameter();
		if (methodParam != null) {
			Method method = methodParam.getMethod();
			if (method == null || void.class == method.getReturnType()) {
				Lazy lazy = AnnotationUtils.getAnnotation(methodParam.getAnnotatedElement(), Lazy.class);
				if (lazy != null && lazy.value()) {
					return true;
		return false;

	protected Object buildLazyResolutionProxy(final DependencyDescriptor descriptor, final @Nullable String beanName) {
		Assert.state(getBeanFactory() instanceof DefaultListableBeanFactory,
				"BeanFactory needs to be a DefaultListableBeanFactory");
		final DefaultListableBeanFactory beanFactory = (DefaultListableBeanFactory) getBeanFactory();
		TargetSource ts = new TargetSource() {
			public Class<?> getTargetClass() {
				return descriptor.getDependencyType();
			public boolean isStatic() {
				return false;
			public Object getTarget() {
				Object target = beanFactory.doResolveDependency(descriptor, beanName, null, null);
				if (target == null) {
					Class<?> type = getTargetClass();
					if (Map.class == type) {
						return Collections.emptyMap();
					else if (List.class == type) {
						return Collections.emptyList();
					else if (Set.class == type || Collection.class == type) {
						return Collections.emptySet();
					throw new NoSuchBeanDefinitionException(descriptor.getResolvableType(),
							"Optional dependency not present for lazy injection point");
				return target;
			public void releaseTarget(Object target) {
		ProxyFactory pf = new ProxyFactory();
		Class<?> dependencyType = descriptor.getDependencyType();
		if (dependencyType.isInterface()) {
		return pf.getProxy(beanFactory.getBeanClassLoader());



public Object doResolveDependency(DependencyDescriptor descriptor, @Nullable String beanName,
			@Nullable Set<String> autowiredBeanNames, @Nullable TypeConverter typeConverter) throws BeansException {

		InjectionPoint previousInjectionPoint = ConstructorResolver.setCurrentInjectionPoint(descriptor);
		try {
			Object shortcut = descriptor.resolveShortcut(this);
			if (shortcut != null) {
				return shortcut;

			Class<?> type = descriptor.getDependencyType();
			Object value = getAutowireCandidateResolver().getSuggestedValue(descriptor);
			if (value != null) {
				if (value instanceof String) {
					String strVal = resolveEmbeddedValue((String) value);
					BeanDefinition bd = (beanName != null && containsBean(beanName) ?
							getMergedBeanDefinition(beanName) : null);
					value = evaluateBeanDefinitionString(strVal, bd);
				TypeConverter converter = (typeConverter != null ? typeConverter : getTypeConverter());
				try {
					return converter.convertIfNecessary(value, type, descriptor.getTypeDescriptor());
				catch (UnsupportedOperationException ex) {
					// A custom TypeConverter which does not support TypeDescriptor resolution...
					return (descriptor.getField() != null ?
							converter.convertIfNecessary(value, type, descriptor.getField()) :
							converter.convertIfNecessary(value, type, descriptor.getMethodParameter()));

			Object multipleBeans = resolveMultipleBeans(descriptor, beanName, autowiredBeanNames, typeConverter);
			if (multipleBeans != null) {
				return multipleBeans;

			Map<String, Object> matchingBeans = findAutowireCandidates(beanName, type, descriptor);
			if (matchingBeans.isEmpty()) {
				if (isRequired(descriptor)) {
					raiseNoMatchingBeanFound(type, descriptor.getResolvableType(), descriptor);
				return null;

			String autowiredBeanName;
			Object instanceCandidate;

			if (matchingBeans.size() > 1) {
				autowiredBeanName = determineAutowireCandidate(matchingBeans, descriptor);
				if (autowiredBeanName == null) {
					if (isRequired(descriptor) || !indicatesMultipleBeans(type)) {
						return descriptor.resolveNotUnique(descriptor.getResolvableType(), matchingBeans);
					else {
						// In case of an optional Collection/Map, silently ignore a non-unique case:
						// possibly it was meant to be an empty collection of multiple regular beans
						// (before 4.3 in particular when we didn't even look for collection beans).
						return null;
				instanceCandidate = matchingBeans.get(autowiredBeanName);
			else {
				// We have exactly one match.
				Map.Entry<String, Object> entry = matchingBeans.entrySet().iterator().next();
				autowiredBeanName = entry.getKey();
				instanceCandidate = entry.getValue();

			if (autowiredBeanNames != null) {
			if (instanceCandidate instanceof Class) {
				instanceCandidate = descriptor.resolveCandidate(autowiredBeanName, type, this);
			Object result = instanceCandidate;
			if (result instanceof NullBean) {
				if (isRequired(descriptor)) {
					raiseNoMatchingBeanFound(type, descriptor.getResolvableType(), descriptor);
				result = null;
			if (!ClassUtils.isAssignableValue(type, result)) {
				throw new BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException(autowiredBeanName, type, instanceCandidate.getClass());
			return result;
		finally {


GenericTypeAwareAutowireCandidateResolver内置beanFactory ,通过容器判断类型是否匹配


Object value = getAutowireCandidateResolver().getSuggestedValue(descriptor);


protected Map<String, Object> findAutowireCandidates(
			@Nullable String beanName, Class<?> requiredType, DependencyDescriptor descriptor) {

		String[] candidateNames = BeanFactoryUtils.beanNamesForTypeIncludingAncestors(
				this, requiredType, true, descriptor.isEager());
		Map<String, Object> result = new LinkedHashMap<>(candidateNames.length);
		for (Map.Entry<Class<?>, Object> classObjectEntry : this.resolvableDependencies.entrySet()) {
			Class<?> autowiringType = classObjectEntry.getKey();
			if (autowiringType.isAssignableFrom(requiredType)) {
				Object autowiringValue = classObjectEntry.getValue();
				autowiringValue = AutowireUtils.resolveAutowiringValue(autowiringValue, requiredType);
				if (requiredType.isInstance(autowiringValue)) {
					result.put(ObjectUtils.identityToString(autowiringValue), autowiringValue);
		for (String candidate : candidateNames) {
			if (!isSelfReference(beanName, candidate) && isAutowireCandidate(candidate, descriptor)) {
				addCandidateEntry(result, candidate, descriptor, requiredType);
		if (result.isEmpty()) {
			boolean multiple = indicatesMultipleBeans(requiredType);
			// Consider fallback matches if the first pass failed to find anything...
			DependencyDescriptor fallbackDescriptor = descriptor.forFallbackMatch();
			for (String candidate : candidateNames) {
				if (!isSelfReference(beanName, candidate) && isAutowireCandidate(candidate, fallbackDescriptor) &&
						(!multiple || getAutowireCandidateResolver().hasQualifier(descriptor))) {
					addCandidateEntry(result, candidate, descriptor, requiredType);
			if (result.isEmpty() && !multiple) {
				// Consider self references as a final pass...
				// but in the case of a dependency collection, not the very same bean itself.
				for (String candidate : candidateNames) {
					if (isSelfReference(beanName, candidate) &&
							(!(descriptor instanceof MultiElementDescriptor) || !beanName.equals(candidate)) &&
							isAutowireCandidate(candidate, fallbackDescriptor)) {
						addCandidateEntry(result, candidate, descriptor, requiredType);
		return result;


String[] candidateNames = BeanFactoryUtils.beanNamesForTypeIncludingAncestors(
this, requiredType, true, descriptor.isEager());


  • 优先选择被标注@Primary的bean
  • 其次是判断 @Priority 优先级
  • 最后通过依赖bean的名称和别名判断
  • 如果返回null,默认会抛异常(NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException),除了返回的类型是多结果类型并且required=false(descriptor或者@Autowire)



public class BeanCreateService {
    private ServiceA serviceA;
    private ServiceB serviceB;
    // #1
    public BeanCreateService() { 


	// #2
    public BeanCreateService(ServiceA serviceA) { 
        this.serviceA = serviceA;

	// #3
    public BeanCreateService(ServiceA serviceA, ServiceB serviceB) {
        this.serviceA = serviceA;
        this.serviceB = serviceB;
没有手动申明构造函数 or 申明构造器#1无@Autowire修饰使用默认无参构造器实例化
只申明了构造器 #2或者#3无@Autowire修饰使用这个唯一的构造器实例化
同时申明构造器 #1,#2,#3有一个@Autowire(required=true)修饰,还有其他构造器被@Autowire修饰抛异常,无法实例化
同时申明构造器#1,#2,#3有一个@Autowire(required=false)修饰如果#1被注解修饰,#1实例化; 如果#2被注解修饰,#1和#2都会被选中候选,#2参数多最终选#2实例化;如果#3被注解,#1和#3都会被选中,#3参数多使用它实例化


protected BeanWrapper instantiateUsingFactoryMethod(
			String beanName, RootBeanDefinition mbd, @Nullable Object[] explicitArgs) {

		return new ConstructorResolver(this).instantiateUsingFactoryMethod(beanName, mbd, explicitArgs);


public BeanWrapper instantiateUsingFactoryMethod(
			String beanName, RootBeanDefinition mbd, @Nullable Object[] explicitArgs) {

		BeanWrapperImpl bw = new BeanWrapperImpl();

		Object factoryBean;
		Class<?> factoryClass;
		boolean isStatic;
		// 获取factoryBeanName,如果不为null说明是实例工厂方法,否则为静态工厂方法
		String factoryBeanName = mbd.getFactoryBeanName();
		if (factoryBeanName != null) {
			if (factoryBeanName.equals(beanName)) {
				throw new BeanDefinitionStoreException(mbd.getResourceDescription(), beanName,
						"factory-bean reference points back to the same bean definition");
			// 获取工厂bean实例,注意这个工厂bean和FactoryBean接口不一样不要混淆了
			factoryBean = this.beanFactory.getBean(factoryBeanName);
			if (mbd.isSingleton() && this.beanFactory.containsSingleton(beanName)) {
				throw new ImplicitlyAppearedSingletonException();
			factoryClass = factoryBean.getClass();
			isStatic = false;
		else {
			// It's a static factory method on the bean class.
			if (!mbd.hasBeanClass()) {
				throw new BeanDefinitionStoreException(mbd.getResourceDescription(), beanName,
						"bean definition declares neither a bean class nor a factory-bean reference");
			factoryBean = null;
			factoryClass = mbd.getBeanClass();
			isStatic = true;

		Method factoryMethodToUse = null;
		ArgumentsHolder argsHolderToUse = null;
		Object[] argsToUse = null;

		if (explicitArgs != null) {
			argsToUse = explicitArgs;
		else { // 从缓存中获取方法和参数
			Object[] argsToResolve = null;
			synchronized (mbd.constructorArgumentLock) {
				factoryMethodToUse = (Method) mbd.resolvedConstructorOrFactoryMethod;
				if (factoryMethodToUse != null && mbd.constructorArgumentsResolved) {
					// Found a cached factory method...
					argsToUse = mbd.resolvedConstructorArguments;
					if (argsToUse == null) {
						argsToResolve = mbd.preparedConstructorArguments;
			if (argsToResolve != null) {
				argsToUse = resolvePreparedArguments(beanName, mbd, bw, factoryMethodToUse, argsToResolve, true);

		// 第一次缓存中没有会走这里
		if (factoryMethodToUse == null || argsToUse == null) {
			// Need to determine the factory method...
			// Try all methods with this name to see if they match the given arguments.
			factoryClass = ClassUtils.getUserClass(factoryClass);

			List<Method> candidates = null;
			if (mbd.isFactoryMethodUnique) {
				if (factoryMethodToUse == null) {
					factoryMethodToUse = mbd.getResolvedFactoryMethod();
				if (factoryMethodToUse != null) {
					candidates = Collections.singletonList(factoryMethodToUse);
			if (candidates == null) {
				candidates = new ArrayList<>();
				Method[] rawCandidates = getCandidateMethods(factoryClass, mbd);
				for (Method candidate : rawCandidates) {
					if (Modifier.isStatic(candidate.getModifiers()) == isStatic && mbd.isFactoryMethod(candidate)) {
			// shortcut 无参数工厂方法
			if (candidates.size() == 1 && explicitArgs == null && !mbd.hasConstructorArgumentValues()) {
				Method uniqueCandidate = candidates.get(0);
				if (uniqueCandidate.getParameterCount() == 0) {
					mbd.factoryMethodToIntrospect = uniqueCandidate;
					synchronized (mbd.constructorArgumentLock) {
						mbd.resolvedConstructorOrFactoryMethod = uniqueCandidate;
						mbd.constructorArgumentsResolved = true;
						mbd.resolvedConstructorArguments = EMPTY_ARGS;
					bw.setBeanInstance(instantiate(beanName, mbd, factoryBean, uniqueCandidate, EMPTY_ARGS));
					return bw;

			if (candidates.size() > 1) {  // explicitly skip immutable singletonList
			// 和构造器排序一样,贪婪原则,public>unpublic>参数多>参数少

			ConstructorArgumentValues resolvedValues = null;
			boolean autowiring = (mbd.getResolvedAutowireMode() == AutowireCapableBeanFactory.AUTOWIRE_CONSTRUCTOR);
			int minTypeDiffWeight = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
			Set<Method> ambiguousFactoryMethods = null;

			int minNrOfArgs;
			if (explicitArgs != null) {
				minNrOfArgs = explicitArgs.length;
			else {
				// We don't have arguments passed in programmatically, so we need to resolve the
				// arguments specified in the constructor arguments held in the bean definition.
				if (mbd.hasConstructorArgumentValues()) {
					ConstructorArgumentValues cargs = mbd.getConstructorArgumentValues();
					resolvedValues = new ConstructorArgumentValues();
					minNrOfArgs = resolveConstructorArguments(beanName, mbd, bw, cargs, resolvedValues);
				else {
					minNrOfArgs = 0;

			LinkedList<UnsatisfiedDependencyException> causes = null;

			for (Method candidate : candidates) {

				int parameterCount = candidate.getParameterCount();
				if (parameterCount >= minNrOfArgs) {
					ArgumentsHolder argsHolder;

					Class<?>[] paramTypes = candidate.getParameterTypes();
					if (explicitArgs != null) {
						// Explicit arguments given -> arguments length must match exactly.
						if (paramTypes.length != explicitArgs.length) {
						argsHolder = new ArgumentsHolder(explicitArgs);
					else {
						// Resolved constructor arguments: type conversion and/or autowiring necessary.
						try {
							String[] paramNames = null;
							ParameterNameDiscoverer pnd = this.beanFactory.getParameterNameDiscoverer();
							if (pnd != null) {
								paramNames = pnd.getParameterNames(candidate);
							argsHolder = createArgumentArray(beanName, mbd, resolvedValues, bw,
									paramTypes, paramNames, candidate, autowiring, candidates.size() == 1);
						catch (UnsatisfiedDependencyException ex) {
							if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
								logger.trace("Ignoring factory method [" + candidate + "] of bean '" + beanName + "': " + ex);
							// Swallow and try next overloaded factory method.
							if (causes == null) {
								causes = new LinkedList<>();

					int typeDiffWeight = (mbd.isLenientConstructorResolution() ?
							argsHolder.getTypeDifferenceWeight(paramTypes) : argsHolder.getAssignabilityWeight(paramTypes));
					// Choose this factory method if it represents the closest match.
					if (typeDiffWeight < minTypeDiffWeight) {
						factoryMethodToUse = candidate;
						argsHolderToUse = argsHolder;
						argsToUse = argsHolder.arguments;
						minTypeDiffWeight = typeDiffWeight;
						ambiguousFactoryMethods = null;
					// Find out about ambiguity: In case of the same type difference weight
					// for methods with the same number of parameters, collect such candidates
					// and eventually raise an ambiguity exception.
					// However, only perform that check in non-lenient constructor resolution mode,
					// and explicitly ignore overridden methods (with the same parameter signature).
					else if (factoryMethodToUse != null && typeDiffWeight == minTypeDiffWeight &&
							!mbd.isLenientConstructorResolution() &&
							paramTypes.length == factoryMethodToUse.getParameterCount() &&
							!Arrays.equals(paramTypes, factoryMethodToUse.getParameterTypes())) {
						if (ambiguousFactoryMethods == null) {
							ambiguousFactoryMethods = new LinkedHashSet<>();

			if (factoryMethodToUse == null || argsToUse == null) {
				if (causes != null) {
					UnsatisfiedDependencyException ex = causes.removeLast();
					for (Exception cause : causes) {
					throw ex;
				List<String> argTypes = new ArrayList<>(minNrOfArgs);
				if (explicitArgs != null) {
					for (Object arg : explicitArgs) {
						argTypes.add(arg != null ? arg.getClass().getSimpleName() : "null");
				else if (resolvedValues != null) {
					Set<ValueHolder> valueHolders = new LinkedHashSet<>(resolvedValues.getArgumentCount());
					for (ValueHolder value : valueHolders) {
						String argType = (value.getType() != null ? ClassUtils.getShortName(value.getType()) :
								(value.getValue() != null ? value.getValue().getClass().getSimpleName() : "null"));
				String argDesc = StringUtils.collectionToCommaDelimitedString(argTypes);
				throw new BeanCreationException(mbd.getResourceDescription(), beanName,
						"No matching factory method found: " +
						(mbd.getFactoryBeanName() != null ?
							"factory bean '" + mbd.getFactoryBeanName() + "'; " : "") +
						"factory method '" + mbd.getFactoryMethodName() + "(" + argDesc + ")'. " +
						"Check that a method with the specified name " +
						(minNrOfArgs > 0 ? "and arguments " : "") +
						"exists and that it is " +
						(isStatic ? "static" : "non-static") + ".");
			else if (void.class == factoryMethodToUse.getReturnType()) {
				throw new BeanCreationException(mbd.getResourceDescription(), beanName,
						"Invalid factory method '" + mbd.getFactoryMethodName() +
						"': needs to have a non-void return type!");
			else if (ambiguousFactoryMethods != null) {
				throw new BeanCreationException(mbd.getResourceDescription(), beanName,
						"Ambiguous factory method matches found in bean '" + beanName + "' " +
						"(hint: specify index/type/name arguments for simple parameters to avoid type ambiguities): " +

			if (explicitArgs == null && argsHolderToUse != null) {
				mbd.factoryMethodToIntrospect = factoryMethodToUse;
				argsHolderToUse.storeCache(mbd, factoryMethodToUse);

		bw.setBeanInstance(instantiate(beanName, mbd, factoryBean, factoryMethodToUse, argsToUse));
		return bw;


  1. 通过判断有无factoryBeanName,来判断是实例工厂方法还是静态工厂方法
  2. 尝试从缓存中获取工厂方法和参数
  3. 缓存中没有的话,先从工厂类中获取所有匹配的方法
  4. shortcut,如果只有一个工厂方法,并且无参数,就直接实例化了
  5. 多个候选工厂方法按贪婪原则排序,一级排序public方法优先,二级排序参数多的优先
  6. 如果有beanDefinition内置的参数值,解析beanDefinition内置的参数
  7. 遍历候选构造器
  8. 创建方法参数createArgumentArray
  9. 判断方法参数值和方法参数类型的匹配相似度权重,相似度约高,权重越小,选取权重最小的方法,这里比较特殊的是,没有依赖贪婪原则提前shortcut
  10. 存储缓存
  11. 调用实例化策略实例化


public class Config {
    public ServiceA serviceA() {
        return new ServiceA();


public class Config {
    public static ServiceA serviceA() {
        return new ServiceA();



private void loadBeanDefinitionsForBeanMethod(BeanMethod beanMethod) {
		ConfigurationClass configClass = beanMethod.getConfigurationClass();
		MethodMetadata metadata = beanMethod.getMetadata();
		String methodName = metadata.getMethodName();

		// Do we need to mark the bean as skipped by its condition?
		if (this.conditionEvaluator.shouldSkip(metadata, ConfigurationPhase.REGISTER_BEAN)) {
		if (configClass.skippedBeanMethods.contains(methodName)) {

		AnnotationAttributes bean = AnnotationConfigUtils.attributesFor(metadata, Bean.class);
		Assert.state(bean != null, "No @Bean annotation attributes");

		// Consider name and any aliases
		List<String> names = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(bean.getStringArray("name")));
		String beanName = (!names.isEmpty() ? names.remove(0) : methodName);

		// Register aliases even when overridden
		for (String alias : names) {
			this.registry.registerAlias(beanName, alias);

		// Has this effectively been overridden before (e.g. via XML)?
		if (isOverriddenByExistingDefinition(beanMethod, beanName)) {
			if (beanName.equals(beanMethod.getConfigurationClass().getBeanName())) {
				throw new BeanDefinitionStoreException(beanMethod.getConfigurationClass().getResource().getDescription(),
						beanName, "Bean name derived from @Bean method '" + beanMethod.getMetadata().getMethodName() +
						"' clashes with bean name for containing configuration class; please make those names unique!");

		ConfigurationClassBeanDefinition beanDef = new ConfigurationClassBeanDefinition(configClass, metadata);
		beanDef.setSource(this.sourceExtractor.extractSource(metadata, configClass.getResource()));

		if (metadata.isStatic()) {
			// static @Bean method
			// 静态工厂方法
			if (configClass.getMetadata() instanceof StandardAnnotationMetadata) {
				beanDef.setBeanClass(((StandardAnnotationMetadata) configClass.getMetadata()).getIntrospectedClass());
			else {
		else {
		// 实例工厂方法
			// instance @Bean method

		if (metadata instanceof StandardMethodMetadata) {
			beanDef.setResolvedFactoryMethod(((StandardMethodMetadata) metadata).getIntrospectedMethod());


		AnnotationConfigUtils.processCommonDefinitionAnnotations(beanDef, metadata);

		Autowire autowire = bean.getEnum("autowire");
		if (autowire.isAutowire()) {

		boolean autowireCandidate = bean.getBoolean("autowireCandidate");
		if (!autowireCandidate) {

		String initMethodName = bean.getString("initMethod");
		if (StringUtils.hasText(initMethodName)) {

		String destroyMethodName = bean.getString("destroyMethod");

		// Consider scoping
		ScopedProxyMode proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.NO;
		AnnotationAttributes attributes = AnnotationConfigUtils.attributesFor(metadata, Scope.class);
		if (attributes != null) {
			proxyMode = attributes.getEnum("proxyMode");
			if (proxyMode == ScopedProxyMode.DEFAULT) {
				proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.NO;

		// Replace the original bean definition with the target one, if necessary
		BeanDefinition beanDefToRegister = beanDef;
		if (proxyMode != ScopedProxyMode.NO) {
			BeanDefinitionHolder proxyDef = ScopedProxyCreator.createScopedProxy(
					new BeanDefinitionHolder(beanDef, beanName), this.registry,
					proxyMode == ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS);
			beanDefToRegister = new ConfigurationClassBeanDefinition(
					(RootBeanDefinition) proxyDef.getBeanDefinition(), configClass, metadata);

		if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
			logger.trace(String.format("Registering bean definition for @Bean method %s.%s()",
					configClass.getMetadata().getClassName(), beanName));
		this.registry.registerBeanDefinition(beanName, beanDefToRegister);



protected BeanWrapper obtainFromSupplier(Supplier<?> instanceSupplier, String beanName) {
		Object instance;

		String outerBean = this.currentlyCreatedBean.get();
		try {
			instance = instanceSupplier.get();
		finally {
			if (outerBean != null) {
			else {

		if (instance == null) {
			instance = new NullBean();
		BeanWrapper bw = new BeanWrapperImpl(instance);
		return bw;


final class ConfigurationPropertiesValueObjectBeanDefinition extends GenericBeanDefinition {

	private final BeanFactory beanFactory;

	private final String beanName;

	ConfigurationPropertiesValueObjectBeanDefinition(BeanFactory beanFactory, String beanName, Class<?> beanClass) {
		this.beanFactory = beanFactory;
		this.beanName = beanName;

	private Object createBean() {
		ConfigurationPropertiesBean bean = ConfigurationPropertiesBean.forValueObject(getBeanClass(), this.beanName);
		ConfigurationPropertiesBinder binder = ConfigurationPropertiesBinder.get(this.beanFactory);
		try {
			return binder.bindOrCreate(bean);
		catch (Exception ex) {
			throw new ConfigurationPropertiesBindException(bean, ex);




	protected Object getObjectForBeanInstance(
			Object beanInstance, String name, String beanName, @Nullable RootBeanDefinition mbd) {

		// Don't let calling code try to dereference the factory if the bean isn't a factory.
		if (BeanFactoryUtils.isFactoryDereference(name)) {
			if (beanInstance instanceof NullBean) {
				return beanInstance;
			if (!(beanInstance instanceof FactoryBean)) {
				throw new BeanIsNotAFactoryException(beanName, beanInstance.getClass());
			if (mbd != null) {
				mbd.isFactoryBean = true;
			return beanInstance;

		// Now we have the bean instance, which may be a normal bean or a FactoryBean.
		// If it's a FactoryBean, we use it to create a bean instance, unless the
		// caller actually wants a reference to the factory.
		if (!(beanInstance instanceof FactoryBean)) {
			return beanInstance;

		Object object = null;
		if (mbd != null) {
			mbd.isFactoryBean = true;
		else {
			object = getCachedObjectForFactoryBean(beanName);
		if (object == null) {
			// Return bean instance from factory.
			FactoryBean<?> factory = (FactoryBean<?>) beanInstance;
			// Caches object obtained from FactoryBean if it is a singleton.
			if (mbd == null && containsBeanDefinition(beanName)) {
				mbd = getMergedLocalBeanDefinition(beanName);
			boolean synthetic = (mbd != null && mbd.isSynthetic());
			object = getObjectFromFactoryBean(factory, beanName, !synthetic);
		return object;



public Object instantiate(RootBeanDefinition bd, @Nullable String beanName, BeanFactory owner) {
		// Don't override the class with CGLIB if no overrides.
		if (!bd.hasMethodOverrides()) {
			Constructor<?> constructorToUse;
			synchronized (bd.constructorArgumentLock) {
				constructorToUse = (Constructor<?>) bd.resolvedConstructorOrFactoryMethod;
				if (constructorToUse == null) {
					final Class<?> clazz = bd.getBeanClass();
					if (clazz.isInterface()) {
						throw new BeanInstantiationException(clazz, "Specified class is an interface");
					try {
						if (System.getSecurityManager() != null) {
							constructorToUse = AccessController.doPrivileged(
									(PrivilegedExceptionAction<Constructor<?>>) clazz::getDeclaredConstructor);
						else {
							constructorToUse = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor();
						bd.resolvedConstructorOrFactoryMethod = constructorToUse;
					catch (Throwable ex) {
						throw new BeanInstantiationException(clazz, "No default constructor found", ex);
			return BeanUtils.instantiateClass(constructorToUse);
		else {
			// Must generate CGLIB subclass.
			return instantiateWithMethodInjection(bd, beanName, owner);
public Object instantiate(RootBeanDefinition bd, @Nullable String beanName, BeanFactory owner,
			final Constructor<?> ctor, Object... args) {

		if (!bd.hasMethodOverrides()) {
			if (System.getSecurityManager() != null) {
				// use own privileged to change accessibility (when security is on)
				AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedAction<Object>) () -> {
					return null;
			return BeanUtils.instantiateClass(ctor, args);
		else {
			return instantiateWithMethodInjection(bd, beanName, owner, ctor, args);


protected Object instantiateWithMethodInjection(RootBeanDefinition bd, @Nullable String beanName, BeanFactory owner,
			@Nullable Constructor<?> ctor, Object... args) {

		// Must generate CGLIB subclass...
		return new CglibSubclassCreator(bd, owner).instantiate(ctor, args);
private static class CglibSubclassCreator {

		private static final Class<?>[] CALLBACK_TYPES = new Class<?>[]
				{NoOp.class, LookupOverrideMethodInterceptor.class, ReplaceOverrideMethodInterceptor.class};

		private final RootBeanDefinition beanDefinition;

		private final BeanFactory owner;

		CglibSubclassCreator(RootBeanDefinition beanDefinition, BeanFactory owner) {
			this.beanDefinition = beanDefinition;
			this.owner = owner;

		 * Create a new instance of a dynamically generated subclass implementing the
		 * required lookups.
		 * @param ctor constructor to use. If this is {@code null}, use the
		 * no-arg constructor (no parameterization, or Setter Injection)
		 * @param args arguments to use for the constructor.
		 * Ignored if the {@code ctor} parameter is {@code null}.
		 * @return new instance of the dynamically generated subclass
		public Object instantiate(@Nullable Constructor<?> ctor, Object... args) {
			Class<?> subclass = createEnhancedSubclass(this.beanDefinition);
			Object instance;
			if (ctor == null) {
				instance = BeanUtils.instantiateClass(subclass);
			else {
				try {
					Constructor<?> enhancedSubclassConstructor = subclass.getConstructor(ctor.getParameterTypes());
					instance = enhancedSubclassConstructor.newInstance(args);
				catch (Exception ex) {
					throw new BeanInstantiationException(this.beanDefinition.getBeanClass(),
							"Failed to invoke constructor for CGLIB enhanced subclass [" + subclass.getName() + "]", ex);
			// SPR-10785: set callbacks directly on the instance instead of in the
			// enhanced class (via the Enhancer) in order to avoid memory leaks.
			Factory factory = (Factory) instance;
			factory.setCallbacks(new Callback[] {NoOp.INSTANCE,
					new LookupOverrideMethodInterceptor(this.beanDefinition, this.owner),
					new ReplaceOverrideMethodInterceptor(this.beanDefinition, this.owner)});
			return instance;

		 * Create an enhanced subclass of the bean class for the provided bean
		 * definition, using CGLIB.
		private Class<?> createEnhancedSubclass(RootBeanDefinition beanDefinition) {
			Enhancer enhancer = new Enhancer();
			if (this.owner instanceof ConfigurableBeanFactory) {
				ClassLoader cl = ((ConfigurableBeanFactory) this.owner).getBeanClassLoader();
				enhancer.setStrategy(new ClassLoaderAwareGeneratorStrategy(cl));
			enhancer.setCallbackFilter(new MethodOverrideCallbackFilter(beanDefinition));
			return enhancer.createClass();



	private static class LookupOverrideMethodInterceptor extends CglibIdentitySupport implements MethodInterceptor {

		private final BeanFactory owner;

		public LookupOverrideMethodInterceptor(RootBeanDefinition beanDefinition, BeanFactory owner) {
			this.owner = owner;

		public Object intercept(Object obj, Method method, Object[] args, MethodProxy mp) throws Throwable {
			// Cast is safe, as CallbackFilter filters are used selectively.
			LookupOverride lo = (LookupOverride) getBeanDefinition().getMethodOverrides().getOverride(method);
			Assert.state(lo != null, "LookupOverride not found");
			Object[] argsToUse = (args.length > 0 ? args : null);  // if no-arg, don't insist on args at all
			if (StringUtils.hasText(lo.getBeanName())) {
				return (argsToUse != null ? this.owner.getBean(lo.getBeanName(), argsToUse) :
			else {
				return (argsToUse != null ? this.owner.getBean(method.getReturnType(), argsToUse) :

	 * CGLIB MethodInterceptor to override methods, replacing them with a call
	 * to a generic MethodReplacer.
	private static class ReplaceOverrideMethodInterceptor extends CglibIdentitySupport implements MethodInterceptor {

		private final BeanFactory owner;

		public ReplaceOverrideMethodInterceptor(RootBeanDefinition beanDefinition, BeanFactory owner) {
			this.owner = owner;

		public Object intercept(Object obj, Method method, Object[] args, MethodProxy mp) throws Throwable {
			ReplaceOverride ro = (ReplaceOverride) getBeanDefinition().getMethodOverrides().getOverride(method);
			Assert.state(ro != null, "ReplaceOverride not found");
			// TODO could cache if a singleton for minor performance optimization
			MethodReplacer mr = this.owner.getBean(ro.getMethodReplacerBeanName(), MethodReplacer.class);
			return mr.reimplement(obj, method, args);
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