比较几个 C 语言协程实现
另外一个可选的协程实现是 protothreads (pt):
libdill & libmill
在 Linux 编译非常简单:
$ wget http://libdill.org/libdill-2.14.tar.gz
$ tar -xzf libdill-2.14.tar.gz
$ cd libdill-2.14
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
在 Windows 上用 mingw64,我按下面的方式编译成功(未做使用测试):
$ wget http://libdill.org/libdill-2.14.tar.gz
$ tar -xzf libdill-2.14.tar.gz
$ cd libdill-2.14
$ ./configure
$ ./libtool --tag=CC --mode=link x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -std=gnu99 -fvisibility=hidden -DDILL_EXPORTS -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=0 -g -O2 -no-undefined -version-info 3:0:0 -o libdill.la -rpath /mingw64/lib -lWs2_32
$ ./libtool --tag=CC --mode=link x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -std=gnu99 -fvisibility=hidden -DDILL_EXPORTS -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=0 -O3 -no-undefined -version-info 3:0:0 -o libdill.la -rpath /mingw64/lib -lWs2_32
生成结果在 .libs/ 目录里:
libdill.a libdill.dll.a libdill.la libdill.lai libdill-3.dll
建立在它之上有一个有名的类似 go 的协程库: libmill,它可用像写go 一样写C协程程序。
libdill 功能非常强大,编译时根据可以需要裁剪。
网络服务器使用以上协程库,都力不从心,推荐 state-threads,这个是用协程库实现的网络服务器,高可用,高性能,可用根据需要在上面定制:
Windows 版本64位不好用(32位好像可用),Linux 版本测试可用。
coroutine.h 的源码
如果仅仅写个简单的协程测试程序,建议使用 coroutine.h 或者 protothreads。下面是 coroutine.h 的源码,亲测可用。VS 编译时会报错误:
error C2051: case expression not constant
解决方法就是编译器配置的问题,只需要在项目属性配置页:C++/常规general/调式格式信息debug info format 中设置为:程序数据库/Zi (切记不使用:用于编辑并继续的…/ZI)
/* coroutine.h
* Coroutine mechanics, implemented on top of standard ANSI C. See
* https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/coroutines.html for
* a full discussion of the theory behind this.
* To use these macros to define a coroutine, you need to write a
* function that looks something like this.
* [Simple version using static variables (scr macros)]
* int ascending (void) {
* static int i;
* scrBegin;
* for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
* scrReturn(i);
* }
* scrFinish(-1);
* }
* [Re-entrant version using an explicit context structure (ccr macros)]
* int ascending (ccrContParam) {
* ccrBeginContext;
* int i;
* ccrEndContext(foo);
* ccrBegin(foo);
* for (foo->i=0; foo->i<10; foo->i++) {
* ccrReturn(foo->i);
* }
* ccrFinish(-1);
* }
* In the static version, you need only surround the function body
* with `scrBegin' and `scrFinish', and then you can do `scrReturn'
* within the function and on the next call control will resume
* just after the scrReturn statement. Any local variables you need
* to be persistent across an `scrReturn' must be declared static.
* In the re-entrant version, you need to declare your persistent
* variables between `ccrBeginContext' and `ccrEndContext'. These
* will be members of a structure whose name you specify in the
* parameter to `ccrEndContext'.
* The re-entrant macros will malloc() the state structure on first
* call, and free() it when `ccrFinish' is reached. If you want to
* abort in the middle, you can use `ccrStop' to free the state
* structure immediately (equivalent to an explicit return() in a
* caller-type routine).
* A coroutine returning void type may call `ccrReturnV',
* `ccrFinishV' and `ccrStopV', or `scrReturnV', to avoid having to
* specify an empty parameter to the ordinary return macros.
* Ground rules:
* - never put `ccrReturn' or `scrReturn' within an explicit `switch'.
* - never put two