12C ORA 错误汇总14 ORA 29250 to ORA 32799

这篇博客主要汇总了12C ORA错误从ORA 29250到ORA 32799的常见问题,同时推荐了一个由作者老师讲解的人工智能教程,适合零基础学习,旨在普及知识,促进技术发展。



                ORA-29250: Invalid index specifed in call to dbms_sql.bind_array
Cause: An invalid index was specified in a call to bind_array of dbms_sql. The
index may have been null or of an improper value.
Action: Correct the index value by modifying your PL/SQL program and try the
bind_array call again.
ORA-29251: Index1 is greater than Index2 in call to dbms_sql.bind_array
Cause: The value of index1 was greater than the value for index2 in the call to
bind_array. This is illegal since the elements of the table that will be bound are
those with indexes greater than or equal to index1 and less than or equal to
Action: Correct the value of the two indexes and try the call to again bind_array.
ORA-29252: collection does not contain elements at index locations in call to dbms_
Cause: The bound table does not contain elements at both index locations in call
to bind_array of dbms_sql. This is illegal. Both index locations must contain
elements. In other words tab.exists(index1) and tab.exists(index2) must both
return true.
Action: Either modify the two indexes or the contents of the table and try the call
ORA-29253: Invalid count argument passed to procedure dbms_sql.define_array
Cause: The count argument specified in the call to procedure define_array of
package dbms_sql had an invalid value. Invalid values are negative numbers and
nulls. The argument must be a positive integer.
Action: Correct your PL/SQL program so that only valid arguments are passed to
define_array and try again.
ORA-29254: Invalid lower_bound argument passed to procedure dbms_sql.define_
Cause: The lower_bound argument specified in the call to procedure define_array
had an invalid value. Legal values are all integers (both positive and negative)
including zero. The null value is illegal.
Action: Correct your PL/SQL program so that only valid arguments are passed to
define_array and try again.
ORA-29255: Cursor contains both bind and define arrays which is not permissible
Cause: Both define_array and bind_array have been called on this cursor. This is
illegal. It is not possible for a cursor to both contain array binds and array defines.
18-2 Oracle Database Error Messages
The semantics of this setting are nonsensical. Array defines are used to move data
from select queries into PL/SQL tables and array binds to bind PL/SQL tables to
non-select queries.
Action: Modify your PL/SQL program to only perform calls to one of the two
functions depending on the kind of cursor at hand.
ORA-29256: Cursor contains both regular and array defines which is illegal
Cause: Both define_array and define_column have been called on this cursor. This
is illegal. It is not possible for a cursor to both contain regular and array defines.
The semantics of this setting are nonsensical. Array defines are used to move data
from select queries into PL/SQL tables and regular defines to move data from
select queries into PL/SQL variables.
Action: Modify your PL/SQL program to only perform calls to one of the two
functions depending on the situation at hand.
ORA-29257: host string unknown
Cause: The specified host was unknown.
Action: Check the spelling of the host name or the IP address. Make sure that the
host name or the IP address is valid.
ORA-29258: buffer too small
Cause: The input or output buffer was too small for the operation.
Action: Increase the size of the buffer and retry the operation.
ORA-29259: end-of-input reached
Cause: The end of the input was reached.
Action: If the end of the input is reached prematurely, check if the input source
terminates prematurely. Otherwise, close the connection to the input.
ORA-29260: network error: string
Cause: A network error occurred.
Action: Fix the network error and retry the operation.
ORA-29261: bad argument
Cause: A bad argument was passed to the PL/SQL API.
Action: Check the arguments passed to the PL/SQL API and retry the call.
ORA-29262: bad URL
Cause: An improperly formed URL was passed to the PL/SQL API.
Action: Check the URL and retry the call.
ORA-29263: HTTP protocol error
Cause: A HTTP protocol error occured during the HTTP operation.
Action: Check the HTTP server that the HTTP operation was performed to make
sure that it follows the HTTP protocol standard.
ORA-29264: unknown or unsupported URL scheme
Cause: The URL scheme was unknown or unsupported.
Action: Check the URL to make sure that the scheme is valid and supported.
ORA-29265: HTTP header not found
Cause: The requested HTTP header was not found.
ORA-29250 to ORA-32799 18-3
Action: Check to make sure that the requested HTTP header is present.
ORA-29266: end-of-body reached
Cause: The end of the HTTP response body was reached.
Action: If the end of the HTTP response is reached prematurely, check if the HTTP
response terminates prematurely. Otherwise, end the HTTP response.
ORA-29267: illegal call
Cause: The call to the PL/SQL API was illegal at the current stage of the
Action: Retry the call at a different stage of the operation.
ORA-29268: HTTP client error string
Cause: The HTTP response indicated that the HTTP client error occurred.
Action: Fix the HTTP client error and retry the HTTP request.
ORA-29269: HTTP server error string
Cause: The HTTP response indicated that the HTTP server error occurred.
Action: Fix the HTTP server error and retry the HTTP request. Contact the
admistrator of the HTTP server when necessary.
ORA-29270: too many open HTTP requests
Cause: Too many HTTP requests were opened.
Action: End some HTTP requests and retry the HTTP request.
ORA-29271: not connected
Cause: The network connection was not made while the network operation was
Action: Retry the network operation after the network connection is made
ORA-29272: initialization failed
Cause: The UTL_HTTP package failed to initialize.
Action: Free up some memory or other system resources and retry the operation.
ORA-29273: HTTP request failed
Cause: The UTL_HTTP package failed to execute the HTTP request.
Action: Use get_detailed_sqlerrm to check the detailed error message. Fix the
error and retry the HTTP request.
ORA-29274: fixed-width multibyte character set not allowed for a URL
Cause: The character set used as an encoding of the URL is a fixed-width
multibyte character set and is not allowed for a URL.
Action: Use the corresponding variable-width multibyte character set for the URL
ORA-29275: partial multibyte character
Cause: The requested read operation could not complete because a partial
multibyte character was found at the end of the input.
Action: Ensure that the complete multibyte character is sent from the remote
server and retry the operation. Or read the partial multibyte character as RAW.
18-4 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-29276: transfer timeout
Cause: Timeout occurred while reading from or writing to a network connection.
Action: Check the remote server or the network to ensure that it responds within
the timeout limit. Or increase the timeout value.
ORA-29277: invalid SMTP operation
Cause: The SMTP operation was invalid at the current stage of the SMTP
Action: Retry the SMTP operation at the appropriate stage of the SMTP
ORA-29278: SMTP transient error: string
Cause: A SMTP transient error occurred.
Action: Correct the error and retry the SMTP operation.
ORA-29279: SMTP permanent error: string
Cause: A SMTP permanent error occurred.
Action: Correct the error and retry the SMTP operation.
ORA-29280: invalid directory path
Cause: A corresponding directory object does not exist.
Action: Correct the directory object parameter, or create a corresponding directory
object with the CREATE DIRECTORY command.
ORA-29281: invalid mode
Cause: An invalid value was specified for file open mode.
Action: Correct the mode to be one of the values: 'r','a', or 'w'.
ORA-29282: invalid file ID
Cause: A file ID handle was specified for which no corresponding open file exists.
Action: Verify that the file ID handle is a value returned from a call to UTL_
ORA-29283: invalid file operation
Cause: An attempt was made to read from a file or directory that does not exist,
or file or directory access was denied by the operating system.
Action: Verify file and directory access privileges on the file system, and if
reading, verify that the file exists.
ORA-29284: file read error
Cause: An attempt to read from a file failed.
Action: Verify that the file exists, and that it is accessible, and that it is open in
read mode.
ORA-29285: file write error
Cause: Failed to write to, flush, or close a file.
Action: Verify that the file exists, that it is accessible, and that it is open in write or
append mode.
ORA-29286: internal error
Cause: A fatal error occurred while allocating PL/SQL session memory.
ORA-29250 to ORA-32799 18-5
Action: Verify that the PL/SQL session is connected and that adequate memory
resources are available.
ORA-29287: invalid maximum line size
Cause: An invalid maximum line size value was specified.
Action: Correct the maximum line size to be in the range [1, 32767].
ORA-29288: invalid file name
Cause: A NULL or zero l
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ORA-01017错误Oracle数据库中一个常见的错误,它表示用户在进行认证时没有提供正确的用户名或密码,导致登录失败。这个错误可能会在用户在进行各种数据库操作时出现,例如启动或连接数据库、执行SQL查询、创建或删除表等。 如果您遇到ORA-01017错误,首先应该确认您输入的用户名和密码是否正确。您可以尝试使用其他有效的用户名和密码重新登录数据库。如果您使用的是Oracle数据库的默认账户,例如SYS或SYSTEM账户,那么可以使用以下命令来重置密码: ALTER USER username IDENTIFIED BY new_password; 其中username为您要重置密码的账户名,new_password为新密码。 除了输入错误的用户名或密码外,还有一些其他常见的原因可能会导致ORA-01017错误。例如,您的数据库可能已被锁定,可能是由于某些数据库对象被其他用户或进程所占用,或者因为数据库正在进行备份或恢复操作。在这种情况下,您需要等待一段时间,直到数据库解锁。您还可以尝试重启数据库实例来解决此问题。 另外,ORA-01017错误也可能是由于网络故障或连接问题引起的。如果您正在通过网络连接数据库,请检查您的网络连接是否正常、数据库服务器是否可用,并确保您使用的是正确的连接字符串和端口号。 总之,ORA-01017错误可能是由多种原因引起的,但它通常表示用户输入了错误的用户名或密码。如果您遇到此问题,您需要核实提供的认证信息是否正确,并尝试使用其他有效的用户名和密码重新登录数据库。如果错误仍然存在,您可以考虑其他可能的原因,并采取相应的措施来解决问题。


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