12C ORA-错误汇总15 ORA-32800 to ORA-39965



                ORA-32800: internal error string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-32801: invalid value string for string
Cause: An invalid value was specified for a parameter.
Action: Specify a valid value for the parameter.
ORA-32802: value for string must be string
Cause: An invalid value was specified for a parameter.
Action: Specify the value as indicated by the message.
ORA-32803: value for string cannot be altered
Cause: An attempt was made to alter a value that cannot be altered.
Action: Retry the operation without altering the indicated value.
ORA-32804: invalid value string, string should have form string
Cause: A value specified for a parameter has the incorrect form.
Action: Specify a string of the correct form.
ORA-32805: identifier for string too long, maximum length is string characters
Cause: An identifier string exceeded the maximum allowed length.
Action: Specify a string whose length is less than the maximum allowed length.
ORA-32806: value for string is too long, maximum length is string
Cause: A value exceeded it's maximum allowed length.
Action: Specify a value whose length is less than the maximum allowed length.
ORA-32807: message system link string already exists
Cause: A message system link of the specified name already exists.
Action: Specify a different name.
ORA-32808: message system link string does not exist
Cause: A message system link of the specified name does not exist.
Action: Specify a message system link name that already exists.
ORA-32809: foreign queue string is already registered
19-2 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The foreign queue has already been registered for this message system link
Action: Specify a different name that is not being used for this message system
ORA-32810: foreign queue string is not registered
Cause: The foreign queue (NAME@MSGLINK) has not been registered for this
message system link.
Action: Specify the name of a registered foreign queue.
ORA-32811: subscriber string already exists
Cause: The specified subscriber identifier already exists.
Action: Specify a different identifier.
ORA-32812: subscriber string does not exist
Cause: The specified subscriber identifier does not exist.
Action: Specify an existing subscriber identifier.
ORA-32813: propagation schedule string already exists
Cause: The specified propagation schedule identifer already exists.
Action: Specify a different identifier.
ORA-32814: propagation schedule string does not exist
Cause: The specified propagation schedule identifier does not exist.
Action: Specify a schedule identifier that already exists.
ORA-32815: message system link string is referenced by a foreign queue
Cause: An attempt was made to remove a message system link currently
referenced by one or more registered foreign queues.
Action: Unregister all foreign queues using this message system link and retry the
ORA-32816: foreign queue string is referenced by a subscriber or schedule
Cause: An attempt was made to unregister a foreign queue currently referenced
by one or more subscribers or propagation schedules.
Action: Remove all subscribers and propagation schedules using this foreign
queue and retry the operation.
ORA-32817: message system link string is not configured with a log queue for
Cause: An attempt was made to add a propagation subscriber but the message
system link was not configured with a log queue for the indicated propagation
Action: Alter the message system link to configure the link with a log queue for
this propagation type.
ORA-32818: AQ queue string does not exist
Cause: An operation was attempted where the specified AQ queue does not exist.
Action: Specify the name of an existing AQ queue.
ORA-32819: AQ queue string must be a normal queue
ORA-32800 to ORA-32857 19-3
Cause: An operation was attempted where the specified AQ queue exists but is
not a normal queue.
Action: Specify the name of an AQ queue which was created as a normal queue
ORA-32820: subscriber queue and exception queue must use same message system
Cause: An operation was attempted for INBOUND propagation where the
specified subscriber queue and exception queue reference different message
system links.
Action: Specify an exception queue that is a registered foreign queue of the same
message system link as the subscriber queue.
ORA-32821: subscriber queue and exception queue must have same payload type
Cause: An operation was attempted for OUTBOUND propagation where the AQ
queues used for the subscriber queue and exception queue have different payload
Action: Specify an exception queue that has the same payload type as the
subscriber queue.
ORA-32822: subscriber string is marked for removal
Cause: An administration operation was attempted for a subscriber which is
marked for removal. If attempting to remove a subscriber, the Messaging Gateway
agent is not running or is running but unable to remove the subscriber at this time.
Action: Do not issue propagation administration commands for a subscriber for
which removal is pending. Wait for the subscriber to be removed by the agent or
issue REMOVE_SUBSCRIBER with the FORCE option to force the subscriber to be
ORA-32823: subscriber exists for queue string and destination string
Cause: An attempt was made to create a propagation subscriber when one
already exists for the specified queue and destination pair.
Action: Specify a different queue and destination pair, or remove the subscriber
using that pair and retry the operation.
ORA-32824: schedule exists for source string and destination string
Cause: An attempt was made to create a propagation schedule when one already
exists for the specified source and destination pair.
Action: Specify a different source and destination pair, or remove the schedule
using that pair and retry the operation.
ORA-32825: Messaging Gateway agent has not been started
Cause: An attempt was made to shut down the Messaging Gateway agent when it
is not started.
Action: No action required.
ORA-32826: Messaging Gateway agent has already been started
Cause: An attempt was made to start the Messaging Gateway agent when it is
already started.
Action: No action required.
ORA-32827: Messaging Gateway agent must be shut down
19-4 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: An operation was attempted that requires the Messaging Gateway agent
to be shut down.
Action: Issue SHUTDOWN, wait for MGW_GATEWAY view to show a NOT_
STARTED status, and retry the operation. CLEANUP_GATEWAY may need to be
issued to reset the gateway state if the agent fails to shut down after a reasonable
time period.
ORA-32828: Messaging Gateway agent must be running
Cause: An operation was attempted that requires the Messaging Gateway agent
to be started and responsive.
Action: Issue STARTUP, wait for MGW_GATEWAY view to show a RUNNING
status, and retry the operation.
ORA-32829: Messaging Gateway agent cannot be shut down while it is starting
Cause: An attempt was made to shut down the Messaging Gateway agent when it
is in the process of starting and initializing.
Action: Wait for MGW_GATEWAY view to show a RUNNING status and retry
the operation. CLEANUP_GATEWAY may need to be issued to reset the gateway
state if the agent fails to start after a reasonable time period.
ORA-32830: result code string returned by Messaging Gateway agent
Cause: The Messaging Gateway agent terminated abnormally due to an
unexpected error.
Action: Review the Messaging Gateway log file for further information regarding
the problem. Resolve the problem and start the Messaging Gateway agent. Contact
Oracle Support Services if the problem cannot be resolved.
ORA-32831: timed out trying to acquire administration lock
Cause: A timeout occurred when attempting an administration operation. Either
an administration operation was attempted while the Messaging Gateway agent
was starting and initializing, or two administration operations were attempted at
the same time.
Action: Retry the operation. If the Messaging Gateway agent is starting, wait for
MGW_GATEWAY view to show a RUNNING status and retry the operation.
ORA-32832: failure string trying to acquire administration lock
Cause: An unexpected error occurred trying to acquire administration lock.
Action: Retry the operation. Contact Oracle Support Services if the error persists.
ORA-32833: failure string trying to release administration lock
Cause: An unexpected error occurred trying to release administration lock.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services if the error persists.
ORA-32834: Messaging Gateway agent user has not been set
Cause: A Messaging Gateway agent user has not been configured.
Action: Create a database user having role MGW_AGENT_ROLE and issue DB_
CONNECT_INFO to configure an agent user.
ORA-32835: database user string does not exist
Cause: The specified database user does not currently exist.
Action: Create the user and grant all necessary privileges and roles.
ORA-32800 to ORA-32857 19-5
ORA-32836: database user string must be granted role string
Cause: The specified database user does not have a required role.
Action: Grant the user the indicated role.
ORA-32837: invalid configuration state string
Cause: The specified configuration state is invalid.
Action: Remove and re-create the configured entities. Contact Oracle Support
Services if the problem cannot be identified or resolved.
ORA-32838: exceeded maximum number of properties
Cause: An attempt was made to alter a property list where the number of
properties in the resulting list exceeds the maximum allowed.
Action: Order the elements of the alter list differently so the number of elements
in the resulting list is less than the maximum.
ORA-32839: property string is reserved, names with MGWPROP$_ prefix are not
Cause: An attempt was made to specify a reserved name for a property name.
Action: Use a non-reserved name.
ORA-32840: property name cannot be NULL
Cause: An attempt was made to use NULL for a property name.
Action: Specify a non-NULL name.
ORA-32841: invalid value for property string
Cause: An attempt was made to specify an invalid value for a property.
Action: Specify a valid property value.
ORA-32842: value for property string cannot be altered
Cause: An attempt was made to alter a property that cannot be altered.
Action: Retry the operation without altering the indicated property.
ORA-32843: value for string is outside the valid range of string to string
Cause: A value was specified that is not in the valid range.
Action: Specify a value within the indicated range.
ORA-32844: exceeded maximum number of string values
Cause: An attempt was made to add a value of the specified type but the
maximum number of such values has been reached.
Action: No action required.
ORA-32845: Messaging Gateway agent is already running
Cause: An attempt was made to start the Messaging Gateway agent when an
agent instance is already running.
Action: Shut down the Messaging Gateway agent currently running, verify the
agent process has been terminated, and start the Messaging Gateway agent.
ORA-32846: Messaging Gateway agent cannot be started; status is string
Cause: An attempt to start the Messaging Gateway agent failed due to the
indicated agent status. A BROKEN status indicates a problem that requires user
intervention before the agent can be started.
19-6 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Review the MGW_GATEWAY view and the Messaging Gateway log file
for further information. Resolve the problem and start the Messaging Gateway
agent. Contact Oracle Support Services if the problem cannot be resolved.
ORA-32847: operation is not supported on this platform
Cause: An attempt was made to perform an operation that is not supported on
this platform.
Action: Switch to a platform on which the operation is supported.
ORA-32848: foreign queue DOMAIN required for JMS unified connections
Cause: A DOMAIN was not specified when registering a foreign queue for a
messaging system link that is configured to use the JMS unified messaging model.
Action: Specify a non-NULL value for the DOMAIN parameter.
ORA-32849: string cannot be set unless string is set
Cause: An attempt was made to specify a value for a parameter that cannot be set
unless an associated parameter is also set.
Action: Specify a valid value for both parameters, or, do not specify a value for
either parameter.
ORA-32850: agent string does not exist
Cause: The specified Messaging Gateway agent name did not exist.
Action: Specify an existing agent name.
ORA-32851: agent string already exists
Cause: The specified Messaging Gateway agent name already existed.
Action: Specify a different agent name.
ORA-32852: agent string is referenced by a message system link
Cause: An attempt was made to remove a Messaging Gateway agent currently
referenced by one or more message system links.
Action: Remove all message system links associated with this agent and retry the
ORA-32853: propagation job string does not exist
Cause: The specified propagation job identifier did not exist.
Action: Specify an existing identifier.
ORA-32854: propagation job string already exists
Cause: The specified propagation job identifier already existed.
Action: Specify a different identifier.
ORA-32855: propagation job string is marked for removal
Cause: An administration operation was attempted for a propagation job which is
marked for removal. If attempting to remove a job, the Messaging Gateway agent
is not running or is running but unable to remove the job at this time.
Action: Do not issue propagation administration commands for a job for which
removal is pending. Wait for the job to be removed by the agent, or, issue
REMOVE_JOB with the FORCE option to force the job to be removed.
ORA-32856: operation not supported for propagation job
ORA-32800 to ORA-32857 19-7
Cause: An attempt was made to perform an operation that was not supported for
a propagation job.
Action: Perform the operation using a propagation job procedure.
ORA-32857: propagation job exists for source string and destination string
Cause: An attempt was made to create a propagation job, subscriber, or schedule
when a propagation job already existed for the specified source and destination
Action: Specify a different source and destination pair, or remove the propagation
job using that pair and retry the operation.
19-8 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-33000 to ORA-37999 0 2
ORA-33000: (AGOPEN00) AGGMAP workspace object cannot be accessed because
it was compiled by a more recent version of string.
Cause: The AGGMAP was already compiled by a more recent version of the
product than was being used to execute this command.
Action: Recompile the AGGMAP in the current version.
ORA-33002: (XSAGDNGL00) In AGGMAP workspace object, the FLOOR argument
of number must be less than the CEILING argument of number.
Cause: The user specified a floor argument greater than the ceiling argument.
Action: Adjust the floor and ceiling arguments so that the floor is less than the
ceiling. OBSOLETE, please remove this
ORA-33003: (XSAGDIMDROP) workspace object, to be transformed during data
load, must be a base dimension and not otherwise referenced in the AGGMAP.
Cause: The user tried to specify a dimension in a dataflow-related clause in an
aggmap which is already in another RELATION statement, DIMENSION
statement, or possibly dimensioning the AGGMAP, or they specified a composite
or conjoint dimension, or an object which is not a dimension
Action: Remove the conflicting reference or specify a valid object
ORA-33004: (XSAGDNGL01) workspace object is not a relationship array.
Cause: A RELATION clause in the AGGMAP named a workspace object that is
not a relation.
Action: Name a valid self-relation in the RELATION statement.
ORA-33005: (XSAGDIMBREAK) Invalid breakout for dimension workspace object.
Cause: The user specified something that was not a valid dimension or relation on
a BREAKOUTDIM line in an aggmap. This might be because the object was not a
valid relation, was not over the specified dimension or was multidimensional
Action: Use a valid relation instead
ORA-33006: (XSAGDNGL02) The relation workspace object is not related to itself.
Cause: A relation was named in a RELATION clause of the AGGMAP that is not a
Action: Name a valid self-relation in the RELATION statement.
ORA-33008: (XSAGDNGL03) The relation workspace object is not a relation over a
base dimension of AGGMAP workspace object.
20-2 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: A relation was named in a RELATION clause of the AGGMAP that is not a
relation for a base dimension of the AGGMAP.
Action: Name a valid self-relation in the RELATION statement, that is, one that
has a dimension that dimensions the AGGMAP.
ORA-33009: (XSAGDNGLPREC) In AGGMAP workspace object, PRECOMPUTE
may only be specified either for the entire AGGMAP or for individual
RELATION statements.
Cause: PRECOMPUTE was specified both as a line in the AGGMAP and on at
least one of the RELATION lines, or it was specified more than once as a line of the
Action: Remove either the PRECOMPUTE line, or the PRECOMPUTE
specification for all of the RELATION lines.
ORA-33010: (XSAGDNGL04) Relation workspace object is duplicated in the
AGGMAP workspace object.
Cause: Two RELATION statements in the AGGMAP reference the same relation
Action: Remove the duplicate RELATION statement.
ORA-33012: (XSAGDNGL05) AGGMAP workspace object contains invalid syntax.
Cause: A line in the AGGMAP contains invalid syntax.
Action: Change the line to have valid syntax.
ORA-33014: (XSAGDNGL06) In AGGMAP workspace object, variable operator
workspace object cannot be dimensioned by rollup dimension workspace object.
Cause: Operator variables cannot have the rollup dimension as one of their base
Action: Modify the definition of the operator variable so that the current rollup
dimension is not one of its bases.
ORA-33016: (XSAGDNGL07) In AGGMAP workspace object, workspace object is
not a valid operator or variable name.
Cause: An invalid argument was supplied to the OPERATOR clause in the
relation statement.
Action: Fix the OPERATOR clause so that it specifies either a valid variable name
or a valid operator.
ORA-33018: (XSAGDNGL08) In AGGMAP workspace object, the data type of
workspace object must be TEXT, not string.
Cause: An operator variable was supplied whose data type is not TEXT.
Action: Change the operator clause to reference a TEXT variable.
ORA-33022: (XSAGDNGL10) The measure dimension workspace object must be a
TEXT or ID base dimension that does not dimension AGGMAP workspace
object, but is in the same analytic workspace.
Cause: A MEASUREDIM was supplied in the AGGMAP that was not acceptable.
Action: Modify the MEASUREDIM clause to specify a valid dimension.
ORA-33024: (XSAGDNGL11) AGGMAP workspace object contains duplicate
Cause: The aggmap contains multiple instances of a clause that can only be
specified once.
ORA-33000 to ORA-37999 20-3
Action: Remove the extra clause.
ORA-33026: (XSAGDNGL12) In AGGMAP workspace object, workspace object is
not a valid valueset.
Cause: A line in the AGGMAP contains an invalid element where a valid valueset
is required.
Action: Change the line to have a valid valueset.
ORA-33028: (XSAGDNGL13) In AGGMAP workspace object, workspace object
should be scalar, not a dimensioned valueset.
Cause: A line in the AGGMAP contains a dimensioned valueset where a scalared
valueset is required.
Action: Change the line to have a scalar valueset.
ORA-33030: (XSAGDNGL14) In AGGMAP workspace object, you can have either a
single independent PROTECT statement or PROTECT statements in your
RELATION statements.
Cause: The AGGMAP either specified multiple PROTECT statements not on a
RELATION line, or specified PROTECT statements both independently and on
Action: Correct the AGGMAP to have valid syntax.
ORA-33032: (XSAGDNGL15) In AGGMAP workspace object, VALUESET
workspace object must be in extra dimensions of the relation.
Cause: The RELATION phrase contains a VALUESET which is not over the extra
dimension of the RELATION.
Action: Correct the RELATION phrase to contain a valueset over the extra
dimension or not to contain any valueset.
ORA-33034: (XSAGDNGL16) In AGGMAP workspace object, VALUESET
workspace object in PRECOMPUTE phrase must be in the self dimension of the
Cause: The precompute phrase contains a valueset which is not over the self
dimension of the relation.
Action: Correct the relation phrase to contain a valueset over the self dimension
or not to contain any valueset.
ORA-33036: (XSAGDNGL17) ARGS option workspace object must be a TEXT
Cause: An ARGS value had a non-text data type.
Action: Use a text variable for ARGS.
ORA-33038: (XSAGDNGL18) In AGGMAP workspace object, RELATION
workspace object contains hierarchy dimensions that are also dimensions of the
Cause: Hierarchy dimensions(extra dimensions) of a RELATION in the AGGMAP
are base dimensions of the AGGMAP.
Action: Correct the RELATION not to have hierarchy dimensions(extra
dimensions) which are also base dimensions of the AGGMAP.
ORA-33040: (XSAGDNGL19) In AGGMAP workspace object, VALUESETS
workspace object and workspace object are both over the same hierarchy
20-4 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: Two or more different VALUESETs over the same hierarchy dimension are
used in the AGGMAP.
Action: Use the same VALUESET for two RELATION phrases or use two different
VALUESETs over two different hierachy dimensions.
ORA-33042: (XSAGDNGL20) In AGGMAP workspace object, VALUESET
workspace object must qualify all relations dimensioned by workspace object.
Cause: A VALUESET over a hierarchy dimension qualifies some RELATIONs but
not all RELATIONs dimensioned by the same hierarchy dimension.
Action: Use the same VALUESET to qualify all the RELATIONs dimensioned by
the same hierarchy dimension.
ORA-33044: (XSAGDNGL21) AGGREGATE operator string requires a WEIGHTBY
clause, but the ARGS clause in AGGMAP workspace object did not specify one.
Cause: The user used an operator which needs weight values but not provided
the weight values.
Action: Provide weight values using a WEIGHTBY cluase.
ORA-33045: (XSAGDNGL51) The AGGREGATE operator string does not require a
weight, but ARGS clause in AGGMAP workspace object specified workspace
object as a weight.
Cause: The ARGS variable specified a weight even though one is not needed.
Action: Modify the ARGS variable so that it does not specify a weight for that
ORA-33046: (XSAGDNGL22) In AGGMAP workspace object, you can specify only
one SCREENBY clause.
Cause: The AGGMAP contained multiple SCREENBY clauses.
Action: Remove one of the SCREENBY clauses from the AGGMAP.
ORA-33048: (XSAGDNGL23) In AGGMAP workspace object, the relation
workspace object and the relation workspace object are both over the same base
Cause: The AGGMAP contains incompatible RELATION statements.
Action: Remove one of the RELATION statements from the AGGMAP.
ORA-33050: (XSAGDNGL24) AGGMAP workspace object cannot be used to
aggregate workspace object, because it is defined in a different analytic
Cause: The user attempted to aggregate a variable in another analytic workspace.
Action: Create an AGGMAP in the other analytic workspace to aggregate that
ORA-33052: (XSAGDNGL25) AGGMAP workspace object is a dimensioned
AGGMAP; it can only be used to aggregate like-dimensioned variables.
Cause: The user attempted to aggregate a variable with different dimensions than
the AGGMAP. This is only possible with undimensioned AGGMAPs.
Action: Create a new undimensioned AGGMAP.
ORA-33058: (XSAGDNGL28) In AGGMAP workspace object, error code string is
greater than the maximum error code of number.
Cause: The user specified an invalid ERRORMASK value.
ORA-33000 to ORA-37999 20-5
Action: Remove the invalid value from the ERRORMASK list.
ORA-33060: (XSAGDNGL29) In AGGMAP workspace object, the value for the
ERRORLOG MAX option must be greater than 0.
Cause: The user specified an ERRORLOG MAX of 0 or a negative number.
Action: Adjust the AGGMAP so that it uses a positive number.
ORA-33062: (XSAGDNGL30) In ALLOCMAP workspace object, WEIGHTBY
option workspace object must be a numerical VARIABLE or FORMULA.
Cause: The WEIGHTBY clause requires numerical VARIABLE or FORMULA but
the user used invalid objects.
Action: Correct the WEIGHTBY cluase to use a valid numerical VARIABLE or
ORA-33064: (XSAGDNGL31) In AGGMAP workspace object, the hierarchy
dimension QDR workspace object cannot refer to the related dimension of the
Cause: The user specified an invalid hierarchy dimension qualified data reference.
Action: Adjust the AGGMAP so that it uses a valid dimension value qualified
data reference.
ORA-33066: (XSAGDNGL32) In AGGMAP workspace object, the hierarchy
dimension QDR workspace object must be a hierarchy dimension of the
Cause: The user specified an invalid qualified data reference for the hierarchy
Action: Adjust the AGGMAP so that it uses a valid dimension value qualified
data reference.
ORA-33068: (XSAGDNGL33) In AGGMAP workspace object, the hierarchy
dimension QDR over dimension workspace object must specify a positive
dimension offset.
Cause: The user specified an invalid qualified data reference for the hierarchy
Action: Adjust the AGGMAP so that it uses a valid dimension value qualified
data reference.
ORA-33070: (XSAGDNGL34) In AGGMAP workspace object, all QDRs of
dimension workspace object must map to the same dimension position.
Cause: The user specified two conflicting hierarchy dimension qualified data
Action: Adjust the AGGMAP so that it uses a consistent qualified data reference.
ORA-33072: (XSAGDNGL35) In AGGMAP workspace object, the hierarchy
dimension QDR over dimension workspace object must be specified for every
relation dimensioned by that hierarchy dimension.
Cause: Multiple dimensions share the same hierarchy dimension, but it is only
qualified within a subset of the AGGMAP relations.
Action: Adjust the AGGMAP so that it uses consistent qualified data references.
ORA-33074: (XSAGDNGL36) In AGGMAP workspace object, the offset number is
not a valid offset into dimension workspace object.
Cause: The hierarchy dimension offset is an invalid dimension position.
20-6 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Adjust the AGGMAP so that it uses valid qualified data references.
ORA-33076: (XSAGDNGL37) In AGGMAP workspace object, the value 'number' is
not a valid value of dimension workspace object.
Cause: The hierarchy dimension offset is an invalid dimension position.
Action: Adjust the AGGMAP so that it uses valid qualified data references.
ORA-33078: (XSAGDNGL39) In AGGMAP workspace object, the hierarchy
dimension QDR workspace object must refer to a dimension.
Cause: The user specified an invalid qualified data reference for the hierarchy
Action: Adjust the AGGMAP so that it uses a valid dimension value qualified
data reference.
ORA-33080: (XSAGDNGL40) In AGGMAP workspace object, you cannot reference
dimension workspace object with both a RELATION statement and a
DIMENSION statement.
Cause: The user included both RELATION and DIMENSION statements in the
AGGMAP referring to the same AGGMAP.
Action: Remove one of the conflicting clauses.
ORA-33082: (XSAGDNGL41) In AGGMAP workspace object, the non-dimensioned
valueset workspace object must have a parent QDR in its VALUESET statement
over the VALUESET's base dimension.
Cause: The VALUESET statement specified a scalar valueset but did not include a
qualified data reference to specify the parent.
Action: Add a qualified data reference specifying the parent to the VALUESET
ORA-33084: (XSAGDNGL42) In AGGMAP workspace object, you cannot qualify
the dimensioned valueset workspace object.
Cause: The VALUESET line referred to a dimensioned valueset.
Action: Use a non-dimensioned valueset to limit the status of the dimensioned
ORA-33086: (XSAGINIT01) AGGMAP workspace object cannot be dimensioned by
a conjoint dimension.
Cause: The specified AGGMAP was dimensioned by a conjoint dimension.
Action: Use the CHGDFN command to change the conjoint to a composite
ORA-33092: (XSAGCOMP04) number is not the name of a MODEL in any attached
analytic workspace.
Cause: An invalid model name was attached to an AGGMAP.
Action: Remove the model from the AGGMAP or create a model with that name.
ORA-33094: (XSAGGMAPLIST01) Your expression uses too much execution space.
Eliminate recursion or reduce the levels of nesting.
Cause: formulas likely refer to each other recursively or with a great deal of
Action: eliminate recursion and flatten formula trees.
ORA-33000 to ORA-37999 20-7
ORA-33098: (APABBR01) A value of '%V' is not valid for the workspace object
Cause: An inappropriate value was specified for the named option.
Action: Set a legal value for the option.
ORA-33100: (APABBR02) Value 'number' is not valid for the workspace object
Cause: An inappropriate value was specified for the named option.
Action: Set a legal value for the option.
ORA-33141: (XSAWFREEZE1) The analytic workspace string is already frozen.
Cause: Attempting to freeze an AW when it is already frozen
Action: Thaw the AW before freezing it again.
ORA-33143: (XSAWFREEZE2) The analytic workspace string must be attached RW
or RX.
Cause: The AW must be updatable to change the freeze state
Action: Reattach AW before freezing or thawing it again.
ORA-33145: (XSAWFREEZE3) Cannot rollback analytic workspace string;
generations are in use.
Cause: One or more generations due to be destroyed as part of a rollback to freeze
command are currently in use.
Action: Get sessions using those generations to detach the AW.
ORA-33147: (XSAWFREEZE4) The analytic workspace string is not frozen.
Cause: You are attempting to "rollback to freeze" an AW that is not frozen.
Action: Only execute this command on a frozen AW.
ORA-33213: (CINSERT06) The target position for MAINTAIN ADD or MAINTAIN
MOVE cannot fall in the range of session-only values.
Cause: The user specified a BEFORE or AFTER clause specifying a position in the
range of SESSION dimension values.
Action: Do not use a position clause, or specify a position before the first
SESSION value.
ORA-33214: (CINSERT02) The workspace object dimension is too large.
Cause: The dimension has too many values.
Action: Deleted values can still take up space in the dimension and cause this
error. Try removing the deleted values by exporting the dimension to EIF and
reimporting it with the REPLACE DELETE option.
ORA-33215: (CINSERT07) You cannot add session-only values to the workspace
object dimension.
Cause: The user tried to add a SESSION dimension value while a spreadsheet
spreadsheet cursor was open.
Action: Try adding the SESSION value while the cursor is not active.
ORA-33217: (CINSERT20) Custom member values cannot be added to concat
dimension workspace object, or to any of its bases, because it is not defined as
Cause: Only UNIQUE concat dimensions can have custom member values.
20-8 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Use the CHGDFN command to change the concat dimension to UNIQUE
and retry.
ORA-33218: (CINSERT04) %K is not a valid value for the workspace object
dimension. Values for this dimension can have at most number significant digits
after rounding to number decimal places.
Cause: The user attempted to insert a value that had too many digits into a
NUMBER dimension. For instance, the user might have tried to insert the value
99999 (5 digits) into a dimension with data type NUMBER(4).
Action: Use a smaller number for the dimension value, or define a new dimension
with a larger precision and replace the old dimension with the new one.
ORA-33219: (CINSERT05) %K cannot be added to workspace object because it is
already a value of the dependent UNIQUE concat dimension workspace object,
from leaf dimension workspace object.
Cause: A value cannot be added to a dimension if it conflicts with an existing
value in a unique concat dimension containing this dimension.
Action: The concat(s) causing the conflict could be CHGDFNed to NOT UNIQUE,
or either of the duplicate values could be renamed to make them UNIQUE.
ORA-33223: (CMOVE03) You cannot move a session-only dimension value.
Cause: The user named a SESSION dimension value in the MAINTAIN MOVE
Action: Do not try to MAINTAIN MOVE session-only dimension values.
ORA-33247: (CRENAME03) %K is already a value of the dependent UNIQUE
concat dimension workspace object, from leaf dimension workspace object.
Cause: A value cannot be renamed in a dimension if the new value conflicts with
an existing value in a unique concat dimension containing this dimension.
Action: The concat(s) causing the conflict could be CHGDFNed to NOT UNIQUE,
or either of the duplicate values could be changed to make them UNIQUE.
ORA-33260: (DIMSHOW01) Partition number does not exist.
Cause: The DIMSHOW command specified a nonexistent partition.
Action: Specify the name of an existing partition, or remove the PARTITION
qualification from the DIMSHOW command.
ORA-33261: (DIMSHOW02) A partition name may be specified only for a
partitioned variable.
Cause: A PARTITION qualification was provided for an object other than a
partitioned variable.
Action: Remove the PARTITION qualification.
ORA-33262: (DBERR01) Analytic workspace string does not exist.
Cause: The analytic workspace requested does not seem to be in the current
Action: Check that you are in the correct schema and have access to the requested
ORA-33263: Could not create analytic workspace string
Cause: A serious error was encountered while trying to set up the tables for the
named analytic workspace. Possibilities include a tablespace that can't be written
ORA-33000 to ORA-37999 20-9
to, corrupted metadata about which AWs exist, bogus tables with names the code
expects to be able to use, or the remains of a partially removed AW.
Action: There should be another error on the error stack. Consult it to determine
what is causing the problem and remove that table.
ORA-33265: (DBERRBSZ) Analytic workspace string cannot be opened. Tablespace
blocksize number does not match database cache size number.
Cause: The blocksize of the containing tablespace didn't match database cache
Action: Change either size to make them consistent, or set olap_page_pool_size to
0 to allow automatic OLAP pool management when compatibility is greater than
ORA-33267: (DBERRRLS) Analytic workspace string cannot be accessed because it
has fine-grained access control applied to it
Cause: An attempt was made to access the specified analytic workspace's LOB
table. The OLAP option detected the table had fine-grained security applied to it.
The OLAP option requires full access to this table to operate correctly.
Action: Remove the fine-grained access control.
ORA-33268: (DBERRTHW) Analytic workspace string cannot be attached with the
THAW option because it was frozen with the NOTHAW option
Cause: An attempt to attach the AW using the thaw option was made; the AW
was frozen using the NOTHAW option.
Action: Either attempt the command again without the THAW option.
ORA-33269: while operating on 'string'
Cause: Error is raised to inform user what object was being worked on when an
error occurred during the creation of an AW. It should always be signaled with
Action: See error#33263
ORA-33270: (DBERR05) Analytic workspace string already exists.
Cause: The AW CREATE command was passed the name of an analytic
workspace that already exists
Action: Specify a different name.
ORA-33271: simulated paging error
Cause: This is an internal error that should never be seen
Action: Contact Oracle technical support
ORA-33273: (XSCHKRLS01) Analytic workspace string has open cursors and cannot
be detached.
Cause: A session attempted to detach an analytic workspace while there are
cursors open against it.
Action: Close the open cursor before attempting to close the analytic workspace.
ORA-33274: (DBERR07) Timed out while trying to lock analytic workspace string
for string.
Cause: A lock operation that was supposed to happen very quickly was taking
too long. It can be due to another session being stopped while holding that lock,
another session crashing while holding that lock, or an internal error.
20-10 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: If another session is stopped, resume that session to let it release the lock.
If another session has crashed, wait for a few minutes while PMON or SMON
process is recovering that lock. Contact Oracle OLAP Support if none of the
situations above apply.
ORA-33275: Autonomous transaction query of an UPDATEd analytic workspace is
not supported
Cause: The user made attempt to reference an anayltic workspace that has
uncommited updates within an autonomous query.
Action: Either COMMIT or ROLLBACK your uncommited changes, or don't use
an autonomous transaction.
ORA-33278: (DBERR09) Analytic workspace string cannot be attached in RW or
EXCLUSIVE mode until the changes made and updated in MULTI mode are
committed or rolled back.
Cause: There are still changes to this analytic workspace that were updated and
not committed when the workspace was attached in MULTI mode.
Action: Either try attaching the workspace is RO or MULTI mode or commit or
roll back the transaction before trying to attach the workspace in RW or
ORA-33280: (DBERR10) Analytic workspace string cannot be attached in MULTI
mode until the changes made and updated in RW or EXCLUSIVE mode are
committed or rolled back.
Cause: There are still changes to this analytic workspace that were updated and
not committed when the workspace was attached in RW or EXCLUSIVE mode.
Action: Either try attaching the workspace is RO, RW, or EXCLUSIVE mode or
commit or roll back the transaction before trying to attach the workspace in
MULTI mode.
ORA-33282: (DBERR11) Cannot wait for analytic workspace string to become
available since doing so would cause a deadlock.
Cause: Trying to wait for the workspace to become available caused a deadlock.
Action: Release an analytic workspace that some other user might be waiting for
before proceeding to attach this analytic workspace in this mode.
ORA-33284: (DBERR12) Analytic workspace string cannot be opened in MULTI
mode before converting it by the latest version of string.
Cause: The AW is stored in 9i format.
Action: Convert the AW to a later format
ORA-33288: (DBERR15) Another user has incompatible access to analytic
workspace string, and the wait timeout has expired.
Cause: An attempt to access an analytic workspace conflicted with another user's
access, and the timeout specified has elapsed.
Action: Wait until the conflicting user is done.
ORA-33290: (DBERR17) Analytic workspace string cannot be attached in the mode
you requested because another user has it attached in an incompatible mode.
Cause: An attempt to access an analytic workspace conflicted with another user's
access, and no timeout was specified
Action: Wait until the conflicting user is done.
ORA-33000 to ORA-37999 20-11
ORA-33291: (DBERRSYNC) Analytic workspace string cannto be attached RW until
a RESYNC command has brought it up to the current generation.
Cause: Another session has updated the analytic workspace since it was attached
in the current session.
Action: Execute a RESYNC AW command to bring the analytic workspace up to
the most recent version.
ORA-33292: (DBERR18) Insufficient permissions to access analytic workspace
string using the specified access mode.
Cause: You do not have sufficient permissions to access this analytic workspace in
the desired mode.
Action: Ask the owner of the schema or OLAP DBA to grant you sufficient
permissions to access the {SCHEMA}.AW${AWNAME} table (for example,
SCOTT.AW$FOO table).
ORA-33293: Please use the OLAP command AW TRUNCATE to truncate this table.
Cause: This table is part of an analytic workspace, and the OLAP option needs to
control the truncation of the table.
Action: use the OLAP option to truncate the table.
ORA-33295: (DBERR20) An attached analytic workspace is blocking this command.
Cause: A table cannot be dropped because an analytic workspace based on this
table is being attached.
Action: Look up the session in question in GV$AW_OLAP and kill it.
ORA-33296: (DBERR21) Analytic workspace string can only be attached RO while
tablespace string is READONLY.
Cause: The underlying tablespace of the analytic workspace is in READONLY
Action: Attach the analytic workspace in RO mode or alter the tablespace.
ORA-33297: (DBERR22) Analytic workspace string cannot be opened because it was
last modified by an incompatible version of string.
Cause: The user attempted to attach an old OLAP Services analytic workspace
that cannot be converted by this version of OLAP Services.
Action: Either create a new analytic workspace or try using a version of OLAP
Services compatible with the one that created this analytic workspace.
ORA-33298: (AWUPG01) Analytic workspace string is already in the newest format
allowed by the current compatibility setting
Cause: User ran the DBMS_AW.CONVERT procedure on an analytic workspace
that was created in or previously upgraded to the current compatibility mode.
Action: If upgrading the analytic workspace is necessary, upgrade the database
instance and then re-run DBMS_AW.CONVERT. If the new features offered by
upgrading the analytic workspace are not required, then no action is needed.
ORA-33299: Please use DBMS_AW.AW_RENAME to rename this table.
Cause: This table is part of an analytic workspace, and the OLAP option needs to
control the rename of the table.
Action: use the OLAP option to rename the table.
ORA-33302: (DBVALID01) SEVERE ERROR: Record number multiply used.
20-12 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The AW VALIDATE command has detected an error in the structure of the
analytic workspace. This error will result in the corruption of one or more objects
Action: Export what you can of the analytic workspace.
ORA-33304: (DBVALID02) Note: Record number was allocated but not used. This
can result in wasted space.
Cause: This is a benign message. The AW VALIDATE command found an analytic
workspace has some inaccessible space.
Action: Either nothing, or export and recreate the analytic workspace
ORA-33305: (DBVALID06) Note: Record number was allocated but not used. This
can result in wasted space. (PS number)
Cause: This is a benign message. The AW VALIDATE command found an analytic
workspace has some inaccessible space.
Action: Either nothing, or export and recreate the analytic workspace
ORA-33306: (DBVALID03) The AW VALIDATE command cannot be used with
read-only analytic workspace string.
Cause: The AW VALIDATE command does not support read-only access.
Action: Attach the analytic workspace read/write and try again.
ORA-33308: (DBVALID04) SEVERE ERROR: Record number used but not allocated
Cause: The AW VALIDATE command has detected a problem that will result in
corruption of the analytic workspace. There is no corruption yet.
Action: Export and recreate the analytic workspace.
ORA-33309: (DBVALID05) SEVERE ERROR: Record number used but not allocated
(PS number)
Cause: The AW VALIDATE command has detected a problem that will result in
corruption of the analytic workspace. There is no corruption yet.
Action: Export and recreate the analytic workspace.
ORA-33313: (DELDENT05) workspace object cannot be deleted because it is the
target of an external partition of a partitioned variable.
Cause: User attempted to delete a variable, but some partitioned variable was
defined to use that variable as the target of one of its external partitions.
Action: DELETE the partitioned variable or CHGDFN DROP PARTITION the the
external partition from the partitioned variable, then delete the target variable.
ORA-33315: (XSDELDENTANON) You cannot delete workspace object while
looping over unnamed composite workspace object.
Cause: While looping over the named anonymous composite, an attempt was
made to delete an object which is dimensioned by it.
Action: Delete the object outside of a loop over the dimension.
ORA-33332: (DSSEXIST01) Use the AW command to establish a current analytic
workspace. Then start your current activity again.
Cause: There is no currently active analytic workspace. The command that
generated the error requires an active analytic workspace to operate on.
Action: Execute an AW ATTACH or AW CREATE command to establish an active
ORA-33000 to ORA-37999 20-13
ORA-33334: (DSSEXIST04) Analytic workspace string is not attached.
Cause: The specified analytic workspace is currently not attached to the session,
or the name is misspelled.
Action: Attach the analytic workspace with the AW ATTACH command, or
correct the spelling of the name .
ORA-33336: (DSSEXIST04A) Analytic workspace string is not attached.
Cause: The specified analytic workspace is currently not attached to the session,
or the name is misspelled.
Action: Attach the analytic workspace with the AW ATTACH command, or
correct the spelling of the name .
ORA-33338: (DSSEXIST05) You cannot specify the EXPTEMP analytic workspace.
Cause: The command requires a non-temporary analytic workspace to operate on.
Action: Specify an analytic workspace other than EXPTEMP.
ORA-33339: You cannot detach analytic workspace string. It is in use by an API
Cause: The OLAP API is in a branch, and you are not allowed to detach the AW
while the branch is active.
Action: End the branch before detaching the AW.
ORA-33393: (EIFIMPRT01) Object string exists in both the EIF file and the current
analytic workspace.
Cause: An object with the given name was found in both the EIF file and the
current analytic workspace.
Action: Rename the object in the analytic workspace that is causing the name
conflict. If the object named in the error message belongs to a cube or a cube
dimension, rename that cube or cube dimension.
syntax because NOAPI has been specified.
Cause: An attempt was made to specify FULLMAPID or RELATIVEMAPID
syntax with the NOAPI option.
Action: Either specify the API option instead of NOAPI, or remove the
ORA-33413: (EIFMAKEF01) You cannot export compressed composite workspace
object because one of its bases has limited status or a PERMIT READ
Cause: Export of a compressed composite to an EIF file or lob failed because one
or more of the bases had some values that were not in the current status. This can
be caused either by a LIMIT command or a PERMIT READ restriction on the
Action: Either set the base dimensions' statuses to ALL and remove their PERMIT
READ programs, or export using the NOAGGR keyword.
ORA-33425: (EIFMAKEF15) CAUTION: Exporting NTEXT objects using string for
the EIF file character set can cause loss of data. To preserve all NTEXT data,
export using the UTF8 character set for the EIF file.
Cause: The user exported an object with data type NTEXT, but the EIF file that
will result from the EXPORT command is not written in Unicode. Because no
non-Unicode file can represent all possible Unicode data, it is possible that some
20-14 Oracle Database Error Messages
data will be lost when converting from the Unicode NTEXT object to the EIF file.
The EIF file will be written in the character set indicated by the "nls_charset"
argument of the EXPORT command, or, if no such argument is present, in the
database character set.
Action: If the user is certain that the contents of the NTEXT object can be
represented in the specified character set, then no action is necessary. Otherwise,
the user can add "nls_charset 'UTF8'" to the EXPORT command string. This will
result in the EIF file being written in UTF8 Unicode, which can represent all the
data contained in NTEXT objects.
ORA-33427: (EIFMAKEF16) CAUTION: NTEXT object workspace object will be
exported with type TEXT.
Cause: User attempted to export an object whose data type is NTEXT, but but the
EIFVERSION option indicates a version of Express / Oracle OLAP that does not
support the NTEXT data type. The object will be exported as a TEXT object
Action: No action needed.
ORA-33429: (EIFMAKEF17) CAUTION: NTEXT expression will be exported with
type TEXT.
Cause: User attempted to export an expression whose data type is NTEXT, but
but the EIFVERSION option indicates a version of Express / Oracle OLAP that
does not support the NTEXT data type. The expression will be exported as a TEXT
object instead.
Action: No action needed.
ORA-33443: (ESDREAD14) Discarding compiled code for workspace object because
analytic workspace string is not attached.
Cause: A program used an analytic workspace name in a qualified object name.
The named analytic workspace is not attached at program run time.
Action: No action necessary. The program will be automatically recompiled. It is
likely that the recompile will fail with an appropriate exception code, in which
case the signaled condition should be corrected and the program re-run.
ORA-33445: (ESDREAD15) Discarding compiled code for workspace object because
workspace object and workspace object, which were not partition-dependent
when the code was compiled, are now partition-dependent.
Cause: Two variables are "partition-dependent" if they share any external
partition target variables, or if one is the target of an external partition of the other.
If object names referred to non-partition-dependent variables at compile time but
refer to partition-dependent variables in the run-time context, the OLAP DML
program, formula, or model will be automatically recompiled.
Action: None needed.
ORA-33447: (ESDREAD16) Discarding compiled code for workspace object because
workspace object and workspace object, which were partition-dependent when
the code was compiled, are now not partition-dependent.
Cause: Two variables are "partition-dependent" if they share any external
partition target variables, or if one is the target of an external partition of the other.
If object names referred to partition-dependent variables at compile time but refer
to non-partition-dependent variables in the run-time context, the OLAP DML
program, formula, or model will be automatically recompiled.
Action: None needed.
ORA-33000 to ORA-37999 20-15
ORA-33448: (ESDREAD04) Discarding compiled code for workspace object because
number now has string data, whereas it had string data when the code was
Cause: The datatype of the specified variable has changed.
Action: None needed.
ORA-33449: (ESDREAD17) Discarding compiled code for workspace object because
the partition method or partition dimension of number has changed since it was
Cause: The partitioning method (LIST, RANGE, or CONCAT) or the partition
dimension of the partition template is sufficiently different from what it was when
the code was compiled that the code must be recompiled.
Action: None needed.
ORA-33450: (ESDREAD05) Discarding compiled code for workspace object because
number now has more or fewer dimensions than it had when the code was
Cause: The dimensionality of the specified object has changed.
Action: None needed.
ORA-33452: (ESDREAD06) Discarding compiled code for workspace object because
number is now dimensioned by workspace object. It was dimensioned by
workspace object when the code was compiled.
Cause: The dimensionality of the specified object has changed.
Action: None needed.
ORA-33454: (ESDREAD07) Discarding compiled code for workspace object because
number is now string workspace object, whereas it was string workspace object
when the code was compiled.
Cause: The specified object has changed.
Action: None needed.
ORA-33456: (ESDREAD08) Discarding compiled code for workspace object because
number is a(n) string, which string did not expect to find in a compiled program.
Cause: The type of the specified object has changed.
Action: None needed.
ORA-33458: (ESDREAD09) Discarding compiled code for workspace object because
number is now type string, whereas it was type string when the code was
Cause: The type of the specified object has changed.
Action: None needed.
ORA-33460: (ESDREAD10) Discarding compiled code for workspace object because
object workspace object is not in analytic workspace string.
Cause: The specified object is not in the same analytic workspace it was in when
the compiled object was compiled.
Action: None needed.
ORA-33462: (ESDREAD10A) Discarding compiled code for workspace object
because object number is not in analytic workspace string.
20-16 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The specified object was not in the same analytic workspace it was when
the compiled object was compiled
Action: None needed.
ORA-33468: (ESDREAD13) Discarding compiled code for workspace object because
number is no longer a surrogate of dimension workspace object.
Cause: When the compiled code was saved, the specified object was a surrogate
of a certain dimension. Now the specified object is a surrogate of a different
Action: No action needed; program automatically recompiles.
ORA-33557: (MAINTCHK01) You cannot string values of dimension workspace
object during a loop over it.
Cause: User tried to insert or delete a value of the specified dimension while some
loop over that dimension was active. The loop could be an explicit FOR or
ACROSS loop, or a natural expression evaluation or OLAP_TABLE loop. Also, it
could be a loop over the dimension itself or over a derived dimension (like a
composite or partition template) or dimension alias that includes it. The insert or
delete could be explicitly caused by the MAINTAIN command. It is also possible
that the user attempted to assign a value to a variable or partition dimensioned by
a composite during a loop over that composite using a qualified data reference
(QDR), and that the exception was generated by the engine's attempt to insert a
new position in the composite to hold the new value.
Action: Move the dimension maintenance or QDR-based variable assignment
outside the dimension loop.
ORA-33558: (LOCKCHECK01) The status or contents of the workspace object
dimension cannot be changed while the LOCK_LANGUAGE_DIMS option is
set to value.
Cause: A LIMIT or MAINTAIN was attempted on the named language dimension
while the boolean option LOCK_LANGUAGE_DIMS was set to YES.
Action: SET LOCK_LANGUAGE_DIMS to NO and retry the MAINTAIN or
ORA-33625: (FRASSIGN02) You cannot use the APPEND keyword with concat
dimension workspace object.
Cause: User used the APPEND keyword on a CONCAT target in a FILEREAD,
Action: APPENDing a value to one of the CONCATs leaves automatically
appends to the CONCAT.
ORA-33733: (xsILPMLTPreOp01) The analytic workspace string cannot be
REVERTed or RESYNCed while the string program is active.
Cause: The AW REVERT and AW RESYNC commands cannot be used on an
analytic workspace that contains a running program.
Action: Execute the command without running the specified program.
ORA-33883: (MAKEDCL36) You cannot use the string attribute when you define an
EXTERNAL partition with an existing target.
Cause: User gave the TEMPORARY keyword in the definition of an external
partition whose target variable was previously defined.
ORA-33000 to ORA-37999 20-17
Action: Any storage characteristics of the external partition are determined by the
target variable. These attributes should be set when the target is defined, not when
the external partition is defined.
ORA-33911: (MAKEDCL29) You cannot define a string in analytic workspace string
because it has not been upgraded to version string.
Cause: User attempted to define an object that requires a certain compatibility
setting in an AW that has not been upgraded to that compatibility level.
Action: Make sure that the database is running in the appropriate compatibility
mode, and upgrade the AW.
ORA-33918: (MAKEDCL33) You cannot define a surrogate of dimension workspace
object because it is a string.
Cause: Not all kinds of dimensions can have surrogates. The user attempted to
define a surrogate of a prohibited kind of dimension.
Action: Do not attempt to define a surrogate on this dimension.
ORA-33920: (MAKEDCL34) The string SURROGATE must have one of the
Cause: The user attempted to define a surrogate without specifying a valid data
Action: Specify the data type (ID, NTEXT, TEXT, NUMBER, or INTEGER) in the
definition of the surrogate.
ORA-33922: (MAKEDCL35) You cannot define a surrogate of dimension workspace
object because it is a time dimension.
Cause: The user attempted to define a surrogate on a dimension that has type
Action: Do not attempt to define a surrogate on this dimension.
ORA-33998: (MODCOMP12) You cannot use both workspace object and workspace
object as model dimensions, because workspace object is a surrogate of
workspace object.
Cause: The user attempted to include both a dimension and its surrogate in the
DIMENSION statement of a model.
Action: Use either the dimension or the surrogate in the DIMENSION statement
of the model, but not both.
ORA-34000: (MODCOMP13) You cannot use both workspace object and workspace
object as model dimensions, because they are both surrogates of dimension
workspace object.
Cause: The user attempted to include two dimension surrogates of the same
dimension in the DIMENSION statement of a model.
Action: Use either of the two surrogates in the DIMENSION statement of the
model, but not both.
ORA-34001: (MODCOMP14) Concat leaf dimension workspace object already is
used in a DIMENSION statement, either explicitly or as a leaf of another concat
Cause: Either two concat dimensions which share a common leaf dimension, or a
concat and one of its leaves where both specified in the DIMENSION statement(s).
20-18 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Do not specify overlapping concat dimensions, or any leaves of specified
concat dimensions.
ORA-34019: (MSCGADD03) workspace object is not a LIST PARTITION
Cause: User attempted to MAINTAINT ADD or DELETE a list value from a
RANGE or CONCAT partition template.
Action: Partitioning in a RANGE or CONCAT partition template cannot be
changed using the MAINTAIN command.
ORA-34021: (MSCGADD04) You must specify a partition when maintaining
PARTITION TEMPLATE workspace object.
Cause: User attempted to MAINTAINT ADD or DELETE a list value from a LIST
partition template, but didn't specify which partition to add to or delete from.
Action: Specify the partition: maintain (template) add to partition (partitionname)
(values) or maintain (template) delete from partition (partitionname) (values)
ORA-34059: (MSEXECUT12) You cannot delete non session-only dimension values
from unique concat dimension workspace object.
Cause: The user tried to apply MAINTAIN DELETE to a non-SESSION value.
Action: Only use MAINTAIN DELETE to remove SESSION values from a concat
ORA-34061: (MSEXECUT11) Session-only values cannot be added to non-unique
concat dimension workspace object, or any of its base dimensions.
Cause: Only UNIQUE concat dimensions can have custom member values.
Action: Use the CHGDFN command to change the concat dimension to UNIQUE
and retry.
ORA-34141: (MXCGPUT00) You cannot use the ASSIGN keyword with
DIMENSION workspace object.
Cause: User used the ASSIGN keyword on a DIMENSION target in a FILEREAD,
Action: To create a new dimension value in a FILEREAD, SQL FETCH or SQL
SELECT command, use the APPEND keyword.
ORA-34143: (MXCGPUT02) You cannot assign values to SURROGATE workspace
object because it is type INTEGER.
Cause: The user attempted to assign a value to a dimension surrogate whose data
type is INTEGER. INTEGER surrogates, like INTEGER dimensions, cannot have
values assigned to them. They can only be referenced by position.
Action: Do not attempt to assign values to an INTEGER surrogate. Values will
automatically appear and disappear from the INTEGER surrogate as positions are
added to or removed from the underlying dimension.
ORA-34145: (MXCGPUT03) You cannot use the APPEND keyword with
SURROGATE workspace object.
Cause: User used the APPEND keyword on a SURROGATE target in a
Action: To assign a value to a SURROGATE in a FILEREAD, SQL FETCH or SQL
SELECT command, use the ASSIGN keyword.
ORA-33000 to ORA-37999 20-19
ORA-34164: (MXCGVAR01) A dimension used to define a local string variable
cannot be located. Execution cannot continue.
Cause: A local relation or valueset has become invalid, most probably because an
object used by the currently executing program has been deleted.
Action: This is an internal error that should be referred to Oracle technical
ORA-34177: (MXCHGDCL19) number cannot be deleted because one or more
partitioned variables instantiate it.
Cause: User attempted to CHGDFN DELETE a partition template, but some
partitioned variable had data in the partition specified for deletion.
Action: Drop the partitions that are causing the problem, then retry.
ORA-34179: (MXCHGDCL20) workspace object is not a PARTITION TEMPLATE.
Cause: User specified an object that is not a partition template where a partition
template is required.
Action: Supply the name of a partition template.
ORA-34181: (MXCHGDCL21) workspace object is not a partitioned VARIABLE.
Cause: User specified an object that is not a partitioned variable in a place where a
partitioned variable is required.
Action: Supply the name of a partitioned variable.
ORA-34183: (MXCHGDCL22) Partition number already exists.
Cause: User attempted to ADD a partition that already existed to a partitioned
Action: None required - the partition already exists.
ORA-34210: (MXCHGDCL18) You cannot change workspace object to a dimension
composite because one or more surrogates has been defined for it.
Cause: The user attempted to redefine a conjoint dimension as a composite, but
the conjoint has one or more surrogates defined. A dimension that has surrogates
cannot be redefined as a composite.
Action: Either delete all surrogates for the dimension, or do not attempt to
redefine the dimension as a composite.
ORA-34243: (MXDCL11) You can only use the string keyword when defining a
Cause: User supplied the COMPRESSED keyword when defining an object that
was not a COMPOSITE.
Action: If the intent is to create a compressed composite, make sure that the object
type is COMPOSITE. Otherwise, remove the COMPRESSED keyword from the
command string and rerun.
ORA-34260: (MXDCL25) You cannot use number to dimension a string because it is,
or involves, a dimension composite. Use the composite's bases instead.
Cause: The user attempted to use a COMPOSITE in the dimension list of an object
that does not allow for such dimensions.
Action: Use the base dimensions of the COMPOSITE in the dimension list.
ORA-34276: (MXDCL33) (Precision, Scale) arguments can only be used with a
NUMBER variable or dimension.
20-20 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The user attempted to use NUMBER(Precision) or NUMBER(Precision,
Scale) as the datatype in a definition for some object other than a DIMENSION or
VARIABLE, such as a FORMULA or PROGRAM. This error can also be produced
in cases where a NUMBER data type is not allowed at all.
Action: Use the NUMBER type without specifying a precision or scale. If a
NUMBER data type is not allowed at all, this fix will only change the exception
message to something more specific.
ORA-34279: (MXDCL37) CONCAT can only be used when defining a
Cause: The CONCAT keyword was used incorrectly.
Action: Retry the command without the CONCAT keyword.
ORA-34286: (MXDCL53) workspace object cannot be used in this context because it
is a string.
Cause: User specified a dimension composite, conjoint, or partition template in a
place where that kind of dimension is not allowed. For instance, a relation cannot
be dimensioned by a composite, and only a variable can dimensioned by a
partition template.
Action: Usually, the offending dimension can be replaced with its bases. For
instance, a relation cannot be dimensioned by a a composite of PRODUCT and
GEOG, but it can be dimensioned by both PRODUCT and GEOG instead.
ORA-34342: (MXDSS01) IMPORTANT: Analytic workspace string is read-only.
Therefore, you will not be able to use the UPDATE command to save changes to
Cause: This is an informational message that reminds you that you may not save
changes to the specified analytic workspace.
Action: None, unless it was desired to save changes to the analytic workspace. In
that case, detach and reattach the analytic workspace read-write.
ORA-34344: (MXDSS03) Analytic workspace string is not attached.
Cause: The command attempted to operate on an analytic workspace that is not
currently attached, or the name of the analytic workspace is misspelled.
Action: Attach the analytic workspace or correct the spelling.
ORA-34346: (MXDSS04) The string analytic workspace cannot be detached.
Cause: The specified analytic workspace is an internal workspace and may not be
detached by the user.
Action: Specify a different analytic workspace to detach.
ORA-34348: (MXDSS05) string is used only for internal purposes and cannot be
accessed as an analytic workspace.
Cause: The command attempted to operate on an internal analytic workspace
used by the system.
Action: Specify a different analytic workspace.
ORA-34350: (MXDSS06) string is an open analytic workspace.
Cause: The specified analytic workspace is currently in use.
Action: The desired action requires an analytic workspace that is not currently in
ORA-34357: (MXDSS10) string is not an alias of analytic workspace string.
ORA-33000 to ORA-37999 20-21
Cause: User attempted to use AW UNALIAS on a non-existent alias.
Action: Make sure that the command specified the correct analytic workspace and
alias. The alias must have been assigned (using AW ALIAS) during the current
session and must not have been removed by a previous AW UNALIAS or AW
DETACH command.
ORA-34358: (MXDSS14) number other users reading
Cause: Used for AW LIST output formatting when %d > 1
Action: None
ORA-34359: (MXDSS11) string appears twice in the alias list.
Cause: User included the same name twice in the alias list of an AW ALIAS or
AW UNALIAS command.
Action: Remove the duplicate name and try again.
ORA-34360: (MXDSS15) number other users writing
Cause: Used for AW LIST output formatting when %d > 1
Action: None
ORA-34361: (MXDSS12) number other user reading
Cause: Used for AW LIST output formatting when %d == 1
Action: None
ORA-34363: (MXDSS13) number other user writing
Cause: Used for AW LIST output formatting when %d == 1
Action: None
ORA-34374: (MXDSS27) string is not a valid analytic workspace name. Analytic
workspace names must be 26 characters or less, can contain only letters, digits,
and underscores, and cannot begin with a digit.
Cause: a specified AW or ALIAS name was too long or contained invalid
Action: verify that AW name meets the specified criteria.
ORA-34376: (MXDSS28) string is not a valid analytic workspace name. Analytic
workspace names must be 26 characters or less, can contain only letters, digits,
underscores, and dollar signs, and cannot begin with a digit or dollar sign.
Cause: a specified AW or ALIAS name was too long or contained invalid
Action: verify that AW name meets the specified criteria.
ORA-34481: (MXMAINT07) You cannot string values of PARTITION TEMPLATE
workspace object.
Cause: User attempted to use the MAINTAIN command with some keyword
other than ADD or DELETE on a partition template.
Action: It is not possible to MAINTAIN a partition template, except to add or
delete values of a partition list.
ORA-34487: (MXMAINT08) You cannot string values of non-unique concat
dimension workspace object.
Cause: The specified MAINTAIN operation can only be applied to UNQUE
20-22 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Use the CHGDFN command to change the concat dimension to UNIQUE
and retry.
ORA-34489: (MXMAINT06) You cannot maintain workspace object because it is a
Cause: The user attempted to use the MAINTAIN command on a dimension
surrogate. The MAINTAIN command can only be used with real dimensions, not
Action: Use the MAINTAIN command to modify the underlying dimension of the
surrogate instead.
ORA-34514: (MXOPERR) You cannot string string data in the expression that begins
with 'string'.
Cause: The user attempted an invalid operation.
Action: None
ORA-34647: (MXSQL18) The text expression in a CURSOR FOR TEXT declaration
cannot be NA.
Cause: The text for the SELECT expression in a CURSOR FOR TEXT declaration
was evaluated at compile time as NA.
Action: Specify a text expression that is not NA at the time the program
containing the SQL DECLARE is compiled.
ORA-34656: (MXSQL24) Additional WHERE clause conditions with CURRENT OF
<cursor name> syntax
Cause: A SQL UPDATE or DELETE statement tried to use the CURRENT of
<cursor name> syntax with a WHERE clause containing multiple conditions.
Action: When using the CURRENT OF <cursor name> syntax make sure it is the
only condition in the WHERE clause.
ORA-34658: (MXSQL25) The words CURSOR FOR TEXT must be followed by a
compile-time text expression specifying a SELECT command.
Cause: A SQL DECLARE <csr> CURSOR FOR TEXT command lacked a text
expression, or the expression was otherwise invalid.
Action: Specify a single text expression that can be evaluated at compile time to
yield a SELECT statement
ORA-34719: (NLSCHARSET03) Character data loss in NTEXT/TEXT conversion
Cause: When character set conversion happens between TEXT and NTEXT either
implicitly or explicitly, some characters are lost due to no mapping characters in
the destination character set.
Action: Make sure all the characters can be mapped to destination character set or
set NLS_NCHAR_CONV_EXCP to be FALSE. Note: This message is the OLAP
equivalent of ORA-12713.
ORA-34722: (NLSCHARSET05) CAUTION: Character data loss in character set
conversion from string to string
Cause: Some operation required a string to be converted into a different character
set, but the string contained characters that didn't exist in the new character set.
Action: Choose different character sets.
ORA-34726: (NLSCHARSET06) CAUTION: String truncated during character set
conversion from string to string
ORA-33000 to ORA-37999 20-23
Cause: Some operation required a string to be converted into a different character
set. The string required more bytes in the new encoding, and exceeded some byte
limit on its allowable length, causing some characters to be removed from the end
of the string.
Action: If the byte limit is due to using the ID datatype, consider using the CHAR
datatype instead. If the byte limit is due to the limit of 4000 bytes per line of CHAR
data, break the long line up into multiple lines.
ORA-34731: (NLSSORT01) 'number' is not a valid NLS_SORT specification.
Cause: An unrecognized NLS_SORT value was specified in the SORT command
Action: Specify a supported NLS_SORT value.
ORA-34738: (NOUPDATE) A severe problem has been detected. Analytic
workspace operations have been disabled.
Cause: A previous fatal error has marked the session so that it cannot perform
Action: Start a new session
ORA-34761: (NXHANDLEALLO) A decimal overflow occurred during an
ALLOCATE operation. The results are not reliable.
Cause: While performing an ALLOCATE, a decimal overflow occurred
Action: Correct the data or use a higher precision datatype
ORA-34796: (OCI08) SQL host variable number cannot be bound.
Cause: The data type of the host variable is not supported.
Action: Specify only variables of supported types as host variable names.
ORA-34802: (OCI11) OLAP OCI operation caused ROLLBACK past an UPDATE of
an attached analytic workspace. Current operation canceled.
Cause: ROLLBACK past the UPDATE of one of the attached Analytic Workspaces
was called. The current operation is aborted, and the Analytic Workspace
Action: Change the called SQL procedure to avoid the ROLLBACK
ORA-34804: (OCI12) The value of SQL host variable number is too long. Use the
WIDE keyword for columns that may exceed number bytes.
Cause: The host variable had a text value longer than the maximum SQL
VARCHAR length
Action: Use the WIDE keyword in the host variable specification, e.g. :WIDE
ORA-34805: (OCI13) Statement number must have at least one host variable.
Cause: Statements prepared with DIRECT=YES must have at least one host
Action: Add a host variable to the prepared statements declaration.
ORA-34806: (OCI14) Statement number can only be executed within an ACROSS
Cause: Statements prepared with DIRECT=YES must be executed in an ACROSS
Action: Execute the statement within an ACROSS command.
20-24 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-34840: (OPCREATE01) The string option must be declared with datatype
Cause: An attempt was made to declare the option with the wrong datatype.
Action: Declare the option with the correct datatype.
ORA-34841: (OPCREATE02) The string option must be declared with the
READONLY attribute.
Cause: An attempt was made to declare the option without the READONLY
Action: Declare the option READONLY.
ORA-34859: (PMTUPDAT07) Permission condition for workspace object contains
an expression longer than number bytes and cannot be stored.
Cause: One of the components of the PERMIT condition was too long.
Action: Rewrite the condition to shorten it.
ORA-34871: (PERMIT06) Session-only value 'value' of workspace object has been
deleted because a PERMIT change has revealed a duplicate value.
Cause: Execution of a PERMIT command revealed a permanent dimension or
surrogate value having the same name as the SESSION value.
Action: If the SESSION value is still needed, add it with a different name.
ORA-34896: (PPMONTHS00) At least 12 month names must be given. Only number
were provided.
Cause: There must be at least one name for each month. Not enough names were
Action: Provide at least 12 names.
ORA-34897: (PPMONTHS01) Blank lines are not allowed in the MONTHNAMES
Cause: There is at least one blank line in the string populating the
MONTHNAMES option. We do not allow blank month names.
Action: Remove the blank line(s) from the string.
ORA-34900: (PPWKDAYS00) At least 7 day names must be given. Only number
were provided.
Cause: There must be at least one name for each day. Not enough names were
Action: Make sure there are at least 7 names in the string.
ORA-34901: (PPWKDAYS01) Blank lines are not allowed in the DAYNAMES
Cause: There is at least one blank line in the string populating the DAYNAMES
option. We do not allow blank day names.
Action: Remove the blank line(s) from the string.
ORA-35016: (QFCHECK00) The analytic workspace and EIF file definitions of
workspace object have a mismatched type.
Cause: Importing from an EIF file or LOB into an existing Analytic Workspace
object failed because the definition of the existing object was too different from the
definition of the object in the EIF file or LOB.
ORA-33000 to ORA-37999 20-25
Action: Import the object into an Analytic Workspace that does not already
contain an object with the same name.
ORA-35017: (QFCHECK06) The Analytic Workspace and EIF file definitions of
workspace object have different partitioning methods.
Cause: Importing from an EIF file or LOB into an existing Analytic Workspace
object failed because the definition of the existing object was too different from the
definition of the object in the EIF file or LOB.
Action: Import the object into an Analytic Workspace that does not already
contain an object with the same name.
ORA-35018: (QFCHECK01) The analytic workspace and EIF file definitions of
workspace object have a mismatched data type.
Cause: Importing from an EIF file or LOB into an existing Analytic Workspace
object failed because the definition of the existing object was too different from the
definition of the object in the EIF file or LOB.
Action: Import the object into an Analytic Workspace that does not already
contain an object with the same name.
ORA-35019: (QFCHECK07) The Analytic Workspace and EIF file definitions of
workspace object have different partition dimensions.
Cause: Importing from an EIF file or LOB into an existing Analytic Workspace
object failed because the definition of the existing object was too different from the
definition of the object in the EIF file or LOB.
Action: Import the object into an Analytic Workspace that does not already
contain an object with the same name.
ORA-35020: (QFCHECK02) The analytic workspace and EIF file definitions of
workspace object have mismatched dimensioning.
Cause: Importing from an EIF file or LOB into an existing Analytic Workspace
object failed because the definition of the existing object was too different from the
definition of the object in the EIF file or LOB.
Action: Import the object into an Analytic Workspace that does not already
contain an object with the same name.
ORA-35021: (QFCHECK08) The EIF file definition of workspace object has some
partitions that are not present in the existing Analytic Workspace object.
Cause: Importing from an EIF file or LOB into an existing Analytic Workspace
object failed because the definition of the existing object was too different from the
definition of the object in the EIF file or LOB.
Action: Import the object into an Analytic Workspace that does not already
contain an object with the same name.
ORA-35022: (QFCHECK03) The analytic workspace and EIF file definitions of
workspace object have a mismatched relation.
Cause: Importing from an EIF file or LOB into an existing Analytic Workspace
object failed because the definition of the existing object was too different from the
definition of the object in the EIF file or LOB.
Action: Import the object into an Analytic Workspace that does not already
contain an object with the same name.
ORA-35023: (QFCHECK09) The analytic workspace and EIF file definitions of
workspace object have incompatible partition definitions.
20-26 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: Importing from an EIF file or LOB into an existing Analytic Workspace
object failed because the definition of the existing object was too different from the
definition of the object in the EIF file or LOB.
Action: Import the object into an Analytic Workspace that does not already
contain an object with the same name.
ORA-35024: (QFCHECK04) The analytic workspace and EIF file definitions of
workspace object have mismatched time dimension attributes.
Cause: Importing from an EIF file or LOB into an existing Analytic Workspace
object failed because the definition of the existing object was too different from the
definition of the object in the EIF file or LOB.
Action: Import the object into an Analytic Workspace that does not already
contain an object with the same name.
ORA-35026: (QFCHECK05) The analytic workspace and EIF file definitions of
workspace object have a mismatched ALIASOF dimension.
Cause: Importing from an EIF file or LOB into an existing Analytic Workspace
object failed because the definition of the existing object was too different from the
definition of the object in the EIF file or LOB.
Action: Import the object into an Analytic Workspace that does not already
contain an object with the same name.
ORA-35031: (QFSVNS00) The IMPORT command has terminated because of a
defect in the EIF file.
Cause: The EIF file contains a compressed composite with defective aggregation
Action: Recreate the EIF file using the NOAGGR keyword.
ORA-35062: (QFGET01) Duplicate files found for extension number number of EIF
file string.
Cause: IMPORT searched the directories specified in EIFEXTENSIONPATH and
found two EIF extension files with the same name (differing at most by the case
used in the final name component.
Action: Delete, rename or move any files that are not to be read by IMPORT.
ORA-35066: (QFGET03) Extension number number is missing for EIF file string.
Cause: IMPORT searched the directories specified in EIFEXTENSIONPATH and
could not find the appropriately numbered extension file.
Action: Move the missing file into one of the searched directories.
ORA-35071: (QFHEAD06) EIF file string cannot be imported because analytic
workspace string has not been upgraded to version string.
Cause: User attempted to import from an EIF file that was created by a newer
version of the product into an AW that was created by a older version of the
Action: Make sure that the compatibility mode parameter in the init.ora of the
importing instance specifies a version that is at least as high as the parameter was
in the exporting instance. Then, convert the AW to the latest storage format and
reexecute the import command. Alternatively, change the EIFVERSION option of
the exporting instance to a lower number, recreate the EIF file, and import the new
ORA-35074: (QFHEAD02) EIF file string cannot be read by this version of string.
ORA-33000 to ORA-37999 20-27
Cause: The EIF file was created with an internal version number indicating it may
contain objects that are not compatible with the current Oracle OLAP version, or
the EIF file is in an obsolete format.
Action: If possible, set EIFVERSION in the exporting instance to a lower number,
recreate the EIF file, and import the new file.
ORA-35076: (QFHEAD04) CAUTION: The textual data in EIF file string is encoded
in a character set that is not recognized by this version of string.
Cause: IMPORT could not recognize the character set specification in the EIF file.
Action: Check the imported text data. If it was not imported correctly, recreate the
EIF file with a character set supported by the current Oracle version.
ORA-35078: (QFHEAD05) An EIF extension file header for string is not in the
correct format.
Cause: An EIF extension file in multi-file IMPORT did not contain correct header
Action: Check to be sure that EIFEXTENSIONPATH is set correctly and that all
the extension files for the current IMPORT were created by the same EXPORT
command as the main EIF file.
ORA-35095: (QFSVNS01) One or more imported values of fixed-width dimension
workspace object have been truncated.
Cause: The data in the EIF file was exported from a dimension with wider values
than the target dimension will accommodate.
Action: Change the definition of the target dimension, or check to be sure that
multiple values from the target dimension have not become identical during the
import process. This could cause data loss as data from later dimension values
overstores data imported earlier.
ORA-35106: (REGRESS00) The regression was not calculated because of a linear
relationship between your independent variables.
Cause: The values of the specified independent variables are not independent. For
example, one may be a multiple of the other.
Action: Chose independent variables whose values are truly independent of one
ORA-35171: you may not signal error number string with the SIGNAL command
Cause: The user attempted to explicitly signal an invalid error number with the
Action: Signal another error number
ORA-35180: (SNSYN103) The format of the OUTFILE command is: OUTFILE
Cause: The user specified incorrect syntax for the OUTFILE command.
Action: None
ORA-35276: (SNSYN163) The format of the ALLOCATE command is: ALLOCATE
varname [SOURCE svarname] [BASIS bvarname [ACROSS dimname]]
[TARGET tvarname [TARGETLOG logvarname]] [USING aggmap]
Cause: The user used incorrect syntax for the ALLOCATE command.
Action: Correct the calling syntax.
20-28 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-35280: (SNSYN165) The format of the AGGREGATE command is:
AGGREGATE varname1 [varname2 varname3 ...] [USING aggmap-name]
[COUNTVAR intvar-name1 [intvar-name2 intvar-name3 ...]] [FUNCDATA]
[FORCEORDER] [PARALLEL #] [{FROM|FROMVAR} fromname [, fromname2
Cause: The user used incorrect syntax for the AGGREGATE command.
Action: Correct the calling syntax.
ORA-35282: (SNSYN166) The format of the AGGREGATE function is:
AGGREGATE(varname [USING aggmap-name] [COUNTVAR intvar-name]
[FORCECALC] [FORCEORDER] [{FROM|FROMVAR} fromname [, fromname2
Cause: The user used incorrect syntax for the AGGREGATE function.
Action: Correct the calling syntax.
ORA-35561: (XSRWLD01) Object workspace object is not a valid target.
Cause: An invalid object was specified as a target.
Action: Choose a valid object as a target.
ORA-35562: (SQLIMP01) The SQL IMPORT command will produce number
columns of output, but you have provided number host variables in your INTO
Cause: The expression is the source query do not match the targets in the INTO
Action: Make sure the the expressions in the source query match the targets in the
INTO clause.
ORA-35563: (XSRWLD17) Multiple values exist for an attribute of this dimension
Cause: Multiple source table rows containing different values for a dimension
attribute were found. Only the first of the multiple rows has been loaded.
Action: Fix the mapping or remove the rows with conflicting attribute values.
ORA-35564: (XSRWLD02) Cannot convert from the string type to the string type.
Cause: Conversion from source to target is not allowed
Action: Choose a different target datatype
ORA-35565: (XSRWLD03) For object workspace object only APPEND, MATCH or
ASSIGN may be used.
Cause: An incorrect setting was applied to the target
Action: For DIMENSIONs use APPEND or MATCH, for SURROGATEs use
ORA-35566: (XSRWLD04) Object workspace object cannot be used with QDRs
Cause: A QDR was placed on a target dimension
Action: Remove the QDR on the target dimension
ORA-35568: (SQLIMP03) The datatype of variable number should be INTEGER,
Cause: The target variable was not INTEGER, LONGINTEGER or
ORA-33000 to ORA-37999 20-29
Action: The target variable must be INTEGER, LONGINTEGER or
ORA-35569: (XSRWLD05) An error was encountered in converting data string to
string in column number.
Cause: The data could not be converted to the target datatype.
Action: Ensure the source data is valid for the target datatype.
ORA-35570: (XSRWLD06) A column value is not a valid member of its target
Cause: The source value for a dimension is not an existing member of the
Action: Ensure the column value is an existing member of its target dimension.
ORA-35571: (XSRWLD07) The maximum number of load errors has occurred. No
changes from this step were committed to the database.
Cause: The number of load errors exceeded the specified maximum.
Action: Fix the load errors, or increase the maximum number allowed and rerun
the load.
ORA-35572: (XSRWLD08) A column value is not a valid member of its related
Cause: The source data for a relation is not a member of the related dimension.
Action: Ensure the source data is a valid member of the related dimension.
ORA-35573: (XSRWLD09) An incoming dimension value is null.
Cause: A source value for a dimension is null.
Action: Ensure the source data for the dimension is not null.
ORA-35578: (SQLOUT11) SQL cursor 'number' cannot be used with CURRENT OF
<cursor name> syntax
Cause: The CURRENT OF <cursor> syntax in the WHERE clause tried to use a
cursor that was not declared with the FOR UPDATE [ of <column name> ] SQL
Action: Add the FOR UPDATE [ OF <column name> ] SQL syntax to the cursor
ORA-35580: (XSRWLD10) An incoming column contains a data type mismatch.
Cause: The data could not be converted to the target datatype.
Action: Ensure the source data is valid for the target datatype.
ORA-35581: (XSRWLD11) You do not have permission to write this value of the
Cause: You do not have sufficient permissions to write to the specified target.
Action: Ask the owner of the schema or OLAP DBA to grant you sufficient
ORA-35582: (XSRWLD12) Cannot change the level of dimension member "number"
from "number" to "number" within a single load.
Cause: A dimension member is mapped to more than one level.
Action: Change the mapping so that each dimension member is mapped to only
one level.
20-30 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-35583: (XSRWLD13) Cannot change the level of a dimension member within a
single load.
Cause: A dimension member is mapped to more than one level.
Action: Change the mapping so that each dimension member is mapped to only
one level.
ORA-35585: (XSRWLD14) This SQL query generated rejected records.
Cause: Rejected records were generated by this query.
Action: Locate the records that were rejected and resolve the rejection (for
example, data, mapping, and so on).
ORA-35587: (SQLOUT20) The nesting of table functions and SQL commands has
exceeded the maximum of number levels.
Cause: The nesting of table functions with the PREDMLCMD token populated
with an OLAP DML expression that use the embedded SQL support to access
another table function which contains a table functions with the PREDMLCMD
token filled in with an OLAP DML expression that uses the embedded SQL
Action: Reduce the level of nesting between table functions and OLAP DML
embedded SQL support.
ORA-35588: (XSRWLD15) Cannot change the parent of existing dimension member
"number" from "number" to "number" in LOAD RETAIN mode.
Cause: An attempt was made to change the parent of an existing dimension
member in LOAD RETAIN mode.
Action: Fix the mapping or use LOAD [NO] SYNCH mode.
ORA-35589: (XSRWLD16) Cannot change the parent of an existing dimension
member in LOAD RETAIN mode.
Cause: An attempt was made to change the parent of an existing dimension
member in LOAD RETAIN mode.
Action: Fix the mapping or use LOAD [NO] SYNCH mode.
ORA-35749: (VCHEX01) 'character' is not a valid hexadecimal digit.
Cause: The text being converted contains an invalid hexadecimal digit.
Action: Replace the character with a digit in the range 0-9 or A-F.
ORA-35756: (VCTODT02) 'number' is not a valid date because number is out of
range for a year.
Cause: n'%1p'
Action: None
ORA-35810: (XSINPUTERR) The command has requested more input than was
supplied in the command string.
Cause: The command required input that was not supplied in the string.
Action: Reexecute the command with the required input.
ORA-35917: (XSHIDE05) You cannot HIDE model workspace object because the
analytic workspace in which it is defined has not been upgraded to version
Cause: User attempted to apply the HIDE command to a model in an AW that has
not been upgraded to the necessary compatibility level.
ORA-33000 to ORA-37999 20-31
Action: Make sure that the database is running in the appropriate compatibility
mode, and upgrade the AW.
ORA-35952: (XSSPFC01) The string dimension workspace object and the string
dimension workspace object must have the same number of values in status for
SPFCEXEC method number.
Cause: This method requires the named dimensions to have the same number of
values in status, but the user provided statuses of different lengths.
Action: Relimit the dimensions so that their status lengths are the same.
ORA-36017: (XSHIERCK10) The definition of hierarchy workspace object over
number in level number is not star consistent. The collision parents include
Cause: The definition of the hierarchy was not star consistent.
Action: Change the definition of the hierarchy.
ORA-36018: (XSHIERCK02) The format of the HIERCHECK command is:
Cause: The wrong object type was specified.
Action: Change the object to a RELATION or AGGMAP.
ORA-36019: (XSHIERCK11) The format of the HIERSHAPE function is:
HIERSHAPE(relation[(qdr)] {level|ragged|skiplevel|regular} USING levelrel
Cause: The wrong object type or the wrong object definition was specified.
Action: Change the object type or use the correct object definition.
ORA-36020: (XSHIERCK03) The definition of hierarchy workspace object over
number is inconsistent.
Cause: The definition of the hierarchy was inconsistent.
Action: Change the definition of the hierarchy.
ORA-36021: (XSHIERCK12) The format of the HIERCHECK function is:
Cause: The wrong object type was specified.
Action: Change the object to a RELATION or AGGMAP.
ORA-36022: (XSHIERCK04) Valuesets specified in the HIERCHECK command
must be scalar. workspace object is dimensioned.
Cause: The HIERCHECK command specified a dimensioned valueset.





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