

The point of the question is that professors in universities should be more focused on teaching students rather than doing research.  I disagree. I think the role of educator is not important compared to their research tasks.

The statement asserts that university professors ought to place more emphasis on educating students and less on conducting research. I disagree. I think that a professor’s role as an educator pales in comparison with their research mandate.

10:29 2处错误

For our society, the devotion of professors on scientific research plays an important role to the advancement of science and technology.

From the prospective of … at large 替换 for

From the prospective of society at large, professors’ commitment to scientific research is crucial to progress both science and technology.

After all, the goal of research always lies in exploring the new and solving the unsolved problems, which requires the high standard professional knowledge and innovation of the researchers.

Probe与exploration 替换

As well as 替换and

On the part of替换of

After all, research is meant to probe the unknow and unravel mysteries. Such exploration demands a high standard of professional knowledge as well as creativity on the part of researchers.

Only equipped with such techniques can new breakthrough be achieved by doing researches.

用research 做主语

Only with such skills can research break new ground.

Thus, it is no odd for educated elites to foster the improvement of technology rather than an average person.

Accordingly 连词

Advance 替换progress

Accordingly, it is no wonder that it is the intellectual elite, and not ordinary people, that are the driving force of technology advances.

As a result, no finding will be found to change our lives.

虚拟语气 同时carry out 替换conduct

If professors were forced to give up their research projects, there would be no one with the required ability left to carry out scientific researches.

Compared to researches, the requirement to educate student is not high, since teachers only need to impart knowledge included in text books.

用in the sense that 替换because that

Less demanding 表示不费力

Compared to scientific researches, educating students is less demanding in the sense that a teacher needs only to impart established knowledge found in textbooks though the vehicles of lectures.

So, to promote the constant development of science and technology, professors should be more focused on researches rather than lecturing.

That is why 替换 in the sense that

It is more appropriate that 替换Ought to

Concentrate their efforts on 替换 place more emphasis on

用and 加小否定 替换rather than

That is why, in order to promote the continued development of science and technology, it is more appropriate for professors to concentrate their efforts on research, and not lecturing.

7:53 三个拼写错误

When entering job market, students also benefit from professors' researches.

When they enter the job market, students also benefit from the researches done by professors.

Real life techniques accumulated from works are in high demand when students apply for a company, especially a technological firm, in this competitive society.

注意industry 替换

Practical skills built through working experience are required by a growing number of companies, especially those in the technological industry, in our hyper-competitive society where practicality is imperative.

It is reasonable to hire students with an excellent practical experience. 

Understandably, students with outstanding practical experiences are preferred over other applicants, and consequently have more desirable job opportunities upon graduation. 

Researches initiated by professors offer students a chance to use their knowledge in real life problems, which will definitely enhance students' practice experience.

Researches conducted by professors will provide more opportunities for students to put the knowledge they have gained to practical use. It will help them polish their practical skills and enrich practice experiences.

That is why doing researches actually prepares students for their future careers.

Therefore, by doing research, professors actually help prepares students for their future careers.

4:25 错误1

In conclusion, only when professors devote to their researches can science and technology steadily progress.

In summation, only when professors devote themselves to research can science and technology continue to advance.

At the same time, researches conducted by professors benefit students when they enter the job market.

通过顶前面的词,获得连贯,同时用by 引起条件

These advances in research also benefit students by putting them in a favorable position as they enter the job market.

注意这里有个经典的错误although 后不要用but

Even though there still need people to cultivate students, there are many people who can take the job while it is more appropriate for professors to focus on researches.

这里的be qualified to do , 伴随的用法

Although there will always be a need to educate students, others may be qualified to provide this service, leaving professors to focus on research.

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