gre_math_review 学习


1.1 Integers

The negatives of these integers are also factors of 60,

We say that 60 is a multiple of each of its factors and that 60 is divisible by each of its divisors.


25 is a multiple of only six integers: 1, 5, 25, and their negatives


•1 is a factor of every integer; 1 is not a multiple of any integer except 1 and 1.-

• 0 is a multiple of every integer; 0 is not a factor of any integer except 0.


The remainder is always greater than or equal to 0 and less than b.


6 divided by 24 is 0 remainder 6, since the greatest multiple of 24 that’s less than or equal to 6 is (0)(24), or 0, which is 6 less than 6.


 The product of two odd integers is an odd integer.

A prime number is an integer greater than 1 that has only two positive divisors: 1 and itself.


The integer 2 is the only prime number that is even.

prime factorization

composite number

rational numbers


1.3 Exponents and Roots

3 to the fourth power

the expression -3^2 means “the negative of ‘3 squared’ ”;


The expression 0^0 is undefined.

4 is a square root of 16 because 4^2=16

Another square root of 16 is -4
All positive numbers have two square roots, one positive and one negative. The only square root of 0 is 0.

Square roots of negative numbers are not defined in the real number system.

A square root is a root of order 2. Higher-order roots of a positive number n are defined similarly.

the cube root n^(1/3) and fourth root n^(1/4) represent numbers such that when they are raised to the powers 3 and 4, respectively, the result is n.


• For odd-order roots, there is exactly one root for every number n, even when n is negative.

• For even-order roots, there are exactly two roots for every positive number n and no roots for any negative number n.


Every fraction with integers in the numerator and denominator is equivalent to a decimal that terminates or repeats.


One way to indicate the repeating part of a decimal that repeats without end is to use a bar over the digits that repeat.

irrational numbers.


1.5 Real Numbers

The set of real numbers consists of all rational numbers and all irrational numbers.

Only the number 0 is neither negative nor positive.

real number line

the double inequality 2 < x < 3

The set of all real numbers that are between 2 and 3 is called an interval,
Note that the endpoints of the interval, 2 and 3, are not included in the interval.

The distance between a number x and 0 on the number line is called the absolute value of x,


triangle inequality.

a^3与a 比大小的时候注意正负


1.6 Ratio

where the first quantity is the numerator and the second quantity is the denominator.

that the ratio of the number of apples to the number of oranges is 2/3 or that it is 2 to 3

r to s to t

cross multiplication.

Be careful not to confuse 0.01 with 0.01%.

To compute a percent, given the part and the whole, divide the part by the whole.

In either case, the base is the initial number, before the change.


like terms


A number or variable that is a factor of each term in an algebraic expression can be factored out

linear equation

quadratic equation

Note that it is possible for a linear equation to have no solutions.

Also, it is possible that what looks to be a linear equation turns out to be an identity

system of equations

simultaneous equations

equivalent inequalities

A mixture of 12 ounces of vinegar and oil


Unless otherwise noted, the units used on the x-axis and the y-axis are the same.


rise over run

line of symmetry

piecewise-defined function


congruent line segments




More precisely, two triangles are similar if their vertices can be matched up so that the corresponding angles are congruent or, equivalently, the lengths of corresponding sides have the same ratio, called the scale factor of similarity.

The measure of an arc is the measure of its central angle, which is the angle formed by two radii that connect the center of the circle to the two endpoints of the arc.



Frequency count
relative frequency distribution
segmented bar graph

Also, the categories sometimes are numerical in nature, such as years or other time intervals




interquartile range

The standard deviation?


distribution curve

To summarize, the median is the “halving point,” and the mean is the “balance point.”






当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


