gre 填空13-30

section 13 easy

4. Conventional deposits of oil and gas are actually the final resting place of far-traveled hydrocarbons that were (i)_____ deeper source beds of organic-rich rock(这里其实都是source. By contrast, shale gas (ii)_____ its birthplace, remaining in the source bed whose organic matter produced the gas.

5. Despite dispute between the sisters lasted all summer, Megan remained (i)_____ and Laruen was equally (ii)_____.这里是尽管这样,但是还是没有缓解 

6. In a view of 17 studies from 2008, Trudeau and Shephard concluded that reserving up to an hour a day for (i)_____ (这说的是从school curricula中预留出来)in school curricula does not (ii)_____ academic achievement. In fact, they noted that more exercise often (iii)_____ school performance, despite the time it took away from reading, writing, and arithmetic. 

section 15 easy 

4. Since fibromyalgia’s symptoms can be (i)_____ and can (ii)_____ other disorder, and its diagnosis depends largely on patients’ descriptions rather than blood tests or biopsies, fibromyalgia’s cause and treatment have been the subject of much debate.

如果是非常distinct blood tests or biopsies就很有可能能够诊断

8. Despite the _____(注意词的感情色彩) of medical information available through e-mail, the Internet, and mobile devices, not many patients are taking advantage of the potential of electronic communications for health-related needs.


section 16 median

1. Blake’s reputation for weakness is _____: almost all who have worked with him say he is a
disciplined, intellectually formidable, and very tough politician.

2. In protoscientific (for example, in ancient Greece), claims about the physical world were often accepted as true if they were reasonable; experimental verification, if thought necessary at all, was _____.这个逻辑是这样的,就是上一句强调了一件事,而这一句是说另一个不重要 

3. Though many professional book reviewers would agree that criticism should be (i)_____enterprise, a tendency to write (ii)_____ reviews has risen, partly out of the mistaken belief that sharing personal details will help reviewers stand out of the pack 

5. Despite the scathing precision with which she satirizes the lives of social aspirants and moneyed folk, the writer appears to (i)_____ being part of the world she presents as so (ii)_____.这里对上文描述的世界有特指 

10. The major _____ of much popular history is that it betrays no interest in making intellectual contributions to our understanding of an issue.


Fault shortcoming 虽然在某些方面有优势,但下面指出不足

section 17 median 

1. While early biographies of Florence Nightingale tended to be quite _____, Lytton Strachey’s irreverent 1918 essay about her ushered in a new era, making it acceptable, even fashionable, to criticize her. 

4. Because the book is largely concerned with an examination of various (i)_____ often encountered in contemporary thinking, such as an exaggerated appreciation for meaningless coincidence and a credulous accept of pseudoscience, much of the writing has a (ii)_____ quality to it. Nevertheless, it avoids the overly earned scolding tone common to many such endeavors.

5. The building affairs minister rightly recognizes that the current planning system—under which the government controls every aspect of construction—creates disastrous developments, but she is wrong to propose the opposite: the wholesale (i)_____ of the building market. Such a complete (ii)_____ of responsibility on the part of the state(这里是有对象的表示的) can hardly be in the public’s interest. 

7. After rising continuously over the summer, commodity prices fell, leaving analyst wondering whether the downward trend is a turning point or merely a _____(这里要表达出短时停顿的感觉,略微有些感情色彩) before demand picks up in the winter months. 

section 18 median 

3. Scholarly works on detective stories often begin with (i)_____, suggesting that there is something vaguely wrong with adults who spend their time reading such fiction and certainly something (ii)_____ those who devote energy to its analysis.

section 19 median  

2. There is _____ in the director’s most recent film that keeps the melodramatic possibilities latent in its script safely at bay.

3. Computers have become adept in rarefied domains once thought to be uniquely human. However, they simultaneously have (i)_____ certain tasks basic to the human experience, including spatial orientation and object recognition, and in so doing, have shown us how (ii)_____ such fundamental skills truly are.


5. Among wide-ranging animal species, populations at the edge of the species’ range are frequently exposed to less (i)_____ and more variable conditions than those in other parts on the range. As a result, the animal’s abundance is often (ii)_____.


6. Common sense tells me some people are more (i)_____ than others. The claim that these differences are (ii)_____, or that deep down, everybody acts only to further their own interests, (iii)_____ our everyday observations and deep-seated human practices of moral evaluation.

注意前面的Common sense与our everyday observations and deep-seated human practices of moral evaluation是一致的,而这个claim与之相反

7. Anne Carson’s book Nox is, very deliberately, _____ literary object—the opposite of an e-reader, which is designed to vanish in your palm as you read on a train.(后者表现这种方便性,所以前者应该没有这样方便)

9. Williamson had a fierce commitment to achieving an accord, spending enormous amount of time trying to forge a consensus out of an often _____ assembly.这里有点拒不从的意思 


section 20 median

2. Though humanitarian emergencies are frequent features of television news, such exposure seldom _____(对应) the public, which(这里指的是public) rather seems resigned to a sense of impotency.

6. China’s rapidly growing population is the main threat facing large carnivores in the People’s Republic. Increasingly, policies aimed at limiting population growth have been (i)_____; nevertheless, the country’s vast size and the isolation of many of its regions(这相当于一个背景导致下一个空的原因) mean that (而这一个空是来描述human populations的情形,注意主语)human populations in areas where large carnivores still occur (ii)_____. This human pressure has (iii)_____ the South China tiger. 

8. At first, most of the famous fairy tales seem so implausible and so irrelevant to contemporary life that their _____ is hard to understand.

Persistence survival


section 21 median

2. The theory that the 1908 Tunguska event was the explosion of a cosmic body in the sky over Siberia is _____: no one has yet found fragments of the object or any impact craters in the affected region. 

3. Although the political science professor’s paper is quite (i)_____ about the government’s problem, suggesting that they are part of (ii)_____ a process, the prognosis for the government is, on the contrary, actually quite auspicious. 

8. In Inuit culture, elaborate carving has often been used to enhance _____ object such as harpoon heads and other tools. 

9. Benjamin Franklin’s reputation is so much one of appearing scientific investigation with commonsense empiricism(我不知道是不是要放到is之前,或者说是reputation的同位语) that it is somewhat startling to realize how _____ the great experiment’s mentoring truly was.


section 22 median 

1.Motivation is the hardest of all managerial tasks, and it is _____ to expect a single memo, no matter how well crafted, to have much effect on the staff’s attitude.

这一句话,and 前后要平衡,所以后面应该说single这个想法天真

4. The author of this travel guide (i)_____ to show his readers Cairo as it really is, but his

information is not reliable: for example, his geography is (ii)_____, with one walking tour covering areas of the city that are twenty miles apart.


Erratic 这里是有wandering 的意思这一个空因为是举例子,因此要照顾前面的内容

5. Behavioral economists have come to believe that a (i)_____ of choices can be paralyzing as Schwartz pointed out in the recent book The Paradox of Choice. Studies of retirement plans show that the more investment choices a plan offers, the less likely people are to participate in it. It may follow, then, that a lack of flexibility in certain plans may actually be a (ii)_____. People reasonably (iii)_____ some advantages in exchange for peace of mind.

Forestall 应该是某一个事情

Forgo 有利的条件

9. Culture, like speech, is primarily a human faculty, although both functions may exist in a more _____ form in lesser primates.这里理解为一小部分灵长动物  转折之后词的性质就会略有变化


section 23 median 

2. For the urban researcher, the long lives of ancient cities can provide ample chronological data, making up for the paucity stemming from relative _____ of most present-day cities. 一定要理解对比的点 

3. The school system’s modest plan for curriculum improvements has (i)_____ local educators: some call it (ii)_____ effort, while others say it is a pragmatic实际的 approach given the complexity of the task. 


section 24 median 

1.Few studies have been published on ground-squirrel dispersal, and most of them have involved very small sample sizes, thus most statement regarding ground-squirrel dispersal must be considered _____.这里是强调实证的成分少


3.It would be naïve to treat remarks made in diaries or personal letters(这一句是说to treat remarks这种行为不好,之后+原因) as giving especially candid access to historical truth or even as being expressions of the writer’s true state of mind, since the (i)_____ for exaggeration and deception in those forms(这里就是想说,乱说的弊端) is virtually nonexistent. Diaries and letters are rarely sites for (ii)_____.


4.The author paints a rather dark picture of book publishing as a hidebound industry, one that is facing a profound change in its mode of production but is so (i)_____ its past as to be (ii)_____ opportunity offered by technological changes.



5. The experimental theater company’s members know that their performances (i)_____ an audience, that they(这里给了their performances的特点 were dense and unpredictable and not always easy to digest. But none of the techniques used would be (ii)_____ anyone with an interest in music or films.(第二句填出来之后,有点让步的意思,所以第一句应该是一个缺点或者不足) Indeed, they would seem strange only to people who expected to see traditionally crafted plays. The actors therefore felt that theater critics’ derisive commentary showed only that the critics (iii)_____ the company’s work. 

6. Unlike most other serious journals, which drain money from their owners, the Review has long been (i)_____. But the formula is not without its imperfections, which have grown more pronounced in recent years. The publication has always been erudite and (ii)_____ but not always lively and readable. (iii)_____, accompanied by a certain aversion(注意这里表现的对于risk taking 的态度) to risk taking, has pervaded its pages for a long time. 

10. The uniquely human ability to rethink and revise our social arrangements is a weird blessing, allowing us to create systems that are as likely to _____ us as to liberate us.shackle stifle 

gre 填空一定要找一些点 


section 25 median  

4. A (i)_____ to disseminate the vast scientific knowledge of our time to nonscientists shows real (ii)_____ the magnificent achievement humanity is capable of, like allowing a great work of art to molder in a warehouse. 

10. For all the _____ the new CEO has received from the press recently, her staff have a decidedly(这个词表示了程度) less rosy view of her. 


section 26 median   

1.Scientists have argued not only that the chains of atoms called ladder compounds have _____ theoretical interest but also that studies of such systems can lead to important practical applications.



2. Some novelists immodestly idealized and exaggerated the significance of their work, but others, _____ to exalt the role of the writer, question a transcendent view of the art.

Decline 有refute 的意思


4. The trade in scientific literature in nineteenth-century Germany was so robust that publisher constantly worried about (i)_____ of new titles, an anxiety that gave even relatively undistinguished authors, who made their living writing technical treatises, (ii)_____.这个就是相当于创造了有利的条件 

6. The slow pace of job creation was without precedent for the period of recovery from a recession, but the conditions that conspired to cause the recession were also (i)_____. The stock market declined sharply, and rampant business investment slumped. Then an ensuing spate of scandals (ii)_____ public trust in the way companies were run.这些是一个层次 And yet, despite these powerful (iii)_____ to growth, the recession proved surprisingly mild. 

7. A cure for the common cold has been so elusive that it has become a modern symbol of _____.这个是说这个事办不成 

8. The dictator’s gleaming military uniform and imperial paraphernalia sharply contrast with the _____ fashion favored by most other contemporary political leaders.


9. If giant X-ray flares churn circumstellar disks enough to keep newborn planets, such as Earth once was, from spiraling into their suns, it would be an ironic twist(转折) on our conception of X-ray flares as _____.


 section 27 median

1. Though many avant-garde writers _____ traditional distinctions among literary categories, combining elements of biography and fiction, prose and poetry, this fusion of forms has been slow to catch on with publishers.注意关键词,分出态度 

8. There are great _____ in countries’ greenhouse gas emissions, especially in per capita terms: while the United States and China are similar in aggregate emissions, United States per capita emissions are a huge multiple of China’s. 

10. The concept of the Hellenistic period in ancient history has proved useful but also _____, with scholars disagreeing on the dates when the period began and ended.



 section 28 median

 3. Folmer’s book on Edith Wharton seems far removed from recent trends in literary criticism; this need not to be a fault, except that, in its title and introduction, the book (i)_____ to be conversant with contemporary discourse in the field, but in its actual analysis of Wharton’s work, it is marked by a very (ii)_____ approach.

4. The book is not comprehensive but is, instead, (i)_____ in the most positive sense:(ii)_____ rather than settles.

6. In adolescence, (i)_____ interactions are crucial in forging a self-identity. To be sure, this process often plays out in (ii)_____ as a means of defining and shoring up the sense of self. Kids will seek out like-minded companions, and spurn others who seem different. But when kept within reasonable bounds, this in-group (iii)_____ generally evolves into a more mature friendship pattern.

7. Few ideas are more _____ than the notion that cultures evolve in Darwin fashion; many academics have begun writing about cultural evolution, but few treat the underlying Darwinian logic with the care it deserves.

10. Readers looking for another condemnation of private equity firms should look elsewhere, this book is not _____ such firms.


section 29 median

3. The author clearly supports the causes he writes about, but he is more a narrator than (i)_____. Some(这里的观点于下面反) say he should have included more (ii)_____, but he is wise to let the fact speak for themselves. They are complex enough to prompt many kinds of interpretation, and he would bog down the complicated tale if he tried to adjudicate all of their competing claims. 

4. The controversy about Alexander the Great’s personality derives from the fact that our sources are (i)_____, all eyewitness accounts having perished. What remains is, at best, (ii)_____(这里是要体现之后括号的特点)(这一句提到的是与前一句的这个部分对应的) (one history, for instance is based largely on the now-lost memoirs of Alexander’s alleged half-brother, Ptolemy) and at worst, highly unreliable.


5. One sometimes hears that Marco Polo introduced pasta to the Western world, having encountered it in China. This durable myth,(这里是说这个神话所需要的证据、条件) which (i)_____ that nothing should have been known of pasta in Italy until 1295, when Marco Polo returned from the Far East, can easily be (ii)_____ by pointing out that there are Italian references to pasta that (iii)_____.


8. Even before she went to art school, Veronica found the standard design categories _____: she didn’t understand why designing buildings and designing tables should require different sensibilities.

10. Space is often referred to as the final frontier, as the only realm of which humankind has still(这应当理解为正在进行) to gain substantial understanding, yet the ocean is also another vast area about which our knowledge is _____. 


section 30 median

1.The stories in Yiyun Li’s recent collection are distinctive particularly for the strong contrast between their emotional intensity and their consistently _____ tone.


2. The paleontologist examined the problem afresh, believing that the accepted classification _____ the essential continuity of the specimens by making specious distinctions among them.

6. Biologists have little (i)_____ drawing the link between the success of humanity and human (ii)_____. Indeed, many biologists claim that this attribute, the ability to (iii)_____, or, to put it more sharply, to make individuals subordinate their self-interest to the needs of the group, lies at the root of human achievement.

你要注意这后半句的结构,另外indeed 之后这个让步,是说了一点好处,因此之前应当提到一点瑕疵,或者一个问题

 8. Tompkinson’s prior donations to the university, while very generous, failed to _____ the magnitude of her latest gift.这里程度上递进

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