短小精捍的 javascript template engine

JavaScript Micro-Templating


I've had a little utility that I've been kicking around for some time now that I've found to be quite useful in my JavaScript application-building endeavors. It's a super-simple templating function that is fast, caches quickly, and is easy to use. I have a couple tricks that I use to make it real fun to mess with.

Here's the source code to the templating function (a more-refined version of this code will be in my upcoming book Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja ):

// Simple JavaScript Templating
// John Resig - http://ejohn.org/ - MIT Licensed
( function ( ) {
  var cache = { } ;
  this . tmpl = function tmpl ( str, data ) {
    // Figure out if we're getting a template, or if we need to
    // load the template - and be sure to cache the result.
    var fn = ! /\W/ . test ( str ) ?
      cache [ str ] = cache [ str ] ||
        tmpl ( document. getElementById ( str ) . innerHTML ) :
      // Generate a reusable function that will serve as a template
      // generator (and which will be cached).
      new Function ( "obj" ,
        "var p=[],print=function(){p.push.apply(p,arguments);};" +
        // Introduce the data as local variables using with(){}
        "with(obj){p.push('" +
        // Convert the template into pure JavaScript
          . replace ( /[ \r\t\n] /g , " " )
          . split ( "<%" ) . join ( "\t " )
          . replace ( / ( ( ^|%> ) [ ^\t ] * ) '/g, "$1\r ")
          .replace(/\t =(.*?)%>/g, "'
,$ 1 , '")
          .split("\t ").join("'
) ; ")
%> ").join(" p. push ( '")
          .split("\r ").join("\\ '
      + "
');}return p.join(' ');");
    // Provide some basic currying to the user
    return data ? fn( data ) : fn;

You would use it against templates written like this (it doesn't have to be in this particular manner - but it's a style that I enjoy):


<script type ="text/html" id ="item_tmpl" >
  <div id ="<%=id%> " class="<%=(i % 2 == 1 ? " even" : " ")%> ">
    <div class=" grid_1 alpha right">
      <img class=" righted" src=" <%=profile_image_url%>
    <div class ="grid_6 omega contents" >
      <p> <b> <a href ="/<%=from_user%> "><%=from_user%> </a> :</b> <%=text%> </p>


You can also inline script:

<script type ="text/html" id ="user_tmpl" >
  <% for ( var i = 0 ; i < users.length; i++ ) { %>
    <li> <a href ="<%=users[i].url%> "><%=users[i].name%> </a> </li>
  <% } %>


Quick tip: Embedding scripts in your page that have a unknown content-type (such is the case here - the browser doesn't know how to execute a text/html script) are simply ignored by the browser - and by search engines and screenreaders. It's a perfect cloaking device for sneaking templates into your page. I like to use this technique for quick-and-dirty cases where I just need a little template or two on the page and want something light and fast.

and you would use it from script like so:

var results = document. getElementById ( "results" ) ;
results. innerHTML = tmpl ( "item_tmpl" , dataObject ) ;


You could pre-compile the results for later use. If you call the templating function with only an ID (or a template code) then it'll return a pre-compiled function that you can execute later:

var show_user = tmpl ( "item_tmpl" ) , html = "" ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < users. length ; i++ ) {
  html += show_user ( users [ i ] ) ;



基于SSM框架的智能家政保洁预约系统,是一个旨在提高家政保洁服务预约效率和管理水平的平台。该系统通过集成现代信息技术,为家政公司、家政服务人员和消费者提供了一个便捷的在线预约和管理系统。 系统的主要功能包括: 1. **用户管理**:允许消费者注册、登录,并管理他们的个人资料和预约历史。 2. **家政人员管理**:家政服务人员可以注册并更新自己的个人信息、服务类别和服务时间。 3. **服务预约**:消费者可以浏览不同的家政服务选项,选择合适的服务人员,并在线预约服务。 4. **订单管理**:系统支持订单的创建、跟踪和管理,包括订单的确认、完成和评价。 5. **评价系统**:消费者可以在家政服务完成后对服务进行评价,帮助提高服务质量和透明度。 6. **后台管理**:管理员可以管理用户、家政人员信息、服务类别、预约订单以及处理用户反馈。 系统采用Java语言开发,使用MySQL数据库进行数据存储,通过B/S架构实现用户与服务的在线交互。系统设计考虑了不同用户角色的需求,包括管理员、家政服务人员和普通用户,每个角色都有相应的权限和功能。此外,系统还采用了软件组件化、化体系结构、分离逻辑和数据等方法,以便于未来的系统升级和维护。 智能家政保洁预约系统通过提供一个集中的平台,不仅方便了消费者的预约和管理,也为家政服务人员提供了一个展示和推广自己服务的机会。同时,系统的后台管理功能为家政公司提供了强大的数据支持和决策辅助,有助于提高服务质量和管理效率。该系统的设计与实现,标志着家政保洁服务向现代化和网络化的转型,为管理决策和控制提供保障,是行业发展中的重要里程碑。




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