英语词性篇 - 非谓语动词






  • 各种时态(如一般现在时态)
  • 语态(如被动语态)
  • 语气(如虚拟语气)
  1. 不定式

    I advised them {to try this new approach}. 我建议他们尝试这种新方法。(to try 为不定式作宾语补足语。advise 为谓语动词。approach是try的宾语)

  2. 动名词

    Reading his books is very interesting. (reading 为动名词作主语。谓语动词是 is)

  3. 现在分词

    They built a highway (leading to the city). (leading 为现在分词作定语修饰 highway。谓语动词是 built)

    Working hard, you will earn enough money [for retirement]. (working 为现在分词作状语。谓语动词是 earn)

  4. 过去分词

    The injured passengers were taken to the nearest hospital.(injured 为过去分词作定语。take 为谓语动词。)

1. 不定式

不定式和介词短语的区别:不定式是to 跟动词;介词短语是to + n.名词

  • 一种是带to的不定式

    He wants to become a teacher. 他想成为一名教师。

    to become: 不定式作宾语


  • 另一种是不带 to 的不定式

    I can help you {remember that}. 我可以帮助你记住那个。

  1. 一般形式:to do

  2. 完成式: to have done

    He seems to have caught a cold. 他好像感冒了。

    You are lucky to have got tickets to the concert. 你运气好弄到了音乐会的票。

    I am very pleased to have been of help. 能够帮得上忙我很高兴。

  3. 进行式: to be doing

    It’s nice of you to be thinking of us. 难为你想着我们。

    We pretended to be working very hard when he came in. 他进来时我们假装正在努力工作。

    The struggle was known to have been going on for over twenty years. 据悉这个斗争已进行二十多年了。

  4. 一般式的被动形式: to be done

    The date is expected to be announced soon. 估计日期不久就会宣布。

    It’s an honor for me to be asked to speak here. 我受邀在这里讲话,深感荣幸。

    • for me to be asked 为不定式。该不定式采用被动语态。for me 为不定式的逻辑主语。
    • to speak 为不定式,作主语补足语
  5. 完成式的被动形式: to have been done

    It is a good thing for him to have been criticized. 他受到批评是件好事。

    She preferred {to have been given} heavier work (to do). 她宁愿分给她的是更重的工作。

    • preferred 为谓语,采用一般过去时。
    • to have been given 为不定式,作宾语。该不定式采用完成时态和被动语态。
    • heavier形容词修饰work
    • work是非谓语动词given的宾语
    • to do 为不定式,作后置定语修饰work

    He thought it an honor to have been invited to the party. 被邀参加晚会他感到很荣幸。

    • thought 为谓语,采用一般过去时。
    • honor 为名词作宾语补足语(即构成复合宾语)。
    • to have been invited 为不定式,it所指的对象,充当宾语。该不定式采用完成时态和被动语态。
    • to the party:非谓语invited的补足语,说明动作的方向,也可以被认为充当状语

    The book is said to have been translated into many languages. 这书据说已被译成好几种语言。

    He is not likely to have been notified [about it]. 这事多半还没有通知他。

    • is 为系动词作谓语,采用一般现在时。
    • likely 为形容词作表语。
    • to have been notified 为不定式,作状语。该不定式采用完成时态和被动语态。

    She was the first woman to have been elected to such a post. 她是第一个选上这样位置的妇女。

  6. 完成进行式: to have been doing

1. 不定式作主语

To stop the work now seems impossible. 现在停止工作似乎已经不可能。

To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness one can seek. 爱与被爱是一个人所能寻找的最大幸福。

  • 很多时候为了避免头重脚轻的现象, 常以it 作为先行词, 而把不定式移到句子的后部。

    1. it + be + 形容词 + 不定式

      It isn’t right to gossip about others. 说闲话是不对的。

      It is nice not to be dependent on them. 不依靠他们是好的。

    2. it + be + 名词 + 不定式

      It‘s our duty to take good care (of the old). 照顾好老人是我们的义务。care是动词take的宾语

      It was a pity to have to go without her. 她没能一起去真是可惜。

      It is not a good habit to stay up too late. 熬夜到太晚是个不好的习惯。

      Isn’t it a good idea to set up a lab of our own? 建一座我们自己的实验室不是个好主意吗?

    3. it + 动词 + 宾语 + 不定式

      It requires a lot of money to build a house. 建一座房子需要一大笔钱。

      It takes five minutes to walk there. 走到那里需要5分钟。

      It seems a pity to refuse. 拒绝似乎是很遗憾的。

    4. it + be + 介词短语 + 不定式

      It’s beyond me to explain these. 要解释这些我力所不及。

      It’s really beyond my ability to communicate with you. 我确实无法和你交流。

2. 不定式作宾语
  • 不定式作宾语

    He neglected to pay the fee. 他忘记付钱了。

    My mother hates to move from place to place, for she feels tired. 我妈妈讨厌搬来搬去,因为她感到很疲倦。

    She failed to finish the assignment in time, and she was worried about it. 她没有及时完成任务,她对此感到很担心。

    I can’t afford to buy a car. 我买不起小汽车。

    We will arrange to see him tomorrow. 我们将安排明天见他。

    They preferred not to put this on the agenda. 他们宁愿不把这列入议程。

    I am preparing to take the examination on Monday. 我在准备参加礼拜一的考试。


    Regular exercise will help (to) improve your health. 经常进行锻增进健康。

  • 不定式与连接(代)副词连用构成宾语结构

    I hope you’ll advise me what to do. 我希望你给我出主意怎么办好。

    I couldn’t decide which book to choose. 我决定不了选择哪本书。

    Could you please tell me where to park my car? 你可以告诉我哪里可以停车吗?

    Have you decided when to marry? 你决定什么时候结婚了吗?

    He didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry. 他感到啼笑皆非。

    Everyone has his own idea of how to do it. 如何做这件事各人都有不同的看法。

    Marx gave some advice on how to learn a foreign language. 马克思给了些关于如何学习一门外语的建议。

    I’m worrying about what to do next. 我正在担心下一步该怎么办。

  • 有时可以用 it 作形式宾语,而把不定式后置。

    He found it hard to learn maths. 他发现数学很难学。

    Don’t you think it better to translate it this way? 你难道不觉得这样译好些吗?

    I consider it better not to go. 我认为还是不去为好。

    He made it a rule only to speak English in class. 他规定课堂上只能讲英语。

    He regards it as important to help his friends. 他认为帮助朋友是很重要的。

3. 不定式构成复合宾语(宾语补语)
  • 许多动词可有不定式作为复合宾语(宾语补语),即: 动词 + 名词 (代词) + 不定式。

    They preferred her not to go with them. 他们宁愿不跟他们去。

    He wants all of us to make rapid progress. 他希望我们大家都迅速进步。

    I didn’t expect you to arrive here so soon.我没有料到你会来得这么快。

    What do you advise me to do? 你建议我做什么?

    They invited us to go there in the summer. 他们邀请我们夏天去那里。

    Tell him to come here the day after tomorrow. 告诉他后天到这里来。

  • 作为复合宾语的不定式可以是完成形式或进行形式。

    People consider Charles Babbage to have invented the first computer. 人们认为查尔斯·巴贝奇是第一个发明电脑的人。

    We believed it to have been a mistake. 我们相信那曾是个错误。

    The man was later discovered to have been a spy.  后来,发现这个人当过间谍。

    Of course we should like everything to be going smoothly. 当然我们愿意一切都进行得很顺利。

  • 有些动词可跟带有to be 的复合宾语。

    The note reminds me to be careful whatever I do. 这小纸条提醒我做什么事都要谨慎。

    What do you consider to be your greatest achievement? 您认为您最伟大的成就是什么?

    We believe him to be guilty. 我们相信他是有罪的。

    We know him to be a fool. 我们知道他是个笨蛋。

    They find the Chinese people to be happy and cheerful.他们发现中国人都很幸福快乐。

    He declared the rumor to be false. 他宣布传闻是假的。

  • 跟复合宾语的动词有时可用被动语态。

    She will be sent to study abroad. 她将要被送到国外读书。

    Tom was considered to be one of the best students in our class at that time. 那时汤姆被认为是我们班上成绩很好的学生之一。

    Money was also thought to be very important.   钱也被认为是很重要的。

    Mr. Brown is said to have left for Italy last week. 据说布朗先生上个星期去了加拿大。

    They are said to be building another bridge across the river. 据说他们正在这条河上修另一座大桥。

  • 有些动词只跟不带to 的不定式构成复合宾语。

    He saw her fall from the cliff. 他看见她从悬崖上掉下去。

    I felt someone open my door. 我感觉有人开了我的门。

    He notices a thief slip into the house. 他注意到一个小偷溜进了房子。

    I will have the students write a passage about Internet. 我会让学生写一篇关于网络的作文。

    Her parents let her stay out late. 她父母让她在外面呆到很晚。

    What make you think like that? 是什么使你这样想?

    Please listen to me sing the song again.请听我把这首歌再唱一遍。

    Look at the girl dance! 瞧那些女孩跳舞!

    注:动词help 可以跟带to 的不定式作宾语补语,也可以跟不带to的不定式作宾语补足语。但被动时则要加to:

    She sometimes helps her mother (to) wash clothes. 她有时帮她妈妈洗衣服。

    I helped him (to) find his things. 我帮他找东西.

    They were helped to complete the project. 他们得到帮助完成项目。

  • 有些“动词 + 介词”结构后也可跟不定式构成的复合宾语。

    The government calls on the public to fight against piracy. 政府号召大众人民反对盗版。

    We are all longing for the new term to begin. 我们都期待新学期开始。

4. 不定式作定语
  • 不定式可以作后置定语修饰前边的名词

    I have a lot of work to do. 我有很我工作要做。

    He was the first athlete to get to the finishing line. 他是第一个到达终点的选手。

    It’s time to get up! 该起床了!

    He made no attempt to carry it out. 他无意将它付诸实行。

    His anxiety to succeed led him study very hard. 他迫切希望成功,这促使他非常努力地学习。

  • 不定式作定语有时会用到被动形式

    You are invited to a party to be given at 7:00 p. m. Dec. 5. 请你参加将于十二月五日晚上七点举行的晚会。

    Have you got ready for the meeting to be held? 你为即将举行的会议准备好了吗?

    I’m going to the post office. Do you have any letters to be posted? 我要去邮局。你有信要寄吗?

  • 不定式还可以和关系代词which连用作定语

    It was a bad season in which to have outings. 这是一个不适于郊游的季节。

    Allow me one minute in which to change my costumes. 给我一分钟时间来卸装。

    She had a little money in the bank, with which to help her mother. 她在银行有一点存款,用来帮助她的妈妈。

5. 不定式作状语
  • be + 形容词 + 不定式

    He was delighted to see his old friend again. 他再见到他的老朋友感到很高兴。

    She was afraid to go out at night. 她晚上不敢外出。

    Are we likely to arrive in time? 我们能够及时到达吗?

    John was careless to break the cup. 约翰不小心把杯子摔破了。

  • 不定式作状语可以表示目的、原因、结果等。

    A group of young people got together to discuss this question. 一群年轻人聚集在一起讨论这个问题。

    I often read China Daily so as to improve my reading.我常读《中国日报》以提高我的阅读。

    The whole nation was in deep sorrow to learn the death of Lincoln. 听到林肯去逝的消息,全国都沉浸在悲痛之中。

    She tried to kill herself only to be saved.她企图自杀,后来被救了。

  • 不定式可作状语修饰整个句子。

    To begin with,I do not like its color. 首先,我不喜欢它的颜色。

    To tell you the truth,the film was a great disappointment to me. 说实在的,那部影片使我大为失望。

    To make a long story short,we agreed to disagree. 长话短说,我们同意各自保留不同的看法。

    It happened late last century in 1995, to be exact. 事情发生在上个世纪末—准确地说,在1995年。

    To make matters worse, it started to snow when evening came. 更糟糕的是,天黑时天开始下雪了。

  • 此外,在许多句型中也可用不定式作状语。

    He is too excited to sleep.他太激动了,不能入睡。

    Tom kept quiet about the accident so as not to lose his job. 汤姆对事故保持沉默是为了不丢掉他的工作。

    His indifference is such as to make one despair. 他如此冷淡,令人感到绝望。

    Baker can’t have done such a terrible thing as to keep you waiting for so long. 贝克不可能做出这么糟糕的事让你等了这么久。

    Would you be so kind as to carry the luggage for me?你能帮我提一下行李吗?

    People there killed many lions in order to protect the deer. 那里的人们为了保护鹿, 杀掉了许多狮子。

    He was lucky enough to find a seat.他够幸运的,能找到座位。

    He came in quietly in order not to wake the child. 他轻轻地走了进来, 以免吵醒孩子。

6. 不定式作表语

His wish is to buy a luxurious car in the near future. 他的愿望就是在不久的将来买一辆豪华的小车。

To learn a language is to use it. 学语言是为了使用语言。

To see is to believe. 眼见为实。

What impressed him most was to see the great changes that had happened there. 给他印象最深的是看到那里所发生的巨大变化。



不定式的逻辑主语通过在不定式前加上“for/of + 施动者”来表示。

  1. for + 名词(代词) + 不定式

    It’s not good for you to smoke so much. 抽太多的烟对你没好处的。

    How would it be for me to look after the machine? 我来看这台机器怎么样?

    Do you consider it worthwhile for them to make that experiment? 你认为他们做这试验值得吗?

    There are a lot of difficulties for them to overcome. 多困难需要他们克服。

    I stepped aside for her to pass. 我站到一边让她过去。

    This is for you to decide. 这得由你决定。

  2. of + 代词 + 不定式

    It’s very nice of you to help me with my work. 帮我的工作,你真是太好了。

    It was silly of us to do so.我们这样做真是太傻了。

2. 动名词

动名词由动词的 –ing形式构成, 在句中起到名词的作用, 同时具有动词的特征, 可带有自已的宾语和状语。动名词同它的宾语和状语一起称为动名词短语

  1. 一般形式: doing
  2. 完成形式: having done
    • We remembered having seen the film. 我们记得看过这部电影。
    • I forgive him for having hurt me so badly in the past. 我原谅了他过去伤害我这么深。
    • Tony was very unhappy for not having been invited to the party. 没有被邀请去参加聚会,汤尼很不开心。
  3. 一般形式的被动形式: being done
  4. 完成形式的被动形式: having been done
  5. 动名词的否定形式
    • Not doing this is wrong. 不做这个是错误的。
    • He regrets not having taken part in the work. 他后悔没有参加这项工作。




  • Our work is serving the people.我们的工作是为人民服务。(动名词作表语)
  • Her job is looking after patients. 她的工作是照看病人。(动名词作表语)
  • What he said was very encouraging. 他的话很鼓舞人心。(现在分词作表语)
  • The story is frightening. 这个故事使人毛骨悚然。(现在分词作表语)
1. 作主语
  • Reading is an art. 读书是一种艺术。
  • Looking after the patients is a nurse’s job. 照顾病人是护士的职责。
  • Talking mends no holes. 空谈无济于事。


  • It was hard getting on the crowded street car. 上这种拥挤的车真难。
  • It’s nice seeing you here. 在这里见到你很高兴。
  • Isn’t it fun playing with Children? 和孩子一块玩不是很有趣吗?
2. 作表语
  • Our work is serving the people.我们的工作是为人民服务。
  • What I hate most is being laughed at. 我最痛恨的事情就是被人嘲笑。
3. 作宾语
  1. 许多动词可有动名词作宾语
    • You should avoid making the same mistake next time. 你应该避免下次犯同样的错误。
    • They haven’t finished building the dam. 他们还没有建好大坝。
    • Would you mind turning down your radio a little, please? 你介意把收音机的音量调小一点吗?
    • I shall never forget seeing the Great Wall for the first time. 我永远不会忘记第一次看到长城的情景。
    • I regret not following his advice. 我后悔没听他的劝告。
    • Does your suit require pressing, sir? 先生,你的西服需要熨一下吗?
  2. 不少成语动词也可以有动名词作宾语
    • I’m looking forward to hearing from you. 我盼望着收到你的来信。
    • The doctor told me to give up smoking. 医生告诉我要戒烟。
    • You must pay attention to protecting the environment.你要注意保护环境。
    • Shall we have a rest or get down to doing our work? 我们休息呢还是开始干活?
    • Are you used to living there alone? 你一个人在那里生活习惯吗?
  3. 作介词宾语
    • They are thinking of making a new plan for the next term. 他们正在考虑为下学期制定新的计划。
    • We have succeeded [in persuading him to give up his plan]. 我们已经成功了说服他放弃他的计划。
      • succeeded 为谓语,采用现在完成时。
      • persuading 为动名词,作介词宾语。
      • him: 动词persuade的宾语
      • to give 为不定式,作persuade宾语补足语(或称复合宾语)。
      • up: 动词give的补足语
      • his plan: 动词give的宾语
    • She is not afraid of dying. 她不怕死。
    • Thank you so much for inviting me. 非常感谢你邀请我。
    • What about playing football this afternoon? 今天下午踢足球怎么样?
    • On seeing the snake, the girl was very frightened. 一看到那条蛇,小女孩就十分害怕。
    • She kept sitting there without talking to anybody. 她一直坐在那里,默不作声。
    • He should invite his friends [here] instead of going out. 他应该把朋友邀请到这儿来,而不是出去。
    • I have no intention of defending myself. 我无心为自己辩护。
    • People give many different reasons for wanting to change jobs. 人们可以给出各种想换工作的理由。
    • I am writing to say that I am against building a new zoo in our town. 我写信是想说我反对在我们城市建一个新的动物园。


1. 主语前
  • The president’s attending the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragement. 总统亲自出席会议给了他们莫大的鼓励。
    • attending 为动名词,在句中作主语。president 为动名词的逻辑主语。
    • meeting 为动名词,作宾语。
    • gave 为双宾动词作谓语,采用一般过去时。them 为间接宾语,encouragement 为直接宾语。
  • Her not coming back made us much disappointed. 她没有回来让我们很失望。
    • not coming 为动名词否定形式,在句中作主语。her 为动名词的逻辑主语。
    • back为小品副词,用于修饰动词come
    • made 为谓语,采用一般过去时。
    • disappointed 为形容词作宾语补足语(即构成复合宾语)。
  • It seems so strange your going like this. 你这样去显得很奇怪。
2. 宾语前
  • Do you mind my smoking? 你介意我抽烟吗?
  • I can’t understand Jack’s leaving his wife. 杰克要离开他的妻子,我无法理解。
3. 介词宾语前
  • I [strongly] object [to your saying that]. 我强烈反对你说这话。
    • object 为谓语,采用一般现在时。
    • saying 为动名词,作介词宾语。your 为动名词的逻辑主语。
    • that: 动词say的宾语
    • to your saying that:动词object的补足语,也可当作状语。
  • I never dreamt of its hurting you. 我绝没想到它会伤你的心。
4. 在口语中,有时用名词或人称代词宾格表示动名词的逻辑主语。
  • She didn’t mind him leaving home. 她不介意他离开家。
  • I don’t remember my mother complaining about it. 我不记和我母亲曾抱怨此事。
动名词的被动语态(being done)
  • I like being given harder work.我喜欢接受难点的工作
  • Those officers narrowly escaped being killed in the hot battle. 在在激烈的战斗中,那些高级官员侥幸逃脱。
  • We have to prevent the air from being polluted.我们必须阻止空气被污染
  • This question is far from being settled. 问题远远未得到解决。
  • She is proud of being admitted into the university. 她为被大学录取而感到自豪。
  • The student entered the office without being asked. 这个学生没叫他就自己进了办公室。
  • Being laughed at in public made him angry. 公然被嘲笑让他很生气。
3. 现在分词
  • 一般形式: doing
  • 完成形式: having done
  • 一般形式的被动形式: being done
  • 完成形式的被动形式: having been done
1. 构成谓语用于表示进行时态
  • Listen! She is singing an English song. 听!她正在唱英语歌。
  • What were you talking just now? 你们刚才在谈论什么?
  • I have been writing a book recently. 我最近一直在写一本书。
  • They will be meeting us at the station. 他们会在车站上接我们的。
2. 构成不定式的进行形式
  • They are said to be building another bridge across the street. 据说他们正在街道对面修建另一座桥。
  • They seemed to be talking about something important. 他们好像正在谈论一些很重要的事情。
  • When I went to his home, he happened to be traveling around the world. 当我到达他家时,他刚好环游世界去了。
3. 作表语

现在分词作表语时, 其动作意味很弱, 在功能上更接近形容词。不少词已经演化为正式的形容词。

  • What he said was very encouraging. 他的话很鼓舞人心。
  • The flowers look charming after the rain. 雨后的鲜花看上去很漂亮。
  • It was amazing that the boy was able to solve the problem so quickly. 那男孩能这么快解决这个问题真是令人惊奇。
  • It is frightening for her to think of that ghost story. 她想到那个鬼故事就毛骨悚然。
4. 作定语
  1. 作前置定语

    • He is a promising young man. 他是一个有前途的年轻人。
    • This is a pressing question. 这是一个紧迫的问题。
    • There was an embarrassing silence after his joke. 他讲完笑话之后,是一阵令人尴尬的沉默。
    • The story had a satisfying ending. 这故事有一个令人满意的结局。
    • Can you stop the running horse? 你可以阻止那辆正在奔跑的马吗?
    • The sleeping boy is Tom. 正在睡觉的男孩叫汤姆。
  2. 作后置定语, 位于所修饰的名词之后。

    • A little child learning to walk often falls. 学走路的小孩经常跌倒。
    • Did you know the girl dancing with your brother? 你认识和你哥哥跳舞的那个女孩子吗?
    • Who is the woman being operated on? 正在动手术的女人是谁?
    • Three days later I received a letter offering me the job. 三天后我收到了提供我这份工作的信。
    • The freeway being built now will lead to Xigang Seaport. 正在建设的高速公路将直通新港码头。
    • They lived in a room facing the east.   他们住在一间朝东的房间里。
  3. 现在分词作定语时与动名词构成的合成词的区别:


    a flying bird 飞行的鸟
    a swimming boy 正在游泳的男孩
    a sleeping child 熟睡的孩子

    waiting room 候车室
    a swimming suit 泳衣
    a sleeping bag 睡袋

5. 构成复合宾语 (即作宾语补足语)
  1. 动词 + 名(代)词 + 现在分词
    • When we arrived, we found him sleeping. 我们到达时发现他在睡觉。
    • He left me waiting here. 他留下我等在这。
    • Don’t have the students studying all day. 不要让学生整天都在学习。
    • When he awoke,he found himself being looked after by an old woman. 他醒来的时候发现一位老大娘正在照顾他。
    • Soon they could see the steam rising from the wet clothes. 很快他们会看见蒸汽从湿衣服上升起。
    • I imagined myself performing before a clapping audience. 我想象自己在鼓掌的观众面前表演节目。
    • Do you hear someone knocking at the door? 你听到有人正在敲门吗?
    • The missing boy was last seen playing near the river. 那个失踪的男孩最终被人们发现正在河边玩耍。
    • A cook will be fired if he is found smoking in the kitchen. 厨师如果被发现在厨房抽烟将会被开除。
  2. 介词 + 名(代)词 + 现在分词
    • She fell asleep with the light burning. 她睡着了,灯开着。
    • Without anyone noticing, he slipped through the window. 没人注意,他从窗户溜出去了。
    • With the boy leading the way, we quickly found the house. 有男孩带路,我们很快找到那所房间。
    • The English class ended with all students singing an English song. 英语课以全体学生合唱一首英语歌而结束。
6. 作状语
  1. 作状语表目的或伴随动作
    • The six blind men stood there begging for a meal. 六个瞎子站在那儿要饭。
    • A search party went into the cave hoping to find buried treasure. 一个探寻小队进入山洞里,希望可以找到埋藏的宝藏。
      • went 为谓语,采用一般过去时。
      • into the cave:动词went的补足语,也可当作状语
      • hoping 为现在分词,作状语修饰动词went。
      • to find 为不定式,作现在分词hoping的宾语。
      • buried 为过去分词作前置定语
      • treasure:动词find的宾语
    • What are you busy doing these days? 你这些天都在忙些什么?
    • Over 20,000 people were there watching the football match. 有两万多人在那里看足球赛。
  2. 置于句前或句后,与句子常有逗号隔开,表示伴随的动作。
    • He sat in the armchair, reading a newspaper.他坐在扶手椅里读报。
    • The children ran out of the room, laughing and talking merrily. 那些孩子们跑出房间,愉快地笑着、说着。
    • “Can’t you read?” Mary said angrily, pointing to the notice. “你不识字吗?”玛丽指着告示,很生气地说。
    • I stood by the door, not daring to say a word. 我站在门边,一句话都不敢说。
    • Following the guide, they started to climb. 跟随者导游,他们开始了攀爬。
    • Coming into the room, I saw a girl crying. 走进房间,我看到一个女孩正在哭泣。
  3. 作句子状语,说明说话人的看法。
    • Generally speaking, the most important news is on the front page. 一般而言,最重要的新闻都放在头版。
    • Taking everything into account, his decision is not so bad. 把一切考虑在内,他的决定也不算坏。
    • Talking of the football math, do you know which side won? 谈到足球赛,你知道那一边赢了吗?
    • Considering the bad weather, the sports meeting was delayed. 考虑到坏天气的影响,运动会推迟了。
  4. 表原因
    • Being so poor at that time, we couldn’t afford to buy a TV set. 那时我们非常穷,没有钱买电视。
    • Seeing nobody at home, he decided to leave a note. 发现没人在家,他决定留个字条。
    • Not knowing what to do, he went to his parents for help. 由于不知如何办是好,他去找父母帮忙。
    • The doctor, not wishing to make her nervous, didn’t fully explain the seriousness of her condition. 医生为了不使她紧张,没有完全向她讲明病情的严重性。
  5. 表示一个动作一发生,另一个动作随即发生。
    • He went out shutting the door behind him. 他走出去,关上了门。
    • Hearing their teacher’s voice, the pupils stopped talking at once. 一听到教师的声音,学生们立即停止讲话。
  6. 与连词 when 或 while 连用。
    • Don’t be careless when having an exam. 考试时不要粗心。
    • When hearing the news, they all danced for joy. 当听到这个消息的时候,他们都高兴得手舞足蹈。
    • While watching TV in the room, we heard someone knocking at the door. 我们在看电视的时候听到有人在敲门。
    • While waiting there, he saw two pretty girls come out of the building. 在那里等待的时候,他看见两个漂亮的女孩子从楼里走出来。
  7. 表示在做某事过程中, 发生某事或做某事。
    • Walking in the street, I saw him.当我在街上走时,我看到他了。
    • Wandering through the street,he caught sight of a tailor’s shop.逛街时,他看到一家裁缝铺。
  8. 表示结果
    • Her husband died ten years ago,leaving her with three children to look after. 她丈夫十年前去世了,撇下她和三个孩子。
    • Their car was caught in a traffic jam, thus causing the delay. 他们的车遇上交通阻塞,因而耽误了。
    • European football is played in more than 80 countries, making it the most popular sport in the world. 欧式足球在80个国家开展,使得欧式足球成为世界上最受欢迎的体育运动。
4. 过去分词


比如:minced meat 绞肉

The rabbit will eat minced carrot next week.


minced 是不自带时间概念的,而只是表示被绞的这个状态。


通常:“动词原形” + “-ed”


eat - eaten

see - seen

cut - cut

grow - grown

tell - told

  • minced作定语,你可以把这个过去分词看作形容词。通常形容词,比如big,small,smart都是加在名词前的

    a big carrot.
    a small room.
    a smart rabbit.
    a minced carrot. 一根绞碎的胡萝卜
    a painted room. 一个漆过了的房间
    an excited rabbit. 一只激动的兔子


The carrot cake eaten by the rabbit is delicious.
The rabbit is interested in growing carrots.
sb. is interested(过去分词) in doing sth. 有着过去分词的主系表结构,而且这里还有个动名词。

The story is interesting(主动).故事很有趣。暗含的意义是故事让人感到有趣。
The rabbit is interested(被动).兔子很有趣。暗含的意义是,兔子被某物引起了兴趣。
The rabbit was frightened.兔子感到害怕,说明是被动的。被某事吓到了,所以要用过去分词。
The rabbit was frightening.兔子令人感到害怕

I am interested.是被动,表示我被某人/某物引起了兴趣。
I am interesting.是主动,表示我引起了某人的兴趣。


The rabbit found his carrot stolen.




  1. 表地点:

Seen from the hill, the carrot field looks beautiful.

主语carrot field是seen的逻辑主语。它们之间是一种被动的关系,所以使用过去分词。


Seeing the carrot field, the rabbit ran towards it.


  1. 表原因:

Born in a rabbit family, the rabbit has been growing carrots all his life.


  1. 表条件:

Given another chance, the rabbit would go to the wolf’s party.



  1. 独立主格

The work finished, the rabbit went home.(简单句)


开头有一个the work,所以finished并不是在描述后面的rabbit,而是在描述the work.所以这句话实际上相当于并列句:

The work was finished, and/so the rabbit went home.


After the works was finished, the rabbit went home.


The weather permitting, the rabbit will go out.


相当于:If the weather permits, the rabbit will go out.


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SQLAlchemy 是一个 SQL 工具包和对象关系映射(ORM)库,用于 Python 编程语言。它提供了一个高级的 SQL 工具和对象关系映射工具,允许开发者以 Python 类和对象的形式操作数据库,而无需编写大量的 SQL 语句。SQLAlchemy 建立在 DBAPI 之上,支持多种数据库后端,如 SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL 等。 SQLAlchemy 的核心功能: 对象关系映射(ORM): SQLAlchemy 允许开发者使用 Python 类来表示数据库表,使用类的实例表示表中的行。 开发者可以定义类之间的关系(如一对多、多对多),SQLAlchemy 会自动处理这些关系在数据库中的映射。 通过 ORM,开发者可以像操作 Python 对象一样操作数据库,这大大简化了数据库操作的复杂性。 表达式语言: SQLAlchemy 提供了一个丰富的 SQL 表达式语言,允许开发者以 Python 表达式的方式编写复杂的 SQL 查询。 表达式语言提供了对 SQL 语句的灵活控制,同时保持了代码的可读性和可维护性。 数据库引擎和连接池: SQLAlchemy 支持多种数据库后端,并且为每种后端提供了对应的数据库引擎。 它还提供了连接池管理功能,以优化数据库连接的创建、使用和释放。 会话管理: SQLAlchemy 使用会话(Session)来管理对象的持久化状态。 会话提供了一个工作单元(unit of work)和身份映射(identity map)的概念,使得对象的状态管理和查询更加高效。 事件系统: SQLAlchemy 提供了一个事件系统,允许开发者在 ORM 的各个生命周期阶段插入自定义的钩子函数。 这使得开发者可以在对象加载、修改、删除等操作时执行额外的逻辑。
SQLAlchemy 是一个 SQL 工具包和对象关系映射(ORM)库,用于 Python 编程语言。它提供了一个高级的 SQL 工具和对象关系映射工具,允许开发者以 Python 类和对象的形式操作数据库,而无需编写大量的 SQL 语句。SQLAlchemy 建立在 DBAPI 之上,支持多种数据库后端,如 SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL 等。 SQLAlchemy 的核心功能: 对象关系映射(ORM): SQLAlchemy 允许开发者使用 Python 类来表示数据库表,使用类的实例表示表中的行。 开发者可以定义类之间的关系(如一对多、多对多),SQLAlchemy 会自动处理这些关系在数据库中的映射。 通过 ORM,开发者可以像操作 Python 对象一样操作数据库,这大大简化了数据库操作的复杂性。 表达式语言: SQLAlchemy 提供了一个丰富的 SQL 表达式语言,允许开发者以 Python 表达式的方式编写复杂的 SQL 查询。 表达式语言提供了对 SQL 语句的灵活控制,同时保持了代码的可读性和可维护性。 数据库引擎和连接池: SQLAlchemy 支持多种数据库后端,并且为每种后端提供了对应的数据库引擎。 它还提供了连接池管理功能,以优化数据库连接的创建、使用和释放。 会话管理: SQLAlchemy 使用会话(Session)来管理对象的持久化状态。 会话提供了一个工作单元(unit of work)和身份映射(identity map)的概念,使得对象的状态管理和查询更加高效。 事件系统: SQLAlchemy 提供了一个事件系统,允许开发者在 ORM 的各个生命周期阶段插入自定义的钩子函数。 这使得开发者可以在对象加载、修改、删除等操作时执行额外的逻辑。
GeoPandas是一个开源的Python库,旨在简化地理空间数据的处理和分析。它结合了Pandas和Shapely的能力,为Python用户提供了一个强大而灵活的工具来处理地理空间数据。以下是关于GeoPandas的详细介绍: 一、GeoPandas的基本概念 1. 定义 GeoPandas是建立在Pandas和Shapely之上的一个Python库,用于处理和分析地理空间数据。 它扩展了Pandas的DataFrame和Series数据结构,允许在其中存储和操作地理空间几何图形。 2. 核心数据结构 GeoDataFrame:GeoPandas的核心数据结构,是Pandas DataFrame的扩展。它包含一个或多个列,其中至少一列是几何列(geometry column),用于存储地理空间几何图形(如点、线、多边形等)。 GeoSeries:GeoPandas中的另一个重要数据结构,类似于Pandas的Series,但用于存储几何图形序列。 二、GeoPandas的功能特性 1. 读取和写入多种地理空间数据格式 GeoPandas支持读取和写入多种常见的地理空间数据格式,包括Shapefile、GeoJSON、PostGIS、KML等。这使得用户可以轻松地从各种数据源中加载地理空间数据,并将处理后的数据保存为所需的格式。 2. 地理空间几何图形的创建、编辑和分析 GeoPandas允许用户创建、编辑和分析地理空间几何图形,包括点、线、多边形等。它提供了丰富的空间操作函数,如缓冲区分析、交集、并集、差集等,使得用户可以方便地进行地理空间数据分析。 3. 数据可视化 GeoPandas内置了数据可视化功能,可以绘制地理空间数据的地图。用户可以使用matplotlib等库来进一步定制地图的样式和布局。 4. 空间连接和空间索引 GeoPandas支持空间连接操作,可以将两个GeoDataFrame按照空间关系(如相交、包含等)进行连接。此外,它还支持空间索引,可以提高地理空间数据查询的效率。




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