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原创 3ds Max Exporter------Skin Bone Animation
//Frist processing bone weightsBOOL ProcessingBoneWeights(INode* pNode,INode* pRoot,BoneData* BD){ if((!pNode)||(!IsMesh(pNode))) return FALSE; Modifier* pmf=GetPhysiqueMod(pNode); if(pmf) GetPhysiq
2005-02-04 11:48:00 2099
原创 3ds Max Exporter------Mesh
Prepare:1. 3D Studio MAX Plugin AppWizard can be found in the directory /3dsmax5/maxsdk/Help/SDKAPWZ2. Copy SDKAPWZ.awx file into Visual Studio directory, e.g. C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio
2005-02-01 11:40:00 3546
原创 So You Want To Enter The Game Industry?
So You Want To Enter The Game Industry?Author: Ben "Digiben" Humphrey Ever since I was a boy I wanted to make games. To be more precise, ever since I gathered around the Nintendo Entertainment Sy
2004-07-04 22:48:00 2534
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