VC++2005 SRC里面的源代码:
// 27.4.5, manipulators:ios_base& boolalpha (ios_base& str);ios_base& noboolalpha(ios_base& str);ios_base& showbase (ios_base& str);ios_base& noshowbase (ios_base& str);ios_base& showpoint (ios_base& str);ios_base& noshowpoint(ios_base& str);ios_base& showpos (ios_base& str);ios_base& noshowpos (ios_base& str);ios_base& skipws (ios_base& str);ios_base& noskipws (ios_base& str);ios_base& uppercase (ios_base& str);ios_base& nouppercase(ios_base& str);ios_base& unitbuf (ios_base& str);ios_base& nounitbuf (ios_base& str);// adjustfield:ios_base& internal (ios_base& str);ios_base& left (ios_base& str);ios_base& right (ios_base& str);// basefield:ios_base& dec (ios_base& str);ios_base& hex (ios_base& str);ios_base& oct (ios_base& str);// floatfield:ios_base& fixed (ios_base& str);ios_base& scientific (ios_base& str);
_Myt& __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator<<(ios_base& (__cdecl *_Pfn)(ios_base&))
{ // call ios_base manipulator
(*_Pfn)(*(ios_base *)this);
return (*this);
fmtflags __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL setf(fmtflags _Newfmtflags)
{ // merge in format flags argument
ios_base::fmtflags _Oldfmtflags = _Fmtfl;
_Fmtfl = (fmtflags)((int)_Fmtfl
| (int)_Newfmtflags & (int)_Fmtmask);
return (_Oldfmtflags);
#define _IOSskipws 0x0001
#define _IOSunitbuf 0x0002
#define _IOSuppercase 0x0004
#define _IOSshowbase 0x0008
#define _IOSshowpoint 0x0010
#define _IOSshowpos 0x0020
#define _IOSleft 0x0040
#define _IOSright 0x0080
#define _IOSinternal 0x0100
#define _IOSdec 0x0200
#define _IOSoct 0x0400
#define _IOShex 0x0800
#define _IOSscientific 0x1000
#define _IOSfixed 0x2000
#define _IOShexfloat 0x3000 /* added with C99 */
#define _IOSboolalpha 0x4000
#define _IOS_Stdio 0x8000
#define _IOS_Nocreate 0x40
#define _IOS_Noreplace 0x80
#define _IOSbinary 0x20
template<class _Dummy>
class _Iosb
{ // define templatized bitmask/enumerated types, instantiate on demand
enum _Dummy_enum {_Dummy_enum_val = 1}; // don't ask
enum _Fmtflags
{ // constants for formatting options
_Fmtmask = 0xffff, _Fmtzero = 0};
static const _Fmtflags skipws = (_Fmtflags)_IOSskipws;
static const _Fmtflags unitbuf = (_Fmtflags)_IOSunitbuf;
static const _Fmtflags uppercase = (_Fmtflags)_IOSuppercase;
static const _Fmtflags showbase = (_Fmtflags)_IOSshowbase;
static const _Fmtflags showpoint = (_Fmtflags)_IOSshowpoint;
static const _Fmtflags showpos = (_Fmtflags)_IOSshowpos;
static const _Fmtflags left = (_Fmtflags)_IOSleft;
static const _Fmtflags right = (_Fmtflags)_IOSright;
static const _Fmtflags internal = (_Fmtflags)_IOSinternal;
static const _Fmtflags dec = (_Fmtflags)_IOSdec;
static const _Fmtflags oct = (_Fmtflags)_IOSoct;
static const _Fmtflags hex = (_Fmtflags)_IOShex;
static const _Fmtflags scientific = (_Fmtflags)_IOSscientific;
static const _Fmtflags fixed = (_Fmtflags)_IOSfixed;
static const _Fmtflags boolalpha = (_Fmtflags)_IOSboolalpha;
static const _Fmtflags _Stdio = (_Fmtflags)_IOS_Stdio;
static const _Fmtflags adjustfield = (_Fmtflags)(_IOSleft
| _IOSright | _IOSinternal);
static const _Fmtflags basefield = (_Fmtflags)(_IOSdec
| _IOSoct | _IOShex);
static const _Fmtflags floatfield = (_Fmtflags)(_IOSscientific
| _IOSfixed);
enum _Iostate
{ // constants for stream states
_Statmask = 0x17};
static const _Iostate goodbit = (_Iostate)0x0;
static const _Iostate eofbit = (_Iostate)0x1;
static const _Iostate failbit = (_Iostate)0x2;
static const _Iostate badbit = (_Iostate)0x4;
static const _Iostate _Hardfail = (_Iostate)0x10;
enum _Openmode
{ // constants for file opening options
_Openmask = 0xff};
static const _Openmode in = (_Openmode)0x01;
static const _Openmode out = (_Openmode)0x02;
static const _Openmode ate = (_Openmode)0x04;
static const _Openmode app = (_Openmode)0x08;
static const _Openmode trunc = (_Openmode)0x10;
static const _Openmode _Nocreate = (_Openmode)_IOS_Nocreate;
static const _Openmode _Noreplace = (_Openmode)_IOS_Noreplace;
static const _Openmode binary = (_Openmode)_IOSbinary;
enum _Seekdir
{ // constants for file positioning options
_Seekmask = 0x3};
static const _Seekdir beg = (_Seekdir)0;
static const _Seekdir cur = (_Seekdir)1;
static const _Seekdir end = (_Seekdir)2;
{ // constant for default file opening protection
_Openprot = _SH_DENYNO};
typedef T1 fmtflags;static const fmtflags boolalpha;static const fmtflags dec;static const fmtflags fixed;static const fmtflags hex;static const fmtflags internal;static const fmtflags left;static const fmtflags oct;static const fmtflags right;static const fmtflags scientific;static const fmtflags showbase;static const fmtflags showpoint;static const fmtflags showpos;static const fmtflags skipws;static const fmtflags unitbuf;static const fmtflags uppercase;static const fmtflags adjustfield;static const fmtflags basefield;static const fmtflags floatfield;typedef T2 iostate;static const iostate badbit;static const iostate eofbit;static const iostate failbit;static const iostate goodbit;typedef T3 openmode;static const openmode app;static const openmode ate;static const openmode binary;static const openmode in;static const openmode out;static const openmode trunc;typedef T4 seekdir;static const seekdir beg;static const seekdir cur;static const seekdir end;
// 27.4.5, manipulators:ios_base& boolalpha (ios_base& str);ios_base& noboolalpha(ios_base& str);ios_base& showbase (ios_base& str);ios_base& noshowbase (ios_base& str);ios_base& showpoint (ios_base& str);ios_base& noshowpoint(ios_base& str);ios_base& showpos (ios_base& str);ios_base& noshowpos (ios_base& str);ios_base& skipws (ios_base& str);ios_base& noskipws (ios_base& str);ios_base& uppercase (ios_base& str);ios_base& nouppercase(ios_base& str);ios_base& unitbuf (ios_base& str);ios_base& nounitbuf (ios_base& str);// adjustfield:ios_base& internal (ios_base& str);ios_base& left (ios_base& str);ios_base& right (ios_base& str);// basefield:ios_base& dec (ios_base& str);ios_base& hex (ios_base& str);ios_base& oct (ios_base& str);// floatfield:ios_base& fixed (ios_base& str);ios_base& scientific (ios_base& str);
_Myt& __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator<<(ios_base& (__cdecl *_Pfn)(ios_base&))
{ // call ios_base manipulator
(*_Pfn)(*(ios_base *)this);
return (*this);
fmtflags __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL setf(fmtflags _Newfmtflags)
{ // merge in format flags argument
ios_base::fmtflags _Oldfmtflags = _Fmtfl;
_Fmtfl = (fmtflags)((int)_Fmtfl
| (int)_Newfmtflags & (int)_Fmtmask);
return (_Oldfmtflags);
#define _IOSskipws 0x0001
#define _IOSunitbuf 0x0002
#define _IOSuppercase 0x0004
#define _IOSshowbase 0x0008
#define _IOSshowpoint 0x0010
#define _IOSshowpos 0x0020
#define _IOSleft 0x0040
#define _IOSright 0x0080
#define _IOSinternal 0x0100
#define _IOSdec 0x0200
#define _IOSoct 0x0400
#define _IOShex 0x0800
#define _IOSscientific 0x1000
#define _IOSfixed 0x2000
#define _IOShexfloat 0x3000 /* added with C99 */
#define _IOSboolalpha 0x4000
#define _IOS_Stdio 0x8000
#define _IOS_Nocreate 0x40
#define _IOS_Noreplace 0x80
#define _IOSbinary 0x20
template<class _Dummy>
class _Iosb
{ // define templatized bitmask/enumerated types, instantiate on demand
enum _Dummy_enum {_Dummy_enum_val = 1}; // don't ask
enum _Fmtflags
{ // constants for formatting options
_Fmtmask = 0xffff, _Fmtzero = 0};
static const _Fmtflags skipws = (_Fmtflags)_IOSskipws;
static const _Fmtflags unitbuf = (_Fmtflags)_IOSunitbuf;
static const _Fmtflags uppercase = (_Fmtflags)_IOSuppercase;
static const _Fmtflags showbase = (_Fmtflags)_IOSshowbase;
static const _Fmtflags showpoint = (_Fmtflags)_IOSshowpoint;
static const _Fmtflags showpos = (_Fmtflags)_IOSshowpos;
static const _Fmtflags left = (_Fmtflags)_IOSleft;
static const _Fmtflags right = (_Fmtflags)_IOSright;
static const _Fmtflags internal = (_Fmtflags)_IOSinternal;
static const _Fmtflags dec = (_Fmtflags)_IOSdec;
static const _Fmtflags oct = (_Fmtflags)_IOSoct;
static const _Fmtflags hex = (_Fmtflags)_IOShex;
static const _Fmtflags scientific = (_Fmtflags)_IOSscientific;
static const _Fmtflags fixed = (_Fmtflags)_IOSfixed;
static const _Fmtflags boolalpha = (_Fmtflags)_IOSboolalpha;
static const _Fmtflags _Stdio = (_Fmtflags)_IOS_Stdio;
static const _Fmtflags adjustfield = (_Fmtflags)(_IOSleft
| _IOSright | _IOSinternal);
static const _Fmtflags basefield = (_Fmtflags)(_IOSdec
| _IOSoct | _IOShex);
static const _Fmtflags floatfield = (_Fmtflags)(_IOSscientific
| _IOSfixed);
enum _Iostate
{ // constants for stream states
_Statmask = 0x17};
static const _Iostate goodbit = (_Iostate)0x0;
static const _Iostate eofbit = (_Iostate)0x1;
static const _Iostate failbit = (_Iostate)0x2;
static const _Iostate badbit = (_Iostate)0x4;
static const _Iostate _Hardfail = (_Iostate)0x10;
enum _Openmode
{ // constants for file opening options
_Openmask = 0xff};
static const _Openmode in = (_Openmode)0x01;
static const _Openmode out = (_Openmode)0x02;
static const _Openmode ate = (_Openmode)0x04;
static const _Openmode app = (_Openmode)0x08;
static const _Openmode trunc = (_Openmode)0x10;
static const _Openmode _Nocreate = (_Openmode)_IOS_Nocreate;
static const _Openmode _Noreplace = (_Openmode)_IOS_Noreplace;
static const _Openmode binary = (_Openmode)_IOSbinary;
enum _Seekdir
{ // constants for file positioning options
_Seekmask = 0x3};
static const _Seekdir beg = (_Seekdir)0;
static const _Seekdir cur = (_Seekdir)1;
static const _Seekdir end = (_Seekdir)2;
{ // constant for default file opening protection
_Openprot = _SH_DENYNO};
typedef T1 fmtflags;static const fmtflags boolalpha;static const fmtflags dec;static const fmtflags fixed;static const fmtflags hex;static const fmtflags internal;static const fmtflags left;static const fmtflags oct;static const fmtflags right;static const fmtflags scientific;static const fmtflags showbase;static const fmtflags showpoint;static const fmtflags showpos;static const fmtflags skipws;static const fmtflags unitbuf;static const fmtflags uppercase;static const fmtflags adjustfield;static const fmtflags basefield;static const fmtflags floatfield;typedef T2 iostate;static const iostate badbit;static const iostate eofbit;static const iostate failbit;static const iostate goodbit;typedef T3 openmode;static const openmode app;static const openmode ate;static const openmode binary;static const openmode in;static const openmode out;static const openmode trunc;typedef T4 seekdir;static const seekdir beg;static const seekdir cur;static const seekdir end;