How to install SpagoBI on a Ubuntu server and use only PostgreSQL, without the demo database

How to install SpagoBI on a Ubuntu server and use only PostgreSQL, without the demo database

This title is pretty long, uh? So, I recently worked on installing this tool (which actually does not need an installation, whatever..) and set it up without its demo database, using therefore a different database: PostgreSQL. Check it out ;).

We need to install Java, I tried both Java7 and Java8 and both version works well. Haven’t had the ability to make more tests on which version to prefer, so I decided to go for Java8.

I’m using the folder /opt to store the working-directoy of SpagoBI:

cd /opt 
wget http: //download /spagobi/postgres-dbscripts-5 
wget http: //download /spagobi/All-In-One-SpagoBI-5

At the moment I am writing this, 24.05.2017, both versions are at their latest release. I’d suggest to check them before downloading.

When the download ends, unzip both the folder:


If you don’t have unzip install: apt-get install unzip

I prefer to rename the working directory of SpagoBI into something more easy to manage, and add executable permissions to the script file inside bin:

mv All-In-One-SpagoBI-5.2.0_24032016 spagobi 
cd spagobi
chmod +x bin/*.sh

To get rid of the demo database, this command below is needed but unfortunately not enough, we will see later how to not load the demo db, for now:

vi bin /SpagoBiStartup .sh
[ And comment (or oremove) ]
cd .. /database 
. /start .sh &

I’d delete now the database folder:

rm -rf database

And edit the properties of, to setup the ram size of SpagoBI in Tomcat:

vi bin /catalina .sh
[ And add at the end of the commented section ] 
JAVA_OPTS= "$JAVA_OPTS -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m"

If you’re using Java7, then use this:

JAVA_OPTS= "$JAVA_OPTS -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m -XX:PermSize=512m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m"

At least, 2GB. I did some tests on a VM with 512MB ram and increased until 3,5GB, and with the VM’s ram I was increasing the Java_VM’s ram for Tomcat, until I was able to start SpagoBI. Do NOT give 1GB. 2GB is the minimum.

Edit the server.xml now, but best if you take a backup of the file:

cp conf /server .xml conf /server .xml.original
vi conf /server .xml

There are many rows to edit in this file.
The simplest is to delete ALL the section and use this that comes directly from my server:

   <Environment name= "spagobi_resource_path" type = "java.lang.String" value= "${catalina.base}/resources" />
   <Environment name= "spagobi_sso_class" type = "java.lang.String" value= "" />
   <Environment name= "spagobi_service_url" type = "java.lang.String" value= "" />  
   <Environment name= "spagobi_host_url" type = "java.lang.String" value= "" />
   <Resource name= "jdbc/spagobi" auth= "Container" 
             type = "javax.sql.DataSource" 
             driverClassName= "org.postgresql.Driver" 
             url= "jdbc:postgresql://" 
             username= "postgres" 
             password= "myPassword" />
< /GlobalNamingResources >

Just after GlobalNamingResources, starts the Service section.
Again, use mine. It is exactly the same you find in your server.xml but clean from comments. Use your server’s IP once again.

<Service name= "Catalina" >
   <Connector port= "8080" protocol= "HTTP/1.1"
              connectionTimeout= "20000"
              redirectPort= "8443"
                          URIEncoding= "UTF-8"
   <Connector port= "8009" URIEncoding= "UTF-8" protocol= "AJP/1.3" redirectPort= "8443" />
   <Engine name= "Catalina" defaultHost= "" >
     <Realm className= "org.apache.catalina.realm.LockOutRealm" >
       <Realm className= "org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm"
              resourceName= "UserDatabase" />
     < /Realm >
     <Host name= ""  appBase= "webapps"
           unpackWARs= "true" autoDeploy= "true" >
       <Valve className= "org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve" directory= "logs"
              prefix= "localhost_access_log." suffix= ".txt"
              pattern= "%h %l %u %t &quot;%r&quot; %s %b" />
     < /Host >
   < /Engine >
< /Service >

In the same folder, conf, there is another file to edit: context.xml.
These are settings that are applied to every engine inside webapps folder, every engine have its own, this is the general.

You can make a backup of the original and wipe its content, because I’m going to paste here the content you’ll want to use:

cp conf /context .xml conf /context .xml.original
>conf /context .xml
vi conf /context .xml

The content of the file is:

<?xml version= '1.0' encoding= 'utf-8' ?>
<Context docBase= "SpagoBIProject" path= "/opt/spagobi" privileged= "true" reloadable= "true" source ="org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.server:SpagoBIProject
    <ResourceLink global= "jdbc/spagobi" name= "jdbc/spagobi" type = "javax.sql.DataSource" />    
    <ResourceLink global= "spagobi_resource_path" name= "spagobi_resource_path" type = "java.lang.String" />    
    <ResourceLink global= "spagobi_sso_class" name= "spagobi_sso_class" type = "java.lang.String" />    
    <ResourceLink global= "spagobi_host_url" name= "spagobi_host_url" type = "java.lang.String" />
     <!-- Default set of monitored resources -->
     <WatchedResource>WEB-INF /web .xml< /WatchedResource >
     <!-- Uncomment this to disable session persistence across Tomcat restarts -->
     <Manager pathname= "" />
< /Context >

Now that both the file in conf directory are updated, there are 3 more in another location: /opt/spagobi/webapps/SpagoBI/WEB-INF/classes/.


Basically, the only thing to edit in these file is the string that says to which database to connect to. We are going to use PostgreSQL.

vi /opt/spagobi/webapps/SpagoBI/WEB-INF/classes/hibernate .cfg.xml
[ find , in the very first lines of the file ]
<property name= "hibernate.dialect" >org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect< /property >
[ and replace with ]
<property name= "hibernate.dialect" >org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect< /property >

Which is inside the commented section with all the strings for every database.

Do the same for the file jbpm.hibernate.cfg. instead, is a bit different. One may chose to not use this file, it is used for Twitter and other social (I honestly do not know how one would use it). But…

vi /opt/spagobi/webapps/SpagoBI/WEB-INF/classes/quartz .properties
[ modify the section START JOB STORE into using this ]
#-------------- START JOB STORE --------------------------------------------
#org.quartz.jobStore.class = org.quartz.simpl.RAMJobStore
org.quartz.jobStore.class = org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreTX
org.quartz.dataSource.quartz.jndiURL=java:comp /env/jdbc/spagobi
org.quartz.dataSource.quartz.driver = org.postgresql.Driver
org.quartz.dataSource.quartz.URL = jdbc:postgresql: //192 .168.0.100:5432 /spagobi
org.quartz.dataSource.quartz.user = postgres
org.quartz.dataSource.quartz.password = myPassword
org.quartz.dataSource.quartz.maxConnections = 5
[ then , comment this row ]
# Hsqldb delegate class
# org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass=org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.HSQLDBDelegate
[ and uncomment the one for PostgreSQL ]
# Postgres delegate class

Almost ready, we now need to create the Postgres database!
Log in as postgres user:

su - postgres

And run these command to create the database, then exit from psql and run a SQL from a text file to update the DB:


It will print something similar to:
psql (9.3.16)
Type “help” for help.

So, create this database:

create database spagobi;

And exit from psql mode using \q and ENTER

[ Run as postgres user ]
psql -d spagobi -a -f /opt/postgres/PG_create .sql 
psql -d spagobi -a -f /opt/postgres/PG_create_quartz_schema .sql

How to install Postgres, configure, secure […] is out of this document. I suppose you have Postgres installed already.

Everything done! .. more or less. To start SpagoBI, you need to run:

cd /opt/spagobi/bin
. /SpagoBIStartup .sh

Note that this won’t let the application start when the system start. There are quite a few results if you use Google, I let this task up to your preferences.

I suggest to give your server at least 4GB of ram and 4 cores.
What I noticed, is that the script won’t quit the application and release the ram, I have to use

ps aux | grep javac
[ find the PID ]
kill PID

ABSOLUTELY BARBARIC! Haven’t yet find interest into fixing this.

This entry was posted in Personal works by Juri. Bookmark the permalink.


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