DrawTools(画图工具) From CodeProject



DrawTools sample shows how to create a Windows Forms application for drawing graphic objects in a Windows client area using mouse and drawing tools. Drawing tools implemented in this sample are: Rectangle, Ellipse, Line, and Pencil. There are well-known techniques for creating such type of applications, like: interaction with mouse, flicker-free drawing, implementing of drawing and selection tools, objects selection, managing of objects Z-order etc. MFC developers may learn all this stuff from MFC sample DRAWCLI. DrawTools C# program reproduces some of DRAWCLI functionality and uses some design decisions from this sample.



DrawTools solution contains two projects: DrawTools Windows Forms application and DocToolkit Class Library. DrawTools implements specific application stuff, and DocToolkit contains some standard classes for file managing.

Main features of the DrawTools solution are described below.


以下描述了DrawTools 解决方案的主要特点:

  • DrawArea - user control which fills main application window client area. Contains instance of the GraphicsList class. Draws graphic objects, handles mouse input passing commands to GraphicsList.
  • GraphicsList - list of graphic objects. Contains ArrayList of graphic objects. Talks with each graphic object by generic way using DrawObject methods.
  • DrawObject - abstract base class for all graphic objects.
  • DrawRectangle - rectangle graphic object.
  • DrawEllipise - ellipse graphic object.
  • DrawLine - line graphic object.
  • DrawPolygon - polygon graphic object.
  • Tool - abstract base class for all drawing tools.
  • ToolPointer - pointer tool (neutral tool). Contains implementation for selection, moving, resizing of graphic objects.
  • ToolObject - abstract base class for all tools which create new graphic object.
  • ToolRectangle - rectangle tool.
  • ToolEllipse - ellipse tool.
  • ToolLine - line tool.
  • ToolPolygon - polygon tool.


  • DrawArea用来填充主程序在窗体上可用区域的用户控件。包括GraphicsList 类的实例。绘制图形对象, 处理鼠标输入,把(鼠标)命令传给GraphicsList
  • GraphicsList图形对象的列表。包括图形对象的ArrayList。通过使用DrawObject类中的方法与其他图形对象通讯
  • DrawObject所有图形对象的抽象基类。
  • DrawRectangle矩形图形对象。
  • DrawEllipise椭圆形图形对象。
  • DrawLine直线图形对象。
  • DrawPolygon多边形图形对象。
  • Tool所有画图工具的抽象基类。
  • ToolPointer箭头工具 (中性工具)。包含选择,移动,改变图形对象大小的实现。
  • ToolObject所有工具的抽象基类,用来创建新的图形对象。ToolRectangle矩形工具。
  • ToolEllipse椭圆形工具。
  • ToolLine直线工具。
  • ToolPolygon多边形工具。

DocToolkit Library

DocToolkit Library contains set of classes which may be used for creation of document-centric Windows Forms applications. Instances of classes exported from the DocToolkit Library are kept in the main form of the DrawTools project and used for general file-related operations.

DocToolkit 类库


  • DocManager class: Makes file-related operations: open, new, save, updating of the form title, registering of file type for Windows Shell. Built using the article Creating Document-Centric Applications in Windows Forms by Chris Sells.
  • DragDropManager class: Allows to open files dropped from Windows Explorer in Windows Form application.
  • MruManager class: Manages Most Recently Used Files list.
  • PersistWindowState class: Allows to keep last window state in the Registry and restore it when form is loaded. Source: Saving and Restoring the Location, Size and Windows State of a .NET Form By Joel Matthias.


  • DocManager : 处理文件操作:打开,新建,保存,更新窗体标题,为Windows Shell注册文件类型。创建这个类引用了Chris Sells 的文章 Creating Document-Centric Applications in Windows Forms
  • DragDropManager : 在Windows Form应用程序中允许你通过拖拽的方式从浏览器(文件浏览器)中打开文件。
  • MruManager : 管理大多数最近使用的文件列表。
  • PersistWindowState : 允许你把最近一次的窗口状态保存到注册表 ,在窗体载入的时候重新获得。来源: Saving and Restoring the Location, Size and Windows State of a .NET Form By Joel Matthias.


Handling of Windows controls state at application idle time

Every Windows Forms application has a number of controls like menu items, buttons, toolbar buttons etc. Depending on current situation and user commands, these controls may have different states: enabled/disabled, checked/unchecked, visible/invisible etc. Every user action may change this state. Setting of controls' state in every message handler may be error-prone. Instead of this, it is better to manage controls' state in some function which is called after every user action. MFC has the great ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI feature which allows to update toolbar buttons' state at application idle time. Such a feature may be implemented also in .NET programs.


每一个Windows窗体应用程序都会有许多控件,比如说菜单项,按钮,工具栏按钮等等。根据当前状态和用户的命令,这些控件可能有不同的状态:enabled/disabledchecked/unchecked, visible/invisible 等等。用户的每一个操作可能改变这些状态。在每一个消息句柄中改变控件的状态可能导致错误。取而代之的方法是,在用户每一个操作后调用一些函数,在这些函数中管理控件的状态。MFC有一个很好的特性叫ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI它允许在应用程序的空闲时间更新工具栏按钮的状态。这个特性也可以在.NET程序中实现。

Consider the situation when user clicks the Rectangle toolbar button. This button should be checked, and previously active tool should be unchecked. Rectangle button message handler doesn't change form controls' state, it just keeps current selection in some variable. Idle message handler selects active tool and unselects inactive tool.


private   void  Form1_Load( object  sender, System.EventArgs e)
// Submit to Idle event to set controls state at idle time
    Application.Idle += new EventHandler(Application_Idle);

private   void  Application_Idle( object  sender, EventArgs e)

public   void  SetStateOfControls()
// Select active tool
    tbPointer.Pushed = (drawArea.ActiveTool == DrawArea.DrawToolType.Pointer);
= (drawArea.ActiveTool == DrawArea.DrawToolType.Rectangle);
= (drawArea.ActiveTool == DrawArea.DrawToolType.Ellipse);
= (drawArea.ActiveTool == DrawArea.DrawToolType.Line);
= (drawArea.ActiveTool == DrawArea.DrawToolType.Polygon);

== DrawArea.DrawToolType.Pointer);
== DrawArea.DrawToolType.Rectangle);
== DrawArea.DrawToolType.Ellipse);
= (drawArea.ActiveTool == DrawArea.DrawToolType.Line);
== DrawArea.DrawToolType.Polygon);


//  Rectangle tool is selected
private   void  CommandRectangle()
= DrawArea.DrawToolType.Rectangle;

Hit Test

DrawObject class has virtual HitTest function which detects whether point belongs to graphic object:

Hit Test

DrawObject 类有一个叫HitTest的虚拟函数,用来侦测是否Point属于图形对象。

public   virtual   int  HitTest(Point point)
return -1;

Derived classes use virtual PointInObject to make hit test. This function is called from HitTest. DrawRectangle class implements this function by a simple way:



protected   override   bool  PointInObject(Point point)
return rectangle.Contains(point);
// rectangle is class member of type Rectangle

DrawLine implementation of this function is more complicated:


protected   override   bool  PointInObject(Point point)
    GraphicsPath areaPath;
    Pen areaPen;
    Region areaRegion;

// Create path which contains wide line
// for easy mouse selection
    AreaPath = new GraphicsPath();
= new Pen(Color.Black, 7);
    AreaPath.AddLine(startPoint.X, startPoint.Y, endPoint.X, endPoint.Y);
// startPoint and EndPoint are class members of type Point

// Create region from the path
    AreaRegion = new Region(AreaPath);

return AreaRegion.IsVisible(point);

DrawPolygon function works by the same way, but AreaPath contains all lines in the polygon.



GraphicList class implements ISerializable interface which allows to make binary serialization of the class object. DrawObject class has two virtual functions which are used for serialization:



public   virtual   void  SaveToStream(SerializationInfo info,  int  orderNumber)

public   virtual   void  LoadFromStream(SerializationInfo info,  int  orderNumber)

These functions are implemented in every derived class. Binary file has the following format:


Number of objects
Type name
Type name
Type name

This allows to write generic serialization code in the GraphicList class without knowing any details about serialized objects:



private   const   string  entryCount  =   " Count " ;
private   const   string  entryType  =   " Type " ;

//  Save list to stream
= true )]
public   virtual   void  GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, 
                                     StreamingContext context)
// number of objects
    info.AddValue(entryCount, graphicsList.Count);

int i = 0;

foreach ( DrawObject o in graphicsList )
// object type
                entryType, i),

// object itself
        o.SaveToStream(info, i);



//  Load from stream
protected  GraphicsList(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
= new ArrayList();

// number of objects
    int n = info.GetInt32(entryCount);
string typeName;
object drawObject;

for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
// object type
        typeName = info.GetString(
            entryType, i));

// create object by type name using Reflection
        drawObject = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CreateInstance(

// fill object from stream
        ((DrawObject)drawObject).LoadFromStream(info, i);



### 回答1: drawtools2005是一个常用的绘图工具软件。它提供了丰富的功能,方便用户进行各种类型的绘图工作。 首先,drawtools2005具有简洁直观的用户界面,使用户可以快速上手。它提供了多种绘图选项,例如画笔、橡皮擦、形状工具以及文本工具等,让用户能够根据需要进行自由创作。 其次,drawtools2005支持多种文件格式的导入和导出,如常见的图片格式(JPEG、PNG等)以及矢量图格式(SVG、PDF等)。这意味着用户可以将自己绘制的图形保存为不同的文件类型,方便在其他软件或平台上进行使用和编辑。 此外,drawtools2005还提供了一些高级功能,如图层管理和历史记录。图层管理功能使用户可以对绘图元素进行分组和排序,方便进行图形的调整和修改。而历史记录功能则可以帮助用户追溯和撤销之前的操作,避免由于错误操作导致的不必要的麻烦。 最后,作为一款老牌的绘图工具软件,drawtools2005拥有稳定的性能和广泛的用户群体。用户可以通过在线社区获取更多的绘图技巧和资源,与其他绘图爱好者进行互动和交流。 综上所述,drawtools2005是一款功能齐全、易于使用的绘图工具软件。它能够满足用户的绘图需求,并提供了丰富的功能和支持,使用户能够创作出精美的图形作品。 ### 回答2: drawtools2005是一款功能强大的绘图工具软件,它提供了许多方便实用的绘图功能。首先,它具有丰富的画笔工具,包括铅笔、钢笔、毛笔等,可以满足不同绘图需求。其次,drawtools2005还有大量的颜色选择,可以自由调整颜色,使绘图更加鲜明生动。此外,该软件还配备了多种效果工具,如模糊、锐化、马赛克等,可以独特地处理图像效果。 在使用drawtools2005时,用户可以方便地进行图层编辑,可以自由创建、复制、删除图层,有利于更好地组织绘图作品。此外,软件还支持多种图像格式的导入和导出,如JPEG、PNG、BMP等,方便用户的文件互通。另外,drawtools2005还支持文本编辑功能,可以在绘图中添加文字,使作品更加有趣。 除了基本的绘图功能外,drawtools2005还提供了一些高级功能,如滤镜效果、图形变换等,可以让用户对图像进行进一步处理和修饰。而且,软件界面简洁明了,操作简单易学,即使是初学者也可以轻松上手。 总结来说,drawtools2005是一款功能强大、操作简便的绘图软件。不论是想要绘制简单的线条还是创造精美的图像,都可以通过该软件轻松实现。无论是专业绘图师还是普通用户,drawtools2005都能满足绘图需求,是一款值得推荐的绘图工具软件。
评论 2




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