A. Requirements

A. Requirements
Code (90%)
You can write your code in Java, Python, C, or C++. The time limit may vary among different
languages, depending on the performance of the language. Your code must be a complete excutable
program instead of only a function. We guarantee test data strictly compliance with the requirements
in the description, and you do not need to deal with cases where the input data is invalid.
No AI Assistance or Plagiarism: All code must be your own. The use of AI tools (e.g., ChatGPT,
GitHub Copilot) or copying from external sources or peers is strictly forbidden.
Violations of the plagiarism rules will result in 0 points or even failure of this course.
Libraries in this assignment:
• For C/C++, you can only include standard library.
• For Java, you can only import java.util.*
• For Python, you can only import standard library. In other words, you cannot import libraries
such as numpy.
We provide an example problem to illustrate the information above better.
Report (10%)
You also need to write a report in pdf type to explain the following:
• What are the possible solutions for the problem?
• How do you solve this problem?
• Why is your solution better than others?
Please note that the maximum number of pages allowed for your report is 5 pages.
Remember that the report is to illustrate your thinking process. Keep in mind that your report is
supposed to show your ideas and thinking process. We expect clear and precise textual descriptions
in your report, and we do not recommend that you over-format your report.
B. Example Problem: A + B Problem
Given 2 integers A and B, compute and print A + B
Two integers in one line: A, and B
One integer: A + B
Sample Input 1
1 2
Sample Output 1
1Problem Scale & Subtasks
For 100% of the test cases, 0 ≤ A, B ≤ 10
import java . util .*;
public class Example {
public static void main ( String [] args ) {
int a, b;
Scanner scanner = new Scanner ( System .in );
a = scanner . nextInt ();
b = scanner . nextInt ();
scanner . close ();
System . out . println (a + b);
AB = input (). split ()
A, B = int (AB [0]) , int (AB [1])
print (A + B)
# include <stdio .h>
int main ( int argc , char * argv [])
int A, B;
scanf ("%d%d", &A, &B);
printf ("%d\n", A + B);
return 0;
# include <iostream >
int main ( int argc , char * argv [])
int A, B;
std :: cin >> A >> B;
std :: cout << A + B << std :: endl ;
return 0;
C. Submission
After ffnishing this assignment, you are required to submit your code to the Online Judge System
(OJ), and upload your .zip package of your code ffles and report to BlackBoard.
C.1 Online Judge
Once you have completed one problem, you can submit your code on the page on the Online Judge
platform (oj.cuhk.edu.cn, campus only) to gain marks for the code part. You can submit your
solution of one problem for no more than 80 times.
2After you have submitted your program, OJ will test your program on all test cases and give you a
grade. The grade of your latest submission will be regarded as the ffnal grade of the corresponding
problem. Each problem is tested on multiple test cases of different difffculty. You will get a part of
the score even if your algorithm is not the best.
Note: The program running time may vary on different machines. Please refer to the result of
the online judge system. OJ will show the time and memory limits for different languages on the
corresponding problem page.
If you have other questions about the online judge system, please refer to OJ wiki (campus network
only). If this cannot help you, feel free to contact us.
C.2 BlackBoard
You are required to upload your source codes and report to the BlackBoard platform. You need
to name your ffles according to the following rules and compress them into A1_<Student ID>.zip :
A1_ < Student ID >. zip
|-- A1_P1_ < Student ID >. java /py/c/ cpp
|-- A1_P2_ < Student ID >. java /py/c/ cpp
|-- A1_Report_ < Student ID >. pdf
For Java users, you don’t need to consider the consistency of class name and ffle name.
For example, suppose your ID is 123456789, and your problem 1 is written in Python, problem 2 is
written in Java then the following contents should be included in your submitted A1_123456789.zip:
A1_123456789 .zip
|-- A1_P1_123456789 .py
|-- A1_P2_123456789 . java
|-- A1_Report_123456789 . pdf
C.3 Late Submissions
Submissions after Sept. 29 2024 23:59:00(UTC+8) would be considered as LATE.
The LATE submission page will open after deadline on OJ.
Submisson time = max{latest submisson time for every problem, BlackBoard submisson time}
There will be penalties for late submission:
• 0–24 hours after deadline: ffnal score = your score×0.8
• 24–72 hours after deadline: ffnal score = your score×0.5
• 72+ hours after deadline: ffnal score = your score×0
Q: My program passes samples on my computer, but not get AC on OJ.
A: Refer to OJ Wiki Q&A
3CSC3100 Data Structures Fall 2024
Programming Assignment 1
Yige Jiang: yigejiang@link.cuhk.edu.cn
Chunxu Lin: 221012033@link.cuhk.edu.cn
Due: Sept. 29 2024 23:59:00
Assignment Link: https://oj.cuhk.edu.cn/d/csc3100_2024_fall/homework/66e704de6605d3c4e7f63c35
1 Array Problem (40% of this assignment)
1.1 Description
You are given a sequence of integers ai of length n. Additionally, you are given m operations to perform
on this sequence. Each operation is one of the following:
- Given k, x, y, c, update the value of ak using the formula:
ak =
2 + ky + 5x) mod P

∗ c
Obviously, the resulting value will be between [1 − P, P − 1], where c = ±1.
- Query the sum of all elements in the sequence, i.e., compute:
- Query the maximum number of distinct values in the sequence if each element is multiplied by either
1 or −1 (you can ffip the sign of some elements and count the maximum number of distinct numbers).
Your task is to process these operations efffciently.
1.2 Input
The ffrst line contains three integers n, m and P (1 ≤ n, m ≤ 10
, 1 ≤ P ≤ 10
) — the length of the
sequence, the number of operations and the divisor in modulo operation, respectively.
The second line contains n integers, representing the original value of the array a, denoted as a1, a2, ..., an
(−P < a[i] < P).
Each of the next m lines contains a description of one of the following types of operations:
- For update operations, the line will contain ffve integers 1, k, x, y, c (1 ≤ k ≤ n, 0 ≤ x, y <
min(P, 2000), c ∈ {−1, 1}).
- For sum queries, the line will contain a single integer 2.
- For distinct value queries, the line will contain a single integer 3.
41.3 Output
For each sum query, output the sum of all elements in the array.
For each distinct value query, output the maximum number of distinct values that can be obtained by
multiplying each element by either 1 or −1.
Sample Input 1
5 5 3
0 0 0 1 -2
1 5 1 2 -1
1 3 2 1 1
Sample Output 1
Sample Input 2
10 10 5
-1 -2 2 -3 2 0 -4 3 3 -3
1 2 4 4 -1
1 3 1 2 -1
1 2 4 4 1
1 4 4 0 -1
Sample Output 2
Sample Input 3
in ’ array_sampleinput3 .in ’
Sample Output 3
in ’ array_sampleinput3 .ans ’
Problem Scale & Subtasks
For about 60% test cases, distinct value queries are not evolved.
Test Case No. Constraints
1-4 n, m ≤ 20
5-7 n, m ≤ 5 × 10
8-10 n, m ≤ 10
If you encounter a TLE, and your algorithm’s time complexity is efffcient, try optimizing your I/O
2 List (50% of this assignment)
2.1 Description
Given an array, which is a permutation of size n (an array of size n where every integer from 1 to n
appears exactly once), we perform q operations. During the i-th operation, we perform the following:
• Choose any subarray that contains at least 2 elements.
5• Split it into two non-empty arrays.
• Obtain two integers li and ri
, where li
is the left most element in the left part of the split,
and ri
is the right most element in the right part of the split.
For example, if the initial array is [6, 3, 4, 1, 2, 5], we perform the following operations:
1. Choose the array [6, 3, 4, 1, 2, 5] and split it into [6, 3] and [4, 1, 2, 5]. Then, l1 = 6 and r1 = 5.
2. Choose the array [4, 1, 2, 5] and split it into [4, 1, 2] and [5]. Then, l2 = 4 and r2 = 5, resulting
in the arrays [6, 3], [4, 1, 2], and [5].
3. Choose the array [4, 1, 2] and split it into [4] and [1, 2]. Then, l3 = 4 and r3 = 2, resulting in
the arrays [6, 3], [4], [1, 2], and [5].
Objective. Given two integers n and q, along with two sequences [l1, l2, ..., lq] and [r1, r2, ..., rq], a
permutation is called valid if we can perform q operations and generate the given sequences [l1, l2, ..., lq]
and [r1, r2, ..., rq].
Problem. Determine whether a given permutation with q operations is valid.
2.2 Input
1. The first line contains two integers n and q (1 ≤ q < n ≤ 106
2. The second line contains a permutation of size n.
3. The third line contains q integers, l1, l2, ..., lq (1 ≤ li ≤ n).
4. The fourth line contains q integers, r1, r2, ..., rq ( 1 ≤ ri ≤ n )
2.3 Output
Output 1 if the given permutation is valid, otherwise output 0.
Sample Input 1
6 3
6 3 4 1 2 5
6 4 4
5 5 2
Sample Output 1
Sample Input 2
7 3
7 6 3 4 1 2 5
6 4 4
5 5 2
Sample Output 2
Sample Input 3
7 3
6 3 4 1 2 5 7
6 4 4
5 5 2
Sample Output 3
Problem Scale & Subtasks
For 100% of the test cases, 1 ≤ q < n ≤ 106
6Test Case No. Constraints
1-2 n ≤ 10
3-5 n ≤ 103
6-10 n ≤ 106
Figure 1: Hint2
Hint1 : For C/C++ and Java users, an int type stores integers range from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.
It may be too small for this problem. You need other data types, such as long long for C/C++ and
long for Java. They store integers ranging from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807.
Use scanf("%lld",&n) for C, cin>>n for C++ and n = scanner.nextLong() for Java to get the input
n. And the other operations for long and long long are quite same as int.
Hint2 : The process of Sample Input 1 can be described as in the Figure 1.
Hint3 : This problem can be easily solved by following the above process from bottom to top.
Hint4 : Consider how using the data structure, such as dictionary or list, to store the indices of li and
ri can help solve the problem.

在Python中下载requirements.txt文件有几种方法,具体如下: 1. 使用pip命令下载requirements.txt中列出的所有库到指定文件夹(例如E:\temp文件夹)下: ``` pip download -d E:\temp -r requirements.txt ``` 这将会根据requirements.txt文件中列出的库名称下载对应的库文件到指定文件夹。 2. 如果你只想下载单个库(例如numpy),可以使用以下命令将其下载到指定文件夹(例如E:\temp\package文件夹)下: ``` pip download numpy -d E:\temp\package ``` 这将会将numpy库文件下载到指定文件夹中。 请注意,以上命令中的pip命令适用于在Windows操作系统下使用pip,如果你在Linux下使用pip3,请将相关命令中的pip替换为pip3。 另外,如果你使用的是conda环境,也可以使用conda命令导出requirements.txt文件。有两种方式可以实现: 方式一:通过conda list命令导出requirements.txt文件: a. 使用以下命令将当前环境的所有库及其版本信息导出到requirements.txt文件中: ``` conda list -e > requirements.txt ``` b. 然后使用以下命令根据requirements.txt文件安装所需的库: ``` conda install --yes --file requirements.txt ``` 方式二:通过conda env export命令导出yml文件: c. 使用以下命令将当前环境的所有库及其版本信息导出到freeze.yml文件中: ``` conda env export > freeze.yml ``` d. 然后使用以下命令根据freeze.yml文件创建新的环境并安装所需的库: ``` conda env create -f freeze.yml ``` 以上是在Python中下载requirements.txt文件的几种方法,你可以根据自己的需求选择适合的方法来使用。




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