






我这边可以看到 n[r(“0x31”)]等于是x函数、e是入参




    def get_track(distance, y=0):
        _y = y // 2
        _x_count = randint(23, 35)
        _y_num = _x_count // _y
        _x_num = distance // _x_count
        x = 0
        ts = 0
        tracks = []
        for track in range(_x_count):
            tracks.append([x, _y if _y < y else randint(y - 2, y), ts])
            x += randint(_x_num - 5, _x_num)
            ts += randint(30, 60)
            _y += randint(1, 3)
        tracks.append([distance, y, ts + randint(6, 20)])
        return ','.join(['|'.join(str(j) for j in i) for i in tracks])

captchaSn 验证码标识
bgDisWidth 背景图宽度
bgDisHeight 背景图高度
cutDisWidth 缺口图宽度
cutDisHeight 缺口图高度
relativeX 缺口值 真实图片的缺口
relativeY 可以固定但影响成功率 右上角 y 轴
trajectory 上面的轨迹


captcha_str = ''
for k, v in captcha_data.items():
    captcha_str += f'&{k}={parse.quote(str(v))}'
data = self.requests.post('', data={'eee': captcha_str[1:].replace('/', '%2F')}).text



function h(e) {
    var n = {};
    n['yDzpE'] = function (e, n) {
        return e < n
    for (var t = e['length'], c = new Uint8Array(t), a = 0; n['yDzpE'](a, t); a++)
        c[a] = e['charCodeAt'](a);
    return c





new Buffer.from(data).toString('base64')









var window = {};
var Jose = '';

function n(t) {
    return n = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) {
            return typeof t
        : function (t) {
            return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t

!function (r, o) {
    Jose = o()
}(window, (function () {
        return r = {},
            t.m = e = [function (t, n) {
                (function () {
                        var t = function (t) {
                            return t.constructor.prototype
                            , e = Object.create
                            , r = function (t, n) {
                            return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, n)
                            , o = Array.isArray
                            , i = function (t, n, e) {
                            return Object.defineProperty(t, n, e)
                        n.prototypeOf = t,
                            n.create = e,
                            n.hasProp = r,
                            n.isArray = o,
                            n.defProp = i
                , function (t, n) {
                    (function () {
                            function t(t) {
                                this.elements = t,
                                    this.index = 0

                            t.prototype.next = function () {
                                if (this.index >= this.elements.length)
                                    throw new Error("array over");
                                return this.elements[this.index++]
                                n.ArrayIterator = t
                , function (t, e, r) {
                    function o(t) {
                        return (o = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == n(Symbol.iterator) ? function (t) {
                                    return n(t)
                                : function (t) {
                                    return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : n(t)

                    (function () {
                            var t = {}.hasOwnProperty
                                , n = r(0).isArray
                                , i = (u.prototype.run = function () {
                                for (var t = this.callStack[this.depth], n = t.error; 0 <= this.depth && t && !this.paused;)
                                    if ((t = n ? this.unwind(n) : t).run(),
                                    (n = t.error) instanceof Error && this.injectStackTrace(n),
                                        t.done()) {
                                        if (t.guards.length) {
                                            var e = t.guards.pop();
                                            if (e.finalizer) {
                                                t.ip = e.finalizer,
                                                    t.exitIp = e.end,
                                                    t.paused = !1;
                                        !t.construct || "object" !== (e = o(this.rv)) && "function" !== e && (this.rv = t.scope.get(0)),
                                        (t = this.popFrame()) && !n && (t.evalStack.push(this.rv),
                                            this.rv = void 0)
                                    } else
                                        n = (t = this.callStack[this.depth]).error;
                                if (this.timedOut() && (n = new Error(this),
                                    throw n
                                u.prototype.unwind = function (t) {
                                    for (var n = this.callStack[this.depth]; n;) {
                                        n.error = t;
                                        var e = n.ip - 1
                                            , r = n.guards.length;
                                        if (r && (r = n.guards[r - 1],
                                        r.start <= e && e <= r.end)) {
                                            if (null !== r.handler)
                                                if (e <= r.handler)
                                                        n.error = null,
                                                        n.ip = r.handler;
                                                else {
                                                    if (!(r.finalizer && n.ip <= r.finalizer)) {
                                                        n = this.popFrame();
                                                    n.ip = r.finalizer
                                                n.ip = r.finalizer;
                                            return n.paused = !1,
                                        n = this.popFrame()
                                    throw t
                                u.prototype.injectStackTrace = function (t) {
                                    var e, r, o, i, u, p, s, c = [], a = 0;
                                    for (this.depth > this.maxTraceDepth && (a = this.depth - this.maxTraceDepth),
                                             r = o = u = this.depth,
                                             p = a; u <= p ? o <= p : p <= o; r = u <= p ? ++o : --o)
                                        "<anonymous>" === (i = (e = this.callStack[r]).script.name) && e.fname && (i = e.fname),
                                                at: {
                                                    name: i,
                                                    filename: e.script.filename
                                                line: e.line,
                                                column: e.column
                                    if (t.trace) {
                                        for (s = t.trace; n(s[s.length - 1]);)
                                            s = s[s.length - 1];
                                    } else
                                        t.trace = c;
                                    return t.stack = t.toString()
                                u.prototype.pushFrame = function (t, n, e, r, o, i, u) {
                                    if (null == i && (i = "<anonymous>"),
                                    null == u && (u = !1),
                                        return e = new f(e, t.localNames, t.localLength),
                                            e.set(0, n),
                                            u = new p(this, t, e, this.realm, i, u),
                                        o && u.evalStack.push(o),
                                        r && u.evalStack.push(r),
                                            this.callStack[++this.depth] = u
                                u.prototype.checkCallStack = function () {
                                    return this.depth !== this.maxDepth || (this.callStack[this.depth].error = new Error("maximum call stack size exceeded"),
                                u.prototype.popFrame = function () {
                                    var t = this.callStack[--this.depth];
                                    return t && (t.paused = !1),
                                u.prototype.pause = function () {
                                    return this.paused = this.callStack[this.depth].paused = !0
                                u.prototype.resume = function (t) {
                                    if (this.timeout = null != t ? t : -1,
                                        this.paused = !1,
                                        this.callStack[this.depth].paused = !1,
                                        return this.rexp
                                u.prototype.timedOut = function () {
                                    return 0 === this.timeout
                                u.prototype.send = function (t) {
                                    return this.callStack[this.depth].evalStack.push(t)
                                u.prototype.done = function () {
                                    return -1 === this.depth

                            function u(t, n) {
                                this.realm = t,
                                    this.timeout = null != n ? n : -1,
                                    this.maxDepth = 1e3,
                                    this.maxTraceDepth = 50,
                                    this.callStack = [],
                                    this.evalStack = null,
                                    this.depth = -1,
                                    this.yielded = this.rv = void 0,
                                    this.paused = !1,
                                    this.r1 = this.r2 = this.r3 = null,
                                    this.rexp = null

                            var p = (s.prototype.run = function () {
                                for (var t = this.script.instructions; this.ip !== this.exitIp && !this.paused && 0 !== this.fiber.timeout;)
                                        t[this.ip++].exec(this, this.evalStack, this.scope, this.realm);
                                0 === this.fiber.timeout && (this.paused = this.fiber.paused = !0);
                                var n = this.evalStack.len();
                                if (!this.paused && !this.error && 0 !== n)
                                    throw new Error("Evaluation stack has " + n + " items after execution")
                                s.prototype.done = function () {
                                    return this.ip === this.exitIp
                                s.prototype.setLine = function (t) {
                                    this.line = t
                                s.prototype.setColumn = function (t) {
                                    this.column = t

                            function s(t, n, e, r, o, i) {
                                this.fiber = t,
                                    this.script = n,
                                    this.scope = e,
                                    this.realm = r,
                                    this.fname = o,
                                    this.construct = null != i && i,
                                    this.evalStack = new c(this.script.stackSize, this.fiber),
                                    this.ip = 0,
                                    this.exitIp = this.script.instructions.length,
                                    this.paused = !1,
                                    this.finalizer = null,
                                    this.guards = [],
                                    this.rv = void 0,
                                    this.line = this.column = -1

                            var c = (a.prototype.push = function (t) {
                                if (this.idx === this.array.length)
                                    throw new Error("maximum evaluation stack size exceeded");
                                return this.array[this.idx++] = t
                                a.prototype.pop = function () {
                                    return this.array[--this.idx]
                                a.prototype.top = function () {
                                    return this.array[this.idx - 1]
                                a.prototype.len = function () {
                                    return this.idx
                                a.prototype.clear = function () {
                                    return this.idx = 0

                            function a(t, n) {
                                this.fiber = n,
                                    this.array = new Array(t),
                                    this.idx = 0

                            var f = (h.prototype.get = function (t) {
                                return this.data[t]
                                h.prototype.set = function (t, n) {
                                    return this.data[t] = n
                                h.prototype.name = function (n) {
                                    var e, r = this.names;
                                    for (e in r)
                                        if (t.call(r, e) && r[e] === n)
                                            return parseInt(e);
                                    return -1

                            function h(t, n, e) {
                                this.parent = t,
                                    this.names = n,
                                    this.data = new Array(e)

                            var l = (d.prototype.get = function (t) {
                                return this.object[t]
                                d.prototype.set = function (t, n) {
                                    return this.object[t] = n
                                d.prototype.has = function (t) {
                                    return t in this.object

                            function d(t, n) {
                                this.parent = t,
                                    this.object = n

                            e.Fiber = i,
                                e.Scope = f,
                                e.WithScope = l
                , function (t, n, e) {
                    e = new (e(4)),
                        t.exports = e
                , function (t, n, e) {
                    (function (n) {
                            var r = e(5)
                                , o = e(6)
                                , i = e(2).Fiber;

                            function u(t) {
                                this.realm = new r(t),
                                    this.realm.global.startupRandom = Date.parse(new Date) / 1e3,
                                    this.realm.global.count = 100

                            u.prototype.eval = function (t, n) {
                                return t = function (t) {
                                    var n, e = {}, r = t.split(""), o = r[0], i = r[0], u = [o], p = 256;
                                    for (t = 1; t < r.length; t++)
                                        n = (n = r[t].charCodeAt(0)) < 256 ? r[t] : e[n] || i + o,
                                            o = n.charAt(0),
                                            e[p] = i + o,
                                            i = n;
                                    return u.join("")
                                    this.run(u.fromJSON(JSON.parse(t)), n)
                                u.prototype.run = function (t, n) {
                                    if (n = this.createFiber(t, n),
                                        return n.rexp
                                u.prototype.call = function (t, n) {
                                    return this.realm.global[t].apply(this, n)
                                u.prototype.createFiber = function (t, n) {
                                    return n = new i(this.realm, n),
                                        n.pushFrame(t, this.realm.global),
                                u.fromJSON = o.fromJSON,
                                t.exports = u
                , function (t, e, r) {
                    function o(t) {
                        return (o = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == n(Symbol.iterator) ? function (t) {
                                    return n(t)
                                : function (t) {
                                    return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : n(t)

                    (function () {
                            var n = {}.hasOwnProperty
                                , e = r(0)
                                , i = e.prototypeOf
                                , u = e.hasProp
                                , p = (e = r(1),
                                , s = e.StopIteration;
                            c.prototype.inv = function (t) {
                                return -t
                                c.prototype.lnot = function (t) {
                                    return !t
                                c.prototype.not = function (t) {
                                    return ~t
                                c.prototype.inc = function (t) {
                                    return t + 1
                                c.prototype.dec = function (t) {
                                    return t - 1
                                c.prototype.add = function (t, n) {
                                    return n + t
                                c.prototype.sub = function (t, n) {
                                    return n - t
                                c.prototype.mul = function (t, n) {
                                    return n * t
                                c.prototype.div = function (t, n) {
                                    return n / t
                                c.prototype.mod = function (t, n) {
                                    return n % t
                                c.prototype.shl = function (t, n) {
                                    return n << t
                                c.prototype.sar = function (t, n) {
                                    return n >> t
                                c.prototype.shr = function (t, n) {
                                    return n >>> t
                                c.prototype.or = function (t, n) {
                                    return n | t
                                c.prototype.and = function (t, n) {
                                    return n & t
                                c.prototype.xor = function (t, n) {
                                    return n ^ t
                                c.prototype.ceq = function (t, n) {
                                    return n == t
                                c.prototype.cneq = function (t, n) {
                                    return n != t
                                c.prototype.cid = function (t, n) {
                                    return n === t
                                c.prototype.cnid = function (t, n) {
                                    return n !== t
                                c.prototype.lt = function (t, n) {
                                    return n < t
                                c.prototype.lte = function (t, n) {
                                    return n <= t
                                c.prototype.gt = function (t, n) {
                                    return t < n
                                c.prototype.gte = function (t, n) {
                                    return t <= n
                                e = c;

                            function c(t) {
                                var e, r, c = {
                                    window: "undefined" == typeof window ? {} : window,
                                    undefined: void 0,
                                    Object: Object,
                                    Function: Function,
                                    Number: Number,
                                    Boolean: Boolean,
                                    String: String,
                                    Array: Array,
                                    Date: Date,
                                    RegExp: RegExp,
                                    Error: Error,
                                    StopIteration: s,
                                    Math: Math,
                                    JSON: JSON,
                                    console: console,
                                    encodeURIComponent: encodeURIComponent,
                                    unescape: unescape,
                                    Uint8Array: Uint8Array,
                                    parseInt: parseInt,
                                    escape: escape,
                                    decodeURIComponent: decodeURIComponent
                                for (e in c.global = c,
                                    this.has = function (t, n) {
                                        return null != t && (!!u(t, n) || this.has(i(t), n))
                                    this.get = function (t, n) {
                                        if (null != t)
                                            return u(t, n) || "string" == typeof t && "number" == typeof n || "length" === n ? t[n] : this.get(i(t), n)
                                    this.set = function (t, n, e) {
                                        var r = o(t);
                                        return ("object" === r || "function" === r) && (t[n] = e),
                                    this.del = function (t, n) {
                                        var e = o(t);
                                        return "object" !== e && "function" !== e || delete t[n]
                                    this.instanceOf = function (t, n) {
                                        var e;
                                        return null != n && ("object" === (e = o(n)) || "function" === e) && n instanceof t
                                    this.enumerateKeys = function (t) {
                                        var n, e = [];
                                        for (n in t)
                                            "__mdid__" !== n && e.push(n);
                                        return new p(e)
                                    n.call(t, e) && (r = t[e],
                                        c[e] = r);
                                this.global = c

                            t.exports = e
                , function (t, n, e) {
                    (function () {
                            var n = e(7)
                                , r = function t(n) {
                                for (var e = o(n[2]), r = [], p = n[3], s = 0; s < p.length; s++) {
                                    var c = p[s];
                                for (var a = n[4], f = a.length, h = [], l = n[5], d = 0; d < l.length; d++) {
                                    var y = l[d];
                                        start: -1 !== y[0] ? y[0] : null,
                                        handler: -1 !== y[1] ? y[1] : null,
                                        finalizer: -1 !== y[2] ? y[2] : null,
                                        end: -1 !== y[3] ? y[3] : null
                                for (var w = n[6], m = n[7], b = [], g = n[8], v = 0; v < g.length; v++) {
                                    var S = g[v];
                                return new u(null, null, e, r, a, f, h, w, m, b, null)
                                , o = function (t) {
                                for (var e = [], r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
                                    for (var o = t[r], i = n[o[0]], u = [], p = 1, s = 1, c = o.length; 1 <= c ? s < c : c < s; p = 1 <= c ? ++s : --s)
                                    i = new i(u.length ? u : null),
                                return e
                                , i = function (t) {
                                var n = t.lastIndexOf("/")
                                    , e = t.slice(0, n);
                                n = t.slice(n + 1);
                                return new RegExp(e, n)
                                , u = (p.fromJSON = r,

                            function p(t, n, e, r, o, i, u, p, s, c, a) {
                                this.filename = t,
                                    this.name = n,
                                    this.instructions = e,
                                    this.scripts = r,
                                    this.localNames = o,
                                    this.localLength = i,
                                    this.guards = u,
                                    this.stackSize = p,
                                    this.strings = s,
                                    this.regexps = c,
                                    this.source = a

                            t.exports = u
                , function (t, e, r) {
                    function o(t) {
                        return (o = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == n(Symbol.iterator) ? function (t) {
                                    return n(t)
                                : function (t) {
                                    return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : n(t)

                    (function () {
                            var n, e, i = r(1).StopIteration, u = r(0), p = (u.defProp,
                                u.hasProp), s = (u = r(2),
                                u.Fiber), c = u.Scope, a = u.WithScope, f = (n = 0,
                                    function (t, e, r) {
                                        var o;
                                        return o = function (t) {
                                            t && (this.args = t)
                                            Object.defineProperty(o, "name", {
                                                writable: !0,
                                                value: t
                                            o.prototype.id = n++,
                                            o.prototype.name = t,
                                            o.prototype.exec = e,
                                            o.prototype.calculateFactor = r || function () {
                                                return 2
                            ), h = (u = [new (e = function (t, n, e) {
                                        return f(t, n, e)
                                )("", (function (t, n, e) {
                                        return b(t)
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e) {
                                        return n.pop()
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e) {
                                        return n.push(n.top())
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e) {
                                        var r = n.pop()
                                            , o = n.pop();
                                        return n.push(r),
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e) {
                                        return t.fiber.rv = n.pop(),
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n) {
                                        return t.paused = !0
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n) {
                                        return t.fiber.yielded = n.pop(),
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e) {
                                        return g(t, n.pop())
                                )), new e("", (function (t) {
                                        return t.guards.push(t.script.guards[this.args[0]])
                                )), new e("", (function (t) {
                                        var n = t.guards[t.guards.length - 1];
                                        if (t.script.guards[this.args[0]] === n)
                                            return t.guards.pop()
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e) {
                                        return t.fiber.r1 = n.pop()
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e) {
                                        return t.fiber.r2 = n.pop()
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e) {
                                        return t.fiber.r3 = n.pop()
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e) {
                                        return n.push(t.fiber.r1)
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e) {
                                        return n.push(t.fiber.r2)
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e) {
                                        return n.push(t.fiber.r3)
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e) {
                                        return n.fiber.rexp = n.pop()
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e) {
                                        return h(t, 0, "iterator", n.pop())
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        return n.push(r.enumerateKeys(n.pop()))
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e) {
                                        if (h(t, 0, "next", n.pop()),
                                        t.error instanceof i)
                                            return t.error = null,
                                                t.paused = !1,
                                                t.ip = this.args[0]
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e) {
                                        if (e.set(1, n.pop()),
                                            n = n.pop(),
                                            return e.set(2, n)
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        return n.push(r.global)
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        var o = this.args[0]
                                            , i = this.args[1]
                                            , u = e.get(1);
                                        if (o < u.length)
                                            return e.set(i, Array.prototype.slice.call(u, o))
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e) {
                                        return l(t, this.args[0], n.pop(), null, null, !0)
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e) {
                                        return l(t, this.args[0], n.pop(), null, this.args[1])
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e) {
                                        return h(t, this.args[0], n.pop(), n.pop(), this.args[1])
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        var o = n.pop()
                                            , i = n.pop();
                                        return null == o ? g(t, new Error("Cannot read property '" + i + "' of " + o)) : n.push(r.get(o, i))
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        var o = n.pop()
                                            , i = n.pop()
                                            , u = n.pop();
                                        return null == o ? g(t, new Error("Cannot set property '" + i + "' of " + o)) : n.push(r.set(o, i, u))
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        var o = n.pop()
                                            , i = n.pop();
                                        return null == o ? g(t, new Error("Cannot convert null to object")) : n.push(r.del(o, i))
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e) {
                                        for (var r = this.args[0], o = this.args[1], i = e; r--;)
                                            i = i.parent;
                                        return n.push(i.get(o))
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e) {
                                        for (var r = this.args[0], o = this.args[1], i = e; r--;)
                                            i = i.parent;
                                        return n.push(i.set(o, n.pop()))
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        for (var o, i = this.args[0]; e instanceof a;) {
                                            if (e.has(i))
                                                return n.push(e.get(i));
                                            e = e.parent
                                        for (; e instanceof c;) {
                                            if (0 <= (o = e.name(i)))
                                                return n.push(e.get(o));
                                            e = e.parent
                                        return p(r.global, i) || this.args[1] ? n.push(r.global[i]) : g(t, new Error(i + " is not defined"))
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        for (var o, i = this.args[0], u = n.pop(); e instanceof a;) {
                                            if (e.has(i))
                                                return n.push(e.set(i, u));
                                            e = e.parent
                                        for (; e instanceof c;) {
                                            if (0 <= (o = e.name(i)))
                                                return n.push(e.set(o, u));
                                            e = e.parent
                                        return n.push(r.global[i] = u)
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        return p(r.global, this.args[0]) || this.args[1] ? n.push(r.global[this.args[0]]) : g(t, new Error(this.args[0] + " is not defined"))
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        return n.push(r.global[this.args[0]] = n.pop())
                                )), new e("", (function (t) {
                                        return t.scope = new c(t.scope, t.script.localNames, t.script.localLength)
                                )), new e("", (function (t) {
                                        return t.scope = t.scope.parent
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n) {
                                        return t.scope = new a(t.scope, n.pop())
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        return n.push(r.inv(n.pop()))
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        return n.push(r.lnot(n.pop()))
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        return n.push(r.not(n.pop()))
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        return n.push(r.inc(n.pop()))
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        return n.push(r.dec(n.pop()))
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        return n.push(r.add(n.pop(), n.pop()))
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        return n.push(r.sub(n.pop(), n.pop()))
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        return n.push(r.mul(n.pop(), n.pop()))
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        return n.push(r.div(n.pop(), n.pop()))
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        return n.push(r.mod(n.pop(), n.pop()))
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        return n.push(r.shl(n.pop(), n.pop()))
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        return n.push(r.sar(n.pop(), n.pop()))
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        return n.push(r.shr(n.pop(), n.pop()))
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        return n.push(r.or(n.pop(), n.pop()))
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        return n.push(r.and(n.pop(), n.pop()))
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        return n.push(r.xor(n.pop(), n.pop()))
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        return n.push(r.ceq(n.pop(), n.pop()))
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        return n.push(r.cneq(n.pop(), n.pop()))
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        return n.push(r.cid(n.pop(), n.pop()))
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        return n.push(r.cnid(n.pop(), n.pop()))
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        return n.push(r.lt(n.pop(), n.pop()))
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        return n.push(r.lte(n.pop(), n.pop()))
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        return n.push(r.gt(n.pop(), n.pop()))
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        return n.push(r.gte(n.pop(), n.pop()))
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        return n.push(r.has(n.pop(), n.pop()))
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        return n.push(r.instanceOf(n.pop(), n.pop()))
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        return n.push(o(n.pop()))
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n) {
                                        return n.pop(),
                                            n.push(void 0)
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e) {
                                        return t.ip = this.args[0]
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e) {
                                        if (n.pop())
                                            return t.ip = this.args[0]
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e) {
                                        if (!n.pop())
                                            return t.ip = this.args[0]
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n) {
                                        return n.push(void 0)
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e) {
                                        return n.push(this.args[0])
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e) {
                                        return n.push(t.script.strings[this.args[0]])
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        return n.push(new RegExpProxy(t.script.regexps[this.args[0]], r))
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        for (var o = this.args[0], i = {}; o--;)
                                            r.set(i, n.pop(), n.pop());
                                        return n.push(i)
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        for (var o = this.args[0], i = new Array(o); o--;)
                                            i[o] = n.pop();
                                        return n.push(i)
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e, r) {
                                        var o = this.args[0];
                                        return n.push(d(t.script.scripts[o], e, r, this.args[1]))
                                )), new e("", (function (t) {
                                        return t.setLine(this.args[0])
                                )), new e("", (function (t) {
                                        return t.setColumn(this.args[0])
                                )), new e("", (function (t, n, e) {
                                        return v()
                                    function (t, n, e, r, o) {
                                        var i = t.evalStack
                                            , u = t.realm;
                                        if (null == r)
                                            return g(t, new Error("Cannot call method '" + e + "' of " + (void 0 === r ? "undefined" : "null")));
                                        var p = r.constructor.name || "Object";
                                        u = u.get(r, e);
                                        return u instanceof Function ? l(t, n, u, r, o) : null == u ? (i.pop(),
                                            g(t, new Error("Object #<" + p + "> has no method '" + e + "'"))) : (i.pop(),
                                            g(t, new Error("Property '" + e + "' of object #<" + p + "> is not a function")))
                            ), l = function (t, n, e, r, o, i) {
                                if ("function" != typeof e)
                                    return g(t, new Error("object is not a function"));
                                for (var u = t.evalStack, p = t.fiber, s = t.realm, c = {
                                    length: n,
                                    callee: e
                                }; n;)
                                    c[--n] = u.pop();
                                r = r || s.global,
                                    c = Array.prototype.slice.call(c);
                                try {
                                    var a = i ? m(e, c) : e.apply(r, c);
                                    if (!p.paused)
                                        return u.push(a)
                                } catch (h) {
                                    g(t, h)
                            }, d = function (t, n, e, r) {
                                return function r() {
                                    var o, i, u, p = !1;
                                    if ((i = r.__fiber__) ? (i.callStack[i.depth].paused = !0,
                                        r.__fiber__ = null,
                                        o = r.__construct__,
                                        r.__construct__ = null) : (i = new s(e),
                                        p = !0),
                                        u = r.__callname__ || t.name,
                                        r.__callname__ = null,
                                        i.pushFrame(t, this, n, arguments, r, u, o),
                                        return i.run(),
                            }, y = function (t) {
                                return 1 === t.length && (0 | t[0]) === t[0] ? new Array(t[0]) : t.slice()
                            }, w = function (t) {
                                return 1 === t.length ? new RegExp(t[0]) : new RegExp(t[0], t[1])
                            }, m = function (t, n) {
                                var e;
                                return t === Array ? y(n) : t === Date ? new Date : t === RegExp ? w(n) : t === Number ? new Number(n[0]) : t === Boolean ? new Boolean(n[0]) : t === Uint8Array ? new Uint8Array(n[0]) : ((e = function () {
                                        return t.apply(this, n)
                                ).prototype = t.prototype,
                                    new e)
                            }, b = function (t) {
                                return t.evalStack.clear(),
                                    t.exitIp = t.ip
                            }, g = function (t, n) {
                                return t.error = n,
                                    t.paused = !0
                            }, v = function () {
                            t.exports = u
            t.c = r,
            t.d = function (n, e, r) {
                t.o(n, e) || Object.defineProperty(n, e, {
                    enumerable: !0,
                    get: r
            t.r = function (t) {
                "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(t, Symbol.toStringTag, {
                    value: "Module"
                    Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
                        value: !0
            t.t = function (e, r) {
                if (1 & r && (e = t(e)),
                8 & r)
                    return e;
                if (4 & r && "object" == n(e) && e && e.__esModule)
                    return e;
                var o = Object.create(null);
                if (t.r(o),
                    Object.defineProperty(o, "default", {
                        enumerable: !0,
                        value: e
                2 & r && "string" != typeof e)
                    for (var i in e)
                        t.d(o, i, function (t) {
                            return e[t]
                            .bind(null, i));
                return o
            t.n = function (n) {
                var e = n && n.__esModule ? function () {
                        return n["default"]
                    : function () {
                        return n
                return t.d(e, "a", e),
            t.o = function (t, n) {
                return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, n)
            t.p = "",
            t(t.s = 3);

        function t(n) {
            if (r[n])
                return r[n].exports;
            var o = r[n] = {
                i: n,
                l: !1,
                exports: {}
            return e[n].call(o.exports, o, o.exports, t),
                o.l = !0,

        var e, r

function h(e) {
    var n = {};
    n['yDzpE'] = function (e, n) {
        return e < n
    for (var t = e['length'], c = new Uint8Array(t), a = 0; n['yDzpE'](a, t); a++)
        c[a] = e['charCodeAt'](a);
    return c

function x(e) {
    return new Promise(function (t, c) {
            Jose["call"]("$encrypt", [e, "c7b645db-65e8-401f-b38c-4c07c5fff247", {
                suc: t,
                err: c
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根据提供的引用内容,美团滑块验证的js逆向过程如下所示: 1. 首先,需要获取主页接口的参数,包括csrf、uuid、token_id和continues等。这些参数可以在第一个链接返回的源码中找到。 2. 接下来,使用这些参数进行登入接口的请求,其中包括两个加密参数password和h5Fingerprint。 3. 然后,通过验证码获取的接口来获取验证码相关的参数,如verifyMethodVersion、slider、yodaVersion、timestamp、sign、ses和requestCode等。 4. 在获取到这些参数后,可以进行验证接口的请求。该请求需要使用到加密参数behavior和_token,以及动态参数v_c和3eac9809,同时还需要在请求头中添加Authencation。 总结起来,美团滑块验证的逆向过程可分为以下步骤: 1. 获取主页参数 2. 逆向pwd和h5Fingerprint 3. 请求page_data链接 4. 逆向Authencation、behavior和_token 5. 发起最终的验证请求 需要注意的是,以上仅是根据提供的引用内容进行的分析,具体的逆向过程可能还需要进一步的研究和分析。<span class="em">1</span><span class="em">2</span><span class="em">3</span> #### 引用[.reference_title] - *1* *2* [【2023-03-10】JS逆向之美团滑块](https://blog.csdn.net/qq_26079939/article/details/129442967)[target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v93^chatsearchT3_2"}}] [.reference_item style="max-width: 50%"] - *3* [美团滑块(1-18,js逆向)](https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_44772112/article/details/128721509)[target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v93^chatsearchT3_2"}}] [.reference_item style="max-width: 50%"] [ .reference_list ]


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