Modelling Complex Software Systems SWEN90004

The objectives of this assignment are: to convert a description of a system into a simula tion model of that system; to implement that simulation in a shared memory concurrent programming language; to use the implemented simulation to explore the behaviour of the  system; to gain a better understanding of safety and liveness issues in concurrent systems.
Background and context
There are two parts to Assignment 1, which is worth 25% of your final mark. This first part of the assignment (ie, this part) deals with programming threads in Java, and is worth 12.5% of your final mark. The second part of the assignment (to be released in a few weeks) deals with modelling in FSP, and is also worth 12.5% of your final mark. Your task is to implement a concurrent simulation of a hospital emergency department.
The system to simulate
An emergency department (ED) is a part of a hospital provides emergency care to patients who need urgent medical attention. A typical (simplified) view of an emergency department is as follows (italicised numbers below correspond to labelled transitions in Figure 1):
Patients arrive at the Foyer of the ED, where they are admitted ( 1 ). A Nurse is allocated
to a Patient and takes them for Triage ( 2 ) where they are examined and the severity of their injury or illness is assessed to determine their treatment pathway. Patients who are assessed as severe will be taken (by their allocated Nurse) for Treatment ( 3 ) by a Specialist .
All other Patients will be returned to the Foyer ( 4 ), where they will be released from their allocated Nurse and discharged from the ED (6 ). Once Patients who are assessed as severe have been treated by a Specialist, they too will be taken to the Foyer (5 ), released, and discharged (6 ).
Whenever a Nurse takes a Patient from one location to another (ie, between Foyer, Triage, or Treatment; transitions 2 5 in Figure 1) they must be assisted by a number of support staff known as Orderlies . Note that a Nurse is allocated to a Patient for the entire duration of their stay in the ED (ie, from the time they are admitted to the time they are discharged). However, Orderlies are only required when a Patient is being transferred from one
location to another. Once the Patient enters a location, the Orderlies are released to assist other Nurses/Patients. Orderlies are not required for admission to the ED or discharge from the ED.
There is only one Specialist, who also has duties elsewhere in the hospital. Therefore, they leave the ED to attend to these other duties after treating each Patient, returning after period of time.
Figure 1: A schematic of the system, showing the flow of admitted Patients to the Foyer ( 1 ),  where they are allocated to a Nurse, from the Foyer to Triage (2 ), where they are assessed and either returned to the Foyer (4 ) or taken for Treatment ( 3 ) by a Specialist before being returned to the Foyer (5 ). In the Foyer they are released from their Nurse and discharged (6 ). The Specialist enters and leaves the Treatment room in between completing duties in other parts of the hospital. For transitions (2 )–( 5 ), Patients must be allocated to a Nurse, who is assisted by Orderlies.
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计算机科学中的逻辑建模和系统推理解决方案是一种用于分析和理解计算机系统的方法。逻辑模型是一种抽象的表示形式,可以描述计算机系统中的各种概念、关系和行为。通过逻辑建模,我们可以将计算机系统的复杂性简化为可管理的部分,并以形式化的方式描述系统的状态和转换。 逻辑模型的一个重要应用是在软件工程中进行系统设计和验证。通过建立逻辑模型,我们可以对系统进行逻辑推理和分析,以确定系统是否符合特定要求,并发现潜在的错误和问题。逻辑推理可以帮助我们验证系统的正确性、一致性和安全性,从而提高系统的可靠性和性能。 另一个应用是在人工智能领域中的知识表示和推理。逻辑建模可以用于表示知识和推理规则,并进行符号逻辑的推断和推理。这种逻辑推理技术被应用于专家系统、自动推理、自然语言处理等领域,帮助计算机能够理解和处理人类的语言和知识。 逻辑建模和推理在计算机科学中也被广泛应用于形式化方法和形式验证。例如,通过使用时序逻辑或模型检测技术,可以验证硬件电路的正确性,以及并发系统的性质和行为。逻辑建模和推理也可以用于验证软件程序的正确性和安全性,从而减少软件系统中的错误和漏洞。 总而言之,逻辑建模和推理是计算机科学中重要的方法,通过形式化的方式描述和分析计算机系统,帮助我们理解系统的行为和性质,以及保证系统的正确性和可靠性。这些方法被应用于软件工程、人工智能、形式化验证等领域,为我们解决系统问题提供了有力的工具和技术。


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