All the good tutorials found for Competitive Programming

All the good tutorials found for Competitive Programming

By Underdog_eaglehistory, 3 years ago, In English

Here is the list of some of the good tutorials written by codeforces users :-
C++ Tricks by Swift
C++ STL: map and set by adamant
C++ STL: Policy based data structures by adamant
Competitive C++ Manifesto: A Style Guide by Swift
Catching silly mistakes with GCC by andreyv

Data Structures
Algorithm Gym :: Data Structures by DarthPrince
Everything about Segment Trees by DarthPrince
Efficient and easy Segtree by Al.Cash
A simple introduction to "Segment tree beats" by jiry_2
Sack(DSU on trees) by Arpa
dsu on trees by UNoobAble
SQRT Tree by gepardo
Link-Cut tree by adamant
Easy implementation of Compressed 2D Binary Indexed Tree for grid of binary numbers by sdnr1
Introduction to New Data Structure: Wavelet Trees by rachitjain
[Tutorial] Searching Binary Indexed Tree in O(log(N)) using Binary Lifting by sdnr1
An alternative sorting order for Mo's algorithm by gepardo
How can we perform segment queries with Palindromic Tree? by duckladydinh
Easy and (Semi)Efficient Dynamic Segment Trees (with Policy Hash Tables) by Chilli
2D Range Minimum Query in O(1) by fnf47
Nifty implementation of multi-dimensional Binary Indexed Trees using templates. by mouse_wireless
Top 10 optimizations 2017- (collectors edition) by bukefala
[Tutorial] Sparse table by ADJA
Tutorial on Trie and example problems by darkshadows

DP on Trees by darkshadows
SOS DP by usaxena95
Recurrent Sequences — Application of combinatorics in DP by TooNewbie
Non-trivial DP tricks & Techniques by zscoder
Digit DP by flash_7
Optimized solution for Knapsack problem by sdnr1
Dp On Trees by JafarIsBack

Invariants and monovariants by TooNewbie
Mobius Inversion by Nisiyama_Suzune
Mobius Inversion and Multiplicative functions : Tutorial by revivedDevil
Dirichlet convolution by Nisiyama_Suzune
Fast convolution for 64-bit integers by quasisphere
Tutorial for FFT/NTT Part 1 by sidhant
Tutorial for FFT/NTT Part 2 by sidhant
On Fast Fourier Transform by adamant
Extended Eratosthenes Sieve by lucyanna2018
Burnside Lemma by flash_7
2 Special cases of Gaussian by .AJ.
Number of Solutions to a Linear Algebraic Equation by J-C
Rolling hash and 8 interesting problems by dmkozyrev
Avoid overflow in linear diophantine equation by Jakube
[Tutorial] Chinese Remainder Theorem by Valiors
Linear Recurrence and Berlekamp-Massey Algorithm by fjzzq2002
A blog on the Sprague-Grundy Theorem by sirknightingfail
Schonhage-Strassen (FFT-based integer multiplication) tutorial by sammyMaX
[Tutorial] Inclusion-Exclusion Principle, Part 1. by Roundgod
Number Theory in Competitive Programming [Tutorial] by rkm0959
On burnside (again) by sorry_marymarine
A Bitwise Convolution Tutorial by Anai
The Fear of Gaussian Elimination by godmar
Derangement Generation of an Array [Tutorial] by naruhodou
[Tutorial] Matroid intersection in simple words by ATSTNG
Solving Linear Recurrence for Programming Contest by fushar

String Processing
Z algorithm by paladin8
Suffix Automata by quasisphere
Transition between Z- and prefix functions by adamant
Manacher's algorithm and code readability by adamant

Quaternion algebra and geometry by adamant
Slope Trick by zscoder
Nearest Neighbor Search by P_Nyagolov
Convex Hull trick and Li chao tree by adamant
Geometry: 2D points and lines by Al.Cash
Geometry: Polygon algorithms by Al.Cash
[Tutorial] Convex Hull Trick — Geometry being useful by meooow

0-1 BFS by dumbass
2-SAT by Swift
Algorithm Gym :: Graph Algorithms by DarthPrince
On Euler tour trees by ifsmirnov
'Meet in the middle' with shortest path problems of unweighted graph by liv1n9
Vertex cover and 2-SAT by irkstepanov
Add edges to a digraph to make it strongly connected by chaotic_iak
[Tutorial] The DFS tree and its applications: how I found out I really didn't understand bridges by -is-this-fft-
The “Bridge Tree” of a graph by baba

Parallel Binary Search by dumbass
General ideas and tricks by adamant
Some Tutorials -- Or attempts at it :P by rajarshi_basu
Tutorial On Tof (Ternary Search) by Mahdi_Jfri
YouTube Channels for Competitive Programmers by Silver_
Gym Contest with Editorial by Learner99
Writing a book on geometry — Update by vlecomte
Problem Topics by -Morass-

If you know some good tutorial on codeforces which is not in this list and another list provided below please mention it in the comments I will add that in the list.

Another Similar List
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