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原创 配置px4仿真环境(gazebo with ros)
由于项目需要,要结合一个开源无人机项目,所以首先需要配置仿真环境,csdn上有很多相关博客但是都已经是旧版本了,而px4中文,ros中文wiki上的也是旧的版本,所以在这里记录一下自己配置环境的过程。首先我按照px4给的版本配置了一遍,但是无法运行成功,显示0/7 build failed。所以就按照三个软件各自的安装指南配置。os:linux ubuntu 16.04 px4:htt
2018-02-07 01:30:17 2393
原创 Summary of D-SLATS
Use three algorithm to solve time synchronization and localization problem.
2017-11-20 15:19:18 138
原创 Some materials about Roseline
http://taaccs.orghttp://bitbucket.org/rose-line/qot-stackhttp://blog.csdn.net/wyt2013/article/details/13760945linuxGEM5 simulatorBBB hardwareNTP algorithmvirtual clockhttp://www.omnetp
2017-11-17 13:57:26 186
原创 The reason why I use CSDN blog
This blog is for personal use. I will use it to record and save some materials about my project and study field.Hope I will stick to my career and follow my heart.Angela LuNov.16.2017
2017-11-17 13:49:28 159
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