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原创 HDUoj 1022 Train Problem I ( 栈

Train Problem ITime Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 34003 Accepted Submission(s): 12825Problem Description As the new term comes

2017-01-29 23:55:07 919

原创 POJ 1363 Rails ( 栈

RailsTime Limit: 1000MSMemory Limit: 10000KTotal Submissions: 32888Accepted: 12842DescriptionThere is a famous railway station in PopPush City. Country there is incredibly hilly. The station was built

2017-01-29 23:32:45 1247

原创 CodeForces - 762A k-th divisor (数学

A. k-th divisortime limit per test2 secondsmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputYou are given two integers n and k. Find k-th smallest divisor of n, or report that

2017-01-27 17:42:29 6686

原创 HDUoj 5499 SDOI (贪心

SDOITime Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 131072/131072 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 1105    Accepted Submission(s): 440Problem Description The Annual National Olympic of Infor

2017-01-26 15:14:07 1319

原创 POJ 2431 Expedition (优先队列

ExpeditionTime Limit: 1000MSMemory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 13904Accepted: 3940DescriptionA group of cows grabbed a truck and ventured on an expedition deep into the jungle. Being rather poor d

2017-01-26 00:09:42 633

原创 CodeForces - 629B Far Relative’s Problem (贪心

B. Far Relative’s Problemtime limit per test2 secondsmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputFamil Door wants to celebrate his birthday with his friends from Far Far A

2017-01-24 23:50:53 3456

原创 HDUoj 1084 What Is Your Grade?( 贪心 水

**What Is Your Grade?**Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 11242 Accepted Submission(s): 3517Problem Description “Point, point

2017-01-24 23:27:26 311

原创 HDUoj 1050 Moving Tables(贪心 水

Moving TablesTime Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 33094    Accepted Submission(s): 10914Problem DescriptionThe famous A

2017-01-23 21:43:13 2374

原创 codeforces A. Petr and a calendartime

A. Petr and a calendartime limit per test2 secondsmemory limit per test256 megabytesstandard outputPetr wants to make a calendar for current month. For this purpose he draws a table in whi

2017-01-23 19:29:00 3506 3

原创 Poj 2524 Ubiquitous Religions (并查集

Ubiquitous ReligionsTime Limit: 5000MS Memory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 33073 Accepted: 16024DescriptionThere are so many different religions in the world tod

2017-01-23 00:38:08 236

原创 Poj 3096 Saruman's Army (贪心

Saruman's ArmyTime Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 8970 Accepted: 4511DescriptionSaruman the White must lead his army along a straight path

2017-01-22 21:00:59 199

原创 CodeForces - 9A A. Die Roll

A. Die Rolltime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test64 megabytesYakko, Wakko and Dot, world-famous animaniacs, decided to rest from acting in cartoons, and take a leave to t

2017-01-19 22:50:22 355

原创 HDUoj 1872 稳定排序

稳定排序Time Limit: 3000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 5691    Accepted Submission(s): 2138Problem Description大家都知道,快速排序是不稳定的排序方法。如

2017-01-19 21:08:21 315

原创 HDUoj 2289 Cup (二分 高精度

CupTime Limit: 3000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 8207    Accepted Submission(s): 2500Problem DescriptionThe WHU ACM Team has a b

2017-01-18 14:47:27 303

原创 Poj 1664 放苹果(dfs

放苹果Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000KTotal Submissions: 31861 Accepted: 20035Description把M个同样的苹果放在N个同样的盘子里,允许有的盘子空着不放,问共有多少种不同的分法?(用K表示)5,1,1和1,5,1 是同一种分法。In

2017-01-18 14:36:29 258

原创 Poj 1611 The Suspects(并查集

The SuspectsTime Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 20000KTotal Submissions: 35533 Accepted: 17241严重急性呼吸系统综合症( SARS), 一种原因不明的非典型性肺炎,从2003年3月中旬开始被认为是全球威胁。为了减少传播给别人的机会,最好的策略

2017-01-17 23:29:58 252

原创 HDUoj 1070 Milk(简单贪心

MilkTime Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 20880    Accepted Submission(s): 5558Problem DescriptionIgnatius drinks milk e

2017-01-17 20:30:45 372

原创 HDUoj 1232 畅通工程 (并查集

畅通工程Time Limit: 4000/2000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 49669    Accepted Submission(s): 26495Problem Description某省调查城镇交通状况,得到现有城镇道路统计

2017-01-17 00:26:58 4033

原创 HDUoj 1862 EXCEL排序(sort,水

HDUoj 1862  EXCEL排序Excel可以对一组纪录按任意指定列排序。现请你编写程序实现类似功能。 Input测试输入包含若干测试用例。每个测试用例的第1行包含两个整数 N (行,每行包含一条学生纪录。每条学生纪录由学号(6位数字,同组测试中没有重复的学号)、姓名(不超过8位且不包含空格的字符串)、成绩(闭区间0,100内的整数)组成,每个项目间用1个空格隔开。当读到

2017-01-16 18:18:31 399

原创 HDUoj 5363 Key Set (快速幂,数学,规律

Key Set soda has a set S with n integers {1,2,…,n}. A set is called key set if the sum of integers in the set is an even number. He wants to know how many nonempty subsets ofS

2017-01-15 16:51:10 338

原创 HDUoj 1905 Pseudoprime numbers (快速幂)

Pseudoprime numbersFermat's theorem states that for any prime number p and for any integer a > 1, ap = a (modp). That is, if we raise a to the pth power and divide byp, the remainder is a.

2017-01-15 16:27:12 638

原创 HDUoj 2089 不要62(打表)(数位DP)

不要62Time Limit: 1000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 38181    Accepted Submission(s): 13840Problem Description杭州人称那些傻乎乎粘嗒嗒的人为62(音:l

2017-01-15 16:03:56 808

原创 HDUoj 4548 美素数 (素数打表)

美素数Time Limit: 3000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65535/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 6319    Accepted Submission(s): 2227Problem Description  小明对数的研究比较热爱,一谈到数,脑子里就涌

2017-01-15 00:16:08 307

原创 Poj 1064 Cable master(二分

Cable masterTime Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000KTotal Submissions: 40368 Accepted: 8623DescriptionInhabitants of the Wonderland have decided to hold a regional p

2017-01-07 01:41:11 401

原创 Poj 1979 Red and Black(DFS)

Red and BlackTime Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 30000KTotal Submissions: 32802 Accepted: 17834DescriptionThere is a rectangular room, covered with square tiles. Each

2017-01-05 17:33:35 420

原创 HPUoj1210: OY问题 [搜索](DFS

1210: OY问题 [搜索]时间限制: 1 Sec 内存限制: 128 MB提交: 69 解决: 11 题目描述OY是什么意思?那么oyt你知不知道呢?(这拼音首字母真的是一点加密性都没有)没错,OY就是这个意思(某人的姓),那么你能分得清“O”怎么写和“Y”怎么写吗?在计算机里,可以用0代表无色,用1代表黑色,这样对上面的图片进行处理

2017-01-05 11:30:04 573

原创 HPUoj问题 J: KACA的围棋入门(DFS)

问题 J: KACA的围棋入门时间限制: 1 Sec 内存限制: 128 MB提交: - 解决: - 题目描述KACA从小就有一个成为围棋高手的梦想,然而他对围棋的棋路一窍不通。为了体验围棋的乐趣,他在一个棋盘上摆了若干个白字和黑子,他规定黑子不能吃白子,但是白子可以吃黑子。也就是说,若棋盘上有某些黑子没有"气"(被白子完全围住或因为达到边界),则应当把黑子拿掉。反

2017-01-04 15:06:50 563

原创 HDoj-5247-找连续数(打表)

找连续数Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 1505    Accepted Submission(s): 562Problem Description小度熊拿到了一个无序的数组,对于这个数组,小度熊

2017-01-03 23:55:46 641

原创 HPUoj魏好看买折纸

问题 B: 魏好看买折纸时间限制: 1 Sec 内存限制: 128 MB提交: - 解决: - 题目描述魏好看在折小红花的过程中,发现自己有折纸的天赋,所以决定去买更多的折纸。她发现商店有各种各样颜色的折纸,魏好看挑不出自己喜欢的种类。为了能拥有更多颜色的折纸,所以她决定买尽量多种类的折纸。然而魏好看这次又发现自己带的钱不多,所以她想知道在能购买尽量多种类折纸的情况

2017-01-02 00:41:42 405 2



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