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原创 Bridge

Benefits:It enables the separation of implementation from the interface.It improves extensibility.It allows the hiding of implementation details from the client.Applicable Scenarios:You want to avoi

2004-08-30 22:44:00 612

原创 Adapter

Benefits:It allows two or more previously incompatible objects to interact.It allows reusability of existing functionality.Applicable Scenarios:An object needs to utilize an existing class with an i

2004-08-29 11:30:00 629

原创 SCEA之路--10. Security

General.• nothing is 100% secure• only as strong as the weakest link (e2e security requires many layers)• manageable (a complex system will only serve to confuse admins/users)• security must be includ

2004-08-29 11:22:00 734

原创 Singleton

Benefits• Controlled access to sole instance• Reduced name space• Permits refinement of operations and representation• Permits a variable number of instances• More flexible than class operationsAppl

2004-08-28 16:52:00 664


General.Internationalisation.An application with support for Internationalisation• a.k.a. I18N• can be adapted to other languages / regions• process is quick and easily• doesn’t require engineering /

2004-08-28 16:29:00 853

原创 SCEA之路--8. Messaging

General.Synchronous communication.Synchronous communication represents a tight coupling between a sender and receiver :• the sender and receiver must both be available – i.e. real-time communication•

2004-08-23 23:44:00 1147


The Lifecycle of an EJBDetailed documentation describing the lifecycle of an EJB can be found in the EJB specifications on the Sun web site and is llustrated in Figure 7-10. The following list provide

2004-08-22 16:03:00 764

原创 Prototype

BenefitsIt lets you add or remove objects at runtime.It lets you specify new objects by varying its values or structure.It reduces the need for subclassing.It lets you dynamically configure an applica

2004-08-21 00:03:00 643

原创 Factory Method

BenefitsIt removes the need to bind application-specific classes into the code. The code interacts solely with the resultant interface, so it will work with any classes that implement that interface.B

2004-08-20 23:57:00 592

原创 Builder

Benefits: It permits you to vary an object’s internal representation. It isolates the code for construction and representation. It provides finer control over the construction process.Applicable Sce

2004-08-18 23:43:00 727

原创 Abstract Factory

Benefits: It isolates client from concrete (implementation) classes. It eases the exchanging of object families. It promotes consistency among objects.Applicable Scenarios: The system needs to be in

2004-08-18 23:42:00 701

原创 SCEA之路--6. Enterprise JavaBeans

Each EJB session and entity bean must have the following classes and interfaces:• Home (EJBHome) interface• Remote (EJBObject) interface• XML deployment descriptor• Bean class• Context objectsHome (

2004-08-17 22:46:00 1018

原创 SCEA之路--5. Legacy Connectivity

General.Legacy connectivity refers to how Java components interact with a legacy system.Typical properties of a legacy system are :• developed in another programming language• runs in an environment t

2004-08-15 16:53:00 835

原创 SCEA之路--4. Applicability of J2EE

General.The most commonly used J2EE technologies (in order of use) are :• Java Servlets / JSPs• JDBC• JNDI• EJB• JMS• Java XML Pack• Java Mail• Java IDL / RMI-IIOP• JTA / JTSIdentify application asp

2004-08-12 23:07:00 939

原创 SCEA之路--3. UML

Elements Used in UMLClassAs mentioned, a class is any uniquely identified abstraction that models a single thing, and the term object is synonymous with instance. Classes have attributes and methods.

2004-08-10 22:48:00 1074

原创 SCEA之路--2. Object Oriented Analysis and Design

由于公司的活动,所以暂停学习了两天。Object Oriented Analysis and Design, 没有什么新东西,就是Encapsulation, Inheritance, Interface and Resuse的概念。不过学习材料中提到了RUP(Retional Unified Process)以及它的四个过程:Inception, Elaboration, Constru

2004-08-09 23:06:00 784

原创 SCEA之路--1. Common Architectures(2)

Architecture models:1-tierMonolithic, “all-in-one” model – e.g. clients are “dumb” terminals connected directly to the mainframe.Problems with the 1-tier model are :• any change affects the entire sys

2004-08-06 00:10:00 898

原创 SCEA之路--1. Common Architectures(1)

Role of Architect: An Architect visualizes the behavior of the system.? Architects create the blueprint for the system.? They define the way in which the delements of the system work together and dist

2004-08-04 16:35:00 843

原创 SCEA之路--起步

自从2004年4月份完成了SCJD考试之后,很是闲散了一段时间。每天除了工作之外,就是看看书、打打球,好像没有了什么具体的目标。这样悠闲的过了几个月,终于收拾起心情,开始准备最后的SCEA考试。 其实我的目标并不是单纯的为考试而考试,主要是想通过准备考试的过程把J2EE各方面的知识做一次整理,并能够完善各方面相关的知识。 我给自己定下了一年的期限,希望能在这段时间里完成所有三部分的考试 于是,我重

2004-08-03 16:54:00 986



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