

OSI = Open System Interconnect
ISO = International Organization for Standardization


 OEM = Original Equipment Manufacturer = 原始设备制造商
 ODM = Original Design Manufacturer = 原始设计制造商


Reliability Index

  MTTF = Mean Time To Failures
  MTBF = Mean Time Between Failures
  AFR = Annualized Failure Rate
  FFR = Functional Failure Requirement = 功能故障要求
  CFR = Cumulative Failure Rate = 累积失效率
  RDT = Reliability Demonstration Test = 产品可靠性测试
  BIT = Burn In Test = 老化测试
  BTC = Bath tub curve = 浴盆曲线
  SFR = 随机统计故障率 
  FOAT = = 面向故障的加速测试 
  BFD = Bidirectional Forwarding Detection = 双向转发检测
  HALT = Highly Accelerated Life Testing = 高加速寿命试验
  IMP = Infant mortality Period = 早期失效期
  FIT = Failures in time = 每百万小时一个故障


   ABS = Anti-lock Brake System = 防抱死制动系统
   ASC = ActiveStability Control = 主动稳定控制
   ASR = Skid Control = 加速防滑控制系统
   AUTOSAR = Automotive Open System Architecture = 
   BAS = Brake Assist System = 制动辅助系统
   DSC = DynamicStability Contro = 动态稳定控制系统
   DSTC = Dynamic Stability Tracing Control = 动态稳定循迹控制系统
   EBD = Electronic Brake Distribution = 电子制动力分配系统
   EDS = Electronic Differential System = 电子差速锁
   ECU = Electronic Control Unit = 电子控制单元
   ESC = Electronic Stability Control = 基本功能
   ESP = Electronic Stability Program = 电子稳定程序系统
   TCS = Traction Control System = 牵引力控制系统
   VDC = Vehicle Dynamic Control = 车辆行驶动力雪调整系统
   VSA = Vehicle Stability Assist Control = 车辆稳定性控制系统
   VSM=  Vehicle Stability Management = 车身稳定控制系统


D-sub = D-Subminiature
eDP = Embedded DisplayPort
eMMC = Embedded Multi Media Controller
ISP = Image Signal Processing = 图像信号处理
       = Image Signal Processor = 图像信号处理器
TWS  = True Wireless System
VGA = Video Graphics Adapter
        = Video Graphics Array


CPU = Central Processing Unit
NPU = Neutral NetWork Processing Unit
VPU =Video Processing Unit


 OCL = Output Capacitor Less  = 输出端无大电容
 OTL = Output Transformer Less =  输出端无变压器


  EMC = Electro Magnetic Compatibility
  EOS = Electrostatic Over Stress
  ESD = Electro-Static discharge
  TVS = Transient Voltage Suppressor


ADB = Android Debug Bridge = 安卓调试桥

BSP = Bit Stream Processor

CAN = Controller Area Network = 控制器局域网络
CIF = Camera Interface = 摄像头接口
CPU = Central Processing Unit = 中央处理器
CRT = Cathode Ray Tube = 阴极射线管
CSI = Camera Serial Interface

DCS = Display Command Set
DSI = Display Serial Interface
DCDC = Direct Current to Direct Current = 直流电转直流电
DDR = Double Data Rate = 双倍速率同步动态随机存储器
DRAM = Dynamic Random Access Memory

eMMC = Embedded Multi Media Card = 内嵌式多媒体存储卡
eDP = Embedded DisplayPort = 嵌入式数码音视讯传输接口

FFM = Fast frame mode 

HDMI = High Definition Multimedia Interface = 高清晰度多媒体接口

I2C = Inter-Integrated Circuit = 内部整合电路(两线式串行通讯总线)
I2S = Inter-IC Sound = 集成电路内置音频总线
IR = Infrared Radiation = 红外线

JTAG = Joint Test Action Group = 联合测试行为组织

LDO = Low Drop Out Linear Regulator = 低压差线性稳压器
LVDS = Low-Voltage Differential Signaling = 低电压差分信号

NPU = Neural Network Processing Unit = 神经网络处理器

MIPI = Mobile Industry Processor Interface = 移动产业处理器接口

ODT = On-Die Termination
OTP =One Time Programmable

PCIe = Peripheral Component Interconnect Express = 外围组件快速互连
PMIC = Power Management IC = 电源管理芯片
PMU = Power Management Unit = 电源管理单元
PSRR = Power Supply Rejection Ratio
PSMR = Power Supply Modulation Ratio
PWM = Pulse Width Modulation = 脉冲宽度调制

RAM = Random-Access Memory
ROM = Read-Only Memory
RGB = RGB color mode is a color standard in industry
         = 红绿蓝,RGB 色彩模式, 是工业界的一种颜色标准
RGMII = Reduced Gigabit Media Independent Interface = 精简吉比特介质独立接口
RK/Rockchip = Rockchip Electronics Co.,Ltd. = 瑞芯微电子股份有限公司
RTC = Real-time clock = 实时时钟

SARADC = Successive Approximation Register Analog to Digital Converter
				= 逐次逼近寄存器型模数转换器
SATA = Serial Advanced Technology Attachment = 串行高级技术附件
SRAM = Static Random Access Memory
SPDIF = Sony/Philips Digital Interface = 索尼/飞利浦数字音频接口

UART = Universal Asynchronous Receiver/ Transmitter 通= 用异步收发传输器
USB = Universal Serial Bus = 通用串行总线

VGA = Video Graphics Array = 电脑显示视频图像标准接口
VPU = Video Processing Unit = 视频处理器

WIFI = Wireless Fidelity = 无线保真


 BTL = Backplane Transceiver
 TTL = Transistor-Transistor Logic = 三极管结构
 LVTTL = Low Voltage TTL = 低电压TTL
 CMOS = Complementary Metal Oxide SemiconductorPMOS+NMOS = 互补金属氧化物半导体 
 LVCMOS = Low Voltage CMOS = 低电压CMOS
 CML = Current Mode Logic
 GTL = Gunning Transceiver Logic
 HSTL = The high-speed transceiver logic  = 高速传输逻辑
 SSTL = Stub Series Termination Logic = 短截线串联端接逻辑
 HSUL = High Speed Unterminated Logic = 高速非端接逻辑
 ECL = Emitter Coupled Logic = 发射极耦合逻辑电路
 PECL = Positive ECL = 正发射极耦合逻辑电路
 POD = Pseudo OD = 伪开漏  
 LVPECL = Low Voltage Positive Emitter Coupled Logi = 低压正射极耦合逻辑
 LVDS = Low Voltage Differential Signaling

Solar panel

MPPT = Maximum Power Point Tracking = 控制器的全称“最大功率点跟踪


HSE = High Speed External 
HSI = High Speed Internal 
LSE =  Low Speed External
LSI = Low Speed Internal
VCO = Voltage Controlled Oscillator = 电压控制振荡器

LFM = Long frame mode
LSB = Least Significant Bit
MSB = Most Significant Bit
MCO =Mmicrocontroller Clock Output
MSP = MCU Support Package
PHASE_SEG1 = Phase Buffer Time Segment1
PHASE_SEG2 = Phase Buffer Time Segment2
PROP_SEG = Propagation Time Segment
PSR = Protocol Status Register
SJW = ReSynchronization Jump Width = 重新同步补偿宽度
SSP = Secondary Sample Point
SYNC_SEG = Synchronization Time Segment 

IC Package:

   BGA = Ball Grid Array Package
	CDPBGA = Carity Down PBGA
	DIP = Double In-line Package
	PBGA = Plastic BGA
	CBGA = CeramicBGA
	FCBGA = FilpChipBGA
	LGA = Land Grid Array
	PLCC = Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier
	PQFP = Plastic Quad Flat Package
	SOP:Small Outline Package
	SOT = Small Outline Transistor
	TQFP = Thin Quad Flat Package
	TSOP = Thin Small Outline Package
	TSSOP = Thin Shrink Small Outline Package
	TOLL = Transistor Outline Lead Less
	TO-263 = D2PAK
	TO-252 = D-PAK
	VSOP = Very Small Outline Package
	VSSOP = Very Shrink Small Outline Package


 LUT = Look-Up-Table = 查找表
 LC = Logical Cell = 逻辑单元
  LUT = Look-Up-Table = 查找表
  LUT = Look-Up-Table = 查找表
  LUT = Look-Up-Table = 查找表
  LUT = Look-Up-Table = 查找表
  LUT = Look-Up-Table = 查找表
  LUT = Look-Up-Table = 查找表
  LUT = Look-Up-Table = 查找表
  LUT = Look-Up-Table = 查找表
  LUT = Look-Up-Table = 查找表
  LUT = Look-Up-Table = 查找表


   3D = Three Dimensions = 三维
   APD = Avalanche Photo-Diodes 
   DFB = Distributed Feed Back = 分布式反馈激光器 
   DBR = Distributed Bragg Reflector = 分布式布拉格反射激光器
   DOA = Direct of Arrival 
   dToF = Direct Time of Flight = 直接飞行时间
   iToF = Indirect Time of Flight = 间接飞行时间
   TCSPC = time-correlated single-photon couting = 时间相关单光子计数法
   FMCW = Frequency Moduled Continue Wave
   PMCW = Phase Modulated Continuous Wave = 调相连续波激光雷达
   FSR = full-scale range = 量程
   LiDAR = Light Detection And Range = 激光雷达
   OPA = Optical Phased Array
   SPAD = Single Photon Avalanche Diode = 单光子雪崩二极管
   PLD = Pulsed laser diode = 脉冲激光二极管
   VRU = Vunerable Road User = 弱势交通参与者
   VCSEL = Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser = 垂直共振腔面射型激光


IEC = International  ElectroTechnical Commission 国际电工委员会
ISO = International Organization for Standardization 国际标准化组织
ITU = International  Telecommunication Unit 国际电信联盟标准


PCBA = Printed Circuit Board Assembly 
PCB = Printed Circuit Board


FIFO =First In First OUT
IDE = Integrated Development Environment 
LSB = Low Significant Bit
MSB = Most Significant Bit
LSI = Large Scale Integration


DoF = Degree of Freedom
GPS = Global Positioning System 
IMU = Inertial Measurement Unit
IMU = Inertial Measuring Unit
IMU = Information Message Unit
MEMS =Micro-Electron-Mechanical Sensing Structures
MEMS =Micro-Electron-Mechanical System
MEMS = Micro-Electro-Mechanical System
MOEMS = Micro-Opto-Electro-Mechanical Systems
OPA =Optical Phased Array
SLAM = Simultaneous Localization and Mapping



ADC = Analog-to-Digital Converter—模/数转换器,模数转换器
AFIO = alternate function IO—复用 IO 端口
AHB = Advanced High Performance Bus
AHB-AP = Advanced High Performance Bus - Access Point
Arg = argument—自变量
APB = Advanced Peripheral Bus
API = Application Programming Interface—应用程序编程接口
ART Accelator = Adaptive Real Time Accelator = 


BCD = Binary Coded Decimal 
BGA = Ball Grid Array 
BJT  = Bipolar Junction Transistor
BKP = Backup Registers = 备份寄存器
BOR = Brownout Reset
BQFP = Bumpered Quad Flat Package
BRR = bit reset
BRS = Bit Rate Switch
BSRR Bit Set Reset Register  位设置/清除寄存器
BSP = Board Support Package = 板级支持包
BSP = bit stream processor = 
BYP = Bypass = 旁路


CAN = Controller area network = 控制器局域网
		LFM = Long  Frame Mode
		FFM = Fast Frame Mode
		TT MODE  = Time Trigger Operation communication mode
Calc = Calculate = 计算
CF = Compact Flash
CLK = Clock = 时钟
   		= Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard 
   		= Cortex微控制器软件接口标准
Cmd = command = 命令、使能
CML = Concurrent Mapping and Localization
CMOS = Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
Conf = Config = 配置
CPI = Cycle Per Instruction = 每条指令的周期数
CQFP = Ceramic Quad Flat Package = 
CRC = Cyclic Redundancy Check = 循环冗余校验
CRL = control Configuration Register Low = 控制寄存器低字节
CRH = Configuration Register High = 控制寄存器高字节
CSR = clock control/status register = 时钟控制/状态寄存器
CTS = Clear to Send = 
Ctrl = control = 控制


DAC = Digital to analog converter = 数/模转换器,数字模拟转换器
DAP = Debug Access Port = 调试访问端口
DBG = debug = 调试
DCE = Data Communication Equipment = 
DCMI = Digital Camera Interface  = 
def = Define = 定义
DFU = Device Firmware Upgrade =
DLC = Data Length Code  = 
DMA = Direct Memory Access = 存储器直接访问
DMIPS = Dhrystone Million Instructions Per Second = 
DOC = Document = 文件
DSP = Digital Signal Process = 数字信号处理器/数字信号处理
DTE = Data Terminal Equipment = 
DWT = DataWatchpoint andTrace =数据观察点及跟踪	


EMI = Electromagnetic Interference = 
EML = error management logic = 
EMS = Electromagnetic Susceptibility = 
ESD = Electrostatic Discharge = 
ESI = Error Status Indicator =
ESR = Equivalent Series Resistance = 
ETM = Embedded-Trace-Macrocell = 嵌入式跟踪宏单元
Eval = Evaluate = 评估
EXTI = External Interrupts = 外部中断


FET = Field Effect Transistor = 
FDF = FD Format
FIFO = First In, First Out  = 
FLITF = The Flash memory interface = 闪存存储器接口
FM+ = Fast Mode Plus (Pin Abbreviation) = 
FPU = Floating Point Unit = 
FPU = Floating Point Unit  = 
FPB = flash patch and break-point = 闪存地址重载及断点
FPGA = Field-Programmable Gate Array = 现场可编程门阵列
FSMC = Flexible static memory controller = 可变静态存储控制器
FSR = Fault Status Register  = Fault状态寄存器
FT = 5V Tolerant Input Output Pin (Pin Abbreviation) = 
FTB = Fast Transient Burst (Voltage) = 
FTf = 5V Tolerant Input Output Pin with FM+ capable = 
FwLib = Firmware Library = 固件库


GPIO = general purpose input/output =通用 IO 端口


HAL = HardWare Abstraction Layer = 硬件抽象层
HSE = High Speed External oscillator = 高速外部时钟
HSI = High Speed Internal oscillator = 高速内部时钟
HTM = AHB -Trace-Macrocell = CoreSight AHB 跟踪宏单元
HVAC = Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning = 


I2C = IIC = Inter-integrated circuit = 微集成电路
I2S = IIS = integrate interface of sound = 集成音频接口
IC = Input Capture = 
IC = Integrated Circuit = 
ICE = in circuit emulator = 在线仿真器
IDE = integrated development environment = 集成开发环境
IDR = input data register = 输入数据寄存器
inc = Include = 包括
INT = it-Interrupt = 中断
Init = Initialize—[ɪˈnɪʃəlaɪz] = 初始化
I/O  = Input Output Pin (Pin Abbreviation) = 
IRDA = Infrared Data Association = 
IRQ = Interrupt Request = 中断请求(通常是指外部中断的请求)
IRQn =  = 中断级
ISA =  = 指令系统架构
ISR = Interrupt Service Routines = 中断服务程序
ITM =  = 指令跟踪宏单元
IWDG = independent watchdog = 独立看门狗


JTAG =  = 连结点测试行动组(一个关于测试和调试接口的标准)


LAN = Local Area Network = 
LCKR = Port Configuration Lock Register = 配置锁定寄存器
Lib = Library = 库
LIN = Local Interconnect Network  =
LP = Low Power = 低功耗
LPR = Low Power Regulator  = 
LQFP = Low Profile Quad Flat Package =
LR = link register = 链接寄存器
LSB =  = 最低有效位
LSE = Low Speed External oscillator = 低速外部时钟
LSI = Low Speed Internal oscillator = 低速内部时钟
LSU =  = 加载/存储单元


MAC = Media Access Control (Address) = 
MCU = Micro Controller Unit = 微控制器单元(俗称单片机)
MII = Media Independent Interface = 
MIPS = million instructions per second 
			= 每秒能执行的百万条指令的条数
MIPS : Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages
MIPS : Million Instructions Per Second 
MISO = Master Input Slave Output  = 
MMC = Multi Media Card = 
MOSI = Master Output Slave In = 
MPU = Memory Protection Unit = 存储器保护单元
MR = Main Regulator = 
MSB =  = 最高有效位
MSP = main stack pointer = 主堆栈指针
MSPS = Mega Sample Per Second = 
MTQ = Minimum Time Quantum = That is one period of fdcan_tq_ck clock


NC = Normally Closed  = 
NMI =  = 不可屏蔽中断
NO = Normally Open = 
NRST = nRESET (Pin) = 
NVIC = Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller = 嵌套向量中断控制器


OC = Output Compare = 
ODR =  output data register = 
OS =  = 操作系统
OTG = On The Go = 数据交换


PC = program counter = 程序计数器
Periph = Peripherals—[pəˈrɪfərəlz] = 外设
PHY = Physical (Layer) = 
PLC = Programmable Logic Controller = 
PLL = Phase Locked Loop = 锁相环\倍频器
PM Bus = Power Management Bus = 
POR/PDR =  = 上电/掉电复位
PPB = Private Peripheral Bus  = 私有外设总线
PSP = process stack pointer = 进程堆栈指针
PVD =  Programmable Voltage Detector = 
PWR =  = 电源控制
PWM  = Pulse Width Modulation  = 


QFP =  Quad Flat Package = 


RAN = Radio Access Network = 
RAM =  Random Access Memory =  
RC =  Resistor Capacitor = 
RCC = Reset and clock control = 复位和时钟控制
Retval = Return value = 返回值
RMII = Reduced Media Independent Interface = 
RNG = Random Number Generator = 
RST = Bidirectional Reset Pin With Embedded Weak Pull Up Resistor  = 
RTS = Request to Send = 
RTR = Ready to Receive = 
RTC = Real-Time Clock = 实时时钟


SCB = System control block = 
SCL = Serial Clock Line = 
SCLK = Serial Clock (Serial Peripheral Interface Bus Abbreviation) = 
SDA = Serial Data Line = 
SDIO = SD I/O—Secure Digital Input and Output = 安全数字输入输出卡
SM Bus = System Management Bus = 
SMI = Serial Management Interface = 
SP = stack pointer = 堆栈指针
SPI = Serial Peripheral Interface = 串行外围设备接口
SRAM = Static Random-Access Memory = 静态随机存取存储器
src = Source = 源码
SS =  Slave Select (Serial Peripheral Interface Bus Abbreviation) = 
SSCG  = Spread Spectrum Clock Generation = 
std = Standard—[ˈstændəd] = 标准
STL = Standard Peripheral Library
STK = SysTick timer
SW = Software = 软件
SWD = Serial Wire Debug = 
SYSCFG – system configuration


Tab = table = 表
TC = Standartd 3.3V Input Output Pin (Pin Abbreviation) = 
TIM = timer = 定时器
TPA = Trace Port Analyzer = 
TPIU =  Trace Port Interface Unit  = 
TQFP  = Thin Quad Flat Package = 
TTa  = 3.3V Tolerant Input Output Pin Directly Connected to ADC = 


UART = Universal Asynch. Receiver Transmitter = 通用异步接收/发送装置
ULPI = Utmi Low Pin Interface =
USART = Universal Synchronou/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 
			= 通用同步/异步串行接收/发送器
USB = Universal Serial Bus = 通用串行总线
USB OTG = USB On The Go = 
USBPRE = USB prescaler = USB预分频
UTMI = USB 2.0 Transceiver Macrocell Interface = 


VBAT = Battery Voltage Supply (Pin) = 
VCC = Positive Supply Voltage (BJT) = 
VDD = Positive Supply Voltage (FET) = 
VEE =  Negative Supply (Ground) (BJT) = 
VSS = Negative Supply (Ground) (FET) = 


WWDG = Window watchdog = 窗口看门狗


AOI = Automated optical Inspection
FCT = Functional Circuit Test
ICT = In Circuit Tester
UUT = Unit Under Test
UDS = Unified diagnostic services


CC = Configuration Channel
DFP = Downstream Facing Port
UFP = Upstream Facing Port
DRP = Dual Role Port
VPA = VConn-Powered-Accessory
VPD = VConn-Powered USB DEVICE

VOC = Volatile Organic Compounds = 挥发性有机化合物


FTP = File Transfer Protocol = 文件传输协议
HTTP/S = Hypertext Transfer Protocol = 超文本传输协议
HTTPS = Hyper Text Transfer Protocol over SecureSocket Layer = HTTP 安全版本
POP3 = Post Office Protocol 3
SMTP = SimpleMailTransferProtocol = 邮件传输协议
Telnet  = 与虚拟端之间的通信


A.K.A = also known as以..之名,又叫做。
ASAP = as soon as possible 越快越好
ATM = automatic teller machine 自动存提款机
BBQ = barbecue 烤肉
BFF (best friend(s) forever) 永远是最好的朋友,友谊长存
BRB (be right back) 马上回来
BTW (by the way)顺带一提
BYOB = bring your own beer/booze 带你自己的酒过来
CU = see you 掰掰。也常拼写为 CYA(see ya)。
E.g. = example 举例来说
etc. = et cetera. = and so forth 等等
FYI = for your information 供你参考的意思(通常 FYI 会用大写)
FAQ = frequently asked questions 常见问题
GG = good game 一场好游戏
IDK 我不知道
IMHO (in my humble opinion)这是我个人浅见
i.e. = that is, restate an idea 换言之
ISO (in search of) 寻找
IMAO = laugh my ass off 笑到不行
LOL (laughing out loud) 笑死我了
L8R = later / see you later 掰啦,再见
L8R =Later 晚些、稍后
NP =no problem) 不谢,没关系
OMG (oh my god) 我的天啊
PIN = Personal Identity number 个人识别码
PLZ = please 请
Q&A = Question and Answers 提问与回答
RIP = rest in peace 安息
RSVP = please reply 请回覆
SO(significant other) 另一半
THX = thanks 谢啦
TTYL (talk to you later) 晚点再聊
WTF = what the fuck 搞什么
XOXO (hugs and kisses) 抱抱亲亲


CEO = Chief Executive Officer 总裁;执行长
CFO = Chief Financial Officer 财务总监
COO = Chief Operating Officer 执行总监
CIO = Chief Information Officer 技术总监
attn: = attention: 收件者
re: = regarding: 有关于…
Asst. = Assistant 助理
Dir. = Direction 指导
Mgr. = Manager 经理
dept. = department 部门
bldg. = building 大楼
N/A = Not applicable 不适用
PR = Public relations 公共关系
ETA = estimated time of arrival 预计到达时间
HQ= headquarters 总部
MSRP = manufacturer’s suggested retail price 建议售价
SOP = standard operating procedure 标准作业流程
YTD = year-to-date 年初至今
CPA = chartered public accountant 註册会计师
No. = Number 号


NI = National Insurance (number) 国民保险制度
GMT = Greenwich Mean Time 格林威治标准时间
BST = British Summer Time (GMT + 1) 英国日光节约时间
(The) UK = (The) United Kingdom 大英联合王国
BBC = British Broadcasting Corporation 英国广播公司
ITV = Independent Television 英国独立电视台
NHS = National Health Service 国民保健制度
DWP = Department for Work and Pensions 英国就业暨国民年金事务部
GCSE = General Certificate of Secondary Education 普通中等教育证书


Coulda = Could have 本来可能
Shoulda = Should have 本来应该
Woulda = Would have 本来可以
Musta = Must have 一定是
Gonna = going to 表示即将做某件事
Wanna = want to 想要
Gotta = got to (或have to ) 必须
Hafta = Have to 必须
Losta = Lost of (= A lot of)很多
Sorta = Sort of = Kind of 一点点




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钱包余额 0


