读QT5.7源码(七)QObjectData 和 QObjectPrivate

在QObject中定义了一个保护权限的成员变量 d_ptr
    QScopedPointer<QObjectData> d_ptr;

QScopePointer<> 是一个模板类,维护特定类型的指针,这里d_ptr  相当于一个QObjectData对象的指针。

QObject 几乎是所有QT中的类的基类,因此QT中每个继承于Qobject的类都有这个指针,指向一个动态分配的QObjectData对象。


class Q_CORE_EXPORT QObjectData {
    virtual ~QObjectData() = 0;
    QObject *q_ptr;    对象this指针
    QObject *parent;   父对象指针
    QObjectList children;       typedef QList<QObject*> QObjectList;     这个是对象的子对象链表,区别于父类和子类

    uint isWidget : 1;   是否是Wideget类型
    uint blockSig : 1;      是否处于信号阻塞
    uint wasDeleted : 1;     防止多次delete对象
    uint isDeletingChildren : 1;   是否在delete子对象
    uint sendChildEvents : 1;       是否向父对象报告对象插入和删除事件  应该为true
    uint receiveChildEvents : 1;     是否接收子对象的事件消息    应该为ture
    uint isWindow : 1; //for QWindow
    uint unused : 25;
    int postedEvents;
    QDynamicMetaObjectData *metaObject;
    QMetaObject *dynamicMetaObject() const;


QObject::QObject(QObject *parent)
    : d_ptr(new QObjectPrivate)     这里是构建了一个QObjectPrivate对象,并将其指针赋给d_ptr

QObjectPrivate  是QObjectData的子类,这样就合情合理了。 事实上这个类是如此的重要,也是信息量很大的一个结构

class Q_CORE_EXPORT QObjectPrivate : public QObjectData

    struct ExtraData
        ExtraData() {}
    #ifndef QT_NO_USERDATA
        QVector<QObjectUserData *> userData;
        QList<QByteArray> propertyNames;
        QVector<QVariant> propertyValues;
        QVector<int> runningTimers;
        QList<QPointer<QObject> > eventFilters;
        QString objectName;
    };                              //一些结构分别用来存放对象所属类的 property 运行时间等信息

    typedef void (*StaticMetaCallFunction)(QObject *, QMetaObject::Call, int, void **);
    struct Connection    //重要的结构   保存每个信号和槽的连接
        QObject *sender;    发送对象的指针
        QObject *receiver;   接受对象的指针
        union {
            StaticMetaCallFunction callFunction;         接受对象的qt_static_metacall函数的指针
            QtPrivate::QSlotObjectBase *slotObj;
        // The next pointer for the singly-linked ConnectionList
        Connection *nextConnectionList;   
        //senders linked list
        Connection *next;
        Connection **prev;
        QAtomicPointer<const int> argumentTypes;     参数值数组指针
        QAtomicInt ref_;
        ushort method_offset;    
        ushort method_relative;   
        uint signal_index : 27; // In signal range (see QObjectPrivate::signalIndex())
        ushort connectionType : 3; // 0 == auto, 1 == direct, 2 == queued, 4 == blocking
        ushort isSlotObject : 1;
        ushort ownArgumentTypes : 1;
        Connection() : nextConnectionList(0), ref_(2), ownArgumentTypes(true) {
            //ref_ is 2 for the use in the internal lists, and for the use in QMetaObject::Connection
        int method() const { Q_ASSERT(!isSlotObject); return method_offset + method_relative; }
        void ref() { ref_.ref(); }
        void deref() {
            if (!ref_.deref()) {
                delete this;
    // ConnectionList is a singly-linked list   信号对应的槽链表,每一个信号对应一个该结构,每一个连接保存在一个connection
    struct ConnectionList {
        ConnectionList() : first(0), last(0) {}
        Connection *first;
        Connection *last;

    struct Sender   
        QObject *sender;
        int signal;
        int ref;

    QObjectPrivate(int version = QObjectPrivateVersion);
    virtual ~QObjectPrivate();
    void deleteChildren();

    void setParent_helper(QObject *);
    void moveToThread_helper();
    void setThreadData_helper(QThreadData *currentData, QThreadData *targetData);
    void _q_reregisterTimers(void *pointer);

    bool isSender(const QObject *receiver, const char *signal) const;
    QObjectList receiverList(const char *signal) const;
    QObjectList senderList() const;

    void addConnection(int signal, Connection *c);
    void cleanConnectionLists();

    static inline Sender *setCurrentSender(QObject *receiver,
                                    Sender *sender);
    static inline void resetCurrentSender(QObject *receiver,
                                   Sender *currentSender,
                                   Sender *previousSender);

    static QObjectPrivate *get(QObject *o) {
        return o->d_func();

    int signalIndex(const char *signalName, const QMetaObject **meta = 0) const;
    inline bool isSignalConnected(uint signalIdx, bool checkDeclarative = true) const;
    inline bool isDeclarativeSignalConnected(uint signalIdx) const;

    // To allow abitrary objects to call connectNotify()/disconnectNotify() without making
    // the API public in QObject. This is used by QQmlNotifierEndpoint.
    inline void connectNotify(const QMetaMethod &signal);
    inline void disconnectNotify(const QMetaMethod &signal);

    template <typename Func1, typename Func2>
    static inline QMetaObject::Connection connect(const typename QtPrivate::FunctionPointer<Func1>::Object *sender, Func1 signal,
                                                  const typename QtPrivate::FunctionPointer<Func2>::Object *receiverPrivate, Func2 slot,
                                                  Qt::ConnectionType type = Qt::AutoConnection);

    template <typename Func1, typename Func2>
    static inline bool disconnect(const typename QtPrivate::FunctionPointer<Func1>::Object *sender, Func1 signal,
                                  const typename QtPrivate::FunctionPointer<Func2>::Object *receiverPrivate, Func2 slot);

    static QMetaObject::Connection connectImpl(const QObject *sender, int signal_index,
                                               const QObject *receiver, void **slot,
                                               QtPrivate::QSlotObjectBase *slotObj, Qt::ConnectionType type,
                                               const int *types, const QMetaObject *senderMetaObject);
    static QMetaObject::Connection connect(const QObject *sender, int signal_index, QtPrivate::QSlotObjectBase *slotObj, Qt::ConnectionType type);
    static bool disconnect(const QObject *sender, int signal_index, void **slot);
    ExtraData *extraData;    // extra data set by the user
    QThreadData *threadData; // id of the thread that owns the object

    QObjectConnectionListVector *connectionLists;

    Connection *senders;     // linked list of connections connected to this object
    Sender *currentSender;   // object currently activating the object
    mutable quint32 connectedSignals[2];

    union {
        QObject *currentChildBeingDeleted;
        QAbstractDeclarativeData *declarativeData; //extra data used by the declarative module

    // these objects are all used to indicate that a QObject was deleted
    // plus QPointer, which keeps a separate list
    QAtomicPointer<QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCountData> sharedRefcount;

其中 QObjectConnectionListVector *connectionLists    是一个QVector<QObjectPrivate::ConnectionList>

class QObjectConnectionListVector : public QVector<QObjectPrivate::ConnectionList>
    bool orphaned; //the QObject owner of this vector has been destroyed while the vector was inUse
    bool dirty; //some Connection have been disconnected (their receiver is 0) but not removed from the list yet
    int inUse; //number of functions that are currently accessing this object or its connections
    QObjectPrivate::ConnectionList allsignals;

        : QVector<QObjectPrivate::ConnectionList>(), orphaned(false), dirty(false), inUse(0)
    { }

    QObjectPrivate::ConnectionList &operator[](int at)
        if (at < 0)
            return allsignals;
        return QVector<QObjectPrivate::ConnectionList>::operator[](at);


1、QObjectList QObjectPrivate::receiverList(const char *signal) const    返回指定信号关联的接受对象的列表

QObjectList QObjectPrivate::receiverList(const char *signal) const
    Q_Q(const QObject);
    QObjectList returnValue;
    int signal_index = signalIndex(signal);   返回绝对索引
    if (signal_index < 0)
        return returnValue;
    QMutexLocker locker(signalSlotLock(q));
    if (connectionLists) {
        if (signal_index < connectionLists->count()) {
            const QObjectPrivate::Connection *c = connectionLists->at(signal_index).first;  根据索引在QVector中找到对应的ConnectionList,first指向表头

            while (c) {
                if (c->receiver)
                    returnValue << c->receiver;
                c = c->nextConnectionList;    遍历这个单项链表,将receiver不为空的添加到QObjectList
    return returnValue;

2、QObjectList QObjectPrivate::senderList() const   返回链接到改对象的  对象列表

QObjectList QObjectPrivate::senderList() const
    QObjectList returnValue;
    QMutexLocker locker(signalSlotLock(q_func()));
    for (Connection *c = senders; c; c = c->next)
        returnValue << c->sender;                       通过遍历senders
    return returnValue;

3、int QObjectPrivate:: signalIndex  const char *signalName,const QMetaObject **meta) const      返回信号的绝对索引

int QObjectPrivate::signalIndex(const char *signalName,
                                const QMetaObject **meta) const
    Q_Q(const QObject);  //宏 q=this
    const QMetaObject *base = q->metaObject();
    Q_ASSERT(QMetaObjectPrivate::get(base)->revision >= 7);
    QArgumentTypeArray types;
    QByteArray name = QMetaObjectPrivate::decodeMethodSignature(signalName, types);  
    int relative_index = QMetaObjectPrivate::indexOfSignalRelative(
            &base, name, types.size(), types.constData());
    if (relative_index < 0)
        return relative_index;
    relative_index = QMetaObjectPrivate::originalClone(base, relative_index);
    if (meta)
        *meta = base;
    return relative_index + QMetaObjectPrivate::signalOffset(base);     +offset   返回绝对索引    索引相对于全部的信号包括继承来的

4、void QObjectPrivate:: addConnection (int signal, Connection *c)    将某个信号关联的Connection  加到链表中

void QObjectPrivate::addConnection(int signal, Connection *c)
    Q_ASSERT(c->sender == q_ptr);
    if (!connectionLists)
        connectionLists = new QObjectConnectionListVector();   如果容器为空创建它
    if (signal >= connectionLists->count())
        connectionLists->resize(signal + 1);                 根据信号的索引,如果容器对应的索引位置为空,表示还没有为信号连接任何函数,调整容器大小,
    ConnectionList &connectionList = (*connectionLists)[signal];
    if (connectionList.last) {
        connectionList.last->nextConnectionList = c;
    } else {
        connectionList.first = c;   
    connectionList.last = c;      //.last始终指向最后加入的connection


    c->prev = &(QObjectPrivate::get(c->receiver)->senders);
    c->next = *c->prev;
    *c->prev = c;                               //加到接收对象的senders的链表里
    if (c->next)
        c->next->prev = &c->next;

    if (signal < 0) {
        connectedSignals[0] = connectedSignals[1] = ~0;
    } else if (signal < (int)sizeof(connectedSignals) * 8) {
        connectedSignals[signal >> 5] |= (1 << (signal & 0x1f));





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