SSD Keras版源码史上最详细解读系列之数据生成与解析

SSD Keras版源码史上最详细解读系列之数据生成与解析


 def __init__(self,
                 labels_output_format=('class_id', 'xmin', 'ymin', 'xmax', 'ymax'),
        Initializes the data generator. You can either load a dataset directly here in the constructor,
        e.g. an HDF5 dataset, or you can use one of the parser methods to read in a dataset.

            # 加载图片到内存
            load_images_into_memory (bool, optional): If `True`, the entire dataset will be loaded into memory.
                This enables noticeably faster data generation than loading batches of images into memory ad hoc.
                Be sure that you have enough memory before you activate this option.
            # 图片集的路径
            hdf5_dataset_path (str, optional): The full file path of an HDF5 file that contains a dataset in the
                format that the `create_hdf5_dataset()` method produces. If you load such an HDF5 dataset, you
                don't need to use any of the parser methods anymore, the HDF5 dataset already contains all relevant

            # 一堆文件名
            filenames (string or list, optional): `None` or either a Python list/tuple or a string representing
                a filepath. If a list/tuple is passed, it must contain the file names (full paths) of the
                images to be used. Note that the list/tuple must contain the paths to the images,
                not the images themselves. If a filepath string is passed, it must point either to
                (1) a pickled file containing a list/tuple as described above. In this case the `filenames_type`
                argument must be set to `pickle`.
                (2) a text file. Each line of the text file contains the file name (basename of the file only,
                not the full directory path) to one image and nothing else. In this case the `filenames_type`
                argument must be set to `text` and you must pass the path to the directory that contains the
                images in `images_dir`.

            # 文件类型
            filenames_type (string, optional): In case a string is passed for `filenames`, this indicates what
                type of file `filenames` is. It can be either 'pickle' for a pickled file or 'text' for a
                plain text file.

            # 图片路径
            images_dir (string, optional): In case a text file is passed for `filenames`, the full paths to
                the images will be composed from `images_dir` and the names in the text file, i.e. this
                should be the directory that contains the images to which the text file refers.
                If `filenames_type` is not 'text', then this argument is irrelevant.

            # 标签
            labels (string or list, optional): `None` or either a Python list/tuple or a string representing
                the path to a pickled file containing a list/tuple. The list/tuple must contain Numpy arrays
                that represent the labels of the dataset.

            # 图片名字
            image_ids (string or list, optional): `None` or either a Python list/tuple or a string representing
                the path to a pickled file containing a list/tuple. The list/tuple must contain the image
                IDs of the images in the dataset.

            # 是否是难例
            eval_neutral (string or list, optional): `None` or either a Python list/tuple or a string representing
                the path to a pickled file containing a list/tuple. The list/tuple must contain for each image
                a list that indicates for each ground truth object in the image whether that object is supposed
                to be treated as neutral during an evaluation.

            # 标签格式
            labels_output_format (list, optional): A list of five strings representing the desired order of the five
                items class ID, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax in the generated ground truth data (if any). The expected
                strings are 'xmin', 'ymin', 'xmax', 'ymax', 'class_id'.

            # 提示
            verbose (bool, optional): If `True`, prints out the progress for some constructor operations that may
                take a bit longer.
        self.labels_output_format = labels_output_format
        # 类别索引 左上角和右下角
        self.labels_format={'class_id': labels_output_format.index('class_id'),
                            'xmin': labels_output_format.index('xmin'),
                            'ymin': labels_output_format.index('ymin'),
                            'xmax': labels_output_format.index('xmax'),
                            'ymax': labels_output_format.index('ymax')} # This dictionary is for internal use.

        # 没加载数据到内存的时候
        self.dataset_size = 0 # As long as we haven't loaded anything yet, the dataset size is zero.
        self.load_images_into_memory = load_images_into_memory
        # 没加载数据到内存的时候
        self.images = None # The only way that this list will not stay `None` is if `load_images_into_memory == True`.

        # `self.filenames` is a list containing all file names of the image samples (full paths).
        # Note that it does not contain the actual image files themselves. This list is one of the outputs of the parser methods.
        # In case you are loading an HDF5 dataset, this list will be `None`.
        #  如果存在,根据不同格式来加载图片数据
        if not filenames is None:
            if isinstance(filenames, (list, tuple)):
                self.filenames = filenames
            elif isinstance(filenames, str):
                with open(filenames, 'rb') as f:
                    if filenames_type == 'pickle':
                        self.filenames = pickle.load(f)
                    elif filenames_type == 'text':
                        self.filenames = [os.path.join(images_dir, line.strip()) for line in f]
                        raise ValueError("`filenames_type` can be either 'text' or 'pickle'.")
                raise ValueError("`filenames` must be either a Python list/tuple or a string representing a filepath (to a pickled or text file). The value you passed is neither of the two.")
            self.dataset_size = len(self.filenames)
            self.dataset_indices = np.arange(self.dataset_size, dtype=np.int32)
            # 是否是预加载到内存
            if load_images_into_memory:
                self.images = []
                # 如果有提示就给出加载的进度条
                if verbose: it = tqdm(self.filenames, desc='Loading images into memory', file=sys.stdout)
                else: it = self.filenames
                for filename in it:
                    with as image:
                        # 图片数据都加载进images
                        self.images.append(np.array(image, dtype=np.uint8))
            self.filenames = None

        # In case ground truth is available, `self.labels` is a list containing for each image a list (or NumPy array)
        # of ground truth bounding boxes for that image.
        # 标签不为空时加载标签
        if not labels is None:
            if isinstance(labels, str):
                with open(labels, 'rb') as f:
                    self.labels = pickle.load(f)
            elif isinstance(labels, (list, tuple)):
                self.labels = labels
                raise ValueError("`labels` must be either a Python list/tuple or a string representing the path to a pickled file containing a list/tuple. The value you passed is neither of the two.")
            self.labels = None

        # 图片名字不为空时
        if not image_ids is None:
            if isinstance(image_ids, str):
                with open(image_ids, 'rb') as f:
                    self.image_ids = pickle.load(f)
            elif isinstance(image_ids, (list, tuple)):
                self.image_ids = image_ids
                raise ValueError("`image_ids` must be either a Python list/tuple or a string representing the path to a pickled file containing a list/tuple. The value you passed is neither of the two.")
            self.image_ids = None

        # 中心框不为空时
        if not eval_neutral is None:
            if isinstance(eval_neutral, str):
                with open(eval_neutral, 'rb') as f:
                    self.eval_neutral = pickle.load(f)
            elif isinstance(eval_neutral, (list, tuple)):
                self.eval_neutral = eval_neutral
                raise ValueError("`image_ids` must be either a Python list/tuple or a string representing the path to a pickled file containing a list/tuple. The value you passed is neither of the two.")
            self.eval_neutral = None

        # 预加载数据集路径部位空时
        if not hdf5_dataset_path is None:
            self.hdf5_dataset_path = hdf5_dataset_path
            self.hdf5_dataset = None


# 将数据编码提前加载到内存,之后可以快速训练,不然每次都要加载一批数据到内存然后训练
# Optional: Convert the dataset into an HDF5 dataset. This will require more disk space, but will
# speed up the training. Doing this is not relevant in case you activated the `load_images_into_memory`
# option in the constructor, because in that cas the images are in memory already anyway. If you don't
# want to create HDF5 datasets, comment out the subsequent two function calls.

# train_dataset.create_hdf5_dataset(file_path='dataset_pascal_voc_07+12_trainval.h5',
#                                   resize=False,
#                                   variable_image_size=True,
#                                   verbose=True)
# val_dataset.create_hdf5_dataset(file_path='dataset_pascal_voc_07_test.h5',
#                                 resize=False,
#                                 variable_image_size=True,
#                                 verbose=True)


 # 预加载数据
    def load_hdf5_dataset(self, verbose=True):
        Loads an HDF5 dataset that is in the format that the `create_hdf5_dataset()` method

            verbose (bool, optional): If `True`, prints out the progress while loading
                the dataset.


        self.hdf5_dataset = h5py.File(self.hdf5_dataset_path, 'r')
        self.dataset_size = len(self.hdf5_dataset['images'])
        self.dataset_indices = np.arange(self.dataset_size, dtype=np.int32) # Instead of shuffling the HDF5 dataset or images in memory, we will shuffle this index list.

        if self.load_images_into_memory:
            self.images = []
            if verbose: tr = trange(self.dataset_size, desc='Loading images into memory', file=sys.stdout)
            else: tr = range(self.dataset_size)
            for i in tr:

        if self.hdf5_dataset.attrs['has_labels']:
            self.labels = []
            labels = self.hdf5_dataset['labels']
            label_shapes = self.hdf5_dataset['label_shapes']
            if verbose: tr = trange(self.dataset_size, desc='Loading labels', file=sys.stdout)
            else: tr = range(self.dataset_size)
            for i in tr:

        if self.hdf5_dataset.attrs['has_image_ids']:
            self.image_ids = []
            image_ids = self.hdf5_dataset['image_ids']
            if verbose: tr = trange(self.dataset_size, desc='Loading image IDs', file=sys.stdout)
            else: tr = range(self.dataset_size)
            for i in tr:

        if self.hdf5_dataset.attrs['has_eval_neutral']:
            self.eval_neutral = []
            eval_neutral = self.hdf5_dataset['eval_neutral']
            if verbose: tr = trange(self.dataset_size, desc='Loading evaluation-neutrality annotations', file=sys.stdout)
            else: tr = range(self.dataset_size)
            for i in tr:


# 解析Pascal VOC XML
    def parse_xml(self,
                           'aeroplane', 'bicycle', 'bird', 'boat',
                           'bottle', 'bus', 'car', 'cat',
                           'chair', 'cow', 'diningtable', 'dog',
                           'horse', 'motorbike', 'person', 'pottedplant',
                           'sheep', 'sofa', 'train', 'tvmonitor'],
                  include_classes = 'all',
        This is an XML parser for the Pascal VOC datasets. It might be applicable to other datasets with minor changes to
        the code, but in its current form it expects the data format and XML tags of the Pascal VOC datasets.

            images_dirs (list): A list of strings, where each string is the path of a directory that
                contains images that are to be part of the dataset. This allows you to aggregate multiple datasets
                into one (e.g. one directory that contains the images for Pascal VOC 2007, another that contains
                the images for Pascal VOC 2012, etc.).
            image_set_filenames (list): A list of strings, where each string is the path of the text file with the image
                set to be loaded. Must be one file per image directory given. These text files define what images in the
                respective image directories are to be part of the dataset and simply contains one image ID per line
                and nothing else.
            annotations_dirs (list, optional): A list of strings, where each string is the path of a directory that
                contains the annotations (XML files) that belong to the images in the respective image directories given.
                The directories must contain one XML file per image and the name of an XML file must be the image ID
                of the image it belongs to. The content of the XML files must be in the Pascal VOC format.
            classes (list, optional): A list containing the names of the object classes as found in the
                `name` XML tags. Must include the class `background` as the first list item. The order of this list
                defines the class IDs.
            include_classes (list, optional): Either 'all' or a list of integers containing the class IDs that
                are to be included in the dataset. If 'all', all ground truth boxes will be included in the dataset.
            exclude_truncated (bool, optional): If `True`, excludes boxes that are labeled as 'truncated'.
            exclude_difficult (bool, optional): If `True`, excludes boxes that are labeled as 'difficult'.
            ret (bool, optional): Whether or not to return the outputs of the parser.
            verbose (bool, optional): If `True`, prints out the progress for operations that may take a bit longer.

            None by default, optionally lists for whichever are available of images, image filenames, labels, image IDs,
            and a list indicating which boxes are annotated with the label "difficult".
        # Set class members.
        # 设置参数
        self.images_dirs = images_dirs
        self.annotations_dirs = annotations_dirs
        self.image_set_filenames = image_set_filenames
        self.classes = classes
        self.include_classes = include_classes

        # Erase data that might have been parsed before.
        # 清空缓存
        self.filenames = []
        self.image_ids = []
        self.labels = []
        self.eval_neutral = []
        if not annotations_dirs:
            self.labels = None
            self.eval_neutral = None
            annotations_dirs = [None] * len(images_dirs)

        for images_dir, image_set_filename, annotations_dir in zip(images_dirs, image_set_filenames, annotations_dirs):
            # Read the image set file that so that we know all the IDs of all the images to be included in the dataset.
            # 获取要文件名字
            with open(image_set_filename) as f:
                image_ids = [line.strip() for line in f] # Note: These are strings, not integers.
                self.image_ids += image_ids
            # 打印信息 返回名字迭代器 每个数据集都会有打印进度
            if verbose: it = tqdm(image_ids, desc="Processing image set '{}'".format(os.path.basename(image_set_filename)), file=sys.stdout)
            else: it = image_ids

            # Loop over all images in this dataset.
            # 迭代所有图片名字
            for image_id in it:

                filename = '{}'.format(image_id) + '.jpg'
                # 拼成路径
                self.filenames.append(os.path.join(images_dir, filename))
                # 用BeautifulSoup解析xml
                if not annotations_dir is None:
                    # Parse the XML file for this image.
                    with open(os.path.join(annotations_dir, image_id + '.xml')) as f:
                        soup = BeautifulSoup(f, 'xml')

                    folder = soup.folder.text # In case we want to return the folder in addition to the image file name. Relevant for determining which dataset an image belongs to.
                    #filename = soup.filename.text
                    # 真实框信息
                    boxes = [] # We'll store all boxes for this image here.
                    # 放难识别的框
                    eval_neutr = [] # We'll store whether a box is annotated as "difficult" here.
                    # 获取所有物体标签
                    objects = soup.find_all('object') # Get a list of all objects in this image.

                    # Parse the data for each object.
                    for obj in objects:
                        class_name = obj.find('name', recursive=False).text
                        class_id = self.classes.index(class_name)
                        # Check whether this class is supposed to be included in the dataset.
                        if (not self.include_classes == 'all') and (not class_id in self.include_classes): continue
                        pose = obj.find('pose', recursive=False).text
                        truncated = int(obj.find('truncated', recursive=False).text)
                        if exclude_truncated and (truncated == 1): continue
                        difficult = int(obj.find('difficult', recursive=False).text)
                        if exclude_difficult and (difficult == 1): continue
                        # Get the bounding box coordinates.
                        bndbox = obj.find('bndbox', recursive=False)
                        xmin = int(bndbox.xmin.text)
                        ymin = int(bndbox.ymin.text)
                        xmax = int(bndbox.xmax.text)
                        ymax = int(bndbox.ymax.text)
                        item_dict = {'folder': folder,
                                     'image_name': filename,
                                     'image_id': image_id,
                                     'class_name': class_name,
                                     'class_id': class_id,
                                     'pose': pose,
                                     'truncated': truncated,
                                     'difficult': difficult,
                                     'xmin': xmin,
                                     'ymin': ymin,
                                     'xmax': xmax,
                                     'ymax': ymax}
                        box = []
                        # 跟key放入对应的value
                        for item in self.labels_output_format:
                        # 是否是难例
                        if difficult: eval_neutr.append(True)
                        else: eval_neutr.append(False)

        # 数据集大小 把所有数据集的样本全加起来的
        self.dataset_size = len(self.filenames)
        # 索引
        self.dataset_indices = np.arange(self.dataset_size, dtype=np.int32)
        # 如果是缓存的话就读取缓存
        if self.load_images_into_memory:
            self.images = []
            if verbose: it = tqdm(self.filenames, desc='Loading images into memory', file=sys.stdout)
            else: it = self.filenames
            for filename in it:
                with as image:
                    self.images.append(np.array(image, dtype=np.uint8))

        if ret:
            return self.images, self.filenames, self.labels, self.image_ids, self.eval_neutral


train_generator = train_dataset.generate(batch_size=batch_size,

val_generator = val_dataset.generate(batch_size=batch_size,


   def generate(self,
                 returns={'processed_images', 'encoded_labels'},
        Generates batches of samples and (optionally) corresponding labels indefinitely.

        Can shuffle the samples consistently after each complete pass.

        Optionally takes a list of arbitrary image transformations to apply to the
        samples ad hoc.

            # 批量数
            batch_size (int, optional): The size of the batches to be generated.

            # 是否混洗数据 当然你要调试的话先关闭
            shuffle (bool, optional): Whether or not to shuffle the dataset before each pass.
                This option should always be `True` during training, but it can be useful to turn shuffling off
                for debugging or if you're using the generator for prediction.

            # 一些数据增强的东西
            transformations (list, optional): A list of transformations that will be applied to the images and labels
                in the given order. Each transformation is a callable that takes as input an image (as a Numpy array)
                and optionally labels (also as a Numpy array) and returns an image and optionally labels in the same

            # 标签编码器 输出一些处理过的标签编码
            label_encoder (callable, optional): Only relevant if labels are given. A callable that takes as input the
                labels of a batch (as a list of Numpy arrays) and returns some structure that represents those labels.
                The general use case for this is to convert labels from their input format to a format that a given object
                detection model needs as its training targets.

            # 返回的数据
            returns (set, optional): A set of strings that determines what outputs the generator yields. The generator's output
                is always a tuple that contains the outputs specified in this set and only those. If an output is not available,
                it will be `None`. The output tuple can contain the following outputs according to the specified keyword strings:
                * 'processed_images': An array containing the processed images. Will always be in the outputs, so it doesn't
                    matter whether or not you include this keyword in the set.
                * 'encoded_labels': The encoded labels tensor. Will always be in the outputs if a label encoder is given,
                    so it doesn't matter whether or not you include this keyword in the set if you pass a label encoder.
                * 'matched_anchors': Only available if `labels_encoder` is an `SSDInputEncoder` object. The same as 'encoded_labels',
                    but containing anchor box coordinates for all matched anchor boxes instead of ground truth coordinates.
                    This can be useful to visualize what anchor boxes are being matched to each ground truth box. Only available
                    in training mode.
                * 'processed_labels': The processed, but not yet encoded labels. This is a list that contains for each
                    batch image a Numpy array with all ground truth boxes for that image. Only available if ground truth is available.
                * 'filenames': A list containing the file names (full paths) of the images in the batch.
                * 'image_ids': A list containing the integer IDs of the images in the batch. Only available if there
                    are image IDs available.
                * 'evaluation-neutral': A nested list of lists of booleans. Each list contains `True` or `False` for every ground truth
                    bounding box of the respective image depending on whether that bounding box is supposed to be evaluation-neutral (`True`)
                    or not (`False`). May return `None` if there exists no such concept for a given dataset. An example for
                    evaluation-neutrality are the ground truth boxes annotated as "difficult" in the Pascal VOC datasets, which are
                    usually treated to be neutral in a model evaluation.
                * 'inverse_transform': A nested list that contains a list of "inverter" functions for each item in the batch.
                    These inverter functions take (predicted) labels for an image as input and apply the inverse of the transformations
                    that were applied to the original image to them. This makes it possible to let the model make predictions on a
                    transformed image and then convert these predictions back to the original image. This is mostly relevant for
                    evaluation: If you want to evaluate your model on a dataset with varying image sizes, then you are forced to
                    transform the images somehow (e.g. by resizing or cropping) to make them all the same size. Your model will then
                    predict boxes for those transformed images, but for the evaluation you will need predictions with respect to the
                    original images, not with respect to the transformed images. This means you will have to transform the predicted
                    box coordinates back to the original image sizes. Note that for each image, the inverter functions for that
                    image need to be applied in the order in which they are given in the respective list for that image.
                * 'original_images': A list containing the original images in the batch before any processing.
                * 'original_labels': A list containing the original ground truth boxes for the images in this batch before any
                    processing. Only available if ground truth is available.
                The order of the outputs in the tuple is the order of the list above. If `returns` contains a keyword for an
                output that is unavailable, that output omitted in the yielded tuples and a warning will be raised.

            # 是否保留没有对应真实框的锚框
            keep_images_without_gt (bool, optional): If `False`, images for which there aren't any ground truth boxes before
                any transformations have been applied will be removed from the batch. If `True`, such images will be kept
                in the batch.

            # 数据增强后把一些不合适的去掉
            degenerate_box_handling (str, optional): How to handle degenerate boxes, which are boxes that have `xmax <= xmin` and/or
                `ymax <= ymin`. Degenerate boxes can sometimes be in the dataset, or non-degenerate boxes can become degenerate
                after they were processed by transformations. Note that the generator checks for degenerate boxes after all
                transformations have been applied (if any), but before the labels were passed to the `label_encoder` (if one was given).
                Can be one of 'warn' or 'remove'. If 'warn', the generator will merely print a warning to let you know that there
                are degenerate boxes in a batch. If 'remove', the generator will remove degenerate boxes from the batch silently.

            The next batch as a tuple of items as defined by the `returns` argument.

        if self.dataset_size == 0:
            raise DatasetError("Cannot generate batches because you did not load a dataset.")

        # Warn if any of the set returns aren't possible.

        if self.labels is None:
            if any([ret in returns for ret in ['original_labels', 'processed_labels', 'encoded_labels', 'matched_anchors', 'evaluation-neutral']]):
                warnings.warn("Since no labels were given, none of 'original_labels', 'processed_labels', 'evaluation-neutral', 'encoded_labels', and 'matched_anchors' " +
                              "are possible returns, but you set `returns = {}`. The impossible returns will be `None`.".format(returns))
        elif label_encoder is None:
            if any([ret in returns for ret in ['encoded_labels', 'matched_anchors']]):
                warnings.warn("Since no label encoder was given, 'encoded_labels' and 'matched_anchors' aren't possible returns, " +
                              "but you set `returns = {}`. The impossible returns will be `None`.".format(returns))
        elif not isinstance(label_encoder, SSDInputEncoder):
            if 'matched_anchors' in returns:
                warnings.warn("`label_encoder` is not an `SSDInputEncoder` object, therefore 'matched_anchors' is not a possible return, " +
                              "but you set `returns = {}`. The impossible returns will be `None`.".format(returns))

        # Do a few preparatory things like maybe shuffling the dataset initially.

        # 进行数据的混洗
        if shuffle:
            objects_to_shuffle = [self.dataset_indices]
            if not (self.filenames is None):
            if not (self.labels is None):
            if not (self.image_ids is None):
            if not (self.eval_neutral is None):
            shuffled_objects = sklearn.utils.shuffle(*objects_to_shuffle)
            for i in range(len(objects_to_shuffle)):
                objects_to_shuffle[i][:] = shuffled_objects[i]

        # 锚框过滤器
        if degenerate_box_handling == 'remove':
            box_filter = BoxFilter(check_overlap=False,

        # Override the labels formats of all the transformations to make sure they are set correctly.
        if not (self.labels is None):
            for transform in transformations:
                transform.labels_format = self.labels_format

        # Generate mini batches.

        current = 0

        while True:

            batch_X, batch_y = [], []

            if current >= self.dataset_size:
                current = 0

            # Maybe shuffle the dataset if a full pass over the dataset has finished.
                # 遍历完所有数据后都要混洗一次
                if shuffle:
                    objects_to_shuffle = [self.dataset_indices]
                    if not (self.filenames is None):
                    if not (self.labels is None):
                    if not (self.image_ids is None):
                    if not (self.eval_neutral is None):
                    shuffled_objects = sklearn.utils.shuffle(*objects_to_shuffle)
                    for i in range(len(objects_to_shuffle)):
                        objects_to_shuffle[i][:] = shuffled_objects[i]

            # Get the images, (maybe) image IDs, (maybe) labels, etc. for this batch.

            # We prioritize our options in the following order:
            # 1) If we have the images already loaded in memory, get them from there.
            # 2) Else, if we have an HDF5 dataset, get the images from there.
            # 3) Else, if we have neither of the above, we'll have to load the individual image
            #    files from disk.

            # 获取相应的索引 后加载图片和名字
            batch_indices = self.dataset_indices[current:current+batch_size]
            if not (self.images is None):
                for i in batch_indices:
                if not (self.filenames is None):
                    batch_filenames = self.filenames[current:current+batch_size]
                    batch_filenames = None
            elif not (self.hdf5_dataset is None):
                for i in batch_indices:
                if not (self.filenames is None):
                    batch_filenames = self.filenames[current:current+batch_size]
                    batch_filenames = None
                batch_filenames = self.filenames[current:current+batch_size]
                for filename in batch_filenames:
                    with as image:
                        batch_X.append(np.array(image, dtype=np.uint8))

            # 加载其他信息 直接复制一份
            # Get the labels for this batch (if there are any).
            if not (self.labels is None):
                batch_y = deepcopy(self.labels[current:current+batch_size])
                batch_y = None

            if not (self.eval_neutral is None):
                batch_eval_neutral = self.eval_neutral[current:current+batch_size]
                batch_eval_neutral = None

            # Get the image IDs for this batch (if there are any).
            if not (self.image_ids is None):
                batch_image_ids = self.image_ids[current:current+batch_size]
                batch_image_ids = None

            if 'original_images' in returns:
                batch_original_images = deepcopy(batch_X) # The original, unaltered images
            if 'original_labels' in returns:
                batch_original_labels = deepcopy(batch_y) # The original, unaltered labels

            current += batch_size

            # Maybe perform image transformations.
            # 存要删除的锚框
            batch_items_to_remove = [] # In case we need to remove any images from the batch, store their indices in this list.
            batch_inverse_transforms = []
            # 处理要删除的图片
            for i in range(len(batch_X)):

                if not (self.labels is None):
                    # Convert the labels for this image to an array (in case they aren't already).
                    batch_y[i] = np.array(batch_y[i])
                    # If this image has no ground truth boxes, maybe we don't want to keep it in the batch.
                    # 没有对应真实框的锚框就不处理了,准备删除
                    if (batch_y[i].size == 0) and not keep_images_without_gt:

                # 如果做另一些数据增强,那就要检查,不合格的删除
                # Apply any image transformations we may have received.
                if transformations:

                    inverse_transforms = []

                    for transform in transformations:

                        if not (self.labels is None):

                            if ('inverse_transform' in returns) and ('return_inverter' in inspect.signature(transform).parameters):
                                batch_X[i], batch_y[i], inverse_transform = transform(batch_X[i], batch_y[i], return_inverter=True)
                                batch_X[i], batch_y[i] = transform(batch_X[i], batch_y[i])

                            if batch_X[i] is None: # In case the transform failed to produce an output image, which is possible for some random transforms.


                            if ('inverse_transform' in returns) and ('return_inverter' in inspect.signature(transform).parameters):
                                batch_X[i], inverse_transform = transform(batch_X[i], return_inverter=True)
                                batch_X[i] = transform(batch_X[i])


                # Check for degenerate boxes in this batch item.
                # 坐标有问题的也不要了
                if not (self.labels is None):

                    xmin = self.labels_format['xmin']
                    ymin = self.labels_format['ymin']
                    xmax = self.labels_format['xmax']
                    ymax = self.labels_format['ymax']

                    if np.any(batch_y[i][:,xmax] - batch_y[i][:,xmin] <= 0) or np.any(batch_y[i][:,ymax] - batch_y[i][:,ymin] <= 0):
                        if degenerate_box_handling == 'warn':
                            warnings.warn("Detected degenerate ground truth bounding boxes for batch item {} with bounding boxes {}, ".format(i, batch_y[i]) +
                                          "i.e. bounding boxes where xmax <= xmin and/or ymax <= ymin. " +
                                          "This could mean that your dataset contains degenerate ground truth boxes, or that any image transformations you may apply might " +
                                          "result in degenerate ground truth boxes, or that you are parsing the ground truth in the wrong coordinate format." +
                                          "Degenerate ground truth bounding boxes may lead to NaN errors during the training.")
                        elif degenerate_box_handling == 'remove':
                            batch_y[i] = box_filter(batch_y[i])
                            if (batch_y[i].size == 0) and not keep_images_without_gt:

            # Remove any items we might not want to keep from the batch.
            # 进行删除操作
            if batch_items_to_remove:
                for j in sorted(batch_items_to_remove, reverse=True):
                    # This isn't efficient, but it hopefully shouldn't need to be done often anyway.
                    if batch_inverse_transforms: batch_inverse_transforms.pop(j)
                    if not (self.labels is None): batch_y.pop(j)
                    if not (self.image_ids is None): batch_image_ids.pop(j)
                    if not (self.eval_neutral is None): batch_eval_neutral.pop(j)
                    if 'original_images' in returns: batch_original_images.pop(j)
                    if 'original_labels' in returns and not (self.labels is None): batch_original_labels.pop(j)


            # CAUTION: Converting `batch_X` into an array will result in an empty batch if the images have varying sizes
            #          or varying numbers of channels. At this point, all images must have the same size and the same
            #          number of channels.
            batch_X = np.array(batch_X)
            if (batch_X.size == 0):
                raise DegenerateBatchError("You produced an empty batch. This might be because the images in the batch vary " +
                                           "in their size and/or number of channels. Note that after all transformations " +
                                           "(if any were given) have been applied to all images in the batch, all images " +
                                           "must be homogenous in size along all axes.")

            # If we have a label encoder, encode our labels.
            # 标签进行编码
            if not (label_encoder is None or self.labels is None):

                if ('matched_anchors' in returns) and isinstance(label_encoder, SSDInputEncoder):
                    batch_y_encoded, batch_matched_anchors = label_encoder(batch_y, diagnostics=True)
                    batch_y_encoded = label_encoder(batch_y, diagnostics=False)
                    batch_matched_anchors = None

                batch_y_encoded = None
                batch_matched_anchors = None

            # Compose the output.

            # 根据需求返回
            ret = []
            if 'processed_images' in returns: ret.append(batch_X)
            if 'encoded_labels' in returns: ret.append(batch_y_encoded)
            if 'matched_anchors' in returns: ret.append(batch_matched_anchors)
            if 'processed_labels' in returns: ret.append(batch_y)
            if 'filenames' in returns: ret.append(batch_filenames)
            if 'image_ids' in returns: ret.append(batch_image_ids)
            if 'evaluation-neutral' in returns: ret.append(batch_eval_neutral)
            if 'inverse_transform' in returns: ret.append(batch_inverse_transforms)
            if 'original_images' in returns: ret.append(batch_original_images)
            if 'original_labels' in returns: ret.append(batch_original_labels)

            yield ret


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