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Work Hard & Play Hard

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原创 Tips of SQL Server 2005 installation in cluster

During the SQL Server 2005 instalaltion in cluster environment, please exactly follow these tips during install process, which will make installation more smoothly.1. Before installation, please mak

2006-07-12 22:20:00 1028

原创 Troubleshooting Out Of Memory error in Anlaysis Server

This article discusses how to categorize the cause of and troubleshoot the following error in application event log of Analysis Server. For example:Event Type:   ErrorEvent Source:       MSSQLServer

2006-05-17 01:21:00 4089

原创 How to check the MSOLAP Provider used in connection string

In the Microsoft Analysis Service, when we try to connect to analysis service, we generally will use connection string as below:Provider=MSOLAP.3;Cache Authentication=False;Integrated Security=SSPI;

2006-05-10 00:35:00 5755

原创 How to view SQL Server Transaction Log

On SQL Server perspective, reading transaction log is not supported and the related code is not released to public. However, it is possible on the code level as some SQL Server feature need it. For ex

2006-05-10 00:16:00 2400

原创 Query Performance regarding DISTINCT COUNT Measure

Generally, we need to take are when we created DISTINCE COUNT(DC) measure in our cube as this kind of measure will cause performance issue. As to performance issue in Anlaysis Service (2000 & 2005),

2006-05-08 23:45:00 1137

原创 Tips of manually reinstall SQL Server 2000 Cluster instance

If the SQL Server Cluster instance is incompletely reinstalled or the SQL cluster resource is manually removed by mistake, we have to manually remove the installed SQL Server cluster instances and rei

2006-03-18 13:32:00 1673

原创 Monitor SQL Server Memory

Symptom --------Sometimes, we will notice we limit the SQL Server memory by setting max server memory, but the SQLServer.exe is using more than the value which we configred in max server memory option

2006-03-18 13:23:00 1265

原创 Configure Analysis Service HTTP connections (Double-Hop)

One of the key features in Microsoft? SQL Server? 2000 Analysis Services is the capability to access data from the Web. The PivotTable? Service (PTS) OLE DB provider uses a special Active Server Pages

2006-03-17 21:43:00 2263

原创 How to migrate DTS package from Server A to Server B

Generally, we can migrate the DTS package from Server A to Server B as below:Method 1 1. Save the DTS package on the source server to a file, and then open the DTS package file on the destination se

2006-03-17 21:03:00 702

原创 Analysis Service 2000 BUGs List

---Analysis Service SP1The hotfixes for Analysis Service Sp1 is included in the following articles290212 INF: List of Bugs Fixed in SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 1 (1 of 2)http://support.microsoft.com/

2006-03-08 01:33:00 862

原创 SQL Server 2000 BUGs List

---SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 1290212 INF: List of Bugs Fixed in SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 1 (1 of 2)http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;290212300538 INF: List of Bugs Fixed i

2006-03-07 00:56:00 881



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