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原创 golang八字库

go get github.com/warrially/BaziGohttps://github.com/warrially/BaziGo.gitgit clone https://github.com/warrially/BaziGo.gitGO 语言 八字算法  三清宫命理八字  golang 八字 四柱---------------------------------------------...

2018-04-25 09:34:04 901

翻译 GO下载地址备份百度网盘

百度网盘: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1lu4Y_LB_vplz-RaAu1iv3QStable versionsgo1.10.1 ▾File nameKindOSArchSizeSHA256 Checksumgo1.10.1.src.tar.gzSource  17MB589449ff6c3ccbff1d391d4e7ab5bb5d5643a5a41a04c99315e55...

2018-04-10 11:54:22 9419

Delphi Chrome.7z

Delphi Chrome 全套代码带DEMO


Lua 版 Excel 工具

使用LUA脚本来读取或者创建Excel -- 格式要UTF8-BOM xls = require "ExcelLua"; for k,v in pairs(xls) do print("函数库:", k, v); end -- 乘法口诀 for i = 1, 9 do for j = 1, 9 do if i <= j then -- xls.setCell(sheet号, 行, 列, 设置的名称); xls.setCells(1,i,j, i .. " * " .. j .. " = " .. i * j) end; end; end; -- xls.saveToFile&#40;文件名&#41; xls.saveToFile&#40;"wary.xlsx"&#41;; print("保存完毕");


Sublime插件--- C++代码自动格式化

把文件放到这里解压 用户\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages 重启Sublime 然后在Sublime 里面按下 Ctrl+Alt+F 就可以了


Delphi RSA 带Demo 免积分

Delphi FGInt 的, 带Demo, 网上其他的版本基本不带Demo


Delphi 二维码生成

Delphi 调用ZINT 库 生成二维码, 非常简单


Raknet for Delphi 简单封装2

在前一版的基础上, 又加入了一些内容. http://download.csdn.net/download/warrially/6414989


Raknet for Delphi 简单封装

简单封装了一个Raknet 提供给Delphi使用. 附源码.


Raknet 4.0

RakNet是一个基于UDP网络传输协议的C++网络库,允许程序员在他们自己的程序中实现高效的网络传输服务。通常情况下用于游戏,但也可以用于其它项目。 RakNet有以下特点: l 高性能 在同一台计算机上,RakNet可以实现在两个程序之间每秒传输25,000条信息; l 容易使用 RakNet有在线用户手册,视频教程。每一个函数和类都有详细的讲解,每一个功能都有自己的例程; l 跨平台,当前RakNet支持Windows, Linux, Macs,可以建立在Visual Studio, GCC, Code: Blocks, DevCPP 和其它平台上; l 在线技术支持 RakNet有一个活跃的论坛,邮件列表,你只要给他们发信,他们可以在几小时之内回复你。 l 安全的传输 RakNet在你的代码中自动使用SHA1, AES128, SYN,用RSA避免传输受到攻击 l 音频传输 用Speex编码解码,8位的音频只需要每秒500字节传输。 l 远程终端 用RakNet,你能远程管理你的程序,包括程序的设置,密码的管理和日志的管理。 l 目录服务器 目录服务器允许服务器列举他们自己需要的客户端,并与他们连接。 l Autopatcher Autopatcher系统将限制客户端传输到服务端的文件,这样是为了避免一些不合法的用户将一些不合法的文件传输到服务端。 l 对象重载系统 l 网络数据压缩 BitStream类允许压缩矢量,矩阵,四元数和在-1到1之间的实数。 l 远程功能调用 l 强健的通信层 可以保障信息按照不同的信道传输 RakNet支持两种版权,如果你是做免费游戏,RakNet将是免费的。相反,你必须支付一定的费用。



Delphi版的VSTI音源插件 制作音乐类必备.. 需要先自行下载 ASIO 驱动.


DBISAM4 for Delphi2007 demo工具包

Dbisam4 for 2007demo工具包,支持直接创建dbisam的工具






procedure MyGDIDrawEllipse ; // 画圆 procedure MyGDIDrawCap ; // 画线帽 procedure MyGDIDrawLine ; // 画虚线 procedure MyGDIDrawAlign ; // 画对齐线 procedure MyGDIDraw5Lines ; // 画5条线 procedure MyGDIDrawSolidBrush ; // 画实心画刷 procedure MyGDIDrawHatchBrush ; // 画阴影画刷 procedure MyGDIDrawBezier ; // 画贝塞尔曲线 procedure MyGDIDrawPie ; // 画饼图 procedure MyGDIDrawArc ; // 画弧线 procedure MyGDIDrawLinearGradientBrush ; //线性渐变画刷 procedure MyGDIDrawPathGradientBrush1 ; //路径渐变画刷 procedure MyGDIDrawPathGradientBrush2 ; //路径渐变画刷 procedure MyGDIDrawPathGradientBrush3 ; //路径渐变画刷 procedure MyGDIDrawPathGradientBrush4 ; //路径渐变画刷 procedure MyGDIDrawPathGradientBrush5 ; //路径渐变画刷 procedure MyGDIDrawPathGradientBrush6 ; //路径渐变画刷 procedure MyGDIDrawPathGradientBrush7 ; //路径渐变画刷



写给老婆用的计算器,含代码 mmo1.Text := '不需要缴税' ; if spe1.Value < 2000 then exit else i:= spe1.Value - 2000; if i<=500 then m:= i * 0.05 else if i <= 2000 then m:= i * 0.1 - 25 else if i <= 5000 then m:= i * 0.15 - 125 else if i <= 20000 then m:= i * 0.2 - 375 else if i <= 40000 then m:= i * 0.25 - 1375 else if i<= 60000 then m:= i * 0.3 - 3375 else if i<= 80000 then m:= i * 0.35 - 6375 else if i<= 100000 then m:= i * 0.4 - 10375 else m:= i * 0.45 - 15375; mmo1.Text := format ('需要缴纳 %f元 的税' , [m]); mmo1.Lines.Add( format ('税后工资为 %f元' , [i-m+2000]))


DC 可以被注册的版本



commonsourceUML part5

my commonsourceUML part5



my commonsourceUML part4



my commonsourceUML part3



my commonsourceUML part2



my commonsourceUML && commonsourceUML








乒乓台技术教程chm 日文版part3

//Var // updateparam : AutoUpdateParam; // hUpdateExeMutex : THANDLE; // Ret : DWORD; //Begin // ShellExecute(0, 'open', PChar(WhatNews_URL), '', '', SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED); // If Not (IsWindow(g_hUpdateExeHandle)) Then // g_hUpdateExeHandle := 0;


乒乓台技术教程chm 日文版part2

//Var // updateparam : AutoUpdateParam; // hUpdateExeMutex : THANDLE; // Ret : DWORD; //Begin // ShellExecute(0, 'open', PChar(WhatNews_URL), '', '', SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED); // If Not (IsWindow(g_hUpdateExeHandle)) Then // g_hUpdateExeHandle := 0;



//Var // updateparam : AutoUpdateParam; // hUpdateExeMutex : THANDLE; // Ret : DWORD; //Begin // ShellExecute(0, 'open', PChar(WhatNews_URL), '', '', SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED); // If Not (IsWindow(g_hUpdateExeHandle)) Then // g_hUpdateExeHandle := 0;



1.WS_FSBPhotoview.dll文件拷贝到系统目录下 2.打开fvfff.dpk,编译安装。 3.在Delphi的tools菜单下Environment Options->Library path添加第2点中的Dpk目录



This is a version of Anders Melander's TGIFImage ported to Delphi 7. It supports animated GIF files in Delphi 7. Note: This Delphi 7 version should also work older Delphi versions (not tested much). WARNING: Use it at your own risk. I'm posting it with permission from the author Anders Melander. The original TGIFImage can be found at http://www.melander.dk/delphi/gifimage/ Note: His website is offline at the moment. Finn Tolderlund 2004.04.06 Mail: finn@mail.tdcadsl.dk Mail: finn.tolderlund@mobilixnet.dk web: http://home20.inet.tele.dk/tolderlund/delphi/ web: http://finn.mobilixnet.dk/delphi/


TRegware 4.02

WAK Productions Presents: TRegware Shareware Security Component for Delphi Version 4.02 Copyright ?003 - WAK Productions ------------------------------------------------ Programmed by Winston Kotzan Email: wak@wakproductions.com Website URL: http://www.wakproductions.com/ This program helps developers of shareware include a timebomb/registration for their program. The end-user will enter a License ID and a serial number (like Winzip). If their registration information is correct, then the program becomes registered. TRegware hides data in the Windows registry to check if program was registered. If you have any difficulties using this component, suggestions, or compliments about this component, I would be glad to hear them! Please send an Email to wak@wakproductions.com. The more user responses received, the more TRegware can be improved to keep it the best shareware security component for Delphi developers! IF YOU HAVE A TECHNICAL QUESTION, PLEASE READ FAQ.TXT BEFORE SENDING AN EMAIL. THANK YOU! Release Notes ------------- Version 4.00 - NOTE THAT THE TREGWARE 4.00 ALGORITHM IS INCOMPATIBLE WITH PREVIOUS VERSIONS - New and revised demo programs included in distribution package Major revisions: - New feature allows an expiration date to be included in the registration code. This would help prevent the illegal spread of codes over a period of time. If a user enters a registration code beyond the expieration date, TRegware will not accept the code. - Now uses completely different, more secure algorithm. The registration code now consists of a combination of several code generating algorithms to make it harder for crackers to create keygens. - The TRegware class can no longer generate its own registration codes. To create registration codes use the TRegCodeGenerator class. (See demo program) - Now has option to use an expiration date in code. Check the documentation for more information. - Class name has been changed from TRegwareII to TRegware4 because of incompatibilities with past versions. - The TRegware class no longer has the ability to generate registration codes. The program now uses the function named E89CE8E0 to verify codes. Minor revisions: - Removed hard drive serial number related LicenseSource options. It was unreliable under Windows XP. - If the registry data is corrupted or unrecognized TRegware sets itself unregistered Version 3.20: - A set of compiler-time options are now available in the unit reg_opts.pas It is suggested to configure this file for each of your programs for greater security. Please read the comments in reg_opts.pas for further description. - Added Email property to contain user's email address. See DoRegistration() function documentation for details. - Licensing options (LicenseType, LicenseSource properties) have been moved to a special class, TLicenseOptions. They will now appear under the LicenseOptions property. LicenseOptions are only available in the professional edition. Version 3 of TRegware includes many features to improve its flexibility and security. In particular, TRegware has been modified to operate on Windows 2000 and XP systems. New features in version 3.0: - FSeed is now encrypted to protect from hackers. To turn this option off, remove the '$DEFINE HIDE_SEED' line from regware2.pas. Having this option on may cause TRegware to not recognize already existing registrations from previous versions. (Only available in source code edition) - Windows 2000 / XP registry is now supported. Information is stored under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT for 2000/XP systems. - New ban-list features allows you to ban certain users from using the next version of your software - Added 1 second-delay for registration attempts to prevent cracking by brute-force. This option does not have a property to disable it so that it is a little more difficult to patch. - Added spaghetti code in CalculateCode() for the purpose of confusing hackers - Option to use system-generated license id (uses Windows system ID or hard drive serial #) - Option to set site-licenses and single-user licenses. New features in version 2.0: -Detects if the user attempted to deceive the timebomb by setting their computer's clock backwards. In this case, the component will signal an OnClockChange event and report that the program has expired. When the user decides to put his clock back within the remaining 'x' days of his evaluation period, the timebomb will continue to operate. -TRegware now comes packaged with a Perl file (regware200.pl) so that registration codes can be generated on a UNIX-based web server. You can use the Perl script if you would like to give registration codes to customers via a CGI program. Bug reports? Suggestions? Comments? Email to: wak@wakproductions.com or visit website http://www.wakproductions.com/


AviWriter 带demo

Easiest way to install: Load the program group AviDemo.bpg, install the package AviPack.dpk(bpl), try the demos. Read the source of AviWriter_2.pas (in AviPack) to get help on what the procedures and properties do. **Current version: AviWriter_2 ver Changes: Finally got On-the-fly compression working with still being able to add an audio-stream. Use property OnTheFlyCompression (default is true) Also, now more than one audio file can be added. For each wav-file a delay (ms) can be specified, which says when it'll start playing. Use method AddWaveFile. In the delay got too short. Now it seems to work, due to really adding "silence" from the end of the previous audio file. Note: Some Codecs don't support On-the-fly compression. If OnTheFlyCompression is false, only one wave file can be added. **A list of codec-gotchas: (still unclear about the exact range of occurrance) IV50 Indeo Video 5: Both frame dimensions must be a factor of 4. DIVX DivX codec: Both frame dimensions must be a factor of 4. Gives a floating point error under certain circumstances. More and more likely that this occurs if the frames are too "different". If this happens, then there's an AV in Avifil32.dll, don't know how to prevent this. The codec compresses real movies nicely at frametimes <=60 ms, when changing the settings in its dialog box as follows: Bitrate (1st page): to >=1300 Max Keyframe interval (2nd page): to <=20. MRLE MS-RLE Use that one if you want to make avis which play transparently in a TAnimate. (Thanks Eddie Shipman) But it does not support on-the-fly compression. Whenever a codec fails to work, there's this dreaded error "A call to an operating system function failed" while writing a compressed file, or an unhandled exception. The only way to prevent it, that I see, is, to collect more peculiarities about the codecs and stop execution in case of certain combinations of settings. When queried about their capabilities, some of these guys seem to lie. Renate Schaaf renates@xmission.com



Delphi SWF SDK contains pure Object Pascal library for creating SWF files, without using of any external dynamic libraries. It is based on Flash movie designing so using in Delphi differs from SDK for C language providing by Macromedia. The library consists of 2 levels: Flash-objects and SWF-objects. Actually, SWF-objects are information copies of SWF tags and Flash-objects are "constructors" assisting to make work more efficiently.



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