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原创 拯救崩溃的系统

最近遭遇到虚机遇到存储故障导致操作系统损坏无法进入系统。 这种情况如果虚机里面没什么重要的东西就懒得去折腾修复了。但这次不同,里面有非常重要的数据。所以必须想办法搞定。症状是开机系统提示有错误需要修复,可以进入修复菜单。 这时如果这台机器之前有过镜像备份可以直接恢复,如果只是磁盘受损也可以尝试通过checkdisk命令行工具修复。但我既没有镜像备份,修复硬盘也无果。 尝试正常进入系统的

2016-04-21 11:03:21 801

原创 找出数据库中size最大的表

select object_name(b.object_id)TableName,       sum(a.total_pages)TotalPages,       Sum(a.total_pages)*8/1024Size_MB,       Sum(a.total_pages)*8/1024/1024Size_GBfrom sys.system_interna

2013-10-08 16:55:21 1341

原创 OSSEC Monitor your App log file

OSSEC monitors system logs with build-in support, and does a good job. Don't forget OSSEC is also can monitor the custom log file like our app's log. You have to create your own decoder and rule for that.

2013-08-22 10:24:17 1308

原创 OSSEC installation guide

SSEC is an Open Source Host-based Intrusion Detection System. It performs log analysis, integrity checking, Windows registry monitoring, rootkit detection, real-time alerting and active response. It r

2013-08-21 14:03:08 1161

转载 Linux后台进程管理利器:supervisor


2013-07-22 17:52:40 1243

转载 Python lib "Fabric"


2013-07-22 17:26:07 1336

原创 How to install Cacti on Ubuntu

Installation prerequisiteThe following packages are required to run Cacti properlyApache2# apt-get install apache2# apt-get install php5 php5-cli php5-mysql php5-snmpMYSQL# apt-get

2013-05-22 21:39:17 1252

转载 Puppet Installation Guide on Ubuntu12.04

Pre-InstallOS/Ruby Version·        See the supported platforms guide.·        If your OS is older than the supported versions, you may still be able to run Puppet if you install an updated ver

2013-05-22 17:11:40 1040

转载 Time Management Hacks I wish I'd known at 20

几天前在 Slideshare 上看到 Etienne Garbugli 的一个关于时间管理的幻灯片,觉得挺不错,值得分享。另外由于 Slideshare 被墙,顺带保存分享到墙内。如果译文有不到位的地方,烦请指出,谢谢。01. There is alway time. Time is priorities. 时间常有。时间优先。02. Days always fi

2013-04-29 21:42:46 1508

转载 Powershell: Get Content Faster with ReadCount!

Do you use Powershell?  Do you use Get-Content in Powershell to read files?  Do you sometimes work with large text files?If you answered yes to any of the questions above, then read on - this po

2013-04-28 11:28:20 1463

原创 How to change CentOS IP address on a cloned VM

I cloned a CentOS VM(wmware) but couldn't bring the network up, it said "device eth0 does not seem to be present, delaying initialization".It turns out that the NIC on the cloned VM was being re

2013-04-24 17:26:09 1340

转载 【系统工程师的自我修养】sed篇

作者:gnuhpc 出处:http://www.cnblogs.com/gnuhpc/注:本文除特殊注明外均针对传统UNIX中的sed,而非GNU的版本,以保证通用性,GNU的新特性本文暂不进行介绍,请参看手册。另外,本文对sed的讲述和总结不为求全面,只求实用性和适用性强。有需要还是参阅man手册和sed相关资料。1.原理篇掌握这个东西首先需要掌握的就是原理,否则一切

2013-02-20 22:17:35 895

原创 Erlang IDE NotePad++


2013-02-03 00:22:04 3864

转载 Erlang入门第一课《我的执行目录在哪?》

在目前网络上许多的Erlang基础教程中都提到类似下面的一个例子:-module(tut).-export([double/1]).double(X) ->    2 * X.然后在Erlang Shell中进行编译tut.erl源文件:1> c(tut).    但对于一个刚刚接触到Erlang的初学者来说,经常会发生如下的错误:./tut

2013-02-02 23:38:32 1409

原创 MongoDB 基本操作尝试

# start mongo db>mongo# list data base>show dbs# use db>use adv_pms_development # show all collections(tables) in current db.>show collections# list all elements in 'projects' table>db.pr

2013-01-09 11:08:32 708

转载 Datastore Provisioned Space vs Free Space

Last week I was asked by a customer which datastore would be the best location for a new virtual machine. They asked because while all of their datastores were showing plenty of free space they rememb

2012-12-27 15:18:57 1041

原创 不同操作系统下的“回车(CR)” and "换行(LF)"

遇到的问题是在windows编辑的配置文件,放到Linux上面就解析出错。这种错误光靠肉眼真是很难看出端倪。 于是想到Windows和Unix文件格式的区别,其中一个就是回车和换行在两种平台下的区别。于是乎用Notepad++ 打开文件查看,发现windwos下编辑的文件结尾是CRLF, Linux下面只是LF.  这事才恍然大悟:WINDOWS下, 以为行尾的标志.

2012-12-04 10:37:36 1139

转载 谈谈离职和跳槽


2012-11-24 23:49:30 707

转载 5 Linux Touch Command Examples (How to Change File Timestamp)

Every file in Linux is associated with timestamps, which specifies the last access time, last modification time and last change time.Whenever we create a new file, or modify an existing file or it

2012-11-22 15:50:47 942

转载 RAID 2, RAID 3, RAID 4, RAID 6 Explained with Diagram

In most critical production servers, you will be using either RAID 5 or RAID 10.However there are several non-standard raids, which are not used except in some rare situations. It is good to kno

2012-11-22 15:49:29 1219

转载 RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, RAID 10 Explained with Diagrams

RAID stands for Redundant Array of Inexpensive (Independent) Disks.On most situations you will be using one of the following four levels of RAIDs.RAID 0RAID 1RAID 5RAID 10 (also known as RAID

2012-11-22 15:47:50 759

原创 Linux CRON Best Practice


2012-11-02 16:52:31 710

转载 Corrupted esx.conf file prevents network settings from displaying

Corrupted esx.conf file prevents network settings from displayingSymptomsThe command esxcfg-vswitch -l does not always produce any output.The file /etc/vmware/esx.conf is corrupted; it is

2012-10-25 16:33:11 1069

原创 How to remove orphan virtual switch on ESXi host

If you use WMware ESXi product to manage all your virtual resources. you may met this issue.  The scenario like below:Some bad things happened on your host, and esx.conf file maybe corrupted a

2012-10-25 16:24:04 747

原创 The Secret of String Formating

One of the great features of PowerShell is that much formatting is done for free. For example, to find out the size of a particular file you could just enter:PSH [D:\foo]: ls demo-format.txt

2012-08-28 16:41:05 766

原创 Restart-Computer enhanced in powershell V3

In PowerShell v3, Restart-Computer now has a number of useful newparameters. For example, you can restart a remote machine and wait for thereboot process to finish.-Wait: Halts the script until th

2012-08-24 10:01:45 1980

转载 Notepad++ 运行Python程序

Notepad++ 是一个开源的文本编辑器,功能强大而且使用方便,一般情况下,Notepad++作为代码查看器,很方便,但是每次要运行的时候,总是需要用右键打开其他的IDE来编译和运行,总有些不方便。特别是像lua这种语言,在Eclipse中无法集成,因此运行的时候,总是不方便。我搜到了一个使用Notepad++作为编译器的方法,现在share给大家,:),还是很方便的。。。我先说下配置,看到

2012-08-16 00:05:02 11148 1

转载 Powersehll有哪些运算符

Powershell有哪些运行符?当然Google有答案,也许Baidu也有答案。不过我决定还是先问Powershell试试。所以我尝试了这么一条命令:PS F:\> help about_operator   嘿,蒙对了,这里果然有Powershell运算符的详细介绍。  Powershell支持运算符主要有这么几种类型:  √ 算术运算符:用于进行数值计算

2012-07-20 16:05:35 1454

原创 Powershell invokes FTP scripts

Do you have the requirement to transfer file from Windows to Linux?Do you want your script get this job done automatically, maybe you prefer Powershell.As for as i know Powershell doesn't suppor

2012-07-11 17:52:39 894

转载 IP的网段划分规则

IP网段的计算和划分   IP和子网掩码  我们都知道,IP是由四段数字组成,在此,我们先来了解一下3类常用的IP  A类IP段 到127.255.255.255   B类IP段 到191.255.255.255   C类IP段 到223.255.255.255  XP默认分配的子网掩码每段只有2

2012-07-02 12:40:44 3876

原创 Lab Manager 4.0 Console Display issue

DetailsVMware vCenter LabManager installs an ActiveX plug-in to display the Web console in MicrosoftInternet Explorer. If the vSphere Client is installed on the same machine, itinterferes with the r

2012-06-15 11:15:01 1069

原创 Set up SVN in Ubuntu

In Ubuntu, the easiest way to do version control is to set up a Subversion (SVN) server.After several tries i did, the following steps should be works on Ubuntu 11.04 desktop version!I

2012-05-17 10:52:35 650

原创 Ubuntu在corporate network下的网络配置问题

在折腾几次之后终于有些眉目了,搞清楚了虚拟环境中Linux虚机如何联网的问题。 话说这Linux系统只要配置好IP地址就应该可以访问网络了啊,顶多是再加个代理。事情本应该就是这么美好。 但通常公司的corporate network有成百上千的policy限制,防火墙就是这么出来的。场景描述:1. Install Ubuntu OS2. Configure network3. Tr

2012-05-11 17:54:08 840

转载 VI/VIM text editor 12 Powerful Find and Replace Examples

In this article, let us review how to perform both basic and advanced text and pattern substitution features in Vi and Vim Editor. These features are explained using 12 very practical and powerful t

2012-02-24 16:37:49 1215

原创 Using Functions after the Pipeline

我们都知道Powershell普通函数的声明的样子,使用也很简单:function(关键字) 函数名 (参数) {代码}比如:function add ($x,$y) { $n = $x + $y “$x+$y=$n” }

2011-10-19 15:14:25 590

原创 Powershell uses .Net DLL is pretty simple

Step1 :Create a  C sharp DLL project like below:using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;nam

2011-10-13 16:13:19 670

原创 How To Load .NET Assemblies In A PowerShell Session

PowerShell (the engine) runs fine under .NET 4.0. PowerShell ( the console host and the ISE) do not, simply because they were compiled again

2011-10-13 16:07:18 659

原创 Find and delete unused VM snapshot

#import powershell community extensions for increased functionalityImport-Module Pscx #import vmware cliAdd-PSSnapin "Vmware.VimAutomati

2011-10-13 11:15:43 765

原创 Disk usage monitoring

# To monitor disk space usage $volumeSet = Get-WmiObcject -Class win32_volume -ComputerName localhost -filter "drivetype = 3"

2011-10-13 11:12:17 590

原创 A simple Powershell script to monitor CUP/Mem utilization

#import powershell community extensions for increased functionality Import-Module Pscx #import vmware cli Add-PSSnapin "Vmware.VimA

2011-10-13 11:09:07 732

SVN 详细文档参考手册

知道CVS, 就不能不知道SVN,相对来说算是比较简化的版本控制工具,确实有它的局限性。不过很适合小团队的开发。



听说过Make, makefile, 还有另一个灵巧的build工具就是Ant。 在java里面用的比较广泛。供大家参考。


Junit introduction

一个关于Junit的简要介绍。 算是个入门级的教程吧。 对面试有一定帮助。


Java Interview QA

java 面试中一些关键的常常被问到的问题。 面试宝典。



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