

         A commentor on my previous post asked why I think MySQL is a toy.



         I've actually blogged about that a number of times, but when wanting to point that out, I found that most of those posts point out just one thing, rather than having one post that enumerates them all. So let's remedy that, shall we?



         There are many things wrong with MySQL, including, but not limited to:



         In my personal opinion, the whole storage engine thing is a bad idea. It leads to dilution of effort (the MySQL developers need to implement stuff more than once), and makes users choose between disjoint feature sets, which will almost always result in suboptimal results. It also neatly allows PR people to claim that MySQL is 'fast' and 'ACID compliant', without mentioning that you can't combine both.



        One of MySQL's default settings is to truncate string values if they are longer than the field in which they're supposed to fit. This eats data. Hint: it's a database. While truncating strings might be appropriate in extreme corner cases, making it the default is so wrong it's not even funny.



        One of MySQL's default settings is to use MyISAM as a storage engine, which doesn't do transactions. This means you don't have atomicity, which eats data. Hint: it's a database. While telling a user "if the system crashes, I might write your entire data set to disk, or I might write just half of it, or I might corrupt the data set and I'm not going to tell you until you try to read again" might be appropriate in extreme corner cases, making it the default is so wrong it's not even funny. Update: as many people pointed out to me in the comments, apparently one of the first things Oracle did when they took over MySQL is to change the default from MyISAM to InnoDB, making this point no longer valid. I still think the replaceable storage engine thing is a bad idea, but with InnoDB as default, it's not as much of a pain anymore.

         MySQL的另一个默认设置是使用MyISAM作为存储引擎,不支持事务。这意味着你没有原子操作可用,使数据丢失(译者按:原文This means you don't have atomicity, which eats data.不解这里是什么意思)。提示:对于一个数据库来说。假如它告诉用户“当系统崩溃时,我可能已经把所有的数据写进磁盘,也可能只写了一半,也可能是数据结构已经损坏但我没有告诉你,当你重新读取的时候就能发现错误了。”这个引擎可能适用于极端的不常发生的情况,但是数据库默认采用这种引擎就太可笑了。更新:很多人在评论中指出,显而易见的Oracle接手MySQL之后第一件事就是把MySQL默认的MyISAM换成了InnoDB,因此这一点已经不再是MySQL的缺陷之一了。我仍然坚持认为替换引擎不是一个好主意,但至少InnoDB作为默认的引擎不会比MyISAM更让人痛苦


         If those two weren't enough 'mysql eats your data' arguments, note that most distributions routinely run a data recovery tool at MySQL startup, because not doing so caused problems in the past.



         I've seen MySQL crash and burn and segfault reproducibly when it encountered a corrupt table. Now I'm not saying that the database should be able to read data as if nothing happened from a corrupt file, but it should not crash and burn and segfault; instead, it should produce an error message.



         Fetching a result set can be done in two ways: either you call mysql_use_result() before calling mysql_fetch_row() which tells MySQL you'll be fetching the result one row at a time, or you call mysql_store_result(), which will read the entire result set into memory. So far so good. The problem, however, is that if you use mysql_use_result(), you're locking the tables from which you're fetching data, and no other client will be able to update any data in those tables until you're finished. On the other hand, if you need to process a large amount of data that can't be processed on the server for some reason, you may need to run a query that returns more data than you have memory. In that case, running mysql_store_result() is plain impossible. This isn't just a theoretical thing; I've seen cases in data warehouse situations where a database client needed to process multi-gigabyte query results. Trying this on MySQL is a pain.



         When compared to PostgreSQL, the MySQL feature set is immature. For instance, here's a number of useful[1] features which PostgreSQL has but MySQL, to the best of my knowledge, does not (corrections are welcome):

       跟PostgreSQL相比, MySQL的功能集是不成熟的。例如,这里有一些有用[1]的功能。是PostgreSQL有但据我所知MySQL没有的(欢迎改正) :



        table inheritance



         asynchronous notification



         full ACID compliance, in all cases. (MySQL only offers full ACID compliance if you pick a particular storage engine)



         asynchronous command processing.



         Very flexible authentication system, and real actual users. For instance, PostgreSQL supports Kerberos authentication, and understands that users may actually log in from different hosts (gasp!)

       非常灵活的身份验证系统,和真正的实际用户。例如, PostgreSQL支持Kerberos身份验证,并且意识到用户信息实际上可能会记录在不同的主机(哇!)


         SELinux extensions, calledSE-PostgreSQL.



         Server-side languages are implemented using a plugin scheme, allowing stored procedures to be writtenbascially in any possible language. Someone wrote a PL/LOLCODE which, while not very useful, shows the flexibility; MySQL only supports one language for stored procedures and triggers—if the storage engine supports triggers, which not all do.

         服务器端语言使用一个插件来实现,在根本上允许任何可能的语言编写存储过程。有人写了一个PL / LOLCODE ,虽然不是非常有用,但是展示了其灵活性; MySQL只支持一种语言编写存储过程和触发器,但也不是所有的储存引擎都支持触发器的。


         Sequences (an AUTO_INCREMENT column is a reasonable workaround, but still not a sequence)



         window functions



         extensible data type system; of those, MySQL only supports enumerated types.



         Against that list, MySQL can only pit "multi-master clustering". While I'm sure that's useful for some use cases, I remain unconvinced that it's a useful enough feature to have to deal with the administrative overhead that MySQL's multi-master clustering imposes upon you, or that it is worth losing all the above over.



         So it's my opinion that any database which fails to store data correctly in its default settings can't be anything but a toy; or that a database which has a comparatively small feature set can't be anything but a toy. But maybe that's just me.



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