
/system script
add name=script1 owner=delavar policy=\
    reboot,read,write,test,password,sniff,sensitive source="##################\
    \n#   高级防火墙 V5.0 (Fix Version)           \
    \_                               #\r\
    \n# Author: dahai                                                    \
    \_                               #\r\
    \n# email:                                 \
    \_                               #\r\
    \n# Username                                \
    \_                               #\r\
    \n#                                         License                       \
    \_                               #\r\
    \n# This script has been created for use by the general public and may be \
    used freely. This script may    #\r\
    \n# not be sold!                                                          \
    \_                               #\r\
    \n# Features                                                              \
    \_                               #\r\
    \n# -Detect and block brute force attacks to the routers via SSH, Telnet, \
    and Winbox (Disables WWW & FTP) #\r\
    \n# -Basic Antivirus filtering                                            \
    \_                               #\r\
    \n# -P2P Blocking                                                         \
    \_                               #\r\
    \n# -High Connection Rate detection                                       \
    \_                               #\r\
    \n# -Basic Spam detection                                                 \
    \_                               #\r\
    \n# -Basic Port Scanner Detection                                         \
    \_                               #\r\
    \n# -Bogon Address Blocking                                               \
    \_                               #\r\
    \n#### Firewall Settings                                                  \
    \_                                              ####\r\
    \n/ip firewall connection tracking\r\
    \nset enabled=yes\r\
    \n#### Drop Invalid Connections                                           \
    \_                                              ####\r\
    \n#### To make this more useful, create a copy of the forward chain rule a\
    nd set the interface for each LAN intface      ####\r\
    \n#### on your network. Remember to remove the orginal rule.              \
    \_                                              ####\r\
    \n/ip firewall filter\r\
    \nadd action=drop chain=input comment=\"Drop Invalid Connections\" connect\
    ion-state=invalid disabled=no\r\
    \nadd action=drop chain=forward comment=\"Drop Invalid Connections\" conne\
    ction-state=invalid disabled=no\r\
    \n#### Must Add Admin IP Addresses in the Address List for Administering t\
    he Network in \"Exempt Addresses\"              #####\r\
    \nadd action=accept chain=input comment=\"Accept Exempt IP Addresses\" dis\
    abled=no src-address-list=\"Exempt Addresses\"\r\
    \nadd action=accept chain=forward comment=\"Accept Exempt IP Addresses\" d\
    isabled=no src-address-list=\"Exempt Addresses\"\r\
    \n#### Multiple \"Black Lists\" have been created to help identify why any\
    \_given person has been blocked.#######################\r\
    \n#### By default Port Scanners Black List is disabled. The Firewall will \
    continue to add these people to the ################\r\
    \n#### the Black List, but will not block them unless the Black List is en\
    abled. Use with caution!!!! ########################\r\
    \n#### Once someone is on a Black List they are permanently recorded there\
    . To remove them, go to the address list.###########\r\
    \nadd action=drop chain=input comment=\"Drop anyone in the Black List (Man\
    ually Added)\" disabled=no src-address-list=\"Black List\"\r\
    \nadd action=drop chain=forward comment=\"Drop anyone in the Black List (M\
    anually Added)\" disabled=no src-address-list=\"Black List\"\r\
    \nadd action=drop chain=input comment=\"Drop anyone in the Black List (SSH\
    )\" disabled=no src-address-list=\"Black List (SSH)\"\r\
    \nadd action=drop chain=forward comment=\"Drop anyone in the Black List (S\
    SH)\" disabled=no src-address-list=\"Black List (SSH)\"\r\
    \nadd action=drop chain=input comment=\"Drop anyone in the Black List (Tel\
    net)\" disabled=no src-address-list=\"Black List (Telnet)\"\r\
    \nadd action=drop chain=forward comment=\"Drop anyone in the Black List (T\
    elnet)\" disabled=no src-address-list=\"Black List (Telnet)\"\r\
    \nadd action=drop chain=input comment=\"Drop anyone in the Black List (Win\
    box)\" disabled=no src-address-list=\"Black List (Winbox)\"\r\
    \nadd action=drop chain=forward comment=\"Drop anyone in the Black List (W\
    inbox)\" disabled=no src-address-list=\"Black List (Winbox)\"\r\
    \nadd action=drop chain=input comment=\"Drop anyone in the WAN Port Scanne\
    r List\" disabled=yes src-address-list=\"WAN Port Scanners\"\r\
    \nadd action=drop chain=forward comment=\"Drop anyone in the WAN Port Scan\
    ner List\" disabled=yes src-address-list=\"WAN Port Scanners\"\r\
    \nadd action=drop chain=input comment=\"Drop anyone in the LAN Port Scanne\
    r List\" disabled=yes src-address-list=\"LAN Port Scanners\"\r\
    \nadd action=drop chain=forward comment=\"Drop anyone in the LAN Port Scan\
    ner List\" disabled=yes src-address-list=\"LAN Port Scanners\"\r\
    \nadd action=drop chain=input comment=\"Drop all Bogons\" disabled=no src-\
    \nadd action=drop chain=forward comment=\"Drop all Bogons\" disabled=no sr\
    \nadd action=drop chain=forward comment=\"Drop all P2P\" disabled=yes p2p=\
    \nadd chain=output comment=\"Section Break\" disabled=yes\r\
    \n#### Detect & Block Brute Force Login Attempts                          \
    \_                                              ####\r\
    \nadd action=jump chain=input comment=\"Jump to RFC SSH Chain\" disabled=n\
    o jump-target=\"RFC SSH Chain\"\r\
    \nadd action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=\"Black List (SSH)\" add\
    ress-list-timeout=0s chain=\"RFC SSH Chain\" comment=\"Transfer repeated a\
    ttempts from SSH Stage 3 to Black-List\" connection-state=new disabled=no \
    dst-port=22 protocol=tcp src-address-list=\"SSH Stage 3\"\r\
    \nadd action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=\"SSH Stage 3\" address-\
    list-timeout=1m chain=\"RFC SSH Chain\" comment=\"Add succesive attempts t\
    o SSH Stage 3\" connection-state=new disabled=no dst-port=22 protocol=tcp \
    src-address-list=\"SSH Stage 2\"\r\
    \nadd action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=\"SSH Stage 2\" address-\
    list-timeout=1m chain=\"RFC SSH Chain\" comment=\"Add succesive attempts t\
    o SSH Stage 2\" connection-state=new disabled=no dst-port=22 protocol=tcp \
    src-address-list=\"SSH Stage 1\"\r\
    \nadd action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=\"SSH Stage 1\" address-\
    list-timeout=1m chain=\"RFC SSH Chain\" comment=\"Add intial attempt to SS\
    H Stage 1 List\" connection-state=new disabled=no dst-port=22 protocol=tcp\
    \nadd action=return chain=\"RFC SSH Chain\" comment=\"Return From RFC SSH \
    Chain\" disabled=no\r\
    \nadd chain=output comment=\"Section Break\" disabled=yes\r\
    \nadd action=jump chain=input comment=\"Jump to RFC Telnet Chain\" disable\
    d=no jump-target=\"RFC Telnet Chain\"\r\
    \nadd action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=\"Black List (Telnet)\" \
    address-list-timeout=0s chain=\"RFC Telnet Chain\" comment=\"Transfer repe\
    ated attempts from Telnet Stage 3 to Black-List\" connection-state=new dis\
    abled=no dst-port=23 protocol=tcp src-address-list=\"Telnet Stage 3\"\r\
    \nadd action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=\"Telnet Stage 3\" addre\
    ss-list-timeout=1m chain=\"RFC Telnet Chain\" comment=\"Add succesive atte\
    mpts to Telnet Stage 3\" connection-state=new disabled=no dst-port=23 prot\
    ocol=tcp src-address-list=\"Telnet Stage 2\"\r\
    \nadd action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=\"Telnet Stage 2\" addre\
    ss-list-timeout=1m chain=\"RFC Telnet Chain\" comment=\"Add succesive atte\
    mpts to Telnet Stage 2\" connection-state=new disabled=no dst-port=23 prot\
    ocol=tcp src-address-list=\"Telnet Stage 1\"\r\
    \nadd action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=\"Telnet Stage 1\" addre\
    ss-list-timeout=1m chain=\"RFC Telnet Chain\" comment=\"Add Intial attempt\
    \_to Telnet Stage 1\" connection-state=new disabled=no dst-port=23 protoco\
    \nadd action=return chain=\"RFC Telnet Chain\" comment=\"Return From RFC T\
    elnet Chain\" disabled=no\r\
    \nadd chain=output comment=\"Section Break\" disabled=yes\r\
    \nadd action=jump chain=input comment=\"Jump to RFC Winbox Chain\" disable\
    d=no jump-target=\"RFC Winbox Chain\"\r\
    \nadd action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=\"Black List (Winbox)\" \
    address-list-timeout=0s chain=\"RFC Winbox Chain\" comment=\"Transfer repe\
    ated attempts from Winbox Stage 3 to Black-List\" connection-state=new dis\
    abled=no dst-port=8291 protocol=tcp src-address-list=\"Winbox Stage 3\"\r\
    \nadd action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=\"Winbox Stage 3\" addre\
    ss-list-timeout=1m chain=\"RFC Winbox Chain\" comment=\"Add succesive atte\
    mpts to Winbox Stage 3\" connection-state=new disabled=no dst-port=8291 pr\
    otocol=tcp src-address-list=\"Winbox Stage 2\"\r\
    \nadd action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=\"Winbox Stage 2\" addre\
    ss-list-timeout=1m chain=\"RFC Winbox Chain\" comment=\"Add succesive atte\
    mpts to Winbox Stage 2\" connection-state=new disabled=no dst-port=8291 pr\
    otocol=tcp src-address-list=\"Winbox Stage 1\"\r\
    \nadd action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=\"Winbox Stage 1\" addre\
    ss-list-timeout=1m chain=\"RFC Winbox Chain\" comment=\"Add Intial attempt\
    \_to Winbox Stage 1\" connection-state=new disabled=no dst-port=8291 proto\
    \nadd action=return chain=\"RFC Winbox Chain\" comment=\"Return From RFC W\
    inbox Chain\" disabled=no\r\
    \nadd chain=output comment=\"Section Break\" disabled=yes\r\
    \n#### Detect & Manage Port Scanners                                      \
    \_                                              ####\r\
    \n/ip firewall filter\r\
    \nadd action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=\"Wan Port Scanners\" ch\
    ain=input comment=\"Add TCP Port Scanners to Address List\" protocol=tcp p\
    \nadd action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=\"LAN Port Scanners\" ch\
    ain=forward comment=\"Add TCP Port Scanners to Address List\" protocol=tcp\
    \nadd chain=output comment=\"Section Break\" disabled=yes\r\
    \n#### Detect & Manage High Connection Rates                              \
    \_                                              ####\r\
    \n/ip firewall filter\r\
    \nadd action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=\"(WAN High Connection R\
    ates)\" chain=input comment=\"Add WAN High Connections to Address List\" c\
    onnection-limit=100,32 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=\"(LAN High Connection R\
    ates)\" chain=forward comment=\"Add LAN High Connections to Address List\"\
    \_connection-limit=100,32 protocol=tcp\r\
    \n#### The Virus Chain has been added at the request of customers, but the\
    re is no guarantee expressed or implied with the ###\r\
    \n#### Virus Chain. ######################################################\
    \nadd action=jump chain=input comment=\"Jump to Virus Chain\" disabled=no \
    \nadd action=drop chain=Virus comment=\"Drop Blaster Worm\" disabled=no ds\
    t-port=135-139 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd action=drop chain=Virus comment=\"Drop Blaster Worm\" disabled=no ds\
    t-port=445 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd action=drop chain=Virus comment=\"Drop Blaster Worm\" disabled=no ds\
    t-port=445 protocol=udp\r\
    \nadd action=drop chain=Virus comment=\"Drop Messenger Worm\" disabled=no \
    dst-port=135-139 protocol=udp\r\
    \nadd action=drop chain=Virus comment=Conficker disabled=no dst-port=593 p\
    \nadd action=drop chain=Virus comment=Worm disabled=no dst-port=1024-1030 \
    \nadd action=drop chain=Virus comment=\"ndm requester\" disabled=no dst-po\
    rt=1363 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd action=drop chain=Virus comment=\"ndm server\" disabled=no dst-port=\
    1364 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd action=drop chain=Virus comment=\"screen cast\" disabled=no dst-port\
    =1368 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd action=drop chain=Virus comment=hromgrafx disabled=no dst-port=1373 \
    \nadd action=drop chain=Virus comment=\"Drop MyDoom\" disabled=no dst-port\
    =1080 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd action=drop chain=Virus comment=cichlid disabled=no dst-port=1377 pr\
    \nadd action=drop chain=Virus comment=Worm disabled=no dst-port=1433-1434 \
    \nadd action=drop chain=Virus comment=\"Drop Dumaru.Y\" disabled=no dst-po\
    rt=2283 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd action=drop chain=Virus comment=\"Drop Beagle\" disabled=no dst-port\
    =2535 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd action=drop chain=Virus comment=\"Drop Beagle.C-K\" disabled=no dst-\
    port=2745 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd action=drop chain=Virus comment=\"Drop MyDoom\" disabled=no dst-port\
    =3127-3128 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd action=drop chain=Virus comment=\"Drop Backdoor OptixPro\" disabled=\
    no dst-port=3410 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd action=drop chain=Virus comment=\"Drop Sasser\" disabled=no dst-port\
    =5554 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd action=drop chain=Virus comment=Worm disabled=no dst-port=4444 proto\
    \nadd action=drop chain=Virus comment=Worm disabled=no dst-port=4444 proto\
    \nadd action=drop chain=Virus comment=\"Drop Beagle.B\" disabled=no dst-po\
    rt=8866 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd action=drop chain=Virus comment=\"Drop Dabber.A-B\" disabled=no dst-\
    port=9898 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd action=drop chain=Virus comment=\"Drop Dumaru.Y\" disabled=no dst-po\
    rt=10000 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd action=drop chain=Virus comment=\"Drop MyDoom.B\" disabled=no dst-po\
    rt=10080 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd action=drop chain=Virus comment=\"Drop NetBus\" disabled=no dst-port\
    =12345 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd action=drop chain=Virus comment=\"Drop Kuang2\" disabled=no dst-port\
    =17300 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd action=drop chain=Virus comment=\"Drop SubSeven\" disabled=no dst-po\
    rt=27374 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd action=drop chain=Virus comment=\"Drop PhatBot, Agobot, Gaobot\" dis\
    abled=no dst-port=65506 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd action=return chain=Virus comment=\"Return From Virus Chain\" disabl\
    \nadd chain=output comment=\"Section Break\" disabled=yes\r\
    \n#### This is the BOGON short list.                                      \
    \_                                              ####\r\
    \n####!!!!! All subnets in this list will be blocked!!! Disable or remove \
    any subnets that you are using!!!##################\r\
    \n/ip firewall address-list\r\
    \nadd address= comment=\"RFC 1122 \\\"This host on this network\\\
    \"\" disabled=yes list=Bogons\r\
    \nadd address= comment=\"RFC 1918 (Private Use IP Space)\" disab\
    led=yes list=Bogons\r\
    \nadd address= comment=\"RFC 6598 (Shared Address Space)\" di\
    sabled=yes list=Bogons\r\
    \nadd address= comment=\"RFC 1122 (Loopback)\" disabled=yes lis\
    \nadd address= comment=\"RFC 3927 (Dynamic Configuration of \
    IPv4 Link-Local Addresses)\" disabled=yes list=Bogons\r\
    \nadd address= comment=\"RFC 1918 (Private Use IP Space)\" di\
    sabled=yes list=Bogons\r\
    \nadd address= comment=\"RFC 6890 (IETF Protocol Assingments)\
    \" disabled=yes list=Bogons\r\
    \nadd address= comment=\"RFC 5737 (Test-Net-1)\" disabled=yes \
    \nadd address= comment=\"RFC 1918 (Private Use IP Space)\" d\
    isabled=yes list=Bogons\r\
    \nadd address= comment=\"RFC 2544 (Benchmarking)\" disabled=y\
    es list=Bogons\r\
    \nadd address= comment=\"RFC 5737 (Test-Net-2)\" disabled=y\
    es list=Bogons\r\
    \nadd address= comment=\"RFC 5737 (Test-Net-3)\" disabled=ye\
    s list=Bogons\r\
    \nadd address= comment=\"RFC 5771 (Multicast Addresses) - Will \
    affect OSPF, RIP, PIM, VRRP, IS-IS, and others. Use with caution.)\" disab\
    led=yes list=Bogons\r\
    \nadd address= comment=\"RFC 1112 (Reserved)\" disabled=yes lis\
    \nadd address= comment=\"RFC 7535 (AS112-v4)\" disabled=yes\
    \nadd address= comment=\"RFC 7450 (AMT)\" disabled=yes list\
    \nadd address= comment=\"RFC 7526 (Deprecated (6to4 Relay An\
    ycast))\" disabled=yes list=Bogons\r\
    \nadd address= comment=\"RFC 7534 (Direct Delegation AS112 \
    Service)\" disabled=yes list=Bogons\r\
    \nadd address= comment=\"RFC 919 (Limited Broadcast)\" disa\
    bled=yes list=Bogons\r\
    \n#### This is a list of all common ports as found on http://en.wikipedia.\
    org/wiki/List_of_TCP_and_UDP_port_numbers  and other sources.       ##\r\
    \n#### By default they are enabled to prevent immediate problems when appl\
    ying the script. Carefully review the list of                       ##\r\
    \n#### ports and remove or disable entries that are not needed.           \
    \_                                                                   ##\r\
    \n/ip firewall filter\r\
    \nadd action=jump chain=forward comment=\"Jump to \\\"Manage Common Ports\
    \\\" Chain\" jump-target=\"Manage Common Ports\"\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"\\\"All hosts on this subnet\
    \\\" Broadcast\" src-address=\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"\\\"All routers on this subn\
    et\\\" Broadcast\" src-address=\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"DVMRP (Distance Vector Multi\
    cast Routing Protocol)\" src-address=\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"OSPF - All OSPF Routers Broa\
    dcast\" src-address=\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"OSPF - OSPF DR Routers Broad\
    cast\" src-address=\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"RIP Broadcast\" src-address=\\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"EIGRP Broadcast\" src-addres\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"PIM Broadcast\" src-address=\\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"VRRP Broadcast\" src-address\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"IS-IS Broadcast\" src-addres\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"IS-IS Broadcast\" src-addres\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"IS-IS Broadcast\" src-addres\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"IGMP Broadcast\" src-address\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"GRE Protocol (Local Manageme\
    nt)\" protocol=gre\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"FTPdata transfer\" port=20 p\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"FTPdata transfer  \" port=20\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"FTPcontrol (command)\" port=\
    21 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"Secure Shell(SSH)\" port=22 \
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"Secure Shell(SSH)   \" port=\
    22 protocol=udp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=Telnet port=23 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=Telnet port=23 protocol=udp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"Priv-mail: any privatemailsy\
    stem.\" port=24 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"Priv-mail: any privatemailsy\
    stem.  \" port=24 protocol=udp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"Simple Mail Transfer Protoco\
    l(SMTP)\" port=25 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"Simple Mail Transfer Protoco\
    l(SMTP)  \" port=25 protocol=udp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"TIME protocol\" port=37 prot\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"TIME protocol  \" port=37 pr\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"ARPA Host Name Server Protoc\
    ol & WINS\" port=42 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"ARPA Host Name Server Protoc\
    ol  & WINS  \" port=42 protocol=udp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"WHOIS protocol\" port=43 pro\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"WHOIS protocol\" port=43 pro\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"Domain Name System (DNS)\" p\
    ort=53 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"Domain Name System (DNS)\" p\
    ort=53 protocol=udp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"Mail Transfer Protocol(RFC 7\
    80)\" port=57 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"(BOOTP) Server & (DHCP)  \" \
    port=67 protocol=udp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"(BOOTP) Client & (DHCP)  \" \
    port=68 protocol=udp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"Trivial File Transfer Protoc\
    ol (TFTP)  \" port=69 protocol=udp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"Gopher protocol\" port=70 pr\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"Finger protocol\" port=79 pr\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"Hypertext Transfer Protocol \
    (HTTP)\" port=80 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"RemoteTELNETService protocol\
    \" port=107 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"Post Office Protocolv2 (POP2\
    )\" port=109 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"Post Office Protocolv3 (POP3\
    )\" port=110 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"IdentAuthentication Service/\
    Identification Protocol\" port=113 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"Authentication Service (auth\
    )  \" port=113 protocol=udp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"Simple File Transfer Protoco\
    l (SFTP)\" port=115 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"Network Time Protocol(NTP)\"\
    \_port=123 protocol=udp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"NetBIOSNetBIOS Name Service\
    \" port=137 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"NetBIOSNetBIOS Name Service \
    \_\" port=137 protocol=udp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"NetBIOSNetBIOS Datagram Serv\
    ice\" port=138 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"NetBIOSNetBIOS Datagram Serv\
    ice  \" port=138 protocol=udp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"NetBIOSNetBIOS Session Servi\
    ce\" port=139 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"NetBIOSNetBIOS Session Servi\
    ce  \" port=139 protocol=udp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"Internet Message Access Prot\
    ocol (IMAP)\" port=143 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"Background File Transfer Pro\
    gram (BFTP)\" port=152 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"Background File Transfer Pro\
    gram (BFTP)  \" port=152 protocol=udp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"SGMP,Simple Gateway Monitori\
    ng Protocol\" port=153 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"SGMP,Simple Gateway Monitori\
    ng Protocol  \" port=153 protocol=udp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"DMSP, Distributed Mail Servi\
    ce Protocol\" port=158 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"DMSP, Distributed Mail Servi\
    ce Protocol  \" port=158 protocol=udp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"Simple Network Management Pr\
    otocol(SNMP)  \" port=161 protocol=udp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"Simple Network Management Pr\
    otocolTrap (SNMPTRAP)\" port=162 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"Simple Network Management Pr\
    otocolTrap (SNMPTRAP)  \" port=162 protocol=udp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"BGP (Border Gateway Protocol\
    )\" port=179 protocol=tcp\r\
    \nadd chain=\"Manage Common Ports\" comment=\"Internet Message Access Prot\
    ocol (IMAP), version 3\" port=220 protocol=tcp\r\

评论 1




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