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原创 mysql8忘记密码的步骤


2023-09-01 21:57:07 323

原创 FFMpeg: “Invalid audio stream. Exactly one MP3 audio stream is required“

【代码】FFMpeg: “Invalid audio stream. Exactly one MP3 audio stream is required“

2023-06-20 15:04:14 1948

原创 nginx限流


2023-05-25 15:24:49 1360

原创 golang移动文件


2023-02-08 17:33:28 757

原创 debian安装dde桌面


2022-09-28 09:13:12 2590 1

原创 rockylinux切换阿里云地址


2022-09-21 09:16:14 473

转载 c++11特性之std-move的使用和原理


2022-08-16 10:11:50 832

原创 vs2017上release打开调试(亲测试可以使用)


2022-04-29 18:20:17 629

原创 qt5在vs2017中的设置

项目使用vs2017来编译。有几个地方要设置下中添加一个ui文件,右键这个ui文件,选择属性,项类型选择自定义生成工具这时候左侧会生成自定义生成工具选项命令行中输入"$(QTDIR)\bin\uic.exe" -o ".\GeneratedFiles\ui_%(Filename).h" "%(FullPath)"说明输入Uic%27ing %(Identity)...输出.\GeneratedFiles\ui_%(Filename).h;%(Outputs)$(Q

2022-04-29 16:49:59 1271

原创 qt每天生成一个日志文件

好的日志需要记录详细的时间,不同的运用就生成不现的日志名。另外日志比较大,一般是一天生成一个。参考了其它博主的代码。最终代码实现如下//日志void outputMessage(QtMsgType t, const QMessageLogContext &context, const QString &msg){ static QMutex mutex; mutex.lock(); QString text; switch(int(t)) {

2022-04-21 07:47:03 555

原创 windows10中docker迁移目录

比如要把docker转移到d:/docker中1.暂停docker中的服务在管理工具中暂停2.把文件复制到d:/docker中去c:\Program Files\Docker -> E:\docker\Dockerc:\ProgramData\DockerDesktop -> e:\docker\DockerDesktop3.创建链接C:\Users\Administrator>cmd /c mklink /D "c:\Program Files\Docker

2022-04-04 08:54:15 1371

原创 QOCI for the Oracle Call Interface (OCI)

The Qt OCI plugin supports Oracle 9i, 10g and higher. After connecting to the Oracle server, the plugin will auto-detect the database version and enable features accordingly.It's possible to connect to a Oracle database without a tnsnames.ora file. This

2022-03-16 16:45:58 923

原创 How to Define an Auto Increment Primary Key in Oracle

Much to the frustration of database administrators worldwide, prior to Oracle version 12c in mid-2014, Oracle simply had no inherent ability to inherently generate auto incrementing columns within a table schema. While the reasons for this design decision

2022-03-16 09:44:52 807

转载 连接driver not loaded解决方法

我想你和我一样,照着终于编译好了qt的oracle驱动QOCI,连接成功!!! 一文编译了QOCI,我目前遇到下面错误:(代码我直接用原文的)QSqlDatabase: QOCI driver not loadedQSqlDatabase: available drivers: QSQLITE QMYSQL QMYSQL3 QODBC QODBC3 QPSQL QPSQL7error_Oracle: "Driver not loaded Driver not loaded" 解决这..

2022-03-15 17:37:29 2961

原创 Accessing Oracle Database Using C++

This chapter describes the basics of developing C++ applications using Oracle C++ Call Interface (OCCI) to work with data stored in relational databases.This chapter contains these topics: About Connecting to a Database About Pooling Connections

2022-03-12 12:30:10 2152

原创 Introduction to OCCI

This chapter describes the basics of developing C++ applications using Oracle C++ Call Interface (OCCI) to work with data stored in relational databases.This chapter contains these topics: About Connecting to a Database About Pooling Connections

2022-03-12 10:31:20 1750

原创 Oracle11g 卸载

1.关闭oracle所有的服务。Window7用户可以在windows的任务管理器-->服务内关闭以oracle开头的所有服务;xp用户可以在我的电脑右击-->管理-->服务和应用程序-->服务,找到所有以oracle开头的服务,右击,关闭。2.打开注册表:regedit打开路径: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\删除该路径下的所有以oracle开始的服务名称,这个键是标识Orac...

2022-03-10 09:17:19 124

原创 Windows 7 with SP1各版本下载

在工程中如下设置INCLUDEPATH += "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft SDKs/Windows/v7.1A/Include/"

2022-03-08 10:41:39 2298

原创 How to use Windows API in Qt (A simple example)

Qt is a cross-platform framework that encapsulates API across many Operating Systems but one always faces situations in which he/she needs to access and use OS specific capabilities. Windows API is a massive collection of interfaces that allow a programmer

2022-03-08 10:06:30 80

原创 How to create a library with Qt and use it in an application

IntroductionThis tutorial illustrates different approaches for using a custom library in your application on Windows. The first part explains how to create a shared library and how to link against it in your application. The second part is about creating

2022-03-07 17:01:04 776

原创 undefined reference to `vtable for`

undefined reference to typeinfo - C++ error messageThere are some compiler and loader error messages that shout obviously as to their cause, but there are others that simply don't give the new user much of an indication as to what's really wrong. And most

2022-03-07 10:12:01 156

原创 qt单例实例模板

经常需要使用单例,这里写一个直接看代码#define DECLARE_SINGLETON(Class) \Q_DISABLE_COPY(Class) \public: \ static Class* Instance() \ { \ static QMutex mutex; \ static QScopedPointer<Class> inst; \ if (Q_UNLIKELY(!inst)) { \

2022-03-03 08:56:40 345

原创 Using Google Breakpad with Qt

I M A N edited this pageon 15 Dec 2016·39 revisionsPages6 Home Change Jenkins Temporary Directory Produce a stacktrace when something goes wrong in your application Using Google Breakpad with Qt Introduction Integration into ...

2022-03-01 11:03:10 353

原创 How to Install vsftpd FTP Server on Debian 11

FTP, short for File Transfer Protocol, is a popular protocol for transferring files to and from an FTP server. However, it is fraught with security risks since it sends data and sensitive information such as usernames and passwords in plain text.VSFTPD( ..

2022-02-26 00:00:16 132

原创 Qt超大文本文件读取

Qt读取,显示几百M甚至几个G的超大文本文件时,调用QFile::open()读取,容易出现加载卡死。对此,可以调用QFile::map()反射内存。uchar *QFileDevice::map(qint64 offset, qint64 size, QFileDevice::MemoryMapFlags flags = NoOptions)Maps size bytes of the file into memory starting at offset. A file should be o

2022-02-25 14:56:28 3320

原创 error writing to -: Invalid argument

qt中出现如上的错误,解决办法error writing to -: Invalid argument工程目录下缺少编译中间文件存放目录:release 和 debug文件夹。创建两个文件夹就可以

2022-02-25 14:36:43 814

原创 创建和使用您自己的动态链接库 (C++)

此分步演练演示如何使用 Visual Studio IDE 创建自己的动态链接库 (DLL),这些库是用 Microsoft C++ (MSVC) 编写的。然后,它展示了如何使用另一个C++应用程序中的 DLL。DLL(在基于 UNIX 的操作系统中也称为共享库)是最有用的 Windows 组件类型之一。你可以使用它们来共享代码和资源,并缩小应用的大小。DLL 甚至可以更轻松地服务和扩展应用。在本演练中,您将创建一个实现某些数学函数的 DLL。然后,你将创建一个使用 DLL 中的函数的控制台应用。您还将

2022-02-25 13:15:53 1730

原创 qt发布windows脚本

echo onD:\soft\Qt5.6.3\5.6.3\mingw49_32\bin\windeployqt.exe %1xcopy /s /q /y D:\soft\Qt5.6.3\5.6.3\mingw49_32\bin\*.dll .自己写了一个qt打包程序

2022-02-24 19:14:41 173

原创 qtcreator4.0远程调试

1.远程主机ip本地ip(qtcreator5.6版本):步骤远程主机配置1.本地 编译好debug的 helloworld.exe 放到远程主机上192.168.31.53。拷贝必须的*d.dll,保证可以运行可以使用 D:\soft\Qt5.6.3\5.6.3\mingw49_32\bin\windeployqt.exe打包2.把 D:\soft\Qt5.6.3\Tools\mingw492_32.

2022-02-24 17:34:30 1394 2

原创 Windows XP Targeting with C++ in Visual Studio 2012

BackgroundIn June, weannouncedenhanced targeting for Windows XP using the Visual Studio 2012 C++ compiler and libraries. This feature has been included in Visual Studio 2012 Update 1. You can download it fromhere. The purpose of this article is to pro...

2022-02-24 14:55:01 135

原创 QT5.7 做支持XP的程序

Step1、http://download.qt.io/new_archive/qt/5.7/5.7.0/上面网址下载 qt-opensource-windows-x86-msvc2015-5.7.0.exe注意!!!!,QT版本一定要和上面的一样!安装的时候如果有相同版本的QT,记得改下名字!Step2、使用Qt Creator新建一个基于窗口的test工程,然后在pro中加入:win32 { QMAKE_LFLAGS_WINDOWS = /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS,5.0.

2022-02-24 14:23:12 966

原创 error: taking address of temporary array av_make_error_string((char[AV_ERROR_MAX_STRING_SI。。。

/** * Convenience macro, the return value should be used only directly in * function arguments but never stand-alone. *///#define av_err2str(errnum) \ // av_make_error_string((char[AV_ERROR_MAX_STRING_SIZE]){0}, AV_ERROR_MAX_STRING_SIZE, errnum)...

2022-02-24 11:59:41 1062

原创 ffmpeg使用的全部命令

Hyper fast Audio and Video encoderusage: ffmpeg [options] [[infile options] -i infile]... {[outfile options] outfile}...Getting help: -h -- print basic options -h long -- print more options -h full -- print all options (including all fo...

2022-02-19 13:02:42 369

原创 qt中socket中错误获取的方法

qt5.15之前是使用QAbstractSocket::error5.5版本以后就可以使用 errorOccurred 了,这时就可以使用 connect愉快的绑定了connect(this,&QIODevice::readyRead,this,&ClientSocket::slotReadData); connect(this,&QAbstractSocket::disconnected,this,&ClientSocket::slotDisconnect

2022-01-23 17:14:04 1858

原创 qt6随机数

qt6中不能再使用 qsrand 与qrand.应当使用 QRandomGenerator比如生成0到300的随机数#include <QRandomGenerator>int rand = QRandomGenerator::global()->bounded(0,300);QRandomGenerator may be used to generate random values from a high-quality random number generator

2022-01-13 20:25:24 2066

原创 debian 安装libGL库

直接执行命令apt-get update && apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev再不行再执行sudo apt-get install build-essentialsudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-devsudo apt-get install libglu1-mesa-devsudo apt-get install libglut-dev最后一个库libglut-dev不行就执行sudo apt-

2022-01-13 09:22:48 2580 1

原创 ubuntu 挂载ntfs硬盘

1.安装ntfs-3g包sudo apt install ntfs-3g2.创建挂载点sudo mkdir /disk_hdd03.查看设备的信息 lsblk 比如生成的是sda 8:0 0 12.8T 0 disk ├─sda1 8:1 0 16M 0 part └─sda2 8:2 0 12.8T 0 part

2021-08-13 15:04:29 4314

原创 linux中硬盘修改uuid

生成uuid及修复硬盘root@huntkey004:~# uuidgen12ec596c-d13e-43f5-aad7-00e90ac39544root@huntkey004:~# e2fsck -f /dev/sdt1修改uuidroot@huntkey004:~# tune2fs /dev/sdt1 -U 12ec596c-d13e-43f5-aad7-00e90ac39544tune2fs 1.45.5 (07-Jan-2020)Setting the UUID on th

2021-08-05 15:52:35 2828

原创 golang注册服务

// Copyright 2015 Daniel Theophanes.// Use of this source code is governed by a zlib-style// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.// simple does nothing except block while running the service.package mainimport ( "log" "github.com/kardi.

2021-07-14 14:25:44 262

原创 pip设置成阿里云源

步骤pip config list 查看当前 pip 的配置接着修改配置文件pip config set global.index-url http://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/pip config set install.trusted-host mirrors.aliyun.com

2021-07-10 16:50:34 1462

ffmpeg book 详细教程 2023年最新版

An Introduction to FFmpeg, DaVinci Resolve, Timelapse and Fulldome Video Production, Special Effects, Color Grading, Streaming, Audio Processing, Canon 5D-MK4, Panasonic LUMIX GH5S, Kodak PIXPRO SP360 4K, Ricoh Theta V, Synthesizers, Image Processing and Astronomy Software by Michael Koch, astroelectronic@t-online.de Version from January 29, 2023 1



做qgis,经常会遇到下载不到库的情况 这里我已经下载好了Qgis完成包,内部是长期支持的qgis3的开发库 平常开发时,使用这个库就可以了 内部是64位的开发库


QGIS Desktop 3.22 User Guide(官方使用文档)

1 导言 1 1.1 QGIS 3.22 更新内容 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 序言 3 3 约定 5 3.1 图形用户界面约定 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3.2 文本或键盘约定 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3.3 特定于平台的说明 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 4 特性 7 4.1 视图数据 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



最近在学习qgis。可是网上的代码实在太少了。自己找了下。终于找到了官方学习的代码。 内部文件目录如下 1_hello_world_qgis_style 2_basic_main_window 3_basic_labelling 4_adding_rasters_to_canvas 5_using_rubber_band_with_canvas 6_accessing_vector_attributes 7_writing_custom_maptools images plugin_writer_workshop



亲自测试过可以使用。自己试用 过QNetworkReply 上传文件。但是发现超过1G的文件,上传就会出错。后面还是使用了官方的qftp源文件。上传2G的文件没问题。


qt5.14.2中使用的 mysql5库

因项目需要。工程中需要qt5.14.2连接数据库。自己就编译了下。亲自测试可以使用。 mysql5.7-qt5.14.2-64下面是windows10验证过 mysql5.7-qt5.14.2-linux是在centos7验证过


qt-vsaddin 2017 2019 2022 三个插件

qt-vsaddin-msvc2017-2.8.1-rev.06.vsix qt-vsaddin-msvc2019-2.8.1-rev.06.vsix qt-vsaddin-msvc2022-2.8.1-rev.06.vsis


Visual Studio Code(mac最新版)

Visual Studio Code 官网有点慢。自己下载了好久。。。



cmake-3.21.6-windows-x86_64 最新版


QGIS Desktop 3.16 User Guide中文版

1 导言 1 1.1 QGIS 3.16 更新内容 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 序言 3 3 约定 5 3.1 图形用户界面约定 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3.2 文本或键盘约定 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3.3 特定于平台的说明 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 4 特性 7 4.1 视图数据 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



最新版本的c++连接oracle库,里面包含了doc,demo lib32 lib64






官方qtftp文件上传源代码 自己从github上下载的。自己做文件上传会有文件大小 的限制,而官方的代码 没这个问题。有需要可以下载



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qtftp官方原版代码,懂的人下载 This repository contains deprecated APIs which have been removed from Qt Applications are recommended to port to the supported APIs. However as some features are lost, these APIs are provided as standalone source code for applications that require removed features. Note: If you downloaded the source package from a hosting service such as Gitorious, the package does not contain the generated headers under the ./include directory. Before building, you'll need to generate them m



d----- 2022/2/16 14:13 BCGPCalendarDemo d----- 2022/2/16 14:13 BCGPChartExample d----- 2022/2/16 14:13 BCGPControls d----- 2022/2/16 14:13 BCGPDBGridDemo d----- 2022/2/16 14:13 BCGPDiagramDemo d----- 2022/2/16 14:13 BCGPDigitalDashboard d----- 2022/2/16 14:13 BCGPExplorer d----- 2022/2/16 14:13



-a---- 2022/1/31 19:56 118784 AnimationManagerDemo.exe -a---- 2022/1/31 19:56 11729568 BCGCBPRO3220.dll -a---- 2022/1/31 19:56 352256 bcgpaddressbook.mdb -a---- 2022/1/31 19:56 563872 BCGPCalendarDemo.exe -a---- 2022/1/31 19:56 1321632 BCGPChartExample.exe -a---- 2022/1/31 19:56 887456 BCGPControls.exe -a---- 2022/1/31 19:56 301728 BCGPDBGridDemo.exe -a----



官方vc全部的实例代码 ATL Attributes CLR Compiler ComTypeLibfor7 crt Debugging Events extensibility fusion international language mfc os unix



这些是官方的例子,学习的好源码 有 aggregate assistant gui network ...



Qt参考手册 v5.9与Qt-5.11.1中文帮助文档



python 3.9.4源代码






github desktop mac版,网上下载 太慢了。这边下载好了共享下



gin-gonic example例子代码,github上太慢了,这里上传一个供大家学习使用


Postman金丝雀版for Mac

Postman Canary Mac版是Mac电脑上的Postman工具的金丝雀版本。Postman Canary Mac版是一款非常流行的 API 调试工具。使用上,开发人员用的更多。因为测试人员做接口测试会有更多选择,例如 Jmeter、soapUI 等。对于开发过程中去调试接口,Postman 确实足够的简单方便,而且功能强大。



GL/GL.h GL/GLAUX.h GL/GLEXT.h GL/GU.h GL/GUT.h GL/WGLEXT.h lib/glaux.lib lib/glu.lib lib/glu32.lib lib/glut.lib lib/glut32.lib lib/opengl.lib lib/opengl32.lib


官方php源代码 php-7.4.5.tar.gz

https://www.php.net/downloads 上下载太慢,这里上传一个



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Go Modules.docx

官方下载到的go module文档 Table of Contents The "Quick Start" and "New Concepts" sections are particularly important for someone who is starting to work with modules. The "How to..." sections cover more details on mechanics. The largest quantity of content on this page is in the FAQs answering more specific questions; it can be worthwhile to at least skim the FAQ one-liners listed here. Quick Start Example Daily Workflow New Concepts Modules go.mod Version Selection Semantic Import Versioning How to Use Modules How to Install and Activate Module Support How to Define a Module How to Upgrade and Downgrade Dependencies How to Prepare for a Release (All Versions) How to Prepare for a Release (v2 or Higher) Publishing a Release Migrating to Modules Additional Resources Changes Since the Initial Vgo Proposal GitHub Issues FAQs How are versions marked as incompatible? When do I get old behavior vs. new module-based behavior? Why does installing a tool via 'go get' fail with error 'cannot find main module'? How can I track tool dependencies for a module? What is the status of module support in IDEs, editors and standard tools like goimports, gorename, etc.? FAQs — Additional Control What community tooling exists for working with modules? When should I use the 'replace' directive? Can I work entirely outside of VCS on my local filesystem? How do I use vendoring with modules? Is vendoring going away? Are there "always on" module repositories and enterprise proxies? Can I control when go.mod gets updated and when the go tools use the network to satisfy dependencies? How do I use modules with CI systems such as Travis or CircleCI? How do I download modules needed to build specific packages or tests? FAQs — go.mod and go.sum Why does 'go mod tidy' record indirect and test dependencies in my 'go.mod'? Is 'go.sum' a lock file? Why does 'go.sum' include information for module versions I am no longer using? Should I still add a 'go.mod' file if I do not have any dependencies? Should I commit my 'go.sum' file as well as my 'go.mod' file? FAQs — Semantic Import Versioning Why must major version numbers appear in import paths? Why are major versions v0, v1 omitted from import paths? What are some implications of tagging my project with major version v0, v1, or making breaking changes with v2+? Can a module consume a package that has not opted in to modules? Can a module consume a v2+ package that has not opted into modules? What does '+incompatible' mean? How are v2+ modules treated in a build if modules support is not enabled? How does "minimal module compatibility" work in 1.9.7+, 1.10.3+, and 1.11? What happens if I create a go.mod but do not apply semver tags to my repository? Can a module depend on a different version of itself? FAQs — Multi-Module Repositories What are multi-module repositories? Should I have multiple modules in a single repository? Is it possible to add a module to a multi-module repository? Is it possible to remove a module from a multi-module repository? Can a module depend on an internal/ in another? Can an additional go.mod exclude unnecessary content? Do modules have the equivalent of a .gitignore file? FAQs — Minimal Version Selection Won't minimal version selection keep developers from getting important updates? FAQs — Possible Problems What are some general things I can spot check if I am seeing a problem? What can I check if I am not seeing the expected version of a dependency? Why am I getting an error 'cannot find module providing package foo'? Why does 'go mod init' give the error 'cannot determine module path for source directory'? I have a problem with a complex dependency that has not opted in to modules. Can I use information from its current dependency manager? How can I resolve "parsing go.mod: unexpected module path" and "error loading module requirements" errors caused by a mismatch between import paths vs. declared module identity? Why does 'go build' require gcc, and why are prebuilt packages such as net/http not used? Do modules work with relative imports like import "./subdir"? Some needed files may not be present in populated vendor directory



Cocos-Creator开发(来自于网络).pdf 目录 目录.....................................................................................................................................................2 第一章 JavaScript 快速入门...........................................................................................................8 1.1 变量.......................................................................................................................................8 1.2 函数......................................................................................................................................8 1.3 返回值..................................................................................................................................9 1.4 if/else 语句...........................................................................................................................9 1.5 JavaScript 数组(Array)...............................................................................................10 1.6 JavaScript 对象(Object).............................................................................................10 1.7 匿名函数............................................................................................................................12 1.8 链式语法............................................................................................................................13 1.9 This......................................................................................................................................14 1.10 运算符 ..............................................................................................................................14 1.11 总结...................................................................................................................................15 第二章 创建和使用组件脚本 ........................................................................................................18 2.1 创建组件脚本....................................................................................................................18 2.2 编辑脚本...........................................................................................................................19 2.3 添加脚本到场景节点中...................................................................................................19 第三章 使用 cc.Class 声明类型...................................................................................................21 3.1 定义 CCClass....................................................................................................................21 3.2 实例化................................................................................................................................21 3.3 判断类型...........................................................................................................................21 2 3.4 构造函数...........................................................................................................................21 3.5 实例方法...........................................................................................................................22 3.6 继承 ...................................................................................................................................22 3.7 声明属性 ...........................................................................................................................23 第四章 CCClass 进阶参考 ............................................................................................................29 术语...........................................................................................................................................29 4.1 原型对象参数说明............................................................................................................29 4.2 判断类型...........................................................................................................................31 4.3 成员...................................................................................................................................32 4.4 继承...................................................................................................................................35 4.5 属性...................................................................................................................................38 4.6 属性参数...........................................................................................................................39 4.7 GetSet 方法......................................................................................................................49 4.8 editor 参数 .......................................................................................................................52 第五章 访问节点和组件.................................................................................................................55 5.1 获得组件所在的节点........................................................................................................55 5.2 获得其它组件......


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