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原创 [VirtualBox] Share Folder Setting on CentOS 7

VirtualBox; CenOS7; Windows7; Share Folder

2022-06-12 22:05:08 179 1

原创 [ EDA ][ VCS ] Issue Fix Log

VCS is an excellent digital simulator for verilog/VHDL and it has many options followed after command [ vcs ]. However, there are some options that are not so familiar or even forget how to use them. and the general solution is to query the options of vcs

2021-12-29 22:04:49 1016

原创 [ Pycharm ] Font Settings

the default font of Pycharm may not meet our requirement, and the following steps shows how to customize our own font.1-- Open Pycharm and click the 'File' option in the menu2-- Set the font of the software appearence, like menu/tools, the global

2021-12-03 22:48:01 771

原创 [ Pycharm ] Installation on CentOS7

Pycharm is an great Integrated Development Environment for Python programming, and the following steps shows how to install it:1-- Get the installation package on it's official website:there are two versions to download: Professional and Community.

2021-11-30 22:03:11 425

原创 [ Terminal ] Abnormal Issue on CentOS7

After upgrading GLIBC/GCC, the Terminal couldn't be opened normally, this is due to the system won't set the coding style, such as: en_US.UTF-8.To fix this issue, the following command should be executed to fix this issue:make localedata/install-local.

2021-11-29 23:23:54 101

原创 [ exFAT ] Installation on CentOS7

1-- Install repo source with the following commands:yum install epel-release2-- install other requirements with the following commamds:rpm -v --import http://li.nux.ro/download/nux/RPM-GPG-KEY-nux.rorpm -Uvh http://li.nux.ro/download/nux/dextop.

2021-11-28 18:29:07 57

原创 [ NTFS-3G ] Installation on CentOS7

1-- Download the installation package with the following comamnd:wget https://tuxera.com/opensource/ntfs-3g_ntfsprogs-2017.3.23.tgz2-- Extract the files from the downloaded compressed files with the following command:tar -zxvf ntfs-3g_ntfsprog...

2021-11-28 18:12:44 97

原创 [ Baidunetdisk ] Installation on CentOS7

1-- Download installation package on the website:百度网盘 客户端下载2-- Before installation of this pacakge, please update the GCC version to 4.9 or newer.3-- Find the downloaded package and install it with the following command:rpm -ivh baidunetdisk-3.

2021-11-28 17:57:46 591

原创 [ Oracle Java ] Installation on CentOS7

1--Check Java environment on your own computer with following command:yum list installed |grep java2-- Remove the already install java environment with the following commands: yum -y remove java-1.8.0-openjdk* yum -y remove java-1.7.0-openjd...

2021-11-28 17:28:12 60

原创 [ WPS Office ] Installation on CentOS7

WPS office is a great suit for document operation, and the following steps show how to install these suit on Centos.1-- Download RPM installation package on the official web site:金山办公-支持多人在线协作编辑Word、Excel和PPT文档_WPS官方网站2-- find the downloaded packag

2021-11-28 16:43:59 542

原创 [ Mysql ] Installation on CentOS7

CentOS7 is a great platform as server and Mysql is a great tool as database. and the following steps shows how to install mysql server on it.1-- install repo source on CentOS, with the following commands. wget http://repo.mysql.com/mysql-community-re.

2021-11-23 23:10:50 830

原创 解决远程登陆CentOS7 Vmware 虚拟机无法显示

使用VNC 远程登陆Linux 服务器时,当使用服务器上的Vmware虚拟机时,虚拟机可以正常启动,但是并不会将虚拟机的界面显示到本地,这需要对虚拟机进行设置,方便在使用远程登陆是能够正常使用虚拟机,下面的步骤介绍具体设置:步骤1:打开Vmware虚拟机步骤2: 选择菜单栏Edit选项:并打开网络设置选项步骤3,进行设置如下图所示:步骤4:设置完成并保存设置后,正常启动虚拟机,即可顺利见到虚拟机界面。...

2021-11-21 18:47:54 2097

原创 [ Shutter ] Installation on CentOS7

Shutter is a great image editor on Linux, and the following steps shows how to install this tools:1--install yum source with the following commands: yum install epel-release2--install Shutter with the following commands:...

2021-11-20 22:34:20 361

原创 [ Desktop Icon] Catagory Change on Centos7

when some software was installed, there may be a desktop created automatically. However, there may be some strange that the desktop location of the software located in the un-wanted catagories and it's expected to change the catagories.the following step

2021-11-20 22:01:23 311

原创 [ Desktop Icon ] Creation on CentOS7

sometimes, there won't be any desktop icon was created after installing some software, now, it would be tried to generate one desktop icon manually, and the detailed operation as follows:1. open terminal (depends on the system)2. create one desktop usa

2021-11-18 23:26:17 277

原创 [ Google-Chrome ] Installation on CentOS7

在使用centos7过程中由于各种各样的原因,可能需要使用chrome浏览器,经过参考网上信息并结合个人安装过程,整理过程如下:第一步. 配置yum源在目录 /etc/yum.repos.d/ 下新建文件 google-chrome.repo#gvim /ect/yum.repos.d/google-chrome.repo写入如下内容:[google-chrome]name=google-chromebaseurl=http://dl.google.com/linux/chrom

2021-11-16 22:30:37 247

原创 Cadence Virtuoso启动 远程连接真彩色显示错误

在win10 使用远程桌面连接登录远程服务器(使用的是XRDP)上启动Virtuoso过程中,提示显示设置错误信息为:ERROR Display “10.0” doesn't support 24-bit, 16-bit, or 15-bit true color needed to run this application, Please reconfigureXserver with appropriate visual.问题的原因是win10 远程桌面连接时,默认使用的是32bit真彩色...

2021-10-30 13:03:05 1653 1








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