

This article was originally published on Hyperight Read.

本文最初发表于 超读

We witness how the telecom industry is changing every day and artificial intelligence is the main driving force of it. The telecom networks of today connect people. The telecom networks of tomorrow will not only connect people but also things, factories and offer immersive video use cases with the help of 5G and IoT. All these innovative requirements put the stress on the telecom networks to enable these uses cases. They will encourage a fundamental shift in the design, creation and operation of these telecom networks of the future, underlines Gaurav Dixit, Head of Automation and AI Development at Ericsson, during his presentation at the Data Innovation Summit 2019. Gaurav Dixit gave insight into how Ericsson transformed their service and product portfolio by deploying artificial intelligence and automation technology to tackle challenges 5G poses on telecom and IT networks.

我们见证了电信行业每天都在变化,而人工智能是它的主要推动力。 当今的电信网络将人们联系在一起。 未来的电信网络将不仅连接人员,而且还连接物联网,工厂,并借助5G和IoT提供沉浸式视频用例。 所有这些创新要求都使电信网络着重于实现这些用例。 爱立信自动化和AI开发主管Gaurav Dixit在演讲中强调,他们将鼓励未来这些电信网络的设计,创建和运营发生根本性转变。 数据创新峰会 2019。 Gaurav Dixit深入了解了爱立信如何通过以下方式转变其服务和产品组合 部署人工智能和自动化技术 应对电信和IT网络上的5G挑战。

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Data Innovation Summit/ All rights reserved 数据创新峰会上的照片/保留所有权利

爱立信如何部署人工智能和自动化技术 (How Ericsson deploys artificial intelligence and automation technologies)

Ericsson has always been the leader with adopting new disruptive technologies and integrating them into their service portfolio. “We are transforming ourselves and bringing the benefits to our customers’, explains Gaurav.

爱立信一直是采用新的破坏性技术并将其整合到其服务组合中的领导者。 “我们正在自我改造,并为我们的客户带来收益。” Gaurav解释说。

Ericsson doesn’t see the 5G architecture as a monolithic AI stack. They have embedded artificial intelligence in each of the architecture layers as an end-to-end federated AI across their entire products and services suite, expounds Gaurav. From Billing and Charging to Management and Orchestration to the 5G access, network services, all components work together as an entity to provide the maximum benefit of the 5G network to their customer as a superior customer service.

爱立信并不认为5G架构是单片AI堆栈。 他们在整个体系结构层中都嵌入了人工智能,作为整个产品和服务套件中的端到端联合AI,Gaurav对此进行了阐述。 从计费和收费管理到业务流程再到5G接入,网络服务,所有组件都作为一个整体协同工作,以提供卓越的客户服务,从而为其客户提供5G网络的最大利益。

But if AI and automation are the solutions, there must be a problem to solve. Gaurav explains that their ultimate goal is a superior end-consumer experience by providing state-of-the-art network performance, which in turn will lead to new revenues by leveraging the new use cases enabled by 5G and IoT resulting in improved efficiency by reducing OPEX.

但是,如果AI和自动化是解决方案,那么肯定有一个要解决的问题。 Gaurav解释说,他们的最终目标是通过提供最新的网络性能来提供出色的最终消费者体验 ,而这反过来将通过利用5G和IoT带来的新用例来带来新的收入 ,从而通过降低成本提高效率运营支出。

So, it’s a chain of components interdependent among each other, starting with AI technologies and ending with the ultimate goals of superior customer experience.


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提供支持AI的服务和产品的经验教训 (Lessons learnt by providing AI-enabled services and products)

Ericsson has been deploying AI and automation technologies in their portfolio for several years and they can give insight into several lessons they’ve learned along the way.


存取资料 (Access to data)

“Data is to the AI technologies like air is to humans”, portrays Gaurav. So access to data, but also the right quality of data, the right contractual rights, data management and governance — this is the first and foremost step into the adoption of AI.

Gaurav表示:“数据对AI技术而言就像空气对人类一样”。 因此,访问数据以及正确的数据质量,正确的合同权利,数据管理和治理-这是采用AI的第一步,也是最重要的一步。

Hyperight AB®HyperightAB®提供的视频-支持 AI-Enabled Zero-Touch, Real-Time, Telecom & IT Network Design — Kai Chaza & Gaurav Dixit, Ericsson AI的零接触,实时,电信和IT网络设计-爱立信Kai Chaza和Gaurav Dixit

应用程序和平台 (Applications and platforms)

The next step for consideration is the right applications and platforms because as Gaurav states, data has to be stored somewhere. Ericsson’s platform of choice is a cloud-based platform for providing flexible and scalable services.

下一步需要考虑的是正确的应用程序和平台,因为正如Gaurav所说,数据必须存储在某个地方。 爱立信选择的平台是基于云的平台,可提供灵活和可扩展的服务。

Speaking from experience, Gaurav says that these two technology components constitute only 40% of all efforts. The rest 60% of this iceberg belong to the other components of processes and people because they’re part of the change management effort which means a fundamental revamp of how people work and how they are evaluated. As new technologies are introduced, there is a need for new competencies, people need to be re-skilled, which also requires a culture change.

从经验上讲,Gaurav说这两个技术组件仅占所有努力的40%。 其余的60%属于流程人员的其他组成部分,因为它们是变更管理工作的一部分,这意味着对人员工作方式和评估方式进行了根本性的改进。 随着新技术的引入,需要新的能力,人们需要重新技能,这也需要改变文化。

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爱立信如何应对技术带来的变化 (How Ericsson tackles the changes brought on by technology)

Gaurav mentions 3 pillars on which Ericsson rests for successful AI and automation application:


  • Business and Data ecosystem — End-to-end federated AI across product & service portfolio. As previously stated, they have embedded AI into every layer, and they use it for predicting customer behaviour, dynamic orchestration, predicting incidents, etc.

    业务和数据生态系统-跨产品和服务组合的端到端联合AI。 如前所述,他们已将AI嵌入到每个层中,并且将其用于预测客户行为,动态业务流程,预测事件等。
  • Ericsson Research — is where the 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G were invented. A brain house that holds 750 researchers, out of which 100 are working on Ai related technologies and which they tap into for ideas for solving customer problems.

    爱立信研究中心(Ericsson Research)–发明了2G,3G,4G和5G。 一个拥有750名研究人员的大脑之家,其中100名正在研究与Ai相关的技术,他们利用这些思想来解决客户问题。
  • Competence — Center of Excellence or Global AI Accelerator — The Center of Excellence has 300 data scientists and offers competence that they need to scale the solutions they create together with Research.

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一切如何协同工作? (How does everything work together?)

As Gaurav mentioned earlier, the first and ultimate guideline is their customers. “Everything starts with the customer”, emphasises Gaurav. They work in a use case-driven, customer-centric, fast prototyping manner. They directly talk to customers to discover their pain points, together with Research look for ways to solve the pain points, test the possible solution within the business unit together with the customer, and scale it with the help of the Global AI Accelerator.

正如高拉夫(Gaurav)先前提到的那样,第一个也是最终的准则是客户。 Gaurav强调:“一切始于客户”。 他们以用例驱动,以客户为中心的快速原型制作方式工作。 他们直接与客户交谈以发现痛点,并与Research一起寻找解决痛点的方法,与客户一起测试业务部门内可能的解决方案,并在Global AI Accelerator的帮助下进行扩展。

人工智能用例 (AI use cases)

Ericsson’s Managed Services business unit has several proven AI use cases across the three arms: network operations, IT operations and design and optimisation.


To give an example, Gaurav explains the Field Dispatch Optimisation use case which involves technical personnel going to the site of the defect to fix it and costs a lot of money. After talking to a customer, they discovered that 10% of the field dispatches were a false alarm. To solve the problem, they analysed the data and are now able to predict 9 out of 10 field dispatchers which are not necessary. The solution directly influences customer bottom line and saves unwanted costs.

举个例子,Gaurav解释了“现场调度优化”用例,其中涉及技术人员前往缺陷现场进行修复,并花费大量金钱。 与客户交谈后,他们发现10%的现场调度都是虚假警报。 为了解决该问题,他们分析了数据,现在能够预测10个现场调度员中的9个,这是不必要的。 该解决方案直接影响客户的利润,并节省了不必要的成本。

As for the necessary dispatches, by way of a logical tree, they can predict if someone needs to climb a network tower and what equipment they would need and thereby save valuable resources.


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照片由 Free-Photos· Pixabay上的 免费照片

人工智能是一段旅程,而不是目的地 (AI is a journey, not a destination)

AI adoption is not the goal itself, it’s a journey and should be treated as such. Ericsson has been on this journey several years and can proudly say they have reached the AI and machine learning use cases industrialisation. As for future aims, Gaurav says they have their target set on machine reasoning which is the automation of human-like knowledge.

采纳AI本身不是目标,而是一段旅程,应该这样对待。 爱立信已经走过了几年,可以自豪地说他们已经实现了AI和机器学习用例的工业化。 至于未来的目标,Gaurav说他们的目标是机器推理,这是类人知识的自动化。

We are already experiencing the network of tomorrow as commercial 5G networks are already live all across the world connecting more IoT devices and users have started feeling the benefits.


翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/ai-powered-telecom-network-of-tomorrow-ericsson-case-study-68a7653d6d28






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