aes加密 对称加密_我们需要如何担心加密

aes加密 对称加密

There is a lot of debate right now about the importance of encryption. I’ve seen the dark side of not using encryption on a network when a hacker highjacked my email credentials in the early days for WiFi and my PayPal account hacked (and yes, I did have some money taken from my account, but the bank covered it, thankfully!)

关于加密的重要性,目前有很多争论。 当黑客在早期为Wi-Fi劫持我的电子邮件凭据并破坏了我的PayPal帐户时,我已经看到了不使用网络加密的阴暗面(是的,我确实从我的帐户中取出了一些钱,但是银行覆盖了它,谢天谢地!)

Since my unfortunate experience, I have always been an advocate of using encryption where necessary. Whether it be on a public WiFi (using VPN) or when backing up my data onto encrypted hard disks. However, there is an essential point to take into consideration — that encryption also hampers law enforcement efforts and having encryption everywhere could make the police’s job challenging.

由于我的不幸经历,我一直主张在必要时使用加密。 无论是在公共WiFi上(使用VPN)还是在将我的数据备份到加密硬盘上时。 但是,有一个必须要考虑的要点-加密还会阻碍执法工作,到处都有加密可能会使警察的工作充满挑战。

In recent news articles, it has been reported (for example, that Apple has cancelled its effort to encrypt user’s backups on their servers with end-to-end encryption. Many journalists have rushed out to report that this is an example of them not taking user privacy seriously and giving in to the FBI’s demands. Much more needs to be considered for this assumption to be the only reason for the decision.

在最近的新闻报道中,有报道(例如 ),苹果公司取消了对服务器上的用户备份进行加密的工作。端到端加密。 许多记者急于报告,这是他们没有认真对待用户隐私并屈服于FBI要求的一个例子。 该假设是决定的唯一原因,因此需要考虑更多因素。

Firstly, Apple must receive a considerable number of requests from people who legitimately lose their devices, and want to recover data. If it were to use end-to-end encryption, and Apple did not know the key, then it would be impossible for them to recover data. It’s not like they’re storing the data on the servers with no encryption at all, they are encrypting everything in iCloud — just not using end-to-end encryption. This means that Apple has a key and they can unlock if you lose your password, device, or if the authorities request access. The only issue would come if the data were released and then the authority in question leaked some personal information or got hacked. Then there is the potential for misuse of data.

首先,苹果必须从合法丢失其设备并想要恢复数据的人们那里收到大量请求。 如果要使用端到端加密,而Apple不知道密钥,那么他们将不可能恢复数据。 并不是说他们完全不加密就将数据存储在服务器上,而是在iCloud中对所有内容进行加密-只是不使用端到端加密。 这意味着Apple有一把钥匙,如果您丢失了密码,设备或当局要求访问,它们可以解锁。 唯一的问题是,如果数据被释放,然后有关部门泄露了一些个人信息或遭到黑客攻击,那将是一个问题。 这样就有可能滥用数据。

Secondly, if the FBI, or any other official investigation agency, need to find information, it is because someone has done something terrible. They’re not going to go demanding Apple give out user’s data for no reason. By using too much end-to-end encryption, we are letting people get away with crimes. Finding criminals is something that needs to be possible for law enforcement; otherwise, murders, rapes and other horrendous crimes will go unsolved.

其次,如果联邦调查局或任何其他官方调查机构需要查找信息,那是因为有人做了可怕的事情。 他们不会要求苹果无故提供用户数据。 通过使用过多的端到端加密,我们可以使人们摆脱犯罪。 寻找犯罪分子是执法所必需的。 否则,谋杀,强奸和其他恐怖罪行将无法解决。

Thirdly, if people are so worried about dodgy information in their backups, putting it in a public cloud is never a good idea. You can back up securely yourself and ensure that your sensitive data is safe.

第三,如果人们非常担心备份中的可靠信息,那么将其置于公共云中绝不是一个好主意。 您可以自己安全地备份并确保敏感数据是安全的。

It is unquestionably a controversial topic, and everyone will have a different opinion. I do not mind if the police or any other authority has access to my data if it will help in an investigation. If I were up to no good though, I’m sure my opinion would be different. While half of the Internet seems to be bothered by all this, I do not see it as a huge issue. Yes, encryption is good, but iCloud is encrypted. So, only people with good reasons are going to be able to access the data. Keep using that VPN and stop worrying about your backups, unless the FBI is after you of course!

毫无疑问,这是一个有争议的话题,每个人都会有不同的看法。 我不介意警察或任何其他当局是否可以访问我的数据,这将有助于调查。 如果我做得不好,我相信我的看法会有所不同。 尽管互联网的一半似乎被这一切困扰,但我认为这并不是一个大问题。 是的,加密是好的,但是iCloud是加密的。 因此,只有有充分理由的人才能访问数据。 继续使用该VPN,不要担心备份问题,除非FBI当然在您身边!


aes加密 对称加密





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