

By Don Reisinger

唐·赖辛格(Don Reisinger)

Most folks download security applications to keep themselves safe from hackers and anyone looking to steal data. But in a new revelation on Monday, one security application could be collecting all kinds of information on you and selling it to some of the world’s biggest companies.

大多数人都下载安全应用程序,以保护自己免受黑客和任何窃取数据的人的侵害 。 但是在星期一的一个新发现中,一个安全应用程序可能正在收集有关您的各种信息,并将其出售给一些全球最大的公司。

In a wide-ranging report on Monday, Vice’s Motherboard and PCMag revealed that Avast, a popular security platform used by millions of people around the globe, has been using its security software to collect highly sensitive information about its users and selling it to major companies as far-ranging as Google, Yelp, McKinsey, and countless others, through a subsidiary called Jumpshot.

Vice的主板和PCMag 在周一的一份广泛报告中透露,Avast是全球数百万人使用的流行安全平台,它一直在使用其安全软件来收集有关其用户的高度敏感信息并将其出售给大型公司。通过名为Jumpshot的子公司,覆盖了Google,Yelp,McKinsey以及其他众多公司。

In a shocking revelation, the news outlets found that Avast promised to sell companies “Every search. Every click. Every buy. On every site.” In other words, Avast’s security software has been reportedly able to see and track nearly all of its users’ activities, collect it, and then sell it for untold sums to major companies.

令人震惊的消息是,新闻媒体发现,Avast承诺出售公司“每次搜索。 每次点击。 每次购买。 在每个站点上。” 换句话说,据报道,Avast的安全软件能够查看和跟踪其几乎所有用户的活动,进行收集,然后将其以不计其数的价格出售给大型公司。

The sheer amount of information Jumpshot can sell is shocking in its breadth. It ranges from the ability to see every website users go to, to the times at which they click on pages on a website. Even more exceedingly personal searches and clicks, like those on pornographic websites, are also collected, according to the report.

Jumpshot可以出售的信息量之广令人震惊。 从查看每个用户访问网站的能力到他们单击网站页面的时间,不等。 报告称,甚至收集了更多的个人搜索和点击,例如色情网站上的搜索和点击。

The news outlets were quick to note that Avast has anonymized the data, so a person’s name, e-mail address, and IP address aren’t shared with buyers. However, each person has a unique identifier that could technically point to what they’re doing on their machines.

新闻媒体很快注意到,Avast已对数据进行了匿名处理,因此不会与买家共享一个人的姓名,电子邮件地址和IP地址。 但是,每个人都有一个唯一的标识符,从技术上讲,它可以指向他们在计算机上所做的事情。

“We ensure that Jumpshot does not acquire personal identification information, including name, email address or contact details,” an Avast spokesperson told Inc. in a statement. “Users have always had the ability to opt out of sharing data with Jumpshot. As of July 2019, we had already begun implementing an explicit opt-in choice for all new downloads of our AV, and we are now also prompting our existing free users to make an opt-in or opt-out choice, a process which will be completed in February 2020.”

“我们确保Jumpshot不会获取个人识别信息,包括姓名,电子邮件地址或联系方式,” Avast发言人在一份声明中告诉Inc .。 “用户一直可以选择不使用Jumpshot共享数据。 截至2019年7月,我们已经开始对所有新下载的AV实施明确的选择加入选择,并且现在我们还提示现有的免费用户选择选择加入或选择退出,此过程将将于2020年2月完成。”

The spokesperson added that the company has privacy controls in place for users to determine how they want their information tracked.


There’s no telling what this ultimately means for the company’s Jumpshot. However, some companies that purchased the data from Jumpshot appear to be backing away from the possible privacy implications.

没有告诉这对于公司的Jumpshot最终意味着什么。 但是,一些从Jumpshot购买数据的公司似乎正在回避可能的隐私隐患。

Home Depot, for instance, told Motherboard and PCMag in a statement that it only agreed to buy the data because it was anonymized. Yelp told Motherboard and PCMag that it bought Jumpshot’s data to analyze the impact of Google’s “anticompetitive behavior on the local search marketplace.”

例如,Home Depot在一份声明中告诉Motherboard和PCMag,它只同意购买数据,因为它是匿名的。 Yelp告诉Motherboard和PCMag,它购买了Jumpshot的数据来分析Google“反竞争行为对本地搜索市场的影响”。

But it’s still a major concern.


The fact is, security software is downloaded to mobile phones, tablets, and computers because people believe that the software is helping them to stay secure. It’s hard to believe many of those people would download the software if they knew that the program was tracking their every move and selling it to major companies around the globe for their own gain.

事实是,安全软件已下载到手机,平板电脑和计算机上,因为人们认为该软件正在帮助他们保持安全。 很难相信其中的许多人会下载该软件,如果他们知道该程序正在跟踪他们的一举一动并将其出售给全球主要公司以谋取私利。

Luckily, there might be a quick fix to the problem. Avast’s software can reportedly only track users when the program is running on a device. After being uninstalled, user data is kept private and away from prying eyes.

幸运的是,可能可以快速解决该问题。 据报道,Avast的软件只能在程序在设备上运行时跟踪用户。 卸载后,用户数据将保持私有状态,并且不会被撬开。

Here’s hoping further investigations don’t reveal similar tactics by other security companies that should, at least in theory, be among the more trustworthy developers out there.


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