

On 1 August 1977, Scientific American, a popular science magazine, released its monthly publication, as it had been doing since 1921. It contained an interesting mix of maths, science, engineering, biology, mechanics, geography and other such content.

1977 年 8 月 1日,大众科学杂志《 科学美国人》 ( Scientific American)发行了自1921年以来的月刊。该杂志包含了数学,科学,工程学,生物学,力学,地理学和其他此类内容的有趣组合。

Appearing near the end of the publication on page 120, was a short article by popular mathematician Martin Gardner entitled ‘Mathematical Games’.

流行数学家马丁·加德纳(Martin Gardner )的短篇文章出现在出版物第120页的结尾处,题为“数学游戏”

In it, he described a ‘new kind if cypher that would take millions of years to break’.


The new form of cryptography, titled RSA after its inventors Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman, was, the author claimed, about to herald a new era in cryptography.

作者声称,这种新形式的加密技术以其发明者Ron Rivest,Adi Shamir和Leonard Adleman的名字命名为RSA ,正预示着加密技术的新时代。

As it turned out, he was spot on with his prediction.


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The August 1977 edition of Scientific American.

世界需要的是……。 非信任加密 (What the world needs is …. trustless encryption)

Prior to 1977, cryptography had been dominated by stream cyphers, and in particular the one-time pad.


The one-time pad is a random sequence numbers letters or bits, which, when combined with an original message, creates a pseudo random sequence.


Without knowing the one-time pad, it’s impossible to de-cypher the encrypted message. But if you do know the key, it’s a simple task to extract the original message from the encryption.

如果不知道一次性密码,就不可能解密加密的消息。 但是,如果您确实知道密钥,那么从加密中提取原始消息是一项简单的任务。

Maths theory shows that stream cyphers and one-time pads are the safest and most secure form of cryptography. However, using such a form of encryption comes with fairly onerous and unwieldy implementation requirements.

数学理论表明,密码和一次性密码是最安全,最安全的加密形式。 但是,使用这种加密形式带来了相当繁重和繁琐的实现要求。

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The now-famous article by Martin Gardner about RSA public key encryption, in the August 1977 edition of Scientific American.
马丁·加德纳(Martin Gardner)如今着名的文章是1977年8月版的《科学美国人》中的RSA公钥加密。

Firstly, the key can only be used once (since using the same key on two different message immediately breaks the cipher), and secondly the key must always be as long as the original message.

首先,密钥只能使用一次 (因为在两个不同的消息上使用相同的密钥会立即破坏密码),其次,密钥必须始终与原始消息一样长

This implies that two parties who wish to communicate securely through the use of a one-time pad, need to find a way of sharing the key with each other prior to communicating with it.


If such parties don’t know each other beforehand, or are separated by great distance or time, this poses a logistical problem: they somehow need to share keys with each other, before encrypted communication can take place. Moreover, if these parties somehow find a way of securely passing each other these keys (via private courier, registered mail, nuclear submarine etc.), it begs the question: why not just use that channel to communicate and bother with encryption at all?

如果这样的各方事先不认识,或者相隔很远,或者时间间隔很长,那么这就构成了后勤问题:他们需要以某种方式彼此共享密钥,然后才能进行加密通信。 而且,如果这些当事方以某种方式找到了安全地相互传递这些密钥的方式(通过私人信使,挂号信,核潜艇等),那就引出了一个问题:为什么不仅仅使用该通道进行通信并完全不关心加密?

数字风暴正在酝酿中…… (A digital storm is brewing…)

Against this backdrop, if you had gazed upon the digital landscape back in 1977, you would have seen a giant tidal wave starting to form on the distant horizon. This tidal wave was the coalescing of computer & networking hardware, software and protocols, which in time would form the Digital Revolution we experience today.

在这种背景下,如果您早在1977年就注视着数字景观,您将会看到遥远的地平线上开始形成巨大的海浪。 这场浪潮是计算机和网络硬件,软件和协议的融合,及时形成我们今天所经历的数字革命。

Many of the key components of modern computing and networking had already been discovered or invented, and were waiting for the right conditions to gain mass adoption.


The ARPANET (a distributed packet-switched network & the precursor to the modern internet) already existed and was in use at various corporate and academic locales. TCP (transmission control protocol, the connection-oriented protocol used by the internet) and FTP (file transfer protocol, used for the transfer of computer files between a client and server on a network) had also both already in use. Various forms of one-to-one electronic messaging such as FTPmail and Mail Protocol (which would evolve into email using SMTP in the 80s) had been invented, and were in use to send mail messages across the ARPANET. In 1965, Gordon Moore, then CEO of Intel, predicted a doubling every year in the number of components per integrated circuit (which he revised in 1975 to a doubling every two years). His prediction became known as Moore’s Law, and promised continuous and sustained advancements in digital electronics and hardware.

ARPANET(分布式分组交换网络和现代Internet的前身)已经存在,并且已在各种公司和学术场所使用。 TCP(传输控制协议,互联网使用的面向连接的协议)和FTP( 文件传输协议 ,用于在网络上的客户端和服务器之间传输计算机文件)也已经使用。 已经发明了各种形式的一对一电子消息,例如FTPmail和邮件协议(将在80年代使用SMTP演变为电子邮件),并且已用于通过ARPANET发送电子邮件。 1965年,时任英特尔首席执行官的戈登·摩尔 ( Gordon Moore)预测,每个集成电路的组件数量每年都会翻番(他在1975年将其修订为每两年翻一番)。 他的预测被称为摩尔定律 ,并保证了数字电子和硬件领域的持续不断发展。

Computer companies like Intel, IBM, SAP & Honeywell were already well established. Two years earlier, two young entrepreneurs had incorporated a company in Albuquerque, New Mexico, to develop and sell BASIC interpreters for the Altair 8800. And one year prior, another young entrepreneur co-founded a company in his childhood home on Crist Drive in Los Altos, California. The companies were Microsoft and Apple respectively.

像Intel,IBM,SAP和Honeywell这样的计算机公司已经很成熟。 两年前,两名年轻的企业家在新墨西哥州的阿尔伯克基成立了一家公司,以开发和销售Altair 8800的 BASIC 口译员 。 一年前,另一位年轻的企业家在他童年时代的家中,在加利福尼亚州洛斯阿尔托斯(Los Altos)的克里斯特大道(Crist Drive)共同创立了一家公司。 这两家公司分别是微软和苹果。

In short, software and hardware were ready for wide-scale and all-pervasive adoption.


But on the networking side, it lacked one crucial component: trustless encryption, allowing communications between two parties who don’t have prior acquaintance. For a true multi-node and decentralised network like the internet to flourish, it would need a way for unacquainted members within that network with no prior correspondence, to communicate securely. The contemporary method of using stream ciphers placed too onerous a requirement on network members to agree upon and share an encryption key beforehand.

但是在网络方面,它缺少一个关键组成部分:非信任加密,允许没有先结识的两方之间进行通信。 为了使像互联网这样的真正的多节点分散网络蓬勃发展,它需要一种无需事先通信就可以使该网络中不熟悉的成员安全地通信的方法。 使用流密码的现代方法对网络成员提出了非常苛刻的要求,即他们必须事先同意并共享加密密钥。

默克尔拼图-问题的第一刀 (Merkel Puzzles — a first stab at the problem)

The first recognised effort to resolve the problem of key distribution was in 1974, when computer scientist Ralph Merkle came up with a solution for allowing two parties to agree on a secret key by exchanging messages, even if they had no secrets in common beforehand.

解决密钥分配问题的第一个公认努力是在1974年,当时计算机科学家Ralph Merkle提出了一种解决方案,即使双方事先没有共同的秘密,双方也可以通过交换消息来就密钥达成一致。

The protocol works as follows:


  1. Assume Alice and Bob wish to communicate securely.

  2. Alice creates a large number of puzzles (a mathematical problem that is difficult, but not impossible, to solve).

  3. Bob randomly chooses one of the puzzles sent to him, and solves the puzzle.

  4. The decrypted solution contains an identifier and a session key (which will serve as the key for their communication). Bob communicates the identifier back to Alice, thereby indicating to her which puzzle he has solved.

    解密后的解决方案包含一个标识符和一个会话密钥 (将用作其通信的密钥)。 鲍勃将标识符传回爱丽丝,从而向她指出他解决了哪个难题。

  5. Both parties now have a common key; Bob, because he solved a puzzle, and Alice, because she sent the puzzle.

    现在,双方都有一个公用密钥。 鲍勃,因为他解决了一个难题,爱丽丝,因为她解决了难题。
  6. Any eavesdropper (Eve, say) has a harder task since she doesn’t know which puzzle was solved by Bob. Her best strategy is to solve all the puzzles, but since there are so many, this is more computationally expensive for Eve than it is for Bob.

    由于她不知道鲍勃解决了哪个难题,所以任何窃听者(比如说夏娃)都有艰巨的任务。 她的最佳策略是解决所有难题,但是由于涉及的难题太多,因此对于Eve而言,这在计算上要比Bob昂贵。

A mathematical analysis of the protocol reveals that there is a quadratic gap between time and effort for an attacker (Eve) to solve all the puzzles compared to Alice and Bob.


These days, quadratic complexity is typically not considered secure enough against an attacker for practical real-world cryptographic applications. In addition, the Merkle Puzzle protocol requires Alice to come up with a large number or puzzles, and to send them all to Bob. This obviously represents quite a lot of work for Alice, and also quite a lot of network traffic between Alice and Bob. Given these requirements, this protocol is considered too inefficient to be used in practice. However, the significance of Merkle’s contribution should not be overlooked. This was the first implementation of a scheme where two participants can come up with a key ‘on the fly’, and where there is a significant gap between the amount of work it takes for the participants to come up with the key, and the amount of work required for an attacker to break the key. It would also provide the inspiration for a new key distribution protocol devised two years later…

如今,对于现实中的实际密码应用程序,二次复杂度通常不足以抵御攻击者的安全。 此外,Merkle Puzzle协议要求Alice提出大量或难题,并将其全部发送给Bob。 这显然代表了Alice的大量工作,也代表了Alice和Bob之间的大量网络流量。 考虑到这些要求,该协议被认为效率太低而无法在实践中使用。 但是,默克尔的贡献意义不容忽视。 这是该计划的第一个实施方案,其中两个参与者可以“即时”提出密钥,并且参与者为密钥提出的工作量与数量之间存在很大差距。攻击者破解密钥所需的工作。 这也将为两年后制定的新密钥分发协议提供灵感。

理论上取得重大突破 (A major theoretical breakthrough is made)

Inspired by Merkle’s work, on November 6 1976 two Harvard professors, Whitfield Diffie and Martin Helman published a theoretical paper that tackled many of long-standing problems around trustless encryption and key distribution.

受默克尔工作的启发,1976年11月6日,两位哈佛大学教授Whitfield DiffieMartin Helman发表了一篇理论论文,该论文解决了许多长期以来围绕不信任加密和密钥分发的问题。

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‘New Directions in Cryptography’ a paper by Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman in 1976.
Whitfield Diffie和Martin Hellman在1976年 发表的论文 “密码学的新方向”

Both Diffie and Helman completely understood how the then shortcomings of cryptography prevented secure and convenient communication between two people with no prior acquaintance.


They also realised that the only way to resolve the key exchange problem was with the use of complex mathematics. In other words, as they put it, ‘changing this ancient art into a science’.

他们还意识到解决密钥交换问题的唯一方法是使用复杂的数学。 换句话说,正如他们所说,“ 将古老的艺术变成一门科学 ”。

Their brilliant and groundbreaking solution to the problem was public key cryptography.


In this protocol, there exist two sets of keys for enciphering and deciphering (we’ll call these keys E and D).

在此协议中,存在用于加密解密的两组密钥(我们将这些密钥称为ED )。

The protocol uses mathematical properties to ensure that:


  • E is the inverse of D


  • deriving both E and D is computationally easy


  • computing D from E is computationally infeasible (i.e. very difficult)


  • E can be publicly disclosed without compromising the integrity of D (based on the condition above).


The properties of such a protocol allow for a private conversation between to people who have never communicated before.




  1. A user (Bob) generates a pair of inverse transformations E and D.


2. The deciphering transformation D must be kept secret, and need never be communicated to anyone.


3. The enciphering key E can be made public by placing it in a public directory along with Bob’s name and address.


4. Anyone (say Alice) can then look up Bob’s public key E in the directory, encrypt messages using E and send them to Bob, but no-one else can decipher messages intended for Bob, except Bob himself (who uses D to do so).

4.然后,任何人(例如Alice)都可以在目录中查找Bob的公钥E ,使用E对消息进行加密,然后将其发送给Bob,但是除了Bob自己(使用D来做的事情之外),其他人都无法解密针对Bob的消息。所以)

The concept of a one-way function offered an efficient solution for key exchange. However, both the authors admitted that a practical implementation of the protocol was still ‘an open problem’, and invited readers to put their minds towards finding one. The breakthrough would come less than a year later.

单向功能的概念为密钥交换提供了有效的解决方案。 但是,两位作者都承认该协议的实际实施仍然是“一个开放的问题”,并邀请读者下定决心要找到一个。 不到一年后,这项突破便会出现。

设计了实用的单向功能 (A practical one-way function is devised)

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‘On Digital Signatures and Public-Key Cryptosystems’ a paper by Ronals Rivest, Adi Shamir and Len Adleman, published in 1977. “ On Digital Signatures and Public-Key Cryptosystems”

Ronald Rivest and Adi Shamir were both computer scientists at MIT while Len Adleman was a mathematician.

Ronald RivestAdi Shamir都是麻省理工学院的计算机科学家,而Len Adleman是数学家。

The Diffie–Hellman paper had captured their imagination, and they set about trying to find an implementation that would satisfy its specifications. When Rivest or Shamir would come up with a new theoretic scheme, Adleman, usually shot it down after only a few minutes’ analysis.

Diffie-Hellman的论文抓住了他们的想象力,他们着手寻找一种满足其规范的实现。 当里维斯特(Rivest)或沙米尔(Shamir)提出新的理论方案时,阿德曼通常只经过几分钟的分析就将其推翻。

Around midnight the evening of the Passover Seder in 1977, Rivest called Adleman with the idea of using prime number factorisation as the trapdoor function. Adleman failed to find any holes in this one. (In fact, over 40 years later, still no-one has managed to do so).

1977年逾越节晚宴的午夜前后,Rivest打电话给Adleman,其想法是使用质数分解作为活板门函数。 阿德曼(Adleman)未能在此发现任何漏洞。 (实际上,在40多年后,仍然没有人设法做到这一点)。

The effectiveness of the RSA one-way function relies on the fact that multiplying two large prime numbers together is easy, but factoring this product into the two primes that compose it, is really difficult.

RSA单向函数的有效性取决于以下事实: 将两个大素数相乘很容易,但是将乘积分解为组成它的两个素数确实非常困难

Prime numbers — numbers greater than one that are only divisible by one and themselves — have special mathematical properties which have intrigued mathematicians for centuries. The brilliant insight of Rivest, Shamir and Alderman, was to use these properties of prime numbers, to build a practical an efficient trapdoor function.

质数-大于1的数只能被一个人和自己整除-具有特殊的数学性质,这引起了数学家几个世纪的兴趣。 Rivest,Shamir和Alderman的杰出见解是利用质数的这些特性,以构建实用的有效陷门功能。

I encourage the reader to read the original paper to gain a detailed insight into the arithmetic implementation of the protocol.

我鼓励读者阅读原始论文 ,以深入了解该协议的算法实现。

In summary, to use RSA:


  1. Find two prime numbers P & Q (usually each hundreds of digits long), and multiply them together to create their product, called N

    查找两个质数PQ (通常每个百位数长),并将它们相乘以创建其乘积,称为N

  2. Generate a number, called the Euler totient & symbolised by φ(N), and calculated as (P-1) * (Q-1). This represents the number of integers that are relatively prime to N (excluding the number 1, which is relatively prime to every non-zero integer).

    生成一个称为Euler totient的数字,并由φ(N)表示 ,并计算为(P-1)*(Q-1)。 这表示对于N的数的整数数目(不包括数字1,其相对于每个非零整数的质数)。

  3. Find a number E (the encryption key) which is relatively prime to both N and φ(N)

    找到一个数字E ( 加密密钥 ),它对于Nφ(N)都是素数

  4. Determine the number D (the decryption key) that is the modular multiplicative inverse of E. This is calculated using the equation E * D = 1 (mod φ(N))

    确定数字D ( 解密密钥 ),它是E的模乘逆数。它的计算公式为E * D = 1(modφ(N))

  5. The public key is the number N and the number E


  6. The private key is the number N and the number D


The cipher is then achieved by raising the message to E mod N. Decryption is achieved by raising the cipher to D mod N.

然后通过将消息提升到E mod N来实现密码。 通过将密码提高到D mod N来实现解密。

C ≡ Mᴱ mod NM ≡ Cᴰ mod N

(the ‘mod’ operation as used above is described here)

( 这里 描述 上面的'mod'操作 )

RSA示例1 (RSA Example 1)

  1. Find two prime numbers P & Q: P = 2, Q = 7

    找到两个质数PQ:P = 2, Q = 7

  2. Calculate N


    N = P * Q

    N = P * Q

    = 2 * 7

    = 2 * 7





  3. Calculate φ(N)


    φ(N) = (P — 1)(Q — 1)


    = 1 * 6

    = 1 * 6





  4. Choose an encryption key E.


    E must be between 1 and ϕ i.e.


    1 < E< 6

    1 <E <6

    E must be


    relatively prime to N and φ(N)

    对于Nφ(N) 素数

    Based on these requirements, E is calculated as




  5. Calculate decryption key D:


    D is the inverse of E mod

    D是E mod的倒数



    In other words,


    D * E (mod φ(N)) = 1

    D * E(模φ(N))= 1

    i.e. in our example,


    5 * D (mod 6) = 1

    5 * D(mod 6)= 1

    Based on this, we can choose D =

    基于此,我们可以选择D =

    11 (since 5 * 11 mod 6 = 1)

    11 (因为5 * 11 mod 6 = 1 )

E = 5D = 11N = 14C ≡ Mᴱ mod NM ≡ Cᴰ mod N

E = 5D = 11N = 14C≡MᴱmodNM≡Cᴰmod N

If our message M is say 9, C = 9⁵ mod 14 = 11M = 11¹¹ mod 14 = 9

如果我们的消息M 等于 9 ,则C =9⁵mod 14 = 11M = 1111¹mod 14 = 9

RSA示例2 (RSA Example 2)

  1. Find two prime numbers P & Q: P = 61, Q = 53

    找到两个质数PQ:P = 61, Q = 53

  2. Calculate N


    N = P * Q

    N = P * Q

    = 61 * 53

    = 61 * 53





  3. Calculate φ(N)


    φ(N) = (P — 1)(Q — 1)


    = 60 * 52

    = 60 * 52





  4. Choose an encryption key E:


    E must be between


    1 and φ(N) i.e. 1 < E < 3120

    1φ(N),1 <E <3120

    E must be


    relatively prime to N and φ(N)

    对于Nφ(N) 素数

    Based on these requirements,


    E is calculated as 17


  5. Calculate decryption key D:


    D is the inverse of E mod

    D是E mod的倒数



    In other words,


    D * E (mod φ(N)) = 1

    D * E(模φ(N))= 1

    i.e. in our example,


    17 * D (mod 3120) = 1

    17 * D(mod 3120)= 1

    Using the


    Extended Euclidian Algorithm, we calculate D = 2753 (since 17 * 2753 mod 3120 = 1)

    扩展Euclidian算法 ,我们计算D = 2753 (因为17 * 2753 mod 3120 = 1 )

E = 17D = 2753N = 3233C ≡ Mᴱ mod NM ≡ Cᴰ mod N

E = 17D = 2753N =3233C≡MᴱmodNM≡Cᴰmod N

If our message M is say 42, C = 42¹⁷ mod 3233 = 2557M = 2557²⁷⁵³ mod 3233 = 42

如果我们的消息M 等于 42 ,则C = 42 1 mod 3233 = 2557M =2557²3mod 3233 = 42

RSA示例3 (RSA Example 3)

  1. Find two prime numbers P & Q: P = 5, Q = 11

    找到两个质数PQ:P = 5, Q = 11

  2. Calculate N


    N = P * Q

    N = P * Q

    = 5 * 11

    = 5 * 11





  3. Calculate φ(N)


    Calculate φ(N) φ(N) = (P — 1)(Q — 1)

    计算φ(N) φ(N) =(P_1)(Q_1)

    = 4 * 10

    = 4 * 10





  4. Choose an encryption key E:


    E must be between


    1 and φ(N) i.e. 1 < E< 40

    1φ(N),1 <E <40

    E must be


    relatively prime to N and φ(N)

    对于Nφ(N) 素数

    Based on these requirements, E is calculated as




  5. Calculate decryption key D:


    D is the inverse of


    C mod φ(N)


    In other words,


    D * E (mod φ(N)) = 1

    D * E(模φ(N))= 1

    i.e. in our example,


    7 * D (mod 40) = 1

    7 * D(mod 40)= 1

    Using the


    Extended Euclidian Algorithm, we calculate D = 23 (since 7 * 23 mod 40 = 1)

    扩展Euclidian算法 ,我们计算D = 23 (因为7 * 23 mod 40 = 1 )

E = 7D = 23N = 55C ≡ Mᴱ mod NM ≡ Cᴰ mod N

E = 7D = 23N = 55C≡MᴱmodNM≡Cᴰmod N

If our message M is say 15, C = 15⁷ mod 55 = 5M = 5²³ mod 55 = 15

如果我们的消息M 等于 15 ,则C =15⁷mod 55 = 5M =5²³mod 55 = 15

结束语 (Final remarks)

Even though Rivest, Shamir and Adleman published their paper in April 1977, it was the publication in Scientific American 4 months later which alerted the world to their discovery, and heralded in a new era of cryptography.


The impact of Diffie Helman’s public key cryptographic system, and RSA’s implementation thereof, can hardly be overstated. Public key encryption now forms the foundation for most regularly-used security protocols on the internet today, and is fundamentally critical to the privacy, integrity and authentication in modern communication systems.

Diffie Helman的公钥密码系统的影响以及RSA的实现很难被夸大。 如今,公钥加密已成为当今互联网上大多数常规使用的安全协议的基础,并且对于现代通信系统中的隐私,完整性和身份验证至关重要。

In addition, the technologies of encryption have since 1976 been public domain, not controlled by any single entity. As Diffie later put it, after they published their paper, the National Security Agency’s crypto monopoly was effectively terminated. “Every company, every citizen now had routine access to the sorts of cryptographic technology that not many years ago ranked alongside the atom bomb as a source of power.”

另外,自1976年以来,加密技术已成为公共领域,不受任何单个实体的控制。 正如Diffie后来所说,在他们发表论文后,国家安全局的加密专卖实际上被终止了。 “每家公司,每个公民现在都可以例行使用几年前与原子弹并列的动力来源的各种密码技术。”

Interestingly, no-one has been able to prove that prime number factorisation is computationally hard (in other words, we have no guarantees that in the future someone won’t discover a technique to factor large prime numbers efficiently). Nonetheless, for over 40 years, whilst certain weaknesses in implementations of the algorithm have been uncovered, no-one has made any real progress in attacking the core of the algorithm.

有趣的是,没有人能够证明素数分解在计算上是困难的(换句话说,我们无法保证将来不会有人发现有效地分解大素数的技术)。 尽管如此,在40多年来,虽然发现了该算法实现中的某些弱点,但没有人在攻击该算法的核心方面取得任何实际进展。

We can therefore safely assume that these protocols and standards will last long into the future.


Image for post
Crypto 2000, an IACR大会 IACR conference ). Crypto 2000上的演讲上拍摄)。

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/the-day-cryptography-changed-forever-1b6aefe8bda7






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