
It was only a few days ago that I wrote about three high profile hacks involving the biggest medical diagnostic lab in Canada, a retail chain in the U.S & a well-known blockchain network VeChain. The increased frequency of these cyber attacks is making it difficult to keep track of them, let alone fix this ballooning problem.

这只是前几天我写了约三级高调的黑客涉及加拿大,美国及某知名blockchain网络VeChain零售连锁最大的医疗诊断实验室。 这些网络攻击的频率越来越高,使得难以跟踪它们,更不用说解决此激增问题了。

Just over a week ago, the southern U.S city of New Orleans suffered a cyberattack as the city employees were asked to shut down their computers on the weekend as a precaution, eventually filing for a declaration of a state of emergency. The news was announced through the official twitter account of the Mayor of the city on December 15th.

就在一周前,美国南部城市 新奥尔良(New Orleans)遭受了网络攻击,当时市政府的员工被要求在周末关闭计算机,以防万一,最终申请紧急状态声明。 该消息是12月15日通过该市市长的官方Twitter帐户宣布的。

The suspicious activity was first noted on the city networks around 5 am the Friday before with heightened attacks around 8 am. The city’s IT department reported both phishing attempts and ransomware attacks aimed at their computer systems. Once this was confirmed, the IT team shut down their servers & computers to avoid any further complications.

该可疑活动最初在周五凌晨5点左右在城市网络上发现,然后在凌晨8点左右开始加剧攻击。 该市的IT部门报告了针对其计算机系统的网络钓鱼尝试和勒索软件攻击。 确认后,IT团队将关闭其服务器和计算机,以避免进一步的麻烦。

All the automated services including the city website (NOLA) were shut down as local, state, and federal authorities were roped into the investigation which is still ongoing. While the systems were flooded with suspicious emails & ransomware, no evidence of data being compromised has been noted neither has there been any demands for ransom so far.

包括城市网站(NOLA)在内的所有自动化服务都已关闭,原因是地方,州和联邦当局被绑在正在进行的调查中。 尽管系统中充斥着可疑的电子邮件和勒索软件,但到目前为止,还没有迹象表明数据遭到破坏,也没有勒索赎金的要求。

Image for post
Image Credit: Recorded Future Report on Ransomware Attacks

At the time of publishing the automated systems were still down as per the city’s website but the positive was that all city facilities & programs were operating as usual, albeit manually. New Orleans was the latest in a string of cyberattacks on local governments this year in the U.S and elsewhere. Only last month, the state of Louisiana was hit by a similar cyberattack in which the hackers were able to shut down the state’s office of motor vehicles. The incident caused the governor of the state to declare a state of emergency.

在发布之时,根据城市的网站,自动化系统仍处于关闭状态,但令人欣慰的是,所有城市设施和程序均按常规运行,尽管是手动操作。 新奥尔良是今年美国和其他地方对地方政府进行的一系列网络攻击中的最新一次。 仅在上个月,路易斯安那州就遭受了类似的网络攻击,黑客能够关闭该州的汽车办公室。 该事件使州长宣布进入紧急状态。

Elsewhere in the country, 23 cities in Texas were targeted by a ransomware attack, back in August. The size and coordination of that attack pointed to a single nefarious player. Other states like North Carolina, California, Maine & Florida have reported similar ransomware attacks where criminals tried to extort money from the authorities.

早在8月份,该国其他地方的德克萨斯州23个城市就遭到了勒索软件攻击。 该攻击的规模和协调性指向一个邪恶的玩家。 其他州,例如北卡罗莱纳州,加利福尼亚州,缅因州和佛罗里达州也报告了类似的勒索软件攻击,其中犯罪分子试图从当局勒索金钱。

A malware attack at Cleveland, Ohio’s main airport in April disrupted the flight and luggage information boards for five days. A May 2019 study found over 169 instances of ransomware infecting state and local governments since 2013 in the U.S alone.

四月份,在俄亥俄州主要机场克利夫兰的一次恶意软件攻击使航班和行李信息板中断了五天。 自2019年5月以来的一项研究发现,仅2013年以来,仅在美国就有169多个勒索软件感染州和地方政府。

Although the majority of these attacks seem to be targeting the local city & state governments in the U.S, the phenomenon extends well beyond the U.S borders. Johannesburg, South Africa, one of the biggest cities in Africa & the financial powerhouse of the continent was a repeat victim of hackers who shut down city services and networks first in July and then in October of this year.

尽管这些攻击中的大多数似乎都针对美国当地的城市和州政府,但这种现象已经远远超出了美国的边界。 南非的约翰内斯堡是非洲最大的城市之一,也是非洲大陆的金融大国。黑客再三成为受害者 ,他们首先在7月和今年10月关闭了城市服务和网络。

Be it internal security lapses, absence of a dedicated cybersecurity team or proper safeguards, the hackers getting smarter or the combination of all these factors — the problem is getting bigger by the day. Who’s next?

内部安全失灵,缺乏专门的网络安全团队或没有适当的防护措施,黑客变得越来越聪明或所有这些因素的结合,问题日益严重。 谁是下一个?

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翻译自: https://medium.com/technicity/new-orleans-is-the-latest-victim-of-a-string-of-cyberattacks-this-year-2840f3a5f26e

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