

Ever since I’ve published my first app in the app store, one thing I always scratched my head about is what the simple steps are that I can follow to promote my app without spending any money.


When you’re a developer and you’ve put a tremendous amount of hours into a simple project, it’s very difficult for you to spend money on it, just for marketing. Developing is hard and real work. But I’d say most of the success relies on this later version of the job, marketing.

当您是开发人员并且已经将大量的时间投入到一个简单的项目中时,仅出于营销目的,就很难花钱在上面。 发展是艰苦而真实的工作。 但是我要说的是,大多数成功都取决于这项工作的新版本,即营销。

No matter how unique or great an app you’ve developed, if people don’t download it or people don’t know about it then your app is a great flop. I’ve seen many mediocre apps have hundreds of thousands of downloads and I’ve also seen many great, quality apps barely get 5,000 downloads.

无论您开发的应用程序多么独特或多么出色,如果人们不下载它或人们对其一无所知,那么您的应用程序将是一个伟大的失败者。 我已经看到许多平庸的应用都有数十万的下载量,而且我也看到许多优质的高质量应用几乎无法获得5,000次下载。



Because those great apps developed by indie developers who have high engineering and app developing skills don’t have any level of marketing or business knowledge. On the other hand, the not-so-good app has a unique marketing team to spread it to the rest of the world.

因为那些由具有高工程学和应用开发技能的独立开发人员开发的优秀应用没有任何营销或业务知识。 另一方面,效果不佳的应用拥有一支独特的营销团队,将其推广到世界各地。

When I’ve developed my first app, Quote Writer, I got into this trouble. I had no idea how to promote an app without spending money. After releasing the app it didn’t go very well. But, a few days ago I’ve hit 200,000 downloads, a milestone which has been an incredible journey for me. After publishing my app, when I saw my app wasn’t doing as expected, I realized I needed to learn marketing, especially simple marketing that works for any app.

当我开发出第一个应用Quote Quote Writer时,我陷入了麻烦。 我不知道如何在不花钱的情况下推广应用。 发行该应用程序后,效果并不理想。 但是,几天前,我已经下载了20万次,这对我来说是一个令人难以置信的旅程。 发布我的应用程序后,当我看到自己的应用程序运行不正常时,我意识到我需要学习营销,尤其是适用于任何应用程序的简单营销。

I learned, applied, and experimented with many free app marketing ideas in the last couple of years, and here are the top seven simple marketing ideas that you can apply on your own app.


1.使用Dribbble,UpLabs和其他设计平台 (1. Use Dribbble, UpLabs, and Other Design Platforms)

Before developers start coding any app, they get the design from the UI/UX team. If you’re an indie developer, I’m sure you also follow this same way. You first design your app and then start coding. And, when you are coding, you probably published those interface design of your app to social media to let others know about your app. You may have considered it as a prelaunch marketing thing.

在开发人员开始编写任何应用程序之前,他们需要从UI / UX团队获得设计。 如果您是独立开发人员,那么我可以肯定您也遵循同样的方法。 您首先设计您的应用程序,然后开始编码。 而且,在进行编码时,您可能会将应用程序的界面设计发布到社交媒体上,以使其他人知道您的应用程序。 您可能已将其视为上市前的营销活动。

But, you’ve made one mistake, my friend, by releasing those designs at the very early stage. Do not start marketing or any kind of promotional thing if you don’t have any CTA (Call to Action) or app download link. If you’ve uploaded your app to the beta channel then you can release those UI design presentations to social media and insert a CTA link so that people can check it out by installing your app. If you cannot drive downloads from anything then doing that thing is valueless in terms of marketing.

但是,我的朋友,您在早期阶段发布了这些设计就犯了一个错误。 如果您没有任何CTA(号召性用语)或应用程序下载链接,请不要开始营销或任何形式的促销活动。 如果您已将应用程序上载到Beta通道,则可以将这些UI设计演示文稿发布到社交媒体上,并插入CTA链接,以便人们可以通过安装应用程序将其签出。 如果您无法从任何内容推动下载,那么就营销而言,这样做毫无价值。

When you’ve published your app and you’ve got your app download link then only you can upload a presentation shot to Dribbble and UpLabs. I’ve seen it work pretty well and it won’t cost you many hours of work. For example, I’ve published this below shot in Dribbble, and it led to a few more downloads of my app. Can you believe I’ve created this below presentation shot within five minutes? But I got few downloads trading these five minutes only.

发布应用程序并获得应用程序下载链接后,只有您才能将演示文稿快照上传到Dribbble和UpLabs。 我已经看到它工作得很好,并且不会花很多时间。 例如,我在Dribbble上发布了这张照片,它导致我的应用下载次数增加。 您可以相信我在五分钟内创建了下面的演示文稿吗? 但是我只有很少的下载量交易这五分钟。

Image for post
Tweety App Dribbble Shot, Courtesy by Author

2.使用您的电子邮件连接 (2. Use Your Email Connection)

I know what you think. You are thinking, you don’t have any newsletter subscription email list. But, I ain’t talking about those fancy thousand-subscription newsletter email marketing campaigns. I’m talking about what you already have.

我知道你的想法 您在想,您没有任何通讯订阅电子邮件列表。 但是,我不是在谈论那些花哨的千订阅新闻通讯电子邮件营销活动。 我说的是你已经拥有的。

You’ve probably exchanged a couple of emails with your superior, business connections, mentors, and others. You can use those emails to reach out about your app. Tell them that you’ve developed a new app or you’re upgrading your existing app.

您可能已经与您的上级,业务联系,导师等交换了几封电子邮件。 您可以使用这些电子邮件来联系您的应用程序。 告诉他们您已经开发了一个新应用程序或要升级现有应用程序。

Tell them that their feedback would be helpful to you. Do not make it sound like a business email. Just send them a casual email with your app link and asked them about their opinions and suggestions.

告诉他们,他们的反馈意见将对您有所帮助。 不要听起来像商务电子邮件。 只需给他们发送带有您的应用程序链接的休闲电子邮件,然后询问他们有关他们的意见和建议。

Everybody wants to help. So, when you reach out to them asking for feedback, basically they will download your app, and maybe some of them will get hooked by your app, and later they will become your favorite users. I’ve seen it and it happened to me, too. It’s a hidden technique that nobody taught you before. Apply this technique and thank me later.

每个人都想提供帮助。 因此,当您与他们联系并征求反馈意见时,基本上他们会下载您的应用,也许其中一些会被您的应用吸引住,后来他们将成为您最喜欢的用户。 我已经看到了,它也发生在我身上。 这是一项以前没有人教过你的隐藏技术。 应用这项技术,稍后再感谢我。

3.在您的应用程序中添加一个“共享”按钮 (3. Add a “Share” Button in Your App)

We developers think marketing is a whole level of the game. Yes, it is, but it’s not exactly rocket science. If your product bridges with marketing then you can grow your app downloads exponentially. The more downloads you will get, the more marketing you will have when your product works like marketing for itself.

我们的开发人员认为营销是游戏的整体层面。 是的,是的,但这并不完全是火箭科学。 如果您的产品与行销紧密结合,那么您的应用下载量将成倍增长。 您获得的下载次数越多,当您的产品像营销本身一样工作时,您将获得更多的营销。

Adding the “share” button inside the app is a bridge between marketing and a good app. People love to share good things. You know the line about marketing: The best marketing is word-of-mouth.

在应用程序内部添加“共享”按钮是营销和良好应用程序之间的桥梁。 人们喜欢分享美好的事物。 您知道行销的路线:最好的行销是口碑。

And when a user shares anything with their friends and family it becomes a digital version of word-of-mouth. People will always share if they think it’s a good app. Nobody actually wants to share something with others if that doesn’t have quality.

当用户与他们的朋友和家人分享任何东西时,它就变成了口碑的数字版本。 如果人们认为这是个好应用,他们将永远共享。 没有品质的人实际上没有人愿意与他人分享。

When you add the “share” button in your app then you’re not asking people to share your app like spam. I’ve used many apps that forcefully asked their user to share the app. It has a negative impact.

当您在应用程序中添加“共享”按钮时,您并不是在要求人们像垃圾邮件一样共享您的应用程序。 我曾经使用过许多强制要求其用户共享应用程序的应用程序。 这具有负面影响。

Keep track of the opening session of your app. Let’s say if a user opens your app more than 20 times then only you’ll request them to share the app with friends and family. If anybody opens the app 20 times then you should know that he or she likes the app. So when you’ll ask them to share the app, the chances are they will share the app. But if you immediately show a “share” dialog in your app after first installation or second opening then nobody’s gonna do it, so be careful when you ask your user to share your app.

跟踪您的应用程序的打开会话。 假设某个用户打开您的应用程序超过20次,那么只有您会要求他们与亲朋好友共享该应用程序。 如果有人打开该应用程序20次,那么您应该知道他或她喜欢该应用程序。 因此,当您要求他们共享应用程序时,他们很可能会共享应用程序。 但是,如果您在第一次安装或第二次打开后立即在应用程序中显示“共享”对话框,则没人愿意这样做,因此在要求用户共享应用程序时要小心。

Try to be a little artistic or creative here. I have an app where I’ve used this share feature a bit differently. Instead of showing a pop-up dialog once or some times in the app, I wanted to always show the share app button to the user. So, I’ve put “Send Your Regards” text at the bottom of the screen in one of my apps. Those who watched “Game of Thrones” will definitely click on the “Send Your Regards” button as this dialogue comes from the “Game of Thrones” TV series. As my app is about sharing tweets on Instagram, I knew it would be better to let my user share a link to Twitter when they press this button.

在这里尝试变得有点艺术或创意。 我有一个使用共享功能的应用有些不同。 我不想始终在应用程序中显示一次弹出对话框,而是希望始终向用户显示共享应用程序按钮。 因此,我在其中一个应用程序的屏幕底部放置了“发送您的问候”文本。 那些观看过《权力的游戏》的人肯定会点击“发送您的问候”按钮,因为此对话来自“权力的游戏” 电视剧。 因为我的应用程序要在Instagram上分享推文,所以我知道最好让用户在按下此按钮时共享指向Twitter的链接。

Tweety App — Share tweet on instagram
Photo courtesy of author

So see which social media platform goes with your app best. Choose your social media platform or let users decide where they want to share the app link.

因此,请查看哪种社交媒体平台最适合您的应用。 选择您的社交媒体平台,或让用户决定他们要在哪里共享应用程序链接。

4.社交媒体的存在 (4. Social Media Presence)

You need to find out where your target audiences hang out most. You need to know exactly where you can find them. This is a very important step to follow. If you mistake where to identify your target audiences, you can make a million-dollar mistake.

您需要找出目标受众最常去的地方。 您需要确切地知道在哪里可以找到它们。 这是非常重要的一步。 如果您错误地确定了目标受众,则可能会犯百万美元的错误。

Do not market Netflix on LinkedIn, because LinkedIn is a place where professional people hang out and Netflix is a product about entertainment. You need to know who is your target audience and where you can find them to do effective marketing.

请勿在LinkedIn上营销Netflix,因为LinkedIn是专业人士闲逛的地方,而Netflix是娱乐产品。 您需要知道谁是目标受众,在哪里可以找到他们进行有效的营销。

After choosing the right social media, create your account and start posting content. Post about why people need your app. Talk about how your app can improve people’s lives in social media.

选择正确的社交媒体后,创建您的帐户并开始发布内容。 发表有关人们为什么需要您的应用的信息。 讨论您的应用如何改善社交媒体中人们的生活。

If your app is about photos or images then it’d better if you create an Instagram account. If your app is Twitter-related then it’d better for you to create a Twitter account and start posting tweets there. As the Tweety App is about converting tweets to images and sharing them to other social media, I post tweets of other popular accounts, like below.

如果您的应用是关于照片或图像的,那么最好创建一个Instagram帐户。 如果您的应用程序与Twitter有关,那么最好创建一个Twitter帐户并开始在其中发布推文。 由于Tweety应用程序是关于将tweet转换为图像并将其共享到其他社交媒体的,所以我发布了其他受欢迎帐户的tweet,如下所示。

Tweet from Tweety App
Tweet from Tweety App
来自Tweety App的Tweet

Avoid any kind of spamming. I didn’t simply comment on someone’s tweet to ask them to download the app. If I do it then it’ll be irrelevant, as well as spam. So I’ve created a tweet-image from their tweet using Tweety App and replied with it so that now if they want they can share this same tweet as an image on Instagram or other social media. They don’t have to take a screenshot of their tweet and crop it and share it on Instagram. Sometimes, I replied to their tweet by saying how Tweety App minimized this screenshot-crop hectic process. This is not a spam and the reply in their tweet is totally relevant and I have marketed my app perfectly in the above reply.

避免任何形式的垃圾邮件。 我并没有简单地评论某人的推文,要求他们下载该应用程序。 如果我这样做,那么它将与垃圾邮件无关。 因此,我已经使用Tweety App从他们的推文中创建了一条推文图像,并对其进行了回复,以便现在,如果他们希望他们可以与Instagram或其他社交媒体上的图像共享同一条推文。 他们不必拍摄自己的推文的屏幕截图,也可以将其裁剪并在Instagram上共享。 有时,我通过说出Tweety App如何最大程度地减少了截图农作物的忙碌过程来回复他们的推文。 这不是垃圾邮件,其推文中的回复是完全相关的,因此我在上述回复中完美地推销了我的应用程序。

So figure out something like this for your app. Think about it creatively. This is the place you need your all kind of creativity to input and do this simple marketing. This will give your app huge exposure in social media.

因此,请为您的应用找出类似的内容。 创造性地考虑它。 在这里,您需要各种创造力来输入和进行简单的营销。 这将使您的应用程序在社交媒体上具有巨大的曝光度。

5.在App Store中回复反馈 (5. Reply to Feedback in the App Store)

Sending reply to all app store feedbacks isn’t an easy task. It takes time. Probably at the beginning, you enjoyed it the first couple of responses, but day by day, as this feedbacks number increased, it lost the attraction. So, you got too bored to reply to feedback from the app store.

向所有应用商店反馈发送回复并非易事。 这需要时间。 大概在一开始,您就喜欢它的前几个回复,但是随着反馈数量的增加,它逐渐失去了吸引力。 因此,您太无聊了,无法回复来自应用商店的反馈。

But, hear me out, do not do it. Even if you get bored, just reply to feedback for the sake of your future app users. If you can’t reply then hire somebody in your team to do it.

但是,请听我说,不要这样做。 即使您感到无聊,也可以为了将来的应用程序用户而回复反馈。 如果您无法回复,请雇用团队中的某人来做。

Think about the feedback as an investment that helps acquire your future users. Your future users will definitely judge feedback and then decide whether they should download your app or move on to the next app.

将反馈视为一项有助于吸引您的未来用户的投资。 您未来的用户肯定会判断反馈,然后决定是应该下载您的应用还是继续使用下一个应用。

Reply to the one-star feedback as soon as possible. If somebody leaves one-star feedback then reply, asking for suggestions or how you can help them to make their experience better with your app.

尽快回复一星反馈。 如果有人留下一星级的反馈,请回复,征求建议或如何帮助他们改善您的应用体验。

When a future user browses through this one-star feedback and sees your response, then they’ll get a good impression even if you got one star from the user. They will think you are active and you are trying to improve the app. People love active things, and nobody wants to use something that is quite a dead product.

当未来的用户浏览此一星反馈并看到您的反馈时,即使您从该用户那里获得一星,他们也会给您留下很好的印象。 他们会认为您很活跃,并且您正在尝试改进该应用程序。 人们喜欢活跃的事物,没有人愿意使用那些已经死了的东西。

6.社交媒体中的应用程序图标选择帖子 (6. App Icon Selection Posts in Social Media)

We get confused sometimes in selecting one single final icon for the app. Normally, when a designer designs an app icon, he or she designs two or more icons.

有时我们会为应用选择一个最终图标感到困惑。 通常,设计师在设计应用程序图标时会设计两个或更多图标。

You can take this as an opportunity for social media marketing. Just select two app icons for your app and upload them in your social media account for a vote.

您可以以此为契机进行社交媒体营销。 只需为您的应用选择两个应用图标,然后将其上传到您的社交媒体帐户中进行投票。

Ask your audience (followers and friends) to vote for one icon.


Image for post
Photo courtesy by Author

You’ll see many people will vote for one or another icon. Then when you publish the app to the app store, come back to this post and share your app link. Some of them will definitely check out your app.

您会看到许多人会投票赞成一个或另一个图标。 然后,当您将应用程序发布到应用程序商店时,请返回这篇文章并分享您的应用程序链接。 他们中的某些人肯定会签出您的应用程序。

7.与社交媒体有影响力者合作 (7. Partner Up With Social Media Influencers)

Suppose your app is about food delivery. Find out who are the top food bloggers. Just simply search for top food bloggers in Google and you’ll get almost all the top bloggers within few seconds. Then find out their email address and send them an email about your app. Do it at the very early stage of your app development. Tell them about your app and how it’s making people’s lives better. If one of the top influencers who tries your app and posts about it, then you’ll get enough exposure for your app by just sending a few emails.

假设您的应用与送餐有关。 找出谁是顶级美食博客。 只需在Google中搜索顶级美食博主,您就会在几秒钟内获得几乎所有顶级博主。 然后找出他们的电子邮件地址,并向他们发送有关您的应用的电子邮件。 在您的应用程序开发的早期阶段进行操作。 告诉他们您的应用程序以及它如何改善人们的生活。 如果尝试并发布您的应用程序的最有影响力的人之一,那么您只需发送几封电子邮件即可获得足够的曝光率。

You can also directly partner up with top influencers. Suppose you are developing a fitness app. Then search for fitness influencers on Google. Let’s say you found Mr. X as a top fitness influencer and he has a million followers on Instagram.

您也可以直接与顶尖有影响力的人合作。 假设您正在开发健身应用程序。 然后在Google上搜索健身影响者。 假设您找到了X先生 作为一名顶级健身影响者,他在Instagram上拥有100万关注者。

Now you can partner up with Mr. X and offer him your revenue splits. Offer to him that you’ll do everything in your app and he will get 40% or 30% revenue splits from the app. And for this, all Mr. X will have to do to is help you with marketing the app.

现在您可以与X先生合作 并向他提供您的收入分成。 向他提议您将在应用程序中完成所有工作, 将从应用中获得40%或30%的收入分成。 因此,X先生要做的就是帮助您推广应用程序。

Marketing means Mr. X will post about the app and will be the brand ambassador of your app. If Mr. X has a million followers on Instagram, then think about how many downloads it will generate if he continuously promotes the app. Mr. X will love to do it as he will get a percentage of the revenue without doing much of anything.

市场营销意味着X先生将发布有关该应用程序的信息,并将成为您应用程序的品牌大使。 如果X先生在Instagram上拥有一百万个关注者,那么请考虑一下,如果他不断推广该应用,它将产生多少下载量。 X先生很乐意这样做,因为他会在不做任何事情的情况下获得一定比例的收入。

I believe this will be the easiest exposure you can get overnight. Think about how much it would cost you to reach a million target audience members with paid marketing. The answer is a lot. But just by offering to split your app revenue with a top social media influencer, you will have it without spending a penny.

我相信这将是您一夜之间可获得的最简单的曝光。 想一想,通过付费营销达到100万目标受众群体需要花费多少费用。 答案很多。 但是,只需与顶尖的社交媒体影响者分享您的应用收入,您就可以在不花一分钱的情况下获得收入。



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作者Stonekity,源码Shop,校园小菜,一个基于Android的移动App, 旨在整合高校的各类资源,如兼职、宾馆、餐馆、学习、KTV、租车、旅游等, 通过校园小菜建立起一个比较全面的高校生活圈。初步开发的是针对湖工推出的版本。平台后端基于Bmob平台进行开发, 应用已经发布到小米应用商店, 校园小菜的官网( 项目下载地址: 作者之所以开发校园小菜项目,处于以下几个目的 1. 通过校园小菜这个项目来提高自己独立开发项目的能力; 2. 测试Bmob这个平台的能力; 3. 整合湖工各类资源,服务于高校学生的衣食住行和学习; 版本更新历史: v1.5.8 ===== src/1.5.8/Shop 该版本是根据我自己最初的想法进行开发的,目的是建立一个大的资讯平台,为学生提供第一手校园资讯 v1.6.3 ===== src/1.6.3/Shop 该版本是与小小菜团队其他成员项目讨论以后做的调整,目标进一步缩小,从开发平台转到开发订餐 v1.9.2 ===== src/1.9.2/Shop 1.调整应用的结构为可扩展型 2.增加在线提交订单 v1.9.12 ===== src/1.9.12/Shop 1.调整部分UI 2.调整格子铺的分类 3.增加二手交易 4.校内速推新闻添加图片 v1.9.17 ===== src/1.9.17/Shop 1.添加测试鹰眼广告SDK测试 2.添加自动更新组件 3.添加博学堂讲座时间提醒 v1.9.20 ===== src/1.9.20/Shop(新签名) 1.添加列表下拉刷新 2.添加新签名、代码混淆 此源码为楼主转载,供交流学习使用


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