

Editor’s Note: Data visualization is a powerful method for representing data, but with the wealth of data visualization tools available, getting started on the process can be a daunting task. As foremost experts in data visualization, Jack Dougherty and Ilya Ilyankou review the methodology behind choosing the best tools to tell a data story. We’d love to hear from you about what you think about this piece.

编者注: 数据可视化是表示数据的一种强大方法,但是由于拥有大量可用的数据可视化工具,因此在流程上开始可能是一项艰巨的任务。 作为数据可视化领域的顶级专家,Jack Dougherty和Ilya Ilyankou回顾了选择最佳工具来讲述数据故事的背后方法。 我们很乐意听到您对您对此作品的看法。

Do you feel overwhelmed by the enormous range of data visualization tools? There’s been so many different tools released in recent years that anyone would have a hard time deciding which ones to use. Even if you limit your choices to a dozen or so tools, how do you make wise decisions?

您是否对各种各样的数据可视化工具感到不知所措? 近年来发布了许多不同的工具,因此任何人都很难决定要使用哪些工具。 即使您将选择限制在十几种工具之内,您如何做出明智的决定?

• Draw and Write Your Data Story reminds us to start with the most important item in your toolkit: your story. Begin by drawing pictures and writing questions or sentences to capture your ideas on paper, and then choose the most appropriate tools to create your vision.

•绘制和编写数据故事提醒我们从工具箱中最重要的项目开始:您的故事。 首先绘制图片并写问题或句子以在纸上捕捉您的想法,然后选择最合适的工具来创建您的愿景。

• Ask Questions When Choosing Tools lists several criteria to consider when making software decisions. Many of us look for free or affordable tools in the perfect sweet spot — easy-to-learn, yet powerful.

•选择工具时提出问题,列出了制定软件决策时要考虑的几个标准。 我们中的许多人都在完美易用的地方寻找免费或高级的工具-易学但功能强大。

绘制和编写您的数据故事 (Draw and Write Your Data Story)

Before you dive deeply into software, think about the most important item in your toolkit: your story. The primary reason we’re designing visualizations is to improve how we communicate our data story to other people, so let’s begin there.

在深入研究软件之前,请考虑一下工具包中最重要的内容:您的故事。 我们设计可视化的主要原因是为了改善我们与他人交流数据故事的方式,因此让我们从这里开始。

Push away the computer and pick up some old-school tools:


• colored markers or pencils


• lots of blank paper


• your imagination


First, at the top of the page, write down your data story.


• Is it in the form of a question? If so, figure out how to pose the question.

•是问题形式吗? 如果是这样,请弄清楚如何提出问题。

• Or maybe it’s in the form of an answer to that question? If so, spell out your clearest statement.

•也许是以答案的形式? 如果是这样,请说出最清楚的陈述。

• If you’re lucky, perhaps you already can envision a full story, with a beginning, middle, and end.


• Whatever form it takes in your head, write out the words that come to mind.


Further down the page (or on a separate sheet), draw quick pictures of the visualizations that comes to your mind, even if you don’t yet have any data. No artistic skills are required. Just use your imagination. — Do you envision some type of chart? Sketch a picture. — Or do you imagine some type of map? Show what it might look like. — Will your visualization be interactive? Insert arrows, buttons, whatever.

在页面的更下方(或在另一张纸上),即使您还没有任何数据,也可以快速绘制一下想像中的可视化图片。 不需要艺术技能。 只是发挥您的想象力。 —您是否设想某种图表? 草绘图片。 —还是您想象某种地图? 显示它的外观。 —您的可视化是否具有交互性? 插入箭头,按钮等。

Finally, share your data story with someone else and talk through your preliminary ideas. Does your sketch and sentences help to convey the broader idea that you’re trying to communicate? If so, this is one good sign that your data story is worth pursuing.

最后,与其他人分享您的数据故事,并讨论您的初步想法。 您的草图和句子是否有助于传达您尝试交流的更广泛的想法? 如果是这样,这是一个值得您追寻数据故事的好兆头。

选择工具时提问 (Ask Questions When Choosing Tools)

When each of us decides which digital tools best fit our needs, we often face trade-offs. On one hand, many of us prefer easy-to-learn tools, especially those with a drag-and-drop interface, but they often force us to settle for limited options. On the other hand, we also favor powerful tools that allow us to control and customize our work, yet most of these require higher-level coding skills. The goal is to find the best of both worlds: that “sweet spot” where tools are both friendly and flexible.

当我们每个人都决定哪种数字工具最适合我们的需求时,我们经常会面临各种挑战。 一方面,我们中的许多人都喜欢易于学习的工具,尤其是具有拖放界面的工具,但是它们经常迫使我们选择有限的选项。 另一方面,我们也偏爱功能强大的工具,这些工具可让我们控制和自定义工作,但其中大多数都需要更高水平的编码技能。 我们的目标是找到两全其美的方法:工具既友好又灵活的“最佳地点”。

Before testing out new tools, try listing the criteria that guide your decision making process. What are the most important factors that influence whether or not you add another item to your digital toolkit? Here’s the list that came to our minds:

在测试新工具之前,请尝试列出指导您的决策过程的标准。 影响您是否在数字工具包中添加其他项目的最重要因素是什么? 这是我们想到的清单:

1. Price: Is the tool free, or is there a “freemium” model to pay for more features or higher usage?


2. Easy-to-learn: Is the tool relatively simple for new users without coding skills?


3. Power: Does the tool support large amounts of data, and various types of visualizations?


4. Customization: Can I modify details about how my work appears?


5. Data Migration: Can I easily move my data in and out, in case I switch to a different tool? Hint for historians: Future-proof your digital history projects! Choose tools that allow you to easily export and migrate data to other platforms. Design projects to keep your data separate from its digital presentation.

5.数据迁移:如果我切换到其他工具,是否可以轻松地移入和移出数据? 给历史学家的提示:面向未来的数字历史项目! 选择可以轻松导出数据并将其迁移到其他平台的工具。 设计项目,以使您的数据与其数字表示分离。

6. Hosting: Can I decide exactly where my data and visualizations will be stored online?


7. Support: Is the tool actively maintained by its creators, and do they answer questions?


8. Open Source: Is the tool’s software visible, can it be modified, and redistributed?


9. Security: Is the tool and my data protected from malicious hackers and malware?


10. Collaborative: Does the tool allow several people to work together on one shared product?


11. Privacy: Under the terms of service, is my data and work private or public?


12. Error-friendly: When something fails, does the tool point out possible problems and solutions?


13. Cross-platform: Does this tool work across different computer operating systems?


14. Mobile-friendly: Will it correctly display my work on various mobile devices and browsers?


That’s a long list! But don’t let it overwhelm you. Remember the two most important criteria for the many free tools that are currently available: easy-to-learn and powerful features.

那是一长串! 但不要让它淹没您。 对于当前可用的许多免费工具,请记住两个最重要的标准:易于学习和功能强大。

学得更快。 深入挖掘。 看得更远。 (Learn faster. Dig deeper. See farther.)

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加入O'Reilly在线学习平台。 立即获得免费试用版,即时找到答案,或者掌握一些新的有用的知识。

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Jack Dougherty is a Professor of Educational Studies at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut. Professor Dougherty has taught data visualization to undergraduates at Trinity College and to thousands of participants in a global online course. He and his students have partnered with dozens of non-profit organizations, journalists, and researchers to help tell their data stories on the web. Ilya Ilyankou is an Independent Technologist. Ilya has been working with CTData Collaborative to build data visualization and data exploration tools for Connecticut for two years.

Jack Dougherty 是位于康涅狄格州哈特福德的三一学院的教育研究教授。 Dougherty教授曾向三一学院的本科生以及全球在线课程的数千名参与者讲授数据可视化。 他和他的学生与数十个非营利组织,记者和研究人员合作,帮助他们在网络上讲述他们的数据故事。 Ilya Ilyankou 是一名独立 技术员 Ilya已经与CTData Collaborative合作为康涅狄格州构建数据可视化和数据探索工具已有两年了。



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