macos 开发工具_10个面向高级用户和开发人员的必备macOS工具

macos 开发工具

重点 (Top highlight)

Macs are expensive machines primarily used by power users and developers to accelerate their workflow. But, despite its ease of use, macOS isn’t devoid of problems.

Mac是昂贵的机器,主要供高级用户和开发人员用来加速其工作流程。 但是,尽管macOS易于使用,但并非没有问题。

The Mac app store is still limited and though Apple Silicon Chips promises to change that, yet finding the right set of apps to boost productivity isn’t so easy.

Mac应用程序商店仍然有限,尽管Apple Silicon Chips承诺会改变这一点,但要找到合适的应用程序来提高生产力并不是一件容易的事。

I’ve been using macOS for over five years now and through some trials and tribulations have figured a set of apps that have helped me as a software developer and made me a power user today.


In the next few sections, I’ll share some of these macOS tools that’ll propel your experience and increase your productivity when using a Mac. The idea isn’t to install hundreds of applications that eat up space. Instead, it's important to keep a quality set of tools in your arsenal that help on a daily basis.

在接下来的几节中,我将分享其中一些macOS工具,这些工具将推动您的使用体验并提高使用Mac时的生产率。 这个想法不是要安装数百个占用空间的应用程序。 取而代之的是,重要的是要在您的军械库中保留一套每天都会提供帮助的高质量工具。

A few Mac apps that we’ll discuss would be more developer-focused than general users but I’d recommend you explore them in any case.


软件安装管理器:自制软件 (A Software Installation Manager: Homebrew)

Unarguably, Homebrew should be the first application you need to have on your Mac. Basically, its a package manager that lets you install software tools and developer frameworks from the command line.

毫无疑问, Homebrew应该是Mac上需要的第一个应用程序。 基本上,它是一个程序包管理器,可让您从命令行安装软件工具和开发人员框架。

One might perceive this as a developer tool but it’s incredibly useful for everyone. Homebrew lets you install and update apps in a single line. The most interesting aspect of this Mac app is that it lets you quickly export all your mac tools and share them with peers or use it for setting a new Mac.

有人可能会将其视为开发人员工具,但对每个人来说都非常有用。 Homebrew使您可以在一行中安装和更新应用程序。 此Mac应用程序最有趣的方面是,它使您可以快速导出所有mac工具并与对等用户共享,或用于设置新Mac。

Here’s a sample line you need to paste in your Mac’s terminal to install the application:


brew cask install iterm2

iTerm2 is one of my favorite applications and we’ll see what’s so good about them in the next section.


iTerm2:更好的终端 (iTerm2: A Better Terminal)

iTerm2 is a free and open-source application and should be your de-facto replacement for the default terminal.


It provides rich features such as split pane windows, easy text selection, on-page search, autocomplete, mouseless copy, paste history, and instant replay(to rewind a session).


iTerm2 is also a perfect match for the Oh My Zsh plugin which lets you customize themes and configurations — something developers love considering a larger part of their day is spent staring at the terminal console.

iTerm2还是Oh My Zsh插件的完美搭配,它可以让您自定义主题和配置-开发人员喜欢考虑将大部分时间花在盯着终端控制台上的事情。

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CopyClip用于管理剪贴板历史记录 (CopyClip For Managing Clipboard History)

Developers, designers, and writers, we all regret or live in the fear of accidentally replacing the last copied text. It’s something that sits like a bug at the back of our heads.

开发人员,设计师和作家,我们都感到遗憾或不安,因为他们担心意外替换最后复制的文本。 它就像我们后面的虫子一样坐着。

Strangely, macOS doesn’t have a clipboard history manager by default. But luckily, CopyClip is the app you’d need to keep a track of your clipboard history.

奇怪的是,macOS默认情况下没有剪贴板历史记录管理器。 但幸运的是, CopyClip是您需要跟踪剪贴板历史记录的应用程序。

This menubar app is minimal and lets you customize the maximum number of items you want to store in clipboard history and also set shortcuts for accessing items. Unlike other clipboard apps that have fancy UI, CopyClip is simple, lightweight, and gets your job done quickly.

此菜单栏应用程序很小,可以让您自定义要存储在剪贴板历史记录中的最大项目数,还可以设置用于访问项目的快捷方式。 与其他具有精美UI的剪贴板应用程序不同,CopyClip简单,轻巧,可快速完成工作。

阿尔弗雷德:类固醇的聚光灯 (Alfred: A Spotlight On Steroids)

Like Batman, power users also need an Alfred. This mac application offers far more flexibility than the default Spotlight. From quick web searches to snippets and hotkeys, Alfred has literally everything available for you on fingertips.

像蝙蝠侠一样,高级用户也需要Alfred 。 这个Mac应用程序比默认的Spotlight提供了更大的灵活性。 从快速的网络搜索到片段和热键,Alfred几乎可为您提供所有可用的功能。

Workflows, undoubtedly are the most loved feature of Alfred. It lets you automate your workflow such as killing processes, creating a temporary 10-minute email address, accessing recent downloads, iTunes control. Communicating across different apps couldn’t have been easier.

工作流程无疑是Alfred最喜欢的功能。 它使您可以自动执行工作流程,例如杀死进程,创建10分钟的临时电子邮件地址,访问最新下载内容以及iTunes控制。 跨不同应用程序进行交流从未如此简单。

AndroidTool:与您的智能手机通信 (AndroidTool: Communicate With Your Smartphone)

This open-source application lets you get one-click screenshots or record screens from your android or iOS devices which are connected with the mac.


Moreover, for Android devices, you can share files, install APKs, and fetch bug reports pretty quickly. This mac application is a must-have for any android developer.

此外,对于Android设备,您可以快速共享文件,安装APK和获取错误报告。 这个Mac应用程序是所有android开发人员必备的工具。

androidtool screenshot
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To install this, simply run the following command in your terminal:


brew cask install androidtool

奇观:窗口管理器 (Spectacle: A Window Manager)

Keeping mouse or trackpad use at a bare minimum is the easiest way to boost productivity. While there is a paid mac app Magnet that offers a lot of customization, Spectacle, being a free app, stands out for me.

将鼠标或触控板的使用量保持在最低限度是提高生产率的最简单方法。 虽然有一个付费的Mac应用程序Magnet提供了许多自定义功能,但Spectacle是一个免费应用程序,对我来说很突出。

Spectacle allows you to snap windows side by side or at different areas of the screen with ease thereby allowing you to multi-task. This is a big relief for users who had to painfully resize the windows earlier.

眼镜使您可以轻松地并排或在屏幕的不同区域捕捉窗口,从而使您可以执行多任务。 对于必须尽早调整窗口大小的用户而言,这是一个很大的缓解。

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While at the time of writing, Spectacle, is no longer being maintained, it's still a good bet for managing windows.


叉子:一个简单的Git GUI客户端 (Fork: A Simple Git GUI Client)

It’s no mystery that every developer uses Git in his or her projects. Despite a fairly straightforward set of Git terminal commands, having a GUI client helps us quickly perform certain complex actions such as cherry-pick, resolving conflicts, and also compare branches and files easily with drag and drop tools.

每个开发人员在他或她的项目中使用Git并不奇怪。 尽管有一组非常简单的Git终端命令,但是拥有GUI客户端可以帮助我们快速执行某些复杂的操作,例如自动选择,解决冲突,还可以使用拖放工具轻松比较分支和文件。

There are tons of GUI client Mac apps available. GitKraken is a good bet but it has a limited free trial. Tower is amongst the more powerful Git GUI clients.

有大量的GUI客户端Mac应用程序可用。 GitKraken是个不错的选择,但免费试用次数有限。 Tower是功能更强大的Git GUI客户端之一。

For me, Fork is the most user-friendly Mac application for all Git purposes. It’s fast, intuitive, and makes you feel at home. From merge conflicts to advance diff viewer and interactive rebasing, it has everything covered for you.

对我而言, Fork是所有Git用途中最用户友好的Mac应用程序。 快速,直观,让您有宾至如归的感觉。 从合并冲突到高级差异查看器和交互式重定基础,它可以满足您的所有需求。

fork mac app project viewer image
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ip饮:整理,挑选和分享您的颜色 (Sip: Organize, Pick, and Share Your colors)

You could be a UI developer or a designer but would still need a color picker that lets you extract hex code values on the screen.


ColorPicker is a paid Mac app that boasts of a minimalistic design but Sip, a menu bar app is the show-stealer.


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Sip editor makes editing a powerful and pleasant experience by allowing you to create your own palettes and share them.


It also provides you with the ability to smartly determine the color format based across languages and frameworks. For instance, you might want to convert a hex color into UIColor for iOS, and it’ll do that for you.

它还使您能够跨语言和框架智能地确定颜色格式。 例如,您可能需要将十六进制颜色转换为iOS的UIColor,它将为您完成。

Contrast Checker helps avoid low-contrast color combinations by previewing text and background colors from the Sip menubar app itself.


GIF啤酒厂 (GIF Brewery)

Building gifs from screen recordings or videos is a common task for developers, bloggers, and designers alike. I use it daily for sharing demos of UI prototypes.

对于开发人员,博客作者和设计师而言,从屏幕录像或视频中创建gif都是一项常见的任务。 我每天都使用它来共享UI原型的演示。

While there are a lot of apps like LICEcap that let you screen record gifs, GIF Brewery is by far the best Mac app for creating and customizing gifs and videos.

尽管有很多类似LICEcap的应用程序可以让您筛选记录gif图像,但GIF Brewery迄今为止是创建和自定义gif和视频的最佳Mac应用程序。

It provides amazing flexibility to trim videos, sett the desired frame rate, and add filters before creating the GIFs.


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OnyX和DaisyDisk释放空间 (OnyX And DaisyDisk To Free Up Space)

Last but not the least, we have a Mac app for cleaning up space. The app store possesses a ton of Mac cleaner applications. But a lot of them are overpriced and install far too many scripts in your system. CleanMyMac is one such app that people are apprehensive about.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,我们有一个Mac应用程序用于清理空间。 该应用程序商店拥有大量的Mac清洁程序。 但是其中许多价格过高,并且在系统中安装了太多脚本。 CleanMyMac就是人们​​担心的这样一个应用程序。

Personally, I’ve always opted for OnyX and DaisyDisk, to do most of the cleaning job.


OnyX is a powerful tool that does most of the tasks like the expensive CleanMyMac X, but for free. Essentially it's a multifunction utility that lets you verify the system files and run cleaning tasks.

OnyX是一个功能强大的工具,它可以免费执行大多数任务,例如昂贵的CleanMyMacX。 本质上,它是一个多功能实用程序,可让您验证系统文件并运行清理任务。

But it can also alter the structure of your system. So, it's important to do your research and know what you’re doing with that application, especially when running maintenance scripts.

但这也会改变系统的结构。 因此,进行研究并了解您对该应用程序的操作非常重要,尤其是在运行维护脚本时。

DaisyDisk on the other hand is a disk space analyzer that provides a beautiful visualization of your Mac’s hard drive and other connected disks. Even in its free trial, DaisyDisk is fully functional and lets you track applications and files that are hogging space.

另一方面, DaisyDisk是一个磁盘空间分析器,可为您的Mac硬盘驱动器和其他连接的磁盘提供漂亮的可视化效果。 即使在免费试用版中,DaisyDisk仍具有完整的功能,可让您跟踪占用空间的应用程序和文件。

daisy disk circular viewer
Screengrab by Author

结论 (Conclusion)

While these were the set of Mac apps that are helping me boost productivity, it isn’t all. Bartender, Magnet, and BetterTouchTool are also amongst the most downloaded apps by Mac users. At the same time, Xcode, Atom, and Visual Studio are commonly used by developers.

这些是帮助我提高生产力的Mac应用程序集,但还不是全部。 Bartender,Magnet和BetterTouchTool也是Mac用户下载最多的应用程序之一。 同时,开发人员通常使用Xcode,Atom和Visual Studio。

As always, the apps you’d need totally depend on your work and it’ll certainly require some playing around with the macOS to personalize your set of tools to become a power user.


That’s it for this one. Thanks for reading.

就这个。 谢谢阅读。


macos 开发工具

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