ios apple语音性别_iOS 14:Apple终于听了

ios apple语音性别

Every year, Apple release the latest version of iOS, one of the most popular operating systems in the world. Apple have a history of being somewhat stubborn at listening to their customer’s feedback — but this year, things are different.

苹果每年都会发布最新版本的iOS,这是世界上最受欢迎的操作系统之一。 苹果公司在听取客户的反馈意见方面一直有些固执,但今年以来情况有所不同。

iOS 14 is an update that contains features that have been requested by iPhone users for years. We are finally receiving updates to the user interface after update upon update with very little change to the core design, and we have been given features that will make our iPhone more efficient, and more user-friendly.

iOS 14是一个更新,其中包含iPhone用户多年来要求的功能。 最终更新后,我们终于收到了对用户界面的更新,对核心设计的更改很少,而且我们获得的功能将使我们的iPhone更高效,更友好。

iOS 14有哪些新功能? (What’s new in iOS 14?)

The main changes that have been made to the upcoming version of iOS are ‘quality of life’ improvements that help reduce clutter, and give more information at a glance.


1.小部件 (1. Widgets)

For Android users, widgets have been useful feature for years. If you want to look at your reminders quickly, you can just unlock your phone and look at the reminder’s widget, rather than having to open the reminders app. If you want to see your shopping list, you can place a widget on your homepage so it’s easily accessible.

对于Android用户,窗口小部件多年来一直非常有用的功能。 如果您想快速查看提醒,则只需解锁手机并查看提醒的小部件,而不必打开提醒应用程序。 如果要查看购物清单,可以在首页上放置小部件,以便轻松访问。

The lack of a proper widget system has been a flaw in iOS for years in my opinion. The closest thing we have had to Android’s widgets in previous years is the leftmost page on your home menu. All of the widgets look the same, and you have to scroll down if you want to find the widget for a specific app.

我认为多年来缺少适当的窗口小部件系统一直是iOS中的缺陷。 过去几年中,我们最接近Android小部件的是主菜单上最左侧的页面。 所有小部件看起来都一样,如果要查找特定应用程序的小部件,则必须向下滚动。

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Image: Apple Newsroom.
图片:Apple Newsroom。

iOS 14 brings widgets to a whole new level. The leftmost page on your home-screen has transformed into a tile-based menu where all the widgets are separated into smaller, but more accessible positions. The widgets stand out from one another, and can be dragged onto your home-screen, with the ability to position them in the space of any two-by-two area of app space.

iOS 14将小部件提升到一个全新的水平。 主屏幕上最左侧的页面已转换为基于图块的菜单,其中所有小部件都被分隔为较小但更易于访问的位置。 这些小部件彼此脱颖而出,并且可以拖动到您的主屏幕上,并能够将其放置在应用程序空间的任何二乘二区域中。

You can also drag widgets on top of each other, giving you the option to scroll through widgets — a smart feature that will stop your home-screen from having too many widgets. This is known as ‘Smart Stack’. Apple have also implemented a feature that allows Smart Stacks to automatically scroll during certain times of day, based on your activity. For instance, you could wake up and find the Apple News widget is currently being displayed; but at 11am the widget has switched pages to the reminders option. In the evening, the widget may have updated to show you a summary of your exercise for the day, or perhaps a show you can watch.

您还可以将小部件彼此拖动,以提供滚动小部件的选项-一种智能功能,它将阻止主屏幕上的小部件过多。 这就是所谓的“智能堆栈”。 苹果还实现了一项功能,该功能允许Smart Stacks根据您的活动在一天的特定时间自动滚动。 例如,您可能醒来,发现当前正在显示“ Apple News”小部件。 但在上午11点,小部件已将页面切换到提醒选项。 在晚上,小部件可能已更新,以向您显示当天的锻炼摘要,或者可能是您可以观看的表演。

The ‘Widget Gallery’ is a menu that can also be used to drag widgets onto your home-screen. The gallery gives the user the option to change the size of widgets to fit different areas of the home-screen. You could have a widget that is the size of a two-by-two area of apps, a two-by-four area, or even a four-by-four area of space. I am very much looking forward to seeing how widgets will make my iPhone a more simple, informative space for when I’m on the go.

“小部件库”是一个菜单,也可以用于将小部件拖到主屏幕上。 画廊为用户提供了更改小部件尺寸以适合主屏幕不同区域的选项。 您可能有一个小部件,其大小为应用程序的2比2区域,2比4区域甚至4 x 4区域的空间。 我非常期待看到小部件如何使我的iPhone在旅途中变得更简单,信息量更大。

2.应用程式库 (2. App Library)

The app library is a new feature that is being added to iOS 14 that helps reduce the amount of clutter you have in your home pages. Now, if you enter what Apple like to call ‘Jiggle Mode’ (the mode where the ‘x’ appears next to all of your apps to delete them), there will be the option to remove home-screen pages to only include the ones you need the most.

应用程序库是iOS 14中新增的一项功能,可帮助减少您首页中的混乱情况。 现在,如果您输入苹果电脑喜欢的“跳动模式”(所有应用旁边都显示“ x”的模式以删除它们),则可以选择删除主屏幕页面,仅包含这些页面您最需要的。

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The App Library is a smart way of organising apps, rather than making lot’s of folders manually, or having pages-upon-pages of apps. Image: Apple Newsroom.
应用程序库是一种组织应用程序的聪明方法,而不是手动制作大量文件夹或使应用程序页面翻页。 图片:Apple Newsroom。

But don’t worry, you can still access all of your apps through the new App Library feature that appears on the rightmost page of the home-screen. Your phone will categorise your apps based on what you use the most, what you have recently downloaded, what it thinks you will need next and more to present a tidy selection of folders that contain similar apps. There is also a search bar in the App Library for the situations where you want to find an app quickly.

但请放心,您仍然可以通过主屏幕最右侧页面上显示的新“应用程序库”功能来访问所有应用程序。 手机将根据使用最多的应用程序,最近下载的内容,认为下一步需要的功能以及更多内容来对应用程序进行分类,以显示包含相似应用程序的文件夹的整洁选择。 应用程序库中还有一个搜索栏,用于您想快速找到应用程序的情况。

Removing pages from the home-screen is a great feature that will make your iPhone a lot easier to use, while tidying up the screen at the same time. On my phone, I have apps that I use daily on the third page! Organisation and muscle memory prevent me from moving those apps to the first or second pages, so the App Library is a handy way to access those apps quickly.

从主屏幕上删除页面是一项很棒的功能,它将使您的iPhone更加易于使用,同时可以整理屏幕。 在手机上,我每天在第三页上使用的应用程序! 组织和肌肉记忆力使我无法将这些应用程序移动到第一页或第二页,因此应用程序库是快速访问这些应用程序的便捷方法。

3.画中画模式 (3. Picture in Picture mode)

Now that I have completely used my yearly allowance of the word ‘widget’, let’s talk about the new picture in picture mode that is going to be introduced to iOS 14.

既然我已经完全使用了“小部件”一词的年度津贴,那么让我们来谈谈将要在iOS 14中引入的图片模式下的新图片。

A very underrated feature on Windows and MacOS machines is the ability to pop a video out of it’s player, into a window that can be viewed while working in other windows. It’s multitasking at it’s finest.

Windows和MacOS计算机上的一个非常低估的功能是能够将视频从播放器弹出到一个可以在其他窗口中工作时查看的窗口中。 最好的是多任务处理。

An example of this is double right-clicking your mouse over a playing YouTube video. By clicking the ‘Picture in Picture’ option, you will now find that the video has popped out of the YouTube player, and is located in the lower left of your screen.

例如,在播放的YouTube视频上双击鼠标右键。 通过单击“画中画”选项,您现在会发现该视频已从YouTube播放器中弹出,并且位于屏幕的左下角。

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Image: Apple Newsroom.
图片:Apple Newsroom。

Picture in Picture can be particularly helpful when trying to reference something, while performing another task. Apple have now decided to implement Picture in Picture into iOS, and it looks very promising.

画中画在尝试执行其他任务时参考某物时尤其有用。 苹果现在决定在iOS中实现画中画功能,它看起来非常有前途。

Picture in Picture will end the frustration of going back to your home-screen, and the audio of a YouTube video is paused (that is, if YouTube don’t put this feature behind the Premium paywall); allowing for users to perform tasks such as copying a list of ingredients from a video, continue watching a film while answering text messages, or assisting with any note taking.

画中画功能将消除您返回主屏幕的烦恼,并且YouTube视频的音频会暂停(也就是说,如果YouTube不在高级付费墙后面放置此功能); 允许用户执行任务,例如从视频中复制配料列表,在接听短信时继续观看电影或协助做笔记。

Multiple apps will support this feature, with streaming services most likely being the popular choice when using this mode.


The controls of the video are very simple, yet effective. The window can be pinched to adjust the size; and the media controls such as pause, fast-forward and rewind are present too. While I can’t say that I will be using this feature a lot; I am glad that Apple have decided to implement it.

视频的控件非常简单,但有效。 可以捏住窗口来调整大小; 并且还提供了诸如暂停,快进和倒带之类的媒体控件。 虽然我不能说我会经常使用此功能; 我很高兴苹果公司决定实施它。

4.较小的改进 (4. The smaller improvements)

The above three features are the main features that we will find in iOS 14, but there are a lot more improvements that are being made to existing apps, or new apps that are being made for different purposes. Let’s take a look at what else you can expect to see in iOS 14:

以上三个功能是我们在iOS 14中可以找到的主要功能,但现有应用程序或为不同目的而开发的新应用程序还有很多改进。 让我们看看您在iOS 14中还能看到什么:

  • Full-screen is a thing of the past: Activating features such as Siri, or receiving a phone call has always blurred the background of your screen in the past versions of iOS. The 14th version of Apple’s iPhone operating system has now streamlined this experience by making phone calls simply become notifications when your phone is unlocked, or make Siri a small sphere at the bottom of your screen with text-boxes to show the search results. You will be able to continue reading your screen while using Siri, and you can swipe away from a phone call (and make the other user wait), rather than wait for the call to go to voice mail. A very welcome feature indeed.

    全屏显示已成为过去:在过去的iOS版本中,激活Siri等功能或接听电话始终会使屏幕背景变得模糊。 现在,Apple iPhone操作系统的第14版简化了这种体验,方法是使电话在解锁时仅成为通知,或者使Siri成为屏幕底部带有文本框的小区域,以显示搜索结果,从而简化通知。 使用Siri时,您将能够继续阅读屏幕,并且可以从一个电话上滑动(并使另一个用户等待),而不是等待该呼叫转到语音邮件。 确实是一个非常受欢迎的功能。
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The new Siri interface allows you to refer to your screen as you ask a question. Image: Apple Newsroom.
新的Siri界面允许您在提问时参考屏幕。 图片:Apple Newsroom。
  • Default apps: Another minor feature to be added to iOS 14 is the ability to set a default mail app or web browser. There are many people that dislike using the default Apple Mail app, or Safari; but are forced to use them if an app redirects them to a web page. iOS 14 ends this problem, with the ability to set apps such as Google Chrome and Gmail as your default apps. Email and web browsers are currently the only apps to be supported with this feature, but Craig Federighi states that Apple may change this in the future to include more apps.

    默认应用程序:要添加到iOS 14的另一个次要功能是可以设置默认邮件应用程序或Web浏览器。 有很多人不喜欢使用默认的Apple Mail应用程序或Safari。 但如果应用将其重定向到网页,则必须使用它们。 iOS 14通过将Google Chrome和Gmail等应用程序设置为默认应用程序来解决此问题。 电子邮件和Web浏览器是当前唯一受此功能支持的应用程序,但是Craig Federighi指出Apple将来可能会对此进行更改以包括更多应用程序。
  • iMessage makeover: iMessage has rapidly become the most popular built-in messaging service in the world; but the blue-bubble, green-bubble app has been the same design for years — well, apart from Memoji, of course. Apple have recently added some UI improvements that are much needed, such as pinning users to the top of the list, as well as adding replies in group chats (much like Slack), and even tagging other members of the group! The app has become a lot more personal to the user, with pictures of contacts appearing at the top of the page for quick access. Recent messages can also be found next to pinned pictures if you are in a hurry!

    iMessage改头换面:iMessage已Swift成为世界上最流行的内置消息传递服务; 但是蓝气泡,绿气泡应用程序多年来一直是相同的设计-当然,除了Memoji之外。 苹果最近添加了一些急需的UI改进,例如将用户固定在列表的顶部,以及在群聊中添加回复(类似于Slack),甚至标记该群的其他成员! 该应用程序对用户而言变得更加个性化,其联系人图片显示在页面顶部以快速访问。 如果您急忙,还可以在固定图片旁边找到最新消息!
  • Apple Maps: This year, Apple have added new features to Apple maps that will be introduced to the UK, Ireland and Canada later this year* .Guides are designed to show you where the best places are for different activities such as eating, entertainment or exercise, and can be found in cities all around the world — a useful feature for people that may be totally new to a city, or those who are travelling. Cycling has been added as a method of transport that allows users to follow cycle paths, and shows information to show whether they will encounter hills, busy roads and stairs; plus the ability to avoid them. Cycling is going to be introduced to New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco Bay Area, Shanghai and Beijing this year, with more cities being added in the near future.

    Apple Maps:今年,Apple在Apple Maps中增加了新功能,这些功能将于今年晚些时候在英国,爱尔兰和加拿大推出*。指南旨在向您展示在各种饮食,娱乐或购物等最佳活动的最佳地点运动,并且可以在世界各地的城市中找到-对于可能是城市新手或出行者的有用功能。 增加了骑自行车作为一种运输方法,它使用户可以遵循自行车道,并显示信息以表明他们是否会遇到丘陵,繁忙的道路和楼梯; 以及避免它们的能力。 今年,单车将引入纽约,洛杉矶,旧金山湾区,上海和北京,在不久的将来将会增加更多的城市。

*Note that these changes were introduced in the US earlier this year.


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Image: Apple Newsroom.
图片:Apple Newsroom。
  • EV Routing: Technically being a part of Maps, EV routing shows drivers of electric vehicles where the nearest charging stations are; all while factoring in the elevation, weather, the type of charger you need, and your range when adding charging stations to your driving route. Apple are working with brands such as BMW and Ford to allow Maps to read the range of your car to be compatible with EV routing, and make long-distance journeys a lot less stressful.

    EV路线:从技术上讲,EV路线是地图的一部分,它显示最近的充电站所在的电动汽车的驾驶员; 在考虑将海拔,天气,所需充电器的类型以及在行驶路线上添加充电站时的范围等因素综合考虑在内。 苹果公司正在与宝马和福特等品牌合作,以允许Maps读取您的汽车行驶里程以与EV路由兼容,并减轻长途旅行的压力。
  • Traffic: Another addition to Apple Maps is the introduction of congestion zones. The app will now show locations in the city that has a lot of traffic, and plan your route based on this information. Users in China can store their license plate number on their phone to see which days will allow them to enter congested zones.

    交通:Apple Maps的另一项功能是引入了拥堵区。 现在,该应用程序将显示城市中交通繁忙的位置,并根据此信息来规划您的路线。 中国的用户可以将其车牌号存储在手机上,以查看允许进入拥挤区域的日期。
  • App Clips: Apple have introduced App Clips, a new way to download an app without searching for it. The principal behind this feature is that you may find that there is a car park that requires an app to pay for. Rather than searching the app, you can scan a small icon at the location to download the app quicker. This is intended to be a used globally for places such as restaurants or cinemas; allowing you to download their apps faster.

    应用程序剪辑:Apple引入了应用程序剪辑,这是一种无需搜索即可下载应用程序的新方法。 该功能背后的原理是,您可能会发现有一个停车场需要付费才能使用应用程序。 无需搜索应用程序,而是可以扫描该位置的小图标以更快地下载应用程序。 它打算在全球范围内用于饭店或电影院等场所; 让您更快地下载他们的应用。
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An app clip is a quick pop up that you will receive after scanning an app clip card, that will prompt you to download an app. Image: Apple Newsroom.
应用程序剪辑是一个快速弹出窗口,您将在扫描应用程序剪辑卡后收到该消息,提示您下载应用程序。 图片:Apple Newsroom。
  • Car Key: Unlocking your car with your phone sounds like a scary idea, right? I thought the same about Apple Pay when it was first mentioned on stage, but I have now changed my mind completely. Apple are introducing the ability to unlock your car via NFC on certain cars that are produced with this feature. You simply go to your Apple Wallet, use Touch ID or Face ID to confirm, then hold the phone to the door handle to unlock the car. Placing your phone in the charging zone will allow the car to be started too, making the whole process possible without taking your keys. iOS 14 will also allow you to share your keys virtually with family members via platforms such as iMessage.

    车钥匙:用手机解锁汽车听起来像一个可怕的主意,对吗? 第一次在舞台上提到Apple Pay时,我也有同样的想法,但现在我完全改变了主意。 苹果正在引入使用NFC在使用此功能生产的某些汽车上通过NFC解锁汽车的功能。 您只需转到Apple电子钱包,使用Touch ID或Face ID进行确认,然后将手机握在门把手上即可解锁汽车。 将手机放在充电区也可以使汽车启动,从而无需钥匙即可完成整个过程。 iOS 14还允许您通过iMe​​ssage等平台与家人虚拟共享密钥。
  • CarPlay: Most new cars that are produced today feature Apple’s CarPlay operating system in them. Apple have implemented some new features into CarPlay to make the experience a little better. From the cosmetic changes such as new wallpapers, to the ability to search for parking, charging stations and even order food; CarPlay looks to become a tool that gives drivers more options than ever while they are at the wheel.

    CarPlay:当今生产的大多数新车中都装有Apple的CarPlay操作系统。 苹果已经在CarPlay中实现了一些新功能,以使体验更好一些。 从诸如新墙纸的外观变化到搜索停车位,充电站甚至订购食物的功能; CarPlay有望成为一种工具,为驾驶员提供比以往更多的选择。
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Who would have thought that your car keys would end up in your Apple Wallet? Image: Apple Newsroom.
谁会想到您的车钥匙最终会出现在Apple Wallet中? 图片:Apple Newsroom。
  • Translate: A new app being incorporated into iOS 14 will be Translate — a new way to talk to people of different languages. Translate will be available to use completely offline — perfect to not produce big phone bills when travelling abroad, and can be used to have conversations with people that can’t speak the same language as you. Simply select the language you want to translate into, speak into the microphone; and the app will translate what you said out of the speakers. This would have been very useful on my trip to Japan a couple of years ago!

    翻译:即将整合到iOS 14中的新应用是翻译-一种与不同语言的人进行交流的新方式。 可以完全离线使用Translate,这非常适合在出国旅行时不会产生大笔电话费,并且可以用于与不会说您相同语言的人进行对话。 只需选择您想要翻译成的语言,对着麦克风说; 该应用程序将把您所说的内容翻译出来。 这对我几年前的日本之旅非常有用!

最后的想法 (Final thoughts)

That is just about everything there is to cover for iOS 14 — but let’s discuss the headline of this article.

这几乎涵盖了iOS 14的所有内容-但让我们讨论本文的标题。

Apple finally listened. Having previously stuck to what they think is best; Apple have finally taken into consideration what users have wanted in their iPhones for years.

苹果终于听了。 以前坚持他们认为最好的方法; 苹果终于考虑了多年来用户对iPhone的需求。

A lot of the features that we have been introduced to iOS 14 were implemented into Android years ago, but there is no doubt that we will get the high-quality Apple experience when we update our phones in September. Just when I was starting to get bored of the same old iOS design, we see the highly anticipated UI update that iOS desperately needed…

很多我们已经引入到iOS 14的特征是落实到Android的 ,但毫无疑问,我们将获得高品质苹果的经验,当我们在九月更新我们的手机。 就在我开始厌烦相同的旧iOS设计时,我们看到了iOS迫切需要的备受期待的UI更新…

Thank you for reading.



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