

What should you do when working on a project that involves a lot of image processing?


We had to build an iOS app that needed to work relatively fast.


As the input and output were quite large, server processing was out of the question, if we wanted to deliver a nice and friendly user experience.


What to do then?


Oh yeah, we could use OpenCV. I’ve been tinkering quite a lot with it at university and knew that it should do the trick. What should be aware of in this particular case is that OpenCV is not as straight forward as installing a cocoa pod. It needs additional tinkering before you can write your methods.

哦,是的,我们可以使用OpenCV。 我在大学里已经花了很多时间修改它,并且知道它应该可以解决问题。 在这种特殊情况下,应该注意的是OpenCV不如安装可可豆那样直接。 在编写方法之前,需要进行其他修改。

We’re going to show you how. Are you ready?

我们将向您展示如何。 你准备好了吗?

建立 (Setup)

1。 (1.)

创建一个新的Xcode项目 (Create a new Xcode project)

Select Create a new Xcode project


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Select “Single View Application”


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Name it however you want, I’m going with OpenCVProject


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Then set up Cocoapods using “pod init”

然后使用“ pod init”设置Cocoapods

2。 (2.)

Add OpenCV to Podfile ” pod ‘OpenCV’ ” and run “pod install” in terminal.

将OpenCV添加到Podfile pod'OpenCV ' ”,然后在终端中运行“ pod install”

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3。 (3.)

Click new -> file -> new file, select Cocoa Touch Class

单击新建->文件->新文件,选择Cocoa Touch Class

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4。 (4.)

Name it “OpenCVWrapper”, a subclass of NSObject and set the language to Objective-C

将其命名为“ OpenCVWrapper”,它是NSObject的子类,并将语言设置为Objective-C

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5, (5.)

When Xcode prompts you if you like to configure an Objective-C bridging header, choose to create a bridging header. This bridging header is the file where you import Objective-C classes so that they can be visible in Swift.

当Xcode提示您是否要配置Objective-C桥接标头时,选择创建一个桥接标头。 此桥接头是您在其中导入Objective-C类的文件,以便它们在Swift中可见。

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6。 (6.)

Import “#import “OpenCVWrapper.h” in OpenCVWrapper.h

在OpenCVWrapper.h中导入“ #import“ OpenCVWrapper.h”

  OpenCVWrapper.h//  OpenCV Test  Created by Alexandru Ilovan on 31/10/2019.//  Copyright © 2019 S&P. All rights reserved.//#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>#import "OpenCVWrapper.h"NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN@interface @endNS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END

7 (7.)

And #import <opencv2/opencv.hpp>” in the OpenCVWrapper.m and “#import “OpenCVWrapper.h” in OpenCVWrapper.h

然后在OpenCVWrapper.m中使用#import <opencv2 / opencv.hpp> ,在OpenCVWrapper.h中使用“ #import“ OpenCVWrapper.h

  OpenCVWrapper.mm//  OpenCV Test  Created by Alexandru Ilovan on 31/10/2019.//  Copyright © 2019 S&P. All rights reserved.//#import "OpenCVWrapper.h"#import <opencv2/opencv.hpp>@implementation OpenCVWrapper@end  

8。 (8.)

In order to use C++ inside Objective C (OpenCV is written in C++ and C++ cannot interface directly with Swift), you need to change the file extension from OpenCVWrapper.m to OpenCVWrapper.mm.

为了在目标C中使用C ++(OpenCV用C ++编写,并且C ++无法直接与Swift交互),您需要将文件扩展名从OpenCVWrapper.m更改为OpenCVWrapper.mm。

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9。 (9.)

Add “#import “OpenCVWrapper.h”” to the Bridging-Header

将“ #import“ OpenCVWrapper.h” ”添加到桥接头

  Use this file to import your target's public headers that you would like to expose to Swift.//#import "OpenCVWrapper.h"

10。 (10.)

Click new-> file -> new file, select Prefix header and create one


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11。 (11.)

And add “#ifdef __cplusplus #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> #endif” to it.

并添加“ #ifdef __cplusplus #include <opencv2 / opencv.hpp> #endif”。

  PrefixHeader.pch//  OpenCV Test  Created by Alexandru Ilovan on 31/10/2019.//  Copyright © 2019 S&P. All rights reserved.//#ifndef PrefixHeader_pch#define PrefixHeader_pch// Include any system framework and library headers here that should be included in all compilation units.// You will also need to set the Prefix Header build setting of one or more of your targets to reference this file.#ifdef __cplusplus#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>#endif#endif /* PrefixHeader_pch */

12 (12.)

转到项目导航器。 在“生成设置”下,搜索“前缀头”,然后为.pch文件添加正确的路径。 它应该是“ $(SRCROOT)/PrefixHeader.pch”或“ $(SRCROOT)/YOUR_PROJECT/PrefixHeader.pch” (Go on to your project navigator. Under Build Settings, search Prefix Header and add the correct path for your .pch file. It should be “$(SRCROOT)/PrefixHeader.pch” or “$(SRCROOT)/YOUR_PROJECT/PrefixHeader.pch”)

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13 (13.)

Now you can add methods in the OpenCVWrapper for your image processing and call them in Swift.


To test it out, we’ll show you some code snippets for taking an image and convert it into a matrix.


In the OpenCVWrapper.mm add the matFrom and imageFrom methods that we will mark private with a #pragma mark Private


Don’t worry about the implementation details, they basically take an image and convert it into a matrix of pixels.


  OpenCVWrapper.mm//  OpenCV Test  Created by Alexandru Ilovan on 31/10/2019.//  Copyright © 2019 S&P. All rights reserved.//#import "OpenCVWrapper.h"#import <opencv2/opencv.hpp>using namespace using namespace @implementation OpenCVWrapper+ (NSString *)openCVVersionString {return }#pragma mark Public+ (UIImage *)toGray:(UIImage *)source {cout << "OpenCV: ";return }#pragma mark Private+ (Mat)_grayFrom:(Mat)source {cout << "-> grayFrom ->";Mat result;cvtColor(source, result, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);return }+ (Mat)_matFrom:(UIImage *)source {cout << "matFrom ->";CGImageRef image = CGImageCreateCopy(source.CGImage);CGFloat cols = CGImageGetWidth(image);CGFloat rows = CGImageGetHeight(image);Mat result(rows, cols, CV_8UC4);CGBitmapInfo bitmapFlags = kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipLast | kCGBitmapByteOrderDefault;size_t bitsPerComponent = 8;size_t bytesPerRow = result.step[0];CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = CGImageGetColorSpace(image);CGContextRef context = CGBitmapContextCreate(result.data, cols, rows, bitsPerComponent, bytesPerRow, colorSpace, bitmapFlags);CGContextDrawImage(context, CGRectMake(0.0f, 0.0f, cols, rows), image);CGContextRelease(context);return }+ (UIImage *)_imageFrom:(Mat)source {cout << "-> imageFrom\n";NSData *data = [NSData dataWithBytes:source.data length:source.elemSize() * source.total()];CGDataProviderRef provider = CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData((__bridge CFDataRef)data);CGBitmapInfo bitmapFlags = kCGImageAlphaNone | kCGBitmapByteOrderDefault;size_t bitsPerComponent = 8;size_t bytesPerRow = source.step[0];CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = (source.elemSize() == 1 ? CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceGray() : CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB());CGImageRef image = CGImageCreate(source.cols, source.rows, bitsPerComponent, bitsPerComponent * source.elemSize(), bytesPerRow, colorSpace, bitmapFlags, provider, NULL, false, kCGRenderingIntentDefault);UIImage *result = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:image];CGImageRelease(image);CGDataProviderRelease(provider);CGColorSpaceRelease(colorSpace);return }@end

And also a method for transforming the colours associated with the matrix in grey


+ (UIImage *)toGray:(UIImage *)source {cout << "OpenCV: ";return }

And then finally the toGray method in the #pragma mark Public

最后是#pragma mark public中的toGray方法

+ (UIImage *)toGray:(UIImage *)source {cout << "OpenCV: ";return }

Also, don’t forget to add the method headers to the OpenCVWrapper.h


  OpenCVWrapper.h//  OpenCV Test  Created by Alexandru Ilovan on 31/10/2019.//  Copyright © 2019 S&P. All rights reserved.//#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>#import "OpenCVWrapper.h"#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN@interface + (UIImage *)toGray:(UIImage *)source;@endNS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END

Ok, next, go to the Main. storyboard add an imageView and a button and add a stock image to the assets and set it on the imageView.

好,接下来,进入主菜单。 情节提要添加一个imageView和一个按钮,并将一个股票图像添加到资产中,并将其设置在imageView上。

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Next, connect the IBoutlets like so and call the toGray method from the OpenCVWrapper:


  ViewController.swift//  OpenCV Test  Created by Alexandru Ilovan on 31/10/2019.//  Copyright © 2019 S&P. All rights reserved.//import UIKitclass @IBOutlet weak var override super.viewDidLoad()// Do any additional setup after loading the view.}@IBAction func didPressedButton(_ sender: Any) {let saltImageView.image = grayImage}}

Finally, run the app. If you click on the button, it should greyscale the image. You’ve done it!

最后,运行该应用程序。 如果单击该按钮,它将使图像灰度化。 你完成了!

There you have it, OpenCV Swift Wrapper with one of the most basic operations that you can do in image processing.

有了OpenCV Swift Wrapper,它具有您可以在图像处理中执行的最基本的操作之一。

Have fun and keep on learning!


Originally posted on https://saltandpepper.co/2019/11/11/opencv-swift-wrapper/ by Alexandru Ilovan, Mobile Lead

最初发布于https://saltandpepper.co/2019/11/11/opencv-swift-wrapper/ ,移动主管Alexandru Ilovan

翻译自: https://medium.com/salt-pepper/opencv-swift-wrapper-6947ba236809


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微信小程序开发是一种基于微信平台的应用开发方式,可以用于创建各种类型的应用,包括题库应用。下面是建立一个题库的一般步骤: 1. 确定需求:首先需要明确题库的功能和特点,例如题目类型、难度级别、答案解析等。 2. 数据库设计:根据需求设计数据库结构,包括题目表、选项表、用户表等。可以使用关系型数据库或者NoSQL数据库。 3. 后端开发:使用后端开发语言(如Java、Python等)搭建服务器,处理前端请求,与数据库进行交互,实现题目的增删改查等功能。 4. 前端开发:使用微信小程序开发框架(如WXML、WXSS、JavaScript等)进行前端页面的设计和开发,包括题目展示、答题界面、用户登录等。 5. 题目管理:提供后台管理系统,用于管理员管理题目,包括添加题目、编辑题目、删除题目等操作。 6. 用户管理:实现用户注册、登录、个人信息管理等功能,可以使用微信提供的登录接口或自定义登录方式。 7. 题目展示:根据需求设计合适的界面布局,展示题目列表,支持分页加载和搜索功能。 8. 答题功能:实现用户答题功能,包括选择题、填空题、判断题等,记录用户答题结果,并提供答案解析。 9. 统计与分析:根据用户答题结果进行统计和分析,生成用户答题报告,提供数据可视化展示。 10. 测试与发布:进行功能测试和性能测试,修复bug,最后将小程序提交到微信小程序平台进行审核和发布。




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