

Apple stands out when it comes to privacy and security in smartphones. In fact, many people buy iPhones, only because they feel it's more secure than android.

苹果在智能手机的隐私和安全性方面脱颖而出。 实际上,许多人购买iPhone只是因为他们认为它比android更安全。

To some extent it is true, but most of the headlines are exaggerated. iPhone is more secure because the source code is not open, which makes it harder for hackers to find vulnerabilities. However, it’s not hack-proof as some headlines try to brag.

在某种程度上是对的,但大多数标题都被夸大了。 由于源代码未打开,iPhone更加安全,这使黑客更难发现漏洞。 但是,由于有些头条新闻在吹牛,所以它不是防黑客的

This hype around the security of an iPhone has created an enormous advantage for Apple, so much so that WWDC never ends without Tim talking about the privacy and security of Apple devices.


While corporations such as Google, Facebook, and Snapchat are struggling to cope up with privacy concerns, Apple is embracing it and VPN can be their ace card.


苹果不在乎数字油 (Apple Does Not Care About the Digital Oil)

While other giants such as Google, Facebook, and Amazon are competing to extract every bit of digital oil, Apple is playing the two-faced game to outrun all of them. Apple is embracing user privacy, which awards them with the customer’s trust and money. On the flip side, they make billions from these giants. Google reportedly paid $12 Billion to Apple to make google as a default search engine on the iPhone.

尽管其他巨头(例如Google,Facebook和Amazon)都在争夺每一个数字石油的提炼权,但苹果公司却在玩两面游戏,以超越所有人。 苹果公司正在拥抱用户隐私,这将使他们获得客户的信任和金钱。 另一方面,他们从这些巨头那里赚了数十亿美元。 据报道 ,谷歌向苹果支付了120亿美元,使谷歌成为iPhone上的默认搜索引擎。

Apple often criticizes Facebook for its malpractices for consumer data privacy. Last year, Apple revoked Facebook’s enterprise developer certificate for distributing a data-collecting enterprise app with its consumers. According to the enterprise developer certificate conditions, it is not allowed. Apple just enforced the licensing agreements, gaining publicity for privacy in the process.

苹果经常批评Facebook滥用消费者数据隐私的行为。 去年,苹果公司因与其消费者一起分发数据收集企业应用程序而撤销了Facebook的企业开发人员证书。 根据企业开发人员证书条件,不允许这样做。 苹果公司刚刚执行了许可协议,在此过程中获得了隐私的宣传。

This kind of publicity over privacy has made Apple billions over the years. It allowed Apple to bag a 64% margin on its iPhone X, even though it lagged far behind in spec sheet than other flagship smartphones. Apple has made the iPhone and MacBook a closed system, so independent repair shops cannot fix your device, forcing you to pay for unnecessary hundreds of dollars for Apple service. Apple keeps removing the things we love: the Headphone jack, USB ports, home button, and it still maintains its position in the market.

多年来,这种对隐私的宣传已使苹果赚了数十亿。 尽管苹果在规格表上远远落后于其他旗舰智能手机,但它允许苹果在iPhone X上获得64%的利润 。 Apple已将iPhone和MacBook设为封闭系统,因此独立的维修店无法修复您的设备,从而使您不得不为Apple服务支付不必要的数百美元 苹果一直在删除我们喜欢的东西:耳机插Kong,USB端口,主页按钮,并且仍然保持其在市场上的地位。

You are not our product. Our products are iPhones and iPads. We treasure your data. We want to help you keep it safe.

您不是我们的产品。 我们的产品是iPhone和iPad。 我们珍惜您的数据。 我们想帮助您确保安全。

Tim Cook


If Apple really cared about privacy, they could have blocked these apps and supported alternatives such as DuckDuckGo and Telegram. Apple can invest money in its mapping service and compete with Google; it can use its iMessage app to compete with What’s App. That would be the real flex. Instead, Apple distributes data hogging apps in its App Store.

如果苹果真的关心隐私,那么他们可能会阻止这些应用程序,并支持DuckDuckGo和Telegram等替代产品。 苹果可以向其地图服务投资并与谷歌竞争。 它可以使用其iMessage应用程序与What's App竞争。 那将是真正的灵活性。 相反,Apple在其App Store中分发了数据收集应用程序。

苹果监狱需要VPN (Apple Prison Needs a VPN)

It's no secret, Apple Prison is real and is here to “save” you from other platforms. The seamless ecosystem of Apple hardware is great, but that’s not what you call a true prison, right? You need to control the software too. That’s where the VPN would help.

这已经不是什么秘密了,Apple Prison是真实的,可以从其他平台“ 拯救”您。 苹果硬件的无缝生态系统很棒,但是那不是真正的监狱,对吧? 您还需要控制软件。 这就是VPN可以提供帮助的地方。

Apple can’t stay on top with just the hardware, it knows that real money is in the digital service market. They are already trying hard to compete with Netflix, Prime, and Disney in digital media with its Apple Tv +. Apple’s website homepage, which was once reserved to showcase the latest hardware, as of this writing, is now being used to grow Apple TV + audience.

苹果公司不能仅靠硬件来保持领先地位,它知道数字服务市场是真正的钱。 他们已经在努力通过其Apple TV +在数字媒体上与Netflix,Prime和迪士尼进行竞争。 Apple的网站首页 (截止到撰写本文时,曾经保留展示最新的硬件)现已用于增加Apple TV +受众。

In 2015, Apple released its iPhone upgrade program: Get a new iPhone every year for a monthly fee. You can call it ‘iPhone as a service’ plan. Then there is a suite of Apple subscription-based services such as Apple Music, Apple TV, iCloud, Apple Care, Apple News, and Apple Arcade.

苹果在2015年发布了其iPhone升级计划 :每年以月租费的价格购买一部新iPhone。 您可以将其称为“ iPhone即服务”计划。 然后是一套基于Apple订阅的服务,例如Apple Music,Apple TV,iCloud,Apple Care,Apple News和Apple Arcade。

This suite is missing a product that can tie all of Apple together and maintain the public privacy concern face of Apple’s is Apple VPN.

该套件缺少一种产品,该产品可以将所有Apple捆绑在一起,并保持Apple VPN(苹果VPN)对公众隐私的关注。

After people boycotting Facebook and switching to alternatives, no issue is more important than user privacy. Apple can use the leverage to maintain its status and give a comeback to articles like this one. Plus, there is no competition. Google and Facebook can’t do it because of their reputation in the matters of privacy and the fact that they rely on data to function. Amazon and Microsoft are not the best options because they don’t have as much control as Apple unless Amazon includes it in their Prime subscription — That could be a game-changer.

在人们抵制Facebook并转向其他选择之后,没有什么比用户隐私更重要了。 苹果公司可以利用这种杠杆来维持自己的地位,并卷土重来。 另外,没有竞争。 Google和Facebook之所以无法做到这一点,是因为它们在隐私保护方面享有盛誉,而且它们依靠数据来运作。 亚马逊和微软并不是最佳选择,因为除非亚马逊将其包括在其Prime订阅中,否则它们的控制力不及苹果,这可能会改变游戏规则。

It confuses people when it comes to VPN; They don’t know which ones to trust, how to set it up, is it worth it, and how much bandwidth you are allowed. There is a gap in the market that Apple can easily fill. Apple is known for making things simple, people trust Apple, and billions of devices are out there waiting for the service.

当谈到VPN时,它会使人们感到困惑。 他们不知道可以信任哪些人,如何设置它,是否值得,以及允许多少带宽。 苹果可以轻松填补市场空白。 苹果公司以使事情变得简单而闻名,人们信任苹果公司,数十亿台设备正等待着这项服务。

In a world where privacy has become a human right, it makes more sense to protect it rather than to use it. Unlike Google and Facebook, Apple does not rely on consumer data for its operations, gaining an unfair advantage. VPN would give Apple the ultimate power to use this unfair advantage to gain more customers, trust, and in the end, a ton of money.

在隐私已成为人权的世界中,保护它而不是使用它更有意义。 与Google和Facebook不同,Apple不依靠消费者数据进行操作,从而获得了不公平的优势。 VPN将赋予苹果使用这种不公平优势的最终权力,以赢得更多的客户,信任,并最终获得大量金钱。

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翻译自: https://medium.com/datadriveninvestor/apple-vpn-is-the-next-big-thing-efac18a3a678





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